Dictionary of winged expressions. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Winged Words and Expressions - R Dictionary of Living and Winged Expressions

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Mikhail Sergeevich Galynsky
The most complete dictionary of the winged words and expressions. Origin, interpretation, application

About dictionary

The concept of "winged word" is unusually ancient. Already in the epic poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey", Homer, whom the great Dante called the "king of poets", many times there are expressions "Winged Word", "Inspirational Word", "Zevezovo Word" (i.e., the word Zeus, executed by Divine Wisdom ). Without winged words And expressions are impossible to imagine our language, they constitute the basis for figurative speech. Source Some - Brief quotes and Timing phrases of wise men Ancient Greece Both Rome, saying historical persons, the names of mythological and literary characters who have become nominal. Others entered the cultural turnover from the Bible or from artistic works. All of them coming to us through the huge imposition of the eyelids spirit, customs, coloring different historical eras, helping us to understand the image of the thinking and tradition of cultures, sometimes not existing.

And many of them found their worthy place in this book.

The dictionary you hold in your hands consists of more than one and a half thousand phrases, expressions and words that are firmly included not only in Russian, but also to other European languages. Its feature is that they are given in the original language with transliteration in Russian and with alignment of stress. This will allow each correctly and to the place to use this or that expression regardless of the language on which it is pronounced.

The unconditional dignity of the dictionary is the abundance of quotation from literary works. This is what makes it an excellent help for both teachers-Humanitarian schools, lyceums, colleges and universities and for students of high schools and students. The dictionary will be useful and just to every person interested, will replenish the home library of a curious, unusual and peculiar built book.

Placed at the end of the publication, the reference section contains biographical information about the persons mentioned in the dictionary, which will help you quickly find information about this or that historic person.


And was there a boy?

The expression means that speaking absolutely unsure of anything. Comes from the novel M. Gorky "Life of Klim Samgin" (1925-1936), where during an attempt to save the children who failed under the ice some of the passers-by asks: "Yes, was there a boy?"

And Vaska listens yes eats

So they say about who does not pay any attention to the words of others, continuing to make unsightly actions. Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Cat and cook" (1812). Cook, I wandered, left the cat to spin edible supplies from mice. But, returning, found the guard for eating curtain. The cook began to root a cat:

"Now all the neighbors will say:
"Cote Vaska Plut! Cat-Vaska Thief!
And Vaska de not just in cook
Do not let and on the courtyard,
Like a wolf of greedy in Sheepartee:
He is damage, he is a plague, he is an ulcer of these places! ""
(And Vaska listens and eating.)

Cm.also: So that there is a speech not to spend empty, where you need to use the power.

And however, he comes to the degrees of famous

The expression is used in relation to those who, to achieve their mercenary goals, pleases with the boss, before those who are stronger from whom the career depends on. Quote from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824):

And however, it will reach the degrees of famous,
After all, today they love wordless.

Nevertheless, she spins!

So we say, if absolutely convinced of our right. The expression is attributed to the great Italian natural scientist and astronoma Galileo Galileo (1564-1642), which, being forced to renounce at the insistence of the Inquisition from the Kopernicus's teaching on the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, after the Church Court delivered the phrase: Eppur Si Muove (IT. - E'PPUR SI Muo've).

And you, friends, no matter, do not go to the musicians

This phrase is characterized by ineptful, worthless performers of any case. Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Quartet" (1811). Once, as you know, lean-monkey, donkey, goat and kolaty bear started playing quartet. As friends did not work anything, although they were dissolved differently, argued about who and how to sit, they decided to ask the Solovian Council. But the nightingale answered them:

"So that a musician be so necessary to reduce
And your ears of your reinforcement ...
And you, friends, no matter,
All in the musicians are not good. "

And where the shepherd is a fool, there and dogs fools

Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Wolf and Volchonok" (1811). The wolf, teaching the magician of his fishery, tells him:

"Let's go, I'm on the flock of you,
Where we will save here, we are our skins:
Although at the flock there are many dogs,
Yes shepherd fool himself;
And where the shepherd is a fool, there and the dogs of the fool. "

And arcs bent with patience and not suddenly

The expression means that in any business you need patience and time. Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Hardworking Bear" (1818). Bear, seeing that the man is profitably selling arcs for horse harness, also decided to do this craft. But only broke the whole forest, and without beating any arc. Then he decided to ask a man, what is the reason:

"Tell me, what is the main thing here ??" -
"In that - a neighbor answered, -
What in you, Kum, not at all:
In patience. "

And sorry that you are stranger with our rooster

So they talk about those who are readily judged about everything, considering themselves as an expert in any matter. Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Donkey and Solovy" (1818). Donkey, listening to the Solovna's sieve, says to him:

"And a pity that unfamiliar
You are with our rooster:
Else would you hurt
Whence he learned a little. "

And the king is naked!

So we often talk about an insignificant, empty person who has recently been considered significant, smart, omnipotent. The phrase from the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen "New Dress of the king" (1835-1837). Some king loved so much beautifully dressing, which spent all the money on the outfits. And once, two of the deceivers gave themselves as weathered, which can make such a wonderful tissue, besides an unusually beautiful drawing, with a property, becoming invisible for every person who is not in its place or impassably stupidly. Finally, the deceivers were announced that the dress was ready, but neither the king himself nor his ministers and courtesy did not decide to admit that no dresses would see. When the king is under the enthusiastic cravings, the crowds signed through the streets, some boy suddenly shouted: "And the king is naked!"

And the Lark just opened

So they say to the one who, when solving a simple problem, is trying to excessively wise, apply complex theories, wise. Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Larkik" (1808). Once someone brought a beautiful Lark. A kind of sage, having determined that he and secretly volunteered to open it.

Sweat, sweat, but finally tired,
From Larkor behind
And how to open it, I did not guessed:
And the Lark just opened.

And he - the division of its only anthill

Quote from Basny I. A. Krylova "Ant" (1819). Ant, who was considered among his relatives exorbitant sweet, decided to show himself in the city. But, as he tried him, no one noticed him there. Morality:

So thinks another clatter,
That he is in sunflower thunder.
And he is a divit
Your only anthill.

And he stones her nod to Peter

Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Mirror and Monkey" (1816). And among people there are many people who, like Martyshka, who saw themselves in the mirror, will not recognize their reflection, believing that this is someone else:

There are many such examples in the world:
Do not like to recognize anyone in satire.
I even saw that yesterday:
That the climate in the hand is unclean, all this knows;
For bribes, climate read,
And he knocks on Peter.

And he, rebellious, asks the storm, as if there are peace in the storms!

These words, it is customary to characterize the rebels, those who are uncomfortable roads. Quote from the poem M. Yu. Lermontov "Sail" (1832):

Under it a jet of light lazuries,
Above him ray of the sun Golden ...
And he, rebellious, asks the storm,
As if there are peace in the storms!

And mix two of these crafts is the darkness of the arts; I am not from their number

Words of Chatsky from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824):

"When in affairs - I'm hiding from merry;
When to fool - fooling;
And mix two of these crafts
There are darkness of the arts; I am not from their number. "

And who are the judges?

So they talk about those who are inappropriate to judge other people's words and deeds. A similar expression is found already in the Bible: "Who are you, condemning someone else's slave?" - Says the Apostle Paul in Messages to the Romans (14: 4). Words of Chatsky from Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" (1824):

"And the judges who ?? - for antiquity of years
To the free life of their entity is irreconcilable,
Judgment draw from forgotten newspapers in
belts Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea. "

And happiness was so possible so close!

Tatiana's words from Roman A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" (1823-1831, full. - 1833):

"And happiness was so possible
So close! .. But my fate
Solved. Undoubtedly
I may have arrived:
Me with tears spells
Prayed mother; For poor Tanya
All were the lot equal ...
I got married. You must,
I ask me to leave me;
I know: in your heart there is
And pride and direct honor.
I love you (what to smear ??),
But I'm given to another;
I will be a good eyelid. "

Augean stables

This expression characterizes the extreme nestness of both rooms and cases - all that requires incredible effort to straighten the situation. In the ancient Greek mythology of Augean stables - the extensive stables of the king of the Tsar Agius, who continued for many years they were not cleaned. They were cleared in one day Hercules.


It is so accepted to call a person, consciously and the slyly of the misleading of others, a clever deceiver. August - priests in ancient Rome, who interpreted the will of the gods on the Auspects (from lat.avis - Bird and Specie - I look, watching), that is, on the flight and the cries of birds, on the behavior of the sacred chickens.

Cm.also: Smile augour.


In the ancient Roman mythology, the goddess of the morning dawn, bringing daylight to the gods and people. Corresponds to the ancient Greek mythology the goddess EOS. Aurora was depicted by a young winged woman rising from the ocean on a chariot, harvested with light horses. In the figurative and poetic speech of Aurora - Synonym Dawn.


