Consultation for parents "the main directions in the development of speech in older preschool children." Consultation for parents "The main directions in the development of speech in older preschool children" Consultation for parents the main directions at times

The main direction of the development of children's speech the sixth year of life is the development of a coherent monologue speech. Children of older preschool age begin to actively master the methods of word formation. The child's dictionary is enriched with words denoting the qualities of objects, their actions. Children learn to select words with opposite meanings, compare objects and phenomena. At this age, the "explosion" of word creation begins. Children begin to use words in various grammatical categories, express their thoughts not only in simple but also in complex sentences. The ability to build a descriptive and narrative statement is mastered. In the speech of children of the sixth year of life, an understanding of the semantic side of speech, syntactic structure, sound side of speech is formed, i.e. skills and abilities necessary for the further development of speech.

In children of the sixth year of life, there is a great tendency to rhyme. The child willingly selects and rhymes words. This activity contributes to the development of speech hearing. However, the speech of children of this age is characterized by mobility and instability. The child can focus on the semantic side of words, but the explanation of the meaning is difficult.

The speech of children of the seventh year of life is characterized by an increase in the level of speech development. A significant vocabulary is accumulated, the quality of speech expands, i.e. concepts similar or opposite in meaning, as well as ambiguous. At this age, the most important stage of speech development is formed - the stage of mastering the grammatical system of the language and the ability to control one's speech is developed.

At this age, the need for dialogue is formed, dialogical speech develops. The ability to select the desired content and form of its expression develops.

The most striking characteristic of the speech of older children is the active assimilation of different types of texts - description, narration, reasoning. Children learn to use intonation means of expressiveness, to use grammatical categories of word formation and inflection.

In this regard, difficulties arise in the correct formation of grammatical categories. Difficulties in building complex syntactic structures, which leads to incorrect connection of words in a sentence, disruption of the connection of sentences in a statement

The main purpose of the work of preschool educators is to teach children to use dialogical and monologue speech as a form of verbal communication.

Dialogue speech is one of the components of coherent speech. In the process of educational activity on this form of work, children form ideas about the structure of an utterance, the use of means of communication of words and sentences, ensuring its integrity, its logical sequence. Children also practice building sentences in the typical way of word formation and inflection. In dialogical speech, other important components are also being improved - speech hearing, correct sound pronunciation, intonational expressiveness, and the skills of correct expressive speech are consolidated.

Of great importance for the full-fledged speech development of children is work outside the main educational activity: on walks, in the morning and evening hours in a group and at home. Outside of educational activities, first of all, conditions should be created for the speech activity of each child during the game, in regime moments, in everyday life.

To ensure the full development of the vocabulary, it is necessary, along with everyday exercises, to make broader use of the moments of everyday life, which provide great opportunities for consolidating speech skills.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Industrial kindergarten" Raduga "

"Features of the development of speech in older preschool children"

Consultation for parents

Material prepared by: teacher-speech therapist

Nazarkina A.Yu.

Industrial, 2013

The main direction of the development of speech in children of the fifth year of life is the development of coherent monologue speech. Children of middle preschool age begin to actively master the methods of word formation. The child's dictionary is enriched with words denoting the qualities of objects, their actions. Children learn to select words with opposite meanings, compare objects and phenomena. At this age, the "explosion" of word creation begins. Children begin to use words in various grammatical categories, express their thoughts not only in simple but also in complex sentences. The ability to build a descriptive and narrative statement is mastered. In the speech of children of the fifth year of life, an understanding of the semantic side of speech, the syntactic structure, the sound side of speech, i.e. skills and abilities necessary for the further development of speech.

In children of the fifth year of life, there is a great attraction to rhyme. The child willingly selects and rhymes words. This activity contributes to the development of speech hearing. However, the speech of children of this age is characterized by mobility and instability. The child can focus on the semantic side of words, but the explanation of the meaning is difficult.

The speech of children of the sixth year of life is characterized by an increase in the level of speech development. A significant vocabulary is accumulated, the quality of speech expands, i.e. concepts similar or opposite in meaning, as well as ambiguous. At this age, the most important stage of speech development is formed - the stage of mastering the grammatical system of the language and the ability to control one's speech is developed.

