Plan 1 Junior Group Theme of kindergarten. Perspective planning for September (1 junior group)

Group subgroup


With a subgroup of children to pour plants. Consider plants to highlight parts, color. Morning gymnastics.

Complex (birds).

Suggest mosaic Find the same color as I will show (out of 2 colors) Frol, Cyril, Zhenya

Learning to sit at the table, do not spin, properly hold a spoon, sofya learning to drink from the cup.

Springs, mushrooms.

Conversation with parents about the well-being of children at home on weekends.

Drawing "Apple apple trees" Stron8


Leisure observation reading verse leaf fall.

Work. Natural material collection for crafts

d / and what color sheet? Pay attention to the color, teach find yellow.

N / and "everyone slammed hands"

Ind. Running in one direction. Kirill, Nikita, Sophia

D / U "Who does what?" Learning to consider the picture to call the pictured on it.

Suggest playing with a doll "Having a doll tea". Having played with a doll to perform the simplest action with it

D / and "lacing" develop a small motorcy. Zhenya Alice, Dima.

Learn children to wash your hands before eating, find your towel.

Lacing, mosaic.

Joint activity of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational regions

Organization of the development environment for independent activities of children

Interaction with parents with social partners

Directly educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Group subgroup


Move the children to communicate with the topics of the Topics from personal experience, encourage actively respond to adult questions and offers by all available means.

Games with did. Toys - Pyramids Secure the ability of children to collect a pyramid of 3-6 rings, the ability to determine the color and size of the rings.

continue to learn yourself to remove socks and shoes. support the desire of a child to act independently

Tables with pyramids.

Conversation with parents about the need to talk more when dressing, focus on color and clothing, dressing sequence.

Development of the Speech "Consider Fruit"

Physical Education

lesson 3 p78.


Observation of flowers on the flower bed to introduce children with velvets, clarify its structure. Enter the name of the flower and its parts into speech speech.

Work harvesting seeds.

D / and Games with sand "Bake the Pie" consolidation of the ability of children to use molds.

P / and "Run to me" to teach children to run a swear.

When running is not pushed.

Ind slave Walking on a limited surface. Sophia. Frol, Alice.

Instructions "

Continue to acquaint with the group room and things that are in it. Intensify the dictionary of children. Develop in children the need for cooperation with adults

We play with croups, develop a small motorcycle Kirill, Nikita, Dima.

continue to learn yourself to wear socks and shoes. To support the desire of a child to act independently.

Select the color of things.

Cubes for building track toys for playing.

Kalyuzhny Anna Sergeevna

Changes in Russian education encourage teachers to look for new approaches to the implementation of tasks preschool education. The changes affected not only program documents, but also mainly, the activities of teachers with children. It is known that planning should be the first step in activities. From how qualitatively planning, the effectiveness of the pedagogical process is largely dependent.

There are ready-made promising and calendar plans for some exemplary preschool education programs. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such plans sometimes do not take into account a number important moments: Actual situation of children's development, features of a group of children, implemented technologies, a regional component, a variable part educational programAnd also do not always allow to implement such requirements of the FSGS to, as the accounting of the interests of the child, supporting his initiative and the formation of a child as a subject of its education. Our planning abstracts correspond to GEF to, but:

finished plans can only be partially used to develop their own teachers plans. By downloading the plan, it is worth reading it in detail and change according to your children, their interests and abilities.

From how thoughtful, planning competently implemented, the effectiveness of the implementation of educational regions in general depends.

Perspective planning educational process in age groups is the advance definition of order, the sequence of implementation of the educational process on academic year With the definition of tasks and content for every month. The basis of it is the main general program preschool institution. A promising plan is made up by teachers of each age group for a month, quarter, six months or year (permissible correction during work in terms of this species).

A promising plan is developed by educators and experts on their own on one academic year and is carried out on the basis of the curriculum approved by the head. Perspective planning directly educational activities (Node) is compiled for each age group, taking into account comprehensive-thematic planning.

