Selts - the product of the survival needed for the joints (prepare themselves). Zelz - Product Survival, Useful for Joints (Cooking yourself) Pork Head Calorie Calorie

Oil - the product of the survival, useful for joints (prepare yourself)

Do you know what kind of potions are? And what is it so useful? "Oil" is an extruded boiled "sausage" product in a jar or shell, which can be used on routes in the cold season.
Previously, in ancient, the soldiers always took a piece of steep pots with them.

Few people know, but "jelly" from the "Zelts" has unique healing properties. In particular, it is recommended to regularly take people having problems with musculoskeletal, as preventing and treating diseases of cartilage, joints, bones, arthritis-artirites .. and etc.
in pharmacies sell all sorts of horses, glucosamines (for joints). But the usual potion is much more useful than this artificially created. And that's why:

Selts are prepared from bones, cartilage and meat, thanks to such a mixture and a jelly-like consistency is formed, which contains in large quantities of collagen is a protein that is the basis of connective tissue in the human body. True, in the process of cooking, part of the protein is destroyed, but the remaining is very useful to the body for slowing the process of aging of tissues, skin and bones and erasing the cartilage. And its constant consumption will help to cope with the diseases of the joints and the problems of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition to the above mandatory ingredients, it is possible to add and prepare it with the addition of spits, language, heart, kidneys, liver and other offal, which are valuable products, along with meat.

It is very tasty and useful, it turns out even just from pork head. (Although you can add any offal)

Today we will be learning to cook it yourself.

Ingredients for the preparation of one of the "Zelts" options:

Pork head - 1 piece;
Onion - 3-4 heads;
Salt small - 3-4 tablespoons;
Bay leaf;
Black pepper, peas;
Mustard - to taste;
Acute horseradish - to taste;
Seasoning for meat (as like)
Water (for cooking meat so that it is covered with one finger).

Inventory for the preparation of "Pok":

Cutting board;
Kitchen stove;

Preparation of "potion".

Step 1: My and rub the pork head

The first is, it is necessary to wash the pork head thoroughly, and chop it into parts. There should be quite large pieces (5-6 pieces of middle heads). After cutting, rinse meat thoroughly again.

Step 2: Cook meat

Washing pieces of meat are immersed in a large pot (as practice shows - 5 or more liters are suitable). Ideal for such cases, there will be a cast-iron cauldron, which supports optimum temperature cooking. Pour everything with cold running water (the meat is covered by about 8-10 centimeters). Ward dishes occupies approximately 3 hours (1 hour on medium heat, 2 hours on a small fire).

Attention! After boiling water, a large amount of scale is formed on its surface, which must be removed by the noise. It is recommended to cover the pan with a lid, but if the pair of it flows out and carries out gas, you can slightly move it slightly so that it can freely go out.

Step 3: add a bay leaf, pepper

Approximately 15 minutes before readiness, you can add bouling leaf and pepper into the broth. Ready meat - easily separated from bones that become white shade.

Step 4: Take out meat

Meat welded meat with a knife or fork on a colander, or in a bowl. It should be waited for approximately 20-30 minutes until the meat cools and get rid of excess broth.

Step 5: Disassemble the meat

The cooled meat disassembled into small pieces and cut it into pieces of approximately 1x1 cm.

Step 6: Clean and cut onions

Onions cleanse from husk and finely cut. Add it to boiled meat.

Step 7: Solim meat and add broth

Solim meat to taste and dilute it with approximately one glass of the broth, in which the cooking of meat took place. The consistency of the finished product will depend on the amount of fluid (a lot of water is more "jelly"). We fall asleep fragrant seasoning for meat and wait when the whole mass completely cools.

Step 8: Start the package with meat

Chilled meat with seasonings fill the polyethylene package (more than half). Tie a thread package and put it in a saucepan. We cover the lid smast to the diameter and press the cargo well. Thus, the "potion" should be approximately a day in a cool place.

Step 9: Apply "Zelts"

Ready "potions" cut into pieces and serve with mustard or sharp horseradish. It will be appropriate to decorate in the form of a small amount of greenery.

The dish differs from the lack of garlic, who is usually familiar to us, but this does not spoil his taste, although who likes, you can add garlic ..
it was because in ancient, that was too fragrant spirit that was too fragrant that in a soldier's campaign could demure.)

Do not leave the "potion" in the warm room for a long time, as it "melts." Restore the former structure of the dish can again put it on the cold.

Enjoy your appetite and healthy joints.