The name of this hero of the epic poem of Homer "Iliad", a clever age, who drove the chariot of Achilla, ironically, joking a daisher, Kuchera, cab driver, driver. A. S. Pushkin writes about Russian excuses in the novel "Evgeny Onegin" (1823-1831, full. - 1833):

But the winter is sometimes cold
Riding is pleasant and easy.
As verse without thought in the song fashionable,
Winter smoke road.
Our carplants,
Our tires are tires
And the versts, the Tesha idle eyes,
In the eyes flashed like a fence.

Lamb God.

Meek, gentle, obedient man. Strike a lamb - to pretend to be obedient, immaculate. The expression goes back to the Bible. The Prophet Jeremiah says: "And I, like a meek lamb, led by a miscarriage, and did not know that they constitute ideas against me"(Ier. 11:19).

Latina:Agnus Dei (A'GNUS DE'I).

Adamov Century

The first person on Earth, according to the Bible, was Adam, created by God on the fifth day of creation. Based on the biblical narration, an expressions of the "Adamons of the eyelids", "Adamons of times", used in the meaning: long-standing, immemorial old man.

Devil's Advocate

So call the one who protects the hopeless thing, which does not believe himself. The expression arose from the practitioner in catholic church The procedures for canonization of the new holy, in which the dispute between the lawyer of God (Advocatus dei), which lists the advantages of the canonized, and the lawyer of the devil, who is trying to disprove the arguments of the first.

Latina:Advocatus Diaboli (Gop'tus Dia'Boli).

Administrative delight

This expression characterizes the enjoyment of the authorities, an ultimate desire to fulfill the instructions of the chief, despite the degree of meaningfulness of these instructions. The expression appeared thanks to the novel F. M. Dostoevsky "Demons" (1871-1872).


In Greek mythology, Adonis is a wonderful young man, the beloved Goddess Aphrodite (Cyprids). Its name is used as a synonym for a handsome young man. Adonis often mention antique authors in their works (Foocrit "Idylliya", Metamorphosis Ovid).

Ai Musk! Know, she is strong, which barks on an elephant!

Quote from Basni I. A. Krylova "Elephant and Pug" (1808). Moskka, seeing an elephant, which, as you know, drove the streets, began to bark, squeeze and climb into a fight with him. On the comment of the saunks, that the elephant is going forward, even without noticing her Laya, the Pump replied:

"This is what I and the Spirit attaches,
That I am completely without a fight,
I can get into big gabbs.
Let the dogs say:
"Ay Moskka! Know it is strong
What barks on an elephant! ""

Cm.also: Without a fight get into big zabies.

Acrobats of charity

The expression characterizes the vain people, without the branch of the conscience of the exaggerating dimensions of the charitable assistance provided by them and benefit from it personally. The phrase originated B. late XIX. in. Thanks to the same name, D. V. Grigorovich (1885), in which the activities of philanthropic societies are satirically depicted.

Alexander Macedonian hero, but why break chairs?

The expression is used in the meaning: why measure the measure. Quote from the comedy N. V. Gogol "Auditor" (1836), the words of Goverling about the teacher:

"He is a scientist head - it can be seen, and the information gathered the darkness, but only explains with such a heat that he does not remember himself. I once listened to him: Well, the depression said about Assyrians and Babylonians - nothing, and how I got to Alexander Macedonsky, I can't tell you what was happening to him. I thought that the fire, her God! I fled from the department and that there are strength, to hush the chair about the floor.

It, of course, Alexander the Macedonian hero, but why vomiting chairs? "

Alliluyu sing

Cm.:Sing allyluju.

Acid and thirsty

This phrase is characterized by people who passionately wish something (alkalo - heavily desire, in the original meaning - feel hunger). The expression is found in the Bible. Jesus in the Nagorno Protection says: "Blessed are the accurauous and thirsty truths, for they will be saturated"(Matt. 5: 6).

Alma Mother

So according to the tradition, graduates of the university or institute call their educational institutions. The expression originates in the Latin phrase Alma Mater, which means "feeding mother."

Alpha and Omega

The most important thing is the basis, the essence. Alpha and Omega - the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, from here and the value of the expression: the beginning and end of all, the essence. In the Bible, Jesus says about himself: "I am alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end"(Rev. 21: 6).


By this name, according to the hero of the drama "Mr. Alfons" (1873) Alexander Duma-son, call a man living on the means of his mistress. The first presentation of the play of Dumas in Moscow, in the Small Theater, occurred on October 3, 1874. The Russian translation of the play was entitled "Handsome".


Zadira boasting with its strength, but usually a defeat. The name of the warrior is taken from the Byzantine story about the hero of Digeneis, called Anikitos - invincible. In Russia, there were many folk tales and songs about Anica-Warrior.

Annibalova Klyatva

Adamant resolve to the end to fight for any ideas, defend their ideals. According to the ancient historians, the Carthaginian commander Hannibal (Annibal) told that when he was ten years old, his father made him give an oath all his life to be an irreconcilable enemy of Rome, who turned Carthage into his colony. Hannibal kept the oath.

Annushka already bought sunflower oil

We are talking about the inevitability of any events, to change the course of which we are not under the power, about the upcoming inevitable retribution. Words of Voland from Roman M. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" (1929-1940, publ. 1966-1967).


With this hero of ancient Greek mythology compare a person who has an extraordinary force and related to native land, the native people. Antey, a giant, son of God of the Seas of Poseidon and the Goddess of the Earth of Gay, won all his opponents, as the new forces screaming, touching the earth - his mother. He died in the fight against Hercules (Hercules), who raised him into the air, depriving the opportunity to touch the ground.


Her name has become a nominal for a girl who dedicated himself to care for a sick old man. In the Greek myths of Antigone - the daughter of the blind Fan Tsar Edip, who voluntarily following him in exile and not separated from him until the day of his death. The image of it embodied in the tragedies of Sofokla ("EDIP in Colon", "Antigone"), - the personification of touching subsidiaries, debt and courage.


The name of this ancient Greek is called a handsome young man. Apollo is the God of the Sun, youth, the patron of art. Usually it was depicted in the form of a wonderful young man with a kifar in their hands.

Appetite comes with eating

We say that not only about someone's gastronomic addictions, but when we wish to emphasize that the passion for possession of any knowledge, money, power, success - increases in humans as the desired one is gained. The expression came from french And it sounds like this: L "Appétit Vient En Mangeant (IPPETI' Vynt-en Manpa'n). He says one of the characters of Roman Francois Rabl" Gargantua and Pantagruel "(KN. 1-4, 1533-1552; BN 5 - publ. 1564 ). A similar thought is found in Satira "of the ancient Roman poet of Juvenal: Créscit Aprint Nummi, Cuant (UM) IPSA Pecunia Créscit (Cre'scite AMO'R Nummi, Kwa'ntum I'Ps Pek'nia Cre'scite) - Greed to a coin growing respectively richness.

Arab fairy tales

Something amazing, unexpected, incredible, which can be compared with the wonders of Arab fairy tales from the collection "Thousand and One Night".


So called brave seafarers, adventurers. According to the ancient Greek mythology, bold heroes went on the Argo ship under the leadership of Jason to Kolkhid for the Golden Room, which was guarded by the Dragon. With the help of the magician of Medea, Argonauts captured the golden fleece and brought him to Greece.

Cm.also: The Golden Fleece.


The name of this Giant, the character of ancient Greek mythology, began to call a vigilant guard. According to myths, his body was cursed in countless many eyes, and only two eyes were sleeping simultaneously. Hera put the Argus guard to IO, Zeus's beloved, turned into a cow. Not knowing sleep Argus Zorko guarded Io. For the first time, Argus is mentioned in Homer. Myth was transferred to Apollodor ("Library") and Ovid ("Metamorphosis").

Awards of the eyelids

The expression is used in the meaning: longevity. On behalf of the Biblical Patriarch Jared, who allegedly lived 962 years (Gen. 5:20).

Aristocracy of the Spirit

The expression applies in relation to people who believe that they are in their cultural development standing above others. Initially, it meant the adherents of one of the leaders of German romanticism, Augustus Wilhelm Schlegel, and belongs to the German writer Henry Steffensu (1773-1845).

Arkadian idyll

It is used (often with irony) for the characteristics of a happy, carefree life. Arcadia is the central mountainous part of the ancient Greek Peloponnese, whose population in antiquity was engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture, in the classical literature of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Depicted as a country where carefree proceeded, idyllic life. Among the winged latinexpressions meet Et in Arcadia Ego! (At Arka'di Ego) - "And I lived in Arcadia!", who regret the loss of something beautiful.


