Best financial literacy books: Rating, descriptions and reviews. YU

Financial illiteracy is very dangerous, because it does not just observe a person to stagnation in poverty, but also destroys any chance to improve the situation. A person takes more and more unsuccessful decisions, which means that it can afford less and less. In order not to happen, you need to read best books for financial literacy. But not just mindlessly scroll through the pages, but to apply the knowledge gained in practice!

Financial Literacy Test

Annamaria Lusardi from Dartmouth College and Olivia Mitchell from the University of Pennsylvania conducted a survey of residents of 14 countries of the world in order to find out how well the ordinary people understand how money is earned. He showed that most people are illiterate in finance. Only in Germany and Switzerland, half of the respondents answered all three questions correctly. But the very deplorable situation was in Russia, where only 4% of respondents did. Consider these three questions:

  1. How much money will you have in the account in five years if you put 100 US dollars per deposit under 2% per annum?
  2. If your money lie on a deposit account under 1%, and inflation in the country is 2%, then, withdrawing them in one year, you can buy more, as much or less than today?
  3. Does the purchase of shares of one company provide more reliable income than the acquisition of FIFA shares?

If you made it difficult to answer at least one question, you should be readily familiar with our list.

Basics of financial literacy: all books

  • Bodo Schaeffer "Path to Financial Freedom." Our selection of financial literacy books begins with this book. Her rating is 4,426 points, the number of read - 167 people, another 186 want to do it.
  • George Cleison "The richest man in Babylon." Ranking - 4,365 points, the number of read - 1052 people, another 1564 want to do it.
  • John Keho "Subconscious can be all." Ranking - 4,317 points, the number of read - 1322 people, another 1171 want to do it.
  • Robert Kiyosaki "Rich dad, poor dad". Ranking - 4,073 points, the number of read - 3331 people, another 1564 want to do it. If we consider the recommended books on financial literacy, then it is the undisputed leader of our list in popularity among the users of the social network LiveLIB.
  • Richard Branson "To hell with everything, try and do." Ranking - 4,0286 points, the number of read - 1827 people, another 1305 want to do it.
  • Napoleon Hill "Think and Rich". Ranking - 4,024 points, the number of read - 1054 people, another 850 want to do it.

"Path to financial freedom"

In our list, where we collected financial literacy, it is in the first place. Despite the fact that they published it for a long time, she did not lose their relevance. It contains a lot of information on how to start your business, make the first investment, give debts and dispose of the profit gained. Bodo Schaffer talks about how from the average worker to become provided by a person with a stable income. She has already sustained five editions, received predominantly positive feedback. Read it note that it is described simple, but extremely effective methods achieve financial independence.

"The richest man in Babylon"

Considering the best books on financial literacy, we have placed the most famous work of George Masteries in second place in accordance with the LiveLiB rating. It describes the foundations of investment. From her, a person can learn how to make its own savings make a profit. The author tells about the need for certain habits and regulations. Among them you can select the following:

  • You need to postpone at least 1/10 part of its income.
  • Costs should be monitored. Only things that are really important, deserve you to buy them.
  • It is necessary to multiply their wealth. Savings should not lie dead cargo.
  • Before you make any investment, you need to appreciate its profitability and risks.
  • Improvement of housing should occur for themselves, not others.
  • It is necessary to ensure yourself income on old age.
  • The ability to earn also must constantly improve.

"The subconscious can be all"

According to financial literacy, these are not only those that teach how to make money and distribute money. John Keho's work was also included in our list, which is devoted to the secret forces of the subconscious. It should be understood that success depends only by 20% of talent and natural abilities, and by 80% from thinking. According to LiveLIB users, this book can flip life at the root. She teaches to find the right decision in any situation and gives motivation to active actions.

"Rich dad, poor dad"

If we were a list of popular financial literacy books, but by their rating, but by the number of readings, the work of Kiyosak would lead it. It is intended for a wide audience and gives the basics of money handling, which for some reason do not pay any attention to school. In this book, it is described in detail about how from an ordinary worker can be a successful investor. According to readers, Kiyosaki describes in detail how thoughts affect the human life. The book has no ready-made enrichment scheme. However, the author offers a fairly interesting concept, with which you can understand in which direction you need to move.

