Questionnaire How we can save. Research on the topic: "We take energy! on determining the level of ecological culture

Questionnaire for guys "Can we save?"

No \\ n




We ventilate the room quickly, do not open the window for a long time.

We do not block the way heat, unsuccessful furniture in front of the batteries.

At night, we lower the blinds, close the curtains to reduce heat loss through the windows.

Installed windows at home with double-glazed windows.

For lighting, we use energy-saving light bulbs.

We often use local lighting (desk lamp, sconce, floor lamp), which reduces the amount of electricity.

The contents of the window clean, for better illumination.

When cooking, I close a saucepan with a lid.

For warming water more often use gas stovethan electric devices.

Electrical devices do not leave in the "standby mode".

We use the tank of the washing machine optimally, choosing the most rational washing modes.

Calculate all the answers: for each "yes" you get 1 point, for each "no" 0 points.

If you have it:

From 1 to 5 points: you need a lot to learn to become a conscious person, so start doing it right now.

From 6 to 9 points: you have a lot of good habits that can serve as a basis for further work on yourself and over electric conservation in your home.

From 9 to 11 points: You are a good example of everyone else, your behavior and action between the correct, you deserve praise.


"How do we spend energy?"

Let's find out how economically you expect energy. Responding ("yes" or "no") on the questions below the test, you can learn more about yourself, the habits of the examination of the student "work on yourself". However, maybe you guys, and so already know how an environmentally and economically competent person should behave. And if not at all, then our test will help in this.

No. p / p




We regularly control the number of our family spent


We turn off the light in the room when you leave it.

We use energy-saving light bulbs.

We often use local illumination (desk lamp, sconce,

torsher), thereby consuming fewer electricity.

We always put the windows for the winter.

Our refrigerator is in the cool room, we often defrude it.

When we use the washing machine, we fully load it,

we choose the most rational washing regimes.

We do not put furniture before the batteries of heating and heaters.

We ventilate the premises quickly and efficiently: just a few

minutes for one reception.

We close a saucepan with a lid when you cook food.

We are more often taking a shower than a bath, thereby using a smaller amount of water.

Consider all the answers "Yes." For each "Yes" You get 1 point. If you have it:

From 1 to 5 points: You still need a lot to learn to be an environmentally conscious person, so start it to do right now.

From 6 to 9 points: You have a lot of good habits that can serve as the basis for further work on yourself and over energy saving in your home.

From 9 to 11 points: You are a good example of everyone else, your behavior and actions are environmentally correct, you deserve praise.

a) Walk with girlfriends shopping.
b) rest, fly on a sofa with a book in hand or see TV.
c) I will make general cleaning, buy products for the next week, teach lessons with children.

2.Do you know how much exactly the money is there now in your wallet?

a) Half salary.
b) as much as it takes on minor expenses (the rest is stored on the card).
c) I put so much money there as I plan to spend today.

3. Which of the lower days do you like best?

a) day when they give salary.
b) December 31, as I usually build plans for the whole year.
c) I love gifts very much, so I just adore my birthday.

4. The shops ran all day. What did you buy?

a) Very expensive handbag and shoes.
b) just a few smallest things.
c) I got acquainted with the prices of goods and tried the things you like.

5.In free time Do you do any kind of sport?

a) Floating, dance, do yoga or on simulators.
b) I do not have time for sports activities.
c) I fond of shaping, since this type of rhythmic gymnastics can be at home.

6. You bought some kind of product and saw on its packaging inscription: "Collect ... coupons and win ...". You ...

a) go to the nearest supermarket and immediately buy a few of the same packages of goods.
b) reflect on what the chances of receiving the prize are.
c) do not collect coupons, because you do not believe that you can win something in this way.

7. How do you plan your vacation?

a) in no way. I decide on the eve of vacation.
b) For several months I will save money for a foreign trip.
c) I will go to your relatives.

8. How do you spend the money received?

a) quickly and easily.
b) Each time a certain SUM I postpone, and the rest - spending to a penny.
c) I take serious purchases (but only if there is a discount on the goods).

9. Impair that won a huge amount of money. How do you order them?

a) buy a car, I will update the wardrobe and then go somewhere on vacation.
b) some of them will put on the deposit account in the bank, and the rest of the speech.
c) buy an apartment and take it.

10. It is necessary to make an expensive purchase, but there is not enough money. Where do you take them?

a) Lege out someone.
b) I will take a loan.
c) a time with this purchase and will postpone the money to collect the right amount.