The name of this heroine of the poem of the Italian poet Torquato Tasso "liberated by Jerusalem" (ed. 1580), the beauty of the wizard, holding the hero of the poem Rinaldo with their charms in magic garden, they began to call frivolous flirty beauties, as well as women of easy behavior.

Archive young men

So the buddy A. S. Pushkin, Bibliophile S. A. Sobolevsky jokingly called the group of young philosophizing nobles who served in the 20s. XIX century In the Moscow Archive of the State College of Foreign Affairs. Among them were: Poet D. V. Venevitinov, S. P. Shevyrev, V. F. Odoyevsky, Brothers I. V. and P. V. Kireevsky, A. I. Koshelev, Sobolevsky himself. Koshelev in his "notes" noted: "The archive glanced as a collection of" brilliant "Moscow youth, and the title of" Archival Youth "has become very honorable, so that later we even fell into the poems of those who started to enter the greater glory of A. S. Pushkin."Koshelev refers to the Noman from the novel "Eugene Onegin" (1823-1831, full. - 1833):

Archives of youth Tolpayu
On Tanya, it is stiff
And about her between
Unknown speak.

Athanasius Ivanovich and Pulcheria Ivanovna

Heroes of N. V. Gogol "Starvetsky landowners" (1835), ingenuous, naive inaders, gentle spouses, leading serene, "vegetable" existence. Their names became nominable for people like this type.


So called an evil, cruel, insidious person. Aspid - the genus of a poisonous snake. But this word has acquired this word thanks to the Bible in which the ASPID is the personification of the evil: "Dan will be a snake on the road, aspid on the way, horse-haired horse, so the rider will fall back"(Gen. 49:17).

Cm.also: Serpent Tempter.

Attic salt

The expression is used in the meaning: sophisticated wit, elegant joke. The expression belongs to the ancient Roman politics and speaker Cicero, who in his writings took a significant place for the theory of oratory art, carefully developed by the Greeks. Especially he highlighted the inhabites of Attica, glorified by their eloquence.

Oh! Oh my God! What will say the princess of Marya Alekshna!

This quotation from the comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from the mind" (1824) is used to characterize those for whom more important is the opinion of others, than real things. These words Famusov ends with a play:

"Well? Do you see you, what did he go crazy?
Tell me it is essential:
Insane! that he is here for nonsense Molla!
Low Picture! Test! And about Moscow is so terrible!
Did you decide to worry me?
Is my destiny still not crying?
Oh! Oh my God! What will say
Princess Marya Alekshna! "

Achilles' heel

Vulnerable; Weak side of anyone. The expression originates in an ancient Greek myth on the only vulnerable place on the body of one of the strongest and brave heroes - the heel of Achilles. In an effort to make the Son invincible and thus give him immortality, his mother Fetida Podunal Baby Achilla in the water of the underground river Stetens, holding him for the heel, which therefore remained vulnerable.


Winged words are known to us since childhood. Indeed, who of us did not hear: "In a healthy body a healthy mind" or: "Appetite comes during meals"? And the older, in more detail, the person becomes more educated, the richer of the luggage of the winged words. These are literary quotes. and historical phrases, and popular images.

But there is also a problem: shining someone's thought or a good turnover, people usually or confusedly negotiate: "I do not remember who said it ...", or refer to a certain poet (without specifying his name - "As the poet said. .. "), or at all, the harsh. We attribute any vivid expression by Napoleon.

But behind each word or a statement is its author (a completely defined person is a philosopher, a poet, a historical figure, etc.) or any particular source, for example, the Bible. This is distinguished by the winged words from stable phraseological revolutions ("screaming in the entire Ivanovo", "Vistra Kolomenskaya", etc.), which have anonymous or folk origin.

And it is very interesting (besides unsubestrated) - get accurate answers to the following questions: Whothat said? When? For what reason? ANDdiscover, what,actually, the author meant?

ANDinteresting discoveries are possible here.

Not in vain at one time, the famous American Satir-Satir Ambroz Birs joked: "Quote is the wrong repetition of other people's words." Indeed, isn't it happening with many "classic" covered expressions? After all, if you appeal to history, for example, the same expression "in a healthy body is a healthy mind," it turns out that the author of this phrase - the Roman satirik Yuvenal - invests in it quite different meaning, and more precisely, the opposite of the one is considered to be generally accepted . In his 7th satire, he wrote that "it is necessary to pray for the gods that the spirit is healthy in the body healthy ...". Points over "I" placed the well-known Roman proverb, which was based on this juvenile string: "In a healthy body, a healthy mind is rare luck." And then: do you seem to see our contemporaries - very healthy young people of the famous type? And do they really essentially incarnate a healthy mind? No, rather, right on Juvenla - it is the other way around ... But in Russian speech, this phrase entered the truncated, and therefore distorted form.


Winged words are known to us since childhood. Indeed, who of us did not hear: "In a healthy body a healthy mind" or: "Appetite comes during meals"? And the older, in more detail, the person becomes more educated, the richer of the luggage of the winged words. These are literary quotes. and historical phrases, and popular images.

But there is also a problem: shining someone's thought or a good turnover, people usually or confusedly negotiate: "I do not remember who said it ...", or refer to a certain poet (without specifying his name - "As the poet said. .. "), or at all, the harsh. We attribute any vivid expression by Napoleon.

But behind each word or a statement is its author (a completely defined person is a philosopher, a poet, a historical figure, etc.) or any particular source, for example, the Bible. This is distinguished by the winged words from stable phraseological revolutions ("screaming in the entire Ivanovo", "Vistra Kolomenskaya", etc.), which have anonymous or folk origin.

And it is very interesting (besides unsubestrated) - get accurate answers to the following questions: Who That said? When? For what reason? AND discover, what, Actually, the author meant?

AND Interesting discoveries are possible here.

Not in vain at one time, the famous American Satir-Satir Ambroz Birs joked: "Quote is the wrong repetition of other people's words." Indeed, isn't it happening with many "classic" covered expressions? After all, if you appeal to history, for example, the same expression "in a healthy body is a healthy mind," it turns out that the author of this phrase - the Roman satirik Yuvenal - invests in it quite different meaning, and more precisely, the opposite of the one is considered to be generally accepted . In his 7th satire, he wrote that "it is necessary to pray for the gods that the spirit is healthy in the body healthy ...". Points over "I" placed the well-known Roman proverb, which was based on this juvenile string: "In a healthy body, a healthy mind is rare luck." And then: do you seem to see our contemporaries - very healthy young people of the famous type? And do they really essentially incarnate a healthy mind? No, rather, right on Juvenla - it is the other way around ... But in Russian speech, this phrase entered the truncated, and therefore distorted form.

It also turns out that the Bible does not "allow" some varieties of lies ("Lies to salvation"), and Napoleon, Talleyran and other celebrities did not pronounce what they were attributed ...

This is such historical injustice and tried to partially correct the author-compiler of this publication, striving and to ensure that the book has a dual value - both cognitive and purely applied, practical. I wanted it to not only carry information about the origin (history) of each winged word, its exact interpretation, but also recommendations on its correct use, that is, facilitated the real enrichment of modern public Russian speech.

Of course, in Russia and earlier, collections of winged words. This was the first to S. G. Zamovsky, who published in 1930 his reference book quotes and aphorisms called the "Winged Word". This work the author began in 1910 and worked on a book of 20 years - "with inevitable breaks", alone processed 90 percent of the information contained in it. But after reaching the light, this book did not reissued in the USSR, apparently, because the preface wrote to her "right-wing defendant" and "head of the right opposition" L. B. Kamenev.

In 1955, the "Winged Words" of Literary Arms M.G. and N.S. Ashukin, in many ways developed and addressed the work of the loan. Since that time, their book was reissued five times and now remains bibliographic rarity.

But the Russian language ("live, as life") does not stand still - changes, develops, enriched. It is clear that many winged expressionsWe will not find popular in the works of Zamovsky and Ashukin, we will not find a lot of time, and a lot, a lot of change happened in our life. There was an obvious need to propose a more complete collection of winged words in Russian in the Russian language in the last century - XIX and XX - and consuming at the beginning of the XXI century. We will consider the present edition by the beginning, approaching this goal.

We hope that this book will be interested in many: both of our politicians of different rank and level (I have not heard a long time ago from the tribune of bright, figurative, saturated with literary quotes and historical alluses of speech), and journalists, and our teachers (both the middle and higher school) , and students, and, of course, parents of inquisitive children - "integrity", - in a word, everyone who appreciates the competent, expressive speech and "self-" Russian word.


