Mathematical game Description. Mathematical games do it yourself

As mentioned above, the main objective of the application of the mathematical game on extracurricular activities about mathematics is the development of sustainable cognitive interest among students to the subject through a variety of mathematical games used.

You can also single out the following objectives of the application of mathematical games:

o The development of thinking;

o deepening theoretical knowledge;

o self-determination in the world of hobbies and professions;

o Organization of free time;

o Communication with peers;

o Education of cooperation and collectivism;

o Acquisition of new knowledge, skills and skills;

o Formation of adequate self-esteem;

o development of volitional qualities;

o knowledge control;

o Motivation of training activities, etc.

Mathematical games are designed to solve the following tasks.


b to promote a solid learning learning learning material;

suppose to expand the horizons of students and others.


b to develop creative thinking in students;

b to promote the practical application of skills and skills obtained in lessons and extracurricular activities;

to promote the development of imagination, fantasies, creativity, etc.


b to promote the education of self-developing and self-realizable personality;

b to raise moral views and beliefs;

b contribute to the education of independence and will in work, etc.

Mathematical games perform various functions.

1. During the mathematical game, there is simultaneously game, educational and labor activity. Indeed, the game brings the fact that in life is not comparable and breed what is considered one.

2. The mathematical game requires a schoolboy, so that he knew the subject. After all, without knowing how to solve the tasks, to solve, decipher and unravel the student will not be able to participate in the game.

3. In the students' games learn to plan their work, evaluate the results not only in someone else's, but also their activities, to show a mixture when solving tasks, creatively approaching any task, to use and select the desired material.

4. The results of the games show schoolchildren their level of preparedness, training. Mathematical games help in self-improvement of students and, thereby encouraging their informative activity, increases interest in the subject.

5. During participation in mathematical games, students not only receive new information, but also acquire the experience of collecting the necessary information and its proper application.

The gaming forms of extracurricular activities are pleased to be happy.

Certain knowledge requirements should be made to the participants in the mathematical game. In particular, to play - you need to know. This requirement gives the game cognitive character.

The rules of the game should be such that students show the desire to participate in it. therefore games should be developed taking into account age characteristics of childrenShowing interest in any age, their development and knowledge available.

Mathematical games should be developed taking into account individual characteristics of students, taking into account various groups of students: weak, strong; Active, passive, etc. They should be such that each type of students can manifest themselves in the game, show their abilities, opportunities, their independence, perseverance, smelting, experience sense of satisfaction, success.

When developing the game need to provide easier game options, tasks, for weak students and on the contrary, a more complex option for strong students. For very weak students, games are being developed, where you do not need to think, and need only an email. Thus, it is possible to attract more students to visiting extracurricular activities in mathematics and thereby contribute to the development of cognitive interest.

Mathematical games should be developed taking into account the subject and its material. They must be diverse. The diversity of species of mathematical games will help increase the effectiveness of extracurricular work in mathematics, will serve as an additional source of systematic and durable knowledge.

Thus, the mathematical game as a form of extracurricular work in mathematics has its own goals, tasks and functions. Compliance with all the requirements of the mathematical games will make it possible to achieve good results to attract a larger number of students to extracurricular work on mathematics, the emergence of cognitive interest in it. Not only strong students will exist more interest in the subject, but also weak students will begin to show their activity in the teaching.

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Mathematical games as a means of developing educational interest of students

"The game is the life laboratory of childhood, giving that fragrance, the atmosphere of a young life, without which this time it would be useless for humanity. In the game, this special processing of life material, there is the most healthy core of a wise school of childhood "

S.T. Shatsky


As you know, the knowledge gained without interest does not become useful. Therefore, one of the most difficult and most important tasks of didactics as it was and remains the problem of upbringing interest in teaching.

Cognitive interest in the writings of psychologists and teachers is studied quite carefully. But still, some questions remain not resolved. The main one is how to cause steady cognitive interest.

Every year, children are equally indifference to study. In particular, the interest in the disciples to such a subject as a mathematics decreases. This item is perceived by students as boring and not at all interesting. In connection with this teachers, the search for effective forms and methods of learning mathematics, which would contribute to the intensification of educational activities, forming cognitive interest.

One of the opportunities to develop cognitive interest to students to mathematics lies in the widespread use of extracurricular work on mathematics. Extracurricular work on mathematics has a powerful reserve for the implementation of such a task of learning, as an increase in cognitive interest, through all the variety of forms of it. One of these forms is a mathematical game.

Mathematical games are characterized by emotionality, cause students a positive attitude towards extracurricular activities in mathematics, and, consequently, to mathematics as a whole; contribute to the intensification of educational activities; Exacerbate intellectual processes and most importantly, contribute to the formation of cognitive interest in the subject. But it should be noted that the mathematical game as a form of extracurricular work is pretty rarely used in connection with the difficulties of the organization and conduct. Thus, large educational, controlling, raising opportunities (in particular the possibility of developing cognitive interest) the use of a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics is not implemented.

Or can a mathematical game be an effective means of developing the cognitive interest of students for mathematics? This is the problem of this study.

Based on this problem, it is possible to determine the purpose of the study - to substantiate the effectiveness of the use of a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics for the formation and development of cognitive interest among students to mathematics.

An object of research will serve cognitive interest, the subject - a mathematical game as a form of extracurricular work in mathematics.

We formulate the hypothesis of the study: the use of a mathematical game in extracurricular work in mathematics contributes to the development of cognitive interest among students to mathematics.

Game - the path of children to the knowledge of the world

Teacher's task - to teach each child to learn to independently, form him a need to actively refer to the learning process.

The game for younger schoolchildren continues to be one of the main means and conditions for the development of a schoolboy's intelligence. The game creates joy and cheerfulness, inspires the guys, enriches impressions, helps to avoid annoying edging, creates an atmosphere of friendliness in the children's team. In games for schoolchildren there should be no gray and monotony. The game must constantly replenish knowledge, be a means of comprehensive child development, its abilities, cause positive emotions, fill the life of a children's team with an interesting content.

The game is the path of children to know the world in which they live and who are designed to change. Labor and teaching, combined with gaming activities, contributes to the formation of the nature and development of will. Efforts (physical and mental), which the child does in the game, fruitful, since in the game it is imperceptible for herself it produces a number of skills and skills, which will later use him in life. Games are diverse activities in the lesson, bring up interest in the subject, develop attention, memory and thinking of students, lead to systematization of life experience, are discharge for nervous system, develop initiative and resourcefulness, teach to work, accuracy, accuracy and to perseverance in overcoming obstacles.

V.A.Sushellinsky wrote: "We will look attentively, what place the game takes in the child's life. For him, the game is the most serious thing. The game is revealed before children, the creative abilities of the person develop. Without a game and can not be a full mental development. The game is a huge bright window through which a lifeful flow of ideas is poured into the spiritual world of the child, the concepts of the environment. The game is a spark, igniting the light of delusivity and curiosity. "

Formation and development of interest in mathematics

Today you need a person not only consuming knowledge, but also knowing them to extract. Non-standard situations of our days require our width of interest. Interest is a real cause of actions that felt by a person as much important. It is one of the permanent potent motives of activity. Interest can be defined as a positive estimated attitude of the subject to its activities.

As a strong and very significant education for humans, interest has many interpretations in their psychological definitions, it is considered as:

manifestation of his mental and emotional activity (S.L. Volubystein);

a special alloy of emotional-volitional and intellectual processes that increase the activity of consciousness and human activity (A.A. Hordon);

active informative (V.N. Miesintsev, V.G. Ivanov), Emotional-informative (N.G. Morozov) attitude of a person to the world;

the specific attitude of the personality to the object caused by the consciousness of its vital and emotional attractiveness (A.G. Kovalev).

This list of interpretations of interest in psychology is not full, but also said confirms that along with differences, the well-known generality of aspects aimed at disclosing the phenomenon of interest is its relationship with various mental processes, of which emotional, intellectual, regulatory ( Attention, will), its inclusion in various personal education.

A special kind of interest is interest in knowledge, or, as it is customary to call, cognitive interest. His area is cognitive activity, in the process of which the content of training items and the necessary methods or skills and skills, with which the student receives education.

Cognitive interest plays a major role in the pedagogical process. N.V. Metelsky determines cognitive interest as follows: "Interest is an active cognitive focus associated with a positive emotionally painted attitude to the study of the subject with the joy of knowledge, overcoming difficulties, creating success, with a self-expression and approval of a developing personality."

Cognitive interest is the election orientation of the individual to the subjects and phenomena surrounding reality. This orientation is characterized by a constant desire for knowledge, to new, more complete and deep knowledge. Only when that or another area of \u200b\u200bscience, one or another training subject seems to be important, significant, he is engaged in themselves, it is trying to more deeply and thoroughly examine all the parties to those phenomena, events that are related to the knowledge of the knowledge. Otherwise, interest in the subject can not carry the character of genuine cognitive orientation: it may be random, unstable and superficial.

What can make a younger schoolboy think, start reflecting on one or another mathematical task, the question? The main source of the prompting of younger schoolchildren to mental labor can be of interest. Therefore, the teacher must look for and find funds and ways to initiate the interest of children to mathematics. Increasing interest in individual tasks, which I suggest as an entertaining exercise, excites interest in mathematics itself.

To initiate interest in mathematics, I try not only to attract the attention of children to some kind of elements, but also to cause the guys surprising. In children, surprise occurs when they see that the current situation does not coincide with the expected. If the surprise is associated with the emergence of some pleasure, it turns into a pleasant surprise. With an ill-conceived situation, there may be the opposite: there is an unpleasant surprise. Therefore, it is important at the initial stage of mathematics training to create situations for a pleasant surprise. Surprise must be adjacent to the curiosity of the guys, with the desire to see them on a mathematical background something new, to learn something unknown to them. Surprise in combination with curiosity will help to initiate the active mental activity of students. Attract the attention of children and cause their surprise - this is only the beginning of the occurrence of interest, and it is relatively easy to achieve this; It is harder to keep interest in mathematics and make it quite persistent.

Maintaining interest in various techniques, it is necessary to gradually raise it in order for it to grow into interest in mathematics as a science, in interest in the process of mental activity, to new knowledge in the field of mathematics. The material should be understood by each student, otherwise it will not cause interest, because It will be deprived of meaning for them. To maintain interest in every new one, there must be elements of old known to children. Only subject to establishing the connection of the new with the old manifestations of intelligence and guesses. To facilitate the transition from the known to the unknown, I use various types of clarity: full visual visibility, incomplete substantive visibility, symbolic and memory performance - based on the level of development in the consciousness of students on which the corresponding mathematical concepts are located. Especially often I use child imagination. It is bright they have much stronger than intelligence. Sustainable interest in mathematics is supported by the fact that this work is carried out systematically, and not from the case. The lessons constantly need to arise small and affordable questions, riddles, to create an atmosphere, which excites the active thought of students. I can always identify the power of an interest in mathematics. It is expressed in the perseverance, which students show in the process of solving mathematical problems, performing various tasks related to the resolution of mathematical problems.

The role of exercise in mathematics lessons

Cognitive interest is one of the most important motives for the teachings of schoolchildren. Under the influence of cognitive interest, educational work even in weak students proceeds more productively. This motive paints the emotionally all educational activities of the teenager. At the same time, it is associated with other motifs (liability to parents and team, etc.). Cognitive interest as a doctrine motive prompts the student to independent activities, if there is an interest, the process of mastering knowledge becomes more active, creative, which in turn affects the strengthening of interest. Independent penetration into new areas of knowledge, overcoming difficulties causes a sense of satisfaction, pride, success, that is, it creates that emotional background that is characteristic of interest.

Interest in mathematics in junior classes is supported by the input of the tasks themselves, questions, tasks. Speaking of entertainment, I mean not the entertainment of children with empty fun, but the enactment of the content of mathematical tasks. Pedagogically justified enormality aims to attract the attention of children, strengthen it, intensify their mental activity. Interesting in this sense always carries the elements of wit, game mood, festivity. The enormality serves as the basis for penetration into the minds of the guys feeling beautiful in the most mathematics. The enormality is characterized by the presence of a light and smart humor in the content of mathematical tasks, in their design, in an unexpected junction when performing these tasks. Humor must be available to understanding children. Therefore, I am achieving from the children of an intelligible explanation of the essence of light challenges, cheerful provisions, in which students sometimes turn out during games, i.e. I am achieving an understanding of the essence of the youth itself and his harmlessness. The sense of humor is usually manifested when individual funny drops are found in various situations. The sense of humor, if a person possesses them, softens the perception of individual failures in the established atmosphere. Easy humor must be kind, create a cheerful, raised mood.

The atmosphere of light humor is created by inclusion in the lesson of tasks-stories, tasks of the heroes of funny children's fairy tales, inclusion of jokes, by creating play situations and cheerful competitions.

a) didactic game as a means of learning mathematics.

On the lessons of mathematics there are a lot of place for the game. This is mainly didactic games, i.e. Games, the content of which contributes to either the development of individual mental operations, or the development of computing techniques, skills in an account running. The purposeful inclusion of the game increases the interest of children to the lesson, strengthens the effect of the learning itself. Creature gaming situation It leads to the fact that children who are passionate about the game, imperceptibly acquire certain knowledge, skills and skills for themselves without much difficulty and tension. In the younger school age, children are still strong need for the game, so I turn on it into mathematics lessons. The game makes the lessons emotionally saturated, makes a vigorous attitude to the children's team, helps to aesthetically perceive the situation associated with mathematics.

The didactic game is a valuable means of upbringing the mental activity of children, it activates mental processes, causes students a living interest in the process of knowledge. In it, children willingly overcome considerable difficulties, train their strengths, develop the abilities and skills. It helps to make any educational material fascinating, causes deep satisfaction with students, creates a joyful working mood, facilitates the process of learning knowledge.

In the didactic games, the child observes, compares, compares, classifies items for one or another signs, produces an analysis and synthesis available to it, makes generalizations.

Didactic games provide the opportunity to develop in children the arbitrariness of mental processes such as attention and memory. Because The leading type of activity of younger schoolchildren - educational activities, didactic games should ensure the formation of training skills and the formation of actually learning activities.

Gaming tasks are developing in children a mixture, resourcefulness, intelligence. Many of them require the ability to build a statement, judgment, conclusion; They require not only mental, but also volitional efforts - organized, excerpts, the ability to follow the rules of the game, subordinate their interests to the interests of the team.

However, not every game has a significant educational and educational significance, but only the one that acquires the character of cognitive activity. The didactic game of training character brings closer to the new cognitive activity of the child with the already familiar to him, facilitating the transition from the game to serious mental work.

Didactic games are particularly necessary in training and raising the children of the six-year-old age. They manage to concentrate even the most inert children. Initially, children are only interested in the game, and then to that educational material, without which the game is impossible. To keep the nature of the game itself and at the same time successfully learning the guys mathematics, special kinds are needed. They must be organized so that in them: firstly, as a method for performing gaming actions, an objective need for practical application has arisen; Secondly, the content of the game and practical actions would be interesting and provided the opportunity for the manifestation of independence and initiatives of children. (Attachment 1)

b) logical exercises in mathematics lessons.

The idea that at school it is necessary to work on the formation and development of logical thinking from younger classes, in the psychological and pedagogical sciences is generally recognized. Logical exercises are one of the funds by which the formation of proper thinking in children. When I'm talking about logical thinking, I mean thinking, in contents in full compliance with objective reality.

Logical exercises allow for accessible to children of mathematical material, in support for life experience to build proper judgments without the prior theoretical development of the laws of the laws and the rules of logic.