Most of the answers "A"
You are a careless wastewater who does not think about tomorrow. Often live in debt. For a start, in order to at least bring your finances to us in order, try to maintain all checks for a month so that at the end you could determine which expenses were superfluous. Wear only a small amount of money with yourself.

Most of the answers "b"
You are almost rationalist. However, you only have money only until the next salary. Try to calculate where you can still save.

Most of the answers "B"
You are financial speakers. Your family budget is scheduled for a long period. But quite often you have to save on yourself. So it is impossible to live long! Make adjustments to your financial plans.

  • Shopping on the Internet. Buying on the Internet, you can save significantly. For example, for yourself you can buy clothes and shoes in the online store of women's clothing. As well as clothes for children, cosmetics, books, household appliances, whatever! You may be at least in Moscow, even in Kiev, even in the village of Kukuyevo, but get the favorite item is cheaper than in the store. This is due to the fact that online stores carry much less costs than their offline fellow: it is not necessary to spend huge funds for renting premises, on sellers and much more.
  • counters. Many know that by installing counters for all accounting devices, you can save. But something stops people to set the price of a counter or banal laziness. And it's very in vain. It is very profitable to put two-timing counters for electricity, because at night the tariff is much cheaper. At night you can run a washing machine, dishwasher, a slow cooker. By putting meters into water, you can control water consumption and also save.
  • Accounting expenses. This is actually a budgeting. You need to record all your expenses, and then analyze them to understand what you are too waste. Always take checks in stores to make it easier to remember your spending. For convenient expense analysis, I recommend installing a special program to a computer or application to the phone. Such programs are now a lot, Google and Play Market to help you!
  • Lists. Do you have such that go to the store for bread, and you buy a whole bag of products. Everything, except for bread) I had, and more than once. In such cases, lists help. In advance, before going to the store, leave a list of necessary, take as much money as you just need to this list (approximately) and forward! It is unlikely to get something extra. And by the way, in grocery store It is better not to walk on an empty stomach, because when we are hungry, we are ready to buy everything you need and do not.
  • Discounts. Very big competition in the world of retail causes sellers to reduce goods prices. Shops constantly come up with shares to popular products, so let's use it! True, the sellers have their own calculation - buying one product on the promotion, you buy another ten along the usual or even overpriced. Therefore, economy specialists family budget Recommend to buy in several stores, especially, stocks are usually not repeated, and you can benefit with a profit one product in one store, the other in the second. Many shops produce their newspapers or leaflets with current stocks, do not score them, they will be useful to you when planning profitable purchases. But bonus cards are not always beneficial for bonus cards. So shops are trying to make an permanent buyer from you, which will only buy them, and without shares.

So all the ways to save, which seemed to me simple and attractive. Following the proposed methods, you can fix your budget well! I hope was helpful)

Have you already started saving? Participate in the survey, let's see how many of us who care about their money)

Konovalova Tamara

Why and for what economy works? The main goal of the economy is to increase the well-being of people. but lately From the TV screen and in conversations of adults, I increasingly hear the word "crisis". At the lesson of the economy, we met this concept, and I can already say that the crisis makes tremendous harm to the state and people in him living. The family reflects the state of the economy of any country.

purpose My work is to explore the budget of my family and justify the possibility of its economy into the crisis.

To achieve its goal, I made a plan of action and allocated the following tasks:

  • explore the literature on this topic
  • find materials on the Internet
  • analyze the budget of your family
  • conduct a survey of the population
  • analyze prices in stores
  • draw conclusions

Hypothesis My research - the family budget can be saved during the crisis.

Selected theme actualSince the money is not unnecessary.



Municipal General Education

"Basic School No. 2"

cities of Kotovsk Tambov region

Direction - Economic and Mathematics

Learning 4 B class

Head - Oleinikova Valentina Nikolaevna,

primary school teacher



Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………

…..……… 3


Who does not consider their money

he shows disrespect for his work.

Folk wisdom

Why and for what economy works? The main goal of the economy is to increase the well-being of people. However, lately from the TV screen and in conversations of adults, I increasingly hear the word "crisis". At the lesson of the economy, we met this concept, and I can already say that the crisis makes tremendous harm to the state and people in him living. The family reflects the state of the economy of any country.