Winged words are known to us since childhood. Indeed, who of us did not hear: "In a healthy body a healthy mind" or: "Appetite comes during meals"? And the older, in more detail, the person becomes more educated, the richer of the luggage of the winged words. These are literary quotes. and historical phrases, and popular images.

But there is also a problem: shining someone's thought or a good turnover, people usually or confusedly negotiate: "I do not remember who said it ...", or refer to a certain poet (without specifying his name - "As the poet said. .. "), or at all, the harsh. We attribute any vivid expression by Napoleon.

But behind each word or a statement is its author (a completely defined person is a philosopher, a poet, a historical figure, etc.) or any particular source, for example, the Bible. This is distinguished by the winged words from stable phraseological revolutions ("screaming in the entire Ivanovo", "Vistra Kolomenskaya", etc.), which have anonymous or folk origin.

And it is very interesting (besides unsubestrated) - get accurate answers to the following questions: Whothat said? When? For what reason? ANDdiscover, what,actually, the author meant?

ANDinteresting discoveries are possible here.

Not in vain at one time, the famous American Satir-Satir Ambroz Birs joked: "Quote is the wrong repetition of other people's words." Indeed, isn't it happening with many "classic" covered expressions? After all, if you appeal to history, for example, the same expression "in a healthy body is a healthy mind," it turns out that the author of this phrase - the Roman satirik Yuvenal - invests in it quite different meaning, and more precisely, the opposite of the one is considered to be generally accepted . In his 7th satire, he wrote that "it is necessary to pray for the gods that the spirit is healthy in the body healthy ...". Points over "I" placed the well-known Roman proverb, which was based on this juvenile string: "In a healthy body, a healthy mind is rare luck." And then: do you seem to see our contemporaries - very healthy young people of the famous type? And do they really essentially incarnate a healthy mind? No, rather, right on Juvenla - it is the other way around ... But in Russian speech, this phrase entered the truncated, and therefore distorted form.

It also turns out that the Bible does not "allow" some varieties of lies ("Lies to salvation"), and Napoleon, Talleyran and other celebrities did not pronounce what they were attributed ...

This is such historical injustice and tried to partially correct the author-compiler of this publication, striving and to ensure that the book has a dual value - both cognitive and purely applied, practical. I wanted it to not only carry information about the origin (history) of each winged word, its exact interpretation, but also recommendations on its correct use, that is, facilitated the real enrichment of modern public Russian speech.

Of course, in Russia and earlier, collections of winged words. This was the first to S. G. Zamovsky, who published in 1930 his reference book quotes and aphorisms called the "Winged Word". This work the author began in 1910 and worked on a book of 20 years - "with inevitable breaks", alone processed 90 percent of the information contained in it. But after reaching the light, this book did not reissued in the USSR, apparently, because the preface wrote to her "right-wing defendant" and "head of the right opposition" L. B. Kamenev.

In 1955, the "Winged Words" of Literary Arms M.G. and N.S. Ashukin, in many ways developed and addressed the work of the loan. Since that time, their book was reissued five times and now remains bibliographic rarity.

But the Russian language ("live, as life") does not stand still - changes, develops, enriched. It is clear that many winged expressions, popular now, in the works of Zamovsky and Ashukin, we will not find - a lot of time passed, and a lot, a lot of changes happened in our lives. There was an obvious need to propose a more complete collection of winged words in Russian in the Russian language in the last century - XIX and XX - and consuming at the beginning of the XXI century. We will consider the present edition by the beginning, approaching this goal.

We hope that this book will be interested in many: both of our politicians of different rank and level (I have not heard a long time ago from the tribune of bright, figurative, saturated with literary quotes and historical alluses of speech), and journalists, and our teachers (both the middle and higher school) , and students, and, of course, parents of inquisitive children - "integrity", - in a word, everyone who appreciates the competent, expressive speech and "self-" Russian word.

All winged expressions are given in the book in alphabetical order, while the prepositions ("A", "B", "and", etc.), from which these expressions often begin, are considered separate words.

Word article is based as follows:

Popular expression.

Its original foreign language writing (if it has a foreign source and if its original writing managed to establish).

Transliteration - only for Latin expressions.


Options for its use (examples).

The winged words were selected in the text of articles in bold in the text of articles, which separate articles are devoted to the book.

Griboedov A. S.- Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich

Gogol N. V.- Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich

Dostoevsky F. M.- Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov- Pseudonyms of Finezilberg Ilya Arnoldovich (1897-1937) and Kataeva Evgenia Petrovich (1903-1942)

Goat rods- Collective pseudonym Poet Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich (1817-1875) and Alexey brothers (1821 - 1908), Vladimir (1830-1884) and Alexandra (1826-1896) Mikhailovichi pearls

Krylov I. A.- Krylov Ivan Andreevich

Lenin V. I.- Lenin Vladimir Ilyich (Pseudonym Ulyanova Vladimir Ilyich)

Lermontov M. Yu.- Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich

Slave love

The name of the movie (1976), filmed by the director Nikita Mikhalkov (r. 1945) on the script Friedrich Naumovich Gorenstein (1939-2002) and Andrei Sergeevich Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky (r. 1937). Ironically about the in love (in love) woman.

Adding work

From the poem "Conversation with Lenin's Comrade" (1929) Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893- 1930):

Advanced / will / made / made / and done already.

Allegorically about very severe, almost impossible work, the task.

Worker inspired, / artisan in the glory of beauty

From the poem "Excerpts from the Book of Love" of the poet (1807- 1873).

Fucking artist, artist, etc.

Workers do not have the Fatherland. You can not deprive them what they have no

From "Manifesto Communist Party" (1848) Karl Marx. (1818- 1883) and Friedrich Engels. (1820-895) (Ch. 2 "Proletarians and Communists").

Slavish, blind priest

A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829). Chatsky about adoration of all foreign:

So that the Lord has destroyed the unclean

Empty, slave, blind priest.

Once in the baptismic evening / girls gadal: / For the gate, the shoe, / removing from her legs, threw

From the poem "Svetlana" (1812) Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky (1783- 1852).

Allegorical: Comment to all kinds of fortune telling, attempts to look into the future, etc. (Iron).

Once, two, three, four, five, / came out a bunny

From the poem without a name (1851, publ. 1880), which belongs to the Russian poet forgotten by the literary encyclopedia Fedor Miller (1818-1881).

These lines began to be widely known after their publication in school readings for the initial reading, published in the XIX century.

Breakdown and Shatania

The expression has developed as a "summary quote" based on a number of relevant phrases from work V. I. Lenin (1870-1924). For example, in the preface to work "What to do" (February, 1902), he wrote: "... That intelligence, those shutters that made up a distinctive feature of a whole period in the history of Russian Social Democracy." The same expression is found in his speech at and the Congress of the RSDLP (August 2, 1903) - "Elements of Spring, Shatany and Opportunism" etc.

Allegorically about the absence of purposefulness and unity.

From French: EST-CE QU "On Emporte La Patrie Sous La Semelle de Ses Souliers? Words of an outstanding figure of the Great French Revolution George Jacques Danton (1759-1794). Specified in response to the advice of friends to emigrate to escape from the political persecution of Robespierre and threatening guillotine.

Are I lying on roses?

The words of the last ruler of Mexico Guatemaosina, captured by Spanish conqueror conquerors (1521). By order of the conqueror Mexico Cortes Guatemaosina and Kasika (Chief), Takuba was tortured on a hot lattice, demanding to give them all the gold treasures of the country. Casic could not stand and began to moan out loud than and caused Gwathemosin's replica.

Allegorically: I am not in a better position than you, but I do not complain, it is worthy.

Is I my watchman to my brother?

Of Bible. In the Old Testament (Genesis, Ch. 4, Art. 9) This answer of Cain, who killed his brother Abel, to the question where his brother is.

Oklebi celestial

Of Bible (Church-Slavic text). In the Old Testament it is said about the World Flood (Genesis, Chapter 7, Art. 11 - 12): "Operations of the VSI source of the abyss, and the pests of heaven are rejected. And the rain to the ground is four days and four hundred nights. "

Russian text: "... All the sources of the great abyss opened, and the celestial windows opened; And rain rained forty days and forty nights. "

Fucking torrential rain, protracted bad weather.

Waving cranberries

From French: Un Kliukva Majestueux.

An erroneously attributed to the French writer Alexander Duma-Father (1802-1870), which in his notes about traveling across Russia allegedly wrote that one day he rested after the tedious path "in the shade of waving cranberries."

But A. Duma has nothing to do with this expression, and in his travel stories in Russia, as well as in the novel from the Russian life "Maitre D" Armes ", there are neither these words or any other gross distortions of the realities of the Russian Life at all.

