Increasing the MPC. SmartReading: “Highway Running for Serious Runners”

speech in the book, in each practical chapter added useful tips for a specific distance.

Finally, the hands-on chapters provide a brief introduction to world-class runners renowned for their prowess in the distance that is the topic of each chapter. This information will help you understand how top runners are using the training plan principles presented in this book to prepare for their pivotal competition.

Chapter 2. Workout day to increase VO2 max and speed

Most athletes know that in order to achieve great results, you need more than just winding kilometers. So they go out on a treadmill or highway and torture themselves with horrendous accelerations, doing "speed work", failing to explain why they are doing these grueling workouts in any other way than just "to get faster." Certainly by running fast, not just mileage, they will be able to do better in competition. However, they usually perform intensive work uncontrollably. In this chapter, we'll explain why and how to develop the two basic fitness metrics that runners seek to improve with vigorous training - VO2 max and base speed.

Increase in VO2 max

Many serious runners know that improving their VO2 max, or aerobic capacity, is the key to achieving superior performance in competition. But what is the best method to develop it? Large mileage? Mountain training? Intensive 400-meter runs twice a week? Acceleration of 1.5 kilometers? Before we answer this question, let's first take a closer look at what the IPC is.

What is IPC

IPC (maximum oxygen consumption) is the maximum ability of the human body to transport and consume oxygen. High BMD runners have an oxygen transport system that allows them to deliver large amounts of oxygenated blood to working muscles. Exercise increases the size of the heart and the amount of oxygen it can pump.

More specifically, BMO is the maximum amount of oxygen that the heart can deliver to the muscles, and which the muscles can then use to generate energy. It is the product of the heart rate (heart rate), the amount of blood pumped per heartbeat, and the fraction of oxygen drawn from the blood and used by the muscles. The amount of BMD is determined by training and genetic predisposition.

BMD is important because it determines the body's aerobic capacity - the higher the BMD, the higher the body's ability to produce energy aerobically. The more energy the body can produce aerobically, the higher the rate it can maintain. VO2 max is the most important physiological indicator that determines performance at distances from 1500 to 5000 m. VO2 max is also an important physiological indicator for longer distances. However, the longer the distance, the more influence the anaerobic threshold relative to the VO2max has on the finish result.

The first determinant of BMD is maximum heart rate. The maximum heart rate is determined genetically and, as a rule, decreases with age. However, recent data indicate that maximum heart rate decreases much more slowly with age in people who maintain their cardiovascular system in good physical condition. The maximum heart rate does not increase with training.

The second determinant of BMD is the amount of blood ejected into the artery by the left ventricle of the heart with each contraction. This indicator, called the stroke volume of the heart, as opposed to the maximum heart rate, improves with appropriate training. The increase in stroke volume under the influence of training is the main adaptation change that increases BMD. At the same time, the maximum heart rate (beats per minute) multiplied by the stroke volume (the amount of blood pumped with each stroke) determines the minute volume.

heart (the amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute). The final determinant of BMD is the proportion

oxygen used, which is determined by the difference between the amount of oxygen in the arterial blood and the amount of oxygen in the venous blood. This difference represents the amount of oxygen that is extracted from the blood by the tissues. One of the physiological adaptations to aerobic exercise is to increase the ability of tissues to extract oxygen from arterial blood. Compared to untrained people, the percentage of oxygen in the venous blood of athletes is lower. This is because exercise increases both the blood flow to the working muscles and the number of capillaries in the muscle tissues, thus ensuring more efficient delivery of oxygenated blood to individual muscle cells.

In sports such as running, where it is necessary to move the body above the ground, the VO2 max is expressed in relation to body weight - in milliliters of oxygen consumed per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml / kg / min). The average BMD value in men and women 35 years old, leading a sedentary lifestyle, is 45 and 38 ml / kg / min, respectively. The IPC of elite male 5000 m runners averages 75-85 ml / kg / min. The IPC of elite marathon runners is slightly lower and averages 70-75 ml / kg / min. Marathon runners achieve great results in the marathon distance due to the high anaerobic threshold, which we will discuss in detail in Chapter 3.

BMD values \u200b\u200bin women are on average lower than in men, due to the fact that they have higher fat reserves and lower hemoglobin levels. Since BMD is expressed in relation to body weight, the higher body fat stores in women associated with physiological demand put them at a disadvantage. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells (erythrocytes) that carries oxygen to tissues. Due to the lower hemoglobin level, the oxygen content per unit of blood is lower in women. Well-trained women average 10% lower BMD values \u200b\u200bthan well-trained men.

Table 2.1 How VO2max increases under the influence of training

Table 2.2 Average BMD values \u200b\u200bin people with different levels of physical fitness

With regular exercise for 6-12 months, individuals with a sedentary lifestyle can expect an increase in BMD by 20-30%. Be that as it may, training increases BMD within the limits established by a person's genetic predisposition - as one approaches its genetic potential, the rate of increase in BMD decreases. If you have been training for several years, then any increase in VO2 max will be a great achievement for you. That is why experienced runners should pay special attention to the information below, which details ways to increase VO2 max.

Increase in VO2 max

The highest training effect that promotes VO2 max is achieved by training at an intensity of 95-100% of your current VO2 max. But how is this intensity determined? It can be calculated by measuring the MIC in the laboratory. The lab test prompts you to start a slow treadmill run. Then the speed or incline of the treadmill is increased every few minutes until you can continue running. During this time, the air you breathe out is collected and analyzed. Testing usually takes 10-15 minutes.