In the process of logical exercises, children practically learn to compare mathematical objects, perform the simplest types of analysis and synthesis, establish links between generic and species concepts.

Most often, the logical exercises offered by me do not require computing, but only forced children to perform the right judgments and bring simple evidence. The exercises themselves are entertaining, so they contribute to the emergence of interest in children to the process of mental activity. And this is one of the cardinal tasks of the educational process at school.

Due to the fact that logic exercises are exercises in mental activity, and the thinking of younger schoolchildren is mainly concrete, figurative, then in the lessons I use visuality. Depending on the features of the exercise as a clarity, I use pictures, drawings, short conditions of tasks, the records of terms-of-concepts.

Folk riddles have always served and serve as fascinating material for reflection. In the riddles, certain signs of the subject are usually indicated, and the subject is guessing. Riddles are peculiar logic tasks for the identification of the subject on some of its signs. Signs may be different. They characterize both high-quality and quantitative side of the subject. For the lessons of mathematics, I select such riddles in which the subject is mainly in quantitative signs along with others. Allocation of the quantitative side of the subject (abstraction), as well as the finding of the subject on quantitative features - useful and interesting logical and mathematical exercises. (Attachment 1)

c) the role of a plot role in the process of learning mathematics.

Among mathematical games for children there are plot-role-playing. Scene-role games You can designate as creative. Their main difference from other games is the independence of the creation of the plot and the rules of the game and their execution. The most attractive force for younger students have those roles that give them the opportunity to show high moral qualities of personality: honesty, courage, partnership, resourcefulness, wit, smelting. Therefore, such games contribute not only to the development of individual mathematical skills, but also the sharpness and logicalness of thought. In particular, the game contributes to the upbringing of discipline, because Any game is carried out according to the relevant rules. Following the game, the student performs certain rules; At the same time, he obeys the rules themselves not forced, but completely voluntarily, otherwise there will be no game. And the fulfillment of the rules is associated with overcoming difficulties, with the manifestation of perseverance.

However, despite the importance and importance of the game in the course of the lesson, it is not an end in itself, but a means to develop interest in mathematics. The mathematical side of the game of the game should always be mentioned in the fore. Only then will she fulfill its role in the mathematical development of children and upbringing their interest in mathematics. (Attachment 1)

Regulations on the game in mathematics lessons

Based on the tremendous experience of the past, on special research and practice of modern experience, we can talk about conditions that contribute to the formation, development and strengthening of cognitive interest to students:

The first condition is to carry out the maximum support for active mental activity of students. The main ground for the development of the cognitive forces and capabilities of students, as for the development, genuinely cognitive interest, are situations of solving informative tasks, situations of active search, guesses, reflections, mental situations, the situation of contradictory judgments, collisions of various positions in which it is necessary to understand , make a decision, get up on a certain point of view.

The second condition involves ensuring the formation of cognitive interests and individuals in general. It is to conduct an educational process at an optimal level of student development. The path of generalizations, finding the patterns, which are subject to visible phenomena and processes are the way, which in highlighting the set of requests and sections of science contributes to a higher level of learning and assimilation, as it relies on the maximum level of development of the schoolchild.

Emotional atmosphere of training, positive emotional tone of the educational process - the third important condition. The prosperous emotional atmosphere of learning and teaching is associated with two main sources of schoolchild development: with activities and communication that give birth to multi-valued relationships and create a tone of the student's personal mood.

The fourth condition is a favorable communication in the educational process. This group of conditions of the relationship "Student - Teacher", "Student - parents and relatives", "Student - team". This should add some individual characteristics of the student himself, the experience of success and failure, its inclinations, the presence of other strong interests and much more in the psychology of the child.

So, one of the most important conditions for the formation of cognitive interest were considered above. Compliance with all these conditions contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in teaching mathematics.

When organizing mathematical games, it is necessary to follow the following provisions: Cognitive lesson Mathematics game

The rules of the game must be simple, definitely formulated, accessible to understanding younger students. If the material is planted only to individual disciples, and the rest either do not understand the rules or weakly understand the content of the mathematical or logical side of the game, it will not cause the interest of children and will be carried out only formally.

The game will not promote the fulfillment of pedagogical purposes if it causes a too stormy reaction from the guys, but does not give sufficient food for direct thinking activities, does not develop mathematical dorms of their and attention.

When performing a game related to the competition team, control of its results from the whole team of present students should be ensured. Accounting for results should be open, clear and fair. Errors in accounting, ambulance in the organization itself lead to unfair conclusions about the winners, and, consequently, to dissatisfaction with the participants of the game.

For children, games will be interesting when each of them becomes active participant. A long expectation of its queue for inclusion in the game reduces the interest of children to this game.

The game character of material in mathematics should have a certain measure. Excess this measure can lead to the fact that children will only see the game.

In the lessons of mathematics, the game are informative, so the mental task is put forward in them, to solve which comparisons, analysis and synthesis, judgment and conclusion should be used in mental activity. Then they will promote not only the formation of the logical thinking of younger schoolchildren, but also correct, clear, brief speech.

In the process of the game, a certain completed action must be performed, a specific task was solved. The game should not be turned into unfinished. Only under these conditions, she will leave a trail in the minds of the guys.

An entertaining material that I use in the lessons of mathematics, I systematized. To each section of the program, I picked up the corresponding tasks, separately for each class.

The main task of the entertaining material I use is to help children assign the main issues of the program. I propose tasks that I use. (see Attachment)


In this paper, the analysis of methodological and psychological and pedagogical literature was carried out, on the use of a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics for the development of cognitive interest. Also, the work covered the types of mathematical games, the technology of the game, the structure, requirements for the selection of tasks and the game, the features of the game as forms of extracurricular work on mathematics, and its main feature - the strengthening and development of cognitive interest.

Both of the theoretical part and from the practical it follows that the mathematical game is different from other forms of extracurricular work on mathematics, in that it can complement other forms of extracurricular work in mathematics. And the most important mathematical game gives the opportunity to the students to show themselves, their abilities, check the knowledge they have, acquire new knowledge, and all this in an unusual entertaining form. The systematic use of a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics entails the formation and development of cognitive interest among students.

Summing up the above above, I believe that a mathematical game, as an effective means of developing cognitive interest, should be used in extracurricular work on mathematics as often as possible.


1. Alistova, the activity of the teaching of a schoolchildren / L. Aristova. - M: Education, 1968.

2. Balk, M.B. Mathematics after lessons: manual for teachers / M.B. Balk, GD Bale - M: Education, 1671. - 462c.

3. Vinogradova, MD Collective cognitive activity and upbringing schoolchildren / MD Vinogradova, I.B. Pervin. - M: Enlightenment, 1977.

4.Odzinsky, D.I. Education of interest in knowledge in adolescents / D.I. Otzorny. - M: Uchochegiz, 1963. - 183c.

5. Ignatiev V.A. "Extracurricular work on arithmetic in elementary school" Moscow, "Enlightenment" 1965

6. Kotov A.Ya. "Evenings of entertaining mathematics" Moscow, "Enlightenment" 1967

7. Sorokin PI "Entertaining tasks in mathematics" Moscow, "Enlightenment" of 1967

8. Hardelin V.P. "Consider, showy, guess!" Moscow, "Enlightenment" 1970

9. Hardwork V.P. "Extracurricular work on mathematics in elementary school" Moscow, "Enlightenment" 1975

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11. Bayramukova P.U. "Extracurricular work in mathematics" Moscow, "Publis-school" Rail "1997

12. Zak A.Z. "600 game tasks for the development of logical thinking of children" Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development" 1998

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Introduction four

Chapter I. Formation of cognitive interest of students. 7.

§1 Psychological and pedagogical foundations of cognitive interest. 7.

§2 Cognitive interest and ways of its formation. 10

2.1 Cognitive interest, stage of its development. 10

2.2 Conditions for the formation of cognitive interest. sixteen

2.3 Formation of cognitive interests in learning mathematics. nineteen

Chapter II. Extracurricular work on mathematics as a means of developing the cognitive interest of students. 24.

§1 The value of extracurricular work in mathematics as a means of developing cognitive interest. 24.

§2 Mathematical game as a form of extracurricular work in mathematics. thirty

Chapter III. Mathematical game as a means of developing cognitive interest of students. 34.

§ 1 Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the mathematical game .. 34

§ 2 Mathematical games as a means of developing cognitive interest in mathematics. 38.

2.1 Relevance. 38.

2.2 Goals, tasks, functions, requirements of the mathematical game .. 41

2.3 Types of mathematical games. 44.

2.4 The structure of the mathematical game .. 63

2.5 Organizational stages of the mathematical game .. 65

2.6 Requirements for the selection of tasks. 67.

2.7 Requirements for the mathematical game .. 70

Chapter IV. Experienced teaching. 74.

§1 Question of teachers and students. 74.

§2 observations, personal experience. 80.

Conclusion. 85.

Bibliographic list. 86.


As you know, the knowledge gained without interest does not become useful. Therefore, one of the most difficult and most important tasks of didactics as it was and remains the problem of upbringing interest in teaching.

Cognitive interest in the writings, psychologist and teachers studied quite carefully. But still, some questions remain not resolved. The main one is how to cause steady cognitive interest.

Every year, children are equally indifference to study. In particular, it decreases from students to such a subject as mathematics. This item is perceived by students as boring and not at all interesting. In connection with this teachers, the search for effective forms and methods of learning mathematics, which would contribute to the intensification of educational activities, forming cognitive interest.

One of the opportunities to develop cognitive interest to students to mathematics lies in the widespread use of extracurricular work on mathematics. Extracurricular work on mathematics has a powerful reserve for the implementation of such a task of learning, as an increase in cognitive interest, through all the variety of forms of it. One of these forms is a mathematical game.

Mathematical games are characterized by emotionality, cause students a positive attitude towards extracurricular activities in mathematics, and, consequently, to mathematics as a whole; contribute to the intensification of educational activities; Exacerbate intellectual processes and most importantly, contribute to the formation of cognitive interest in the subject. But it should be noted that the mathematical game as a form of extracurricular work is pretty rarely used in connection with the difficulties of the organization and conduct. Thus, large educational, controlling, raising opportunities (in particular the possibility of developing cognitive interest) the use of a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics is not implemented.

Or can a mathematical game be an effective means of developing the cognitive interest of students for mathematics? This is problem This study.

Based on this problem, you can determine purpose of the study - justify the effectiveness of the use of a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics for the formation and development of cognitive interest among students to mathematics.

Object research will serve cognitive interest , subjectmathematical game as a form of extracurricular work on mathematics .

Formulate research hypothesis : The use of a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics contributes to the development of cognitive interest in students to mathematics .

Tasks :

1. Consider the concept of cognitive interest from various points of view, stage of development, conditions of its formation;

2. To explore the ways of formation of cognitive interest in teaching mathematics;

3. Consider the goals, tasks, forms of the organization of extracurricular work on mathematics as a means of developing cognitive interest;

4. To explore the mathematical game as the form of extracurricular work in mathematics;

5. Determine the goals, objectives, conditions, components, types of mathematical games, requirements for conducting and selection of tasks;

6. Based on the analysis of methodological, psychological and pedagogical literature, the survey of teachers and students, their own experience of the mathematical game to substantiate the need to apply the mathematical game on extracurricular activities in mathematics.

The following tasks are used to solve these tasks. methods :

1. Study of methodological, psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic under consideration;

2. Watching students;

3. Questioning;

4. Experimental work.

Chapter I. Formation of educational interest of students

§1 Psychological and pedagogical foundations of cognitive interest

Today you need a person not only consuming knowledge, but also knowing them to extract. Non-standard situations of our days require our width of interest. Interest is a real cause of actions that felt by a person as much important. It is one of the permanent potent motives of activity. Interest can be defined as a positive estimated attitude of the subject to its activities.

As a strong and very significant education for humans, interest has many interpretations in their psychological definitions, it is considered as:

o manifestation of his mental and emotional activity (S.L. Rubinshtein);

o A special alloy of emotional-volitional and intellectual processes that increase the activity of consciousness and human activity (A.A. Hordon);

o active educational (V.N. Myasinsev, V.G. Ivanov), emotional-informative (N.G. Morozov) attitude of a person to the world;

o Specific identity ratio to an object caused by the consciousness of its vital and emotional attractiveness (A.G. Kovalev).

This list of interpretations of interest in psychology is not full, but also said confirms that along with differences, the well-known generality of aspects aimed at disclosing the phenomenon of interest is its relationship with various mental processes, of which emotional, intellectual, regulatory ( Attention, will), its inclusion in various personal education.

A special kind of interest is interest in knowledge, or, as it is customary to call, cognitive interest. His area is cognitive activity, in the process of which the content of training items and the necessary methods or skills and skills, with which the student receives education.

The problem of interest as the most important incentive development incentive is now increasingly attracting attention as teachers and psychologists.

Interest from a psychological point of view, characterized by mobility, variability, variety of shades and degree of development. Most psychologists include interest in the category of directivity, that is, to the aspirations of the individual to the object or activity. Giving a special meaning of cognitive interest, psychologists point out that under this "interests are understood as interest in the content and to the process of mastering knowledge."

From the point of view of S.L. Volubystein and B.G.ananiev, psychological processes included in cognitive interest is not the amount of the terms, but special relationships, peculiar relationships. Interest is a "alloy" of many mental processes that form a special tone of activity, the special states of the individual (the joy of the process of teaching, the desire to deepen into the knowledge of the object of interest, in cognitive activities, the experience of failures and volitional aspirations to overcome).

Cognitive interest plays a major role in the pedagogical process. I. V. Metelsky defines cognitive interest as follows: "Interest is an active cognitiveination associated with a positive emotionally painted attitude towards studying the subject with the joy of knowledge, overcoming difficulties, creating success, with a self-expression and approval of a developing personality."

G. I. Schukin, who specially engaged in the study of cognitive interest in pedagogy, determines it as follows: "Cognitive interest is in favor of us as the electoral orientation of the person, facing the field of knowledge, to its subject side and the very process of mastering knowledge." .

Cognitive interest psychologists and teachers are studying from different sides, but any study considers as part of the general problem of education and development. Today, the problem of interest is increasingly investigated in the context of the diverse activities of students, which allows creatively working teachers, educators to successfully form and develop the interests of students, enriching the personality, to educate an active attitude to life.

§2 cognitive interest and ways to form

2.1 Cognitive interest, stage of its development

Cognitive interest is the election orientation of the individual to the subjects and phenomena surrounding reality. This orientation is characterized by a constant desire for knowledge, to new, more complete and deep knowledge. Only when that or another area of \u200b\u200bscience, one or another training subject seems to be important, significant, he is engaged in themselves, it is trying to more deeply and thoroughly examine all the parties to those phenomena, events that are related to the knowledge of the knowledge. Otherwise, interest in the subject can not carry the character of genuine cognitive orientation: it may be random, unstable and superficial.

Systematic strengthening and developing cognitive interest is the basis of a positive attitude towards teaching. Cognitive interest is a search character. Under his influence, the person constantly arises questions, the answers to which he himself constantly and is actively looking for. At the same time, the search activity of the schoolchildren is committed with hobby, it is experiencing an emotional rise, joy of luck. Cognitive interest has a positive effect not only on the process and the result of activity, but also on the flow of mental processes - thinking, imagination, memory, attention, which under the influence of cognitive interest is acquired by special activity and orientation.

A characteristic feature of cognitive interest is his volitional orientation. Cognitive interest is sent not only to the process of knowledge, but also on the result, and this is always due to the desire for the goal, with the implementation of it, overcoming difficulties, with a volitional voltage and effort. Cognitive interest is not an enemy of a volitional effort, but its faithful ally. In the informational interest, all the most important manifestations of the individual interact pertain.