"To hell with everything, try and do"

Considering books on financial literacy, it is impossible not to pay attention to the work of this entrepreneur. According to readers reviews, it may well come up to open their own business or at least at all at all. The author of the book "To hell with everything, try and do" knows how to give a powerful stimulating impetus to a conscious life. He himself tried his concept in practice. Now Branson is the owner of more than 300 different species Business.

"Think and get rich"

Finally, the latter, but this does not mean that the most uninteresting and unnecessary, work on our list is the book of Napoleon Hill. Many heard about her, but before her direct reading, people usually do not reach their hands. Perhaps that is why in Russia such a deplorable situation with financial literacy. In the book of Hilla, the history of the most famous millionaires are told. Who, if not for them, learn financial literacy? However, this book is one of the most important. She teaches proper thinking about money. According to the reviews, it is thanks to the work of Hill, many were able to overcome poverty and start earning, realizing that they prevented them on the way to better financial life.

In April 2015, financial literacy allowance was published. It was created by the joint efforts of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University and is one of the products of the large-scale project "Financial Literacy" CJSC "Finca Bank".

Umloe, who initiated the development of this financial literacy benefit?

It all started in 2012 with the signing of an agreement on cooperation between FINCA and CRS. Initiator of the Agreement - Department of Finance and Credit Cres. In 2012, Finca actively conducted open financial literacy training for the population. These trainings were interested in the public, including the CRSA and we began cooperation.

Why did the need to introduce a separate basic course "Financial Literacy" for students?

First of all, the changes that occurred over the past 20 years in Kyrgyzstan. This is the transition to market relations, the development of banking services, as well as the emergence of new challenges and threats to the population from the point of view of their financial security. The combination of these factors revealed the problem associated with a low level of financial literacy of the population.

The low basic level of financial literacy becomes the main reason that most of the population faces certain difficulties in cooperation with various financial institutions, and falls into the risk group, which can take advantage of fraudsters and realmists who can cause great financial harm to the population. On the other hand, the desire to train our youth leading and accounting of personal (family) finances in order to effectively manage them.

All of the above tasks demanded a systematic approach and developing mechanisms to solve them. We counted that one of these decisions can be a course on the basics of financial literacy for university students. It contains basic financial literacy topics that are supported by practical examples and recommendations.

Why exactly for students?

The fact is that today more than 150 thousand students are trained in universities. Every year tens of thousands of young people come and finish universities. This is a new generation of Kyrgyzstani, who will only receive a diploma and begin to work. Many of them have to create their families. Therefore, we believe that learning at this stage of life is very important. These knowledge will be useful in life: will help in solving issues related to finance. Thus, if in the near future, the subject of financial literacy will be one of the obligatory in all universities of the country, this will help many thousands of young people, on the one hand, on the other, will make a certain contribution to the development of not only the financial sector, but in general, the economy of Kyrgyzstan .

Were there any attempts in Kyrgyzstan to introduce a similar course? Have you had a foundation or did you have to build a course from the very beginning?

As evidenced by the data of the review of universities of Kyrgyzstan, a separate subject of financial literacy and benefits for it until today did not exist.

As for the training manual, we created it on the basis of personal practical experience, as well as available sources, materials and publications on the topic of financial literacy that are in open access. We also studied the experiments of individual countries of near abroad, in which learning the basics of the financial literacy of the population, youth, from the state of the state attached great importance.

How long did the development occupied? What materials did you have to use? And what experience helped you?

If we talk about the time that it took to prepare the textbook is almost three years. It was important to determine the content that would include the most significant topics in the current realities. Moreover, we wanted the material to be not only informative, but also practical. We used various materials, publications and speeches of specialists in this area. Also in the book there is a detailed description of banking services, documents, as well as individual cases from real life, which will help in working with financial institutions. In total, we had about 200 sources. 12 years of experience in the financial sector and teaching experience helped us, authors, make a study guide to understandable and affordable for wide segments of the population.