At this age, the need for dialogue is formed, dialogical speech develops. The ability to select the desired content and form of its expression develops.

The most striking characteristic of the speech of older children is the active assimilation of different types of texts - description, narration, reasoning. Children learn to use intonation means of expressiveness, to use grammatical categories of word formation and inflection.

In this regard, difficulties arise in the correct formation of grammatical categories. Difficulties in building complex syntactic structures, which leads to incorrect connection of words in a sentence, disruption of the connection of sentences in a statement

The main purpose of the work of preschool educators is to teach children to use dialogical and monologue speech as a form of verbal communication.

Dialogue speech is one of the components of coherent speech. In the process of educational activity on this form of work, children form ideas about the structure of an utterance, the use of means of communication of words and sentences, ensuring its integrity, its logical sequence. Children also practice building sentences in the typical way of word formation and inflection. In dialogical speech, other important components are also being improved - speech hearing, correct sound pronunciation, intonational expressiveness, and the skills of correct expressive speech are consolidated.

Of great importance for the full-fledged speech development of children is work outside the main educational activity: on walks, in the morning and evening hours in a group and at home. Outside of educational activities, first of all, conditions should be created for the speech activity of each child during the game, in regime moments, in everyday life.

To ensure the full development of the vocabulary, it is necessary, along with everyday exercises, to make broader use of the moments of everyday life, which provide great opportunities for consolidating speech skills. To achieve these goals, the speech therapist and speech group teachers need to maintain close communication with the parents of the speech group children, cooperation and support.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten №24 st.Kavkazskaya municipal formation Kavkazsky district.

Consultation for parents

"The main directions in the development of speech in older preschool children."

Educator Politskova T.V.

The date was February 2016.

art. Caucasian

2016 - 2017 academic year

The main direction of the development of speech in children of the fifth year of life is the development of coherent monologue speech. Children of middle preschool age begin to actively master the methods of word formation. The child's dictionary is enriched with words denoting the qualities of objects, their actions. Children learn to select words with opposite meanings, compare objects and phenomena. At this age, the "explosion" of word creation begins. Children begin to use words in various grammatical categories, express their thoughts not only in simple, but also in complex sentences. The ability to build a descriptive and narrative statement is mastered. In the speech of children of the fifth year of life, an understanding of the semantic side of speech, the syntactic structure, the sound side of speech, i.e. skills and abilities necessary for the further development of speech. In children of the fifth year of life, there is a great attraction to rhyme. The child willingly selects and rhymes words. This activity contributes to the development of speech hearing. However, the speech of children of this age is characterized by mobility and instability. The child can focus on the semantic side of words, but the explanation of the meaning is difficult. The speech of children of the sixth year of life is characterized by an increase in the level of speech development. A significant vocabulary is accumulated, the quality of speech expands, i.e. concepts similar or opposite in meaning, as well as ambiguous. At this age, the most important stage of speech development is formed - the stage of mastering the grammatical system of the language and the ability to control one's speech is developed. At this age, the need for dialogue is formed, dialogical speech develops. The ability to select the desired content and form of its expression develops. The most striking characteristic of the speech of older children is the active assimilation of different types of texts - description, narration, reasoning. Children learn to use intonation means of expressiveness, to use grammatical categories of word formation and inflection. In this regard, difficulties arise in the correct formation of grammatical categories. Difficulties in the construction of complex syntactic structures, which leads to an incorrect combination of words in a sentence, a violation of the connection of sentences in a statement. The main goal of the work of preschool teachers is to teach children to use dialogical and monologue speech as a form of verbal communication. Dialogue speech is one of the components of coherent speech. In the process of educational activity on this form of work, children form ideas about the structure of an utterance, the use of means of communication of words and sentences, ensuring its integrity, its logical sequence. Children also practice building sentences in the typical way of word formation and inflection. In dialogic speech, other important components are also improved - speech hearing, correct sound pronunciation, intonational expressiveness, the skills of correct expressive speech are consolidated. Of great importance for the full-fledged speech development of children is work outside the main educational activity: on walks, in the morning and evening hours in a group and at home. Outside of educational activities, first of all, conditions should be created for the speech activity of each child during the game, in regime moments, in everyday life. To ensure the full development of the vocabulary, it is necessary, along with everyday exercises, to make broader use of the moments of everyday life, which provide great opportunities for consolidating speech skills. To achieve these goals, the speech therapist and speech group teachers need to maintain close communication with the parents of the speech group children, cooperation and support.

