Vitamins for pregnant women names. What vitamins do pregnant women need and how to take them

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life, associated not only with rapid changes in physiology and hormonal levels, but also with a fair exchange "shake-up". When a new life arises inside an already adult organism, it becomes like a zone of humanitarian disaster. He always lacks something, something is received too little, and even what is received is spent cleaned up long before the next meal. Therefore, the solution to the problem of which vitamins are best for pregnant women is always inherent in their composition: the wider the list of components, the higher the effectiveness.

Perhaps, even the simplest solutions were enough for our grandmothers during pregnancy, for example, to eat more often, more, or only what they want. But food is produced in a very different way now than it was a hundred years ago. New production technologies and stricter shelf life requirements have increased their simple carbohydrate content and reduced everything else. Sausage has less meat and more cereals, and mayonnaise has less yolk and more starch.

The same thing happened with fruits, vegetables, herbs. Previously, they were picked ripe, but now they are half green so that they ripen in a warehouse, in artificial conditions. This is done in order to have time to sell the product before it starts to deteriorate. But what is beneficial to the manufacturer is not beneficial to us, since unripe fruits and vegetables contain only half of the required norm of vitamins, minerals, trace elements.

What the body needs from food and why synthetic additives appear in the diet

We eat in order to live, so that the body can extract elements from the eaten foods, without which certain biochemical reactions cannot occur in it. The total number of such elements reaches several hundred, but they are all divided into major and minor.

The main elements of the diet are:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates.

Among the minor ones, three large classes are also distinguished:

  • vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • trace elements.

The difference between the components of the first and second groups lies in the speed and strength with which we will feel their lack in the diet, if they are removed from there. So, we need carbohydrates in large quantities and constantly. The reason is that they serve as a universal catalyst for all reactions taking place in the body, from cellular respiration to electrical impulses in the cells of the cerebral cortex.

But vitamins are required by the body in much smaller volumes, because they are involved only in some reactions and are consumed more slowly. So we feel their deficiency not so acutely, we can freely ignore its symptoms, not only for months or years.

Pros and cons of supplements

Our understanding of artificial formula containing everything that is not present in modern products is usually limited to baby food and vitamin complexes. But, so to speak, you can buy carbohydrates and proteins separately from food. Another thing is that they are needed only by professional athletes or vegetarians. And the average person gets them in sufficient volume with the daily food they eat.

Complex vitamins exist to help us make up for deficiencies in our food. And if they additionally contain trace elements with minerals, so much the better. But every coin has two sides.

  • Positive side... This aspect of their application lies in the fact that the quantitative and qualitative content of each element is indicated on the package. For comparison, the true composition (not to mention the proportions) of the absorbed products is often unknown to us.
  • Negative side... It lies in the opinion that vitamins produced synthetically are absorbed by the body worse than natural ones. It contradicts all the laws of chemistry known to mankind and the opinions of specialists. But even many manufacturers of supposedly natural products support him - of course, in order to increase their own sales. Hence its prevalence.

Varieties of vitamin preparations

Thus, multivitamin complexes are not a medicine, but a means of avoiding "acquaintance" with certain medicines or postponing it for several years. But we can buy almost any vitamin or mineral separately, as part of a monopreparation. It is most reasonable to resort to such a solution if the body is deficient in only a few of them, and we know for sure that we are getting the rest in sufficient quantities. But such cases are rare. And already during pregnancy, there can be no question of any single deficits.

  • Multivitamins. They differ from monovitamin products in that they contain several elements at once, and often of different types.
  • Tablets in a standard glaze shell... They are considered the most difficult form of the drug to assimilate. They are undesirable for digestive problems. But the delayed absorption of substances from it can be an advantage in a number of metabolic diseases.
  • Soluble tablets or powder... They enter the bloodstream the fastest, and cause a negative reaction from the stomach / intestines less often than others. Hence their high cost.
  • Gelatin capsules... They are a cross between dissolving and insoluble tablets. But in terms of speed and ease of processing by the digestive system, they are closer to the former than to the latter.

Even in a preparation of several components, their set from different manufacturers can be very different, and the length of their list affects not only the price. On the one hand, each new item increases the load on the metabolic system. On the other hand, the compilers of such complexes take into account natural metabolic vapors, adding to one preparation substances that, separately, either are not absorbed at all, or are absorbed many times worse than together.

An ordinary person, as a rule, does not know anything about such couples. This means that it does not take this into account when buying a set of several separate funds. Therefore, it is undesirable not only to make up "fees" from monopreparations ourselves, but also to take several different complexes simultaneously.

Vitamins for pregnant women: features and which are better

Already in the very early stages, the expectant mother needs to double the intake of all the main elements of the diet in the body. And by the end of the 2nd trimester, the percentage of the required "increase" in the rate of their absorption may exceed the capabilities of its digestive tract.

3 reasons to drink supplements

Therefore, multivitamins for pregnant women are an important stage on the path from conception to childbirth. You need to take vitamins during pregnancy for three reasons at once.

  1. Due to poor food quality... And even cooked with our own hands, since we cannot vouch for the composition and origin of the ingredients used. We don't understand how many vitamins there really are.
  2. Due to the sharply increasing need... Already starting from the 1st trimester, the body's needs in all components of the diet - both basic and secondary - increase.
  3. Due to lack of awareness... In the field of compatibility, daily norms and even a complete list of minerals, trace elements and vitamins that are in demand during pregnancy, there are more than in other periods of life.

Substances important for the child in the composition

When choosing the best vitamins for pregnant women, it is important to understand that they should be equally good for both the mother and her baby. Usually, the more complete their composition, the higher their value for such a delicate period, but not only. Some elements are used for the normal development of the fetus more actively than for the maintenance of the vital functions of the adult body. Among them:

  • nicotine (vitamin PP);
  • vitamins of group B and D;
  • calcium;
  • cholesterol;
  • proteins of animal (!) origin.

Already by the 3rd trimester, the child's body need for these elements can exceed that of his mother's body by half, or even three times. For this reason, among the whole variety of vitamins for pregnant women, reviews are better for those of them where the emphasis is on these elements - of course, with the exception of cholesterol, the intake of which with animal products the mother must take care of herself.

The importance of iodine

As for the iodine that is often added to them, it is necessary for a mother rather than her baby. The growth of his (like any other) organism before and after childbirth is stimulated by two special hormones produced by the thyroid gland - thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The only difference is that at the stage of intrauterine development, they are produced by the mother's thyroid gland, and later - by his own.

Both hormones are produced exclusively from iodine, so you can't do without it. Plus, iodine is generally found in the inhabitants of the Earth living far from the sea coast in a stable deficit, since there are not so many assimilable forms of it in nature. Therefore, it is useful to take it not only during pregnancy, but also throughout life. Otherwise, its chronic deficiency can result in thyroiditis (chronic autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland).

From "Alphabet" to "Elevit": what to choose

The following vitamin complexes for pregnant women have earned the greatest recognition among physicians:

  • "Alphabet";
  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte;
  • Elevit;
  • Femibion.

If we compare the content of certain elements in them in the form of a table, it will look like this.