If you are unable to take the test in the lab, you can roughly estimate your running pace at VO2 max based on

personal results in competitions. Running speed at an intensity of 95-100% VO2 max should roughly match your pace in a 3-5K competition.

The appropriate intensity for VO2 max training can also be determined based on heart rate. The pace of VO2 max training corresponds approximately to 95-98% of the heart rate reserve or maximum heart rate. (For details on heart rate-controlled training, an explanation of the term “heart rate reserve,” and other related information, see the section “Heart rate tracking to monitor training intensity” in Chapter 4.) During this type of training, you must maintain a heart rate that is will be several hits below the maximum. Otherwise, the intensity will be too high, resulting in a shorter workout and less training effect to increase VO2 max.

The body responds with a positive response to exercise at BMD intensity only if the volume is not excessive. With excessive intense training, the body's recovery becomes incomplete and its adaptive capabilities are disrupted. Each athlete needs to independently seek for himself the optimal volume and frequency of MPC training. The challenge is to train at BMD intensity often enough to exert the desired effect on the body, but not to overtrain. The plans for Chapters 6-10 use the following principles to ensure optimal training impact on VO2 max.

The amount of load per workout. The fastest increase in VO2 max is achieved when the distance of intense intervals per workout is 4-8 km. The optimal volume within this range depends on the athlete's training history. The training effect on the body appears even with the total volume of intervals per training less than 4 km, however, the rate of increase in the VO2 max in this case is lower. If you try to run more than 8 km at a given intensity (good luck), then you will most likely either not be able to maintain an appropriate pace throughout the interval workout, or you will exhaust yourself so much that you will not be able to recover quickly enough for the next intense activity. For most runners, workouts in which the total interval distance is 4800-7200 m are the most effective.

Training frequency.The fastest growth in BMD is achieved in

when training at an intensity of 95-100% of the VO2 max is performed once a week. Depending on the distance you are training for and the number of weeks remaining until the target event, it may be beneficial to do a second low volume IPC workout on certain weeks.

Duration of intervals. The fastest increase in VO2 max is achieved when the duration of intervals during training at the VO2 max is 2-6 minutes. For most runners, this means intervals of 600-1600 m. Perform IPC training not only on the treadmill, but also running uphill, running on the golf course and so on. When preparing for cross-country races, it is advisable to simulate competitive conditions as much as possible during the IPC training.

You will achieve the greatest training impact on your body's aerobic capacity if you accelerate your cardiovascular system to 95-100% of your VO2 max during VO2 max and maintain this intensity for as long as possible. Short intervals are not as effective in providing the desired training effect, because in this case the body does not work long enough in the optimal intensity range. For example, if you accelerate 400 meters, it will be easier to maintain the pace at the VOK level, but you will only be running at this pace during each interval for a short period of time.

As a result, you will have to do many 400-meter accelerations to get a good training impact on your VO2 max. If you perform 1200 m accelerations at the appropriate pace, your cardiovascular system in each acceleration will work at an intensity of 95-100% of VO2 max for several minutes. This way, you can accumulate more work time per workout at the most effective training intensity.

Interval speed. VO2 max training is most effective - that is, it provides the greatest training impact on IPC, - when performed at a speed corresponding to the competition pace for 3-5 km. When the intervals are performed at this speed, the intensity is usually 95-100% of the VO2 max. If you run slower, you move closer to the training zone to raise your anaerobic threshold. As we'll see in Chapter 3, training to increase your anaerobic threshold is very important, but IPC training is still designed to increase your BMD, not your anaerobic threshold.

By doing intervals above 95-100% VO2 max, you

you will also not be able to achieve a good training effect on the VO2 max. There are two reasons for this. First, when you run faster than your VO2 max, you are using your anaerobic system more, which helps improve it. Perhaps you think that the anaerobic system is just as important as the aerobic system, and this is so - if you are competing in 800m competitions.But if you run 5000m or more, then in the competition you use the anaerobic system mainly for the snatch. the final meters of the distance. If you do aerobic training and your equally gifted opponents are anaerobic, then in competition, when it's time for your snatch, you will be so far ahead of them that you don't need to worry about their finishing speed.

The second reason that intervals performed at excessively high speed have less training effect on VO2 max is that it is simply not possible to do a large amount of intense work at that speed. Remember, the important thing is how much time you accumulate per workout, working at VO2 max intensity. Suppose you are doing four 800m accelerations at a 1500m race pace, running each acceleration in 2:24. You will definitely feel tired after this exercise, but do less than 10 minutes of vigorous work, of which only 6 minutes will probably be done at the most effective intensity for increasing your VO2 max. However, if, after reading this book, you decide to do five reps of 1200 meters at a competitive pace of 5000 meters, running each rep for 4:00, you will get 20 minutes of vigorous running (see table 2.3). At the same time, almost all the work will be performed at the appropriate intensity that has the desired training effect on the VO2 max.

Duration of recovery between intervals.

The recovery time between intervals should be long enough to allow the heart rate to drop to 55% of the reserve heart rate or 65% of the maximum heart rate. If you rest too short, you will most likely need to shorten your workout and you will not be able to achieve the desired training impact. In addition, with insufficient rest, work in subsequent intervals can become overly anaerobic, which, as we discussed above, is not the goal of IPC training. On the other hand, with excessive rest, the training impact is also reduced.

The optimal recovery time between intervals depends on the length of the intervals that you run. As a general principle, rest between intervals should be

be from 50 to 90% of the time spent on the interval. For example, if a girl runs a 1200m repetition in 4:30, her recovery jogs should be 50-90% of that time, or in the range of 2:15 to 4:00.

