What holiday baptism 19. Pagan traditions of baptism

Water baptism from the Old Testament times was a symbol of not only physical, but also moral cleansing. The baptism of Christ in the Jordan River became the first phenomenon of the world of the Trinity - the Epiphany. In baptism, a person is adopted by the Lord, satisfies with himself a dilapidated person and is taught in a new, sparkled by Christ, becomes a particle of a single body of Christ, a member of the mother of the Church.

Baptism of the Lord in 2016, when to gain water

The Baptism of the Lord in 2016 is celebrated on January 19. In the morning of this number, everyone goes to church and gain consecrated water. Some say that water from the church must be brought first, although in fact, it is nothing more than a stupid sign. It is very unpleasant to look when people try to dial the water rather and pushed right in the church. Consecrated water in the church is enough for everyone.
Also, you can also recruit sanctified water and January 18, this day is called the Epiphany Christmas Eve. This day also hosts a service in the church.
Many are interested in the Baptism of the Lord in 2016 when to gain water, 18 or 19 numbers is better? The priests say that there is no difference, this water is consecrated equally.
Such water is used to consecrate their homes, and the remnants are stored in the house all year in a dark place.
If you can not go to church, you can dial water from under the tap. In this case, you need to know when to the baptism of the Lord in 2016 to gain water from under the crane. It is done at night from the 18th on the 19th
in the time of time from 00.10 to 01.30. In principle, many believe that it is possible and later, but this time is still considered the best.

Baptism of the Lord in 2016, when swimming

Most often, liturgy in churches takes place on January 19, after it the rite of bathing is performed. But in some temples there are night worships, the holes are sanctified and on the night of January 18-19 people bathe in these worm.
The church itself says that the bathing is not a canonical installation, but it has already become a tradition. Therefore, the baptism of 2016 is not so important when the bathing will be, from 18 to 19 or in the morning of the 19th.
Also, many are interested in the question where to swim on the baptism of the Lord in 2016. Each city has its own places where rites are carried out. In advance, find where you have a bathing for you, you can also find out about it in the church.

Read more interesting traditions On baptism in our article about.

Water - the basis of everything

The Savior was consecrated by water baptism, adopting it in the waters of Jordan. It is water that reveals the meaning of baptism in Orthodoxy, being an ancient religious symbol. The basis of life on earth and destructive strength, the basis of death - in the Christian theology, water has a dual image. And, of course, water - symbolizes cleansing, revival and update.

The purpose of baptism

The word "baptism" itself indicates a dive through dive, pouring. The first Christians made baptism in open reservoirs. In later times, baptism was accomplished in the fonts and baptics. Orthodox baptism made in the font, is prerequisite Liberation of man from demonic forces and subordination of fallen sinfulness.

As a result of the consecration of water, its initial purpose is returned: to be a source of life of the eternal, the world of God, the demons into the demons. In baptism, the plump soul acquires a revelation of the Triton of God and gets unity with him.

Epiphany eve - Epiphany Christmas Eve

The shints last to the candles, as they said in the old days, because after the great consecration of water on the eve of the humps to the vessel with consecrated water, candles were placed with colored threads or ribbons. This custom has already shown the importance and solemnity of the Water Engineering. All this day, indeed, spend in a very strict post (even children are trying not to the "first star"), and during the evening the temples do not always hold all praying.

Great Agiasma (Epiphany Holy Water) has a special grace, they are gaining and carrying it in every home. At first, the whole family opens up with awe's reverence, and then by custom - you need to take a sacred guide from the icon and sprinkle the holy water all the house to protect yourself from troubles and misfortunes. In some villages, over the holy water in the wells, so that evil spirits did not climb there and did not spoil the water.

Upon completion of all these and other rites, holy water usually became to images. That the baptic water was enough for the whole year, it was not necessary to have a lot: she sanctifies any other than any other.

Approximately the same force is attributed not only to water consecrated in the church, but also simple water from the rivers, in which, by popular belief, on the night of January 19 makes the ablution of Jesus Christ himself. The water, which was taken into the hole on the eve of the Epiphany, is considered healing and helping sorry.

