St starotitarovskaya. History reference

The village of Starotitarovskaya is one of the largest villages in the Kuban, occupies the second place in terms of population in. There are two interesting tourist sites here - the Kuban-Vino plant with a museum of winemaking and a museum of the history of the Cossacks. One of the first Cossack settlements in the Kuban, about 150 old Cossack families still live here. Local residents have a unique southern dialect, a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian, which gave something new. In Starotitarovskaya, as in other towns in the south of Russia, they do not "speak" like the Russians, they do not "grind" like the Ukrainians, but "balakayut". IN soviet time They tried to retrain everyone so that everyone could speak literary, and now interest is reawakening both in traditions and in the local dialect.

History of the village of Starotitarovskaya

After resettlement to the Taman Peninsula in the 18th century, the Cossacks founded 40 settlements, Titarovsky Kuren was one of the first - it dates back to 1794. However, the look of the village has already changed and now it is not much different from hundreds of other southern villages: the old residents are sad about the times when all the houses were whitewashed, with blue shutters. Although such old houses can still be found on the streets.

Attractions Starotitarovskaya

general information:

Founded: in 1794
Page with: 1842 g.
Timezone: UTC + 3
Telephone code: +7 (86148)
Postcode: 353530
Height above sea: 4 m
Population: ↗12 968 people
Area: Temryuk

Average monthly temperature

Mar Apr May
+ 3.8C ° + 10.7C ° + 16.1C °
June Jul. Aug
+ 20.6C ° + 23.2C ° + 22.8C °
Sep Oct But I.
+ 18.1C ° + 12.1C ° + 7.1C °
Dec Jan. Feb
+ 3.4C ° + 0.2C ° + 0.6C °

The village of Starotitarovskaya is located in the east of the Taman Peninsula, on the bank of the fresh Starotitarovskiy estuary, 33 km southwest of Temryuk and 49 km northwest of Anapa. It is separated from Starotitarovskaya by 180 km along the road through Slavyansk-on-Kuban.

A brief history of Starotitarovskaya

Starotitarovskaya is one of the oldest Cossack villages in the Kuban. About 150 old Cossack families still live here.

Founded in 1794 as Titarovsky kuren. In connection with the massive resettlement of local residents deep into the steppes and the formation of the Novotitarovsky settlement there, in 1810 the kuren was renamed Starotitarovskaya, and from 1842 it became known as a village.

Today Starotitarovskaya is one of the largest Kuban villages. It ranks second in terms of population in Temryuk district. There are two interesting tourist sites here - the Museum of the History of the Cossacks and the Kuban-Vino plant with a museum of winemaking.

Museum of the history of the Cossacks in Starotitarovskaya

The Museum of the History of the Cossacks is located in a building that is more than 100 years old. There are only three small rooms here. The first contains household items that the Cossacks used in everyday life. In the second hall the furnishings of the room are recreated. The third hall is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. The museum was created in 1992 by Olga Pogiba, a teacher and local historian, all exhibits are genuine and collected by village residents, behind each of them is the history of the family.

The military government decided to place the population in kurens. The village chieftains were summoned to Yekaterinodar and there, by lot, the places of settlement of 40 kurens were determined, 38 of which began to bear the former Zaporozhye names. Including the Titarovsky kuren, formed in 1794. In 1810 it was renamed Starotitarovskaya, tk. part of the inhabitants from it went deep into the steppes, away from the border, which passed along the Kuban River. They left and formed the Novotitarovskoe settlement. Since 1842, Starotitarovskaya kuren began to be called the village of Starotitarovskaya. The 18th century was in many ways a turning point for the history of Taman. 1791 opened a new chapter in the history of the young Black Sea army.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Starotitarovskaya there were more than 230 oil pits and wells. In 1864, the first drilling operations were carried out, first at Anapa, and then at the village of Starotitarovskaya.

In 1874, a stone church of the Assumption was built in Titarovskaya, and in 1807 there was a wooden church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos with a bell tower, with a parish school.

In the village, in the 80s of the XIX century, there were 7 forges, 6 fishing farms, 3 cooperage workshops, 3 oil mills, 4 tanneries, 1 brick factory, 31 water and windmills.

In 1905, 15,000 people lived in Starotitarovskaya.
With a crowded gathering of people on September 29, 1929, a gathering attended by members of the artels and the village council, the communists of the local party cell approved the first collective farm. Ilyich in st. Starotitarovskaya, the chairman of the collective farm was elected a twenty-five thousand man, the envoy of the miners of Donbass, Marchenko. In Art. Starotitarovskaya widespread concealment of grain. Fearing to die of hunger, trying to save themselves and their families, residents hid bread. Despite the difficulties, the construction of collective farms continued.