Table 2.3 Why faster is not necessarily better for BMD growth

Workout 1

Workout 2

Interval speed



pace at 1500 m)

pace for 5 km)

Interval length

Number of intervals

Intensive running volume

Amount of time

about 6 minutes

almost 20 minutes


promoting the growth of IPC

Good workout

increase in BMD?

When resting between intervals, resist the temptation to stop by leaning forward and resting your hands on your knees. While this seems unlikely, research has shown that the body recovers much faster when the athlete continues to move during recovery. This is because light jogging promotes the elimination of lactic acid from the body.

Planning your workout. Perfect workout,

stimulating the growth of the BMD, should consist of intervals with a total length of 4-8 km, lasting from 2 to 6 minutes, performed at an intensity of 95-100% of the BMD. Within these parameters, you can schedule workouts with different combinations of intervals. IPC workouts fall into two main categories - workouts in which the interval distance is constant, and workouts in which it varies.

Many trainers vary the length of the intervals to make the workout psychologically easier. Many self-exercising runners do the same by doing "staggered" workouts, which consist of intervals of varying lengths - going up stairs and down stairs. They talk to themselves during training, telling themselves, "Okay, one more 1.5 km acceleration, and then each one is shorter than the last." This method can play a cruel joke on the runner, since an important element of training is

psychological preparation for the competition. Running with a set number of intervals of equal length is preferred because it gives you a feel for what it means to maintain your speed as you grow fatigued, which more closely mimics a competitive environment. However, there are times when varying the length of the intervals can be beneficial - for example, doing shorter but faster intervals at the end of a workout to improve your finishing spurt.

Another exception to which you can vary the length of the intervals is to perform a fartlek workout, a loosely structured workout in which intense acceleration is alternated with recovery jogging. Cross-country runners who perform their IPC training on the surface on which they run in competition are most likely to use fartlek on a regular basis.

Examples of workouts that most effectively increase VO2 max are shown in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Examples of Workouts to Promote VO2max

Interval length

Number of intervals

Total distance

The intervals in each of these workouts should be run at a competitive pace for 3000-5000 m, and carry out a recovery jogging until the heart rate drops to 55% of the reserve heart rate or 65% of the maximum heart rate. Remember that the optimal pace for this workout is between the 3K competition pace and the 5km competition pace. Take short intervals closer to the 3 km pace, and longer intervals closer to the 5 km pace. (In other words, don't do five 1600m reps at a 3K race pace.)


an indicator of the sensitivity (resistance) of microbes to antimicrobial substances, which is the minimum concentration of a substance that suppresses a certain microorganism: determined by the method of serial dilution.

1. Small Medical Encyclopedia. - M .: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

See what "IPC" is in other dictionaries:

    IPC - International Patent Classification Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. S. Pb .: Polytechnic, 1997.527 p. IPC Medical Pedagogical Commission Education and Science IPC International Paralympic Committee Sports ... Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

    Multiple abbreviation: IPC Moscow Brewing Company IPC small anti-submarine ship IPC international patent classification IPC International Paralympic Committee IPC Multidisciplinary processing company IPC INTERNATIONAL ... ... Wikipedia

    IPC 82 ... Wikipedia

    Basic information Type small anti-submarine ship Flag State ... Wikipedia


    IPC - Magnetic particle non-destructive testing (NDT) of pipe quality is carried out by the method of the applied field or by the method of remanent magnetization, depending on the magnetic properties of the pipe material. Pipes at IPC are subjected to longitudinal and (or) ... ... Metallurgical Dictionary

    An indicator of the sensitivity (resistance) of microbes to antimicrobial substances, which is the minimum concentration of a substance that inhibits the growth of a certain microorganism; determined by serial dilution ... Large Medical Dictionary

    IPC - the magnetic field of the ship maximum oxygen consumption low-productivity collector small anti-submarine ship International convention on the carriage of passengers and baggage by railways International Patent Classification International ... ... Dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language

    IPC as lead partner - The IPC works closely with the organizers, the IOC and other stakeholders in the monitoring and conduct of the Paralympic Games. The IASC provides technical information, advice and management support. IPC technical staff ... ... Technical translator's guide

    - "Irkutsk Komsomolets" Service ... Wikipedia


  • Lada Vesta MPK AMPK engine 1 6 Operation maintenance repair, Soldatov R., Shorokhov A. (ed.). The book contains a description of the operation, maintenance and repair of Lada Vesta cars with a 16-valve engine 1, 6, with mechanical and automated gearboxes ...
  • Wounds. IPC. My cute animals,. Wounds. IPC. My lovely animals ISBN: 9789667465322 ...

Physical health and its criteria

Due to the specifics of the process of physical education, the subject of our attention is mainly physical health, which can be characterized by the following states:

    a state with sufficient functional (adaptive) reserves;

    prenosological conditions, in which the functioning of the body is ensured due to a higher than normal voltage of regulatory systems;

    premorbid conditions, which are characterized by a decrease in the functional reserves of the body;

    states of failure of adaptation, each of which is characterized by the presence of one or another disease.

According to V.I. Vernadsky, organism a person is an open thermodynamic system, the stability (viability) of which is determined by its energy potential, and the greater the power and capacity of the energy potential, the higher the level of physical health of the individual.

Established availability three ways of energy supply of muscle activity:

BMD as the most important quantitative indicator of health

Energy opportunities phosphogenic pathway very limited and depleted in 7-8 sec. work. Glycolytic energy supply pathway consists in the anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrates and the accumulation of lactic acid. This path is used at the beginning of work, and its energy capabilities are insignificant (about 1000 kJ / kg) and are exhausted in about 40 seconds. work. The main path of energy supply of muscle activity remains - oxidative phosphorylationassociated with oxygen consumption. This path of energy supply is virtually unlimited and is regulated only by the performance of systems that provide oxygen delivery to tissues.