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Pork head peelsit is rich in such vitamins and minerals as: choline - 20.8%, vitamin B12 - 35%, copper - 12.2%

What is the bells of pork heads

  • Choline It is part of Lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and exchange of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin B12. Plays an important role in metabolism and transformations of amino acids. Folate and Vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins, participate in blood formation. The lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary flange failure, as well as anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
  • Copper It is part of the enzymes with the redox activity and the metabolism of iron, stimulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. Participates in the process of ensuring the tissues of the human body with oxygen. The deficit is manifested by impaired formation of cardio-vascular system and a skeleton, the development of connective tissue dysplasia.

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For me, Saltison began with the fact that under New Year In Tashkent, prices for beef legs rose so much that the front leg cost as much as a kilogram of fresh beef capless pulp. It was absurd so much that even was ready to give up the cooking of the chill. But saved pork rows in their native bazaar. Because there was a huge pork head there at quite an affordable price. I must say, the head always caused a feeling of squeamishness and even fear - well, eyes, teeth, ears, and all that. But at that moment there was nowhere to go. And then, I love dishes from my head, so I build a daisy girl.
Martial baptism with head has passed for me successfully. I confess when soap and cleaned this head, sometimes clogged. But the "lot was thrown", and I like that Caesar, "my rubikon" has already moved, and I got a wonderful elastic, one solid meat - Saltison. And maybe Zelz ... But on this below.

I love K. new topic To approach fundamentally, and therefore began to study the archives of culinary literature at home, then consult with friends and acquaintances. When questions turned out to be more than answers, went to the network and start reading everything: serious portals, and sites with homegrown recipes, and forums. After graduating from His Saltison Research, I realized that I was confused finally, and it was time to analyze and make a decision.
So, let's start with definitions.
According to one definitions, Saltison is a meat product from boiled, finely chopped, pork bits (lungs, liver, heart, kidney), as well as heads.
According to other potions, a boiled pressed sausage product in a natural shell, cooked from pork and beef meat, spicked, languages, liver and other offal.
But the third argued that Saltison and the potions are generally the same thing.
Most of all I liked the Yandex Dictionary, which at the request "Saltison" issued "Zelz - translated from Ukrainian)"
It began to search in two directions - separately on Saltison, separately by the potion. Found only one difference - Saltison is defined as a sausage product of Italian cuisine, and the potions are determined as extruded meat, a dish of Polish cuisine. Well, on the sound of the name it looks like.
More differences did not find, besides the fact that in some forum discussions, the people claimed that these are different dishes, justifying that only meat and fat are in Saltison, and in the pots also traversed in jelly cartridges and a skin. One comrade argued "Saltison is not a potion, there is little jelly in it! In the Germans eats Zyulz and there is a susstopf, he is closer to Saltison. But the right Saltison is of course the Poleson. "
Another assumptions in favor of the differences, about the components - they say in Saltisone there must be a heart, light, tongue, and often even liver and kidneys. But all this list in various variations participated in numerous recipes both Saltison and the pots.
Sometimes the Saltison recipe with the participation of various sub-products pointed to a special way to cut boiled components, they say meat-fat cubes, tongue-mix, light pars, liver plates, etc.
In all the rest, everything was exactly the same. Therefore, the question is what the saltson is different from the potion for me remained open
Well, it seems to be determined. Saltison I will only do from meat and fat, and I will send everything else to the kee. The fact that the same components will need to divide on Saltison and the Khotel is so understandable. We will not pour the saturated broth and meat residues.
So, all recipes and potions and saltsison begin equally. That the pork head is taken, which is born into pieces, carefully clean and wash. There is also a beef beef, other processed offal, with the exception of the liver - it is boiled separately.
All this is boiled with spices for many hours. The meat is separated from the bones, then take purified pork or beefing the stomach. Start it with meat, plot a little broth, add a cut garlic, the hole is tied and again we are sent to boiling into the same broth for a couple of hours. Then cool, and kept under the press about a day in the refrigerator.
In general, that summary All series of recipes and about the potions and about Saltison.
The stomach was not frightened. In our bazaar, it can always buy it already washed and perfectly peeled to white. But I imagined the volume of this stomach, and decided that I don't need so much Saltison. Although somehow you need to try.
So, I made a decision not to use the stomach, and was somewhat disappointed with ourselves, which is not the following technology. And then one of the links brought to the book "At the table with Niro Wolf" I. Lazerson, S. Sinelnikova, T.Solomon. What is happening here - the favorite series of books Stout, I even called my cat in honor of Assistant Wulf - Archie.
Let me bring an excerpt:
"This is another pretty interesting dish that appears on the Wolf table and Archie for the art of Fritz.
Fritz still left somewhere in his affairs, and I had dinner with Wolfe together, leaving, mainly on freshly prepared peel. There I spent ten hours, watching Fritz prepares the potions, and trying to unravel, why he gets much better than everyone else, including my mother, who made the pests back in Ohio, but then surrendered. It must be a secret to how to keep a spoon when they stir the foam.
Firm "Triller", 1993