What difficulties have arisen when working on the benefit?

The main difficulties in the preparation of the textbook were associated with a scarce source of information on this topic, we had to recycle a lot of different information from different sources. Despite the fact that the problem of increasing the level of financial literacy of the population is relevant, there are practically no fundamental work in this direction.

Is it planned to introduce this program to universities of Kyrgyzstan? Can you want to buy a book or purchase an electronic version?

Yes, it is planned to introduce the subject of "Fundamentals of Financial Literacy" to the educational institution of universities. All universities that wish can use financial literacy benefits to teach students, having received technical support from the Bank's FINCA and the Department of Finance and Credit Cres. For its part, I want to urge the leadership of universities to implement this course in order to increase the level of financial literacy of students.

The manual is not intended for sale, and the electronic version of the textbook will be available on the website of the NBKR and the site

The teaching manual "Teaching the training course" Fundamentals of financial literacy "in the main school" is drawn up in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, on the basis of the requirements for the results of the main educational program The main general education and subject to subject results on the educational subject "Social Studies" of an exemplary basic educational program of basic general education.
The manual is intended for teachers of history, social studies who teach the training course "Fundamentals of Financial Literacy" in educational organizations in general and medium vocational education.

What is "financial literacy"?
Financial literacy: concept, relevance. The level of financial literacy of the population of Russia and the world. Financial enlightenment. The role of the state in the financial education of the population.

Financial instruments and financial services. Risks and dangers in the world of finance. Protection of the rights of consumer of financial services.

Regulatory support for financial literacy of the population. Concept of long-term socio-economic development Russian Federation For the period up to 2020. Strategy for the development of the financial market of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. The concept of a national program to improve the level of financial literacy of the population of the Russian Federation.

Organizations involved in measures to improve the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in Russia and the Kirov region. Joint draft of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank "Facilitating the level of financial literacy and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation".

Table of contents
Section 1. Subtractive aspects of the training course "Basics of Financial Literacy" in the Second School
§one. What is "financial literacy"?
§2. Banking services provided to citizens
§3. Insurance services for citizens
§four. Investments of citizens in real and financial assets
§five. Pension provision and taxation of citizens
§6. Household economics
§7. Features of the personal and family budget. Saving
Section 2. Methodical aspects of teaching the training course "Fundamentals of Financial Literacy" in the Second School
§one. Educational and methodological support for the "Basics of Financial Literacy"
§2. Active and interactive methods (technologies) of training in the course "Basics of financial literacy"
§3. Research I. project activity students in the course "Basics of financial literacy"
§four. Options for implementing the course "Basics of Financial Literacy" in the Second School. Working programm Course
Dictionary of Concepts and Terms
References and Internet resources.

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In 2015/2016 academic year In 8 Kaliningrad educational institutions There was an approbation of an experimental course on financial literacy for schoolchildren.

Simultaneously from the Kaliningrad region, the testing of financial literacy classes was held in four regions participating in the project: Volgograd, Arkhangelsk regionsAs well as in Altai and Krasnodar Territories.

In our region, nine general educational institutions took part in the approbation: school number 12, 31 and 47 of the city of Kaliningrad, Lugovskaya School of the Guryevsky District, Lyceum No. 10 of Sovetsk, Cadet Corps. A. First Called, as well as College of Service and Tourism and College of Entrepreneurship. In general, more than 1,000 students took part in financial literacy classes.

In the school schedule for experimental classes, 17 school hours were provided (that is, 1 hour per week), a doubled number for 10-11 classes - 34 hours (2 hours per week). Wherein, educational materials For 10-11 classes are distributed by profiles: for an economic, legal, mathematical profile and baseline.

The course provided for two stages of monitoring the level of financial literacy of teachers and parents: "Input" (preliminary) and final testing.

In total, 83 textbooks included in 17 educational and methodological sets were developed for testing lessons. Specially designed financial literacy textbooks are provided for different groups of students: 2-4 classes, 5-7 classes, 8-9 classes and 10-11 classes of secondary schools, as well as students of secondary vocational education institutions and students of boarding schools. Also designed guidelines For teachers, measurement materials, didactic materials For parents and benefits for individual work. For individual sessions, materials are divided into modules: "Banks", "stock market", "own business", "Financial risks", "insurance", "pension provision".