It is known that oxygen consumption is possible only up to a certain limit, which depends on the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system. An important indicator of the development of this system is the value maximum oxygen consumption (MOC)... BMO (or "oxygen ceiling") is the largest amount of oxygen that the body is able to consume during intense muscular work. This value is an indicator of aerobic performance. The value of the BMD depends on the interaction of many systems of the body and, first of all, on the systems of respiration, blood circulation and movement. Therefore, the BMD is the most integral indicator characterizing the body's ability to meet the tissue oxygen demand at maximum stress, and it acts as one of the most important quantitative indicators of health.

The BMD indicator is also highly correlated with some health indicators (Fig.14.1

For example, in 1938 in the United States, the MIC for men 20-30 years old was approximately 48 ml / kg per minute, and in 1968 it was only 37 ml / kg per minute, i.e. below safe health levels. And at this time, the United States occupied one of the first places in the world in terms of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases. Of interest are data on the value of BMD in the population of countries with different levels of physical activity. Thus, the highest MIC values \u200b\u200bare observed among residents of Sweden (up to 58 ml / kg per minute) - a country with a traditionally high level of mass physical culture development. The Americans are in second place (49 ml / kg per minute). The lowest BMD is in the Indian population (36.8 ml / kg per minute), most of which are inclined to a passive, contemplative lifestyle.

The human body is an open thermodynamic system, the stability (viability) of which is determined by its energy potential, and the greater the power and capacity of the energy potential, the higher the level of physical health of the individual.

As an example, let us give the VO2 max values \u200b\u200bin athletes of various sports specializations (Table 14.1).

Table 14.1.
IPC indicatorsamong athletes of various sports specializations

Sports specialization

MIC (ml / kg / min)

Ski race

Long distance running

Middle distance running


Cycling (highway)


Rowing kayaks

Sports walking




Direct definition of IPC requires special equipment, which is very difficult to do in the practice of mass research. An indirect estimate of BMD in men (Table 14.2) and women (Table 14.3) depending on age can be obtained using the Cooper test (1979), which determines the distance covered by a person running in 12 minutes.

Table 14.2.
AssessmentBMD in men depending on age and distance run in 12 minutes. (12 min test)

Age (in years)


Distance (in km) covered in 12 minutes.

(in ml / kg per min.)

Very bad
Poor Satisfactory

Less than 1.6
2.8 and more

Less than 25.0 25.0-33.7
51.6 and more

Very bad
Poor Satisfactory

Less than 1.5
2.65 and more

Less than 25.0 25.0-30.1
48.1 and more

Very bad

Less than 1.3
2.5 and more

Less than 25.0 25.0-26.4
45.1 and more

Very bad

Less than 1.2
2.5 and more

Less than 25.0 25.0-33.7
43.1 and more

Table 14.3.
Evaluation of BMD in women depending on age and distance run in 12 minutes. (12 min test)

Age (in years)


Distance (in km) covered in 12 minutes

(in ml / kg per min.)

Very bad

Less than 1.5
2.65 and more

Less than 21.0
36.0 and more

Very bad

Less than 1.3
2.5 and more

Less than 16.0
32.0 and more

Very bad

Less than 1.2
2.4 and more

Less than 11.0
31.0 and more

Very bad

Less than 1.0
2.2 and more

Less than 11.0
26.0 and more

You can also define proper values \u200b\u200bof the IPC (DMPK), i.e. the average values \u200b\u200bof the norm for a given age and gender, which are calculated using the following formulas.

For men:

DMPK \u003d 52 - (0.25 × age)

For women:

DMPK \u003d 40 - (0.20 × age)

By the degree of deviation of your IPC indicators from the proper ones (calculated by the formula), it will be possible to judge the level of your physical condition (Table 14.4).

Table 14.4.
Assessment of the level of physical condition depending on the DMPK

Physical condition level


Below the average

Above average

It is considered that threshold values \u200b\u200bof IPCguaranteeing stable health are 42 ml / kg min. in men and 35 ml / kg per minute. among women.

For a quantitative assessment of the energy potential of the human body, the reserve indicator is also used - "Double work" (DP) - robinson index:


HR - heart rate;

ABP - systolic blood pressure.

DP characterizes the systolic work of the heart. The greater this indicator at the height of physical activity, the greater the functional capacity of the heart muscles.

AED characterizes the vitality of the organism, the measure of the individual's health. The individual dynamics of AED in the process of life is influenced by physical activity, habitat, past diseases, diet, bad habits, etc.

You can use this indicator at rest for the same purposes, based on the well-known pattern of "economizing functions" with an increase in maximum aerobic capacity. Therefore, the lower the DP at rest, the higher the maximum aerobic capacity and, consequently, the level of physical health of the individual.

Adaptive energy potential (AEP) of a person

In our opinion, the express health assessment method based on the measurement of adaptive energy potential (AEP) human.

As a test load, it is proposed to use deep squats, performed with a submaximal load for 1 minute. Squats are performed with the installation - "As many squats as possible in 1 minute." The load power reaches 3-4 W / kg. The safety of the test is ensured by an individual way of dosing the load according to well-being. In case of difficulty during the test, the pace of the squat is reduced to the possible.

The measurement procedure is as follows. Before the load, immediately after its fulfillment and after 1 minute, the heart rate of the subject in the sitting position is measured for 10 seconds. and systolic blood pressure. Then it is determined integral indicator of adaptation efficiency (IPEA):

Ke is the efficiency factor;

Кв - coefficient of recovery.


h - height, m;

n is the number of squats;

HR is the heart rate at the end of the load.

