Mental map of spring. Project activities in DOU through mental cards

Elena Tataurova

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Seagull"

Niphipurinsky urban district

Using Intelligent Maps in Dow


Developed: E. A. Tataurova Educator

Dear colleagues, from my material you can find out what an intelligence card is what an intelligence card looks like, the properties of an intelligence card, which she teaches and what develops, as well as the rules for its construction.

I offer you a presentation "Using Intelligent Maps in Dow", Booklets, ready-made intelligence cards at the time of the year, for middle preschool children and photo report on creating intelligent cards with my children.

The method of intelligence cards was created by American scientist and businessman Tony Busen. Translated this "mind cards."

In the world of preschool technologies, intelligence - maps have come thanks to the candidate of pedagogical sciences V. M. Akimenko, who proposed to use this method for the development of connected speech in children.

An intelligent card is a unique and simple method for memorizing information, with which they develop both creative and speech abilities of children and the thinking is activated.

Useful properties of intelligence cards This is visuality, attractiveness and remembrance.

Visuality - the designated problem with numerous parties is right in front of you, you can get it in one glance.

Attractiveness is a good intelligent map has its aesthetics, it is not only interesting to consider it, but also nice. Tony Busesen recommended: "Tune on creating beautiful intelligence cards."

The storage is that, thanks to the work of both the hemispheres of the brain, the use of images and colors, the intelligence card is easily remembered.

K. D. Ushinsky wrote: "Teach the child with someone unknown to him five words - he will be long and in vain to suffer, but tie twenty words with the pictures, and he will lie on the fly."

In the pedagogical practice you can use intelligence cards as follows

Master Class

General requirements for compiling any intelligence - car you.

To create cards, markers, color pencils, markers, etc. are used.

The sheet is horizontal.

The main idea will be burned in the center of the page. For its image you can use pictures, pictures.

Each key point is carried out divergent from the center of branch (in any direction). Each main branch has its own color.

On each line - the branch is written only one keyword.

Write it is necessary to pick up with printed capital letters.

Each thought will be worked out, you can use pictures, pictures, associations about each word.

Symbols and illustration are added during the simulation.

The sequence of work in the preparation of intelligence cards to consolidate and summarize the material studied we:

1 option:

Designated the theme (fruits, pets, flowers and. T. N)

Children call nouns and depict what belongs to the topic.

Each noucent words are selected signs.

Option 2:

Signs and words-action words are selected to each noucent.

Children in the composed of an intelligence card with any embodiment make up proposals.

IN modern world with a large flow of information, the use of intelligence cards in the immediate educational activities preschoolers, gives huge positive results. The use of intelligence cards allows the integration of areas.

We began to make intelligence - cards in medium group. At first, these were small card content, reflecting one topic that have only a classification in their structure for any directions. At the end of summer, the guys built enough complex intelligence - cards, such as: round year, Pets.

Thanks to this work, children's associations are developed, replenishment and activation of the vocabulary stock, the formation of the value of the word, the development of fantasy. The child, working with intellectual cards, is in its development from simple logical operations: comparison, comparison of objects, location in space, quantitative determination of common and detached parts to the ability to analyze, differentiate, make classification of objects.

Of course, we plan to continue working with kids in this direction.

Thanks for attention!

Publications on the topic:

Develop the child's intelligence by enriching the dictionary Enrich vocabulary The child means to contribute to the quantitative accumulation of the words needed by the child for speech communication with others.

We play checkers - develop intelligence. The development of intellectual abilities of preschool children is an urgent problem of modern.

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Consultation for teachers DOU "The use of webinars in working with parents (legal representatives) in DOU" All parents want the best for their child, but, unfortunately, not everyone is necessary for this psychological and pedagogical.

Objective: to introduce teachers with the methods of using metaphorical associative cards in the work of the teacher - a psychologist. Tasks: - familiarize yourself.

What is a mental card or MIND MAP? How to create it and what tasks can be solved with this tool? A selection of free online services in stock.