Excellent translation, if you do not count the mysterious "stirring of the foam" ... any cook-lover will easily understand that Fritz removed the foam so that the broth was transparent, and did not stirring it, which would lead to a completely opposite result ... especially What the stout is written: Skim - to shoot a foam ... However, we must pay tribute to the translator, correctly fastened to the Russian word of pegs, which comes from German Sulze (jelly). So the American word Headcheese used is translated by Staet - literally "cheese from the head." This is a gelling, usually "sausage", the product from the ground meat of pork head and calf legs in France is called fromage de teste ("Cheese from the head", which exactly corresponds to the American name), and in England - Brawn (also, by the way, the British Sometimes they are called a pig, fattened on slaughter). Usually, a similar type of fuel in the United States is served as a snack, and in African-American communities - they eat on Lunch (Archi and Wulf just snack - about the "dinner" of Stata in the given passage there is not a word). The only difference between the prescription of Fritz is that by retreating from the French "classics", he prepares his potions not from pork, but from the calf head. But the legs, on the contrary, takes pork, and not calf ... perhaps, that is why Fritz is a potion and it turns out better than the Mother Archie, and the point here is not at all in the way of removing the foam ...
Interestingly, you would not know anything about the potion if they drew the novel in another edition. This is how the same passage is given there.
Fritz left somewhere in his business, and we had to take care of dinner with Wulf. I spent, must be ten hours, watching Fritz prepares him, but did not learn anything. It must be the whole secret in how he holds a knife.
Brilliant translation! Indeed to cook dinner, it's not bad for starting to learn how to keep the knife ... and the plug, then to eat this dinner to eat ... The translation option is generally noteworthy because all the above and below culinary "excesses" are rather neatly . The translator rapidly leads the reader to the detection of a detective, not counting for itself to be distracted by unnecessary (and clearly difficult for his qualifications) food ...
However, back to our white ...
For the preparation of 1 "Bukka" the pots you will need:
- 1 calf head
- 2 pork legs
- 1 Lukovitsa Clutte (with 6 cloves)
- 4 parsley twigs
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 sliced \u200b\u200bcarrot
- 10 mines of black pepper
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 1 l of water
- 1 l dry white wine
- 1/4 teaspoon of Cayenne pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg
Clean your head with a calf, remove the brains and language (do not throw out!). Put your head, tongue and pork legs in a large saucepan, add a club club, parsley, bay leaf, garlic, carrots, pepper and salt, pour water, wine and bring liquid to boiling. Remove the foam, reduce the fire and boil under the cover of 4 hours. After the first 2 hours, remove the language and remove the skin from it. In the last 20 minutes of cooking, put the brains in the saucepan. Remove the saucepan from the fire, remove the brains, head and legs (the meat should be easily separated from the bones): strain the broth into separate dishes. Remove all the meat from the bones and cut it with cubes with a size of about 1 cm, and ears and tongue - thin stripes. Put all meat into a bowl, season with Cayenne pepper, nutmeg and mix thoroughly. Tightly put meat in a rectangular shape (like a shape for bread), pour a sufficient amount of leaky broth so that it covers meat, and put in the fridge for the night. Before serving, lay out the "loaf" on the dish, garnish with watercress or lemon slices and serve with crackers or french bun.

By the way, Fritz is able to cook and jelly from pork head according to the classic French recipe. This fact is noted in one of the earliest novels of Stout Stout, where he calls such a dish somewhat differently ...
... on the day before, hours in five afternoon in the office of Niro Wolfe came the phone call. Talking and hanging the phone, I went to the kitchen to drink water and told Fritz that I am going to up to the top.
- Listen, maybe you should not spoil him the mood? - Fritz protested, which was occupied by a meat removal procedure with pork head for a dish called Fromage De Cochon [Pate, cooked from pork head slices, jelly-approached. Transl.] But his eyes slaughtered. He perfectly understood that without my so-called "scandals" for a long time, it would have been a day when there was no single cent on our bank account. Including for paying him a salaries.
Publishing company "KOMK-A", 1994

Yes, this is the very "cheese of pork head" - fromage de Tete de Pore. And, of course, not at all "pate", but the most real pork jelly ... Apparently, they are deliberately uses here the French word cochon (pig), a not Pork (pig) to emphasize the special taste of dishes made from especially gentle meat .

I have already fully decided how I will cook Saltison! And here it is. I can not trust the Fritz myself ... True, for the Muscat, who uses Fritz, I did not remember. Well, ... I would have enough of life, try different options.

