The modern family: its worries and problems. Presentation on the theme "modern family" Problems of the modern family social studies presentation

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The family is the most important element of the social structure

Young families are: 1. Young family (before the birth of the first child) 2. Young family (with a small toddler child)

Families are distinguished A young family is a family at the initial stage of its development, at the stage of realization of the marital choice. It manifests the usual phenomenon of the discovery of another person and the "grinding" of characters, ie. changing the whole lifestyle. There are three main types of young families: - The first type is traditional. Families of this type are characterized by the spouses' orientation exclusively towards family values, towards a two-child family. The leader in the family, at least formally, is the husband. However, leadership in a family is largely determined by leadership in the household sphere of its activities (finance, housing). The circle of friends of the spouses, as a rule, is general and rather limited, perhaps even temporary care for family affairs. Leisure is often shared, closed. - The second type - spouses are focused mainly on personal development, have a focus on a small family. There is a social and role balance (if possible, the help of the parents of the spouses is used). The family can be open or closed to the microenvironment. The type of leadership is democratic: joint or separate according to the spheres of family life. - The third type - young spouses are mainly focused on entertainment. At the same time, the husband and wife have both common friends and each of his own, as a rule, the former environment. Reproductive attitudes towards a childless or small family. Family leadership can be both authoritarian and democratic.

The main social functions of the family Economic and household function. The family acts as an economic and household community, within which the satisfaction of diverse human needs takes place. In this process, intra-family relations are also formed, the content of which is largely determined by the type of economic activity (the sphere of "household affairs"). This includes: a) organization of meals in the family; b) purchase and maintenance of household property, clothing; c) home improvement, creating comfort; d) organization of life and everyday life of the family; e) creation and spending of the family budget.

The main social functions of the family The recreational and psychotherapeutic function of the family is explained by the fact that the physical and mental strength spent by a person in the labor process can best be restored and recreated in the family. In addition, the expression “my home is my fortress” convincingly confirms the idea that a healthy family is the most reliable support, the best refuge where a person can hide from the troubles of the world around him. Spouses may be different in character and temperament, but the mood that one is experiencing should be clear to the other. Emotional support plays an important role in this, including the degree of trust and self-disclosure, referring to another person as a confidant. And, oddly enough, more often men need such support. This is because wives provide stronger emotional support than husbands.

Main family problems Housing problem. With the transition to the formation of the housing market, only a small minority of newlyweds can purchase it on their own, with the help of parents or an enterprise. In addition, there is a direct correlation between worsening housing conditions and exacerbation of family conflicts. The worse the living conditions, the more difficult it is to find an acceptable solution to the conflict.

Housing problem

The main family problems Financial and economic problems are experienced by almost the entire population, especially the poor, large families, and families with children. The state seeks to provide possible assistance in the maintenance and upbringing of children. However, firstly, centralized funds are not enough, and secondly, available funds are not always used rationally. Thus, giving money to mothers whose children do not attend childcare places a burden on the budget, but does not solve the social problems of mothers. Funds spent on maintaining a network of preschool institutions, on protecting jobs, would be much more beneficial than distributing benefits. In addition, centralized budget funds are not enough, therefore, the activities of local authorities are very important, which are looking for the opportunity to provide assistance to families living on their territory at the expense of internal resources.

The main problems of the family The problem of employment and unemployment, on the one hand, and the problem of female employment and double workload, on the other. Double workload of women, i.e. their participation in social work and their predominant fulfillment of responsibilities for household services at home and family is a problem that has been recognized and studied long ago. Female unemployment is a way to solve the problem of female double employment. The negative impact of unemployment on the health and social and psychological well-being of people is well known. Ideally, a woman should have the right to choose a development program along the lines of career self-fulfillment, or along the line of purely family responsibilities, or both at the same time. And society should create opportunities for her to advance and to combine family and business responsibilities.

Employment problem

Employment problem

The main problems of the family The problem of family planning. Today the socio-economic conditions have changed dramatically, and the attitude to having many children is becoming a thing of the past. Families with many children are more common in rural areas. Meanwhile, in this important and delicate problem, humanity has developed a whole range of measures that allow spouses (primarily a woman) to decide for themselves when and how many children they want to have. Providing opportunities for family planning is one of the primary prerequisites for the formation of a civilized society.