Baptism Day

On the day of baptism, as soon as the bell strikes the utility, some pious parishioners lit the sheep straws in front of the houses (in order for Jesus Christ after baptism in the river could warm up this fire). Others, having argued with the blessings from the Batyushka, were on the river, arranging "Jordan" - a cruciform wormwood, be among the worship and old, and young.

When the Holy Cross was immersed in the water, all united the prayer and the desire to eat the baptized water and washed her face. There were always brave, which, despite Epiphany frosts, bathe in ice water. For many centuries there are no information so that someone fell ill or drowned.

The celebration of the Baptism of the Lord and the Epiphany, which combines two great events in one celebration, endile dues and evenings.

On January 18 and 19, Orthodox Christians traditionally noted baptism. This day has its own history, which goes back in ancient times, and church canons over a long time, closely intertwined with popular beliefs.

The holiday of the baptism of Russia is customary celebrated on July 28. This event, according to historical research, dates 988. However, the adoption of Christian faith in Russia was not a short-term action, but a long-term process requiring rethinking by residents of the pagan state of new forms of life and interaction.

History of the holiday. Epiphany

Translated from the Greek word "baptism" means immersion. This is how the cleansing ablution of a person who decided to adopt the Christian faith. The true meaning of the ritual with water consists in spiritual cleansing. According to the Christian tradition, on January 19, the baptism of Jesus Christ accepted, and the Epiphany was celebrated on this day, when the world appeared to the Most High in three horses.

In the baptism of the Lord (the history of the holiday is so narrowing) God-son passed the sacrament in the Jordan River at the age of 30, where he was in the image of a pigeon who was the Holy Spirit, and God-Father gave to know from heaven that Jesus Christ was his son . Hence the second name of the holiday - the Epiphany.

On January 18, according to the Orthodox tradition, it is customary to fast until the removal of the candles, which follows the liturgy, accompanied by the sepure of water. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord, more precisely, his eve is also called the Christmas Eve, which is connected with the custom of cooking wheat sochily with the addition of raisins and honey.

Traditions celebration

Baptism is a holiday, the traditions of which are associated with the extraordinary ability of water to heal, and it can be taken from the most ordinary reservoir. Even the one that is served in the apartments of our homes is endowed with this property. For healing, it is necessary to make consecrated baptized water on an empty stomach in a very small volume (teaspoon is quite enough). After reception, you need to wait for time before eating.

Healing properties of baptisma water

Baptism is an Orthodox holiday and, according to the Christian faith, the Holy Water is the most effective medicine from all diseases. To get rid of bodily and spiritual ailments, it is necessary to drink it hourly, deeply believing in a healing force. Women in critical days to touch the holy water can not be, it is possible only in an exceptional case, for example, with severe illness.

IN orthodox traditions A well-known holiday story. The baptism of the Lord gives water miraculous force. Her droplet can consecrate the huge source, and it does not deteriorate under any storage conditions. Modern studies confirmed that baptic water does not change its structure without a refrigerator.

Where to keep bass

Water, assembled on the day of the festival of baptism, should be stored in the red corner near the icons, this is the best place for it in the house. To take it from the Red Angle without swearing, at this moment it is impossible to quarrel and allow themselves unlasplive thoughts, the holiness of the magic drink is lost. The sprinkling of the house with water purifies not only the dwelling, but also family members, makes them healthier, moral and happy.

Epiphany bathing

Traditionally, on January 19, on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, water from any source has miraculous properties and the ability to heal, therefore, on this day, all Orthodox Christians are gaining it in various containers and carefully stored, adding in need of small droplets, for example, in a glass with water. As you remember, even a small portion is able to consecrate huge volumes. However, the most widely known holiday of baptism by mass bathing. Of course, not everyone can decide on it. However B. lately Epiphany bathing are becoming increasingly popular.