Cognitive interest is one of the most important uching motifs Schoolchildren. Under the influence of cognitive interest, training work even in weak disciples proceeds more productively. The motive is painted emotionally all educational activities of a teenager. At the same time, it is associated with other motifs (liability to parents and team, etc.). Cognitive interest as a doctrine motive prompts the student to independent activities, if there is an interest, the process of mastering knowledge becomes more active, creative, which in turn affects the strengthening of interest. Independent penetration into new areas of knowledge, overcoming difficulties causes a sense of satisfaction, pride, success, that is, it creates that emotional background that is characteristic of interest.

Cognitive interest in the proper pedagogical and methodological organization of students and systematic and targeted educational activities may have to become sustainable feature line Schoolchildren and has a strong impact on its development. As a person's trait, cognitive interest is manifested in all circumstances, finds the use of its incension in any atmosphere, in all conditions. Under the influence of interest, mental activity is developing, which is expressed in many questions, with which schoolboy, for example, appeals to the teacher, to parents, adults, finding out the essence of the phenomenon of interest. Introducing and reading books in the area of \u200b\u200binterest, the choice of certain forms of extracurricular work capable of satisfying his interest is all this forms and develops the identity of the student.

Cognitive interest acts and how strong tool of learning . Describing interest as a means of learning, it should be noted that interesting teaching is not entertaining teaching, rich in effective experiments, demonstrations of colorful benefits, entertaining tasks and stories, etc., it is not even a lightweight training in which everything is told, explained and student It remains only to remember. Interest as a means of learning is valid only when internal incentives are performing, capable of keeping the outbreaks arising from external influences. Novelty, unusual, surprise, oddity, discrepancy previously learned, all these features are capable not only to cause instant interest, but also awaken emotions that generate a desire to study the material more deeply, that is, to promote the sustainability of interest. The classical pedagogy of the past claimed - "the death sin of the teacher is to be boring." When a child does from under the stick, he gives the teacher a lot of trouble and chagrin, when children are engaged with hunting, then it is going on quite differently.

The intensification of the cognitive activity of the student without the development of his cognitive interest is not only difficult, but practically impossible. That is why in the learning process it is necessary to systematically excite, develop and strengthen the cognitive interest of students and as an important motive of teachings, and as a persistent personality, and how powerful raising learning, improving its quality.

At schoolchildren of the same class, cognitive interests may have a different level of their development and the nature of the manifestations due to various experiences, the special ways of individual development.

An elementary level of cognitive interest can be considered open, direct interest in new facts, entertaining phenomena, which appear in the information obtained by the student at the lesson. In this stage - stages of curiosity The student is content only to an enormity of a particular object, a particular area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. At this stage, students have no desire to know the entity.

It is a higher level of interest in the knowledge of the essential properties of objects and phenomena that make up the deeper often invisible internal essence. This level, called stage of inquisitive , requires searching, guesses, active operating knowledge of knowledge gained methods. The studio of inquisitive is characterized by the desire to penetrate the limits of visible at the stage of development of cognitive interest. The schoolboy is characteristic of the emotion of surprise, the joy of knowledge. The student, including on his own motivation in operation, is encountered on difficulties and begins to seek the causes of failure. Curious, becoming a steady character line, is of great value for the development of the person. This stage, as studies have shown, are characteristic of the younger teenagers who have not yet have sufficient theoretical baggage to penetrate into the essence and deep into things, but have already broken off from elementary specific actions and become capable of an independent deductive approach in learning.

An even higher level of cognitive interest is the interest of the schoolchildren to cause-investigative relations, to identifying patterns, to establishing general principles of phenomena acting in various conditions. This interest characterizes genuinely cognitive interest . The stage of cognitive interest is usually associated with the desire of a student to resolve the problematic matter. The focus of the schoolchild is not the ready-made material of the educational subject and the activity itself, but the question, the problem. Cognitive interest, as a special orientation of the person on the knowledge of the surrounding reality, is characterized by a continuous translational movement, contributing to the transition of a schoolboy from ignorance to knowledge, from less complete and deep to a more complete and deep penetration into the essence of phenomena. For

cognitive interest is characterized by the voltage of thought, strengthening will, manifestation of feelings leading to overcoming difficulties in solving problems, to active search for a response to problematic issues.

There is also the same stage of theoretical interest associated not only to the desire for the knowledge of the laws, theoretical foundations, but also with their use in practice, appears at a certain stage of the development of the personality and its worldview. This stage is characterized by active influence on the world aimed at the reorganization, requires not only deep knowledge from personality, it is associated with the formation of its persistent beliefs. Only senior schoolchildren who have a theoretical basis for the formation of scientific views, proper world-upping, is able to climb this level.

These levels of development of cognitive interest: curiosity, curiosity, cognitive interest, theoretical interest helps us more or less accurately determine the attitude of the student to the subject and the degree of influence on his personality. And although these stages are not all accepting and allocated, they are purely conditional remain generally accepted.

It would be a mistake, however, consider the indicated steps of cognitive interest isolated from each other. In the real process, they represent the most complex combinations and relationships.

The state of interest that discovers a student on a particular training lesson, manifested under the influence of the most diverse aspects of training (inheritance, location to the teacher, a successful answer, raised its prestige in front of the team, etc.), maybe temporary, transient, not leaving A deep track in the development of the student's personality, in relation to a schoolboy to teaching. But in the conditions of a high level of training, with the focused work of the teacher to form cognitive interests, this temporary state of interest can be used as the starting point for the development of inquiry, curiosity, desire to be guided by a scientific approach when studying various learning subjects (to seek and find evidence, read Additional literature, interested in the latest scientific discoveries, etc.).

Be careful to every child. To be able to see, notice the small spark of interest in any side of the study work, create all the conditions in order to ignite it and turn it into an authentic interest in science, to the knowledge - in this task of a teacher who form cognitive interest.

Thus, cognitive interest can be considered as one of the most important exercise motives, as a stable personality trait and as a strong learning. In the process of learning, it is important to develop and strengthen cognitive interest and as a motive of teachings, and as a trait of personality, and as a means of learning. It should be remembered that there are different stages of development of cognitive interest, to know their features, signs. And in order for the teacher to form cognitive interest in any activity, he should know the main forms and ways to activate cognitive interest, take into account all the conditions necessary for this.

2.2 Conditions for the formation of cognitive interest

Based on the tremendous experience of the past, on special research and practice of modern experience, we can talk about conditions that contribute to the formation, development and strengthening of cognitive interest to students:

1. The first condition is to carry out the maximum support for active mental activity of students . The main ground for the development of the cognitive forces and capabilities of students, as for the development, genuinely cognitive interest, are situations of solving informative tasks, situations of active search, guesses, reflections, mental situations, the situation of contradictory judgments, collisions of various positions in which it is necessary to understand , make a decision, get up on a certain point of view.

2. The second condition involves ensuring the formation of cognitive interests and individuals in general. It is to conduct a learning process at an optimal level of student development . The path of generalizations, finding the patterns, which are subject to visible phenomena and processes are the way, which in highlighting the set of requests and sections of science contributes to a higher level of learning and assimilation, as it relies on the maximum level of development of the schoolchild. This condition ensures the strengthening and deepening of cognitive interest on the basis of the fact that training systematically and optimally improves the activities of knowledge, its ways, its skills. In the real training process, the teacher has to be dealt with in order to constantly train students with many skills and skills. With all the variety of objective skills, the general, with which the teaching can be guided, regardless of the degree of learning, such as the ability to read the book (work with a book), analyze and summarize, the ability to systematize educational material, allocate the only, basic, logically to establish the answer, give evidence, etc. These generalized skills are based on the complex emotional regular processes. They constitute those methods of cognitive activity that make it easy, mobile, in various conditions to use knowledge and at the expense of the previously acquire new ones.

3. Emotional atmosphere of training, positive emotional tone of the educational process - Third important condition. The prosperous emotional atmosphere of learning and teaching is associated with two main sources of schoolchild development: with activities and communication that give birth to multi-valued relationships and create a tone of the student's personal mood. Both of these sources are not isolated from each other, they are intertwined in the educational process all the time, and at the same time the incentives coming from them are different, and their influence on cognitive activity and interest in knowledge, others - indirectly. The prosperous atmosphere of the teaching brings a student to be smarter, better and guessed. It is this desire of a student to rise above what has already been achieved, approves a sense of self-esteem, brings him in successful activities to the deepest satisfaction, a good mood at which it works more, faster and productive. The creation of a favorable emotional atmosphere of cognitive activity of students is the most important condition for the formation of the cognitive interest and development of the student's personality in the educational process. This condition connects the whole complex of learning functions - educational, educational, educating and has a direct and indirect influence on interest. It follows the fourth important condition, providing a beneficial effect on interest and personality in general.

4. The fourth condition is favorable communication in the educational process . This group of conditions of the relationship "Student - Teacher", "Student - parents and relatives", "Student - team". This should add some individual characteristics of the student himself, the experience of success and failure, its inclinations, the presence of other strong interests and much more in the psychology of the child. Each of these relationships may affect the interest of the student, both in positive and in the negative direction. All these relationships and, above all, the "teacher - student" attitude is managed by a teacher. Its demanding and at the same time caring attitude towards the student, his passion is the subject and the desire to emphasize its great importance - determines the attitude of the student to study this subject. To this group of conditions, the ability of the student, as well as the success achieved by him as a result of perseverance and perseverance.

So, one of the most important conditions for the formation of cognitive interest were considered above. Compliance with all these conditions contributes to the formation of cognitive interest in teaching school subjects, including mathematics.

2.3 Formation of cognitive interests in training


Cognitive interest, like any personality line and the motive of the schoolchild, is developing and formed in activities, and, above all, in teaching.

The success of the teacher in the learning process is primarily depends on how much he managed to interest students with his subject. But interest can not arise by itself, the teacher needs to take part in this, to contribute. How to do it? It should be noted that the performance of students on the subject is not always an indicator of the presence of a student of cognitive interest in him. The child can receive only excellent ratings and it can only testify to his diligence or that mathematics is easily given to him. It is impossible to assert about the presence of cognitive interest in mathematics. At the same time, a student who does not differ in mathematics may be interested in the subject, he likes to do in the lesson of mathematics. The work of the teacher in the class is to identify such students, develop and form their sustainable cognitive interest. The teacher must support such students, diversify their learning activities, bring to extracurricular work on mathematics. Perhaps such children will like to solve non-standard mathematical tasks in which they will be able to show their mathematical abilities. Having succeeded, the student will rise not only in his eyes, but in the eyes of classmates. All this will inspire him for a further more serious study of mathematics.

In order to interest as many students as possible mathematics, the teacher needs to use various forms in mathematics training, know the main ways of forming cognitive interest. The formation of cognitive interests of students in training can occur on two main channels, on the one hand, the content of the learning items contains this possibility, and on the other, by a certain organization of cognitive activity of students.

The first thing is the subject of cognitive interest for schoolchildren is new knowledge about the world. That is why there is a deeply thoughtful selection of the content of the educational material, the showing of the wealth concluded in scientific knowledge is the most important link of the formation of interest in the teachings. What are the ways to implement this task? First of all, interest excites and reinforces such a training material, which is for students with a new, unknown, striking their imagination, makes wonder. Surprise - a strong incentive of knowledge, his primary element. Surprising, a person seeks to look forward. It is in a state of waiting for something new.

But the cognitive interest in educational material can not be supported all the time only with bright facts, and its attractiveness cannot be reduced to the surprising and affecting the imagination. New and unexpected always in educational material Performs against the background of an already known and familiar. That is why to maintain cognitive interest. It is important to learn schoolchildren with the ability to see a new one. Such teaching brings to the realization that in everyday, repeated phenomena of the surrounding world many amazing parties, which he can learn about the lessons.

All significant phenomena of life, which have become ordinary for the child, by virtue of their repeatability, can and should purchase unexpectedly new, complete meaning, completely different sound for him. And it will definitely be an incentive of the interest of the student to knowledge. That is why the teacher needs to translate schoolchildren from the stage of his purely everydays, quite narrow and poor ideas about the world - to the level of scientific concepts, generalizations, understanding patterns. Interesting to knowledge is also promoted by showing the latest achievements of science. Now, more than ever, it is necessary to expand the program frameworks, acquaint students with the main directions of scientific searches, discoveries. All this can be carried out both in the lesson in mathematics and in extracurricular work in mathematics.

There are other directions of development of interest among schoolchildren to mathematics, such as the use of science fiction. The tasks can also serve as a means of developing cognitive interest. The content of the tasks, their entertaining Fabul, communication with life is indispensable when teaching mathematics. Interesting creates interest, gives rise to a sense of expectation, encourages curiosity, curiosity goes into curiosity and encourages interest in solving mathematical problems, to the most mathematics. The informative side of the problem also includes its novelty, achieved through the inclusion of information related to life. Increase interest in mathematics and tasks containing facts from the life of specific historical individuals, information from the history of mathematics. In general, the inclusion of information from the history of science in classes contribute to a more conscious learning of educational material, the development of interest among schoolchildren to mathematics. The novelty of tasks can also be achieved by implementing subject connections. Also for the development of interest in mathematics, you can use tasks and exercises containing errors. Such tasks teach schoolchildren to pay attention to the need for strict logical reasoning. The ability to solve the tasks is one of the indicators of the level of mathematical development of students, the depth of the assimilation of their knowledge.

Not everything in the educational material can be interesting for students. And then one more, no less important source of cognitive interest is the process of activity. To initiate the desire to learn, you need to develop the need for a student to engage in cognitive activity, which means that in the process of its schoolchilde must find attractive parties that the exercise process itself contains in itself positive charges Interest. So episodic use of game situations, conducting lessons and extracurricular work in the form of games and insecurity, increase the interest of students to the subject.

By diversifying the content of classes in mathematics, both extracurricular and lesson, changing their form of bringing and taking into account all conditions for the formation of cognitive interest, one can promote its development in a large number of students.

Output: So, we looked at the first chapter the concept of cognitive interest, the conditions and methods of its formation in teaching mathematics. In this regard, you can draw the following withdraw:

Cognitive interopsomenesses and teachers are studying from different sides, but any research is considering interest as part of the general problem of education and development.

Cognitive interest is the electoral orientation of the individual on the subjects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Cognitive interest can be viewed from different sides: as a motive of teachings, as a stable feature trait, as a strong learning tool. In order to intensify the schoolchild's learning activities, you need to systematically excite, develop and strengthen cognitive interest and as a motive, and as a persistent personality, and as a powerful learning tool.

There are four levels of development of cognitive interest. This is curiosity, curiosity, cognitive interest and theoretical interest. The teacher needs to be able to determine at what stage of development are cognitive interest among individual students in order to strengthen interest in the subject and its further growth.

The conditions for the formation of cognitive interest, namely, the maximum support for the active mental activity of students, conducting the educational process at an optimal level of student development, positive emotional tone of the educational process, favorable communication in the educational process.

Cognitive interest in mathematics is formed and developing in the process of exercise. The main goal of the teacher is to be interested in students with their subject. And it is possible to successfully implement this goal not only in the lessons, but also in extracurricular work in mathematics.

Chapter II. Extracurricular work on mathematics as a means of developing educational interest of students

§1 The value of extracurricular work on mathematics as a means of developing cognitive interest

The attitude of students to one or another object is determined by various factors: individual identity features, the features of the item itself, the methodology of his teaching.