Main family problems Intra-family violence. Most of the killings in our country (not counting the victims of military and ethnic conflicts) occur on a domestic basis. The number of children admitted to hospitals who have become victims of parental abuse is increasing. Children's traumatologists also note the increased cruelty, sometimes savagery on the part of the beaten. An increasing number of children are fleeing their homes, unable to bear the abuse of their parents. The number of social orphans is growing - i.e. children who have fallen into the care of the state with living parents or at least one of them. Globally recognized problems initiate serious research and technological programs aimed at preventing family aggression and helping its victims. Temporary shelters are being set up for victims of abuse by their husbands, and legal assistance is provided to those who are beaten. But practice shows that it is not so easy for a woman to leave an abusive spouse - there is a disapproving reaction of public opinion, and financial dependence on her husband, and fear for her future and children.

The family is the natural and fundamental unit of society and has the right to protection from society and the state

Positive results of solving the housing problem Increasing the birth rate Moral satisfaction of families

Forms and methods of social work of services with young families

Basic state guarantees Improvement of the relevant legal and regulatory framework is of great importance in the social protection of families. The following laws have been developed and adopted: “On State Benefits to Citizens with Children”; “On the procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly compensation to women who have children under the age of three, who were dismissed in connection with the liquidation of enterprises, institutions, organizations”; "On improving the system of state social benefits and compensation payments to families with children, and increasing their size"; “On compensation payments to families with children, students and other categories of persons”; "On the state system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, the protection of their rights, etc."

Effective family policy Decent wages Improvement of the entire atmosphere in society Long-term efforts of the authorities and elite

Effective family policy Additional income tax deductions for an employee A tangible discount on vouchers for resorts and sanatoriums if all family members are on vacation Encourage small family businesses

Family welfare conditions

1. Mutual understanding between spouses.

2. Separate apartment.

3. Material well-being.

5. Confidence in the strength of the marriage.

6. Interesting leisure in the family. 7. Interesting job.

8. Appropriate education.

9. Good position at work.

10. Good friends.

11. The independence of the spouses.

Family functions

1.Educational function

2. Household function

3. The emotional function of the family

4. Spiritual (cultural) social function

5. Function of primary social control

6. Sexual and erotic functions

French researchers distinguish three phases in the life of women:


accumulation of intellectual and professional "baggage";

birth and upbringing of children;




for men, life is more "monotonous", and only the orientation toward work or family changes it partially.

Five main types of focusing interests in various fields of activity.

In men it is: focus

In women, along with the "male"

interests in creativity (with

types of focus of interests -

dominance of values

for knowledge ("equality", "knowledge",

"Creativity", "work",

"Friends") and creativity

"Love", "knowledge" and with

("Creativity", "knowledge", "freedom"),

denial of the value of "family"),

which are confirmed by activity

for knowledge ("freedom",

representatives of these types in the data


spheres and creative results,

"Independence"), to work

revealed and specifically female

("Work", "friends",

types of focus of interests:

"Creativity"), "freedom-loving

"Harmonic type" (with

hedonistic "type

dominance of the values \u200b\u200b"love"

("Freedom", "creativity",

"Family", "creativity"), as well as two

"Love", "pleasure") and

significant in number type

"Harmonic type" ("family",

purely family orientation: 1 - with

"Love", "work",

the dominance of the values \u200b\u200b"family",

"creation"). Thus, in

"Love", "financially secure

men only in the latter type

focus of one

2 - "freedom", "love", "family".

dominant values

is "family".

Family development stages

1. A-stage. A young family without children during its formation.

The main task of the family is to form

to create the image of “WE”, to learn to live as a single whole, to adapt to each other in conditions of limited freedom, to be able to express their feelings in the language of family life.

B-stage. A young married couple waiting for their first child.

The key is to adapt to the new responsibilities and feelings associated with pregnancy.

Stage 2. Family formation.

The main task is the adaptation of spouses to the role of parents, reorganization

family relationships, taking into account the needs of the infant and preschooler.

Stabilizing or raising children.

The task of the spouses is to bring up preschool and adolescent children, prepare them for an independent life.

An elderly couple living separately from their adult children.

Its beginning is the departure from the parental home of the last of the children, and the end is the death of one of the spouses. On this day, this family ends its life cycle.