The promising plan includes (depending on the DOU program):

Terms of implementation;
educational areas (socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development; physical development);
goals and objectives (per month);
Types of children's activities
Used literature I. methodical manuals,
Work with parents for the school year ( parental meetings and consultation);
At the very beginning of each month, it is determined: complexes of morning gymnastics, a set of gymnastics after sleep, work with parents and children for a month (individual and group consultations, group and general grade parent meetings, information stands, mobile folders, memo, competitions, exhibitions, seminars, musical and sports events, open doors, etc.).

The shelf life of the calendar-thematic and promising plan is 5 years.

Abstracts of promising plans for the year


The abstract includes:

  • Mode and regime processes (adaptation of the child, physical education and recreational work, day sleep organization)
  • Classes
  • Independent gaming activities
  • Work with parents, topics of consultation and conversations.
  • Morning gymnastics complex for every month.
  • Games - lessons by day.


Author Lyamin Alevtina Ivanovna. Methodical work and promising planning in 1 younger group on academic year.docx \u003e\u003e


Abstracts of prospective planning of classes per year by months

One week - one common topic. Each week has been allocated classes in areas: knowledge, communication, fiction, drawing, modeling, design.

Planning for the program "from birth to school"

Development under the program "From Birth to School" N. E. Veracstes, Vasilyeva M. A., Komarov T. S. For the 1st Junior Group for the entire academic year, divided by weeks, given the topic, tasks, cognitive, artistic, Game, labor and other activities. The author of Kostikova Natalia Petrovna. Perspective planning in the first junior group for the school year (PDF file) \u003e\u003e

Another summary of scheduling on the program "from birth to school". The working program was drawn up by educational areas: physical development, socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development (GEF to). Educator Dry Natalia Sergeevna. Download Abstract \u003e\u003e

Perspective planning in 1 younger group under the program "Rainbow"

Educator Osovo Natalia Alexandrovna. Download plans for "Rainbow" \u003e\u003e

Perspective planning of the first youngest group based on an exemplary educational program for the GEF "Childhood"

Abstract 5 weeks

Planning classes and regime moments for the first youngest group of 5 weeks of cycles in accordance with 5 educational areas. This is a socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic and physical. Abstracts from mid-September to mid-October.

Comfortable table placing material allows the teacher to supplement the main part of the program by the variable components and ensure the integrity and system of psychological and pedagogical support, the success of each ...

Read completely

The manual presents the model work program The activity of the educator, developed in accordance with GEFs before the program of pre-school education "from birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva (M.: Mosaic-Synthesis) for the group early age (from 2 to 3 years), covering the entire content of the content and organization of life and education of children in the conditions of the DOW, the planning of cultural and leisure, joint activities of the teacher and preschool, interaction with the families of pupils. Offered map professional competence The educator, including the plan of self-development, self-education, piggy bank of achievements, self-diagnosis, compiled in the framework of the tasks of the GEF of pre-school education and in the context of the professional standard of the teacher.
Convenient table placement of the material allows the teacher to supplement the main part of the program by the variative components and ensure the integrity and systemicity of psychological and pedagogical support, the success of each child during the entire stay in kindergarten.
Designed to managers and teachers of pre-school educational organizations; Recommended by specialists of pre-school pedagogy, students of higher and secondary pedagogical educational institutions.
2nd edition corrected.


Irina Zaitseva
Perspective planning for September (1 junior group)

1 week theme: "Toys" 2 weeks SUBJECT:

Monday knowledge.


Artistic creativity (modeling). Toys. Bear. Consider a large and small bears.

Lepak "Gingerbreads for Bear". Monday knowledge.




(modeling). Favorite toys (comparison).

Did. /the game "Find and name".

Lepak "Cat Patty".

"Bear". Tuesday reading fiction.

Music "Fuck cat on Torzhok ..."

Wednesday Communication.

Physical education. Bear. The game "Build Mishke House". Wednesday Communication.

Knowledge (formation of elementary mathematical representations, sensory development).

Physical education. Consider "Live Pictures" "Poultry yard".

Did. /the game "Wonderful bag".


