September 7 lunar calendar.

Which days will be successful, and which should be planned with caution - see our lunar calendar for September 2017


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Our astrologer Elizaveta Heavenly will tell about the successful and not so good days of September. Find out them from the lunar calendar for September 2017.

11th and 12th lunar days. The growing moon in Capricorn.

On this day, one should approach business with all responsibility. Do not rely on "chance". Study the question carefully, and then make a final decision. We can do a lot now. However, you don't need mistakes at all.

Birthdays: Andrey, Nikolay, Timofey.

13th lunar day. The growing moon in Capricorn.

If you want to do something large-scale, useful, call the team to help. Laziness and relaxation are contraindicated today.

It is good to carry out cosmetic procedures and go to the bathhouse.

But traveling is not worth it now.

Birthday people: Victor, Vladimir, Ivan, Maxim, Stepan, Timofey, Fedor.

14th lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius.

An auspicious day for conducting business negotiations, giving lectures, and holding mass meetings.

On this day, pleasant changes at work are likely. And also any good news.

Birthdays: Alexander, Ignat, Pavel, Marta, Martha.

15th and 16th lunar day. The growing moon in Pisces.

You should be especially careful about what you eat. Food should be fresh, and alcohol should be avoided altogether.

Try to avoid conflicts, showdowns. And also do not go for deception. It will most likely be revealed soon under the most inappropriate circumstances.

Birthdays: Alexander, Alexey, Afanasy, Vasily, Ivan, Makar, Mikhail, Fedor.

15th and 16th lunar day. Full Moon Moon in Pisces.

Today, feminine energies are flourishing. It is necessary to pay special attention to the family - husband and children. For those who are planning to have a baby, this is the ideal time for action.

On this day, it is also good to do household chores - to bring comfort and order.

Birthday people: Ivan, Nikolay, Pavel, Yan, Elizabeth.

17th lunar day. Waning moon in Aries.

If you were planning to start some big business, now is a good time. The main thing is not to enter into conflicts and smooth out all the nerves of the situation. Otherwise, you can get a deep, non-healing quarrel.

Birthdays: Arseny, Georgy, Denis, Egor, Kuzma, Maxim, Peter.

18th lunar day. Waning moon in Aries.

On this day, the world is a mirror image of your feelings and behavior. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

It is not worth starting new business. Better to get busy completing what has been shelved.

Birthdays: Vladimir, Ivan, Jan.

19th lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries.

The day when dreams come true. Today it is worth thinking about what you would like to achieve in this life and think over the path to achieving the goal.

The travels started on this day will be bright and rich.

Birthdays: Adrian, Victor, Georgy, Dmitry, Egor, Peter, Roman, Maria, Natalia.

20th lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus.

The day when you need to decide, make decisions. You will have to overcome a lot of doubts and obstacles. However, a little later you will realize that everything was not in vain.

It is good on this day to prepare for the winter, make the necessary purchases, preparations.

Birthday people: Alexander, Vladimir, Dmitry, Ivan, Mikhail, Savva, Stepan, Yan.

21st lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus.

A day of creative and physical activity. It is a crime to spend it in inaction and laziness. Use the moment to build connections, to promote your business. It's also good to start working on improving your body and health. However, you should not overwork on this day: there is a new week ahead and you need to meet it fully armed.

Birthdays: Vasily, Benjamin, Georgy, Egor, Ivan, Nikolay, Savva, Sergey, Stepan, Fedor, Anna.

21st and 22nd lunar days. Waning Moon in Gemini.

A perfect day to gain new knowledge and information. Today, as if specially for you secret portals will open: everything you need literally will go into your hands and will be well assimilated.

Birthday people: Ivan, Jan.

22nd lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini.

A day should be devoted to positive deeds. Moreover, “doing well” is necessary not so much for oneself as for others. It is worth raising the level of your knowledge and obtaining vivid aesthetic impressions. Going to the exhibition or to the cinema is a great choice!

Birthdays: Alexander, Alexey, Gabriel, Gregory, Daniel, Denis, Ivan, Ignat, Leonid, Makar, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Fedor Elizaveta, Militsa, Praskovya.