Table - The content of vitamins and minerals in popular vitamin complexes for pregnant women

Name of substances"Vitrum Prenatal Fort""Alphabet""Femibion""Elevit"
Vitamin A2500 IU1650 IU110 mg3600 IU
Vitamin E30 mg12 mg13 mg15 mg
Vitamin C120 mg50 mg- 100 mg
Vitamin D 3400 IU250 IU- 500 IU
Vitamin B 13 mg1.2 mg1.2 mg1,6 mg
Vitamin B 23.4 mg1 mg1,6 mg1.8 mg
Vitamin B 510 mg5 mg6 mg10 mg
Vitamin B 610 mg2 mg1.9 mg2.6 mg
Vitamin B 730 mcg30 mcg60 mcg200 mcg
Vitamin B 9800 mcg300 mcg400 mcg800 mcg
Vitamin B 1212 mcg3 μg3.5 μg4 μg
Vitamin PP20 mg19 mg15 mg19 mg
Calcium200 mg250 mg- 125 mg
Magnesium25 mg50 mg- 100 mg
Iron60 mg20 mg- 60 mg
Zinc25 mg12 mg- 7.5 mg
Iodine150 mcg150 mcg150 mcg-

In addition to the listed elements, individual complexes (in particular, "Alphabet" and "Vitrum") contain molybdenum, manganese, selenium and even taurine - an amino acid (a component of animal protein), which accelerates cellular metabolism.

Among all the complexes presented, the least rich seems to be Femibion, and the widest coverage of the components, of course, is in Alphabet.

The relatively modest composition of a complex in comparison with the rest does not mean that it is worse, because the benefits of adding the same molybdenum or chromium during pregnancy are questionable. Likewise, for example, with nicotine. An adult needs it in an amount of 25 mg / day, and for pregnant women - 50 mg / day. In such a dosage, none of the listed agents contains it, which significantly reduces their value, regardless of the completeness of the list of other elements.

Remember that taking any medications, including vitamin complexes, during pregnancy must be coordinated with your doctor. Only a doctor can assess the real need of a woman's body for additional "feeding" and determine safe dosages to remove the risks of hypervitaminosis.

Principles of taking multivitamin complexes

The manufacturer's calculations of any of the listed drugs about how they should be taken are indicated in the instructions for use. And if the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy has not prescribed otherwise, the most reasonable thing is to adhere to what is written in it. In the vast majority of cases, such remedies are recommended to drink one tablet or capsule once a day. And soluble drugs, respectively, should be pre-diluted in 150-200 ml of drinking water.

There is no consensus on how to take vitamins during pregnancy (between meals or with it). But the option with the simultaneous intake can be useful for creating the illusion (in this case, for the metabolic system) of a complete diet. In addition, it makes them easier and faster to learn. You just need to remember that multivitamins, as well as other medicinal, auxiliary preparations, are incompatible with metabolic stimulants - caffeine, guarana, other energy drinks, as well as carbonated drinks.


Women planning to soon become mothers should start taking care of their health even before the baby is born. And you need to improve your well-being throughout all three trimesters. The best vitamins for pregnant women, intended for taking at different periods, will help to cope with this task. Which drugs are included in this list and why, our rating will explain. He will also help you make the right decision when choosing and buy a tool that will really "work".

The best quality products are American and English, but they are also the most expensive. Judging by the suggestions of Russian companies and user reviews, cheaper options also help women during the period of bearing a child. Here are the brands we are talking about:

  • Vitrum... The brand belongs to the UniPharm company, founded in the USA in 1992, but during this time its products managed to cover the entire European market. It is well represented in pharmacy chains in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. But given the location of the company, its products cannot be called cheap.
  • Elevit... She produces a multivitamin complex for pregnant women, and for those who are just planning to become mothers, and for those who are already breastfeeding. The drug has passed tests, which have confirmed its effectiveness in preventing developmental defects of the baby. The company has recently changed the packaging.
  • Alphabet... The products of this company have good reviews from gynecologists and other doctors. Its relevance is associated with an adequate price and effective compositions of funds. They are created taking into account the advice of scientists on the combination of certain substances, which improves the final results.
  • UfaVITA... This company owns the right to manufacture Complivit. It is one of the largest in its market and cooperates with factories in Moscow, Tomsk, Kursk, Ufa. The manufacturer strictly adheres to ISO and GMP quality standards.
  • Vitabiotics... It is a renowned pharmaceutical company based in London (UK). One of her directions is the creation of products for the health of women during pregnancy. The manufacturer is in the TOP-10 of the best companies working in the healthcare field.

Rating of the best vitamins for pregnant women

The main role in compiling this TOP was played by the positive and negative statements of expectant mothers, the ratio of the price and quality of funds, the level of trust in manufacturing firms.

A qualified and versatile selection of the best vitamins for pregnant women became possible thanks to the analysis of such criteria:

  • Composition (compatibility of components, amount of nutrients, ingredients, etc.);
  • Promised and real effects;
  • Duration of the course;
  • Number of contraindications;
  • Negative impacts;
  • Taste and smell;
  • In what form are they issued;
  • Simplicity and clarity of instructions;
  • How many tablets or capsules are in the package;
  • Dosing regimen (dosage and frequency).

Also, the availability of funds in the pharmacy and the convenience of taking them (tablet sizes) were analyzed.

What are the best vitamins for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

In the first three months, the body of the expectant mother desperately needs iodine, folic acid and vitamin E. Based on this, 2 winners were selected.

This drug, consisting of vitamins (13 pcs.) And minerals (10 pcs.), According to the manufacturer's statements, reduces the risk of abnormal fetal development, increases the level of immunity and prevents anemia and a number of other negative effects. Users note in reviews that it is well tolerated and has no side effects. It is also convenient that you can buy a package for 30, 60, 100 or 120 tablets. Expectant mothers like the packaging (in a jar) and the long shelf life of the complex.


  • The presence of iodine in the composition;
  • B vitamins are found in large quantities;
  • Easy to understand and short instructions;
  • Convenient jar;
  • White shell;
  • When crushing, the tablet does not crumble;
  • Affordable price.


  • Dimensions;
  • There is no dividing line in the center of the tablet.

This preparation is made on the basis of vitamins (complex B, C, A, D and E) with the addition of micro- and macroelements - zinc, magnesium, iron. Experts say that the components are selected correctly, but women are confused by the combination of calcium and iron, since it is known that the former impairs the absorption of the latter. It is released in colored tablets, which suggests the presence of dyes here. Although the list of additional ingredients is large, the manufacturer does not indicate anything prohibited and dangerous to health in the composition - all the same gelatin, ethyl cellulose, lactose monohydrate, etc.


  • The most popular drug;
  • Recommendations of gynecologists;
  • No overdose;
  • Volume (100 pcs per pack);
  • Dividing line on the pill;
  • A minimum of contraindications.


  • The presence of food additives;
  • Can give kidney complications;
  • The components are selected without considering compatibility;
  • Provokes problems with stool.

The drug "Elevit pronatal" is practical, it is enough to drink it in 1 tab. in a day. It is also important that it is designed for use by pregnant women in the first three months, that is, in the 1st trimester.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

By this time, the need for them increases by an average of 30%, since the baby is actively growing. At this stage, there is a sharp increase in iron consumption, which determines the importance of replenishing the body's reserves with ascorbic acid, which is necessary for its absorption. That is why vitamin and mineral complexes with a large amount of vitamin C were included in the list of winners.

The product is made specifically for women about to give birth, but it can also be used at the planning stage of pregnancy, as well as during lactation after childbirth. It is dispensed without a prescription, but a doctor's consultation is still required. The only contraindications to its use are: hyperfunction of the thyroid gland and individual intolerance to the components. The composition is completely hypoallergenic, therefore it is not dangerous for the expectant mother and baby. The drug is available in three volumes - 20, 40 and 60 tablets.