Some adults believe that talking about money with children is indecent, vulgar or too early. Others, on the contrary, think that the child should earn everything from the earliest childhood himself.

I think that it is necessary to talk about what worries and worries. The ability to self-restraint is an important educational step, the ability is not to translate in vain, but also not to buy on the truly necessary - good feature.

Each family has its own family budget. In our family, it consists of Mom's wages and Pope wages. During the crisis, it is necessary to think about how to save the family budget. So I think the topic chosen by me is veryrelevant.

purpose My work is to explore the budget of my family and justify the possibility of its economy into the crisis.

To achieve its goal, I made a plan of action and allocated the followingtasks :

explore the literature on this topic

find materials on the Internet

analyze the budget of your family

conduct a survey of the population

analyze prices in stores

draw conclusions

An object Research - Economy

Thing - Family budget during crisis

Hypothesis - The family budget can be saved during the crisis.

Practical significance My work is that after its completion, I was able to give some recommendations for the preservation of the family budget to the crisis.

When conducting your work, I used the followingmethods and techniques Receive information:

analysis of literature

work on the Internet

consultation with the leader


generalization, comparison of results

1. Basic part

1.1. Theoretical foundations of the family economy

In the current economic situation, during the crisis, many families felt the lack of funds for their usual expenses.

Economic crisis- violation during the development of the economy; It is manifested in the absolute drop of production, bankruptcy of enterprises, the growth of unemployment, etc., and in the end - in reducing the living standards, the welfare of the people.

The crisis forced not only the state, but also every family in a new way to planning the family budget.

Family Budget (Family Budget) - The painting of money incomes and expenses of the family, usually compiled for a month in the form of a table, balance of family spending and income.

The main rules for planning a family budget:

income should always be divided into two parts, the first part you spend, second postpone

every person should have a reserve fund, this is money for a black day.

third - from time to time, at least once a year, make the analysis of your expenses. Surely you have articles, without which you can do, or reduce them.

In such a situation, when wages are reduced, and prices grow daily on all goods and services, then you need to keep home accounting in a new way. Initially, you need to write a plan on articles, such as:
- income - the sum of all assets with available, salaries, additional income entering the family,

Expenditures - they are all sorts "for anything and where it is not necessary."

As for the income, it is not necessary to forget that during the crisis, they may not act in the planned, full volume, or not to enter the family budget at all. In this situation, it is not necessary to relax, it is necessary to be activated in the search for additional, all kinds of income. After all, every person who takes responsibility for the family, understands that the level and quality of life of the whole family depends on it. In the revenue part of the approximate income per month, and it is best to postpone this amount a month ahead.

We can talk about expenses for a very long time, as a person who is accustomed in conditions of stability, to live well, reluctantly wants to change the conditions of his life, but circumstances force us to change, and maybe it's good. The cost budget is divided into categories of importance:

Food, (wholesale purchases, on wholesale bases)
- costs of chemical goods (wholesale purchases, on wholesale bases)
- costs for housing for utility payments,
- all the necessary phone spending,


Clothes, shoes (wholesale purchases, on wholesale bases or where there are discounts)

Additional unforeseen expenses

Medical care, etc.

An important factor in the formation of home accounting to take into account that costs did not exceed income, and even if possible, an additional stock remains.
Such a calculated family budget will allow the family to control the financial situation, to have a temporary period of the time period not to be, in a difficult situation, without means of existence, settled them uncontrollably on entertainment and unplanned purchases.

This approach makes it possible to keep calm, control the situation, to live to the next financial replenishment of the family budget.
This approach is a real chance to survive and survive the global financial crisis.

1.2. Population Survey

What to do with money during the crisis? How to distribute your family budget in such a way that everything is enough?

After conducting a survey among adults, I learned how families with different income levels are getting used to new living conditions, as far as they are ready for change. The survey was conducted among adults who themselves provide their stay.

The survey consisted of three issues below:

1) What do you spend your income?

2) What do you miss?

3) What can you save?

I have surveyed 30 people, the survey results are given in the form of charts.

Do we know how to buy? Buy as we sometimes buy, "everyone took, and I took it," is not suitable. I noticed that some people easily determine where and what can I buy, and for favorable priceAnd others buy everything in a row, despite the price.

The largest family of family spending is nutrition costs. They say it should not save on food. But also to spend mindless money on the products - also luxury is intimate. How to determine golden middle? The skillful mistress will always find the opportunity to reduce food costs. For example, if in the diet one product is replaced with another, cheaper, but not inferior to nutritional properties, calorie content, then the cost of nutrition can be reduced by about 20%. At the same time, the menu remains quite diverse.