Naturally, the description of the stage is only a diagram, since separation is possible only in a one-child family. In the presence of two or more children,

In many cities of the country, protests were held against the introduction of the so-called juvenile system in Russia. Tens of thousands of people took part in the actions. Talk shows were held on all channels, the result of which was a complete defeat in a free discussion of the advocates of promoting juvenile justice and juvenile technologies in Russia. Tens of thousands of letters have been sent to the President, the Government, the State Duma and the Federation Council from citizens concerned about the possibility of gross interference of certain public and state structures in the life and affairs of the family. The wave of rallies and pickets that swept across the country was also supported by representatives of the clergy. So, following the meeting of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill with the members of the Presidium of the Interreligious Council of Russia, which took place on April 21, 2010, a special statement was adopted. In it, representatives of the traditional confessions of the Russian Federation emphasized that any measures that would allow officials to interfere in the internal life of the family, in its worldview and lifestyle, in the blood ties of parents and children, are dangerous. "The norms of intra-family relations are laid down by the Creator in human nature, and their destruction will bring misfortune to man and people," the statement says.

We know that: Millions of families in America and Europe are already affected by juvenile technology! Millions of parents have already lost their children! Tens of thousands of officials, judges, social workers, doctors, psychologists, teachers in America and Europe are already feeding from the bins of juvenile justice and their number is only multiplying! Several thousand people in Russia are working on the implementation of juvenile justice commissioned by the builders of the global new world order! Hundreds of thousands of families in Russia are under the threat of the most severe control! Illegal withdrawals of children have already begun, while they are still illegal!

The juvenile system is introduced under the pretext of protecting children from violence in the family, school, penitentiary system, etc. Domestic violence is the main concern of the public. It is precisely this that is being spun now by lobbyists of the juvenile system up to falsification with gross violations of criminal cases such as the Ageevs case, media campaigns and social advertising. To identify threats to the life and health of children in the family, hotlines, ombudsmen, health passports of schoolchildren, new instructions for doctors and police on identifying domestic violence, etc. are introduced.

Pavel Astakhov, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of Russia. No, I don't allow children to spank! And put in a corner - too. h ttp: // Domestic violence is treated quite arbitrarily.

“The following features of the parents' behavior allow us to assume the possibility of neglecting the basic needs of the child: - unjustified refusal of preventive vaccinations; - low medical activity (untimely visits to the polyclinic for preventive examinations, seeking medical help only in case of a serious illness of the child, failure to comply with the doctor's recommendations, poor dental health of the child); - improper nutrition of the child (inadequate diet, parents give the child products that do not correspond to his age, non-compliance with the feeding regime); - parental enthusiasm for "extreme" methods of upbringing (tempering an infant with cold water, teaching him to swim, using unproven methods of early intellectual development, etc.). The guardianship and guardianship authorities, which are responsible for taking measures to protect the child, up to the immediate removal of the child from their parents, must be informed about the identified dysfunctional families. Tsymbal E.I.Child abuse: causes, manifestations, consequences. (Tutorial). Russian Charitable Foundation "No to alcoholism and drug addiction" (NAS). - M S. - 166.

Juvenile justice is designed to take care of those families and children who have slipped through the meat grinder of birth control programs based on abortion and abortive contraception. See details on the sites:

According to official data, over 1 million abortions are performed in Russia every year. This does not take into account medical abortion, the activities of private clinics, and the fact that 9 million women use hormonal contraceptives and intrauterine devices that have an abortive effect. REAL VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN

"Russian cross". The population of Russia is declining annually thousand people in 2008 The crisis of the institution of the family

In 2004, he lobbied for the murderous Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation 231 "On average single doses of narcotic drugs." Lakhova E.F. She is known as one of the most scandalous and odious politicians in modern Russia, lobbying for programs to reduce the birth rate, the interests of sexual minorities, pedophiles, dealers in the porn industry, companies - manufacturers of contraceptives and fetal drugs, striving to master the Russian market. See Medvedeva I. Ya., Shishova T. L. Demographic war against Russia. Demography, family planning and genocide: an analytical report. - M., 2000 Lobbyists for the implementation of the juvenile system.