  • The compatibility of components is taken into account;
  • No allergic reactions;
  • Full range of vitamins and minerals;
  • Improves both appearance and well-being;
  • Multi-colored, easy to navigate.


  • It is necessary to take strictly according to 3 tables.;
  • Does not greatly affect the condition of hair and nails.

This complex cannot be called universal, since it contains only 9 biologically active substances, and there are practically no minerals at all. All this is represented by vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6, folic and ascorbic acid, nicotinamide. The instructions indicate that the drug should not be used for urolithiasis, pernicious anemia caused by a lack of B12, an excess of calcium and in some other conditions. This is the main disadvantage. In the absence of contraindications, it is enough to take 1 tablet a day.


  • One of the most inexpensive complexes;
  • Small jar;
  • Convenient reception scheme;
  • Not a nasty taste;
  • The tablets are small and easy to drink.


  • Long course;
  • Unlike other products, only two volumes are available here;
  • There are almost no minerals;
  • The presence of E-104 dye;
  • There is no childproof protection on the lid.

The best vitamins for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

This period begins after 28 weeks, when a little more or less than 3 months remain before delivery. By this time, most mothers develop anemia if they stop taking vitamin tablets. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to compensate for the deficiency of folic acid, vitamins B12 and C, as well as iron.

The drug was in the list of leaders primarily due to a balanced formula based on 16 vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It is produced by an English manufacturer. The key feature of the product is the requirement to take 1 tablet per day, which does not create problems, as well as a small percentage of allergic reactions and a minimum of contraindications. A three-year shelf life and easy assimilation round out the pluses. The tablets are effective both during pregnancy and lactation.


  • Acne goes away;
  • Nails are strengthened;
  • The condition of the hair improves;
  • Neat box;
  • The presence of micro and macro elements;
  • Lack of unpleasant odor and taste.


  • Poorly strengthen the immune system;
  • Discomfort may be felt in the esophagus after swallowing.

They are produced under the label Femibion \u200b\u200b1 and Femibion \u200b\u200b2, in the last trimester the second type is used. This is a multivitamin complex related to dietary supplements. One package contains 30 yellow capsules and the same number of pink tablets. The success of their use is due to the presence in the composition of a large amount of Omega-3, vitamin E and C, besides them there are also vitamins of the B and H groups. Mineral substances are practically absent here, there is only iodine, so they will have to be taken separately.


  • There are both hard and soft tablets;
  • There are almost no artificial additives;
  • Small clear instructions;
  • Safe composition.


  • Sometimes they cause allergies;
  • Big size;
  • High price.

What vitamins are best for pregnant women

Here are some tips for choosing the best prenatal vitamins for different periods:

  • If anemia is established, the doctor will prescribe funds with iron, ascorbic and folic acid, cyanocobalamin.
  • Those looking for something inexpensive should choose the "Alphabet".
  • With good financial resources, you should try to buy products that contain both vitamins and minerals (calcium, iodine, etc.), for example, Elevit pronatal.
  • In order to avoid the development of vices in a child, you can stop at Vitrum Prenatal Forte.
  • Those who want to achieve better assimilation of components in the third trimester should buy "FEMIBION", in which all the necessary substances are optimally combined.

Tips on how to choose vitamins for pregnant women, you will learn in this video:

The good health of the mother directly affects the condition of the baby, therefore, it is recommended to take all these courses throughout the entire pregnancy.

Carrying a baby - it is not only joy and excitement for every woman, her body is under great stress during this period. The expectant mother has to supply the necessary nutrients not only to her body, but also to the child's body. Therefore, these need additional vitamins and minerals. Doctors often offer a woman several vitamin complexes to choose from. To choose the right drug based on its action and cost, I hope this article will help you. Below are the most popular and effective multivitamin complexes for expectant mothers.

Before describing individual preparations, it is necessary to understand how they differ from conventional vitamin complexes. The first difference is the composition carefully developed by scientists; it has long been known how much and what nutrients the body of a pregnant woman and an unborn child may lack.

One of the most important micronutrients is calcium, which maintains the normal state of the bones of the expectant mother and is responsible for the formation of the baby's skeleton, therefore, vitamins for pregnant women contain much more calcium, they also have 2 times more folic acid, etc. Manufacturers add other beneficial substances in accordance with the research of scientists in each specific country.

It is no secret that certain foods prevail in the diet of people in different countries of the world, as a result of some nutrients there may be an excess, some deficiency. Therefore, Russian women should not immediately sweep aside preparations of domestic production, it is in them that the peculiarities of our nutrition are better taken into account.

The best vitamins for pregnant women

Of course, in general, the composition of various vitamin and mineral complexes does not differ much, because manufacturers in such a responsible business are guided not by their own preferences, but by the general needs of the mother and baby. The main difference between vitamins for pregnant women Is the price and the presence or absence of the disputed components.

Some manufacturers do not add calcium, some iodine, although doctors are more often inclined to believe that both the mother and the unborn child need these substances. But it is not necessary to compensate for the lack of iodine and calcium with chemical vitamins, it is enough to slightly correct the diet - to introduce additional fish, seaweed, apples, cottage cheese and other foods rich in these substances. However, recently, scientists have begun to argue that calcium is poorly absorbed from foods and it is best for pregnant women to take it additionally, preferably in combination with vitamin D3.

Therefore, vitamins for pregnant women which company to choose is decided by the expectant mother herself together with the attending physician. Below is a rating of the best vitamins for pregnant women, based on the recommendations of doctors and reviews of expectant mothers.

  1. Elevit Pronatal

The most popular vitamins for pregnant women, they are often prescribed by gynecologists and future mothers advise each other. The complex is produced in France by Roche. The biggest plus of this drug is a good balance of micro and macro elements. Also, Elevit Pronatal contains almost all nutrients and vitamins necessary for pregnant women. Only iodine is not found there, if the expectant mother needs it, then she will have to take it separately or choose another drug. Elevit can be started when planning a pregnancy and stopped at the same time that breastfeeding is stopped.

Mothers' comments on the drug are mostly positive, Elevit prevents hair loss, brittle nails, increases stress resistance and makes the expectant mother more active, practically does not cause taxicosis.

The disadvantages of the drug are its high price, the course will cost 6-7 thousand rubles and large rough pills that are quite difficult to swallow. The drug also contains magnesium, which relaxes the uterus, so its intake is not desirable for women with a threat of miscarriage. Sometimes Elevit calls out a side effect - constipation, and the female body can also give out an allergy to any of the components of the drug. Dark colored stools are normal with these vitamins and will fade over time.

  1. Vitrum Prenatal

The manufacturer of this complex is the American company Unifarm Inc. Vitamins are produced specifically for pregnant and lactating mothers. The content of iron and, in Vitrum Prenatal, is increased. An increased dose of calcium in tandem with vitamin D3 promotes the development of a strong skeleton in a baby and prevents the destruction of bones and teeth in a pregnant woman.

This drug also does not contain iodine, if iodine is still needed, then you can take Vitrum Prenatal Forte, in addition to iodine, it also contains B vitamins, betacorotin, magnesium, copper, chromium and selenium. Both those and other vitamins are allowed to be taken for a long time. Therefore, Vitrum Prenatal and Vitrum Prenatal Forte can be taken throughout the entire period of gestation and breastfeeding.

The disadvantages of Vitrum include the same high cost of vitamins and the large size of the tablets.