In fact, this phrase was born in Russia itself as a parody of the discontinuations of foreigners about Russia. For the first time, these words sounded in 1910 from the scene of the well-known at the beginning of the XX century. Petersburg Theater Parody and Satire " false mirror"(In which another winged word was born. See Vampka ). A parody play called "Love of the Russian Cossack was included in the theater repertoire. Sensational French drama with murder and expropriation from the life of real Russian farmers in one action with entry. Alteration from the famous Russian novel B. Geyer. " Of course, it was not a "French play", but a parody of her, filled Boris Fedorovich Geyer (1879-1916).

The play was depicted by some "French romance and latch", offering the director of the French Theater Drama, the action of which is "in the Central Department of Russia, near St. Moskovia on the bank of the Volga." The plot is simple: the heroine of the play by the girl Axenka wants forcibly to marry the Cossack, and the girl regrets the separation with her beloved Ivan, remembering how she was sitting with him under the "worst bumps of cranberries."

So it was born this famous expression, almost instantly became popular in the abbreviated version - "waving cranberries," as the name is nominative for all kinds of ridiculous fiction.

The popularity of expression also contributed to numerous comic poems, imitation, etc., written on the reasons of this play. These were parodies on stamps and walkers of foreigners about Russia. For example, such "French verses" of the poet "Alien":

Sous i "Omga D" un kliukva

Etait Assisc Une Dévouchka.

SON NOM èTait Marie,


ON L "AppLeit Machka.

Translation: "The girl was sitting in the shadow of cranberry, whose name was Maria, but on her cold homeland her called Mashka."

Allegorical: about all kinds of ridiculous fictions, as well as about fantastic, false ideas about Russia (ion).

Hars of mud

From English: Muckrakers. Literally: People with nailed forks.

Words of the 26th US President (1901 - 1909) Theodora Roosevelt (1858-1919), spoken by him (April 14, 1906) on the critical American journalists, who closely followed the actions of the government and the "powerful world of this" and revealed their non-residential deeds. T. Roosevelt repeated this expression in other speeches.

The source of expression - the poem of the English poet John Benyana (1628-1688) "Path Pilgrim" (1678), in the second part of which it is said about "man with the muckrake" (The Man with the Muckrake).

Allegorical about the press workers who lead their own investigation (ion.); On journalists looking for compromising someone materials for sensational publications (presented.).

Disaster Gadina!

Call of French Writer-Enlightenment Voltaire (Pseudonym Francois Marie Aruue, 1694-1778) from his letter (November 28, 1762) to the philosopher and the compiler of the Encyclopedia Jean D "Alambera. The writer spoke in this message about superstitions and the church that exploits them. Later Voltaire repeats this Phrase in correspondence with your friends.

During the Great French Revolution, these words will become a slogan under which the fight against the church will begin in France.

Allegorically: the call for the destruction of some public evil.

Divide and rule

From Latin: Divide et Impera. [Dividea At Impe].

It is believed that it was a motto of foreign policy Ancient RomeBut no confirmations of the ancient authors were found. The German poet of Heinrich Heine (a letter from Paris from January 12, 1842) believed that the author of this Maiden was the Macedonian King (359-336 BC) Philip (382-336 BC), Father Alexander Macedonsky.

It is believed that the first ruler, officially used this phrase, was the French king Louis XI (1423-1483), who said: "Diviser Pour Regner" - "divide to reign".

The expression has become widely known thanks to the French economist and philosopher Pierre Joseph Pudhon (1809-1865), which Ironized: "Divide Et Impera, divide and rule, divide, and you will reign, divide, and you will become rich; Divide, and you will deceive people, and you give up their minds, and you make up justice. "

Cut, shoulder! Space, hand!

From the poem "Kosar" (1836) of the poet Alexey Vasilyevich Koltsova (1809-1842):

Cut, shoulder!

Space, hand!


Language, braid,

As a bee swarm!

Mreloy, Spit,


Claws, grass,

Podkochonic ...

It is ironically about the desire to "chop up a spare", act in imprudent, hagging.

Reasonable, kind, eternal

From the poems "Saders" (1877) N. L. Nekrasova (1821 - 1877), which appeals to the "Saders of Knaging Niva People":

Spank, good, eternal,

Sota! Thank you will tell you the heart Russian people ...

The expression "Sewer" is a steady image in the poetics of Nekrasov: "Honest Sadman" he calls Critica V. G. Belinsky (Belinsky poem), "Sadder of Truth" - writer N. G. Chernyshevsky (Poem "Parable"), and Also speaks of the "Sewer" in the poem "Who lives well in Russia":

Such soil kind -

The soul of the people of Russian ...

About the sower, come!

This in this case is not only about the work of the school teacher, but also about the sum of certain "eternal values", about civil sensory, new, progressive worldview, etc.

The district is closed, everyone went to the front

The expression entered the tongue from the school textbook of the history of Soviet times. In the section dedicated to the Civil War, photo was placed wooden house With the inscription on the boarding door: "The district is closed. Everyone went to the front. " It was traditionally reproduced as a summer document - the fall of 1919. In fact, this is a "staged" frame from the documentary film "Tale of conquered happiness" (1938), dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Komsomol (authors - Ya. N. N. Revenger, F. Kiselev).

Fucking a closed public institution.

District weekdays

Title of the book (1952-1956, cycle of five essays) of the Soviet writer Valentina Vladimirovich Ovechkin (1904- 1968).

It is ironically about the routine life of a small, a spent town.

Rasa Lord - Race slaves

From the doctrine of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), which argued that the human society consists of people of different quality - from the minority represented by strong personalities - the "gentlemen" and the majority, consisting of people spiritually weak, from "slaves." And these people live according to different rules: the "Lord" - his morality, at the "slaves" - its own.

Usually cited as an ironic commentary of this kind of pseudonitzhean reasoning.

The sea spread wide

see in vain, the old woman is waiting for the son home.

Scrowed the connection of times

From the tragedy "Hamlet" William Shakespeare (1564-1616). In a monologue, completing the first action, Hamlet, who swore shadows of his killed father to take revenge on him, exclaims (translation A. KRONEBSRGA, 1844):

There was a connection of times.

Why do I associate her born!

Allegorically about the sharp, decisive public fracture, cataclysm, about the climb of tradition in the field of morality, social behavior, etc.

Cutting it!

Of Bible. In the New Testament (Gospel from Mark, Ch. 15, Art. 13. 14) It is reported that the crowd demanded that a crowd demanded from the Roman governor in Judea Pontius Pilate Kazni Jesus Christ.

It is usually quoted as an ironic comment on the call to the violence over anyone.

Scattered from the street pool

From the poem "That's what scattered" (1928) poet Samuel Yakovlevich Marshaka (1887-1964) about the inattentive, forgetful, eccentric man:

Looked man scattered

On the street pool.

He sat in the morning on the bed,

Became shirt to wear

The sleeves shoved his hands -

It turned out, these are trousers.

He became a coat -

They say to him: not that.

Began to pull the hammashi -

They tell him: not yours.

That's what scattered

From the Street Pool! ..

Usually quoted when talking with children as edging and jokes, to encourage a child not to be so "scattered from the Pool Street."

Relax and try to enjoy

From English: She Should Lie Back and Enjoy IT.

Usually, this expression is mistakenly attributed to some printed guide for the women's military army women: so it allegedly answers the question of what to do if the woman threatens violence and she already has no strength to resist.

In England, the origin of this phrase is explained otherwise. So, N. Rice, the compiler of the phrase of the century "Sayings of the Century", 1987), indicates that the phrase "she must lie down and (try) to enjoy" ("SHE SHOLD LIE BACK AND ENJOY IT" It is attributed to the "First Viscount Kerzon". So, according to legend, he answered the question that the girl should do when meeting with the rapist. It is assumed that in this case N. Ric meant the first Marquis of Kerzon (1859-1925), which was in his time the Governor-General of India, and then by the British Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The phrase serves as a smoking consolation formula in a situation where it is not possible to avoid unpleasant development of events.

Reason contrary to the elements

From the comedy "Woe from Wit" (1824) A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829). Words of Chatsky (action. 3, Yavl. 22), which speaks of the "alien mod", forcing Russians to adopt European clothes - "Improving, against the elements of the elements".

It is usually used in relation to rampant, hasty actions of a stubborn, non-smoke person (ion.).

It is difficult to argue about much, and sometimes and dangerous

From the poems "Questions" of the poet Vladimir Grigorievich Benedictova (1807-1873).

Citizates as an excuse-apology for unwillingness to speak unpleasant, dangerous for the speaking theme (joll.-Ion.).

Spread the thought

An incorrectly translated line from the monument of the ancient Russian literature "The Word about the regiment of Igor", which, nevertheless, in modern Russian lives his own, independent life.