Dive Conducted in the cut-cut crosses, which is called Jordan. Having plunged into the cold water on January 19 in baptism, an Orthodox holiday, a believer, how believes believes, gets rid of sins and all his twigs for a whole year.

When it is accepted to gain water

People go to the church for holy water in the morning of January 19. There are signs that you need to take it first. This makes the behavior of some parishioners unacceptable for the temple, because in a holy place can not be pushed, swear and fuss.

Consecrated water can also be chosen on the eve, January 18, in the Epiphany Christmas Eve. The service in the church goes on this day. As priests say, the water is consecrated equally and 18, and January 19, so on her healing properties The collection time is not reflected. If it is impossible to go to church, you can use the ordinary apartment water supply. Choosing water from under the tap is better on the night from 18 to January 19 between 00.10 to 01.30. This time is considered the most favorable. When and where to swim in the holiday of baptism? Regarding swimming, the church notes that it is not a canon of Christianity, but simply become a tradition. You can plunge on baptism both on the night of January 18-11, and in the morning of the 19th. In each city, special places are organized to this holiday, you can learn about them in any church.

On the adoption of baptism in the Orthodox tradition

In the baptism of the Lord (the history of the holiday tells about it) The world was the first to appear in three horseshoes (Epiphany). Few people think that the introduction to the Lord is an important event in the life of every Orthodox Christian. On the day of the adoption of baptism, a person is adopted by God and becomes part of Christ.

Baptism, as already mentioned above, should be translated as immersion or pouring. Both meanings are somehow connected with water, which is a symbol of the Orthodox Christian religion. It has a huge devastating and creative strength. Water is a symbol of update, transformation and spiritual cleansing. The first Christians passed the rite of baptism in rivers, lakes. Subsequently, as at present, this action began to make in the fours. Orthodox baptism is required to be released from negative forces.

After passing the rite of baptism, a person is accepted by the Orthodox Church and ceases to be a slave of Satan, who can now tempt him only with cunning. After finding faith, you can visit the temple and pray, as well as enjoy other sacraments of the Orthodox faith.

The adoption of baptism by an adult person is committed consciously, so the presence of godfathers is not necessary. The future Christian must be familiar with the basics of Orthodox faith and, at will, learn prayers.

When it comes to babies, they need godparents who are subsequently to take care of the religious development of the child and, of course, pray for it. They should be an example of morality for their gods.

Before making the sacrament, everyone who will be present in the Church is recommended to comply with the post and refrain from worldly entertainment. Babies themselves do not need preparation.

Now there is a record for baptism in each church, you can also know what you need to take with you. Be sure to prepare a consecrated cross and, if desired, a baptismal set, which includes a shirt, cap, a diaper. For boys, the cap is not obligatory.

After holding a rite, you will receive a "Evidence of Baptism". Keep it if your child decides to enter the spiritual school, it will necessarily need.

It must be said that the baptism of the child is a holiday that in Russia every year is becoming increasingly important.

Folk customs and traditions associated with baptism

The holiday of baptism is, of course, less popular than the Christmas of Christ, but it is very rich in various rituals. Here is some of them.

On this day, it is customary to be released into the sky in the sky during worship, which is the symbol of the Spirit of God, who appeared to Earth in the influence of this bird. Also, this ritual "let go of the Christmas holidays.

Be sure to be the consecration of water in churches. The on the eve of the baptism in the reservoirs is cut out the cruciform hole, the cross is set close to it and sometimes decorate. Water is conceded by fire, for which the priest lowers the burning three-day into it.

To wash off sins during the baptismal bathing, you need to plunge on the head three times.

In former times, young people have fun on this day, rushing on the carousels and skates. Also, guys and girls rank - went with songs and congratulations at home, and the owners gave them a treat.

After that holiday ended the post. Young people again began to gather together on a walk, where it was possible to choose a soul mate. The period from the end of the Epiphany and to the Great Post is the time when you could play a wedding.

In baptism it is not customary to work and there is a lot.