Draw and everything will become clear, Draw and you will open the mystery, the main thing is drawing ... I hope I managed to zombie you and you want to take and draw something? But something is not suitable for us, and we draw with some kind of purpose, because so?

Projects, tasks, ideas, they all consist of some details and parts. To keep this manifold in one head, you need to order a couple more heads on eBay, joke. And if you try simply draw it all?

Mental map: what is it

Mental Map (or Mind Map) is a simple and effective technique for imaging thinking. It is used to create, develop and analyze ideas. Very comfortable tool to control thoughts.

Slightly above is an example of a mental card for a cat. Cat, this is a kind of essence that is interested in mice, milk, gives us love with you and lying on the couch. This card is very simple for perception, there is a certain center or idea, and then it is divided into components.

Mind Map The map appeared in the 70s of the last century, it was invented by Tony Busesen. A psychologist who dedicated his life to the problems of perception and memorizing information. He understood that the usual text information is much harder to go to our memory, therefore he proposed his way to organize it.

What tasks are solved mental cards

In fact, it is difficult to even imagine the entire potential of a mental card, it's easier to draw. Mental card for mental card, this turn!

As can be seen from the figure above, using the Mind Map card you can close a large number of tasks. To squeeze the map above, I left for 3-5 minutes, in fact I am sure you can find at least as many options for using this instander.

Well, the most important thing forgot to add to the tasks is the same brainstorming! The map is great for this suitable.

By the way, if you have ideas how to use mental cards, write in the comments, will be useful for all readers.

How to create a mental card

Let's look at the creation of the Mind Map. As we said earlier, the mental card is created with some kind of purpose and solves a specific task. Let's try to create a map together for such a tricky object as a chair. Our task is to understand what he is.

  • Place the key idea of \u200b\u200byour card into the center of the workspace and highlight it with color.

  • Start drawing branches on the parties from the center. As a rule, this is the components of your idea. What is the chair? Use different colors to highlight the components. Task - Create contrast so that the information is easier to read.

  • Go to the next level, draw branches for already added card parts.

  • And so on until you yourself stop and do not understand that the detail obtained is enough to solve your task.
  • We always start with the center of the map. We highlight the main idea of \u200b\u200bcolor and large letters.
  • Build links (branches) from the main idea to the components of parts. We highlight them with other colors. To enhance contrast, we use a smaller font (optional).
  • You can use pictures and images for individual parts if it improves the perception of the card.
  • Do not replay in colors, many write, the more, the better, but you are not playing in coloring, but decide the task. My recommendation, no more than 4 colors in the map.
  • Fix on the map all that comes to mind and is associated with the obtained parts of the map. Better later Cut off unnecessary than miss something.

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How to build a mental card

First of all hands. No, I will seriously, there would be a desire. Initially, they were built. In the 70s, in addition to color pencils, there were no special programs.

Yes, and there is nothing better than pencil and paper, especially if you steer with the team. Feel free to draw on a flipchart or blackboard, use multi-colored markers and do not stop the thoughts of thought.

Special Software for Mind Map

Today there are a bunch of online instruments for building mental cards. There are both free and paid solutions. I mean a few who worked with, they all work online.


RealTimeBoard - my favorite (cards in the examples above did there). Pleasant interface and exports in different formats.

Mindmeister is a few maps and limited exports. I just screens up the card from the screen so as not to fool, but you can't build a big card, the quality will suffer when printing for example.

Draw is a fairly simple interface, without visual chips. Free, fast integration with Google Docs, there are no problems with exports.


MindMeister - in a paid version a wide selection of functionality and exports in various formats. The best of all file compatibility, that is, you can unload cards from this software and pour to others for refinement.

imindmap is the best tool for visualization and presentation of mental cards. A huge selection of card design (along and across), a lot of styles and other things.

The possibilities of this tool are really impressive, it will only have to work out for this that's all.