In the "Word" it is said: "Boyan is prophetic, if someone wanted to fold the song, there was a mantle on a tree, a gray wolf on the ground, a Size Eagle under the clouds."

"Mock" translated from Staroslavlyansky "Protein". Accordingly, the author says that the boyan, folding the song, covered the whole world with a mental look - flew by a whitewash on a tree, a gray wolf - on the ground, flew an eagle under the clouds.

It is noteworthy that, for example, in the Pskov province of Yeshe in the XIX in . The protein was called this way - "Mock."

Allegorically: go into unnecessary details, to be distracted from the main thought, to affect different, side, like the branches of the tree, themes, etc. (jonle.).

Throw and throw

From the poem "Amur, deprived of sight" of the poet Alexandra Petrovich Sumarov (1717- 1777):

He is RV

And mosques;

Come to him,

How quail blinds.

Justly ironically: booze, straighten your anger.

Real politics

From German: Die Realpolitik.

From the labor "The foundations of the real policy applied to the state conditions of Germany" (1853) of the German writer Gustav Dicell.

The expression has become widely known thanks to the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who often spoke of "real politics" Chancellor Otto von Bismarck.

The expression has again gained its popularity in 1980-1990. XX century, when it sounded in the speeches of the chancellor of Germany Helmut Kolya, who sought to unite the "two Germany" - Germany and GDR.

Allegorically: politics conducted with the objective interests of the state and the provision in which it is currently.

The real ratio of power

The expression has become popular thanks to the German Socialist and criticism Ferdinand Lassala (1825-1864), which in 1862 spoke repeatedly about the "real ratio of forces" in his speeches about the Constitution - "On the essence of the Constitution" and "What's next?".

In Russia, the expression has become especially popular in 1905

Revolution - Lokomotiv History

From the work of "Fighting classes in France 1848-1850" Karl Marx. (1818-1883).

Revolutionaries in a bathrobe and shoes

From the writings "Paris letters" of the German publicist and criticism Karl Ludwig Bern (1786-1837), which in one of these "letters" (November 4, 1831), Ironically wrote about the royalists, "which in the sludge and shoes (" shoes "in this case - household slippers, sllafots - a robe. - Cost.) Expect the return of Heinrich V. "

Later this expression will repeat the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia Mandifel And it will become widely known in Europe and Russia. In one of his speeches (January, 1851), he will say about the expected strike of Prussian officials: "Yes, gentlemen, I consider such a revolution very dangerous, because it can take part in it, while remaining in the sludge and shoes, while to those who go to Barricades still need to have the courage to substitute himself under the bullets. "

In Russia, this expression has become popular in the form of "revolutionaries in a bathrobe and shoes" (joll.-Ion.).

Revolutionary phrase

From the article "On the revolutionary phrase" (1918) V. I. Lenin (1870-1924): "The revolutionary phrase is the repetition of revolutionary slogans without taking into account objective circumstances, with this breakfast of events, with this position of things that occur. The slogans are excellent, fascinating, intoxicating, - the soil is not under them, - here is the essence of the revolutionary phrase. "

Revolution prepare thinkers, and gangsters

From the novel "Fly" (1918) of the Mexican writer Mariano Asuela (1873-1952), which wrote in him about the events of the Mexican revolution 1910-1917.

This thought itself has an old origin. So, the French publicist of the late XVIII century. Antoine de Ryarolol wrote: "Even if the plot is sometimes compiled by people smart, it is always carried out by a bloodthirsty beast" ("Selected statements", translation of Yu. Korneev and E. Linetsk).

Revolution in action

Feedback French Emperor and Communication Napoleon I. (1769- 182 And about the comedy "Marriage of Figaro" Pierre Boualemsk.

Cited in relation to any social phenomenon. Event, etc., which, although they are not literally a revolutionary act, nevertheless actually solve the tasks of the revolution, they make her business.

Revolution, about whose need all the time spoke the Bolsheviks, accomplished

From the report on the tasks of the Soviet power, with which he made V. I. Lenin (1870-1924) at the meeting Petrogradsky Council October 25, 1917 - on the eve of the capture of the Winter Palace and the arrest of the members of the Provisional Government. The phrase served as the basis for the same type of expressions - with the replacement of the words "revolution" and "Bolsheviks" to other corresponding to the case.

The revolution devours of his children

Words spoke before execution by the famous leader of the Great French Revolution George Jacques Danon (1759-1794). He became one of the many victims who died from recent associates. In 1794, the Jacobins issued a number of decrees that marked the beginning of the "Grand Terror", which was directed against all the "enemies of the people", against those who, somehow "contributed to the enemies of France," tried to "violate the purity and strength of revolutionary principles" and etc. The victim of repression became both nobles, royalists, and the revolutionaries themselves, who for one or another were announced by the "enemies of the people." So, J. Danton ", K. Demulent and their like-minded people who opposed the extremes of terror, for a truce with an external enemy (in order to provide the country a breather), they gave the nickname" indulgent ", accused of promoting the enemies of the revolution and after the short court they were executed on the guillotine April 5, 1794

Standing in the face of the revolutionary Tribunal, J. Danon with bitterness threw it to members: "This I ordered to establish your sad tribunal - God forgive me and people!"

The meaning of the expression: the logic of post-revolutionary events is such that the struggle between the revolutionary themselves becomes inevitable, and usually people who revolution takes to the top of state power are dying first.

Entered the story and other phrases J. Danteon - Courage, courage and once again courage and Is it possible to carry your homeland on the soles boots?

Revolutionary keep a step, / restless not a dreaming enemy

From the poet "twelve" (1918) poet Alexandra Alexandrovich Bloka (1880-1921).

Usually quoted as a call for vigilance, diligence (joll.-Ion.). see also The enemy does not sleep.

Regional powers

From English: Regional Powers.

From the book (ch. 2) "Super-Powers", 1944) political scientist William Fox. (r. 1912), which "regional" (unlike the "world powers" or "superpower") called "powers", [...] the sphere of interests of which is limited only by one theater of international conflicts ", while the superpower acts on On the whole globe, one way or another participating in all armed conflicts.

Rare bird

From Latin: RARA AVIS .

From Satir Roman poets, in particular Jumental (Dezima Yuve-Dal, Ok. 60-127):

Rare on Earth Bird, sort of black swan.

Justly ironically: a rare, extraordinary man.

River Times

From the last poem (1816) of the poet Gavrily Romanovich Derzhavina (1743-1816):

River Times in his rapid

Takes all the affairs of people

And trample in the abyss of oblivion

Peoples, kingdoms and kings.

Religion - Opium of the People

From the introduction of the work "To criticizing the hegel philosophy of law" Karl Marx. (1818-1883): "Religion is a sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of the heartless world, like TRMA as she is the spirit of the soulless orders. Religion is opium People. "

Citizes usually inaccurate: "Religion - opium for the people."

Report with loop on the neck

Name of the last book Hero of Czech Resistance of the Second World War, Writer-Communist Julius Fucchika (1903-1943). Sentenced by German invaders to the death penalty, he wrote this book in prison, waiting for the execution of the sentence. see also People, be alert!

Reptile press

The expression is usually associated with the name of the Chancellor of Prussia (then and all Germany) Otto Eduard Leopold Bismarck (1815-1898), thanks to which the Word became winged.

But it was found in the literature before, only in another meaning. For example, in France and England (see "Notes of the Pickwick Club" Ch. Dickens) So, derogiously - "Reptiles", - often called newspapers, which were thought to be cunning "busali" and "Jali", like snakes, their heroes Publications.

Thanks to the bismarca, the expression has acquired another meaning. Chancellor, not at all meaning the press, called the "reptiles" of some secret enemies of the state, "internal enemy", which, like Reptile, was attached somewhere under the stone and waits the moment to attack. On these reptiles, Chancellor was especially common to speak in 1868 during the war with Austria.

Prussia occupied the land of the Austrian ally - the Hannover Kingdom - and attached them to Reich. And with the Hannover King of Prussia, represented by his Minister President, concluded a contract: King George V rejoices from the throne, refuses hostile actions against Berlin, and the latter guarantees him "indental" in 48 million talers. But the king violated the promise. It turned out that on the territory of France, he forms hostile Prussia military units - the so-called "Velf Legion" - from among the Hannover emigrants dissatisfied with Prussians.

Bismarck found himself free from the obligation to pay money to the king and formed from them the secret "Velf Foundation". It was not envisaged by the budget, and therefore, in his expenditure, Bismarck was not necessary to report to Landtag. And on all questions about the foundation, he answered that this money is needed "to observe and prevent traffic from the King of George and its agents." And on January 30, 1868, at the meeting of Landtag, he even stressed that "We (the Government of Bismarck. - Cost.) We deserve your gratitude, pursuing malicious reptiles to their holes to see what they are busy. " So he tried to justify the existence of this fund, whom the public immediately called "reptile" immediately.