Signs and beliefs

Agree on the wedding on this day - to happy life For the future family. In general, any good deed, which begun on this day, blessed.

Snow in baptism - to a rich crop.

The sun on this day is to be a bad crop.

Wash the ice and snow on this day - to be a whole year is beautiful, cute yes.

In the baptismic night dreams - prophets.

The girls were going together and wondered this evening.

Epiphany fortune telling

The most popular, of course, fortune telling on the narrowed. Ways to find out the name and see the future husband - a great set, some of them are sufficiently crazy: with mirrors, candles, "spiritual circles" and alphabet.

Almost every modern girl knows about despusting on the bridegroom by the method of Tatiana Larina: To find out the name of the narrowed, you need to go out at midnight and ask the first man's name, as his name.

And here is a very fun divination for the fulfillment of desire. Specify the question, well presenting what you ask about (the question really should be important to you, well, if you do it for a joke, then the answer will be untold), and then scoop the grain bag (CRU). Next, pour everything on a plate and recalculate. If the number of grains is even - it will come true - it will not come true.

Orthodox Christians celebrate on the night of January 18-19, one of the most important and most ancient holidays is baptism. Marking Baptism began even earlier than the Christmas of Christ, written mentions are found in the second century manuscripts. The history of the baptism is interesting not only for Orthodox Christians, but also for people who want to spread their horizons.

What is the point of having a holiday baptism

The day of the baptism of Jesus is considered the day of knowledge of the great mystery of gigs. It was at the time of the baptism of Christ, ordinary mortals witnessed the phenomenon of the Holy Trinity: the Father (God), Son (Jesus) and the Spirit, who was dove. It turns out that baptism symbolizes the beginning of the appearance of a Christian religion, the moment from which the worship of God began to cease to be unknown. In the old days, baptism called holy lights - this meant that the Lord went down to the ground and opened the world an impregnable light.

"Baptism" literally means "immersion in water". The wonderful properties of the water were spelled out in the Old Testament - the water washes everything bad and gives rise to good. Water can destroy or revive. In the pre-Christian ablution times used for moral cleansing, and in the New Testament the baptism of water began to symbolize the deliverance from sins and the origin of spiritual life.

How did Jesus Christ be baptized

According to biblical legends on January 6, a thirty-year-old Jesus Christ came on the old style on the Jordan River. At the same time, John Foreroduction was located there - the Prophet, whom the Lord God himself sent for the commission of such an important rite. John knew that he would be to the baptism of the Son of God, but for a long time she did not bother to embark on the sacrament, considering himself a unworthy performer such an important thing. Jesus insisted on the execution of the will of the god of the Father and went into the water of Jordan.

When John began to baptize the Son's God, a loud voice of the father rang out above the ground, and the Spirit of God descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. So God the Father appeared to people and pointed them to her son, who was destined to become the Savior. After baptism, Jesus began to fulfill the will of God and carry a new light into the world.

How to celebrate the baptism of Orthodox Christians

The great holiday of the Epiphany is preceded by the Epiphany Christmas Eve - a strict one-day post, which falls on January 18. In this short post it is allowed to eat only lean cakes on hemp oil, referred to as the people of the juice, and kun. In the house on the eve of the holiday, the general cleaning is made, the extra garbage is thrown and clean the corners.

The main event is baptism - the sanctification of water in all temples. On this day, water acquires miraculous strength, it cures the body from diseases and cleans the soul. Christians use baptic water to treat diseases, cleansing housing, protection against trouble and evil forces. Brought from the temple with water necessarily sprinkle every corner of the house, it is given to drink sick and children. Surprisingly, baptic water retains its properties exactly a year. All this time it does not deteriorate and does not tear.

Epiphany bathing in open reservoirs is another tradition of the holiday, revived in Russia after leaving for the non-existence of communist obstacles. It is believed that during the dive into the water, all earth sins and illness are washed off. The ablution on the feast of the Epiphany allows a sinful person to be born and appear before God in an updated form. Traditionally, believers make a three-time immersion in water, symbolizing the death of Christ and an introduction to his resurrection. In the reservoirs covered with the January ice, cut down the crosses in the form of crosses, such a bathing is called "Jordan".