In fact, the list can be continued, if you google a little, then you will find tens or even hundreds of applications. The list is higher, these are the most popular solutions for mental cards, I think you will be more than enough.

Not special software for mind map

If you really do not want to go to all these sites and get acquainted with the application interface, then for you a list of alternative tools:

  • POWER POINT - Why not, do you know how to draw the squares? And shooter? All this can be done right on the slide.
  • Google Docs presentations - to in the cloud, and even with collaboration, well, not a fairy tale.
  • Any graphic editor - if you are comfortable in Figma to draw or in Photoshop, draw. Yes, even in Paint, just to draw began.


Mental card, this is a great tool that covers a lot of tasks. Select a convenient tool for yourself and start just from the card center. Draw branches from one part to another. I assure you, even complex tasks will be much easier when you draw them.

What is a mental card? Why do you need a mental card? Mind-Maps (term can be translated as "intelligence cards", "mind cards", "Maps of Thoughts", "Maps of Thinking", "Menantal Maps", "Memory Card" or "Maps of Mind") - information depicted in graphical form On a large sheet of paper. It reflects the relationship (semantic, causal, associative, etc.) between the concepts, parts and components of the area under consideration. Intellect-card is a graphic expression of the process of radiant thinking and therefore is a natural product of the activity of the human brain.

Tony Busesen is a famous writer, lecturer and consultant on intelligence issues, training and thinking psychology. Developed the rules and principles of the design of mental cards; Systematized the use of mental cards; Put a lot of effort to popularize and distribute this technology; Created its own software to support the creation of mental maps called Imindmap in December 2006

Use emphase always use the central image. For the central image, use three or more colors. As often as possible, use graphic images. More often give the image volume, as well as use convex letters using synesthesia (combining all types of emotional sensual perception). Variate the size of the letters, the thickness of the lines and the scale of the graphics. Strive for the distance between the elements of the Intellect cards was appropriate.

Strive for clarity in the expression of thoughts, follow the principle: one keyword for each line. Use printed letters. Place keywords over the relevant lines. Make sure that the length of the line is approximately equal to the length of the corresponding keyword. Connect the lines with other lines and make sure that the main branches of the cards are connected to the central way. Make the main lines smooth and more fat. Recove the blocks of important information using lines. Make sure that your drawings (images) are extremely clear. Keep paper horizontally in front of yourself, preferably in the Landscape position. Try all the words are horizontal.

The high rates of development of modern society determine the need for constant, search for pedagogical innovations intensifying the process of high-quality training. In this regard, the objective reality of modern society does not allow us to work as old, you have to master new concepts, a new terminological apparatus, new features of the information environment, to modernize the didactic principles tested by time, implementing them on a qualitatively new level.

Studying the method of project activity, I encountered the method of planning "Mental Map" This method seemed interesting to me interesting, easy enough to use and ideal for work in kindergarten. IN preschool education The compilation of mental cards will easily enter the planning system with teachers, children and parents.

To begin with, what mental cards are.

Mental maps (MindmEpping, Intellect Map) - This is a convenient and effective technique of thinking and alternative recording. It can be used to create new ideas, fixing ideas, analysis and ordering information, decision making and a lot more.

The first examples of creating intelligent cards can be found in the scientific works created by another centuries ago, their wide use began in the second half of the twentieth century thanks to the English psychologist Tony Busen. He systematized the use of mental cards, developed the rules and principles of their design and put a lot of effort to popularize and disseminate this technology.

We are accustomed to record your thoughts linearly, but this method has significant drawbacks:

Recorded hard to remember and even more difficult to restore in memory.

In the recorded abstract, it is difficult to single out the main thing. Usually, the main ideas we remember thanks to the special keywords that are carriers of impressions about the idea for us. These words are a little and they are lost in the mass nothing for us not meaningful, ordinary words.

Time when recording is spent very inefficient. We first write a lot of unnecessary, and then you have to read it unnecessary and reread, trying to find the very keywords and determine the degree of their importance.