Consultation for parents "Speech development in preschool age".
What is included in the concept of "Development of speech in preschool age"? Speech is a form of communication between people. At the beginning, the child's speech is improved in the process of communication with adults and peers; later, speech becomes the basis for the restructuring of thought processes and turns into a tool for thinking.
The main tasks of speech development are mastering the norms and rules of the Russian language, the development of communication skills in children.
The work on the development of speech in preschool age can be divided into 5 main areas:
- formation of sound culture of speech
- enrichment of vocabulary
- the formation of the grammatical structure of speech
- teaching storytelling, coherent speech,
- development of expressiveness of speech
Let's consider these areas in more detail:
Enrichment of vocabulary:
It is clear to everyone that the richer a person's vocabulary, the more complete his oral speech. But this also affects further schooling, where the child's vocabulary will play a big role in mastering literate writing, when the child will need to select test words.
Let's try to play the game "Pick epithets":
I name the word, and you pick up epithets for it, let's see who has more (for the words snow, rain, man)
You can think of a great variety of games, you can play them anywhere, for example, when you go to the garden, or go somewhere in the car. Well, here are a few of these games:
- "Who knows more words" - an adult asks a child a question: "I know a round wheel, do you?" and then "round words" are pronounced in turn: ball, apple, sun, etc.
- "Pick a word" - take turns calling "only dishes" or "only vegetables"
2. The directions of the development of a coherent, expressive speech, teaching storytelling, are closely related. These skills help the baby to better convey his thoughts, emotions, experiences, explain his own position.
In this matter, literary texts are a good helper. Therefore, it is necessary for the child to read fairy tales, poems, stories to children.
Reading texts should be chosen in accordance with age characteristics, special attention should be paid to the expressiveness of reading, for a better perception of the text, you should pay attention to bright, high-quality illustrations. After reading the work, you should definitely take time to discuss the read. Familiar fairy tales can be played with a puppet show.
3. Work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech involves several directions:
- work on the structure of the sentence - the ability to come up with a sentence, use common sentences in speech.
- the development of word formation and inflection skills - here you can use games aimed at the formation of new forms of the word - for example, the game "Change the word" - an adult names a word in singular. - the child must name in the plural.
- the development of coherent speech - the ability to coordinate words in a sentence.
4. The greatest concern for parents is the pronunciation of children, because this is the most noticeable defect.
Accurate sound production is possible only if the child's pronunciation organs (in particular the articulatory apparatus) are able to take the appropriate position, have sufficient mobility of the muscles involved in the formation of sound. Therefore, at first, children master the sounds that are simpler in pronunciation, and then more complex ones. The formation of sound pronunciation occurs by the age of 5. If at the time of performance, any sound is not pronounced correctly, then we can talk about violations of the development of sound pronunciation in a child.
It will be easier for a child to master the pronunciation of individual sounds if you help him:
Articulation gymnastics - helps to improve blood supply to the articulatory organs, strengthen the muscular system of the tongue, lips, cheeks
Breathing games and exercises - blowing on balloons, paper strips, inflating balloons, soap bubbles.
Finger games and exercises
Games aimed at the formation of sound pronunciation (individual sounds) - pronunciation of individual sounds, pure words.
I think you've noticed. That all directions in the field of speech development are intertwined, and playing the game to enrich the development of the vocabulary, the child learns at the same time to change words, form new ones, or by discussing the read work, the child learns to grammatically correctly formulate a sentence, therefore the development of speech does not occur , only in certain classes, but also carried out throughout the entire time, both in games and in everyday life.
Today, within the framework of the topic of our parent meeting, I would like to touch upon one more issue in this direction. Quite often, you can hear from parents that already at 3-4 years old the child recognizes letters, and many strive to teach the child to read as early as possible. So this is the question that I would like to touch on today, whether it is necessary to teach a child to read at a younger preschool age. I will immediately answer this question - NO! And now I will try to explain my so categorical answer.
Reading is only part of literacy training. Remembering letters is not at all difficult for a child. But literacy is not just reading. You may have noticed that our schedule includes a lesson “preparing for literacy training”.
The main goal of our lessons, and the first - the preparatory stage of learning to read - is to teach the child to listen to the word and hear it. In the classroom, we "play" with words, play with sounds. Children learn to hear sounds in words, to distinguish them, learn to distinguish consonants from vowels, soft from hard, voiced from deaf. Why is this necessary: \u200b\u200btell me what sound does the word "Christmas tree" start with, and after all, most will say right off the bat that with "Yo", but there is no such sound, there is a letter! And this letter denotes two sounds "Y" and "O". And here there is a feature of a preschool child - as soon as he recognizes the letters, he stops listening to the sounds, for example, for him the words "bow" and "hatch" begin with the same letter, and therefore with the same sound. This means that in subsequent schooling, the child will also find it difficult to differentiate hard and soft consonants.
That is why the first step in teaching literacy (and reading) is to develop the ability to hear sound, here games come to the rescue in which the child needs to determine the sound in a word, for example, "who will name more words with the sound of l".
Further, after acquaintance with sounds, acquaintance with the sound analysis of a word occurs, when, instead of letters, their symbols are used. Sound analysis of a word is the basis of competent writing.
And after the child has mastered the sound analysis of the word, letters are gradually introduced, and at this very moment, the child can be explained that the same letter m can mean two sounds "m" and "m *" in the catch "Masha "And" Misha ". And then the child will not need to add syllables when folding, he persistently learns to add them, because children will already be able to analyze letters and syllables themselves will add up! And then reading will not be a painful business, but an easy and pleasant pastime. But we will get to this only in the preparatory group. So be patient and we will definitely come to learn to read, easily and freely.