In 1931, in Starotitarovskaya on the basis of the collective farm named after. Ilyich, a larger giant collective farm named after. Ilyich (first chairman - worker P. Vokalov). The labor enthusiasm of the Starotitarovsk collective farmers was felt everywhere.

The large number of employees, the presence of many arable lands made it difficult to manage the collective farms - the timely fulfillment of state tasks was delayed. This necessitated the division of collective farms. So in Starotitarovskaya, three independent collective farms were created on the basis of one: them. Ilyich, "Red October" and them. Shevchenko. Some time later, for the same reasons, the 3 collective farms of the village were divided into 5 collective farms: them. Ilyich, "Red October", them. TG Shevchenko, "Revival" and "Red Arrow".

War ... This terrible word entered the lives of millions of Soviet people in the early morning of June 22, 1941. In accordance with the general mobilization, every day the inhabitants of the village of Starotitarovskaya went to the front on the agenda of the military registration and enlistment office and at the call of their hearts.

The Starotitarians, with their labor on the fields and farms, contributed to the cause of providing the army and the front with everything necessary. The material resources of the collective farmers made it possible to make this contribution very tangible, because they were millionaire collective farms. The occupation lasted almost 400 days, and on October 3, 1943 - the liberation of the village from the German fascist invaders, when units of the 56th Army of the North Caucasian Front broke through the enemy's intermediate line of defense between the Starotitarovskiy and Akhtanizovskiy estuaries. The soldiers walked along Krasnoarmeisky Lane, and therefore this lane began to be called that.

The Starotitarians fought bravely on all fronts of the Great Patriotic War, many of them were awarded orders and medals, and three were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union (V.I. Golovchenko, A.A. Golovnya, I.P. Kalganov). the only holder of three Orders of Glory in the village.
The infrastructure of the village included three schools, a club, a library, and in the 30s, a flying club appeared in Starotitarovskaya.

Agricultural enterprises in the village grew and developed, the production of bread and livestock products grew, and in the 60s, viticulture began to develop. Especially successfully this culture was dealt with in the state farm "Starotitarovskiy", and it was formed as a winegrower.

Public education received further development in the 70-80s. In 1970, on the basis of an eight-year school, a new (second in a row) secondary school was opened, 1976 - a third secondary school was opened.

The village house of culture was built in 1959. In the 70-80s, the transport communication of the villages was also improved.

150 Cossack families live in Starotitarovskaya. Cossacks teach children, participate in the construction of various agricultural facilities, in the construction of roads and gas pipelines, in water management, they carry out security services in the area, and are engaged in fishing.

The village of Starotitarovskaya is one of the oldest Cossack villages in the Kuban. In 1992, a folk museum was opened in the village, which since 1994 has been a branch of the State Temryuk Historical and Archaeological Museum.

The war in Chechnya, which began in November 1994, did not pass by either. Together with a unit of internal troops, the Titar guys also served in Chechnya, but not all of them managed to return home alive.

Our 18-year-old compatriot Seryozha Tkachenko (a graduate of secondary school No. 6) died in Chechnya during demining in Grozny, at the age of 19 Vitaly Moskalenko (a graduate of secondary school No. 18) died - he was blown up in an APC.

The modern village of Starotitarovskaya is a large settlement in the Temryuk region. A lot of interesting people live in the village who are proud of their homeland.

I was born in the Kuban village,
What has been at the estuary for a long time.
Here the fields are full of wheat
The grain is poured by the sun.
This is the settlement of my ancestors
This is theirs and mine here.
That is why my generation
Revives native fields.
/ Old-timer A.F. Sereda /.

Large enterprises are located on the territory of the village:
Taman group water supply,
Starotitarovskiy bakery,
LLC "Kuban-wine",
LLC "Trans Magistral" and a number of other small enterprises,
The most significant event for the population of the village is the gasification of the village. Gas "came" to the village of Starotitarovskaya on December 23, 2000. The 1st and 2nd stages of high-pressure gas pipelines with a total length of 5200 meters were built.

Foundation of the village, museum.
1794 the foundation of the Starotitarovskaya station by the Zaporozhye Cossacks
/ among the first 40 Cossack villages / kurens / in the Kuban; was named the Titarovsky kuren. /.
1812 Titarovsky kuren was renamed into the village of Titarovskaya.
1848 the village of Titarovskaya was named Starotitarovskaya
since the new village of Novotitarovskaya was founded.
1992 August Opening of the folk museum of st.Starotitarovskaya
/ to the 200th anniversary of the resettlement of the Zaporozhye Cossacks to Taman /.
1994 May The Starotitarovsky Museum became a branch of the Temryuk Historical and Archaeological Museum.