In relation to mathematics, there are always some categories of students who exhibit increased interest in it; Doing it as necessary and special interest in the subject not showing; Pupils that consider mathematics boring, dry and not a loved one at all. Therefore, from the first grades, a sharp bundle of the group of students begins: on those who are easily and with interest the software material in mathematics, on those who seek with mathematics only satisfactory results, and those who successfully study mathematics are given with great difficulty. This leads to the need to individualize learning mathematics, one of the forms of which is extracurricular work.

Under extracurricular work in mathematics, the optional systematic classes Pupils with a teacher at extracurricular time.

Extracurric-on mathematics classes are designed to solve a whole range of tasks on in-depth mathematical education, the comprehensive development of the individual abilities of schoolchildren and the maximum satisfaction of their interests and needs.

Dryshinsky highlights three main tasks of extracurricular work on mathematics:

o increase the level of mathematical thinking, deepen theoretical knowledge and develop the practical skills of students who showed mathematical abilities;

o Contribute to the emergence of the majority of students, attracting some of them in the ranks of "mathematics lovers";

o Organize leisure students in class free time.

Extracurricular work on mathematics is an integral part of the educational process, a natural continuation of work in the lesson. It differs from the classroom, which is built on the principle of voluntariness. State programs for extracurricular work is not, as not and the norms of estimates. For extracurricular work, the teacher selects the material of increased difficulties or material that complements the study of the main course of mathematics, but taking into account the continuity with the classroom. Exercises can be widely used here.

Despite its optional for school, extracurricular classes in mathematics deserve the most close attention of each teacher who teaching this subject, since the clock on the main course of mathematics is reduced.

The teacher can at extracurricular activities in mathematics to the maximum extent to take into account the possibilities, requests and interests of their students. Extracurricular work on mathematics complements the mandatory academic work on the subject and must, first of all, contribute to the deeper assimilation of the student of the material provided for by the program.

One of the main reasons for relatively poor performance in mathematics is the weak interest of many students to this subject. Interest in the subject depends, first of all, on the quality of academic work in the lesson, at the same time with the help of a thoughtful system extracurricular activities It is possible to significantly increase the interest of schoolchildren to mathematics.

Along with students, indifferent to mathematics, there are also students who are fond of this subject. They are few of the knowledge they get in the lesson. They would like to learn more about their beloved subject, ponslast more difficult tasks. A variety of extracurricular activities provide great opportunities in this direction.

Extracter classes with students can successfully be used to deepen students' knowledge in the field of software material, the development of their logical thinking, research skills, smelting, taste to read mathematical literature, for reporting useful information from the history of mathematics.

Extracurricular work creates great opportunities for solving educational challenges facing the school (in particular, education in persistence students, initiative, will, smelts).

Extracurricular studies with students bring great favor And the teacher himself. To successfully carry out extracurricular work, the teacher has to constantly expand their knowledge of mathematics, follow the news of mathematical science. This has a beneficial effect on the quality of his lessons.

The following types of extracurricular work on mathematics can be distinguished:

o Working with students who are lagging behind in the study of software;

o Work with students exercising to study mathematics increased interest and ability;

o Working with students to develop interest in the study of mathematics.

In the third case, the task of the teacher is to interest the student in mathematics.

The majority of schoolchildren should be covered by the systematic extracurricular work on mathematics, not only students who are passionate about mathematics should be occupied in it, but also those students who do not even go to mathematics, did not reveal their abilities and inclinations.

This is especially important in adolescence, when still form, and sometimes constant interests and inconsistencies are defined or another object. It is during this period that it is necessary to strive to reveal the attractive sides of mathematics in front of all students using all the possibilities for this purpose, including the features of extracurricular activities.

In connection with the above-mentioned types of extracurricular work on mathematics, it is possible to allocate the following objectives in it:

1. Timely liquidation (and warning) available to students in knowledge and skills at the rate of mathematics;

2. Awakening and developing the sustainable interest of students to mathematics and its applications;

3. expansion and deepening knowledge of students on software material;

4. The optimal development of mathematical abilities in students and the impulse of students of certain skills of a research and development;

5. Education of a high culture of mathematical thinking;

6. Development of schoolchildren from the skill independently and creatively working with educational and popular literature;

7. Expansion and deepening of students' presentings on the practical meaning of mathematics;

8. Education of students' feelings of collectivism and ability to combine individual work with collective;

9. Establishment of closer business contacts between mathematics teacher and students and on this basis a deeper study of the cognitive interests and requests of schoolchildren;

10. Creating an asset capable of providing Mathematics teacher in organizing effective learning mathematics of the entire team of this class.

It is assumed that the implementation of these goals is partially carried out in the lessons. However, in the process of classroom classes, limited by the framework of study time and the program, it is not possible to do with sufficient completeness. Therefore, the final and complete implementation of these goals is transferred to extracurricular activities of this species.

Mathematics teachers who work creatively, with a fire, are of great importance in their work to form the formation of cognitive interests in the learning process, search for methods, forms, means of receptions that encourage students to active mental activities.

To achieve that most adolescents experience and realize the attractive sides of mathematics, its possibilities in improving mental abilities, love to think, overcome difficulties, is a complex, but very necessary and important side of learning mathematics. The emergence of interest in mathematics in most students depends on more than From the method of his presentation, because of how thin and skillfully the training work will be built.

To the forms, the widespread use of which is appropriate in extracurricular work on mathematics, include gaming forms of classes - classes permeated with elements of the game, competitions containing playing situations.

The development of the cognitive interest of students in the task of extreme importance, from the solution of which, largely depends on the success of students in various knowledge, skills and skills. In the process of learning activities, the level of development of cognitive processes is played by a major role: thinking, attention, memory, imagination, speech; as well as the abilities of students. Their development and improvement will entail and expand the cognitive opportunities for children. To do this, you need to include a child in its affordable activity. The activity should cause strong and sustainable positive emotions from a schoolboy, pleasure; It should be creative if possible; The student must pursue the goals, always a little exceeding its capabilities, that is, there is an active development of cognitive interest, students. This is facilitated by various forms of extracurricular work in mathematics. When carrying out extracurricular work on mathematics, special tasks and tasks are regularly used, which are aimed at the development of cognitive opportunities and abilities, to expand the mathematical horizon of schoolchildren, contribute to mathematical development, increase the quality of mathematical preparedness, allow children to more confidently orient themselves in the simplest laws of their surrounding reality and More actively use mathematical knowledge in everyday life. When carrying out extracurricular work on mathematics, the teacher relies on the knowledge that the student already exists, the student also discovers something new, unknown. Thus, extracurricular work on mathematics acts as a means of developing the cognitive interest of students through their goals, objectives, content and form of conduct.

§2 Mathematical game as a form of extracurricular work on mathematics

To date, there are various forms of extracurricular work on mathematics with students. These include:

o mathematical circle;

o School mathematical evening;

o Mathematical Olympiad;

o mathematical game;

o school mathematical seal;

o Mathematical Excursion;

o Mathematical abstracts and writings;

o Mathematical Conference;

o extracurricular reading of mathematical literature and others.

Obviously, the forms of extracurricular activities and techniques used in these classes must meet a number of requirements.

First, they should differ from the forms of classrooms and other mandatory events. This is important, since extracurricular work is based on a voluntary basis and is usually carried out after lessons. Therefore, in order to interest students with the subject and attract them to extracurricular work, it is necessary to conduct it in an unusual form.

Secondly, these forms of extracurricular activities should be diverse. After all, in order to maintain the interest of students, you need to constantly surprise them, diversify their activities.

Thirdly, the forms of extracurricular activities should be designed for various categories of students. Extracurricular work should attract and be held not only for those interested in mathematics and gifted schoolchildren, but for students who do not show interest in the subject. Perhaps thanks to the correctly chosen form of extracurricular work, designed to interest and carry students, such students will be more focused on mathematics.

And finally, fourthly, these forms should be selected taking into account the age characteristics of children for whom an extracurricular event is carried out.

Violation of these basic requirements may result in extracurricular classes in mathematics will attend a small number of students or will stop visiting. Students are engaged in mathematics only in the lessons where they do not have the opportunity to experience and realize the attractive sides of mathematics, its possibilities in improving mental abilities, to love the item. Therefore, when organizing extracurricular work, it is important not only to think about its content, but also, necessarily, on the method of carrying out, form.

Gaming forms of classes or mathematical games are classes permeated with elements of the game, competitions containing game situations.

Mathematical game as a form of extracurricular work plays a huge role in the development of cognitive interest among students. The game has a noticeable impact on students' activity. The game motive is to reinforce them a cognitive motif, contributes to the activity of mental activity, increases the concentration of attention, perseverance, performance, interest, creates conditions for the appearance of the joy of success, satisfaction, feelings of collectivism. In the process of the game, carried away, the children do not notice what learn. The game motive is equally effective for all categories of students, both strong and middle and weak. Children with a big hunt take part in various patterns and shape of mathematical games. A mathematical game is sharply different from the usual lesson, so the interest of most students and the desire to participate in it. It should also be noted that many forms of extracurricular work on mathematics may contain elements of the game, and vice versa, some forms of extracurricular work can be part of a mathematical game. Introduction gaming elements In extracurricular occupation destroys the intellectual passivity of students, which arises from students after long-term mental labor in the lessons.

Mathematical game As a form of extracurricular work in mathematics is a mass-grab and cognitive, active, creative relative to the activities of students.

The main goal of the application of the mathematical game is to develop a sustainable cognitive interest among students through a variety of applying mathematical games.

Thus, among the forms of extracurricular work, a mathematical game can be distinguished as the most bright and attractive for students. Games and game forms are included in extracurricular work not only to entertain students, but also to interest them with mathematics, excite their desire to overcome difficulties, acquire new knowledge on the subject. The mathematical game successfully connects game and cognitive motifs, and in such a game activity, the transition from gaming motives to educational motives is gradually.

Output: On the second chapter, you can draw the following conclusions:

Extracurricular work on mathematics solves some tasks. Namely, it raises the level of mathematical thinking, deepens theoretical knowledge, develops practical skills of students, and most importantly contributes to the emergence of cognitive interest among schoolchildren to mathematics.

There are several types of extracurricular work on mathematics: work with lagging in mathematics; work with students of interested mathematics; Work on the development of cognitive interest in mathematics.

Due to the species of extracurricular work on mathematics, they allocate its goals. One of the most important goals of extracurricular work on mathematics is the awakening and development of the sustainable interest of students to mathematics.

Extracurricular work on mathematics can be carried out in different forms. These forms of extracurricular work should satisfy a number of requirements: differ from the forms of classrooms, should be diverse, should be designed for various categories of students, to be selected and developed taking into account age characteristics.

Among all forms of extracurricular work on mathematics, a mathematical game can be distinguished as the most bright and beloved for most schoolchildren. Mathematical game as a form of extracurricular work plays a huge role in the development of the cognitive interest of students to mathematics.

Chapter III. Mathematical game as a means of developing educational interest of students

§ 1 Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the mathematical game

Mathematical game is one of the forms of extracurricular work in mathematics. It is used in the system of extracurricular work for the formation of interest in children in the subject, acquiring new knowledge, skills, skills, deepening already existing knowledge. The game along with teachings and work is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence.

What is understood by the word game? The term "game" is multi-rival, widely use the boundaries between the game and not the game is extremely blurred. According to D. B. Elkonin and S. A. Falls, the words "Game" and "Play" are used in a wide variety of meanings: entertainment, performance of a musical work or role in the play. Leading game feature - rest, entertainment. This property is just distinguished by the game from not the game.

The phenomenon of the children's game is studied by researchers quite widely and versatile, both in domestic development and abroad.

The game, according to many psychologists, there is a form of educational activities, a form of development of social experience, one of the complex abilities of a person.

Russian psychologist A.N. Leontyev considers the game the leading type of child's activity, with the development of which the main changes in the psyche of children, preparing the transition to a new, highest degree of their development. To amused and playing, the child acquires himself and realizes itself with a person.

The game, in particular mathematical, unusually informative and a lot of "tells" the child himself about him. She helps to find a child of himself in the team of companions, in general, society, humanity, in the universe.

In pedagogy, the games include a wide variety of actions and forms of children. The game is a lesson, firstly, subjectively significant, pleasant, independent and voluntary, secondly, - having an analogue in real reality, but differing in its non-utilization and liability of reproduction, thirdly, - arising spontaneously or created artificially for development any functions or personal qualities, fixing the achievements or tension removal. The mandatory characteristic feature of all games is a special emotional state, on the background and with the participation of which they pass.

A.S. Makarenko believed that "the game should constantly replenish knowledge, be a means of comprehensive child development, its abilities, cause positive emotions, replenish the life of a children's team with an interesting content."

You can give the following definition of the game. Game is a type of activity imitating real life, which has clear rules and limited duration. But, despite the differences in approaches to determine the essence of the game, its destination, all researchers agree on one: a game, including mathematical, is a way to develop a person, enriching its life experience. Therefore, the game is used as a means, form and method of training and education.

There are many classifications and types of games. If you classify the game on subject areas, you can highlight a mathematical game. The mathematical game on the field of activity is, first of all, an intellectual game, that is, a game where success is achieved mainly due to the mental abilities of a person, his mind that he has knowledge of mathematics.

Mathematical game helps to fix and expand the knowledge, skills and skills provided by the school curriculum. It is strongly recommended to use on extracurricular activities and evenings. But these games should not be perceived by children as a process of intentional learning, as it would destroy the essence of the game itself. The nature of the game is such that in the absence of absolute voluntariness, it ceases to be a game.

In modern school, the mathematical game is used in the following cases: as an independent technology * for the development of concepts, themes or even the section of the educational subject; as an element of more extensive technology; as a lesson or its part; As the technology of extracurricular work.

The mathematical game included in the occupation, and simply gaming activities in the learning process have a noticeable impact on students' activity. The game motive is for them a real reinforcement of the cognitive motive, contributes to the creation of additional conditions for the active mental activity of students, increases the concentration of attention, perseverance, efficiency, creates additional conditions for the appearance of the joy of success, satisfaction, sense of collectivism.

Mathematical game, and any game in the educational process, has characteristic features. On the one hand, the conditional nature of the game, the presence of a plot or conditions, the presence of used objects and actions, with which the game task is solved. On the other hand, freedom of choice, improvisation in external and internal activities allows participants to receive new information, new knowledge, to enrich new sensory experience and experience of mental and practical activity. Through the game, the real feelings and thoughts of the participants of the game, their positive attitude, real actions, creativity is possible a successful decision of educational tasks, namely, the formation of positive motivation in training activities, feelings of success, interest, activity, communication needs, the desire to achieve the best Result, surpass yourself, increase your skills.

§ 2 Mathematical games as a means of developing cognitive interest in mathematics

2.1 Relevance

The subject of mathematics is a coherent system of definitions, theorems and rules. Each new definition, theorem and rule are based on the previous one, previously entered, proven. Each new task includes elements previously solved. Such a connectivity, interdependence and additionability of all sections of the subject, intolerance to spaces and missions, misunderstanding, both in general and in parts, is the cause of the failure of students in the training of mathematics. As a result of these failures, there is a loss of interest in the subject. But along with this, mathematics is also a task system, to solve each of which mental efforts, perseverance, will and other personal qualities are required. These features of mathematics creates favorable conditions for the development of activity of thinking, but they also often serve as the passivity of students. For such students who do not show interest in mathematics, for which it seems "boring", "dry" science and need to carry out extracurricular activities in an interesting, entertaining form, in the form of a mathematical game. Initially, the students will pass the process itself, and later wants to learn something new, to achieve success in the game, win.