  1. Vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women Femibion

Vitamins of Austrian origin, manufacturer Merck KGaA & Co. This manufacturer has divided the vitamin complex depending on the gestational age.

Femibion \u200b\u200bI - prescribed during pregnancy planning and early pregnancy

Femibion \u200b\u200bII - prescribed from the 3rd month of pregnancy.

The drug is interesting in that it has a different composition depending on what nutrients are needed by women at different stages of pregnancy. The uniqueness of its composition is that folic acid is added in its active form, metafoline, it is he who is absorbed by the body best of all. Folic acid plays a very important role during pregnancy, it is responsible for the proper formation of immunity and the circulatory system of the unborn child, and also normalizes the function of the ovaries in the mother.

Femibion \u200b\u200bdoes not contain vitamin A, which in large quantities is extremely dangerous for pregnant women, because it can lead to fetal malformations.

Femibion \u200b\u200bI is available in tablets, and Femibion \u200b\u200bII in tablets and capsules, you need to take both a capsule and a tablet daily with meals.

Femibion \u200b\u200bis well tolerated by pregnant women, due to differences in composition, side effects are minimized. But still, in some women, Femibion \u200b\u200bcan cause allergies, headaches and asthenic syndrome.

This drug is also quite expensive, with the second phase vitamins costing twice as much.

  1. Vitamins Alphabet for pregnant women

Vitamins Alphabet "Mom's health", are produced by a domestic pharmaceutical company. The complex is intended for pregnant and lactating women. The difference between these vitamins from the previous complexes is that for daily intake you need 3 tablets, for convenience they differ in color - white, blue and pink. Similar "splitting up" vitamins are made for their better assimilation and to improve tolerance, each tablet contains only vitamins and microelements that are compatible with each other. Also, if you are allergic to some vitamins, for example, E, this tablet can be excluded from daily intake.

Colored tablets can be taken in any order, but preferably with meals.

The advantages of the drug include its good composition and low cost, the optimal combination of vitamins B12 and B6 minimizes the likelihood of allergies. Of the shortcomings, some expectant mothers note the not very convenient form of 3-fold reception, often women forget to take them.

  1. Complivit "Trimestrum"

Inexpensive domestic complex of drugs, produced separately for each trimester of pregnancy. Names "Trimester 1", "Trimester 2", "Trimester 3", speak for themselves. The first stage vitamins can be taken already during pregnancy planning. The tablets of each complex contain exactly the amount of vitamins and minerals that a woman needs at this stage of bearing a child. The Trimester 1 complex contains a lot of folic acid, which is necessary at the stage of fetal formation, in the second and third trimesters there is no longer such a need, therefore the content of folic acid in Trimester 2 and 3 is within the daily norm, but the content of other nutrients is higher. Due to the lack of iodine in the composition, these vitamins can be taken by pregnant women with increased thyroid function.

This domestic manufacturer has another drug for pregnant women, Complivit Mom, there is no division by trimester.

Vitamins for pregnant women Complivit have several important advantages - good quality at an affordable price, small pills that do not cause difficulties when taken. Plus, the daily dose of vitamins is contained in just one tablet, you do not need to take pills several times a day.

True, the reviews of expectant mothers about the drug are not unambiguous, some note an increase in toxicosis, digestive problems and allergies.

A budget drug of German production, contains the main vitamins of groups A, B, C and D, plus calcium and iron. The order of admission depends on the duration of pregnancy. The number of tablets is equal to the trimester of pregnancy, in the first - one, in the second - two, in the third - 3. The gynecologist can change the daily dose, depending on the balance of nutrition of the expectant mother. Take vitamins with meals with plenty of water.

The indisputable advantages of the Pregnavit vitamins include its balanced composition, low price, convenient intake in the form of capsules, the drug can be bought at almost any pharmacy. Vitamins have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Of the minuses, the most often mentioned are the absence of iodine in the Pregnavit composition and the presence of dyes in the shell, which can occasionally lead to allergies. Having to take it strictly after meals can also cause discomfort.

  1. Multi-Tabs for pregnant women

For the domestic market, Multi-Tabs is produced mainly in Russia using Danish technology. This is also they, the complex contains all the necessary substances, including iodine, selenium and calcium. Iodine stimulates the thyroid gland and regulates the hormones of the expectant mother. In the assortment of Multi-Tabs there is another drug for pregnant women - Multi-Tabs Perintal, saturated with Omega 3 acids, this drug is universal and suitable for almost any expectant mother, but you still need to consult a doctor.

Advantages of the drug: low price, small daily dosage, to provide the body of the expectant mother with all nutrients, one tablet a day is enough, we take it with food.

The disadvantages of the drug are its side effects, which, however, do not occur often, occasionally they manifest themselves in an increase in toxicosis or an allergic reaction, sometimes taking Multi-Tabs can exacerbate chronic diseases.

  1. Vitamins for pregnant women Solgar

The complex is produced in the USA, contains more than twenty useful elements, is characterized by a high content of vitamins C and E. Solgar is also famous for its good antioxidant properties, removes toxins and prevents the development of cataracts. Vitamins are made from natural ingredients and are contained in tablets in an easily digestible form. Because of the expensive components, the drug itself is not cheap.

Numerous reviews of women say that Solgar eliminates toxicosis at the beginning of pregnancy, improves metabolism and increases appetite. In addition to the high cost, many women also speak negatively about the large size of the tablets and the volume of their daily intake. In the first 3 months of pregnancy, you need to take 2 tablets, at a later date - 4, many forget and get confused.

Another noteworthy vitamins for pregnant women of Russian production, Lonopan contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which are better absorbed due to separate intake. The pack contains blisters with green and white tablets, green tablets with iron and iodine, white ones contain calcium. More often the following regimen is prescribed - 2 green tablets in the morning and 4 white tablets in the evening. The attending physician can change the dosage based on the needs of each woman's body individually.

Expectant mothers note the pleasant taste of the tablets, which is achieved by adding fructose and natural flavors to the preparation. Even women who are physically unable to swallow pills can take these vitamins; the pills can be chewed, and not drunk whole.

The packaging for vitamins is not quite ordinary - a cardboard box in which there are 2 bags with a zip fastener, pills are sold not by quantity, but by weight, so how many tablets are needed per course have to be calculated empirically, often there are extra pills in one of the packages, this is not very economically, especially since the drug is quite expensive.

  1. Complex for pregnant women Pregnakea

Completing the ranking of vitamins for pregnant women is a vitamin complex developed in the UK, it will be useful not only for pregnant women, but also for nursing mothers. Its composition is not very diverse - only 11 vitamins and 5 minerals, but these substances are enough to meet the needs of a woman at different stages of pregnancy and lactation. Manufacturers have not added calcium to the preparation, which interferes with the absorption of iron, therefore, according to the doctor's prescription, it is necessary to take calcium preparations separately, at different times of the day. Pregnakea improves immunity, stimulates the proper functioning of internal organs. The dosage of taking Pregnakea should be determined by a gynecologist, otherwise an incorrect intake can lead to hypervitaminosis and a deterioration in the well-being of the expectant mother, it is also dangerous for the fetus.

These vitamins for pregnant women are much more expensive than domestic ones, and if we take into account the need for additional purchase of drugs with calcium, then some women consider it inappropriate. Others report nausea and allergies after taking Pregnakea.

Is it always necessary to take prenatal vitamins?