Attached files

Seventh year of life

In the preparatory group, there are still two leading directions in the selection of knowledge about nature for children.

The first direction is the further expansion of ideas about it by including knowledge about new objects and phenomena and concretizing the information already mastered in previous age groups. Therefore, the objects of the child's cognition are new, previously unknown animals and plants of the closest natural environment and various natural zones - deserts, tundra, etc., phenomena of inanimate nature, typical for them. The familiar turns for children with new, perhaps unusual sides, is replenished with new facts, vivid characteristics. The increased cognitive interest in the world, important qualities of cognitive activity that appeared by the seventh year of life: purposefulness, a certain planning, the intellectual operations formed by him and their effectiveness, the desire to penetrate into the essence of the surrounding phenomena - make it possible to include in the content of knowledge the idea of \u200b\u200bman as an organic part of nature, about its relationship with the environment. The second direction, the most responsible and difficult, is the completion of the work on the systematization of knowledge, begun in the senior group. It is realized through the formation or development of existing generalizations (forest, meadow, animals, living things, fitness, etc.) and the establishment of new in content and more complex in structure connections necessary for building knowledge into a system. Knowledge about domestic and wild animals, wintering and migratory birds, seasons, ecological systems will be further developed here. An equally important task in the preparatory group is to involve children in environmentally friendly activities. Labor activity is being improved, it is given an environmental focus. The development of cognitive activity is essential, its sensory and intellectual foundations are honed. Children learn to analyze what is observed in nature, to draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships, to predict the elementary consequences of impact on natural objects; they develop elements of an ecological worldview. Attention should also be paid to the improvement of the environmental protection activity of preschoolers. The increased opportunities allow it to be carried out in various forms: in caring for animals, plants, helping living beings in need, preserving and improving environmental conditions, growing plants, etc. The most important task is to enrich the personal experience of a positive, humane interaction of a child with nature, expand ecologically valuable contacts with plants and animals, objects of inanimate nature; strengthening of cognitive interest, love for nature. Representation. The variety of plants and animals, their belonging to the living world on the planet: plants with various signs of external structure (for example, modified stems, leaves, roots - roots), different arrangement of parts - stems, leaves, variety of colors of leaves, stems, flowers, etc. Representatives of not only the closest natural environment, but also inhabitants of the steppes and deserts (camel, marmot, bear, turtle, etc.), the Far North and tundra (for example, polar bear, seal, walrus, songs, etc.), seas and oceans , tropics and subtropics, etc. Specific and generalized ideas about the needs of plants, animals, humans in the corresponding conditions of the environment, as well as about the differentiated by him these needs and ways of meeting them. (For example, plants with dark green leaves are usually shade-tolerant, they must be removed from bright light; plants with fleshy, succulent leaves and stems covered with dense skin are drought-resistant and require moderate watering, etc. Animals "Nocturnal" and "daytime"; carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, etc.) Generalized idea of \u200b\u200bthe system of needs of plants, animals and people as living organisms (in optimal temperature, light, moisture, habitat, food), on the general dependence of their state on the compliance of environmental conditions with needs. Specific ideas about the manifestations of the feelings of animals and people. (They feel changes in environmental conditions, other influences, such as humans, and change their behavior. Some animals can experience feelings similar to human feelings - hunger, pain, pleasure, joy, affection, etc.) Specific ideas about the manifestation of these feelings in individuals domestic animals - cats, dogs, guinea pigs, turtles. The idea of \u200b\u200bcaring for plants and animals, its focus on meeting all needs; the main work processes for the care of living objects in a corner of nature, some pets, garden plants, a flower garden. The idea of \u200b\u200ba person as a living being. Ideas about the main signs of a living thing in humans, in common with other living things: it eats, breathes air, moves, feels, grows and develops (changes), gives birth to children (reproduces). Specific ideas about the traits that distinguish humans from plants and animals. Specific ideas about the system of human biological needs, their relationship (in food, light, heat, moisture, etc.); mind, not to compare them with the needs of other living beings, to see their similarities and originality, to highlight in them manifestations of rationality and humanity. The idea that human health depends on the correct satisfaction of his vital needs, the preservation of the integrity of organs, the qualities of the environment; on the basic rules of personal hygiene, safety of behavior on the street and indoors, their focus on maintaining human health. Ideas about the use of environmental factors (water, sun, air) for health promotion. The idea that every living creature - plant, animal, person - is similar to another and at the same time differs from it in terms of its external structure and ways of life. Concepts about the adaptation of living organisms to their environment. Generalized idea that living things can live if they are adapted to the conditions of their environment. Fitness is manifested in their external structure and behavior. Specific concepts of human fitness for life in terrestrial conditions. Some information about the devices that a person has invented for moving and short stay in other environments (water, air, underground), about machines and devices created for this.

Specific ideas about how a person has adapted to use the factors of the natural environment - earth, air,

Water, plants and animals - to meet their needs. (For example, water purifies, uses it for cooking, cleaning, putting oneself in order, extinguishing a fire, etc.) The knowledge that a person treats the environment with care and humility: he economically spends what is in it, protects the endangered plants, animals ("The Red Book"), preserves reserved places, reproduces spent on itself. Human intelligence. Generalized view of the signs of the season: the state