It is known that only in the presence of both close motives - directly encouraging educational activities (interests, promotion, praise, assessment, etc.) and distant - social motives orienting it (debt, need, responsibility to the team, awareness of the social importance of teachings and Dr.), it is possible to stable mental activity, interest in the subject. The lack of motives or weakening them can lead to passivity. Often there is a place in the lesson in mathematics, the execution of monotonous, "boring" work, the execution of the same type of tasks. In such cases, interest in the subject weakens, the close motives of activities are absent, the motive of practical significance is weakened, i.e. The motives of the activity at the moment do not have meaning for students. The presence of only distant motives, supporting verbally, does not create sufficient conditions for manifestation of perseverance and activity (calculations remain not complete). This can be observed in solving problems of increased difficulty, which is given a large place on extracurricular activities. This work is recognized by students as useful and necessary, but difficulties are sometimes too large and the emotional ascent, which was observed at the beginning of the problem of the problem, decreases, attention weakens, will, will decrease interest and ultimately all this leads to passivity. In these situations with great effect, mathematical games can be used containing competition elements. Students have a goal to win, overtake everyone else, be the best. They deeply focus on the task, stubbornly decide it. Having achieved success, the student "strives for overcoming even higher vertices," and failures only attend him to prepare and next time to achieve their goal. All this stimulates in students cognitive activity, interest.

Activity and interest in activities depends on the nature of the activity and its organization. It is known that the activities in which issues are set, the problems requiring an independent decision, activities in the process of which positive emotions are born (the joy of success, satisfaction, etc.) is most often they are of interest, active cognitive activity. Conversely, the activity is monotonous, designed for mechanical execution, memorization, as a rule, cannot cause interest, the lack of positive emotions can lead to passivity. Mathematical games are diverse, they require independence and emotionally saturated. The use of them on extracurricular activities increases the activity of students, charges with positive emotions, contributes to the emergence of cognitive interest in the subject. Mathematical game is putting students. They carry various tasks with enthusiasm. Students do not think about the fact that during the game they learn, they are engaged in the same mental labor as in the lessons.

All this suggests that the mathematical game should be used in extracurricular work on mathematics in order to affect the awakening of the intellectual activity of schoolchildren and the formation of their interest in the subject.

2.2 Goals, Tasks, Functions, Mathematical Game Requirements

As mentioned above, the main objective of the application of the mathematical game on extracurricular activities about mathematics is the development of sustainable cognitive interest among students to the subject through a variety of mathematical games used.

You can also single out the following objectives of the application of mathematical games:

o The development of thinking;

o deepening theoretical knowledge;

o self-determination in the world of hobbies and professions;

o Organization of free time;

o Communication with peers;

o Education of cooperation and collectivism;

o Acquisition of new knowledge, skills and skills;

o Formation of adequate self-esteem;

o development of volitional qualities;

o knowledge control;

o Motivation of training activities, etc.

Mathematical games are called upon the following tasks.


Promote the durable learning learning learning;

Contribute to expanding the horizons of students and others.


Develop creative thinking in students;

Promote the practical application of skills and skills obtained in lessons and extracurricular activities;

Promote the development of imagination, fancy, creative abilities, etc.


Contribute to the education of self-developing and self-realizable personality;

Raise moral views and beliefs;

Contribute to the education of independence and will in work, etc.

Mathematical games perform various functions.

1. During the mathematical game there are simultaneously game, educational and labor activity. Indeed, the game brings the fact that in life is not comparable and breed what is considered one.

2. The mathematical game requires a schoolboy, so that he knew the subject. After all, without knowing how to solve the tasks, to solve, decipher and unravel the student will not be able to participate in the game.

3. In the students' games learn to plan their work, evaluate the results not only in someone else's, but also their activities, to show a mixture when solving tasks, creatively approaching any task, to use and select the desired material.

4. The results of the games show schoolchildren their level of preparedness, training. Mathematical games help in self-improvement of students and, thereby encouraging their informative activity, increases interest in the subject.

5. During participation in mathematical games, students not only receive new information, but also acquire the experience of collecting the necessary information and its proper application.

The gaming forms of extracurricular activities are pleased to be happy.

Certain knowledge requirements should be made to the participants in the mathematical game . In particular, to play - you need to know. This requirement gives the game cognitive character.

The rules of the game should be such that students show the desire to participate in it. therefore games should be developed taking into account age characteristics of children Showing interest in any age, their development and knowledge available.

Mathematical games should be developed taking into account individual characteristics of students, taking into account various groups of students : weak, strong; Active, passive, etc. They should be such that each type of students can manifest themselves in the game, show their abilities, opportunities, their independence, perseverance, smelting, experience sense of satisfaction, success.

When developing the game need to provide easier game options , tasks, for weak students and on the contrary, a more complex option for strong students. For very weak students, games are being developed, where you do not need to think, and need only an email. Thus, it is possible to attract more students to visiting extracurricular activities in mathematics and thereby contribute to the development of cognitive interest.

Mathematical games should be developed taking into account the subject and its material . They must be diverse. The diversity of species of mathematical games will help increase the effectiveness of extracurricular work in mathematics, will serve as an additional source of systematic and durable knowledge.

Thus, the mathematical game as a form of extracurricular work in mathematics has its own goals, tasks and functions. Compliance with all the requirements of the mathematical games will make it possible to achieve good results to attract a larger number of students to extracurricular work on mathematics, the emergence of cognitive interest in it. Not only strong students will exist more interest in the subject, but also weak students will begin to show their activity in the teaching.

2.3 Types of Mathematical Games

One of the requirements for mathematical games is their manifold. It is possible to bring the following classification of mathematical games on different grounds, but it will not be strict, since each game can be attributed to several types from this classification.

So, the system of mathematical games includes the following types:

1. By destination distinguish educational , controlling and raising games. You can also select developing and entertaining .

Participating in educational Game, schoolchildren acquire new knowledge, skills. Also such a game can serve as an incentive for new knowledge: students are forced to acquire new knowledge before the game; Very interested in any material obtained on the game, the student can study it more on its own.

Ripping The game aims to educate individual identity qualities from students, such as attention, observation, seducker, independence, etc.

For participation in controlling The game of students sufficiently available in their knowledge. The purpose of such a game is that schoolchildren consolidate their knowledge gained, control them.

Entertaining Games differ from other species in that it is not necessary to participate in it any specific knowledge, only an email is needed. The main purpose of such a game is to attract weak students to mathematics who do not show interest in the subject, entertain.

And the last view in this classification is developing games. They are mainly intended for strong students who are fond of mathematics. They develop the non-standard of thinking of students when solving the relevant tasks. Such games are no particular entertainment, are more serious.

Of course, in practice, all these species are intertwined among themselves, and one game can be simultaneously and controlling and tutorial, only in the ratio between the objectives you can talk about the belonging to the mathematical game to one way or another.

2. The mass differences collective and individual games.

Teenage games most often take a collective nature. Schoolchildren have a sense of collectivism, they have a desire to participate in the life of the team as its full member. Children seek to communicate with their peers, seek to participate with them in joint activities. Therefore, use collective Mathematical games in extracurricular work in mathematics are so necessary. They attract not only strong disciples, but also weak wishing to participate in the game with their friends. Such students who do not show interest in mathematics in collective The game can succeed, they have a sense of satisfaction, interest.

On the other hand, strong disciples prefer individual Games, as they are more independent. They strive for self-analysis, self-esteem, and therefore they have the need to show their individual capabilities, quality. Such games are usually associated with mental labor, that is, they are intellectual, students can manifest their mental abilities.

Both types of games have their own characteristics and opportunities, so one cannot say about preference.

3. The reaction is distinguished movable and silent games.

The main activity of students is study. They spend at school 5-6 hours in the lessons, and at home 2-3 hours goes for homework. Naturally, their growing organism requires movement. Therefore, on extracurricular occupations in mathematics, it is necessary to introduce mobility elements. The mathematical game allows you to include moving activities and does not interfere with mental work. Indeed, teenage age is characterized by cycling activities and energetic movements. The most natural condition of the child is a movement, and therefore the use movable Mathematical games on extracurricular occupations attracts children with their unusualness, they like to participate in such activities, participating in it, they do not notice what they also learn, there is an interest not only to extracurricular work on mathematics, but also to the subject.

Silent The same games serve as a good means of transition from one mental labor to another. They are used before the start of the classes of the mathematical circle, the mathematical evening, the Olympics and other mass events, at the end of the extracurricular classes in mathematics. In addition, there are children who prefer silent Games requiring toastful mind, perseverance. For such children are suitable silent Games, such as various puzzles, crosswords, folding games and cutting figures, and many others.

4. By tempo allocate high-speed and quality games.

Some mathematical games should take the form of competitions, competitions between teams or personal championship, this is due to a characteristic feature of adolescents, aspirations for various types Competitions.

Two types of contests should be distinguished. First, these are games in which the victory is achieved by the speed of actions, but this is without prejudice to the quality of solving problems. For example, tasks for the rate of computation, transformations, evidence of theorems, etc. Such games are called high-speed . Secondly, it is also possible to highlight the game, the victory in which is achieved not due to the speed of execution of tasks, but due to the quality of its execution, the correctness of the solution, error-freeness. Such games are conventionally called quality .

The first type of games ( high-speed) It is necessary when the automaticism of actions is needed, a quick calculation skill is formed, performing actions that do not require great mental labor. Also elements high-speed Games can be included in other mathematical games. The use of such games is accompanied by an emotional lift, the desire to win, the desire to be not only the best, but also the fastest, causes the interest of students.

Quality The games are aimed at serious computing, requires thoughtful work on difficult tasks, theorems. Such games contribute to the awakening of the mental activity of students, force them to actively think over the challenge, develop perseverance, perseverance, which is necessary in extracurricular work on mathematics. Undractable, it would seem, complex tasks contribute to the increase in mental labor, perseverance, and, as a result, the desire to learn more, the appearance of interest in the subject.

5. Finally, distinguish games single and universal .

TO single Games include those games whose rules do not allow changes to the content of the game, they are designed to meet the characteristics of a particular material.

Universal Games, on the contrary, allow you to change your content. They are developed on a wide range of school issues, can be used for various purposes, on various extracurricular activities, and therefore are very valuable.

We give another classification of games to similar rules and the nature of the conduct. This classification will include the following types of games:

o board games;

o mathematical mini-games;

o quiz;

o games at stations;

o mathematical contests;

o games traveling;

o mathematical labyrinths;

o mathematical carousel;

o Miscellaneous.

In the future, we will consider only these types of games.

Some of the above listed types of games can be included in other, greater mathematical games, as one of their stages. Now consider specifically every kind.

Board games.

Table games include mathematical games like a mathematical lotto, playing chessboard, games with matches, various puzzles, etc. The preparatory stage of such games is carried out mainly before the game itself, they are clarified mainly the rules of the game. Desktop mathematical games are not considered as a separate form of extracurricular sessions, but usually used as part of the classes, can be included in other mathematical games. Children can play them at any free time, even to change (for example, to solve any puzzle).

Consider some of the most common desktop games.

Mathematical lotto. . Rules at the game are the same as when playing in the usual lotto. Each disciples receive a map on which the answers are written. The leading game takes a pack of cards on which tasks are written and pulls out one of them. Reads task, shows all participants of the game. Participants decide the tasks orally or in writing, receive an answer, find it on themselves on a playing card. I close this answer specially harvested chips. Wins the one who first closes the card. Checking the correctness of the closure of the card is obligatory, it is not only a controlling torque, but also a training. You can prepare tokens in such a way that after the closure of the entire card, the student turned out with the help of these tokens drawing, thereby you can check the correctness of the card closure. Before starting the game, you can warm up on which formulas, rules, knowledge necessary for the game are remembered.

Games with matches . These games can be carried out in various shape, but the essence of them remains one, students are given to the tasks in which you need to build a figure out of matches, by moving one or more matches to get another figure. Question of the game and lies in what exactly you need to shift.

I like children puzzle games . They need to be placed in specially defined figures or numbers in the table. Another version of such a game is possible. For example, a game where a piece of paper from various shapes need to collect a figure, and even try to find as many different collection options.

Also found desktop games fighting between two participants. These are such games as noliki cross in various variations, playing chessboard, games using matches and many others. In such games it is necessary to choose the desired, winning strategy. The problem is that you first need to guess which strategy is winning. In mathematics, there is even such a type of non-standard tasks, where you just need to find the winning strategy of the game and justify it mathematically (theory of games).

An example of such a game can be the next game. Match in a row is put on the table. Play two players. They take turns take one, two or three matches. Wins the one who takes the last match.

Board games are so diverse that it is very difficult to describe their overall structure. In general, they have the fact that they are mostly non-movable, individual, require mental labor. They capture and are interested in students, they develop perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal, contribute to the emergence of interest in mathematics.

Mathematical mini-games .

Actually board games You can also call mini-games, but they are mainly the "quiet" games. This type includes small moving games that can be included as one of the stages in greater mathematical games and be part of extracurricular activities.

What do these games differ from the rest? In such games, children basically solve tasks and get a certain amount of points for this. The choice of job passes in various gaming forms. To such games, you can, for example, attribute "Mathematical fishing" , "Mathematical Casino" , "Archery for targets" , "Mathematical (damn) wheel" etc. Such games consist of the following steps. At first, the student produces any game action (caresses the fish out of the pond, throws a dart into the target, throws the playing bones and others). Depending on what will be the result of this action (what fish caught how many points fell on the playing bones, in which part of the target, etc.) the student is issued a certain task that it must decide. Deciding this task, the student receives his deserved points and the right to get a new task, while making the appropriate gaming effect.

IN "Mathematical Casino" The student throws the bones only after solving the problem, thereby determining its won points. In Game "Mathematical (or damn) wheel" Players move as if in a circle, in which there is an initial and final stage, throwing the bones, they are thus determined, at what stage of this wheel they fall. Without solving the task, they return to the previous stage and to again get the right to quit bones solve the task of this stage. Wins a player who managed to get out of this circle or scored more points. A huge role for winning here has a luck participant. Therefore, this game is often called "Damn wheel" .

All these games are limited in time. At the end of the game, the points are calculated and the winners are determined.

Mathematical mini-games seem to imitate a certain (vital) situation: fishing, the game in the casino and others, thanks to this mini-games are putting children, schoolchildren arises, they seek to correctly solve as much tasks as possible, attaching all their strength to it. and knowledge.

Among mini-games can also be distinguished by a small group of competitions. These games can be attributed, for example, "Mathematical relay" , various contests of captains, which are included in larger mathematical games. It is basically a game for the speed of completion of tasks, but also the quality of their execution is also not last role. It can be both team competitions and between the two participants. These games are saturated with emotional experiences, which is characteristic of ordinary competitions, where it is necessary to cope with the task faster and better than the opponent. Therefore, they are very familiar to schoolchildren, and the inclusion of them in extracurricular activities or other mathematics games contributes to the development of students' interest.

Mathematical quiz .

It would seem that this type of game could also be included in the previous type of games, but the pronounced gaming situation is not observed in them. Mathematical quizzes are very often included in mathematical evenings, in the occupation of a mathematical circle, are used as a stage of another mathematical game.

Mathematical quizzes are easy to organize. Everyone can take part in them. Their essence lies in the fact that the participants are asked questions to which they should answer. Quiz are carried out in different ways, depending on the number of participants.

If the participants are not very much, then each question or the task is read out by a person conducting a quiz. A few minutes is given to the response. Replies the one who is the first to raise his hand. If the answer is not complete, then you can provide an opportunity to speak another participant. For the correct answer awards a certain number of points.

If there are many participants, the text of all questions and tasks are discharged on the board, on separate posters or are distributed to schoolchildren on separate sheets, where they write answers and a brief explanation. Then the leaflets give up the jury, where they are checked, points are counted.