Not always. The female body during pregnancy primarily provides all the necessary substances for the child. Therefore, if the mother does not receive any nutrients with nutrition, then this will have less impact on the child than on the mother's body, which will experience an acute deficiency of these elements, which will inevitably lead to negative consequences for her health. But the probability of pathology in a child due to a lack of vitamins is quite small, healthy children are born even in times of famine. But the mother, whose body gave everything to the child, can often get sick, age dramatically and it will be very difficult to regain strength. To prevent this from happening, while carrying a child, it is better to take vitamins for pregnant women, it is not necessary to buy expensive imported ones, this article provides a number of cheap but decent drugs.

Based on this information, you can consult your doctor and decide which vitamins to buy for pregnant women. Perhaps you will choose something better or more suitable for yourself, for example, our rating does not include Israeli vitamins, which are of good quality and are also very popular with expectant mothers.

Health to you and your children!

Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman. During this period, she is simply obliged to take care of herself, her health, what she eats and drinks, what drugs she takes. In addition, during this period, the needs of a woman also change, because her body must supply nutrients, vitamins and oxygen not only to herself, but also to her unborn child. This article will focus on complex vitamins for pregnant women, the appropriateness of their intake and the complexity of the choice.

Drinking or not drinking vitamins for pregnant women is a difficult question and still causes a lot of controversy. On the one hand, the lifestyle of the average woman today, unfortunately, is not conducive to a healthy balanced diet. This means that she, by definition, receives less vitamins and minerals than she needs.

But this has a detrimental effect on the state of a woman's body, let alone a child. On the other hand, an excess of vitamins can be no less harmful for both than a lack of them.

In addition, the need of each particular woman in this or that vitamin is very individual, and depends on a lot of factors, including the woman's diet, her health, lifestyle, and even the season. And vitamin complexes are designed in such a way as to satisfy the needs of a woman in any condition, in any season in any situation. Naturally, with this approach, inflections occur with the composition.

So is it necessary to drink vitamins during pregnancy? It is unambiguously difficult to answer this question. Someone is an ardent fan of taking vitamins both at the planning stage of conception and throughout pregnancy. Others believe that taking vitamins can cause serious pathologies, which means that they should not be taken. Whose side is the truth on?

As always, she is somewhere in between. If it happens in summer, and the pregnant woman is correct and eats varied, eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, then she probably does not need an additional complex of vitamins for pregnant women. You may need to drink some vitamins separately, but this should be determined by the doctor. If, before pregnancy, she had all the signs avitaminosis, and it happens in winter, then you cannot do without multivitamins.

As a result, it turns out that, like various medicines, vitamin complexes for pregnant women must be taken for a reason, but only after consulting a doctor... And, perhaps, the most important thesis that women should remember: it is best to receive vitamins from food... Of course, there are much less nutrients in products than in tablets. However, the majority of natural vitamins are absorbed several times better, which means that it is easier to get the daily allowance for them.

A set of vitamins for pregnant women

Before figuring out which vitamin complexes are better, you need to understand how many and what vitamins a pregnant woman needs a woman. Considering that another, albeit small, but already a person develops in her body, her need for vitamins increases.

The norm of vitamins during pregnancy or a set of vitamins for pregnant women are also compiled without taking into account individual characteristics, however, you can still focus on them in order to understand which vitamins for pregnant women are better.

On average, the daily intake of vitamins for pregnant women increases by 15-20%. However, you need to understand that vitamin norms differ by trimester. Indeed, in different periods of a child's development, he needs different vitamins and microelements.

Vitamins when planning pregnancy

Some experts and many women believe that vitamin complexes for pregnant women should be taken even at the stage of pregnancy planning. However, this issue is also worth understanding in more detail. First of all, when we are just planning a pregnancy, the need for vitamins has not yet been increased, which means that if you drink vitamins, then for sure not for pregnant, because an excess of vitamins affects the body no less harmful than their lack.

Should you take vitamins to prepare for pregnancy at all? The answer to this question is also individual and requires consultation with a doctor... In the end, if you already decided to consciously prepare for pregnancy, then you can hardly do without a visit to the doctor. So check with him which vitamins you should drink before pregnancy.

In most cases, women during this period are deficient in substances such as iodine and folic acid. It makes sense to drink them at the planning stage. If there are general signs of vitamin deficiency, then the doctor may prescribe a conventional multivitamin complex to normalize the condition.

Vitamins in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

What vitamins are the most important for early pregnancy? Usually, in answer to this question, they call all the same folic acid, as well as vitamins A and E. Let's try to figure out in more detail why these vitamins are so necessary, and how much they are needed.

Let's start with vitamin E , because it is about him that the most fierce disputes usually go. The dose of vitamin E during pregnancy is 15 mg. It regulates the production of female sex hormones, normalizes the menstrual cycle - this is still before conception. In the early stages, it participates in the formation of the placenta, and also protects against miscarriage.

Now let's move on to folic acid ... The second name for folic acid is vitamin B9 ... Its reception also begins three months before the planned conception, and ends at the end of the first trimester. The choice of dosage should be made by the doctor, depending on the condition of a particular woman. On average, it is 0.4 to 0.8 mg per day.

Folic acid promotes rapid cell division, which has a positive effect on the development of the ovum in the early stages. In addition, it contributes to the correct transfer of genetic information, like vitamin E, is involved in the formation of the placenta, "insures" against miscarriage and frozen pregnancy. Folic acid plays an important role in the synthesis of hemoglobin, and with a lack of it, anemia can develop. This condition adversely affects the child, because it is hemoglobin that carries oxygen through the body of the mother and fetus.

This applies mainly to the mother's body. But also in fetal development vitamin B9 takes the most active part. In particular, it is very important to receive it in the first 4 weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time that the neural tube is laid, and then the brain develops from it. If folic acid is not enough, then various malformations of the brain may occur, including nerve hernias.

Vitamin B9 is found in animal liver, spinach, asparagus, lentils, Brussels sprouts, beans, and wholemeal flour. However, it is absorbed from food very poorly, no more than 50%. That is why it is prescribed to almost all pregnant women.

But don't start taking folic acid yourself. Remember that the dosage must be prescribed by your doctor.

Vitamin A taken in the first 2 months of pregnancy, as well as in the last 2 months. In the second trimester, it is not necessary to take it. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, vitamin A should be taken no more than 2500 IU per day. Before pregnancy, this figure is twice as much - 5000 IU. Exceeding the dosage is dangerous because it causes the development of heart disease in the fetus, impaired development of the nervous system.

At the same time, a lack of vitamin A can become fatal, because it is involved in the development of the skeleton, vision and the nervous system.

Vitamin A is found in fish oil, animal liver, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, apricots, rose hips, carrots, peaches, celery and spinach. Please note that vitamin A is fat-soluble, that is, in order to absorb it, all these foods must be consumed in combination with fats.

Vitamins in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the following vitamins and minerals are needed: iodine, calcium and iron.

Iodine pregnant women are usually prescribed in the first trimester. However, it is especially important in the second. The only contraindication for taking medications containing iodine may be some diseases of the thyroid gland. Its daily dose is 250 mg per day.

Iodine takes an active part in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and they, in turn, participate in the formation of the child's skeleton, as well as in his mental development.

Lack of iodine in pregnant women causes metabolic disorders, namely, its slowdown. As a result, expectant mothers begin to gain weight, they develop weakness.

Iodine is easiest to get from seafood and sea or iodized salt. However, it is worth remembering that iodine is destroyed by temperature effects, which means that after heat treatment, the amount of iodine in the products decreases sharply.