According to the results of the approbation, the experience of the regions in which approbation was carried out, training materials will be corrected and distributed throughout Russia until the end of 2018.

Educational materials are available for download:

2 - 4 classes of general education organization (initial stage)

The course program is drawn up for 2-3 grades (the author of materials for students - S. Fedin) and grade 4 (the author of the materials for students - Glovel). The program indicates the goals and objectives of the course, the planned educational results and the system of their estimation, are described forms and methods of organization educational processAlso given a list of educational and methodological and material resources.

Financial literacy: Pupils. 2, 3 classes of a general education organization. In 2 parts

Starting at school, the child makes the first steps in adulthood. In order for it not to be confused in it and became in the future financially prosperous man, he needs to master the alphabet of financial literacy and learn to consider money. This will make it a benefit in this. In an entertaining form, the initial basic concepts from the world of money are presented here and their role in our lives is shown; It is described what money is spent on how to manage them, how to protect itself from fraudsters and more about many other things.

Financial literacy: Pupils. 4th grade of general education organization

From this book, students learn about the world of money: how and from where they appeared, what they happen to what the difference between cash and non-cash money, what is a family budget and why it is important to plan it correctly, as people increase their income, how to protect against fraudsters and about a lot of other.

5 - 7 classes of general education organization (basic general education)

In the manuals described about the complex world of money and the basic rules of human behavior in it. It is explained in detail where family income is taken from what a family budget is and why it is important to plan it correctly. A significant place is given to the protection of a person from the risk of losing money and property, the interaction of the state and family, the possibility of improving the financial condition of the person due to the organization of its own business. The benefits are written with a light, well-understandable schoolchildren with a language and can serve as a basis for conducting classes in the classroom, the preparation of independent projects and solutions to financial tasks in conjunction with parents.

8 - 9 classes of general education organization (basic general education)

Materials are called upon to familiarize adolescents with the basics of rational financial behavior - as reasonably organize and optimize the future family budget, which must be done to increase personal and family well-being, why it is important to provide for the possibility of financial losses and how to minimize them how to learn how to manage their finances to have a scene Old age, etc.

10 - 11 classes of general education organization (secondary education)

In an accessible form, the main aspects of personal finance management, taking into account the current trends in the development of the financial sector of the economy and the current legislation. The tasks contained in the manual are aimed at the development of cognitive activity of students, independence and initiatives in the field of personal finance management.

10 - 11 classes of a general education organization. Mathematical Profile (secondary general education)

The manual contains mathematical description traditional for disciplines for financial literacy of issues: simple and complex interest, accounting of high-end financial flows, calculating the prices of financial instruments and assessment of investment projects. Significant place is given to examples of solving problems. For the description and assessment of risks associated with financial transactions, the concepts of probability theory and mathematical statistics are actively used. Materials are excessive and suggest the possibility of a schoolboy to master the sections relating to the theory of probabilities and statistics.

10 - 11 classes of a general education organization. Economic profile (secondary education)

The course is devoted to key issues of the functioning of modern financial institutions and human interaction mechanisms with them. As part of the course, such financial concepts as commercial banks, investment funds, securities market, tax system, pension funds, etc., reveal their essence and shows a place in the financial life of modern Russia.

Materials of the learning course on financial literacy for students educational organizations secondary vocational education

In the manuals in a simple and accessible form outlines the issues of financial well-being of families and orders cash. In addition to such standard, as savings, credit, insurance, taxes and pensions considered in the manual are covered by the legal aspects of the relationship between employees with the employer, the issues of employment and career growth, the organization of private entrepreneurship, the protection measures from financial fraud, etc. participating in the analysis of real Life situations and business cases, in group projects and discussions and performing tasks for searching and analyzing data, students are preparing for the use of knowledge gained in practice.

Hello, friends!