23rd and 24th lunar days. Waning Moon in Gemini.

Day under the sign of purification. Generally clean your home. It will not be superfluous to put things in order at the workplace. This is not the right moment to make important decisions and take action.

Birthdays: Alexander, Vladimir, Gennady, Dmitry, Ivan, Miron, Mikhail.

Refrain from active actions in the morning. The time before noon can be safely called unfavorable. But in the afternoon, you should pay attention to your health and disease prevention.

Birthdays: Semyon, Marta, Martha, Natalia, Tatiana.

25th lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer.

And this day should be spent in peace and tranquility. Don't take on new things. Better to do "cleaning up the tails." Otherwise, imperfections will come out at the most inopportune moment.

A good day for prayer, reading spiritual books and talking with wise people.

Birthdays: Anatoly, Anton, Bogdan, Vasily, Victor, Vladimir, German, Demid, Efim, Ivan, Leonid, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Fedor, Philip, Julian, Yan, Ksenia, Oksana, Rufina, Serafima.

26th lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo.

A neutral day. Ideal for routine tasks, completing what you started and making plans for the future.

Try not to react to sharp jokes and teasing, and yourself show more participation and sympathy towards others.

Birthdays: Alexey, Andrey, Vasily, Vladimir, Efim, Ivan, Ilya, Konstantin, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Roman, Sergey, Philip, Vasilisa.

27th lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo.

Not a good day for making important decisions and drastic actions in business. Everything should go on as usual. Do not force events, it is better to take a closer look at the situation and those around you.

But for personal life, romantic acquaintances - a great day.

Birthdays: Alexander, Vasily, Gregory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Simon, Stepan, Tikhon, Fedor, Julian, Yan, Alena, Elena.

28th lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo.

The day is favorable for almost any business. It is especially good now to deal with money issues. If possible, pay off your debts.

For those who are going to change their place of work - the perfect moment. But with litigation it is better to postpone for now.

Birthday people: Alexander, Alexei, Athanasius, Gleb, David, Efim, Zakhar, Maxim, Fedor, Elizabeth, Raisa.

29th lunar day. Waning Moon in Virgo.

Day under the sign of purification in the broadest sense. It is imperative to put things in order in the house, throw out everything that litters cabinets and corners, and is not used for a long time.

It will also be helpful to get rid of the bonds that weigh you down.

Birthday people: Andrey, Arkhip, Vsevolod, David, Denis, Dmitry, Ivan, Kirill, Konstantin, Makar, Mikhail.

30th and 1st lunar day. New Moon in Libra.

Day of summing up, planning for the near future.

Try not to expose yourself to strong negative emotions. Ideally, it will be good to spend time in nature, alone with yourself or with loved ones.

Do not go on long trips.

Birthdays: Alexander, Andrey, Vasily, Gregory, Eugene, Ivan, Lev, Luka, Makar, Mikhail, Nikolay, Peter, Savva, Stepan.

2nd lunar day. The growing moon in Libra.

If you have difficulties in negotiations, appoint them boldly for this day. Keep your emotions in your hands and then all controversial issues will be resolved at minimal cost - both moral and material.

Auspicious day for starting a family.

Birthdays: Georgy, Egor, Ivan, Yan, Maria.

3rd lunar day. The growing moon in Scorpio.

The day the energy boils. So write more things in your notebook, today you can easily cope with them. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and new achievements. Act confidently and for sure and luck will be with you!

Birthdays: Akim, Alexander, Alexey, Afanasy, Vasily, Gregory, Dmitry, Zakhar, Joseph, Nikita, Sergey, Anna.

4th lunar day. The growing moon in Scorpio.

Are you planning large-scale projects? Now is the perfect time to get ready. Accumulate energy, gather information, think over a strategy. In the meantime, spend the day in solitude, routine worries, thoughts. It is good to do work related to the garden, plants.

Birthday people: Andrey, Vasily, Gabriel, Gleb, Eugene, Ivan, Klim, Constantine, Luka, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Semyon, Tikhon, Yan, Anna, Tatiana.