Daily dose calcium for pregnant women is 1500 mg per day. And there is no point in talking about why calcium is necessary in the second half of pregnancy, this is known to everyone: calcium is needed for the formation of bones. In addition, it is involved in the formation of the endocrine system and kidneys.

However, an overdose of calcium preparations will not lead to anything good, because it has the properties to accumulate in the placenta.

Calcium is found mainly in fermented milk products... At the same time, animal fats complicate the absorption of calcium, so preference should be given to low-fat products. There is calcium in plant foods, in particular in broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi and the like. Chocolate, coffee and soda reduce absorption of calcium.

Since calcium is very poorly absorbed from food, it is still recommended to take vitamins with calcium for pregnant women. The best are considered third-generation drugs, such as Kalcemin. In addition to calcium, these preparations include vitamin D, zinc, manganese, boron, copper and magnesium, which contribute to the absorption of calcium.

Equally important for a pregnant woman in the second trimester iron ... On average, the daily dosage is 30-60 mg. In some cases, this amount may be higher: if the woman's iron supply was initially lowered.

Iron is essential primarily for the prevention of anemia. After all, it is part of hemoglobin, which, as we have already found out, carries oxygen through the body of the mother and child. In addition, iron is involved in protein synthesis, which is involved in the formation of muscle tissue. Iron deficiency can lead to increased uterine tone.

If a woman has a risk of miscarriage, then her blood iron level is checked. Normally, it is 15.

Iron contains in meat, especially in veal, turkey, hare, pork and beef. There is iron in plant foods, but from there it is absorbed much worse.

Vitamins in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

In the third trimester, vitamins such as A, C, D and iron are most relevant. We have already written about iron and vitamin A above. Therefore, now we will talk about vitamins C and D.

Vitamin C especially important during this period, although in some cases it can be prescribed during the planning period, for example, if a woman smokes. The dose of vitamin C during pregnancy is 90-100 mg.

Vitamin C has the strongest effect on immunity, but it has an interesting feature: overabundance of this vitamin in a woman's blood, the placenta begins to perceive it as a hostile element and filter it out. That is, the more vitamin C intake, the less the child gets.

It is known that vitamin C is contained in citrus fruits, however, they provoke the development of allergies, therefore, pregnant women are not recommended to use them. It is much more advisable to eat potatoes, herbs, bell peppers, currants, carrots, cabbage. When exposed to air, vitamin C is destroyed.

Vitamin D essential for bone development. Therefore, in the third trimester, it is prescribed to prevent rickets in a baby. The daily intake of vitamin D is 400 IU.

Vitamin D is found in food in too small quantities, so it just doesn't make sense to talk about it. But it is easily synthesized in the human body under the influence of sunlight. That is, in the summer, instead of taking individual drugs, you just need to be in the sun more often.

Which vitamins are best?

Taking vitamins during pregnancy is not at all mandatory, however, if you nevertheless decide to take them or have a doctor prescribed them, then you will face a difficult problem: how to choose vitamins during pregnancy?

The fact is that now there are a lot of different manufacturers of vitamin complexes in general, and multivitamins for pregnant women in particular. Almost all of them are good in their own way, and how to determine which vitamins to take during pregnancy?

  1. The content of vitamins and trace elements in a particular complex, and in almost all complexes, it is different.
  2. The individual reaction of the body to specific drugs.

The list of vitamins for pregnant women is very extensive, and it is very difficult to understand all this variety. To facilitate this process, we want to provide a comparative table of vitamins for pregnant women.

Nicotinamide (vitamin PP) 20 mg

VitaminsElevitMaternaVitrum Prenatal ForteComplivit MomMom's Health AlphabetPregnavit (capsules)Multi-tabs Perinatal
Vitamin A3600 IU5000 IU2500 IU1650 IU1650 IU3000 ME2666 IU
Vitamin D3500 IU400 IU400 IU250 IU250 IU200 ME200 IU
Vitamin E15 mg30 mg30 mg20 mg12 mg10 mg10 mg
Vitamin C100 mg100 mg120 mg100 mg50 mg75 mg90 mg
Folic acid (vitamin B9)800 mcg1 mg800 mcg400 mcg300 mcg750 mcg400 mcg
Vitamin B11,6 mg3 mg3 mg2 mg1.2 mg1,5 mg2.1 mg
Vitamin B21.8 mg3.4 mg3.4 mg2 mg1 mg2.5 mg2.4 mg
Vitamin B62.6 mg10 mg10 mg5 mg2 mg5 mg3 mg
Vitamin B124 μg12 mcg12 mcg5 μg3 μg5 μg2 μg
Nicotinamide19 mg20 mg20 mg20 mg19 mg15 mg27 mg
Biotin200 mcg30 mcg30 mcg 30 mcg
Calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5)10 mg10 mg10 mg10 mg5 mg10 mg9 mg
Betacarotene 2500 IU
Trace elements
Trace elementsElevitMaternaVitrum Prenatal ForteComplivit MomMom's Health AlphabetPregnavit (capsules)Multi-tabs Perinatal
Calcium125 mg250 mg200 mg25 mg250 mg250 mg160 mg
Magnesium100 mg25 mg25 mg25 mg50 mg 75 mg
Phosphorus125 mg 19 mg125 mg
Iron60 mg60 mg60 mg10 mg20 mg30 mg14 mg
Zinc7.5 mg25 mg25 mg10 mg12 mg 15 mg
Copper1 mg2 mg2 mg2 mg1 mg 2 mg
Manganese1 mg5 mg5 mg2.5 mg1 mg 2.5 mg
Iodine 150 mcg150 mcg 150 mcg 150 mcg
Molybdenum 25 mcg25 mcg 25 mcg
Chromium 25 mcg25 mcg 25 mcg 50 mcg
Selenium 20 mcg 40 mcg 50 mcg
Taurine (amino acid) 50 mg

Many people have a question, are pregnant women entitled to free vitamins? Vitamins are really needed, especially if a woman has indications for this. However, you should understand that you will be given very specific vitamins for free and you will not have the opportunity to choose. Bearing in mind that many women do not like to work with tables and numbers, below we will consider the most common vitamin complexes and give a brief description of them.

Vitamins for pregnant women Pregnavit : Today it is perhaps the most popular complex among pregnant women in our country. However, it lacks iodine and some trace elements. When stopping your choice on it, it is important to consider this point.

Vitamins for pregnant women Elevit : This vitamin complex has a high magnesium content, so it is often prescribed for women at risk of miscarriage. However, the complex does not include such a trace element as iodine.

Vitamins for pregnant women Alphabet : the complex differs in that different vitamins and elements in it are scattered into different tablets, painted in certain colors. This makes it possible to divide the intake of substances that conflict with each other in time. In addition, this also allows you to simply refuse one of the tablets in the presence of allergies. The complex of vitamins for pregnant women contains iodine, which is clearly its plus.

Vitamins for pregnant women Vitrum Prenatal Forte : These prenatal vitamins contain iron in the required amounts. Therefore, the complex is very useful for women suffering from anemia. Equally important is the presence of folic acid in vitamins, and such important trace elements as iodine and antioxidants (selenium, manganese, molybdenum).

Vitamins for pregnant women Komplevit Mom : in the complex, the content of iodine, vitamin A, D and vitamins B6 and B12 for pregnant women is significantly lower compared to other vitamins. On the one hand, this can be considered a disadvantage of the complex. On the other hand, this complex is suitable for those who are sure that they receive all these vitamins from food.