The winners are the participants who scored the greatest number of points.

There may be cases when quiz are held for commands. In this case, each team reads a certain number of questions, options for answers to them are possible. Command participants must respond correctly on as many questions as possible. Wins a team that gave more correct answers. Questions asked to teams must be equal.

With the help of the quiz, you can not only interest students with mathematics using an unusual form of questions, but also to control the level of their objective knowledge (especially when it passes in writing).

The above games may be included in extracurricular classes separately, and they can also be a large block of games, a gaming form, that is, a great mathematical game. This game can be carried out in various forms. Depending on the nature of such games, the following types distinguish:

Play games .

In the games of this type, usually a certain game goal is to be put before the participants, depending on the general plot of the game, its themes. It may be a goal to find the treasure, collect the map, walk to the final station (mysterious city), etc.

As you can see from the name, these games are conducted at stations. In such a game, the teams usually participate, and it is they walk at stations that are performed on each of them certain tasks and get points for it, part of the card, or tips, helping to achieve the goals set in front of them. Each stations is a small game. Teams go through stations, using special guidebooks specially issued by him. The game of stations usually passes in several cabinets, in which various stations are located. There are usually several classes in such games, so they are massive and long time. For such a game requires a lot of people. Senior classes can be involved in the school for holding such a game of stations. The result of the game is the goal of the game achieved by the teams.

Games of this species have an unusual plot and are often theatrical, that is, at its beginning some situation is played by which the goal of the game is placed before the participants. Separate stations for which participants will go, can also be theatrical. This unusual is very attracted and interests not only the participants of the game, but also students of participating in the game. Schoolchildren have an interest in mathematics, they perceive this in a new way, seemingly "boring" and "dry", an uninteresting item.

This type of games can be attributed "Mathematical trackers" , "Mathematical train" , "Mathematical Cross " other.

Mathematical contests .

Mathematical contests can be viewed as part of a big game or evening (for example, captains contest). Also, the competition can be viewed as a competition for carrying out any work or project (competition for the best mathematical fairy tale, a competition for the best mathematical newspaper, etc.). Here will also be considered mathematical competitions as separate independent activities, mathematical games, which can be included as their elements other smaller mathematical games (for example, quiz, relay, etc.).

Mathematical contests are competitions that can be conducted both between individual participants of the game and between the teams. This is the most commonly used type of mathematical games. You can attribute such games as "Star Hour" , "Lucky case" , "Wheel of mathematics" other.

In the competition there is always a winner and it is the only one, a case and a draw is possible. When conducting mathematical competitions, not only the participants of the game are usually present, but also viewers who are ill for them. Therefore, tasks (contests) for viewers are always provided in such types of games.

No special preparation of participants in the game is not required. Basically you only need to collect the command and disassemble exemplary tasks. This type of games is so diverse and universal, which allows you to carry out extracurricular classes in mathematics as often as possible in the form of a mathematical game, and thereby attract more students to them. Schoolchildren are interested and sometimes themselves reveal the desire to come up with their mathematical game and hold it.


KVN is also a mathematical contest. But he is so popular and unusual that we will take it into a separate group of mathematical games.

KVVs are held between several teams. These teams are preparing for the game in advance, invent greetings to other teams, homework, in the form of an idea.

KVN himself can also be carried out in the form of some presentation, small scenes are played between contests, maybe in the form of travel. The room in which the game passes is bright and colorfully drawn up. Spectators are usually present in KVN, therefore the competition for the audience is also envisaged. Also, this game suggests the presence of a jury.

All KVVs are built approximately by one plan, which includes traditional contests:

1. Greeting. In this competition, the team should clarify its name, talk about team members, turn to rivals and jury.

2. Workout (for teams and fans). Teams are given tasks to which they should reply as quickly as possible. May pass in the form of quiz.

3. Pantomime. In this competition, various mathematical concepts are played.

4. Competition of artists. In this competition, you need to portray, using geometric shapes, graphs of functions, etc., depict anything, and also come up with a story in your drawing.

5. Homework. It must comply with the topic of KVN and be presented in the form of a scene, song or poem.

6. Captain Competition. Complete teams are invited to solve more complex tasks than in the warm-up. This jumping can go in the form of some small competition.

7. Special contests. Must correspond to the topic of KVN, there may be several of them. For example, a historical competition, decoding the rebus, etc.

Each competition is estimated to the jury with a certain number of points, and after its end of the jury declares the results. In KVN, the team wins, which scored the greatest number of points based on all contests.

Mathematical KVVs have such popularity due to their unusual form of conducting and due to the transaction available on television, which is the prototype of this type of game. In this game, participants have the opportunity to show not only their mathematical, but also creative abilities. Schoolchildren with pleasure take part in such games not only as participants, but also as viewers. Mathematical KVIs thus contribute to the development of interest in one of the most difficult school items - mathematics, which in this game does not seem difficult at all, but on the contrary it is interesting and entertaining.

Travel games .

This type of game is different from the rest (in particular from the games at stations) by the fact that they pass in a separate room, children do not walk in stations, but sit in their places and take part in the tasks offered to them, respond to them. Travel games are usually in the theatrical form. The spectacle is played before students, during which they need to perform some tasks in order to help the heroes achieve them, recognize new facts. Therefore, this type of games wears not only entertainment, but also a training. During the game, students can mentally fall into other countries, in various fictional cities, meet unusual heroes, which I really like them, causes positive emotions. The result of the game is the target achieved by the heroes of the performance with the help of students, as such winners in such games there are no, and there is only one winner - all the participants of the game.

Such games are carried out mainly for junior classes. This type of game is not suitable for young children, in order to develop interest in mathematics.

This type of games can be attributed to the game. "The Adventures of Winnie Pooh and Heel in the Country of Mathematics" , "Visiting Tsaritsa Mathematics" other.

Mathematical labyrinths .

This type of games was named so because the labyrinth resembles its structure, with its confusing strokes. In a labyrinth, each correctly made turn will help you get out of the labyrinth. And if you did at least one wrong turn, you can't get out of the labyrinth. Similarly, mathematical labyrinths are also arranged. Each correctly solved task of the game brings you to the right end result of the game, and the only error can lead to the wrong. The game passes in stages. The answer to the task in each stage determines which stage of the game you need to go further. As a result, you come to the end result. It is he who is checked. It may be an answer to the task of the last stage, or some picture, etc. If the end result is not true, then you need to look at which of the stages of the game a mistake was made and, therefore, to pass a part of the labyrinth. Thus, the participants of the game learn not only to solve the tasks correctly, but to check their decisions, find errors.

Maze can be both mobile and quiet, team and individual. They can be carried out according to a separate topic, thereby controlling the mastering of the material. They may include various entertaining tasks.

By participating in the game, the participants persistently and persistently try to achieve the correct result of the game, carefully decide the tasks and check them, mentally work. In children, the relevant qualities of the person are brought up, interest in mathematics is developing.

Mathematical carousel .

This type of games includes one game, which is called "Mathematical carousel" . It is pretty difficult to attribute it to other games, as it has distinctives from all peculiar to her features. Therefore, in my opinion, it should be attributed to a separate form of mathematical games.

The game is a team, usually between several classes, perhaps even between schools. The game has two lines. Initially, the team is on the starting line. The same order in which the team participants are sitting, all of its participants must have a sequence number. The team is issued a task. If the team decides the task, then its first participant is sent to the test stage, where it is issued a test task for which the team will be accrued. At the same time, the team members remain on the original turning line decide the following task, the correct solution of which will allow to switch to the credit border of the next member of the team. Thus, in the test line, the credits will solve more students. Etc. If the students do not correctly solve the task correctly, the participant with the smallest sequence number returns to the original frontier. That is, therefore, the game is called "mathematical carousel", since it constantly happens the circular motion of the participants.

Each team should follow a separate person (or for two teams), he also checks the correctness of the tasks, and adherence to all the rules of the game.

In such a game, commonly strong, fond of mathematics, students take part in such a game. They are attracted to the participation of the unusualness of the game itself, the difficulty of the proposed tasks and the complexity of paying points. After all, points are counted only for solving problems in a test line, which is usually more complicated than on the source line. Cognitive interest in mathematics in such children becomes even more.

Mathematical battles .

To this type of games are directly related "Mathematical fight" , "Sea battle" Various battles.

In such battles, two teams are usually involved that compete among themselves in the level of mathematical knowledge. We are usually the strongest and most capable students in the class, in relation to mathematics.

In such games, it is also important not only to know how to solve the tasks, but also choose the game's strategy to choose.

Mathematical battle rules:

The game consists of two parts. First, the teams get the conditions of tasks and a certain time on their solution. After this time, the battle itself begins. The battle consists of several rounds. At the beginning of each round, one of the teams causes another one of the tasks whose decisions have not yet been told. After that, the command called reports whether it takes a challenge, that is, it agrees to tell the solution of this task. If so, then it sets the speaker who must tell the decision, and the team called the opponent, whose responsibilities are to look for in solving the error. If not, the speaker is obliged to set commands that caused, but the refused to put an opponent.

Round move: At the beginning of the Round, the speaker tells the decision. While the report is not over, the opponent can ask questions only with the consent of the Rapporteur. After the end of the report, the opponent has the right to ask questions to the speaker. If the opponent did not ask a single question for a minute, it is believed that he has no questions. If the speaker for a minute does not start responding to a question, it is believed that he has no answer. After the end of the Dialogue of the Rapporteur and Opponent, the jury sets his questions. If necessary, it may interfere before.

If, during the discussion, the jury found that the opponent proved the absence of a rapporteur decision and had previously had no failure to call, then two options are possible. If the call to this round was accepted, the opponent receives the right (but not obliged) to tell his decision. If the opponent undertook to tell his decision, then there is a complete change of roles: the former speaker becomes an opponent and can earn points for opposition. If the call to this round was accepted, they say that the challenge was not correct. In this case, the change of roles does not occur, and the team that caused incorrectly should again call the opponent in the next round. In all other cases, the next round causes the team that was caused in the current round.

Each task is estimated at 12 points, which, according to the results of the round, are distributed between the Rapporteur, the opponent and the jury.

The battle ends when there is no needed tasks or when one of the commands refuses to call, and the other team refuses to tell the decision of the remaining tasks.

If, at the end of the battle, the results of the commands differ no more than 3 points, it is believed that the battle ended in a draw. Otherwise, the team wins, which scored more points. Maybe in the game win and jury.

This type of game is pretty unusual and allow you to attract schoolchildren to extracurricular work in mathematics, develop their cognitive interest in the subject.

Miscovery games.

This type of game is carried out mainly between the multistop teams in a small school. For example, play "Mathematical hockey" . The rules of this game are as follows:

The game is carried out for several commands. The team consists of at least 6 people. The game resembles a real hockey. The only difference is that the teams in the game can participate more than in the usual hockey (more than two), and they are not fighting against each other. The task of each team is not allowed to shrink the goal. The team whom the team has been better won compared to the rest. The meeting can be held in the classroom. Each team takes one row. The "throwing washer" is that the commands are reported to the condition of the first task: either read out loud, or the condition is written on the board. For 5 minutes it solves the "Central striker" - a 5th grade student sitting at the first page. If the fifth grader decides her, it is believed that the "washer" is repulsed. If it does not decide, the decision gives "two extreme strikers" - students of grade 6. If they are not solved within 2-3 minutes, then the judicial team, in which it is advisable to include nine-graders, proposes to give a solution to two "defenders" - class 7 students. And if they "the puck will not refund", then all hope for "goalkeeper" is an 8th grade student. For this, the most prepared student is selected. In the case of his failure, the "washer" is considered abandoned in the "gate" of the team. "Washers" are dropped every 3-5 minutes to maintain the pace of the game. The external entertainment of the game excites the interest of schoolchildren to mathematics.

Above the listed types of games can be intertwined, the game can combine elements different games. In this regard, in practice there is a manifold of mathematical games. Conducting extracurricular activities in the form of mathematical games will allow them to diversify, attract different groups of students: interested in mathematics that do not show explicit interest, weak, strong, etc. The correctly selected view of the mathematical game, taking into account the age and the type of students, contributes to the involvement of a larger number of schoolchildren to extracurricular work on mathematics, the emergence of their interest in the subject.

2.4 Mathematical Game Structure

The mathematical game has a stable structure that distinguishes it from any other activity.

The main structural components of the mathematical game are: gaming banner , rules, game actions , content , equipment , the result of the game . Let us dwell in more detail on the individual structural components of the mathematical game.

Gaming banner - The first structural component of the game. It is expressed, as a rule, in the name of the game. The game plan is laid in that task or system of tasks that need to be solved during the gameplay. The game plan often acts as a question, as if the design of the game, or in the form of a riddle. In any case, he gives the game not only entertainment, but also a cognitive character, presents certain requirements for the participants of the game.

Any game has regulations which determine the procedure and behavior of students in the game process, contributes to the creation of a relaxed situation, but at the same time work. The rules of mathematical games should be developed taking into account the goals and individual opportunities of students. This creates a condition for the manifestation of independence, perseverance, mental activity, to possibly the appearance of each sense of satisfaction, success, interest. In addition, the rules of the game bring up the skill with their behavior from schoolchildren, obey the requirements of the team.

The essential side of the mathematical game is gaming actions . They are governed by the rules of the game, contribute to the cognitive activity of students, give them the opportunity to show their abilities, apply the existing knowledge, skills and skills to achieve the goal of the game. The teacher, as the head of the game, sends it to the right direction, if necessary, activates its course with various techniques, supports interest in the game, hemps lagging behind.

The basis of the mathematical game is her content . The content lies in assimilation, consolidation, repetition of those knowledge that are used in solving the tasks set in the game, as well as in the manifestation of their abilities to mathematics, creative abilities.

TO equipment The mathematical game includes various means of visibility, distributing material, that is, all that is needed during the game, its contests.

Mathematical game has a certain result which is the finals of the game, gives the game completeness. He acts primarily in the form of solving the task, in achieving the goal of the game set before students. The resulting result of the game gives schoolchildren moral and mental satisfaction. For the teacher, the result of the game is an indicator of the level of students' achievements in the assimilation of knowledge and their application, the presence of mathematical abilities, interest in mathematics.

All structural elements of the game are interconnected. The absence of one of them destroys the game. Without gaming ideas and game action, without the rules, a mathematical game or is impossible or loses its specific form, turns into exercise and tasks.

The combination of all elements of the game and their interaction increase the organization of the game, its effectiveness, leads to the desired result. Such a game contributes to the emergence of the desire to participate in it, awakens a positive attitude towards it, increases cognitive activity and interest.

2.5 Organizational Stages of Mathematical Game

In order to carry out a mathematical game, and its results would be positive, it is necessary to hold a number of consecutive actions on its organization. The organization of mathematical games includes a number of stages. Each stage as part of a single whole includes a certain logic of the actions of the teacher and students.

First stage - this is preliminary work . At this stage, there is a choice of the game itself, setting the goal, the development of the program of its implementation. The choice of game and its content primarily depends on what children it will be held, their age, intellectual development, interests, communication levels, etc. The content of the game must comply with the goals set, the time of the game is also important, its duration. At the same time, the place and time of the game is specified, prepare the necessary equipment. At this stage, the game is also coming to children. The proposal may be oral and written, it may include a brief and accurate explanation of the rules and techniques of actions. The main task of the proposal of the mathematical game is to excite the interest of students to her.