As long as your version
As I prepared Saltison in my opinion.

There is: Half a swine head, chopped at my request to the butcher to pieces (so that it was easier to watch). Beef tongue with an approaching part, 4 beef knees and 4 pork legs (from stocks)
The pork head was washed, and also brushfully cleaned the skin - especially the ears - they were terrible. All the meat put as close as possible in a saucepan. It is important - so that less water can be added. Part of the meat even remained the water is not covered. It does not matter - as it cooks, it will become soft, and it will be possible to trigger it. Yes, and then, I cook under the closed lid, so nothing abuseless will remain. There is a handful of black pepper peas, dry cilantro, parsley branches, bay leaf.
Bring to a boil, carefully remove the foam. Dog fire to a minimum. Boiling no, only sometimes, rare bubbles rise to the surface, overcoming water pressure.
So under the closed lid, my meat was languishing 10 hours. An hour before the end of the cooking added salts and a little cumin.
Noise caught all meat into two big cups, gave cool. Only the tongue cleared of the film until he is still hot - otherwise the film does not remove. I went through meat, separating the bones and shifting meat, fat and waste cartilage in different cups. The fat was somewhat - from the top of the pigeant head.
Language and pieces of meat cut into cubes, similar to fat. Added a church of the Muscat, the hammer of cilantro, still salt. And also a dowless hand-made manual garlic. Mixed. I put everything in a pair of packages invested in each other. Slied the air. Tied the bag from above. On the board put a package with meat, on top of put a second board. Removed into the refrigerator and pressed two pancakes from a large set dumbbell. They have long moved to my kitchen. Every pancake weighing 2 kg.
And the next day he left the refrigerator of the elastic bar of the wonderful Saltison. Excess fat accumulated on the package. Slot was smooth, dense - solid meat with an amazing garlic spirit. Saltison was destroyed by us and numerous guests with a stunning speed. If Saltison is a sausage, then no other sausage is necessary.
What remains after the formation of Saltison was drawn to a transparent, dense, meat chill. ()
He led the photo only to give advice on the decoration of the chill. Of course, this meat mass in the photo is not so artistically decorated as I would like. All spiritual and creative forces gave Saltison, the creative was not enough for the decoration of Kolden. But this is not the case, but in technology.
So that the light details of the jewelry of the choke did not float, and did not move where it is not necessary, you need to pour it into two stages. Pour a little broth to the bottom of the soulful, to put the details of the decoration. From above - a layer of cut meat and dilated cartilage to close the drawing. I have: Circles of carrots and quail eggs, parsley leaves and green peas. There was no time to lay in the composition, but I can confirm that no detail laid me, not moved from the vertical or horizontally. Kept like glued. And why? This layer of broth with decorations should be allowed to fit and gain a jelly. And later, carefully lay out the rest of meat and pour broth.
The pea can be postponed with a pyramid in the form of grapes and decorated with sprigs and parsley leaves. Get a grape vine. From carrots and eggs, you can collect flowers, sunshine, clouds, swans, gulls, but any paintings, even the inscription. Spacious for creativity.

Choose interesting proven foul recipes on the site website. Try options with meat offal, garlic, a variety of spicy seasonings, onions and carrots. Give the wealth to taste with nuts, fragrant greens. Requires relative low-cost and stunning taste of 100% natural home product.

The main criteria for freshness of meat are smell, color and density. The pork head has a decent layer of Sala - be sure to evaluate it. The meat should be a conventional pleasant shade: dark meat will signal that pig has a venerable age; Meat too light tone talks about the use of hormonal drugs. A young pig sail must be pale-pink or white and pretty soft. The skin is light, without spots.

The five most frequently used ingredients in the Zero Recipes:

Interesting recipe:
1. Breakdown into pieces of pork head thoroughly scratching, rinse, remove small bone fragments.
2. Pour cold water. Put for 5-6 hours.
3. Replenishly removing the foam!
4. An hour before willingness to dock onions, carrots, laurel, bitter pepper peas and fragrant pepper.
5. Diligently spill.
6. After 5-6 hours, remove from the fire. Pull out and cool the meat.
7. Remove meat with bones. Cut pieces.
8. Dodge the garlic squeezed through the press, sprinkle with a hammer black pepper. Mix.
9. Take a container to form a peel (cropped plastic bottle, tetrapak packaging, a dense polyethylene package).
10. Pretty torture mesky.
11. Place under the jet for several hours in the refrigerator.

Five low-calorie pest recipes:

Useful tips:
. In the composition of the potion you can add a boiled tongue and heart.
. If you leave a part of meat, and the broth strain, pour with mead of the piles, then it turns out an unmatched cold.