5th lunar day. The growing moon in Scorpio.

Day under the sign of change. Now you can safely change your place of work, move, radically change your image.

It is also good to master new skills, to receive new knowledge.

Birthdays: Victor, German, Dmitry, Lev, Nikolay, Peter, Roman, Sergey, Evdokia, Oia.

6th lunar day. The growing moon in Sagittarius.

Asceticism and humility are the two main words of the day. Keep your emotions in check, do not overeat and abstain from alcohol. You shouldn't come up with any initiatives and start new projects now.

Birthday people: Alexey, Daniel, Ivan, Nikolay, Semyon, Fedor, Julian, Yan.

7th lunar day. The growing moon in Sagittarius.

The main instrument of this day is the word. Remember that with its help you can turn enemies into allies, and vice versa, make the closest enemies. Be careful and weigh your every suggestion.

Birthdays: Alexander, Ilya, Nikolay, Peter, Stepan, Julian.

8th lunar day. The growing moon in Capricorn.

If possible, arrange a fasting day. Make yourself a light diet. Do not be overwhelmed either mentally or physically.

Especially on this day, stress is contraindicated.

Birthday people: Ivan, Jan.

9th lunar day. The growing moon in Capricorn.

A very difficult day, tempting us with temptations, unnerving for any reason. You just have to go through it and try not to react to external stimuli. Not a favorable day for major undertakings, but for creative achievements - quite yourself!

Birthday people: Andrey, Bogdan, Gregory, Dmitry, Ivan, Ignat, Leonid, Makar, Maxim, Nikita, Nikolai, Peter, Stepan, Yakov, Yan, Evdokia, Lyudmila, Maria.

10th lunar day. The growing moon in Capricorn.

Family values \u200b\u200bare at the forefront. Today everything that is connected with this concept requires attention - husband, children, relatives, home, garden-vegetable garden. Arrange big meetings at the table, communicate, help, make joint plans for the near future.

Birthdays: Alexey, Victor, Grigory, Sergey, Lyudmila.

11th lunar day. Growing Moon in Aquarius.

Today we need a precise, attentive approach to everything. Errors can be fatal. Before making a responsible decision, "measure seven times."

An auspicious period for going on vacation.

Birthday people: Ivan, Ilya, Pavel, Alexandra, Arina, Vera, Irina, Love, Lucia, Nadezhda, Sofia.

Lunar horoscope - the calendar for today gives the definition of favorable or unfavorable days, depending on what is the lunar day today, what is the position of the moon in a certain zodiacal constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each zodiac sign will help predict unforeseen events and protect yourself from trouble.

Moon in the sign of Pisces

During this period of the lunar calendar, people are overtaken by a feeling of "windiness": serious matters are solved without much enthusiasm. The lunar horoscope for today recommends to devote time to active rest. When the Moon is in the sign of Pisces, a person is not able to focus on anything, our consciousness seeks to get into a kind of fictional world, and this causes inconvenience. Astrologers advise you to spend the day relaxing and traveling. It is worth noting that legal and financial matters go smoothly.

Lunar day today

17th lunar day

Today is a great day for solemn and joyful events. The aura of the holiday reigns in the air, filling everything around with happiness and grace. The perfect time to celebrate an important event.

The dream that appeared on this night is prophetic... It will be fulfilled on the nineteenth day after it was seen. Events will actually match your dream as much as possible.

This figure in this paragraph is approximate ... The exact value of the beginning and end of the lunar day, for regions in different time zones, differ significantly. What is the lunar day today for each city in its time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this, you just need to choose city \u200b\u200bname and fill in time, date, month and year.

Waning moon - moon phase on this day

The onset moon phase today is the Waning Moon. The period is characterized by slowness and passivity. One should not expect efficiency and quick decision-making from him. This is the very last phase that leads to a sharp decrease in activity.

During this period, you should summarize the previously started cases or lead them slowly to continue. It is not worth starting the implementation of new ideas, it is better to postpone such cases for a more suitable time.

As for health, the lunar day today is conducive to a reduction in any type of training. This also applies to the mental state. Dull your emotions and avoid verbal fights with people as much as possible. Conflicts can lead to irreparable consequences.