But the left seal soon found out that money from this fund is not so much on the fight against the separatists, how much to bribe the German press to form a public opinion favorable for Bismarck. The scandal flared out, and now all journalists from the bribed editions began to call "reptiles", and their newspapers - the "reptile press".

Very soon the expression has become popular throughout Europe, including in Russia.

In February 1876, Bismarck, speaking in Reichstag, tried to publicly protest against such a rethinking of his expression "Reptile", but it was already firmly included in his modern meaning.

Allegorically about the "pricked", the pro-government press, about selling journalism (disapprov., Greet.).

Roman cucumber

Basnie "Liar" (1812) I. A. Krylova (1769-1844). A certain traveler tells about visible, apparently attaching:

Here in Rome, for example, I saw the cucumber:

Oh, my creator!

And I do not remember the time!

Will you believe? Well, right, he was from the mountain!

The story of Basni I. A. Krylov borrowed from the German writer of Christian Furhtegotta Gellert (1715-1769).

The Krylovsky line turned into people's Proverb: "It's good to tell a fairy tale about Roman cucumber."

Allegorical: Vlaid fiction, excessive exaggeration (ion.).

Robin the Hood

Hero Robin Hood) Medieval English folk ballad, fought with the Norman conquest, the intercessor of offended and poor. It is found in the works of English writers - W. Leunk, V. Shakespeare, B. Johnson (hero Pastoral "Sad Pastuh"), V. Scott (one of the heroes of the novel "Ivango").

The name is nominated (ion.) For a person who, hoping to restore justice, robs rich and distributes the looted poor.


Hero of the novel "Life and extraordinary adventures of Robinson Cro-ZO" (1719) of the English politician, writer, namaster of the English realistic novel Daniel Defo (1660-1731), spent long years On a uninhabited island.

The name is nominable for a person who lives the will of circumstances alone, far away from people, and independently, alone overcomes the complexity of his secluded life.

From here robinsonada - A number of extraordinary adventures (one or more people), as well as stories about them.


From the play "R. U. R. " ("RosSmusovsky Universal Robots", 1920). Czech writer and playwright Karel Chapeca (1890-1938). The play of the playwright (Brother of the famous writer Josef Chapeca) was the first to opened very popular in world art XX century. The topic is the relationship between the person and the car, the exit of the last from under the control of its creator, the riot of cars.

"Robot" in Czech - "Worker", "Worker".

After the screening of this play and show the film in the USSR, the word "robot" entered into Russian as a name for the machine, like a person And working for it.


From Latin: Surnu Copiae. [Copie Core].

From ancient Greek mythology. Throughly, Zeus, head of Olympus, focused on his milk the goat of Amalfy. When Zeus grew up and became the Supreme God, he gratefully took his root to heaven, and she became a kapella star in the constellation.

But on the way to the sky, the goat of Amalfa randomly lost one horn. Zeus raised him and presented the nymphs, who also participated in his upbringing. At the same time, the head of Olympus was given this horn with a magical property: it was worth only to wish, as a wide variety of dishes appeared from the horns or a delicious drink was raised. He was in the literal sense of an abundance.

Allegorical: source of income, wealth, welfare.

Horns and hooves

Name of the 15th chapter of the Satyrian novel "Golden Calf" (1931) of Soviet writers Ilya Ilf (1897-1937) and Evgenia Petrov (1903-1942). It says a fictitious enterprise - "Office on the billet of horns and hoofs", organized great combinator Ostap Bender.

Ironically about the obviously fraudulent enterprise.

Capitalism's birthmarks

From the work "Criticism of the Gothic Program" (1875) Karl Marx. (1x18- 1883): The author talks about socialism as the first stage of communism and emphasizes: "We have a case not with such a communist society, which developed on your own basis, but, on the contrary, with such that just output Just from the capitalist society and which, therefore, in all respects, in economic, moral and mental, retains also the birthmarks of the old society, from the depth of which it came out. "

Allegorically about the "remnants of the past" (Iron.).

Homeland or Death!

From Spanish: Patria about MUERTE!

Republican slogan in the years civil War In Spain 1936- 1939 gg Between the supporters of the republic and the military-rebels (Francists) at the head of which was General Franco.

Later, during the years of the Cuban revolution, this slogan again became popular in the form of "homeland or death! We will win!" ("Patria about MUERTE! VENCEREMOS!"). He became a symbol of this revolution, after he sounded in speech (on March 7, 1960) of her leader Fidel Castro Rus (r. 1926) at the Cologne Cemetery in Havana during the funeral of the Paroto SUV passengers. (He delivered ammunition purchased to Cuba, purchased by the Cuban government in Belgium, but on March 4, 1960, the saboteurs were blown up in the Havansky port, which mined the ship.)

Originally from childhood

At the basis of the expression, the name of the film "I come from childhood" (1966), filmed by the director Viktor Torov according to the scenario of the poet and the filmmature Gennady Fedorovich Schapalikova (1937-1974).

Usually, this expression is widely used in publications devoted to the problems of childhood and junior, education, the formation of a person ("We all come from childhood", etc.).

Born crawling can not fly

From the poem in the prose "Song of Falcon" (1898) Maxim Gorky (Pesudonym Alexei Maksimovich Peshkova, 1868-1936).

It is possible that Gorky used a similar expression from the Basinie "Many and Cow" of the Russian poet-basinistian XVIII century. Ivan Ivanovich Chemnisser (1745-1784). In Basna, it tells how one day a man decided to settle the cow and ride her on her, but she diluted under the trigger:

Jump a cow has not studied.

And therefore should know:

Who caught born, not to fly.

Horns and legs

see the horns da feet left from the goat.

Roman Century

see Louis Writer.


From the novel "Don Quixote" (see Don Quixote) Spanish writer (1547-1616). So call the horse of the main character. Since Spanish Rosin is "horse", a "Ante" - "before", then this nickname has a purely ironic meaning - "what was once had a horse". Allegorical: Klyach, old, frozen horse (ion.).

Luxury self-esteem

The expression has become widely known after the German Chancellor Otto Eduard Leopold Bismarck (1815-1898), speaking in May 1886 at the Reichstag meeting, said that such a luxury, as a luxury of his own opinion, he could not afford.

Luxury human communication

see the only real luxury is the luxury of human communication.

Russia in Mol

From English: Russia in the shadows.

Book name (1920) of the English writer Herbert Wells (1866-1946), dedicated to Russia of the first post-revolutionary years. In the same place (ch. VI) the author writes about his conversation with V. I. Lenin, calling him kremlin dreamer (also often quoted expression of Wells). The head of the Soviet government shared with the English writer with his plans of electrification lying in the MGL of Russia and assured him that in ten years it will be a new, illuminated by the lights of power plants Country.

Cited in relation to Russia, experiencing a vague, crisis time.

Russia we lost

The name of the documentary (1991), filmed by the Soviet director Stanislav Sergeevich Govorukhina (r. 1936) on its own scenario.

In post-prey Russian Federation (former RSFSR) This film-nostalgia for pre-revolutionary Russia has become effective tool In the controversy between the Communists and Democrats, the argument, which was used in favor of the release of the Russian Federation from the Soviet Union.

Russia, blood washed

Title of the book (1932) of the Soviet writer Artem Merryoye (Alias \u200b\u200bNikolai Ivanovich Kochkarova, 1899-1939).

It is usually referred to in mind Russia, the tests of the First World War, Revolution and Civil War.

Russia can only be defeated by Russia

From the play "Dimitri" of the German poet and playwright Johann Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) devoted to the events of the troubled time in Russia in beginning of XVII in. And actually the impostor Lhadmitry.

The meaning of the expression: only the Russians themselves can destroy their state, while the interoperability, disappointment, unknown reforms, etc.

Russia is focused

The source of expressions - the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (1856- 1882) of the Government of Alexander II Prince Alexandra Mikhailovich Gorchakova (1798-1883), Lyceum friend A. S. Pushkin.

In the original: "Russia is reproached in the fact that it is isolated and silent. It is said that Russia is sulking. Russia does not fit, she is going with the forces. "

Appointed to the post of Minister in 1856, after Russia's defeat in the Crimean War, the prince sought to hold a balanced policy, avoiding the country's involvement in military coalitions and conflicts. The great powers perceived this as the desire of Russia to self-insulation. Care from world politics.