Enterprises, collective farms in the village.
1929 September 29 Education in the village of the first collective farm
Them. Ilyich.
1931 Reorganization into a larger collective farm - the giant Im. Ilyich
/ the first chairman P. Volkov /.
1931 Creation of three independent collective farms on the basis of one collective farm:
-Them. Ilyich / first chairman Y. Z. Radchenko /;
-Red October / the first chairman A. F. Maslo /;
-Them. T. G. Shevchenko / first chairman P. Kalgan /.
1932 The division of the three collective farms into five collective farms:
-them. Ilyich;
-"Red October";
-them. Shevchenko;
- "Revival";
-"Red Arrow".
1946 Recovery after the Great Patriotic War of farms:
-kolkhoz "Red October";
-kolkhoz them. Ilyich;
-kolkhoz them. T. G. Shevchenko; 1950 On March 30, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party / b / made a decision to enlarge the collective farms on the basis of the three collective farms named after. Ilyich / first chairman G.P. Levitsky, secretary of the party organization, communist M.L. Taran /. 1960 Creation on the basis of the collective farm. Ilyich of the first state farm. 1963 Construction of a winery. 1964 December A decision was made to unbundle the state farm. Ilyich, the creation on its basis of two independent state farms:
-them. Ilyich;
- "Starotitarovsky".
1972 Beginning of work of the Taman water supply department / TUV /
/ the first chief G.L. Shestibrat /
1975 Creation of the Oktyabr state farm on the basis of the 5th branch of the military unit named after Ilyich.
1978-1981 Creation of Starotitarovskiy Agropromvinprom.
1981 Establishment of the Starotitarovsky state farm and the Ilyich.
1992 Creation of a / f "Starotitarovskaya", a / f "Voskhod".
1999 Creation of the joint venture "Kuban-wine". A new enterprise created on the basis of the Starotitarovsky winery of the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory / general director Bostan V.M. /.

Great Patriotic War, natives of the village, participants in the war
1942 September 5 The occupation of the village of Starotitarovskaya by the German fascist invaders.
1943 October 2 The liberation of the village of Starotitarovskaya from the German fascist invaders.
1914 August 8 Bugayets Nikolai Grigorievich was born, a participant of the Great Patriotic War, holder of the Order of Glory 111 degrees. He died on August 2, 1983.
1915 January 15 Kalganov Ivan Prokofievich, participant of the Second World War, Hero of the Soviet Union was born. He died on September 10, 1980.

1920 April 22 Golovchenko Vasily Ivanovich, WWII participant, Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor was born.
1925 December 6 Alexander Anatolyevich Golovnya was born, participant of the Second World War, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Public education institutions, libraries.
1898 School opening.
1936 Secondary school number 18 is opened.
1968 December 1 Children's library opened
/ first head A.N. Kotelevich /.
1970 the building of secondary school No. 27 was built.
1971 August 30 Opening of a new three-storey building of secondary school No. 6.
1973 march opening kindergarten Cheburashka
/ the first head Shirokova A.P. /.
1977 Opening of the Rodnichek kindergarten.
1977 November 7 Opening of the kindergarten "Berezka" / to the 60th anniversary of Soviet power, head Kirichenko ZP /.
1989 February 14 The SUT / Station of young technicians began its work, director A. Tkachenko.

Famous countrymen
1933 April 1 Olga Yakovlevna Kogiba was born - the founder of the Starotitarovsky Museum, a veteran of pedagogical work.
1934 February 6 Zhornik Viktor Mikhailovich was born, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia since May 1994. Author of eleven collections of poetry. Currently he is the head of the Lukomorye literary association.
1941 December 19 Bugayets Nikolai Fedorovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor was born. Author of more than 10 monographs and more than two hundred articles, including works on the problems of history and rehabilitation of the Cossacks.
He currently works as the Head of the Department for the North Caucasus of the Ministry of National Economy of the Russian Federation.
1943 August 4 Nina Alekseevna Moiseeva was born. Excellence in public education, delegate to the congress of counselors / 1976 Moscow /, delegate to the congress of teachers / 1988, Moscow /.
1945 May 9 Gennady Antonovich Tkachenko, Honored Worker of Culture, composer was born.

There are 5 polling stations in the Starotitarovsky rural settlement of Temryuk district:
Polling station number 49-33,
Polling station number 49-34,
Polling station number 49-35,
Polling station number 49-36,
13 chairmen of quarter committees (TOC) are actively working on the guidance and control over the sanitary order.
On the territory of the rural settlement there are 3 MOUSOSH and 3 MDOU.

The largest enterprises and organizations:
LLC "Kuban Vino",
LLC "Starotitarovskiy bakery",
State Unitary Enterprise KK TGV "Taman group water supply",
LLC "Trans Magistral",
MUP "Remstroyservice".