Tony Busesen proposes to stop fighting with you and start helping your thinking with the mastering of the technique of mental cards.

The goal of creating a map of thoughts is to bring order in the head, get a holistic picture and find new associations.

This is not a very traditional, but very natural way of organizing thinking, having several undeniable advantages over the usual recording methods.

The laws of Intellect-cards Tony Busen are divided into laws of content and design, as well as the laws of the structure.

1. Using Emfase(The ability to allocate significant, focus on something).

Use the central image. The graphic image attracts at once at several levels of perception. He rushes into the eyes, attracts attention.

If any word has a central value for your mental card, it can be converted to the image using the benefits of the three-dimensional image, palette of colors and an attractive form.

Using graphic imagesat any convenient case, it provides all the advantages described above. Plus, using images, i.e. your drawings, you will gain a new look at things and the desire to improve your ability to porter real objects.

Use in the central image of three or more colors. Colors stimulate memory and creative gust. Colors add life to your drawings and make them more attractive.

Pressing the scope, as well as the use of convex letters. The volumetric image causes objects to look convex, and everything that looks convex is better perceived and remembered.

Variation of letters, lines thickness and graphic scale. Varing the sizes of objects applied to the mental card, words or images indicates their relative importance, in addition, the object of large size is striking and easily remembered.

Optimal placement of elements Improves the perception of an intelligence card as a whole, makes it open to additions and improves its aesthetic qualities.

Compliance between the elements. Leaving the empty space around the elements of the intelligence card gives it a kind of ordered and complete structure.

2. Associate. The ability to use associations is one of the most important factors in improving memory and creative possibilities. Associations are a tool by which our brain adequately perceives the real world, correlating our current perceptions with previous experience.

Using shooters. Eye spontaneously follows the arrows in the direction they indicate, thereby discovering the connection between the individual elements of the intelligence card. Arrows can be unidirectional, bidirectional, vary in length, thickness, form; Surround arrows can also be used. Their main purpose is to ask the direction of thoughts.

Use colors. Selection of successful colors for coding when making a mental card will provide you soon access to information, will allow you to better memorize information and will contribute to an increase in the number and range of your creative ideas. Color codes and symbols can be used as in individual work with mental maps and group work.

Use information encoding.Codes may be ticks, cross, circles, triangles, etc., or they can take a much more complex shape.

Codes also allow you to save a lot of time. For example, you can develop your own system simple to memorize codes and use it to denote people often mentioned by you, phenomena, processes, etc.

3. Clarity in the expression of thoughts. An unclear expression of thoughts makes her perception. If you keep recordings with your usual raw handwriting, it is rather an interference, so that your thoughts have become clear for you and for other people.

Using the principle: one keyword for each line. Each separately taken word is able to generate thousands of associations. Letting a line in a word, you provide associative freedom.

Using printed letters. Printed letters have a standard readable shape, which makes it possible to your brain with a greater ease of "taking pictures". The time spent on writing printed letters compensates for the rapid formation of associations and the speedy recall. The use of printed letters also stimulates the desire for conciseness and shortness.

Placing keywords over the relevant lines. Using the branches, the mental card acquires structural organization and accuracy; From how branches are organized, it depends, whether the map will be clear and easily remembered. The branches also stimulate the search for new associations and, in the process of this, the further development of the card.

Matching the length of the line of the corresponding keyword.This allows you to place the words closer to each other, thereby contributing to the speedy association. In addition, the saved space allows you to enable more information in the mental card.

Connection line with other lines and centrally. Connecting lines in your map, you ensure the connectedness of your thoughts. The lines can be modified in the arrows, curves, loops, circles, ovals, triangles, polygons - turn them into the figures of any form that came to taste.