Vitamins for pregnant women Centrum Materna : one of the few complexes that contains folic acid and iodine, but it contains a high content of vitamins A and B, which means that it should not be taken without consulting a doctor. You should not stop your choice on these vitamins and those who are prone to allergies.

Vitamins for pregnant women Multi-tabs Prenatal : the complex can be considered basic, suitable for a normal, without pathologies of the ongoing pregnancy.

Vitamins for pregnant women Femibion : This is the newest vitamin complex containing a special, easily absorbed form of folic acid. It contains no iron and vitamin A, since the former will not be absorbed with every vitamin. And vitamin A is too dangerous in case of an overdose, and for the appointment of a drug with its content, according to European doctors, there should be additional grounds.

Vitamins for pregnant women Amway : These vitamins cause a huge amount of controversy: someone is completely delighted with the use of these vitamins, someone is confused by the fact that they are not sold in a pharmacy, but by people without medical education. It makes sense to get acquainted with all the certificates, composition, and so on, and on this basis make a decision. The convenience of Amway vitamins is that almost all vitamins in them are distributed in different tablets, and a woman can select an individual composition.

Vitamins for pregnant women Emfetal : vitamins on the Russian market are new, and therefore raise many questions. Many women are afraid to buy something new, and prefer old and proven means.

Vitamins for pregnant women Pregnakey : also new and inexpensive vitamins. Reviews about them are still very controversial and ambiguous. These vitamins contain almost all essential vitamins and minerals, including folic acid, iodine and iron.

In conclusion, I would like to say once again that it is best to try to balance your diet in such a way that taking vitamins is simply not needed. However, if the lack of vitamins still bothers you, be sure to consult your doctor.

Do not forget that you can always face individual intolerance certain vitamins. This is usually expressed in weakness, nausea, and other similar sensations. In this case, it is better to refuse taking vitamins and ask your doctor to prescribe a new drug for you. Approximately 2/3 of all negative reviews about any vitamins are in cases of individual intolerance.

Also, don't forget that synthetic vitamins greatly increase the load on the liver. Therefore, it is recommended to drink vitamins in courses: drink 1 month, take a break for 1-2 weeks, and only then resume taking vitamins. Be healthy!

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Pregnancy is not only a joyful expectation, but also a huge load on the body of the expectant mother. Now she has to provide energy and all the necessary substances not only for herself, but also for the baby growing inside. Usually, normal, habitual nutrition for this purpose is not enough and you have to additionally take vitamin and mineral complexes. Such a drug should be prescribed by a gynecologist observing the expectant mother. But you can choose the complex yourself by examining the rating of vitamins for pregnant women. A doctor must be warned about your decision to take a certain drug.

What is the difference between vitamins for pregnant women?

When choosing a multivitamin, many women ask how vitamins for pregnant women differ from the rest. The main difference, of course, is the composition. Scientists have long determined how much and what substances are needed for an adult, a child or a mother-to-be for the normal functioning of the body.

Vitamins for pregnant women include all the substances that any adult woman needs, plus substances that ensure the proper development of pregnancy.

Everyone knows that pregnant women need more calcium, because their body does not just keep bones in good condition - a new little person is growing inside it. That is why the amount of calcium in vitamins for expectant mothers is significantly increased. There is also a lot of folic acid or vitamin B9 (800 mg instead of the usual 400 mg) and vitamin E. The volumes of other nutrients are also increased.

The best vitamins for pregnant women - TOP 10

The composition of vitamins for pregnant women differs very slightly from different manufacturers. After all, it is not due to the wishes of pharmacists, but to the needs of the body of the expectant mother. At the same time, some complexes are expensive, others are much cheaper, some are popular, others are deprived of the attention of customers. We've reviewed the most popular vitamins and ranked them. It is based on consumer reviews and popularity among expectant mothers. It may not be entirely correct from the point of view of scientists, but it reflects the mood of women.

These are the most popular vitamins that are in constant demand among expectant mothers. They are produced by the Roche company (France). The main advantage of this vitamin and mineral complex is its perfectly balanced composition. Elevit Pronatal contains all the vitamins and minerals needed during pregnancy, except iodine. Therefore, if the doctor recommends the expectant mother to take this element, she will have to buy it separately, or choose another complex. You can take Elevit from the beginning of planning until the end of breastfeeding.

According to the reviews of expectant mothers, Elevit perfectly strengthens hair and nails, reduces emotional instability, and also gives vigor and strength.

The disadvantages of this drug include the high cost, 30 tablets cost about 700 rubles, and 100 about 1700 rubles., and rather large size of tablets, it is not very convenient to swallow them. Also, Elevit often provokes constipation, and this is already one of the main problems of many expectant mothers. Allergic reactions in the form of a rash are rare. Usually the stool also turns dark, but this is normal.

Vitrum Prenatal is manufactured by Unipharm, Inc. in USA. It is intended for pregnant and lactating women who do not lack iodine, since this element is absent in the composition. The advantages of this vitamin and mineral complex include an increased content of folic acid and iron. The manufacturer explains this by inevitable losses during the absorption of these elements by the intestines.

If the doctor recommends you a vitamin-mineral complex with iodine, you can give preference to Vitrum Prenatal Forte. It contains this element, as well as beta-carotene, vitamins B5 and B7, magnesium, manganese, copper, molybdenum, selenium and chromium.

Both drugs can be taken throughout pregnancy, planning and lactation.

The main disadvantage of the drug is the same as that of Elevit - the price. A jar of Vitrum Prenatal No. 30 costs about 550 rubles, and Elevita Forte - 650 rubles. 100 Prenatal tablets cost approx. 1,500 rubles, and Forte is about 200-250 rubles more. It is also worth noting that the pills are large enough, it can be difficult to swallow them, especially for a future mother suffering from toxicosis. Occasionally, taking a multivitamin drug causes side effects in the form of allergic reactions and nausea. There is also a darkening of the stool caused by an increased iron content. This is normal and does not require discontinuation of the drug.

3 - Vitamins for pregnant women Femibion

The Femibion \u200b\u200bmultivitamin complex is produced in Austria by Merck KGaA & Co. WerkSpittal. It comes in two forms:

  • Femibion \u200b\u200bI must be taken during planning and the first trimester;
  • Femibion \u200b\u200bII is taken from the 13th week of pregnancy.

This drug is well balanced and contains all the substances that a woman needs at different stages of pregnancy. In addition, it does not contain vitamin A, which, when taken in large quantities, has a teratogenic effect.

The drug Femibion \u200b\u200bI is released in the form of tablets, and Femibion \u200b\u200bII - tablets and capsules. In the second or third trimesters, it is necessary to take a capsule and a tablet once a day with meals. The sequence does not matter.

The advantages of this drug include easy digestibility and a well-balanced composition, adapted for different periods of pregnancy. The main disadvantage is the high cost ( Femibion \u200b\u200bI costs about 500 rubles, and Femibion \u200b\u200bII - about 1000 rubles.). Also, some expectant mothers noted the appearance of apathy, headache and increased fatigue when taking the drug.

4 - Vitamins Alphabet for pregnant women

The alphabet "Mom's Health" is one of the many series of vitamin preparations from a Russian manufacturer. It is intended for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The peculiarity of this drug is that all the beneficial substances in it are divided into three tablets, white, blue and pink. This is done so that vitamins and minerals are better absorbed and enhance each other's action. You can take the tablets in any order throughout the day. There is no particular priority, but it is better to do this with a meal.