75% of children born as a result of IVF are disabled. According to world statistics, IVF (in vitro fertilization) significantly increases the risk of having a disabled child, said Vice President of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Chief Pediatrician of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Alexander Baranov. AUXILIARY REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES The regional program of assisted reproductive technologies has been implemented since 2007. Khanty-Mansiysk Regional Clinical Hospital Surgut Clinical Perinatal Center. A total of 300 quotas for the Cooperation Program. Tyumen. Total quotas are the Federal VMT program. Moscow, Yekaterinburg. Total 5-7 quotas In 2008, people were hired (Khanty-Mansiysk, Surgut) In 2008, 203 cycles were carried out; registered 48 pregnancies

Eternal youth - How much material is required for cell transplantation? - Little. Tissues and cells obtained from 30 biological units are sufficient to treat 300 patients. Cell therapy is a young field for our medicine. Although our scientists have been developing this promising area for fifteen years. Among those who stood at the origins of cellular technologies in Russia are Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology Gennady SUKHIKH.

Biological, reproductive and nano-digital technologies, designed to replace the family, are replacing the magrinalized and economically destroyed large family under multi-billion dollar investments. These technologies give hope to the elites promoting them, not only to always have at hand the necessary number of easily controlled slaves - clones and cyborgs, but also to acquire superhuman abilities, eternal youth, and unprecedented life expectancy. The general plan is visible, has its own internal logic. This is the satanic logic of antichrist's posthuman kingdom.

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Ethics and psychology teacher of family life Kapora T.A. Family and family values.

A group of people, consisting of parents, children, grandchildren and close relatives living together. A prosperous family is a group of relatives who are friendly and united by common interests.

Family is what we share for everyone, A little bit of everyone: both tears and laughter, Family is something that is always with you. Let seconds, weeks, years rush, But the walls are dear, your father's house - The heart will forever remain in it!

“A small social group based on love, marriage and kinship; united by the community of everyday life and housekeeping, legal and moral relations, the birth and upbringing of children "

Throughout the history of mankind alone, it was impossible not only for the normal existence of man, but even for his physical survival.

And in today's civilized world, people still strive to stick together, get along with each other, despite the difficulties associated with this. A person without a family can hardly be considered completely happy.

educational household economic social status reproductive spiritual communication psychotherapeutic leisure

“Multidimensionality” of family life, breadth and versatility of influences, conditions that are created by family members. If they are created meaningfully and purposefully, then they can become the basis for the all-round development of the individual.

is that it organically merges with all human activity

the child is included in all vital activities - intellectual, cognitive, labor, social, play, creative and others.

the child receives the basics of knowledge about the world around him, and later on the culture itself.

the child's ideas about good and evil, about decency, about a respectful attitude to material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bare formed.

If the family leads a healthy lifestyle, then the child learns to take good care of his own health and the health of others

this is the place of his birth and formation.

it is a certain moral and psychological climate, it is a school of relations with people.

with close people, he experiences feelings of love, friendship, duty, responsibility, justice.

functions related to communication, mutual assistance, emotional relations of spouses, parents and children are of paramount importance.

1. Creation of conditions for the all-round development of personality. 2. Emotional support for elderly parents. 3. Education of children and adolescents based on love and trust.

and the work collective, and moral support, and higher human affections (love, friendship), and a space for rest, and a school of kindness, and a diverse system of relations with parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends, morality and tastes, manners and habits, worldview and beliefs, character and ideals ... The foundations of all this are laid in the family.


OGBOU "Smolensk special (correctional) general education boarding school VIII type"

Open lesson outline

for students in grades 10-11

"Family and family values"

Teacher of Ethics and Psychology of Family Life

Kapora T.A.



The purpose of the lesson: - the formation of ideas about the family, its meaning in human life.

Tasks: 1. Give a definition to the concept of "family".

2. Show the importance of family values \u200b\u200bfor the formation of a person's personality.

3. Provide the necessary knowledge about the role of parents in raising children.

4. To motivate students to study the course "Ethics and Psychology of Family Life".

5. To carry out spiritual and moral education.

Methods: verbal - conversation; creative - reading poetry, performing a song; visual - demonstration of the presentation; diagnostic - questioning.

Equipment: 1. Multimedia installation

2. Handouts: (notebooks; pens, questionnaire forms)

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment:Hello guys! Today we will talk about the family, about its importance in the life of every person, about family values \u200b\u200bthat help the family to withstand any difficulties in life.