Music. Reading a poem A. Barto "Watching the sun in the window".

Painting "Sun races" (Painting).

"Cockerel, Cockerel ...".

Painting "Milk for Cockerel".

Friday Cognition Friday

Perspective planning for September month.

3 weeks theme: "FRIENDLY FAMILY". 4 weeks SUBJECT: "Autumn Golden".



Artistic creativity (modeling). Friendly family.

Staging Russian folk songs "The chicken was entered".

Lepak: "Hydish cockerels with grains".





(modeling). Consider

"Golden autumn".

Lepak: "Surrushki

for birds. "

Tuesday reading fiction literature.

Music. Display of the Desktop Theater in Russian People fairy tale: "Repka".

Music. Reading the story B. Zhitkov "Brave dot".

Wednesday Communication.

Cognition (formation of elementary mathematical representations, sensory development).

Physical education. "The grandmother is visiting."

Did. /the game: "Wonderful bag".

Cognition (formation of elementary mathematical representations, sensory development).

Physical education. Acquaintance with forest guests-bauble.

Did. /the game: "Flower Polyana".

Physical education.

Thursday reading fiction. Artistic creativity (Painting).

Music. Reading Russian people fairy tales:


Painting: "Collect the repka". Thursday reading fiction. Artistic creativity (Painting).

Music. Reading Russian

folk songs:

"Like a meadow, meadow ...".

Drawing "The grass on


"Bed for Nevashka".

The game "Large and small nevosha" (constructive) activity, sensory development).

Physical education. Design:

"Chinching fence".

The game: "Magic Pouch".

1 week theme: "Pets". 2 weeks SUBJECT: "Who helps us".


Artistic creativity (modeling). Russian folk song "Like our cat ...".

Lepak "Bagels for a cat". In-

(Reading fiction.


Artistic creativity (modeling). Reading Russian folk songs "Bai-Bai, Bai-Bai, you, a dog, not bark ...".

Lepak "Bowl for dogs".

Tuesday cognition . Communication.

Music. Cockerel with family.

Fairy Tale on Flanhegraph K. Chukovsky "Chick".

Music. Tuesday cognition (Formation of a holistic painting of the world, expansion of the horizon). Communication.

Music. Conversation "Who helps us?" (about Nyan).

The game "Who's doing what?".

Wednesday Communication.

Cognition (formation of elementary mathematical representations, sensory development).

Physical education. "Cat with kittens".

The game "Find bowls for a cat and a kitten".

Physical education. Wednesday Communication.

Cognition (formation of elementary mathematical representations, sensory development).

Physical education. "Dog with puppies".

Comparison of toys - dogs and puppies.

Physical education.

Thursday reading fiction. Artistic creativity (Painting).

"Our clarification in the morning ...".

Painting: "Milk for Cockerel". Thursday reading fiction. Artistic creativity (Painting).

Music. Reading Russian

folk songs:

"Ryabushchka chicken.

Painting "Yellow lumps", (chickens).

Friday Knowledge (development of productive (constructive) activity, sensory development).

Physical education. Design

"Build a booth for a dog".

The game "Find a booth every dog". Friday Knowledge (development of productive (constructive) activity, sensory development).

Physical education. Design:

"Bed for Nevashka".

The game: "What our own nevalea".

Perspective planning for October month.

3 weeks theme: "Tea Ware". 4 weeks SUBJECT: "Cars".

(Reading fiction.


Artistic creativity (modeling). Reading Russian folk fairy tale "Goats and Wolf" in arr. K. Ushinsky.

Lepak "The fence for a goat". In-

(Reading fiction.


Artistic creativity (modeling). Reading Russian folk songs "I love my cow ...".

Lepak "Herbal for a cow".

Tuesday cognition (Formation of a holistic painting of the world, expansion of the horizon). Communication.

Music. Consider tea dishes.

Game - Page "Our dolls are visiting".

Music. Tuesday cognition (Formation of a holistic painting of the world, expansion of the horizon). Communication.

Music. Consider toy machines.

The game "Ride toys".

Wednesday Communication.