The financial literacy of people in our country is at a very low level. Do not be an expert to understand it. Investments, deposits, mutual funds, etc. It is only for financiers, ordinary people know these terms to anything. Financial literacy books will help to understand that this is an erroneous judgment. These are not regular textbooks for economists, but real tools for receiving, preserving and multiplying money.

Poor and rich, successful and losers, businessmen and hired workers. We live in a world where two extremes are constantly faced. Some firmly learned their place in society and are not trying to change it. Some try to climb one step, then another, fall, but again rise. What category of people treat you?

- Money as water, ride unknown where.
- We must live alone and take from life to the maximum.
- Life is given once and spend it on savings and money accumulation is meaningless.
- I live from salary to salaries and I have nothing to postpone.

Familiar phrases?

These phrases were strangers before studying financial literacy issues, and now hear them is just ridiculous. Read at least one book from the list and look at how much your attitude to money has changed. If nothing happened, go back to life one day. She really is alone. And everyone has the right to live her, as she wants.

If you are accustomed to listening to audiobooks in the car or during training, then select something else for financial literacy. Time will spend with benefit and money after listening. Learn to save.

Foreign authors

Let's start with foreign literature because of the fact that financial planning issues have begun to engage long before us. Passed a long way, climbed cones and wrote a huge amount practical guidelines to action. Some have become bestsellers. Let's get acquainted with a small part of the best of them.

J. Cleison "The richest man in Babylon"

  • Buy and download a book (author - George Samuel Cleison)

Book for beginners in which the example ordinary people It is shown how to form capital. It gives a very simple advice, how to become rich. And although this advice is very simple, it is difficult for many people to follow, because it is not easy to implement it. "Part of the earned need to leave yourself" - this advice. He has already become a capital truth, almost all authors speak on the pages of their financial books about it.

J. Cleison calls on to observe simple rules:

  1. Each earned amount of money minimum 10% postpone. Appetite comes with eating. You will not notice how gradually go to 20, 30 or 40%.
  2. Consult with knowledgeable people. I treat this advice with caution for the simple reason that there are not many of them in the country. Therefore, in the first stages of the accumulation and increase their funds, I recommend reading professional literature and be sure to filter the information there.
  3. Money must work. It is taught on the first courses of universities. Just do not say how to do it with small amounts, which has a large part of the population of our country. I considered the mechanisms of accumulation for families with a small income in the article on how.

R. Kiyosaki "Rich dad, poor dad"

  • Buy book (author - Robert Kiyosaki)

The problem of many people is that they spend as much as they earn. Money controls their lives.

So it was with our family. When my husband and I had just started living together, both were young professionals with a small wage. We accounted for inexpensive things, bought cheap products. Over the years they grew up professional level, Ros and earnings, but grew and expenses. Dear products appeared in the refrigerator, hiking to restaurants. Fortunately, we quickly prompted.

The only rule that must be learned from the book is to invest in assets, i.e. in what brings money, and not that they take. Due to financial illiteracy, we often confuse these concepts. Read the book R. Kiyosaki and learn them to distinguish them, and you will also realize how poor and rich people think. What type of thinking do you consider yourself?

N. Hill "Think and rich"

  • Buy book (author - Napoleon Hill)

The book was released at the beginning of the 20th century and reprinted more than 40 times. Considered bestseller. The book is assembled by the experience of the author to study the psychology of successful people. The main conclusion that Napoleon Hill is brought to us that wealth is a work, a permanent work on himself, searching for ideas and action.

The book contains the stories of famous millionaire people who believed in their idea and walked to her, despite the mockery and misunderstanding of others.

Motivation at the stage of awareness of what we miss something in life and do wrong is very important. Everyone must pass their way to understand the need to manage your own money.

The book N. Hill inspires, teaches thinking and riching. If you need a magic pink, welcome to the pages.

Bodo Schaefer "Mani, or ABC of Money"

  • Buy book "Mani, or ABC money" (author - Bodo Schaefer)

The first impression of the start of reading is not for you, but for your daughter or son. Children's literature. The book is written on the face of a 12-year-old girl, which comprehends the basics of financial literacy along with his dog mana. But the first impression is deceptive.