It should be remembered that the emotional background directly depends on what lunar day is today. The current period disposes you to take all problems and joys too close to your heart. Try to pay attention to this and control your feelings.

Lunar horoscope Thursday

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, the patron saint of the gods. On this day, a sixth sense develops, thanks to which one can distinguish between well-wishers and enemies. If you behave correctly, you can get public recognition, gain success and honor.
On Thursday, you need to believe in yourself and implement your plans.
The lunar horoscope for today is favorable: you can establish contacts with the authorities, negotiate, there is a chance that they will be very successful. Thursday gives you the opportunity to improve relationships with your significant other.

Appeared dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are of great importance. Chances are high that this particular night will help find a solution to a long-standing problem, answer important questions.
The vision can be truly life-changing, showing how to get out of a financial crisis or how to resolve conflicts.
In the lunar, the likelihood of dreaming is also assumed, depending on which lunar day the dream was dreamed of.

Astrological forecast for September 7th

Today you have a real brainstorming session. Therefore, you can safely afford to eat a chocolate bar. You will have to solve serious problems.

You may be overly chatty today. Try to speak as little as possible. Some information may be used against you.

You'd better be in peace and quiet today. After all, serious work awaits you, of which, if successful, you will be proud of your whole life. Limit your contacts for a time.

Do you want everything to go the way you intended? Give yourself a mental kick. You need to activate yourself at least.

Don't be afraid to implement new approaches or ideas. According to the horoscope, everything will be arguing in your hands today. Moreover, you should not be afraid of change.

Love will become paramount for you today. Don't be afraid. Today your possibilities are endless, and your desires are quite achievable.

Today you will feel like the life of the company. All the people around you will strive to communicate with you. Time will pass easily and cheerfully.

Today you will want, by all means, to realize your cherished desire. Well, if you don't sit still, everything will come true.

The third phase of the Moon is the period of realization of the accumulated energy and obtaining the results of the work done. The main thing is to spend energy carefully and thoughtfully, otherwise you can fall into a depressed state, ruin relationships with loved ones or colleagues.

Deeds.The third phase is a favorable time for solving complex and important tasks, completing cases started in previous periods and analyzing the work done. On these days, you can plan a serious conversation with your superiors, a change of place of work. This time is not suitable for signing contracts - the deals will be unsuccessful. It is better to limit communication with suspicious and unfamiliar people - there is a possibility of becoming a victim of deception. It is good to do household chores: wash, clean. During this period, it is recommended to distribute debts, to fulfill earlier promises. It is better to devote the last days of the phase to rest with your family, communication with friends.

Haircut and hair care.A haircut on the waning moon will keep your hair healthy, but slow down its growth. During this period, it is good to cut the bangs, as well as cut those who do not like to change their hairstyles often. You can experiment with hair color - the paint will wash off quickly.

Beauty, personal care. The third phase is a good time to visit a beauty salon. Treatment procedures will help maintain a healthy appearance and prolong youth.

Health.Intense physical activity will give good results.

Food. There are no restrictions on food these days - you can eat any food.

On the date 07.09.2017 in 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning moon"... it 17 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the zodiac sign Pisces ♓. Illumination percentage The moon is 99%. Sunrise Moon at 19:48, and sunset at 06:45.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 17 lunar day from 19:27 09/06/2017 to 19:48 09/07/2017
  • 18 lunar day from 19:48 09/07/2017 until the next day

The influence of the moon September 7, 2017

Moon in Pisces zodiac sign (±)

Moon in a sign Fish... The abilities for mental concentration are somewhat weakened, the imagination now and then seeks to captivate our consciousness into the world of illusions, therefore, any cases requiring specifics hardly find their embodiment in reality.

Better to spend this time on an active vacation, an exciting trip or devote yourself to art. True, legal issues or cases related to investing money go without any particular complications.

17 lunar day (+)

September 7, 2017 at 12:00 - 17 lunar day... A day of feeling the joy of being, finding inner freedom. Ideal for marriage, emancipation, sublimation of sexual energy.