Cognition (formation of elementary mathematical representations, sensory development).

Physical education. "Acquaintance with the toy house".

The game "Hiding a bunny from fox".

Physical education. Wednesday Communication.

Cognition (formation of elementary mathematical representations, sensory development).

Physical education. "Clothes for dolls".

The game "Guess the description".

Physical education.

Thursday reading fiction. Artistic creativity (Painting).

Physical education. Reading Russian folk songs

"Ladushki, ladies ...".

Painting: "Beautiful cup", (dotted). Thursday reading fiction. Artistic creativity (Painting).

Music. Reading a poem A. Barto "Truck".

"Ryabushchka chicken.

Painting "Wheels for the car".

Friday Knowledge (development of productive (constructive) activity, sensory development).

Physical education. Design

"Tracks for cars".

Game with machine "Do how

i". Friday Knowledge (development of productive (constructive) activity, sensory development).

Physical education. Design:

"The fence for cow with a calf".

Comparison game: "Cow

and calf. "

1 week theme: "Horse" 2 weeks SUBJECT: "Goat with kids".

Reading fiction.

Artistic creativity (modeling). Reading a poem A. Barto "Horse".

Lepak "Herbal for a horse". In-

Reading fiction. Artistic


(modeling). Reading Russian folk songs "Goat Dereza".

Lepak "Twigs for the goat".

Tuesday cognition (Formation of a holistic painting of the world, expansion of the horizon).

Music. Acquaintance with a toy horse. (p. 89). Tuesday cognition (Formation of a holistic painting of the world, expansion of the horizon).

Music. Picture viewing "Goat with kids".

Wednesday Communication.

Cognition (formation of elementary mathematical representations, sensory development).

Physical education. Picture viewing "Horse with a foal".

Wednesday Communication.

Cognition (formation of elementary mathematical representations, sensory development).

Physical education. "Goat with kids" comparison.

Thursday reading fiction. Artistic creativity (Painting).

Music. Taste Tolstoy "Was in Petit and Masha Horse".

Painting "Coloring a horse tail". Thursday reading fiction. Artistic creativity (Painting).

Music. Reading Russian

folk fairy tale "Wolf and Kozdy".

Painting "The grass for a goat".

Friday Knowledge (development of productive (constructive) activity, sensory development).

Physical education. Design

"Track for the horse".

The game "Horses". Friday Knowledge (development of productive (constructive) activity, sensory development).

Physical education. Design "House for a goat with goats".

The game "Fucked the goat is expensive".

Perspective planning for November month.

3 weeks theme: "Bunny". 4 weeks SUBJECT: "Mouse".



Artistic creativity (modeling). Reading Russian folk songs "Hare York".

Lepak: "Bunny carrot".





(modeling). Reading a work

S. Marshaka "Tale of a stupid little mouse".

Lepak: "Surrushki

for a mouse ".

Tuesday reading fiction literature.

Music. Viewing hares (comparison of plastic, rubber and fluffy (Soft) bunnies).

Music. Tuesday reading fiction literature.

Music. Collective story about the mouse. Mouse observation.

Wednesday Communication.

Cognition (formation of elementary mathematical representations, sensory development).

Physical education. Acquaintance with a toy hare.

The game "Find a couple".

Physical education. Wednesday Communication.

Cognition (formation of elementary mathematical representations, sensory development).

Physical education. Acquaintance with the toy house.

The game "Hide the mouse".

Physical education.

Thursday reading fiction. Artistic creativity (Painting).

Music. Reading a poem A. Barto "Bunny"

Painting: "Bunny traces". Thursday reading fiction. Artistic creativity (Painting).

Music. Reading poem K. Chukovsky "Katatasi and Mausi".

"Like a meadow, meadow ...".

Painting: "Balls for mice".

Friday Knowledge (development of productive (constructive) activity, sensory development).

Physical education. Design

"Bench bench".

The game "Ride you will try", (one-one). Friday Knowledge (development of productive (constructive) activity, sensory development).

Physical education. Design:

"Cot for a mouse".

The game: "Find the description".