2. The main part of the lesson

Teacher: Let's define what a family is? It can be said that this is a group of people, consisting of parents, children, grandchildren and close relatives living together. Do you agree? Who wants to offer their own version of the definition of a family? There are several versions of the origin of the word "family", but the most popular: the family is "7 I". The first "I" is, of course, you yourself. The second and third are your parents, the remaining four “I's” are your grandparents. It turns out exactly seven.

A prosperous family is a group of relatives who are friendly and united by common interests.

Pupil: Family is what we share for everyone,

Little by little: both tears and laughter,

Family is what is always with you.

Let seconds, weeks, years rush

But the walls are dear, your father's house -

The heart will remain in it forever!

Teacher: In modern scientific literature, the family is defined as “... a small social group based on love, marriage and kinship; united by the community of everyday life and economic management, legal and moral relations, the birth and upbringing of children. "

Throughout the history of mankind alone, it was impossible not only for the normal existence of man, but even for his physical survival.

And in today's civilized world, people strive to stick together, get along with each other, despite the difficulties associated with this.

The most important functions of the family are:

  • educational
  • household
  • economic
  • social status
  • reproductive
  • spiritual communication
  • psychotherapeutic
  • leisure

Let's focus oneducational family functions. The specifics of family education are:

  • “Multidimensionality” of family life,
  • breadth and versatility of influences,
  • conditions created by family members.

If they are created meaningfully and purposefully, then they can become the basis for the all-round development of the individual. In the family, the child receives the basics of knowledge about the world around him, and later on the culture itself.In the family, the child's ideas about good and evil, about decency, about a respectful attitude to material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bare formed, in addition, the child is included in all vital types of activity - intellectual, cognitive, labor, social, play,

creative and others.

ABOUT household functions you can tell yourself. How is your family running? What are your household chores? What do you mean by an arranged life?

Economic the function of the family often depends on the economy of the state. The employment of family members, the size of wages, all kinds of benefits, pensions, scholarships - all this affects the well-being of the family. In the lessons on ethics and psychology of family life, we will study these issues in detail.

We will not dwell on social status and reproductive functions. I can only say that a person is born in a family, here he grows, matures, acquires social status and self-esteem.

Psychotherapeutic family function is inextricably linked withspiritual communication... The family is a certain moral and psychological climate, it is a school of relations with people. With close people, a person experiences feelings of love, friendship, duty, responsibility, justice. In the life of a modern family, functions related to communication, mutual assistance, emotional relations of spouses, parents and children are of paramount importance.

And finally, leisure. It's great when the family knows what each day of the week is about. And, of course, every day should contain, along with household chores, some kind of rest: walking, hobby, general discussions, meeting with friends, celebrating family significant dates, outdoor recreation, etc. Let's take a break from serious topics and we will guess riddles.

1 student: In a friendly, big and happy family -
The seven brothers have a sister.
Pick a pick to the lock -
How many sisters are there in this family? (one)

2 student : Two fathers and two sons
We bought three oranges.
Everyone got one,
No one was left without fruit.
How could this be?
How could you divide it like that?
(grandfather, father and son bought oranges)

3 student : Five teachers
There is a beloved brother Sergei.
Moreover, Sergei
You will not find brothers in the afternoon with fire.
How to open this secret?
Could this be?
(yes, if the teachers are women, so Sergei has no brothers - only sisters).

3. Generalization

Society's requirements for the family:

1. Creation of conditions for the all-round development of personality.

2. Emotional support for elderly parents.

3. Education of children and adolescents based on love and trust.

Family is ...

  • and labor collective,
  • and moral support,
  • and higher human affections (love, friendship),
  • and a space for relaxation,
  • and a school of kindness,
  • and a diverse system of relations with parents,

Brothers, sisters, relatives and friends,

  • morality and tastes,
  • manners and habits,
  • worldview and beliefs,
  • character and ideals ...

The foundations for all this are laid in the family.

4. Conclusion

Now you will receive a questionnaire in which you mark what you consider family values:

1) love; 2) material well-being; 3) mutual understanding and mutual respect in the family; 4) a separate apartment; 5) children; 6) interesting leisure; 7) confidence in the strength of the marriage; 8) arranged life; 9) family traditions; 10) money savings.