The unique form of release allows you to add even more nutrients to the preparation. The complex contains 11 minerals and 13 vitamins in total.

The advantages of the drug include its rich and well-balanced composition. At the same time, the Alphabet for pregnant women costs less than other similar drugs. A package of the drug for 60 tablets, designed for 20 days of administration, costs about 300 rubles... Of the minuses, some women note a not very convenient form of release. For the best assimilation, the tablets should be drunk after 2-3 hours, and many simply forget and take everything together.

5 - Complivit for pregnant women

Complivit for pregnant women is an inexpensive Russian-made multivitamin preparation. This vitamin and mineral complex is available in three formulations:

  1. Trimester 1 - for the first trimester
  2. Trimester 2 - for the second trimester
  3. Trimester 3 - for the third trimester

Vitamins for the first trimester should be started at the planning stage. They have an increased amount of folic acid, which is very important during this period. There is less of it in tablets for the second and third trimesters, but the amount of other vitamins is increased in accordance with the growing needs of the expectant mother.

Pharmstandard-Ufavita OJSC also produces one more vitamins for pregnant women - Complivit Mama. Their composition is also well balanced, but without taking into account the gestational age.

Almost all expectant mothers who have used this drug note its high quality at a low cost. Vitamins Compilivit Mama cost about 200 rubles per pack of 30 tablets. 30 Complivit tablets Trimestrum 1 cost about 330 rubles, Trimestrum 2 - about 340 rubles, Trimester 3 - 350 rubles. Another plus of this drug is the small size of the tablets. Usually, swallowing does not cause problems even for those who do not like pills, and during the period of early toxicosis.

This vitamin and mineral complex also has disadvantages. Many expectant mothers point out its low efficiency. It also sometimes causes increased nausea in the first trimester, indigestion, diarrhea. Allergic reactions are rare.

6 - Vitamins for pregnant women Pregnavit

This is a German vitamin and mineral complex from the Merkle ratiopharm company. It contains only the most essential vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C and D) as well as iron and calcium. The scheme of taking the drug depends on the duration of pregnancy. In the first trimester, you need to take one capsule daily, in the second, two, and in the third, three. They are consumed with food or immediately after it, washed down with water.

The doctor can adjust the dosage of the drug. If a woman is eating well and is not experiencing severe vitamin deficiencies, she may be advised to take one tablet at a time throughout her pregnancy.

The advantages of the drug Pregnavit include easy absorption. All substances in it are in forms that are convenient for splitting and absorption. And the optimal combination of folic acid and iron helps prevent the development of anemia. Such a vitamin complex costs about 300 rubles for 30 tablets.

The drug has few disadvantages - this is the absence of iodine in the composition and the presence of a dye in the shell. Occasionally, it causes allergic reactions in the form of a rash. Also, Pregnavit can cause constipation and flatulence.

7 - Multi-tabs for pregnant women

Multi-tabs Perinatal is a vitamin and mineral complex developed by Danish specialists. It is produced today in Denmark, as well as in Russia using Danish technologies at licensed pharmaceutical companies. This preparation contains all vitamins and minerals necessary for a pregnant woman, including such rare ones as selenium. It also contains iodine. Separately, the drug Multi-tabs Perintal Omega-3 with polyunsaturated fatty acids is produced.

Multi-Tabs Perinatal is one of the universal or basic drugs that are suitable for almost any woman with a normal pregnancy.

You can start taking this complex even before pregnancy, at the planning stage. The amount of active ingredients is selected so that at any stage of pregnancy, it is enough for a woman to drink one tablet a day. It is best to do this during or after meals.

One of the main advantages of this drug is its low price with good quality. A package for 60 tablets costs about 400 rubles. Multi-tabs Perintal Omega-3 No. 60 costs about 500 rubles... Also, expectant mothers note the form of tablets, which is easy to swallow.

The drug has few drawbacks. Sometimes they cause increased nausea with toxicosis and allergic reactions in the form of a rash. An exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases was also recorded.

8 - Solgar Vitamins for Pregnant Women

Solgar Prenatal Nutrients are manufactured by Solgar in the USA. This is a well-balanced vitamin and mineral complex, which contains more than 20 useful substances. All components of the drug are natural and are in forms that are optimal for assimilation by the human body. They are more expensive than domestic drugs, for 60 tablets you will have to pay about 1200-1300 rubles.

According to numerous reviews of expectant mothers, Solgar Prenatal vitamins help get rid of nausea in the first trimester, and also improve metabolism and appetite for a long time.

The disadvantages of the drug include the relatively large size of the tablets. Sometimes they are difficult to swallow. The recommended daily dose of the drug at the planning stage and in the first trimester is 2 pills, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters - 4 pills. Often, expectant mothers forget to take the right amount of pills or are confused about how many they have already drunk. Also, according to reviews, Solgar often causes constipation.

9 - Lonopan for pregnant women

Lonopan for pregnant women is a vitamin and mineral supplement produced in Russia by Argo. These are perfectly balanced vitamins that guarantee good absorption of all nutrients due to separate intake. The kit contains two types of tablets:

  • Lonopan with iron and iodine - green dragee;
  • Lonopan with calcium - white dragee.

It is better to coordinate the dosage with your doctor, perhaps he will decide that it is your body that needs a little less additional nutrients.

The advantages of the drug also include its pleasant taste. The tablets contain fructose, natural flavors and flavors: green - "apple", and white - "cream". The dragees are delicious, you can chew them and do not need to be swallowed.

The disadvantages include inconvenient packaging and high cost of the complex. The drug is sold in a cardboard box, inside which there are two sachets with a zip-lock fastener. They contain pills, not by quantity, but by weight. Therefore, when the pack ends, "extra" pills are sure to remain. Wherein the cost of a box weighing 115 g - 600 rubles... It lasts for about 2 weeks.

Pregnakea is a multivitamin complex that is produced in the UK. It contains 11 vitamins and 5 minerals and is recommended for women at any stage of pregnancy, as well as during planning and lactation. A distinctive feature of this drug is that it does not contain calcium, since it is believed that this mineral interferes with the full absorption of iron while taking it. Therefore, the manufacturer does not recommend taking Pregnakea at the same time as dairy and meat products. Several hours should pass between the consumption of dishes from these products and the intake of vitamins.

If the diet of the expectant mother lacks calcium, it will have to be taken as a separate drug. It is advisable to drink vitamins in the morning, and calcium in the afternoon, or vice versa.

The disadvantages of this drug include the relatively high cost - about 500 rubles for 30 tablets... Also, some mothers noted an increase in nausea after taking the complex. Occasionally, it provokes the appearance of allergic reactions. A change in the color of urine to bright yellow and darkening of feces are not a reason for discontinuing the drug.

Is it possible to do without taking vitamins?

Definitely, you can. The woman's body is designed in such a way that it primarily protects the baby. If your diet lacks some elements, they will be removed from the body of the expectant mother. That is why children with malnutrition and developmental disorders associated with vitamin deficiency are relatively rare. Most often, these are children of women with serious chronic diseases, or abuse of nicotine, alcohol, etc. Even strict vegans give birth to healthy babies.

But you need to think - at what cost? The mother's body will give everything to the last, to its own detriment, and after childbirth and lactation, you can turn into a wrinkled old woman with thin hair, bad teeth, peeling nails and constant ailments. Just to prevent such a development of events, it is necessary to take additional vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women.