Second phasepreparatory . Depending on a particular type of game, this stage may differ in time and content. But still, they have common features. During the preparatory stage, students get acquainted with the rules of the game, there is a psychological attitude to the game. The teacher organizes children. The preparatory stage of the game can be held both immediately before the game itself, and begin in advance before the game itself. In this case, students are warned about what type of task will be in the game, what rules for the game, what needs to be prepared (collect the team, prepare homework, presentation, etc.). If the game passes through any learning section of the subject of mathematics, then schoolchildren will be able to repeat it and come to the game prepared. Thanks to this stage, children are interested in the game in advance and participate in it with great pleasure, while receiving positive emotions, a sense of satisfaction, which contributes to the development of cognitive interest.

Third stage - This is directly game itself , embodiment of the program in activities, the implementation of the functions by each participant of the game. The content of this stage depends on what game is carried out.

Fourth stage - this is the final stage or stage Summing up the game . This stage is mandatory, since without it the game will not be complete, not finished, will lose its meaning. As a rule, at this stage the winners are determined, their awards occur. Also, the general results of the game are summed up on it: how was the game, did she like it, if she needs to hold similar games, etc.

The presence of all these stages, their clear thoughtfulness makes the game holistic, completed, the game produces the greatest positive effect on students, the goal is achieved - to interest schoolchildren in mathematics.

2.6 Requirements for the selection of tasks

Any mathematical game assumes the presence of tasks that schoolchildren participating in the game should solve. And what are the requirements for their selection? W. different species They are different games.

If you take mathematical mini-games The tasks of the incoming in them can be both for some kind of school program and unusual tasks, original, with fascinating wording. Most often, they are the same type, on the use of formulas, rules, theorems, differing only in terms of complexity.

Tasks for quiz Must be easily displaced content, not bulky, which do not require any significant calculations or records, mostly accessible to solutions in the mind. Tasks typical, solved usually in the lessons, are not interesting for quiz. In addition to tasks, a variety of mathematics questions can be included in the quiz. Tasks and questions in the quiz usually happens 6-12, quiz can be devoted to some one topic.

IN games for stations The tasks at each station must be the same type, it is possible to use tasks not only on the knowledge of the material of the mathematics object, but also tasks that do not require deep mathematical knowledge (for example, sing as many songs as possible, in the text of which numbers are present). A set of tasks on each of the steps depends on what form it is carried out which mini-game is used.

To tasks mathematical competitions and KVN The following requirements are imposed: they must be original, with simple and fascinating wording; The task solution should not be cumbersome requiring long computing, may assume several solutions; Must be different in terms of complexity and contain material not only the school program in mathematics.

For games travel Easy tasks are selected, accessible to students, mainly on software, which do not require greater computing. You can use an entertaining task.

If the game is planned to be held for weak students who do not show interest in mathematics, it is best to choose such tasks that do not require good knowledge on the subject, the intelligence tasks, or not at all difficult, elementary tasks.

Also in the game, you can include the tasks of a historical nature, on knowing any unusual facts from the history of mathematics, practical significance.

IN mabyrinths Tasks are usually used to know the material of any of the sections of the school mathematics. The difficulty of such tasks increases as the labyrinth moves: the closer to the end, the more difficult task. It is possible to carry out a labyrinth using the tasks of historical content and tasks on the knowledge of the material that is not included in the school course of mathematics. Tasks requiring smelting and non-standard of thinking, can also be used in labyrinths.

IN "Mathematical carousel" and mathematical battles Typically, tasks of increased difficulty are used, on deep knowledge of material, nonstandarity of thinking, as it is very long time for solving a lot of time and only strong students are involved in such games. In some mathematical battles, the tasks may not be complicated, and sometimes simply entertaining, just for the intelligence (for example, tasks for captains).

It is possible to use tasks for fixing or deepening the material studied. Such tasks can attract strong disciples, they will cause interest. Children trying to solve them, will strive to get new not known knowledge.

Given all the requirements, age and type of students you can develop such a game that it will be interested in the participant. In the lessons, children decide quite a lot of tasks, they are all the same and not interesting. Having come to the mathematical game, they will see that it is not boring tasks at all, they are not so complex or vice versa monotonous that tasks may have unusual and advanced wording, and no less advanced solutions. Solving the tasks of practical significance, they are aware of the importance of mathematics as science. In turn, the game form in which the tasks will be held will give all the events not at all across, and entertaining and children will not notice what they learn.

2.7 Requirements for the Mathematical Game

Compliance with all the requirements for the mathematical game contributes to the fact that the extracurricular event in mathematics will be held at a high level, it will enjoy the children, all goals will be achieved.

The teacher during the game should belong a leading role in its conduct . The teacher must follow the order on the game. The retreat from the rules, tolerance to small-dimensions or discipline, ultimately, can lead to a breakdown of classes. The mathematical game will not only not useful, it will bring harm.

The teacher is also the organizer of the game. The game should be clearly organized, all its stages are highlighted, The success of the game depends on this. This requirement should be given the most serious importance and have it in mind when performing a game, especially mass. Compliance with the clarity of the stages will not allow to turn the game into a mess, not understandable sequence of actions. The clear organization of the game also suggests that all the distribution material and equipment needed to conduct a particular stage of the game will be used at the right time and there will be no technical delays in the game.

When conducting a mathematical game it is important to follow the preservation of the interest of schoolchildren to the game . In the absence of interest or extinct it in no case should not be forced to impose the game to children Since in this case it loses its voluntary, learning and developing importance, from gaming activities falls the most valuable - its emotional start. If you lose interest in the game, the teacher should take action leading to the change in the situation. This can serve as emotional speech, welcoming the situation, supporting the lagging.

Very important to play expressively . If the teacher talks to children dry, indifferent, monotonously, then children relate to the game indifferently begin to be distracted. In such cases, it is difficult to maintain their interest, keep the desire to listen, watch, participate in the game. Often, it does not succeed at all, and then the children do not get any benefit from the game, it causes them only fatigue. There is a negative attitude towards mathematical games and mathematics as a whole.

The teacher himself must be in a certain extent in the game , It is a participant, otherwise the leadership and influence of it will not be natural enough. He must put the beginning of the creative work of students, skillfully introduce them to the game.

Students should understand the meaning and content of the whole game What is happening and what to do next. All rules of the game must be explained by the participants. This is mainly at the preparatory stage. Mathematical content should be available to understanding schoolchildren. All obstacles must be overcome, the proposed tasks should be solved by the students themselves. , not a teacher or his assistant. Otherwise, the game will not cause interest and will be carried out formally.

All participants of the game should actively participate in it. are busy business. A long expectation of its queue for inclusion in the game reduces interest in children to this game. Lightweight and complex contests should be alternate . According to the content of it must be pedagogical, depend on age and horizons of participants . In the game students must consolidate their reasoning mathematically Mathematical speech should be correct.

During the game the results must be ensured. , from the whole team of students or chosen persons. Accounting for results should be open, clear and fair. Errors in accounting for ambiguities in the organization itself lead to unfair conclusions about the winners, and, consequently, to dissatisfaction of the participants of the game.

The game should not include even the slightest risk , threatening child health . The presence of the necessary equipment which must be safe, convenient, suitable and hygienic. It is very important that during the game, the dignity of participants did not humble .

Any the game must be effective . The result may be a victory, loss, draw. Only a complete game, with the subordinate result can play a positive role, to produce a favorable impression on students.

An interesting game that caused the children's pleasure, has a positive impact on subsequent mathematical games, their visit. When conducting mathematical games funny and learning should be combined So that they do not interfere, but on the contrary helped each other.

The mathematical side of the game of the game should always be mentioned on the fore . Only then the game will fulfill its role in the mathematical development of children and upbringing interest in mathematics.

These are all the basic requirements for the mathematical game.

Of all the above, we can conclude that the mathematical game is appropriate to apply on extracurricular activities in mathematics. It makes the unusual in extracurricular work in mathematics, the diversity of her species allows you to diversify extracurricular classes in mathematics, to surprise students every time new form and the content of the game. It all causes interest among schoolchildren. And so that the mathematical game as many as possible has contributed to the development of cognitive interest, it is necessary when preparing to take into account all the requirements for the selection of tasks and holding the game itself, choose the right type of game and its content.

Output: Let's summarize the third chapter. It follows from it that:

There are various approaches to the definition of the concept of the game, but they all converge in one thing that the game is a way to develop a person, enriching her life experience.

Of all the variety of games, a mathematical game can be distinguished as a means of developing the cognitive interest of students to mathematics. The use of a mathematical game in extracurricular work in mathematics most effectively contributes to the emergence of students in mathematics.

Mathematical game has its own goals, tasks, functions and requirements. The main goal of the game in mathematics is the development of sustainable cognitive interest in the subject through the existing manifold of mathematical games.

Mathematical games are very diverse. They can be classified by appointment, by mass, by reaction, by tempo, etc. It is also possible to highlight the classification for the similarity of the rules and the nature of the conduct, which includes the following types of games: desktop, mini-games, quiz, stations, competitions, KVN, travel, maze, mathematical carousel, battles and multi-age games.

The game in mathematics has its own structure, which includes: game plan, rules, content, equipment, result.

The game passes at the following steps: Preliminary work, preparatory stage, the game itself, conclusion.

In order for the game to be successfully necessary to take into account the requirements for the selection of tasks and the requirements for holding the game itself, which will help leave a pleasant impression from her, and therefore the appearance of interest in mathematics.

Chapter IV. Experienced teaching

§1 Question of teachers and students

In order to show the effectiveness of the use of a mathematical game for the development of the cognitive interest of one theoretical justification is not enough. Any theory must be confirmed by practice. In this regard, at school No. 37 of the city of Kirov and the Unsubsorial Secondary School (BSS), a survey was conducted among students of grades 5-9. In total, 75 people participated in the survey (48 students of school №37 of the city of Kirov and 27 BSS students).

The questionnaire included the following questions:

1. Have you ever been done on mathematics games?

2. Do you like to attend such events? Why?

3. What did you like and did not like in the mathematical game in which you participated?

4. After the game, did you like mathematics more?

5. Have you been able to do in mathematics lessons after participating in the mathematical game?

6. Would you like to participate in the mathematical game?

The results of students' surcharge were as follows:

To the first question: "Did you ever have games in mathematics?", All students responded positively. This means that in the urban and rural school, such a form of extracurricular work is used as a mathematical game, and most of them are at most part visiting such events.

On the second question: "Do you like to attend such events?" The majority of students answered: "Yes," namely, 59 people, which is 79% of the total number of respondents. 6 people answered adversely, which is 8% of all respondents. The remaining 10 people answered: "I don't know" (6 people - 8%) and "depending on what kind of game" (4 people - 5%).

This question also assumed an explanation of the reasons, a positive or negative attitude towards mathematical games. His positive or negative attitude towards games in mathematics students explain the following reasons:

It should be noted that the main reason for the negative attitude towards mathematical games is a negative attitude towards the most object of mathematics and to study as a whole. But such students are significantly less compared to the rest.

In order to allocate the advantages and disadvantages of the mathematical game compared to other forms of extracurricular work, the question was asked: "What did you like and what didn't you like in the mathematical game in which you participated?" Pupils responded as follows:

Most students in a mathematical game held for them, like everything. Students who, apparently, love mathematics, like in mathematical game what is in it as fun and funny, it is also necessary to think. The most significant disadvantage of the mathematical game is discipline, noise and possibly a bad organization. There are also such answers as not difficult tasks and difficult tasks. Therefore, when developing a mathematical game, the teacher needs to think over the tasks for both strong and weak students. In general, the mathematical game should be thought out "to the smallest detail" so that there were no disputes during its holding.

Questions 4 and 5 are the most significant for this study. Students answered them as follows:

As you can see in the diagram, most students are interested in mathematics in mathematics, they become more willing to engage in the lessons on this subject.

By 6 question: "Would you like to participate in the mathematical game?" Only 6 students responded negatively from 75, 3 answered that they did not know, 2 people believe that it was probably 64 people would be happy to visit such an event again. This suggests that extracurricular classes held in the form of a mathematical game attract many schoolchildren. Students are happy to take part in them, many of them are aware of the fact that in such an unusual way they will learn a lot of new things, learn. Thanks to such events at school as a mathematical game, mathematics opens to children on the other hand - it turns out that this is not such a boring item as it seemed to them. Pupils are more likely attending not only extracurricular activities, but also more active in mathematics lessons.

To make the right conclusions on the significance of a mathematical game for the development of cognitive interest among schoolchildren, a survey was also conducted among Mathematics teachers who have extensive experience in conducting extracurricular work at school. A total of 12 mathematics teachers were interviewed: 8 Mathematics Teachers School No. 37 of Kirov and 4 Master BSS. The questionnaire for teachers consisted of the following questions:

1. What do you think it is necessary to apply a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics?

2. Do you apply this form of extracurricular work as a mathematical game?

3. In which classes most often do you apply the mathematical game of not extracurricular activities in mathematics?

4. How do Pupils 5-7, 8-9, 10-11 classes belong to the mathematical game?

5. What are you seeing the effectiveness and disadvantages of the application of a mathematical game as a form of extracurricular work on mathematics?

6. What are the difficulties of applying a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics, would you allocate?

7. How has the attitude of students changed to the subject after a mathematical game?

On the first question, all teachers responded positively.

From answers to the second question: "Do you apply a mathematical game?" It follows that only one teacher does not apply the form of extracurricular work as a mathematical game. The rest of the teachers (11 people) at least once applied a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics. Apply the mathematical game of the teacher most often in 5-9 classes (4 teachers), 5-8 classes (4 teachers), 5-7 classes (3 teachers). Teachers explain this in that at this age, children better perceive the game and interest students in mathematics at this age. The teachers also celebrate, responding to the fourth question of the questionnaire that students of grades 5-7 love to participate in such extracurricular activities, 8-9 classes are well referred to mathematical games, but not to all. Pupils of the 10-11 classes usually do not seriously perceive the game on extracurricular activities in mathematics, they are interested in any specific questions, mainly related to future profession, upcoming exams. But 4 teachers believe that, regardless of age, all students relate well to mathematical games.

Answers to 5 and 6 questions intersect, namely, teachers allocate the same shortcomings and difficulties in the mathematical game.

Some teachers notice that with the use of a computer of difficulties in the preparation of the game has become much smaller.

As can be seen from this table, all teachers mark an increase in interest in mathematics after using a mathematical game. The same, they write when answering the last question questionnaire (7 question), i.e. After the mathematical game, students with a greater hunt visit extracurricular classes and lessons in mathematics, increases interest in the subject, which contributes to the best absorption of the material.

According to the results of the two questionnaires, it can be concluded that students and teachers note greater importance and effectiveness of the application of a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics for the development of cognitive interest.

§2 observations, personal experience

Along with the survey and study of methodological and psychological and pedagogical literature, I had my own experienced work. The purpose of this work was to explore how mathematical game affects the increase in cognitive interest in mathematics. Evaluation of the change in cognitive interest occurred in the following criteria: academic performance, i.e. is there an increase in performance due to the use of a mathematical game in extracurricular occupations in mathematics; Activity, namely, whether the activity of students in the lessons and in extracurricular work increases with the growth of cognitive interest. For this, such methods were used as observation, survey, comparison.

Experienced work was carried out at school number 37 of the city of Kirov. For her, two classes were chosen - 9 V and 9 g. In 9 g, on an extracurricular occupation in mathematics, a game was carried out on the topic of the system of equations. Graphic solution solution. " Later, this topic was supposed to be studied in the algebra lessons. It should be noted that the graphic method of solving the system of equations of students was already known. Therefore, the material under consideration on the extracurricular occupation was not for students new.