Inanimate nature; about the main weather phenomena typical for a given season; about the system of adaptive characteristics of plants and animals in accordance with seasonal changes in the main environmental factors (for example, how animals, birds, fish, insects adapted to winter). Specific ideas about adaptations to seasonal changes in human nature (appearance, behavior, satisfaction of needs). Knowledge of the rules of behavior in extreme or dangerous situations, typical for a particular season (thunderstorm, fire, ice, flood, etc.). The idea that all living things grow, develop (change) and multiply; about the signs of growth and development of living organisms. Generalized idea of \u200b\u200bthe main phases of the life cycle of plants, animals, humans. Specific ideas about the dependence of growth, development and reproduction on environmental conditions, about the most favorable seasons for this (in plants and animals). A generalized idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition of living beings and their interrelationships in typical ecological systems - a forest, meadow, water body, park, vegetable garden, etc. When any living organisms disappear in the community, environmental conditions change, which can lead to the death of other organisms. (For example, cutting down trees in the forest will lead to an increase in illumination and heat - shade-loving plants and animals will die, etc.) Knowledge of the basic rules of human behavior in ecosystems, ensuring the preservation of their integrity. Mastering of elementary subject concepts: "man", "season as a season", "living", "inanimate", "nature". Cognitive and speech skills. Use observation as a way of knowing: accept the goal of observation and set it yourself, use sensory and intellectual methods in observation. It is elementary to plan the course of observation, to draw conclusions. Use elementary search activity: accept and set cognitive tasks on your own, make assumptions about the causes and results of the observed natural phenomena, notice and realize contradictions in judgments, use different methods of testing assumptions, experiments, heuristic reasoning, long-term comparative observation. Formulate conclusions, make small "discoveries". Compare objects and natural phenomena based on similarities and differences. Classify objects and phenomena based on material reasons. Model characteristic and essential features, private and general connections, concepts. Independently apply knowledge about nature when analyzing new situations. Establish connections of varying degrees of complexity and content: structural-functional, causal, spatial, temporal, etc. Coherently talk about the observed natural phenomena, explain them, compose creative stories and fairy tales on natural (ecological) topics, use a speech-proof. Practical skills. Water the plants, loosen the soil, remove dust from the leaves using known methods and taking into account the characteristics of the plants. Place them correctly in relation to the light (depending on the needs). Dig up tubers, bulbs, rhizomes, roots. Propagate plants by seeds, bulbs, cuttings, seedlings and other methods. Weed and huddle flower garden and vegetable garden plants. Change the water in the aquarium with the help of a teacher. Take care of animals. Feed, water, wash the cells, clean them. Create conditions close to natural. Feed the birds in autumn and winter. Collect weed seeds for them. Participate with adults in affordable conservation practices. Attitude to nature. Show curiosity, the desire to know more deeply the phenomena of nature, interest in mastering the methods of knowledge. Treat living things humanely (each other, adults, older people, plants and animals). Strive to create favorable conditions for living beings, to follow the rules of behavior in nature. Emotionally respond, show aesthetic experiences in the process of communication with nature.

^ Program mastering levels

Low. The child distinguishes and names a large number of animals and plants, isolates their features. Knows some of their needs (moisture, food). Understands the state of an object and environment. Establishes private links, compares objects by individual characteristic features. It is difficult to identify common signs. He does not perform labor processes independently, the quality of labor is low. The manifestation of a humane attitude is situational. The cognitive attitude is unstable, associated with bright, attention-grabbing events.

Average... The child distinguishes a large number of objects of nature, isolates characteristic ones, and under the guidance of a teacher -

Significant signs. Knows the signs of the living. Establishes private and some general connections. Knows how to compare objects based on differences and similarities. Uses well-known observation methods to understand the laws of nature. Insufficiently mastered general concepts and general connections. He performs labor processes independently, achieves good results. To manifestations of a negative attitude towards nature by other children is often passive.

Tall. The child knows the basic signs of living things, establishes connections between the state of living beings, the environment and the correspondence of conditions to needs. Owns subject concepts in accordance with the program, establishes private and general ties under the guidance of a teacher and independently. Uses observation to understand nature. Models features of objects and connections. Possesses labor skills, achieving good results. Carefully, caringly, humanely treats nature, intolerant of other children and adults if they violate the rules of communication with nature. I am ready to help if necessary. The cognitive attitude is stable. Emotionally perceives nature, sees its beauty.

The direction is cognitive - speech development.

Educational area "Communication"


V., I. Loginova, O. N. Somkova

At the senior preschool age, children are fairly fluent in their native language. This is due to the large (in comparison with the previous period) experience of children, with the development of their intellectual abilities: the ability to establish diverse connections, it is easy to operate with existing knowledge, to generalize and draw conclusions. Interest in the inner world of people, the peculiarities of their relationships determines the new prevailing type of communication. Communication becomes a way of knowing the norms of behavior, a way of determining the mood and emotional state of a person, a way of knowing your own inner world. Children of this age are characterized by a critical, evaluative attitude to the speech of others and the development of control over the accuracy of their statements.