Being a genetically determined quantity, AED characterizes the vitality of the organism, the measure of the individual's health. The individual dynamics of AED in the process of life is influenced by physical activity, habitat, past diseases, diet, bad habits, etc. The highest AEP values \u200b\u200b(about 70) were recorded in highly qualified athletes specializing in sports where endurance is the leading physical quality. In women, AED is on average 10-15% lower than in men.

A safe level of AED that ensures the normal functioning of the body, its protection from negative environmental influences and the manifestation of genetically determined risk factors for the development of non-infectious diseases is 35 for men and 30 for women.

Assessment of adaptive potential and health status

In the practice of assessing the level of health, it is also used functional changes index (IFI) of the circulatory system, or adaptive potential (AP)... AP is calculated without carrying out stress tests and allows you to give a preliminary quantitative assessment of the health level of the subjects.

AP of the circulatory system is determined by the formula:

AP \u003d 0.011 × HR + 0.14 × SBP + 0.008 × DBP + 0.009 × MT - 0.009 × P + 0.014 × B - 0.2, where:

HR - heart rate at relative rest (number of beats per minute);

SBP - systolic blood pressure (mm Hg);

DBP - diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg);

MT - body weight (kg);

P - height (cm);

Table 14.5.
Adaptive capacity and condition assessments

P / p No.


AP state

Health characteristic

Satisfactory adaptation

Tension of adaptation mechanisms

Almost healthy. The likelihood of having a hidden or unrecognized disease is low

Unsatisfactory adaptation

Additional medical examination indicated

3.6 and more

Disruption of adaptation mechanisms

Physiotherapy exercises shown

To assess the adaptive capabilities and functional state of the human body, of particular interest are data on fluctuations in heart rate (HR) characteristics, which make it possible to give integral information about the state of the organism as a whole and be a kind of indicator for assessing the functional state of regulatory systems.

For this purpose, determine heart rate variability (HRV), i.e. variability of the duration of the R-R intervals of consecutive heart rate cycles for certain periods of time and the severity of heart rate fluctuations in relation to its average level.

Currently, the definition of HRV is recognized as the most informative, non-invasive method for quantitative assessment of autonomic regulation of heart rate and functional state of the body. The dynamic range of cardiac cycle duration values \u200b\u200bcan be represented by various mathematical models. The simplest and most accessible is the temporal analysis, which is carried out when studying the rhythmocardiogram statistical and graphical methods... Graphical methods are used to analyze the variational pulsogram (histogram). Statistical methods are divided into two groups: obtained by direct measurement of NN-intervals (Fig.14.2
) and obtained by comparing different NN-intervals.

There are the following types of variational pulsograms (histograms) of the heart rate distribution (Fig.14.3

Variational pulsograms (histograms) differ in mode parameters, variation range, as well as in shape, symmetry, amplitude.

Fashion (Moe) - the most frequent values \u200b\u200bof the R-R interval, which correspond to the most probable level of functioning of the regulation systems for a given period of time. In stationary mode, Mo differs little from M (mean values \u200b\u200bof cardiointervals). Their difference can be a measure of nonstationarity and correlates with the coefficient of asymmetry.

Mode amplitude (AMo) is the proportion of cardiointervals corresponding to the mode value. The physiological meaning of these parameters is that they reflect the influence of the central regulation circuit on the autonomic one along the nerve (Amo) and humoral (Mo) channels.

Variational span (X) - the difference between the duration of the largest and smallest R-R-intervals. This is an indicator of the activity of the circuit of autonomous regulation of the heart rate, which is entirely associated with respiratory fluctuations in the tone of the vagus nerve.

To determine the degree of adaptation of cardio-vascular system to random or constantly acting aggressive factors and assessing the adequacy of regulation processes, a number of parameters are proposed that are derivatives of classical statistical indicators ( indices R.M. Baevsky):

IVR - vegetative balance index

VLF - vegetative rhythm indicator

PAPR - an indicator of the adequacy of regulation processes

IN - index of the tension of regulatory systems

The data obtained during the study can be compared with the tabular data (Table 14.6).

Table 14.6.
Mathematical indicators of cardiac


Unit of measure

Conditional norm

Regulation type

Physiological interpretation

0.67-0.78 - antony;
below 0.67 - sympathicotonia;
above 0.78 - vagotonia

The reciprocal of the pulse.
It characterizes the activity of the sinus node and blood circulation parameters

32-41 - aytonnya;
below 32 - vagotonia;
above 41 - sympathicotonia

Reflects the effect of the stabilizing influence of the sympathetic nervous system on cardiac rhythm

0.24-0.31 - tonny;
below 0.24 - sympathicotonia;
above 0.31 -vagotonia

Indicates the degree of influence of the parasympathetic nervous system on cardiac rhythm

71-120 - age;
less than 70 - vagotonia;
more than 121 - sympathicotonia

Indicator of the total activity of the central circuit of the cardiovascular system

The task of registering and processing data characterizing HRV is greatly facilitated in the presence of an appropriate hardware complex.

For this purpose, in particular, at the Samara State Aerospace University named after academician S.P. Korolev (SSAU) developed devices (such as "ELOKS") (Fig. 14.4 ), providing with the help of an optical finger sensor (Fig.14.5 ) continuous determination and digital indication of the value of the degree of saturation of blood hemoglobin with oxygen (SpO2) and the value of the heart rate (HR), as well as - display of the photoplethysmogram and the trend of the saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen on the graphic liquid crystal display and signaling that these values \u200b\u200bare outside the set limits. The devices allow you to connect a PC to determine HRV indicators by analyzing a sequential number of cardiocycle durations (NN-intervals) using a sliding sample method, as well as analyzing a standard duration (5 minutes) sample based on the ELOGRAPH program.