Requirements for main lines. Bold lines automatically signal about the importance of the associated ideas and concepts. If you use the advantages of a mental card for the needs of any research, in the process of creating a map you may encounter the peripheral ideas to be more significant than those that initially occupied the central place. In such cases, nothing prevents you from doing the corresponding lines in fat. Slightly winding, smooth, spent on the hands of the line more correspond to the spirit and targets of the mental card, rather than drawn using the ruler.

Recruitment of important information blocks. When the information block is bounded by a closed line, it gives it a border having its own unique form.

Clear drawings. Clear, understandable for the reading mental card is always more elegant and aesthetic.

Position of a sheet of paper when creating a mental card. Horizontal (landscape) The layout of the paper provides you with more freedom and space to create a map, rather than with a vertical (portrait) layout of the paper sheet.

Preferences to the placement of words. Horizontal location The words provide your brain speedy access to the information contained in the intellect card, and this should be attributed to both the corner under which lines and writing words are applied. If you spend mostly horizontal lines, your card will be much easier to read. When conducting lines, try to maximize the angle of their deviation from the horizontal exceeding 45 °.

4. Own style. In order to develop your unique style, you need to adhere to the "1+" rule. This means that each intelligence card you created should be slightly more elegant, slightly more voluminous, contain a little more imagination game, be slightly more associative-logical and slightly more beautiful than the previous one.

The laws of the structure contain:

Compliance with the hierarchy of thoughts. The use of hierarchies and categories in the form of basic ordinal ideas increases the potential of the intelligence cards you have created.

The use of license plates in the presentation of thoughts. If you create a mental map, working on a particular intellectual task, for example, the preparation of a work plan, article or a project report, you will most likely wish to present your thoughts and convey them to listeners in a certain order.

To achieve this, it is enough to mark the corresponding sequence numbers of the card branch. Instead of numbers, you can use the letters of the alphabet.

Mental cards in educational activities.Application areas of memory cards Great set. They can be used to compile abstracts, planning, organization of information, brainstorming, etc. Key benefits are simplicity, speed, visuality of the presentation.

Use of mental cards in our teachers kindergarten It occurs in several directions: in working with children and in working with parents.

When planning different species Projects The educator together with children (senior preschool age) paint or rather develop and create a mental card: such types of children's activity are used as drawing, appliqué (volume, from natural materials), plane modeling. The opportunity to design its activities in kindergarten with the educator makes the child more active participant in the educational process and is acquired by the skill of subject thinking.

The size of the mental card is increased to the A3 sheet or even more. The finished mental card occupies your honorable place on the group's wall, where children can track the activities scheduled for the near future and help the educator in organizing their workplace.

Creating a mental card will be interesting and with comprehensive - thematic planning in accordance with the lexical theme, because Our kindergarten compensating type is taken as the basis for the planning of educational activities of teachers.

The mental card can be created by the educator independently or with the children. For example, the theme of the week is vegetables. In the center of the card draws a basket with vegetables. Five branches from her, five branches of the week every day, each, of which has branches designating activity, and those in turn are divided into branches denoting materials necessary for the organization of this type of activity.

Acquired knowledge of students when using mental cards are saved in memory much longer, and the share of learned material becomes significantly higher, in addition, the process of building intelligence cards makes training creative and fascinating.

The use of mental cards in working with parents structures all participants in the educational process.

Intellect-cards for parents total educational institution Created on the basis of the annual plan for working with parents. It shows all the events that are scheduled for the current academic year In every month. They include: Festive events, leisure, expert advice, master classes, parental meetings etc. This card is postponed on a place available to all parents, and they themselves can determine the events in which they would like to take part. On the branches with events there are sprigs that show the materials necessary for the event. For example, a consultation is a notebook with a handle, a master - a class of suites for the performance for the performance - fabric, beads, a needle with thread, etc.

For parents of each age group, mental cards were made for projects implemented in them so that adults, like children, were aware of the planned events and planned their participation in them.

Under the events made a photo report. The most interesting photo is attached to the mental map (left for this). The full implementation of the events displayed on the map is in turn a creative report on the work done.