Numerous exercises of older preschool children in the use of language are characteristic. They actively experiment with the word, modifying it and coming up with new words, they are happy to be involved in creative speech activity to invent riddles, fairy tales, and stories. The child's new acquisition is interest in speech as a special object of cognition: he is interested in the sound and meaning of a word, its sound form, the combination and coordination of words in speech. This interest can be directed towards solving problems of preparation for teaching literacy. The desire of older preschool children to attract the attention of their interlocutors is expressed in attempts to make their speech expressive, expressive. At this age, the child not only can use speech intonation means, but is also able to master the means of expressiveness typical of the language, such as an epithet, comparison, metaphor. By the older preschool age, significant individual differences appear in the level of speech of children. The speech of children of the same age can differ significantly in the richness of vocabulary, in the level of coherence and grammatical correctness, in the ability of children to creative speech manifestations.

^ The main directions in the development of speech in older preschool children:

Development of speech creativity, expressiveness of speech;

Development of individual abilities for speech activity;

Preparation for teaching reading.

^ Representations, abilities, skills Development of coherent speech. Discuss relationship problems, moral aspects of people's actions, give reasoned assessments. Participate in collective conversations, use the accepted norms of polite verbal communication (listen carefully to the interlocutor, ask the question correctly, build your statement briefly or widely, focusing on the communication task). Resolve disputes and conflicts in accordance with the rules of communication (reasonably correct the erroneous judgments of peers, without prejudice to their dignity). Know the ways to establish verbal contacts with adults and children (address by name, first name and patronymic, politely express a request, apologize, thank for the service, speak in a calm, friendly tone). The main task of developing coherent speech in older preschool children is to improve monologue speech. Children master the skills:

Retell literary works independently, correctly conveying the idea and content, expressively reproducing the dialogues of the characters;

In the stories of peers;

To retell the work close to the text, in roles, in parts, on behalf of the literary hero;

In descriptive stories about objects, objects and natural phenomena, accurately and correctly select words that characterize the features of objects; with the help of an adult, find the essential features of objects, establish a hierarchy of features, define and reproduce the logic of a descriptive story; use a variety of means of expression, including linguistic (metaphors, comparisons, epithets, personifications);

Compose story stories based on a painting, experience, toys; with the help of the educator, build your story in accordance with the requirements for the structure of the plot narration: exposition (outlining the characters, time and place of action), setting (cause of the event), development of events and culmination (moment of highest tension), denouement (end);

Distinguish between literary genres: fairy tale, story, riddle, proverb, poem;

In the composed narration, reflect the characteristic features of the genre; when inventing fairy tales, use the means of expression characteristic of the genre and knowledge about the peculiarities of the plot (the beginning and end of the fairy tale, a saying, threefold repetitions, the victory of good over evil, magic objects, heroes, transformations, etc.);

Show interest in independent writing, create various types of creative stories (in the older group

Coming up with a continuation and an end to the story, stories by analogy, stories according to the teacher's plan, according to the model; in the preparatory group

Stories, fairy tales on a topic suggested by the teacher, modeling a story, inventing filmstrips,

Stories on the "blob", on proverbs, etc.);

In creative stories, show individual abilities for creative speech activity;

To be able to listen carefully to the stories of peers, help them in case of difficulties, notice speech and logical errors and kindly, constructively correct them;

In older preschool age, master the forms of speech-reasoning: explanatory speech, speech-proof, speech-planning. In the preparatory group, try to independently use these speech forms in class and in everyday life. Dictionary development. Actively own a household dictionary; accurately and correctly use words denoting the names of everyday objects and nature, their properties and qualities, structure, material and its features. Continue to master the words denoting more subtle differentiation of color (pink, beige, greenish-bluish, etc.), shape, size and other features of the object. Independently use the examination actions necessary to identify the qualities and properties of objects, name them (stroked, blew, crumpled, weighed on the hand, sniffed, etc.). The leading content of vocabulary work in the senior and preparatory groups is the development by children of the conscious use of words denoting specific and generic generalizations. To be able to compare objects, find essential signs, combine objects on their basis, which helps to move from a simple use of the sound form of a word to an awareness of its true content. Understand the reasons for combining into one group of subjects