A finger-type photoplethysmographic sensor (Fig. 14.5) is a clamp consisting of two elements 1 and 2, fastened by an axis 3, fixed on a finger by a spring 4. Emitters are installed in element 1, and a photodetector equipped with a convex lens is installed in element 2. The sensor is connected to the device using cable 6 with connector 5.

The measurement results are displayed on the monitor screen, entered into the PC memory and, if necessary, can be printed (Fig.14.6

Express assessment of the level of physical health

A quick assessment (in points) of the level of physical health (state) in men and women is also convenient and accessible (Table 14.7).

Table 14.7.
Rapid assessment of the level of physical health (state) in men and women





Below the average


Above average



Below the average


Above average


Body mass index:

18.9 or less



28.1 and more

16.9 or less




26.1 and more






Time, min., Recovery of heart rate after 30 squats in 30 seconds.





General assessment of the level of health, the amount of points

Note.Points in brackets.

Life expectancy as a measure of health

The absolute measure of the body's vitality (amount of health) is life expectancy... In other words, the measure of health is the life expectancy (under its ideal and stable conditions), and in order to reflect the specifics of aging, it is necessary to know the correspondence calendar age (KV) biological age (BV).

To determine BV, "test batteries" of varying degrees of complexity are used, with the help of which, in sequence:

    calculate the BV value for a given individual (based on a set of clinical and physiological parameters);

    calculate the proper BV value for a given individual (according to his calendar age);

    compare the actual and due values \u200b\u200bof BV (i.e. determine how many years the subject is ahead or lagging behind his peers in terms of aging).

The estimates obtained are relative: the starting point is population standard - the average value of the degree of aging in a given CV for a given population. This approach makes it possible to rank persons of the same CV according to the degree of “age-related wear” and, therefore, according to the “reserve” of health.

It is proposed to rank health assessments based on the definition of BV, depending on the deviation of the latter from the population standard:

    1st rank - from -15 to -9 years old;

    2nd rank - from -8.9 to -3 years old;

    3rd rank - from -2.9 to +2.9 years;

    4th rank - from +3 to +8.9 years;

    5th rank - from +9 to +15 years.

Thus, rank 1 corresponds to a sharply slowed down, and 5 - to a sharply accelerated rate of aging; Rank 3 reflects the approximate correspondence between BV and KV. Persons assigned to the 4 and 5 ranks according to the rate of aging should be included in the contingent threatened for health reasons.

BV determination method

4 versions of the technique of varying degrees of complexity have been developed: the 1st option is the most difficult, requires special equipment and can be implemented in a hospital or a well-equipped polyclinic (diagnostic center); Option 2 is less labor-intensive, but also involves the use of special equipment; The third option is based on publicly available indicators, its information content is to a certain extent increased by measuring the vital capacity of the lungs (VC), which is possible with a spirometer; The 4th option does not require the use of any diagnostic equipment and can be implemented in any conditions.

"Battery of tests" for determining BV.

    Systolic blood pressure . (POPs) is determined by a special questionnaire.

When assessing the level of health, it is necessary to take into account (compare) objective and subjective indicators, since there may be fundamental differences between them.

The first 27 questions are answered "yes" and "no", and the last - "good", "satisfactory", "bad" and "very bad".

Next, the number of unfavorable answers for the respondent to the first 27 questions is calculated and 1 point is added if the answer to the last question is “bad” or “very bad”. The total sum gives a quantitative characteristic of self-assessment of health: 0 - with "ideal" health; 28 - with "very bad" health.

Working formulas for calculating BV

When calculating BV, the values \u200b\u200bof individual indicators should be expressed in the following units:

    ADs, Add and ADP - in mm. rt. Art .;

    Se and Cm - in m / s;

    VC - in ml;

    ZDv, ZDvyd and SB - in s;

    A - in diopters;

    OS - in dB;

    TV - in conv. units (the number of correctly filled cells);

    POPs - in conv. units (number of unfavorable responses);

    MT - in kg;

    KV - in years.

1st option


BV \u003d 58.9 + 0.18 × ABP - 0.07 × Add - 0.14 × ADP - 0.26 × Ce + 0.65 × Cm - 0.001 × VC + 0.005 × Zdvyd - 0.08 / A + 0.19 × OS - 0.026 × SB - 0.11 × MT + 0.32 × POP - 0.33 × TB.


BV \u003d 16.3 + 0.28 × ABP - 0.19 × Add - 0.11 × ADP + 0.13 × Ce + 0.12 × S - 0.003 × VC - 0.7 × Zdvyd - 0.62 × A + 0.28 × OS - 0.07 × SB + 0.21 × MT + 0.04 × POP - 0.15 × TB.

2nd option


BV \u003d 51.5 + 0.92 × Cm - 2.38 × A + 0.26 × OC - 0.27 × TB.


BV \u003d 10.1 + 0.17 × ABP + 0.41 × OS + 0.28 × MT - 0.36 × TV.

3rd option


BV \u003d 44.3 + 0.68 × SOP + 0.40 × ABP - 0.22 × Add - 0.004 × VC - 0.11 × ZDv + 0.08 × Zdvyd - 0.13 × SB.


BV \u003d 17.4 + 0.82 × POP - 0.005 × ADs + 0.16 × Add + 0.35 × ADp - 0.004 × VC + 0.04 × ZDv - 0.06 × Zdvyd - 0.11 × SB.