To the holiday there are many delicious treats from meat, honey and croup. The main dishes on the baptismic table were crosses from sweet dough, pancakes and baked piglets. Before the meal necessarily ate biscuits-cross and saw them with sanctified water. After that, Oladia with honey were taped, and then tasted all the available dishes. It is believed that heaven opens into baptism, so all sincere prayers are necessarily come true.

Prechristian traditions

The feast of baptism coincides with the end of the density of the folk festivities, originating from pagan times. Evening on January 18 - the last day, when it is allowed to guess for the future. The special interest of divination has always been used in young girls who are interested in marriage. On the night of baptism and now it is customary to look into the coming events, but you need to know that the Church does not approve of the rest of the Epiphany fortune telling church holiday Epiphany do not have.

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is differently called the Epiphany for the first time, the Most of the Holy Trinity was on this day - God, the father of his son proclaimed from heaven, the son took the Baptism in the river, and the Holy Spirit in the form of a pigeon went to the Son.

All four gospels testify to this: "... Jesus came in those days from Nazareth Galilean and was baptized in Jordan from John, and when he left the water, I - Ioan's immediately expanding heaven and the Spirit, like a pigeon, coming to him. And the voice was from heaven. : "This is my beloved son, in which my favor."

Sputnik Georgia asked the history of the feast of the Baptism of the Lord and what traditions, customs and signs are connected with Him in Orthodoxy.


Christians celebrate the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ from the Prophet John Forerunner in the Jordan River since ancient times.

One of the very first Christian holidays began to celebrate during the lifetime of the apostles - it is mentioned in the apostolic decisions and rules. The baptism of the Lord and Christmas to the IV century were a single holiday, which was called the Epiphany.

On the Epiphany, in the first centuries of Christianity, the baptized of the converts were chosen - they were called across. As a sign that the sacrament of baptism cleans a person from sin and enlightens the light of Christ, this day was often called the "day of enlightenment", "holiday of lights", or "holy lights". The custom of sanctifying water in the reservoirs was already then.

© Photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

A separate celebration of the Nativity of Christ and the Baptism of the Lord was first introduced about 377 in the Konstantinople church. Later, the custom celebrate Christmas on December 25, spread from Constantinople around the Orthodox East.

In the Epiphany Christmas Eve, the post is strict, and, in principle, it is not relying to the consecration of water. This is the first per day, in fact, after Christmas, because the shinties are celebrated in the church when there is no post.

In some Eastern churches, the ancient combination of holidays remains. For example, celebrate Christmas and the baptism of the Lord in one day - January 6, continue Armenians.

The value of the feast of the Epiphany, in the liturgical texts is explained like this: the Lord accepted the baptism for the sake of rescue people, not for his own purification in which he did not need. The modern sacrament of baptism gives the grace of God because the water of baptism is sanctified by the Lord.


Aguiam or Epiphany water is one of the main shrines - in orthodox churches Every year a great decree is committed in baptism and the day before the holiday - to the Epiphany Christmas Eve.

The tradition of sanctifying water on the eve of the holiday, as believed, goes back to the ancient Christian practice of baptism after the morning of the Epiphany service announced.

The Water Engineering in the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is connected with the usual Christians of the Jerusalem Church to march to Jordan, to the traditional place of the Baptism of Jesus Christ, on the day of the Epiphany.

© photo: sputnik / alexander kryazhev

Special healing properties of holy water, which replenish the spiritual and body forces of a person who takes it with faith, was noticed in an ancient church.

And today, after a special prayer service, during which the healing grace of the Holy Spirit is called on water, according to tradition, believers in the temple drink baptismic water, wash her face, fill their bottles and take them home.

The reserves of holy water, which should be kept at home in every Christian, replenish believers once a year. The special property of the Aguiam is that in a small amount added even to ordinary water She transmits graceful properties and she, so the baptized water can be diluted with a simple in case of its shortage.