Waning Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waning moon... The third lunar phase covers the period from the full moon to the beginning of the fourth quarter. At the full moon, the peak of the accumulation of vital and psychic energy is noted, which subsequently gradually decreases.

During this period, activity begins to decrease, there is a frequent change of states, ideas and judgments. When the experience and forces accumulated over the past phases energetically continue to embark on the implementation of plans.

During this period of the lunar month, the first results of the efforts invested before are already distinguishable. Changes in mood that occur can relate not only to the business area, but also to personal life.

This is a great time to get rid of old habits, or try something new. In relationships, this is a time of closeness and romance at the highest level. The third phase is great for self-development, self-improvement and creation.

Day of the week influence (+)

Day of the week - thursday, this day is under the auspices of Jupiter, the king of all gods. On Thursday, intuition sharpens, it allows you to distinguish allies from enemies. The energy of this day bestows glory, honor, success in society. On Thursday, all things work out, you just need to believe in yourself, that everything will work out. But if there is no such confidence, it is better to postpone the matter for later.

On this day, contacts with the authorities are successful, negotiations are successful. And your heart will tell you that things will go well. It will also help solve your amorous affairs.

The symbols are a butterfly, a dove.

One of the clean days, bright, very calm. The main condition is that you are constantly in a state of harmony and balance, even if someone has offended or offended you. Forgive your colleagues or household members to yourself for their arrogant behavior, but in no case teach them how to live. Sex is also contraindicated. Better to spend the day in solitude, be quiet and humble, do household chores. It is very useful to do everything that is connected with cleansing: washing floors, dusting, taking a shower. The day is favorable for marriage, which will be held in harmony. Leave service zeal aside - it will not bring positive results. The consumption of animal food (except fish) and mushrooms is not recommended. You cannot kill birds.

Divination: For a career.

Dreams: Dreams of these lunar days will help relieve internal stress and get rid of complexes.

Health: In medical terms, the spleen is associated with the 16th lunar day. This is the day of blood renewal.

Conception: Peaceful disposition and quiet character, love for animals and plants. Striving for ideals and spiritual purity. Many will seek comfort from your child. Travel and change. Balance, healing. Don't use harsh words on this day.

Birth: Those born on this lunar day will have good health and live a long, fruitful life. They love white and purity, and tend to blue and silver. They don't judge others. Their symbol is a "ladder to heaven", indicating the difficult path of ascent. At the first stage of their spiritual advancement, they do not hear anything; at the second and third stages, they understand the language of plants and animals. They have strong imaginations. They are kind dreamers. They love nature very much. They manage to do a lot in their lives and enjoy well-deserved respect.

Moon phase: Full moon.

The most mysterious time, which is most vividly reflected in the well-being of a person. On a full moon, you can toss and turn in bed until morning, but still not fall asleep. It seems that energy is in full swing, you want to run somewhere and do something. At the same time, the level of anxiety increases, people with hypersensitivity are tormented by bad feelings, which, fortunately, do not always justify themselves. People are most open to the perception of information, this is the ideal time for communication with the public, performances, presentations, concerts.

The full moon is a period of the highest emotional instability, so you should not take on a showdown at this time, enter into conflicts, or engage in frank conversations. This period can become both the final stage of any undertaking, and the first stage of something new. Often, on a full moon, relationships are struck, marriages are made, important decisions are made about the end of something or the start of a new activity.

During the full moon, the number of all kinds of catastrophes increases, as a rule, of a local nature, however, nature itself reacts very violently to this phase. Doctors will confirm that on a full moon they have a lot of work, heart attacks, strokes become more frequent, conditions of previously stable patients are aggravated, chronic ailments painfully remind of themselves. Surgeons do not like to carry out operations on a full moon, since the risk of severe bleeding increases, and workers of neuropsychiatric institutions observe exacerbations in their patients.

That is why on a full moon it makes sense to undergo a full examination by a doctor, because this period helps to identify hidden diseases, which at other times may not indicate anything. In general, the time is favorable for establishing new personal and business relationships, making important decisions, concluding transactions, stabilizing family relations.