4th option


BV \u003d 27.0 + 0.22 × ABP - 0.15 × ZDv + 0.72 × SOP - 0.15 × SB.


BV \u003d 1.46 + 0.42 × Adp + 0.25 × MT + 0.70 × POP - 0.14 × SB.

(BV). Using the above formulas, the BV values \u200b\u200bare calculated for each examined person. In order to judge to what extent the degree of aging corresponds to the CV of the subject, it is necessary to compare the individual BV value with the proper BV (FBI), which characterizes the population standard of age wear.

By calculating the BV: DBV index, you can find out how many times the BV of the subject is more or less than the average BV of his peers. By calculating the BV - DBV index, one can find out how many years the subject is ahead of his peers in terms of the severity of aging or is behind them.

If the degree of aging of the subject is less than the degree of aging (on average) of persons of equal CV, then BV: DBV< 1, а БВ - ДБ < 0 .

If the degree of aging of the subject is greater than the degree of aging of persons of equal CV, then BV: DBV\u003e 1; and BV - DBV\u003e 0.

If the degree of aging of him and his peers are equal, then BV: DBV \u003d 1, and BV - DBV \u003d 0.

The DBV value is calculated using the formulas below.

1st option

Men: DBV \u003d 0.863 × CV + 6.85.

Women: DBV \u003d 0.706 × CV + 12.1.

Option 2

Men: DBV \u003d 0.837 × CV + 8.13.

Women: DBV \u003d 0.640 × CV + 14.8.

3rd option

Men: DBV \u003d 0.661 × CV + 16.9.

Women: DBV \u003d 0.629 × CV +15.3.

4th option

Men: DBV \u003d 0.629 × CV + 18.6.

Women: DBV \u003d 0.581 × CV + 17.3.

When assessing the level of health, it is necessary to take into account (compare) objective and subjective indicators, since there may be fundamental discrepancies between them. So, for example, studies conducted on students showed that students with a low degree of adaptation showed a greater homogeneity of the subjective picture of health and a greater correspondence with objective physiological data.

The students of the intermediate group and the group with a satisfactory degree of adaptation (i.e. students with the best objective state of health) showed a partial discrepancy between subjective and objective indicators, which was more pronounced in the intermediate group. Therefore, when assessing the level (state) of health, an integrated approach is required using objective and subjective indicators.

If we talk about cyclic sports, then the traditional factors that determine sports performance include the maximum oxygen consumption, anaerobic threshold and the efficiency of performing a particular task (running, swimming, rowing). You can learn a lot about the first two from physiology textbooks, to a lesser extent about the concept and biological essence of economy. Plus to this in recent times the old theme of the kinetics of oxygen consumption has revived, and more and more attention is paid to the so-called pacing (from the English pace - here: speed, pace). Pacing is a strategy for distributing load intensity and strength during a competitive performance. The last two are not yet written in textbooks, they belong to the category of "hot" topics in sports science and are now being actively studied. Best case scenario detailed information about them will appear on the pages of textbooks in five years. So, the factors that determine sports performance:

Maximum oxygen consumption,
- anaerobic threshold,
- efficiency,
- kinetics of oxygen consumption,
- pacing.

I'll start simple.

Maximum oxygen consumption (IPC, Vo2max).

When it comes to sports, Vo2max reflects the body's potential to generate energy through aerobic metabolism. "Aerobic" is one that occurs with significant oxygen participation. Aerobic metabolism is a more efficient way of producing energy than anaerobic (anoxic), although both are closely related.

Figuratively speaking, high oxygen consumption means more aerobic energy and, accordingly, better physical performance. The maximum value of this indicator depends on the ability of the lungs and the circulatory system to transport oxygen, and the muscles to use it.

The figure shows the proportional dependence of working capacity (running speed at a marathon distance) on VO2 max.

Vo2max as a quantity is measured either in absolute units, liters of absorbed oxygen per minute (l / min), or in relative ml / kg / min, where the indicator is calculated per kilogram of body weight per minute.

Also, in recent years, the expression of the maximum oxygen consumption according to the allometric method, which takes into account the structure and composition of the body, has become increasingly common. The allometric method is much more accurate in the long-term observation of the development of an athlete's aerobic capacity, when both body composition and constitution change over time. Let's say, when moving from a youth level to an adult.

The highest VO2 max values \u200b\u200bwere found in the work of Swedish scientists with skiers. According to the literature, in unique cases, Vo2max was 7.48 l / min in absolute terms. For example, the Finnish ski legend Juha Mieto had a maximum oxygen consumption of 7.4 l / min at the start of his international career in 1973 and 7.42 l / min by the end of his career in 1985.

The value of the maximum oxygen consumption depends on the development of the system of binding, transfer and use of oxygen, which, in turn, consists of a number of links. Figure 2 outlines the links in the transport and consumption of oxygen in the body.

The oxygen transport chain can be conventionally divided into central and peripheral components. The central one includes the lungs, heart and circulatory system, and the tissue of the striated musculature should be referred to the peripheral section. In the central part, in turn, the following are separately distinguished: the thickness and volume of the wall of the left ventricle, the dilatation ability of the myocardium, the volume of blood plasma and the mass of blood cells. In the peripheral part, there are: the density of the capillary bed, the amount and ratio muscle fibers different types, the volume of mitochondrial, oxidative enzymes and the concentration of myoglobin.

Although these components develop gradually over the years of training, they have their limits, a ceiling. There are no sufficiently voluminous studies on this topic, however, based on selective experiments, it can be argued that the Vo2max ceiling is achieved in 6-8 years of training.