Through the use of mental cards in the educational process, the life of a kindergarten has become a more open, interesting and affordable for parents.


1. Tony and Barry Busesen. Supermanship: LLC "Popurri", 2003

Thinking card in Dow

The time of information technologies in which we live will force us, teachers, more and more think about how to help our children cover the amount of information that it collapses on them, how to help them see the relationships of events, phenomena around themselves, understand that in total There is a reason and consequence. We should not just teach them to think, but also create, create a new one. It is believed that the information is stored in memory in several species, including in the verbal (speech), visual (visual) and kinetic (engine). Thinking, we build our image of some object; I remember, we imagine it, say, we present it to four-dimensional (as it will look in space, how long it will take its production, use them, etc.). The thought of man is branched off from the initial image, instantly diverges according to various bonds, returns to the source point, but it changes the point of reference, converts the subject from which it was repelled. The easiest way, as many teachers believe, depict such a process in the form of a mental card. By its structure, the mental map is similar to the drawing of a cell with processes, a tree with a crown and root system, a weave of cracks, a bunch of algae, a streak on a sheet or coral chip in the photo, in other words, the natural process of growth and development, imprinted in a flat two-dimensional form.

The team of researchers of the Research Institute of Preschool Education. A.V. Zaporozhets under the guidance of Dr. Pedagogical Sciences L.A. Paramonovoy developed a system of educational classes with children of preschool age, the main idea of \u200b\u200bwhich the world around the world in different interrelations before children in the educational process, tie a productive child activity with general contextual content, thus making it meaningful and motivated. Approbation of this system based on experimental pre-school institutions gave remarkable results: children were looking forward to new classes, they were glad to be included in any activity, their cognitive activity and creative potential increased, their behavior is distinguished by calm curiosity.

The work of the teacher on ready-made abstracts is increasingly goes into the past. The creative teacher seeks to design himself educational process, given and the level of development of children of the group, and their own interests, and opportunities preschool institution, and trends in the city's educational system, countries. At the same time, there is an urgent need to teach teachers to use the published methodological material not on the principle "I was blinded from what was", and skillfully embed it in the current basic system of working with children, while maintaining the main tasks of the development of children, without violating the logic of the presentation of children educational material, but only enriching it in meaning. Before us was the task to teach educators to design yourself educational work with children on a certain contextual content, presenting it to children in all variety, relationships, taking into account interests and age features Children themselves. The search for the form of such training led to the idea that the training of children, and the advanced training of teachers should be verbal, and visual, and practical. Such requirements answered the method of using mental (mental) cards, which has long been applied in preschool education of many overseas countries. When approaching critical thinking, it is necessary to first identify existing knowledge and presentation and streamline them, then add and classify new ones, and then organically combine them with each other. Note that this is just one of the possible methods of representing the material.

Thinking cards (translated from the English "Mind Cards, Mental Maps, Mental Maps or Intellect Cards") came up with an American specialist in the issues of intelligence, psychology of training and thinking of Tony Busesen in 1960-1970. He was hidden by the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a method that combines the characteristics of perception and processing of information peculiar to two hemispheres of the brain. With the help of mental cards, you can distribute well-known information and understand what is missing, to detect the strengths and weaknesses of our ideas about the subject, to see how new content is embedded in the old frames, which components of the model are connected, and between which communication has not yet been established.

With a linear method of thinking, we step by step, gradually and consistently move from one aspect of the phenomenon to another, losing the emerging associations. If a person tries to immediately formulate the entire bunch of emerging associations, he may say that his thinking is illogical (although in fact it is exactly what happens). Using the method of thought cards, we can go in your thoughts further and further return back, connect various radii among themselves. The main thing is not to be shy, look for chains and contacts, throw bridges, use color pencils and drawings, try to follow our internal ideas about the subject, surrounding it from all sides.