In the next lesson, we will process these questionnaires and determine what can be considered the main family values \u200b\u200bthat help a family to cope with difficult life situations.

Slide 2

1. Family.
2. Family as a social institution.
3. Family functions.
4. Types of families.
5. Kinship.
6. Repetition (schemes).
7. Homework.
Lesson plan

Slide 3

1. Family.

The family is a social institution that regulates relations between spouses, parents and children, and other close relatives.
Family relationships are based on marriage, consanguinity, or raising children. Family members are linked by a common life, mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.
Traditional family values:

  • The values \u200b\u200bof marriage.
  • Values \u200b\u200bof parenting.
  • The values \u200b\u200bof family ties.

Name some values \u200b\u200bfor each of the groups given.

Slide 4


Recall: the basis of the functioning of any social. institute is the system of social. roles and norms that society creates to meet the social. needs.
Social roles: marital (husband and wife), parental (father, mother), children (son, daughter, brother, sister), intergenerational (grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather, grandson, great-granddaughter, etc.), intragenerational ( elder brother, younger sister, etc.).
Normative mechanism of the institution of the family:
norms of customs and traditions (marital fidelity, the obligation to support each other throughout life, etc.)
legal norms (registration of marriage, rights and obligations of family members).

2. Family as a social institution.

Slide 5

3. Family functions.

  • Reproductive (population reproduction, procreation).
  • Educational (transfer of knowledge, experience, norms, values).
  • Economic and economic (housekeeping and budgeting).
  • Emotional and psychological (gaining calmness and confidence, a sense of security, support).
  • Social status (providing its members with social status).
  • Sexual (regulation of people's sexual behavior).
  • Slide 6

    4. Types of families.

    The modern family usually includes a married couple (wife and husband) and one or more children. Such a family is called nuclear (from Latin nucleus - the nucleus).
    A family that includes 2-3 generations (except for a husband, wife and children + grandfather, grandmother, etc.) is called multigenerational. If indirect relatives (aunts, uncles, nephews, etc.) live with them, then this is an extended family.
    There are also complete families (two parents) and incomplete families (one of the parents is absent or the children live with their grandparents).
    Depending on the number of children, there are seven childless, one-child, small, and large children.

    Slide 7

    By the nature of the distribution of family responsibilities, by how the issue of leadership is resolved in the family, there are:
    Traditional, or patriarchal families (presuppose the leadership of the man. The woman is economically dependent on her husband, family roles are clearly regulated: the husband is the breadwinner and breadwinner, the wife is the housewife and educator of children). Such families are also called single-career.
    Partnership, or egalitarian (from the French egalitaire - egalitarian) families (they are distinguished by the equality of spouses in rights and responsibilities, in doing household chores and raising children, in solving basic issues of family life). Such families are also called two-career families.
    Families of a transitional type (for example, a husband verbally preaches a clear division of household chores into “male” and “female”, but in fact actively helps his wife with the housework, or vice versa).

    Slide 8

    5. Kinship.

    There are three degrees of kinship: closest, cousins, and second cousins. Together they make up the family tree.
    When a man and a woman get married, then two kindred clans merge into a single system - the wife's relatives and the husband's relatives. For a wife, her relatives are blood, and her husband's relatives are relatives-in-law, and vice versa.
    Kinship is a collection of people connected by common ancestors, adoption, or marriage.

    Slide 9

    Family relationships are based on:

    • Consanguinity
    • Marriage
    • Taking children into foster care (adoption)

    Normative mechanism of the institution of the family

    • Customs and traditions
    • Legal regulations

    P about in t about r and m:

    Types of families

    • Nuclear
    • Full
    • Traditional or patriarchal (single-career)
    • Childless
    • Multigenerational (extended)
    • Incomplete
    • One-child
    • Small children
    • Large
    • Affiliate or egalitarian (two-career)
  • Slide 10

    families (father, mother, child)

    family periphery

    (if they live separately from other relatives)

    (if they live with other relatives)

    grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles, aunts, etc.

    • Family functions
    • Reproductive
    • Educational
    • Economic and economic
    • Social status
    • Emotional and psychological
    • Sexy
  • Slide 11

    §7 (C)

    §37p.5 (B)
    §37 (B - p / u.10); 11 p.1-3 (B - p / u.11)

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