The role of the influence of the training process on the final value of the maximum oxygen consumption in the light of recent studies looks limited. Bouchard and colleagues have empirically established that the same, individually selected, aimed at the development of aerobic abilities exercise stress elicits physiological responses of varying magnitude. The variation in the increase in maximum oxygen consumption over several months in the experimental group was in the range from -3% to + 20%. It should be emphasized that the load in the study was selected purely individually: taking into account the initial (basic) physical form of the subjects and in accordance with the latest concepts of the training process methodology. The results of this study once again indicate that to a large extent the result depends on the hereditary predisposition to certain sports, and also emphasizes the relevance of research in the field of sports genetics and the use of these results in sports selection at early stages.

In this context, speaking about skiers, at the moment, only one fairly long experiment has been made, in which for 6.5 years we observed the change in physical performance indicators of Finnish skiers of the level of the youth team in comparison with their peers from Norway. Observation began when the subjects were 16 years old on average, and upon completion, their average age was 22 years. During the experiment, it turned out that the increase in working capacity is due to the development of the central and peripheral links of the oxygen transport system. At the same time, the cavities of the heart muscle (an important component that determines how much blood the heart muscle will be able to pump in one contraction) developed and increased in the first three years of observation, in the age range from 16 to 19 years, after which the heart muscle began to develop due to an increase its thickness (affects the strength of myocardial contractions). At the end of the experiment, in some skiers, the Vo2max growth leveled off and reached a plateau, and at the same time the increase in the cardiovascular system parameters slowed down.

In my opinion, one of the interesting facts noted in the study was that those skiers whose performance indicators (volume of cardiac cavities, Vo2max, etc.) were sufficiently high at the age of 16, continued to grow proportionally at further, still overtaking their peers. Those that lagged behind on average in early age, retained this difference at a later stage. This once again underlines the need for targeted talent search and selection in sports.
Sports performance of the subjects, with all this, progressed from year to year.

The graph shows that at the end of the curve, growth slows down and some begin to plateau, they have reached their ceiling. Looking at these data, one involuntarily ponders, from what motives in general someone uses doping in youth sports? Systematic training is the best doping. The increase in results is on average 2-5 ml / kg / min per year. By the way, the GDR members, judging by the remaining research materials, gave steroid drugs to the athletes who reached their plateau. I'll write about this later, especially about the effects of these steroids on the health of athletes at the end of their careers. Unfortunately, in those days they did not yet know all the laws of the development of sportsmanship, and there was no idea about the economy in sports. This is a topic worthy of a separate post.

Vo2max has reached a plateau over the years of systematic training in many endurance sports. In Martin's study with highly skilled American runners preparing for the Olympics over 2.5 years, there was no change in VO2 max. Despite this, constant regular progress and growth of sports results were recorded. In the private example of Paula Radcliff, the world record holder in women's marathon, it can be seen that she reached her maximum oxygen consumption ceiling of 70 ml / min / kg at the age of 18, after which her athletic performance increased due to the development of others qualities.

The graph shows insignificant fluctuations in Vo2max, which are primarily related to the methodology and time of testing.

Thus, a high level of maximum oxygen consumption is one of the prerequisites for an athlete to achieve a high competitive level, but does not predetermine his unconditional success. This pattern is especially evident among elite athletes with high maximum oxygen consumption, but a significant difference in athletic performance, which I will discuss later.

The term VO2 max stands for maximum oxygen consumption (international designation - VO2 max) and denotes the limiting ability of the human body to saturate muscles with oxygen and the subsequent consumption of this oxygen by the muscles for energy production during exercise physical exercise with increased intensity. The number of red cells in the blood, enriched with oxygen and feeding the muscle tissue, increases with the expansion of the circulating blood volume. And the blood volume and plasma content directly depend on how well developed the cardio-respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The VO2 max is of particular importance for professional athletes, because its high value guarantees a greater amount of energy produced aerobically, and therefore, greater potential speed and endurance of the athlete. It should be borne in mind that the IPC has a limit, and each person has his own. Therefore, if an increase in the maximum oxygen consumption for young athletes is a natural phenomenon, then in older age groups it is considered a significant achievement.

How can you determine your IPC

The indicator of maximum consumption of O2 depends on the following indicators:

- maximum heart rate;

- the volume of blood that the left ventricle is able to transfer to the artery in one contraction;

- the volume of oxygen extracted by the muscles;

Exercise helps the body improve the last two factors: blood and oxygen volumes. But the heart rate cannot be improved, power loads can only slow down the natural process of stopping the heart rate.

It is only possible to measure the maximum oxygen consumption with detailed accuracy under laboratory conditions. The study proceeds as follows: the athlete stands on the treadmill and begins to run. The speed of the simulator is gradually increased, and the athlete thus reaches the peak of his intensity. Scientists analyze the air that comes out of a runner's lungs. As a result, the MIC is calculated and measured in ml / kg / min. You can independently measure your VO2 max using data on your pace, speed and distance during any competition or race, although the data obtained will not be as accurate as laboratory data.

How to increase your VO2 max

In order to maximize your O2 consumption, your workouts should be as close to your current VO2 max as possible, that is, around 95-100%. However, such training requires a rather long recovery period compared to recovery or aerobic running. It is not recommended for beginners in sports to do more than one such workout per week without going through a long-term basic set of training in the aerobic zone. The most effective are training exercises of 400-1500 meters (in general, 5-6 km). Between them there should be periods of recovery running: from three to five minutes with a decrease in heart rate to 60% of the maximum indicator.

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