On extracurricular occupation for students, the mathematical game "Labyrinth" was carried out. Its essence lies in the fact that students are heard the cards on which the diagram of the labyrinth and the tasks that must be solved to pass the labyrinth is depicted. Students should, solve the system of equations and receiving answers on them, move in the appropriate direction along the labyrinth (corresponding to the response number). The path should be marked on the labyrinth scheme. At the end of the game, the route is checked, according to which the student moved in a maze and the response obtained at leaving the labyrinth.

(-2;-3) (1;0) (1;0)

(-4;-5) (-2;-3)

(1;0), (3;-2) (1;0), (-1;-2)

not solutions (2; -2) (1; 0), (2; 2)

(1;2), (2;1), (1;-2), (2;-1),

(-1;-2), (-2;-1) (-1;2), (-2;1)

(3;2), (1;0) (1;0), (2;3)

no (3; -2), (- 3; -2), (2; -3), (3; 2),

solid (2; 3), (- 2; 3) (-2; -3), (- 3; 2)

(-1;4), (4;9) (4;9)

After the game and summarizing the results, a survey was conducted, in which I asked whether the game was liked and why. Most guys answered that they liked the game. Mostly, schoolchildren noted the fact that they were useful for them: they repeated the graphical method for solving systems of equations, and this is useful to them in the lessons. Also, the children noted that such a form of classes is unusual and fascinating. Everyone was striving to win, and to win, you need to be able to solve the system of equations, it made them think. Most students experienced joy and satisfying because they could properly solve the tasks and properly pass the labyrinth. Those children who did not have time to go through the labyrinth or were not right, wished to take cards home and try to get it again, to find mistakes allowed by them.

The next stage of the study was observing the work of students in the lesson, after the mathematical game last on the eve. Since the children manage to repeat the graphic way to solve the system of equations on an extracurricular occupation, then at the lesson they quickly learned the material, everyone wished to go to the board very much, and show their knowledge, to get a positive assessment. Compared to previous lessons, this lesson was more effective, the class managed to consider more material for the lesson than the other 9th classes. In particular, 9 in the class behaved at a similar lesson, not so actively, considered and solved less examples than 9 g.

For a more accurate assessment of increasing interest in mathematics in the entire parallel 9 classes, verification was carried out on this topic. The results were as follows:

9 g class: 10 people - positive estimates (4-5),

8 people - satisfactory estimates (3),

2 people - unsatisfactory estimates (2).

9 in class: 11 people - positive estimates (4-5),

11 people - satisfactory estimates (3),

4 people - unsatisfactory estimates (2).

In percentage ratio:

As can be seen from the diagrams, want no much, but the results of the test work in the 9 grade class is better than in 9 in the class. I note that under the performance of 9 grams classifies 9 in the class.

You can also compare the results of this test work and the previous one. I will shown the results of both work in the form of graphs.

As can be seen from the diagram, the performance of the algebra has become better. Consequently, an increase in cognitive interest contributes not only activity in the lessons, but also improving the performance of the subject.

Similar work was carried out with a class and geometry, namely, a mathematical game on the topic of the formation of vectors (see the application).

In addition to the fact that mathematical games can be conducted on individual topics, in accordance with the school program, it is possible to conduct simply entertaining games in mathematics. For example, I was played by the game "Sea battle" for the 7th grades of school №27 of the city of Kirov. The purpose of this game was to be interested in students in mathematics. The "Battle" game has an entertainment character, the tasks in it are not difficult, are designed for all types of students (interested and not interested in mathematics), to solve tasks, only intelligence and seductive requires (see the game development in the application).

The results of this game include the fact that children have become more hunted to attend extracurricular classes in mathematics. The game, in the form of spectators, and children from other classes were also present. They so liked the game that they were asked and they had such a game in the class.

So, as my personal experience shows, a mathematical game is largely contributing to the development of cognitive interest in mathematics.

Output: On this chapter, we can conclude that both the practice of teachers with experience and my personal experience confirm the hypothesis nominated: the use of a mathematical game in extracurricular work in mathematics contributes to the development of cognitive interest among students to mathematics. This also indicates the opinions of the students themselves, and an increase in achievement, activity in the lessons of mathematics after the mathematical games.


In this paper, the analysis of methodological and psychological and pedagogical literature was carried out, on the use of a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics for the development of cognitive interest. Also, the work covered the types of mathematical games, the technology of the game, the structure, requirements for the selection of tasks and the game, the features of the game as forms of extracurricular work on mathematics, and its main feature - the strengthening and development of cognitive interest.

The research part presents the results of the survey of teachers of mathematics and students, as well as their own experience of using the mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics. The conclusions made in this part of the work only confirm the correctness of the hypothesis extended.

Both of the theoretical part and from the practical it follows that the mathematical game is different from other forms of extracurricular work on mathematics, in that it can complement other forms of extracurricular work in mathematics. And the most important mathematical game gives the opportunity to the students to show themselves, their abilities, check the knowledge they have, acquire new knowledge, and all this in an unusual entertaining form. The systematic use of a mathematical game in extracurricular work on mathematics entails the formation and development of cognitive interest among students.

Summing up the above above, I believe that a mathematical game, as an effective means of developing cognitive interest, should be used in extracurricular work on mathematics as often as possible.

Bibliographic list

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An important part of educational work at school is extracurricular work.

Mainly this work comes down to additional classes on the subject:

1. Work with lagging students

2. Working with students who exhibit increased interest in mathematics (Mathematical circles, Olympiads, Optional, Electives, etc.)

At the same time, the main mass of students, which does not show an increased interest in the subject, is not lagging disciples, the so-called "middling" remains not a lot.

As it seems to us, extracurricular work should cover all the layers of students and increase their interest in the subject.

Teacher's task is to show that mathematics is not dry and boring science that in it not only one numbers. We must convince and show in practice - mathematics, science, without which it is impossible to do.

The main objectives of extracurricular work on mathematics are:

    Awakening and developing the sustainable interest of students to mathematics and its applications.

    Expansion and deepening knowledge of students on software material.

    The optimal development of mathematical abilities among students and the impulse of students of certain research skills.

    Education of a high culture of mathematical thinking.

    The development of students in the ability to work independently and creatively with educational and popular science literature.

    Expansion and deepening students of students on the practical meaning of mathematics in technique, production, everyday life; about the cultural and historical value of mathematics; On the leading role of a mathematical school in world science.

    Establishing closer business contacts between Mathematics teacher and students and on this basis a deeper study of cognitive interests and schoolchildren's requests.

    Education in students feeling collectivism and ability to combine individual work with collective.

The subject of mathematics is so serious
what is useful not to miss the cases to do it a little entertaining "

B. Pascal

Currently, there are many varieties of extracurricular work in mathematics: Olympiad, KVN, various mathematical relay, marathons, mathematical circles. One of the forms of extracurricular work are weeks of mathematics, which have a large emotional impact on participants.

The words of Mathematics at school for a teacher can serve as the words of K.D. Shushinsky: "Make academic work so interesting for the child and not to turn this job into fun - this is one of the most difficult and most important tasks of the didactics."

In our school, the week of mathematics takes place in early December. In this event, students participate in all parallels, including primary school. Weeks for two guys are offered to prepare reports related to the history of mathematics, reports on great mathematicians, draw up mathematical crosswords, rebuses, riddles and find interesting tasks. All students belong to such assignments with great interest. And very often, those guys who did not show visible interest in the subject in the lessons, performed these tasks better than others. In the lessons of mathematics, students perform with the reports prepared by them, tasks. In recreations, portraits of great mathematicians hang, quotes from their works, crosswords, rebuses, statements of scientists, writers about mathematics. In each of the six school days Games, discussions, contests are held. At the end of the subject week, the results are summed up. The winners are awarded with diplomas, most active receive prizes. Results are hung on the bulletin board.

What are the tasks and goals of the Mathematics Week?


1. Development of interest in the subject;

2. Expanding knowledge on the subject;

3. Formation of creative abilities: logical thinking,

rational ways to solve problems, smelts;

4. Promoting the upbringing of collectivism and partnership, culture of feelings (responsibility, honor, debt).


1. To attract all students to organize and hold a week.

2. To hold events in each class, promoting the development of cognitive activity of students.

3. To introduce students to practice with the specifics of the application of individual knowledge in some professional areas.

4. Organize an independent and individual, collective practical activity of students.

From each work we expect some results and after the subject week we want to see the desired, for example:

1. Confirmation of student basic knowledge in accordance with the theme of the Week of Mathematics.2. Acquaintance with the types of creative independent activities and the development of its execution skills.3. Identification of the circle of students seeking to deepen knowledge in mathematics.4. Involvement of parents in collaborative activities (selection of materials for the Mathematics Week)5. Expansion of historical - scientific horizons of students in the field of mathematics.6. Development of communicative skills when communicating with disciples of different ages (Teams composed of students from different classes can participate in competitions (5-6.7-8-8-10))

Mathematical education makes an invaluable contribution to the formation of the general culture of the younger generation, its worldview contributes to aesthetic education The child, understanding the beauty and harmony of the surrounding world, develops its imagination and spatial representation, analytical and logical thinking, encourages the creativity and development of intellectual abilities. And I really want to hope that the provision of a subject week is just gives you to make sure that.

We offer you a description of the mathematical game "Own game", which can be used on time of mathematics week.

The game with the game is attached

Mathematical game "Own game"

When creating the game, a "Own Game" game template was used


Great mathematicians



Real mathematics

Moiser and logic.

In each section, 5 questions that are estimated, respectively, 10,20,30,40, 50 points and provides a question "Cat in a bag". Below is a list of question on sections with answers.

Great mathematicians

1. Employment on 10 points

2. Right on 20 points

Ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician and mystic, creator of the religious and philosophical school. Reply Pytagor.

3. Release by 30 points

Russian mathematician, one of the creators of non-child geometry, a worker of university education and folk enlightenment.

Famous English Mathematics William Clifford called this scientist - Copernicus Geometry. Answer N.Lobachevsky

4. Right on 40Balles

Russian mathematician and mechanic, since 1889 a foreign corresponding correspondent of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

First in Russia and in Northern Europe Female professor and first woman in the world - Professor of Mathematics. Answer S. Kovalevskaya

5. Across 50 points

French philosopher, mathematician, mechanic, physicist and physiologist, creator of analytical geometry and modern algebraic symbolism, author of a radical doubt in philosophy, mechanism in physics, continuity of reflexology. Rene Rene Decartes


1. Employment on 10 points

What figures are friends with the sun? Ray response

2. Right on 20 points

Parlialogram, which are mutually perpendicular to the adjacent sides?

The answer is rectangle

3. Release by 30 points

The name of which figure is translated from greek means

"Dining table"? Answer trapezium

4. Right 40 points

Cut the tightening arc in 180 °? Answer diameter

5. Question for 50 points

Many points of the angle equidistant from his sides?

Answer Bissektris


1. Question on 10 points

Schedule linear function answer straight

2. Right on 20 points

Not a positive and non-negative number?

Answer Nul

3. Question for 30 points

Decimal fraction answer

4. Right 40 points

Independent variable? Answer Argument

5. Question for 50 points

The smallest four-digit number, in which the numbers are different?

Answer 1023.

Real mathematics

1. Employment on 10 points

On two hands 10 fingers. How many fingers are ten hands?

Answer 50.

2. Right on 20 points

The device for determining the side of the horizon

Compass response

3. Release by 30 points

The doctor prescribed 3 injections. After half an hour to the injection. How many hours all the injections will be made? Answer in an hour

4. Right 40 points

What is the name of a drawing tool that helps draw a circle?

Circul's answer

5. Across 50 points

Earth satellite makes one turn in 100 minutes, and another turnover in 1 hour 40 minutes. How to explain it? Reply 1 hour 40in \u003d 100min

Moiser and logic

1. Employment on 10 points

What figure are pilots write in the sky? Answer eight

2. Question on 20 points

What a geometric figure is needed for punishment

Angle answer

3. Release by 30 points

Professor go to bed at eight in the evening. The alarm clock makes nine. How much does a professor sleep? Reply 1 hour

4. Right 40 points

The stick was saw on 12 parts. How many cuts did?

Answer 11 cuts

5. Across 50 points

In the family seven brothers, everyone has one sister. How many children in the family?

Answer 8 children

The game is designed for students in grades 7-8, designed both for an individual game (for example, a competition captain competition), and for the team game. The game can take part from 2Do 4 teams. The team selects a section and question for a certain number of points. With the right answer, the game continues the same command, with the wrong answer, the course of the next team occurs. If the command gets a question "Cat in a bag", the command passes the course of any other team. The team wins the highest number of points. The team winner lead offers to take part in Superigre.

Bibliography: 1. Farik A.V. Extracurricular work on mathematics 5-11 classes M. Iiris-Press, 2006-288Sil .- ( school Olympiadss)

2. Farc A.V. Mathematical circles in school 5-8 classes 2nd ed. - M., Iris press, 2006- 144S.- (School Olympiads)

3. Sub weeks at school Mathematics Compiled by Goncharova L.V. Volgograd: Teacher, 2004. - 134 p.

4.ONikul P.R. 19 games in mathematics: Tutorial - SPb.: Union, 1999. - 95 p.

5. Khudadatova S.S. Mathematics in rebusters, crosswords, chainvords, cryptograms, grade 9. - M.: School press, 2002. - 32c. - (Library of the magazine "Mathematics at school". Issue 16).

Learn easier, more fun and much more efficiently now actually thanks to new technologies and online development methods! Fascinating mathematical games - an excellent way to turn the material difficult to learn in the merry fun. Mathematics games are capable of even pure humanity to make not only understand, but also to love the score - and all this without any effort! And most importantly - no coercion: puzzles and virtual lessons are so interesting that even negligent students will deal with great pleasure.

Cheerful lessons

The first and most obvious, form of online entertainment dedicated to study is a virtual class, in which a favorite character acts as a teacher.

Dasha Pathfinder and in his programs like to pay attention to the defeats on how important everything is to know and be able, and now, standing at the board, she is convincing more than ever! Exercises for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are accompanied by funny pictures depicting Dasha's adventures, and at the end of the student will receive an assessment corresponding to his knowledge. CAUTION: To solve examples, schoolboy needs to be familiar with negative numbers!

But Sophia is a wonderful math for the game specifically for girls prepared a test in which you need to choose in each task, is it true that the solution is true. Check yourself very simple: the answer counter, depending on the result, increases on one unit immediately after the choice is made. By the same exact principle organized and the test, which was a babies of Barbie. Such mathematical games are taught not only to count without mistakes, but also to think quickly, because time on the answer is limited!

And if the training is required to be defined mathematical operation - For example, pull the skill of addition or division - then for help you should go to a white cat. Fluffy purr - a strict teacher. It requires a limited time to have to properly solve the task and choose the necessary answer from the four presented to the choice.

Figures and life

Solving examples is good way Learn to quickly fold, but it often seems that this occupation is useless, and in the future it is not useful. How not it is useful if in our world and the step can not be closed without mathematics, and the adventure games about it are just proven!

The crew participating in battle on the tanks is forced to constantly think about complex tasks, especially when it comes to shoot or count on how to cross enemy shells. In a simplified form, this process represents the game of mathematics on tanks, playing in which you can on this page. Incorrect solution will lead to an explosion and death of a personnel, and only a player who can count will help to escape from imminent!

In the Games, the schoolboy will have to defeat the challenges in mathematics to get candy, cope with bees or deliver pizza to the right table. Without arithmetic, the arrow in the tournament will not reach the goal, and the space rockets do not take off. However, it is useful to know that without solving special tasks (only much more complicated than pass in the second grade!) Rocket and the truth will not take off - but this is a completely different story ...