The thought card is compiled in the form of a tree scheme, on which ideas, tasks, problems are indicated by the words. It is an associative network consisting of images and words. According to the designed rules that the nature of the recommendations, but not harsh prescriptions, you need to perform a certain sequence of actions:

We take a sheet of paper format not less than 4. In the center of the sheet, we indicate the word (in the picture, picture) the basic idea, the problem. This is a big picture setting the direction to our reflections. We work on the scheme individually.

From the central idea, we spend several radial curved lines (each can have its own color). Only one keyword is written over each linas-branch, associatively related to the main idea. It should be written with printed letters, without inclination, most vertically. The length of the branch under the written word preferably coincides with the length of the word.

Central lines should be thicker. Communications are indicated by arrows. Concepts are organized hierarchically. You can circle, emphasize, use different fonts. Horizontal maps are usually more conveniently vertically oriented.

From the main (radial) branches draw the branches of the second, third, etc. order by continuing the chain of associations. You can use not only words and abbreviations, but also pictures, pictures, make a color selection. This increases the attractiveness, originality and efficiency of intelligent cards.

Do not forget about specific examples, quotes, illustrations. More important words are written larger than the details. Some holistic statements can be concluded in ovals (circulating) or other geometric shapes.

Thus, we will visualize all our ideas related to the main problem, and we also see their relationship. Further, from the abundance of possible connections, we choose those that are satisfied to solve the challenge, and concentrate on them, having in their hands already an idea of \u200b\u200bthe necessary sequence of their actions. After that, it is easier for us to imagine what a range of issues and information at what point is the point of acquaintance with the concept of which activities can be combined. A comparison of your card with others helps to understand how colleagues represent a material that they have a plan of action, how to coordinate our thoughts with each other. By distributing fragments by type of activity, we understand which components the child's life will be formed during that time until he meets with the concept, and after that we understand, in what sequence to hold these classes, how to enter them on each other in the grid of classes .

Use thinking cards with different goals: To clarify any question for yourself, collect information, remember the complex material, determine the volume upcoming work etc. We most attracted the opportunity to use them for planning pedagogical activities, make this process deeply meaningful every member of the team, realistic, coordinated and compact in the plan of time spent on it.

We will demonstrate this on the practical use of mental maps in working with teachers. As an educational exercise, you can develop mental maps at different cognitive contexts: this is the subject of classes, then work on the project, then an attempt to combine different activities.

To develop a project, you can use the method of mental cards.

For you, the task is to write on a sheet of paper all that in your presentation is associated with the word "owl".

Most often on the first-order lines, there were words related to appearance, nutrition, lifestyle, the habitat of these birds. But on some maps there were definitions: "The symbol of wisdom", the "name of the kindergarten", "Sonya", mentioned fairy tales and games with the way Owl. Next, choose from this manifold the contents needed for children of your age group, and mark the possible forms of work in which the development of this content can occur on the map. So the cards can be supplemented with the second and third-order lines, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe organization of the project for each teacher will become clearer.

Combining plans of different age groups, we get the general structure of the organization project work For example: "The Birthday of the" Council "", the culmination event of which will be the leisure-quiz - a common holiday for children of all age groups. If the topic is interested in educators, children and parents, the Museum of Sov will gradually emerge, there will be excursions, there will be many practices related to the life of these birds and their role in various works for children.

Mental cards are used to better realize their work, its specifics, goals and focus. There are results showing that the use of mental cards increases literacy, self-esteem, forms positive attitudes towards learning. In general, various types of schemes are available to the child: the conditional image of the sequence of events, fan and chain images of causes and dependencies, drawings of sets and their intersections, free associations such as sun, cyclicity, reflected arrows. When learning a child, the use of schemes should be actually in series, gradually introducing various forms of abstraction in the image. It is known that the children themselves draw enough abstract (and abstraction artists studied in children), even in this sense, you can offer them to draw thinking cards, without fear that it will be too difficult.

We hope that acquaintance with the mental cards will be aware of the work and for other preschool teachers.