Reducing food waste and loss against damage products Another savings reserve. Extensive modern literature on homeodery gives many recipes for the preservation of products and their processing.

A certain savings can be given a purchase of large batches of vegetables, potatoes, berries and other products during the harvest period and their proper storage.

Balance the budget can be due to reducing the use of flour products, sweets. If you keep track of the costs of consumption, it will immediately be seen where it is more profitable to save.

1.3. Practical part

Research №1. Studying the family budget

In Denmark there is a very interesting saying: "Dane lives like a prince, because it saves as a beggar." The justice of such a formulation can be attributed to each family, every person in any country. Studying a family economy, we understand that to meet their needs, we need to be rationally to carry out costs. There are several cost classifications. The following articles are possible:

First of all - to satisfactionmaterial needs (For the purchase of food, shoes, clothes, household goods, for payment of housing, domestic services, etc.).

Second - to satisfactionspiritual needs (onreceipt of education, spectacular events - cinema, theater, football, etc.).

Third - to satisfactionsocial needs (hazetas, magazines, political literature, etc.).

Fourth - for satisfactionunreasonable needs(cigarettes, alcohol, excessive amounts of sweet products, not very necessary, but prestigious things).

Fifth - for satisfactionhousing need (on the construction of your own home, repair of the apartment, construction of cottages, garage, wage of builders, etc.).

Sixth - procurement costs essential materials, Energy payment, use of transport, etc., associated with one-time and individual labor.

Seventh - Expensespersonal subsidiary farm (on the purchase of mineral fertilizers, cattle, feed, seeds, seedlings, construction of premises, etc.).

The population survey made me think about where our family money is spent. I decided to explore the budget of my family.

Family Budget (Dad, Mom, Child) for March 2009:









2. Material help from grandmother




1. Nutrition

2. On hygienic and detergents

3. On the communal services:

Fee for housing,




Cellular telephone,

the Internet

4. On the services:


Shoe repair,

Transport (taxi)

5.An payment


School fund

Class Foundation

English language

6. For the purchase

Beads and others. Materials (circle),



7. Durable goods

8. On the maintenance of the car

9.All the acquisition of drugs

10.All cultural and information needs

11. On the content of the aquarium

12. In unforeseen expenses
























After analyzing the population survey and the budget of their family, I came to the conclusion that most means people spend on the products. Thus, to keep the family budget, it is necessary to reduce this cost of expenses.

Research №2. Price analysis in stores

Mom's most often we buy products in Magnit stores, "Alex" and "Natasha". I decided to analyze the prices in these stores and conclude: where the grocery kit costs cheaper.

Cheese (kg)

By making calculations, I realized that the purchase of products in the store "Alex" is cheaper, in second place is the magnet shop. More expensive products in the shop "Natasha"


Human needs and opportunities almost always do not coincide. The needs are endless, and the money, unfortunately, is always limited. Therefore, you need to learn to proportionate your needs and your capabilities. It is necessary to be able to spend money so as not to fall into financial catastrophes, and at the same time do not be afraid to spend on what is really necessary. I spend money, you should always give a report, what kind of money, own or borrowed. You must always remember that money taken into debt must be given.


Having received money, do not waste any penny, at least a day: let them "spend the night" in your wallet. The next day, your desire to spend fat.

Do not carry large sums with you. When there is money in the wallet, it is difficult to keep in order not to buy something unnecessary, but cute. When there is no money, you can suffer over a pretty, and then understand that it is not that it was and pretty.

Consider rapid money: cuts and organizes. So you will rather determine which article of the family budget resembles a "black hole", in which the money flies, without bringing benefit.

Sleep. Start with small amounts, with any income, it is always possible to continually postpone about 10% of the total amount.

Keep the Family Council. Discuss cash issues in a family circle and do not be afraid to attract children to this: let them not be able to actively participate in the discussion, but listen and understand the structure of the family budget and the criteria for the adoption of financial solutions will be very useful for them.

Save without fanaticism. Savings is not the only way to create welfare. System of discount cards, sales, utility consumption counters and other help rationally spend, without tightening the belt.

My research showed that even a crisis can be found to save if you carefully approach this issue. This work allowed me and my family economically spend money.


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