Piano in the bushes

The source is a pop miniature "Quantity" (from parody review "Thirteenth Program") humorist writers Arkady Mikhailovich Arkanova (r. 1933) and Gregory Israelich Gorina (1940-2000), which were irrigated in her television stamps, designed to depict live ether, improvisation, etc. Hero of miniatures - a rest in the reclining the former Moscow worker, and now Pensioner Stepan Vasilyevich Seregin - to the question of the leading way to spend its free Time is responsible that he likes to play a violin.

S e r and n. Yes! I accidentally took a violin! I will fulfill you on her "Polonaise" Ohinsky! (Gets the violin, plays.)

In e d y u and th. Fine! Bravo! You, it turns out, talent!

S e r and n. Yes! .. And I also play piano. Here, just in the bushes, it is by chance of a piano, I can play ... I will fulfill you "Polonaise" Ohinsky.

In e d y u and th. Thank you, Stepan Vasilyevich, unfortunately, we are limited to time ... Tell me, please, how does your family rest?

S e r and n. My wife is more and more resting on the housework. And the son works on Far East... BUT! So he arrived. (Rises to meet her son.)

In e d y u and th. What a pleasant surprise ...

Phrase-symbol of awkwardly planned "randomness", in advance of the prepared "expression" and so on.

Hand hand washes

From Latin: MANUS MANUM LAVAT. [Manus Manum Lavat].

The saying known since the time of ancient Rome.

Allegorically about a circular order, when in unseemless affairs, bad people cover and defend each other.

Hands off!

From English: Hands Off!

The phrase has become a political slogan thanks to the English Prime Minister and the Liberal Party leader William Yuarte Gladstone (1809-1898). He uttered these words to Austria, which occupied the autumn of 1878 by Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Gladstone entered into the rights of these countries.

Guide to action

see no dogma, but a guide to action.


From the report (1943) I. V. Stalin (1878-1953) at a solemn meeting of the Moscow Council on November 6, 1943: "The governing and guiding force of the Soviet people, both during peace-building, and during the war of Lenin, the Bolsheviks party appeared.

The Stalinist definition of the USSR Communist Party as the "governing force of the Soviet Society" included in the abstracts of the CPSU Central Committee to the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution (June 1967) and to the USSR Constitution of 1977 (6th article that existed until March 1990) .

In modern speech, it is frucpidly ironically.

Manuscripts do not burn

From the novel (ch. 24 "Master's extraction") "Master and Margarita" (1928-1940) Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov (1891 -1940). Woland became interested in the novel about Pontius Pilate:

"Give to see, - Woland extended hand with his palm up.

Unfortunately, I can not do this, "the master replied," because I burned it in the stove. "

Sorry, I will not believe, "Wolve replied, - this can not. Manuscripts do not burn. "He turned to the hippo and said:" Well, a hippo, let me here. "

The cat instantly jumped out of the chair, and everyone saw that he was sitting on a thick pack of manuscripts. Upper copy of the cat with a bow to filed Woland. "

The meaning of the expression: the word, a living human thought, neither to destroy nor forbidden.

Russian Constitution - Bribe

Words (1904) friend and correspondent A. P. Chekhov, journalist, editor-in-chief and owner (from 1876) newspapers "New Time" Alexey Sergeevich Suvorin (1834-1912).

The meaning of the expression: on the eve of the first Russian revolution in the liberal community of the country there was a lot about the need to adopt the Constitution, which at that time replaced the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire and the actual practice of monarchical rule (adoption of decrees, phasothism, etc.). A. S. Suvorin pointed out that even the Constitution could change little in a row of Russian life, because it is determined by centuries-old traditions, among which there are practically no public monitoring of compliance with laws and as a result of corruption and bribery. And in the end, they will be stronger than the norm of any formal law.

Russians are coming!

From English: The Russians Are COMING!

From the name of a satirical novel ("The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are COMING!", 1961) Writer Nathaniel Benchley (R. 1915), which wrote about the hypothetical invidence of the Soviet troops in the UK. The name of the novel is a paraprase parody of the historic phrase of the US independence of the USA from British Empire; "The British go!" ("The British Are COMING!"). Such words, by legend, Paul Revir informed American Opolespev in Lexington about the approach of the enemy (April 18, 1775).

The expression has become very popular after the screening of Benchley's romance in 1966 and became the phrase-symbol of unreasonable (on the verge of hysteria) of fears for the Soviet (Russian) invasion of the United States (UK).

Russians themselves create difficulties and then they are heroically overcome

The source is the words of the English State Worker and Prime Minister of Great Britain (1940-1945; 1951 - 1955) Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874- 1965).

In original: The Bolsheviks themselves create difficulties and then overcome them with glitter.

Russian Riot - meaningless and merciless

see. God forbid to see the Russian Bunth, meaningless and merciless.

Russian with Chinese brothers forever

From the song "Moscow - Beijing" (1950), written by composer Vano Muradi to poems Mikhail Maximovich Vershinina (r. 1923). The song was written at the peak of "Soviet-Chinese friendship" and was supposed to serve her symbol. Later, with the coming to power in the USSR N. S. Khrushchev, the relationship between the two countries deteriorated sharply, and this line in unofficial use was quoted only ironically, and the song was "put on the shelf."

The string serves as the basis for a humorous paraphrase - with the replacement of the "Chinese" on a word, more responsible for political conditions.

The fish rots from the head

From Latin: Piscis Primum A Capite Foetat [Pischis I will accept Fetat Capite]. Literally: Fish begins to smell from the head.

In this form, first meets in the writings of ancient Greek historian, philosopher and writer Plutarch (OK. 45 - OK. 127).

Stretch in the gun

Farmistrich - Bass "Fox and Summer" I. A. Krylova (1769-1844).

In original: Fuck you in the fluff.

Lisa, who "was in the chicken coop of a judge," complains of Surku on Nekra mightiness. She was sent out of the chicken coop for bribes and abuse, and she is completely different! The brown on this answers her:

"No, bitter; I spoke often,

What a snap is in the fluff. "

I. A. Krylov concludes his fastener with the words:

Now, like his arrival with consumption,

Though after a court and do not prove,

But how not to make it, you will not say:

That he has a gun on the stitch

Knight without fear and reproach

From French: Le Chevalier Sans PEUR ET SANS REPROCHE.

The title that France's king Francis I complained to the famous French knight Pierre Du Toria Bayardu (1476-1524), glorified by his feats in battles and victories in tournaments. In addition, the king appointed him by the comedian mouth of his personal security, thereby having equated him to the princes of blood, and also honored the honor to devote to the knights of the King himself, that is, Francis himself.

Bayard died in one of the battles in Italy. Dying, he asked his comrades to lean him to the tree so that he could die as he always wanted - standing face to the enemy.

The title "Knight without fear and reproaches" also wore another outstanding commander of France - Louis De La Tremuy (1460-1525).

This expression was commonly used after a widespread anonymous French novel (1527) called "a pleasant, funny and restant story, a friendly servant about events and actions, successes and exploits of a good knight without fear and reproaches, the glorious Senior Bayard".

Knight per hour

Name of the poem (1863) N. A. Nekrasova (1821 - 1877). It is based on another, well-known phrase - King for a day.

Allegorically: a weakweight person, courage and noble gusts of which is enough for a while (Iron., Greet.).

Knight sad image

From Spanish: El Caballero De La Triste Figura.

The main hero of the novel "Don Quixote" (full author's name of the novel "Nice Knight Don Quixote Laman", 1615) of the Spanish writer Miguel Cervantes de Saoveoverov (1547-1616).

see also Don Quixote.

A number of magical changes of a cute face

From the poem "whisper, timid breathing ..." (1850) Athanasius Afanasyevich Feta (1820-1892):

Whisper, timid breathing,

Truck nighting

Silver and Krakhanye

Sleeping stream.

Night night, night shadow,

Shadows without end,

A number of magical changes

Cute face.

Allegorically about people unstable in their position, changing their beliefs, principles or simply appearance.

For example, A. N. Tolstoy in the novel "Walking on the flour", the teacher of the gymnasium after the arrival of the White in the city is transformed for half an hour and appears on the street "dressed, in the starch shirt, keeping in the hands of shaped cap and cane." And one of the street overannants "with humor looked at the gymnasium teacher:

A number of magical changes of a wonderful face, "he said to a clear bas."

Fall into one's face

The source of the image - the bass of the ancient Greek Basinista Ezopa (Vi in. BC) "Owl and Galka", according to which I. A. Krylov (1769- 1844) wrote the Bass "Voron". Her main heroine of Voron decided to surprise everyone and inserted Peacock feathers into his tail. Cm. In borrowed plumes.

An ironic commentary to whose attempt to show itself in a more advantageous light, using it is clearly unsuccessful, ridiculous means.