It will be useful not only to teenagers, but also adults. After all, many of us in matters of money are completely children. The author simply explains the basic principles of wealth. What is money? How to learn to earn them? How to save and multiply? Answers you will find on the pages of the book.

By the way, it is not too superfluous to show this book to your children. At school about money, something will be told. And in adulthood, it is better to spend time not to explore the financial alphabet, but to develop a financial strategy and enrichment tactics.

Domestic authors

Books of foreign authors take into account the realities of the Western world, in which issues of financial literacy pays attention much more than in our country. Therefore, people are more chained in this matter. This is understandable, why learn making money in a country where there were no financial instruments for their accumulation and multiplication, except Sberbank.

Only since the 90s of the last century there was a need to tell about what money from where they come and where they then leave. It took several more years in order to raise their own successful people who shared their personal enrichment skills. Therefore, the books of domestic authors on the market is still a little, but the greater value they have.

Consider the most popular of them. Two of them from Vladimir Savenka, who is one of the first finance consultants in the post-Soviet space.

V. Svenok "How to make a personal financial plan and how to implement it"

  • Buy book (by Vladimir Svenok)

V. Svenok has been professionally engaged in finance for more than 20 years. As he himself notes, his book is written by a language understandable to everyone. The author in a very affordable form teaches working with money, to understand their movement and having fun of what you are managed by, and not vice versa. Vladimir points out the obligation of financial planning for each person and a separate family, regardless of the level of income.

This is checked on my own experience. Total 2 months has passed since the start of financial planning in our family. I clearly know how much our family income and all articles of consumption before a penny. The first point in the expenditures we have the amount of 10,000 rubles, which we put every month on a deposit. We plan a family budget a month ahead and try to adhere to it. While the flight is normal.

But the main thing is what V. Savenok draws attention is the mandatory introduction of knowledge gained. Otherwise, the book will be just one of ...

V. Svenok "Million for my daughter. Step-by-step accumulation plan "

  • Buy the book "Million for my daughter. Step-by-step plan of savings "(author - Vladimir Svenok)

In the title of the book already laid the main promise. The author explains how to accumulate capital, which investment mechanism to use how to protect money from inflation. A book for those who do not live today, who thinks not only about their own, but also about the well-being of their children.

If you have never heard what stocks, bonds, pension insurance, then the author talks about it in the text and pictures.

In an easy, accessible form inherent in all books V. Savenka, he teaches the art of accumulation in practical examples and personal experience. The book is not only theoretical material with practical examples. it workbook. What it is? You not only read, but also fill out the calculated tables given in the book, which are the accumulation plan.

The book can be your desktop for the next 10, 15 years or more.

Y. Sakharovskaya "where money goes. How to competently manage the family budget "

Buy book "Where money goes. How to competently manage the family budget "(Author - Julia Sakharovskaya)

This book is not about how to live on credit or spend exactly as much as earning. This is a book for those who thought about the issue where the whole salary goes and why it is not possible to accumulate to the house by the sea, its own home or car.

Yu. Sakharovskaya - Financial Consultant for Family Finance Management. She teaches to make up and optimize costs and tells about the basic accumulation tools. The main principle - this should not be damaged to the daily joys of the family.

  1. Understand where your money goes.
  2. Create your "List of Happiness", i.e. what we want to save money.
  3. Make a family budget.

A selection of other books

Friends, write in the comments, which books you would recommend reading finance and I will add them to this list.


You can read these and even hundreds of other books, but do not start directing order in your finances. And you can read only one and radically change your life and your approach to money. As V. Savenok said in one of his books: "There is so much written about finance, if you decide to read everything, you will not have one minute to work with your money and create your own personal capital."

Any book will become a useless tool in the hands of a lazy man. We must not read, you need to act. Not immediately, but gradually, small chains you will move forward to your goal. Did you put a goal? Only one or more?

For example, in my family there are short-term goals and long-term. We have brought different piggy banks on all of them. It is easier to track the process and adjust if something goes not according to plan. While everything turns out. And you?