Customs and rites

In deep antiquity, the traditions of tradition and rites of this holiday are rooted. Ended the feast of the Baptism of the Lord of the shints, who were a period of "without a cross" on popular belief, as Jesus Christ, born recently, was not yet baptized.

On this day, "terrible evenings" ended, during which the otherworldly forces in the world of people were freely enveloped. The Epiphany Christmas Eve was believed that this evil was becoming particularly dangerous. Accordingly, many rites and traditions in the old days were carried out in order to cleanse from the unclean strength and locked the borders between alive and dead.

People were preparing for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord very carefully - the perfect order was injected in the house, swept the floors, because they believed that the devils could hide in Sore.

They fured out incented smoke, frogged with holy water and painted crosses with chalk in all places in which the unclean power could be triggered - corners, windows, doors, cellar, furnace, shopping and gates.

For a festive table, people sat down with a prayer when the first star lightshed in the sky. In the Epiphany Christmas Eve dinner, which consisted of lebid dishesHe had its name - "Hungry Kusta".

At the festive table, the whole family is going as before Merry Christmas - in the old days it was believed that if all generations of one kind gather together, the big family will live the same year in the same part, and most importantly, in health.

Casting and Uzwar, as well as fish, dumplings, pancakes, vegetables and baked pastries, were defined for a festive table. By tradition, after dinner, so that the year was harvesting on bread, all spoons were in one bowl, which was covered with bread.

To learn your future, people on the night of baptism listened to cattle, because they believed that the ability to speak human tongue appears in the Epiphany Christmas Eve.

The Epiphany Christmas Eve was also the last afternoon, which was conducted by Saty fortune telling - on this night, young people spent the last gatherings with fortune-laws, games and songs.

By tradition, the girls were guessing about the narrowed, about the future - the same rites are suitable for divination as a Christmas Eve before Christmas and the Old New Year.

Other traditions and customs

On the feast of the Baptism of the Lord in the morning went to the church, where, after the dinner, the Water is sanctified the Great Nine. Water construction both on the eve and on the day of the holiday is carried out the same rank, so water, consecrated these days, is no different.

Then the whole family trapes - on the festive table, according to tradition, 12 different dishes were served - cereal, knocked generous oil, kelid, baked pork, sausage, pancakes, and so on. By the way, in some areas in Russia, Pancakes "Square" were preparing "so that money was found in the house."

After the meal, the whole family thanked the Most High for the bread, present on the table, and went to "let go of" Christmas holidays - produced white pigeon from the cage.


Women During all holidays before the baptism of the Lord, they tried not to go to the baptism of the Water, as it was considered a purely male work, and did not rinse underwear in the river, because they believed that they were sitting there, and they could cling to them.

On the baptism of the Lord of a woman in a vessel with holy water, they necessarily lowered Kalina or corals and washed, in order for the cheeks to be ruddy.

On the baptism of the Lord, the girl also tried to know their fate - from the morning on the holiday they went on the road and waited for a passerby. If a healthy economic man passed the first, it meant that they would soon meet his soul mate. Well, if a child or an elderly person is a loved one, they do not meet in the near future.


In antiquity, people in Epiphany signs, including the weather associated with the weather, tried to find out that they would bring them the coming year and what kind of harvest would expect them.

Blizzard on the baptism of the Lord - to be a crop. If the bruises in the trees run the snow - there will be a good harvest, the bees will be good to swamp. Few snow on the branches of trees indicated that mushrooms and berries will be little in summer.

The blizzard also pointed out that the carnival would be cold, and the strong southern winds were predicted a thunderstorm summer.

The fertility of the lambs of old people were predicted if the stars in the baptismic evening glisten and burn.

The starry sky in the baptismic night is the right sign that the early spring will be, and summer and autumn - very warm and rainy.

Spring can begin with strong floods and spills of rivers if the baptism of the Lord coincided with a full moon.

A calm year without any unpleasant shocks, there is a windless weather and a clear sky on the feast of the baptism of the Lord. This sign indicates that you can safely start something new - build a house, open your business or to start a family. Accordingly, everything weigly decisions made only positive results will bring.

Big snow cover or snowfall is good signWhat indicated that no terrible epidemics and diseases were foreseen until the next baptism of the Lord.

And the rain or a very strong wind on the baptism of the Lord, indicated that the coming year would be very restless both in political and economic terms.

On the night of baptism, a silver bowl was put on the table, filling it with water. Exactly at midnight, water should break through, and what a desire to have to scream over the bowl at that moment, it will come true.

Girls were collected in a clean field of Epiphany snow and ice, which wrapped her face to be white and ruddy.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Good day, my dear friends! What is your weather? And we have real Epiphany frosts. You will leave the evening outside, the sky is all the stars sleeping, the air straight rings, and everything crashes everything from frost! End, and the Baptism of the Lord will come soon. I love this magic, fabulous time!

In childhood grandmother I have a lot interesting stories About these divine holidays told. She had a very believer girlfriend, Baba Manya, so she came to visit and retells to us evenings biblical stories. They are all so kind and bright, listened with open mouth. Now I even often remember, then they seemed magic then. Probably, therefore, I adore these winter divine holidays.

This day is called the Epiphany, this means that when Christ appeared to our sinful land, he gave the opportunity for all sinful people to take baptism and become better, kinder, lighter.

Water taken on baptism in any reservoir is considered healing, Epiphany. It can be stored for a whole year, until the next holiday. For those people who cannot gain water in the heads lit by servants, they live far or simply cannot go for physical reasons, it is blessed to gain water from a crane or well.

  • Who has the opportunity, be sure to type water in the temple or church. One liter of holy water and your family will be enough for a whole year.
  • Simple words, holy water is "concentrated". It will be enough to add a few drops to the usual and water tank will be lit.
  • Water is recruited into glass dishes, it is not recommended to use plastic bottles. The scored water does not put on the floor and stored in a clean and bright place. Well, if your house has icons, keep water close to this place.
  • You can sprink this water things, the room, take a sip during the disease.
  • There are many stories when holy water helped to heal from many diseases. The main thing is to believe it.

Swimming in the hole

Before baptism in frozen reservoirs make a hole. In Epiphany Night, water is sanctified. Such a hole is called "Jordan" - in honor of the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River.

In Russia, it is believed that he is clearing in this hole, a person is cleared of sins and acquires the health of the spirit and bodies. Only the church does not call for this and does not adapt.

You can simply wash out the holes, wash your arms and legs. Read prayer, be sure to believe in a miracle and think only about good and good.

There are no specific rules and requirements for prayer, it may be "our own" or just the words "Lord Pomery". It is necessary to read or say during the way you plunge into the hole or wash your face, hands.

They dip in the hole three times with their head and then go out and wrapped in a sheet or towel.

Traditions, customs and signs

  • January 18, before baptism - Christmas Eve. People will fast on the day, and the first meal takes place with the first star or from the moment when holy water brought into the house.
  • On the table should be oil, honey. Bake the slide of pancakes well and serve them with butter, caviar, sour cream. Pork and different delicious meat dishes and sausages are welcome.
  • It would be good to let square pancakes, it is to money and well-being.
  • They also say that the desires, mounted in the Epiphany night come true. Only the desire should go from the heart, from the heart. I will tell you a secret, I have been making a desire for many years now and it comes true. Try, only the desire must be real, not the transcendant.

In no case, in no case, you can not drank the temple to visit the temple, to gain holy water in a drunken state, swim in the hole.

And also make good things, love and help your neighbors!

My dear friends, I want to congratulate you on the feast of baptism. Good to you and health!

Let in bachechen frost
My sadness will go away.
Let only happiness be tears,
Let them lead that they will come.

I want more often you laughed
And never be sad!
For love admired
And they were always happy!