Dishes, furniture, clothes, shoes, hats, bedding, transport, vegetables, fruits, etc. In the preparatory group

To master the operation of dividing the learned concepts into groups based on the revealed signs: dishes

Kitchen, dining room, tea room; clothes, shoes

Winter, summer, demi-season; transport

Passenger and cargo; ground, air, water, underground, etc. Mastering the conceptual content of a word allows children to move to a new level of understanding and use of words

In their figurative, allegorical meaning. This is a condition for the development of language expressive means by children:

In the sixth year of life, find literary works in the texts and create your own figurative comparisons, epithets;

In the preparatory group, get acquainted with more complex means of linguistic expressiveness - polysemy, personification, metaphor;

Use the means of linguistic expressiveness when writing riddles, fairy tales, poems.

The enrichment of the vocabulary of children 5-6 years old is associated with an increase in their interest in the phenomena and events of social life, in a person with his inner world and external behavior. In the process of acquainting children with the work of people of different professions, their vocabulary is replenished with the names of objects and tools of labor, technology that helps in work, labor actions and the quality of their performance. Analyzing the behavior and state of a literary hero, the child begins to understand and use words in speech that denote personal characteristics (honesty, justice, kindness, caring, loyalty, etc.), states and moods, and inner experiences of a person. Grammatical correctness of speech. To senior preschool age

Use all major grammatical forms of speech. The main task of the educator is to train children in the correct use of the mastered grammatical forms for the accurate expression of thoughts and continue to acquaint them with difficult cases of using Russian grammar. Notice grammatical errors in the speech of peers and correct them; use grammatical forms yourself. Form words using suffixes, prefixes, word combinations (compound words); come up with sentences with a given number of words; isolate the number and sequence of words in a sentence. By the end of preschool age, be able to independently use different types of sentences (simple, compound, complex) in accordance with the content of your statement. Sound culture of speech. In older preschool age, the emphasis in working on the sound culture of children's speech shifts from teaching the correct pronunciation of sounds to teaching sound analysis of words. Pronounce all the sounds of your native language cleanly and correctly. Exercise in correct pronunciation in the process of everyday speech communication. When reading poetry, retelling literary works, use various means of intonational expressiveness: tempo, rhythm of speech, logical stress. Preparation for literacy training. To consolidate and improve the ability to divide words into syllables and to perform sound analysis of words (this becomes the basis for familiarizing children with letters and learning to read). Carry out sound analysis of a word using various means: a scheme of the sound composition of a word, tokens, intonational selection of sounds in a word. Learn to analyze four-, five-sound words of different composition (fox, elephant, stork, school). Get acquainted with stress: highlight the stressed syllable and stressed vowel sound in a word. Understand and use the term "sentence" in speech, make a sentence of 3-4 words, divide the sentence into words, naming them in order.

^ Program mastering levels

Low... The child finds it difficult to establish connections, therefore, makes meaningful and semantic errors in retelling, in independent stories; requires the help of an adult when narrating. Skips the structural components of a narrative story. In creative storytelling

Sufficiently independent (repeats the stories of peers). The vocabulary is poor. The child finds it difficult to argue judgments, does not use proof speech. Makes some grammatical and pronunciation mistakes. Speech is not expressive enough. Makes mistakes in sound analysis of words and division of words into syllables. Difficult in determining the stress.

Average... In the story, the child makes gaps, logical mistakes, but he himself corrects them with the help of adults

And peers. Shows an interest in verbal communication, but is not active enough in it. In the construction of sentences not

Difficult, grammatical errors are rare. Arguments judgments and uses a form of speech-proof with the help of an adult. Speech is clean, correct; the child may have difficulty in pronouncing certain sounds. Regulates the strength of the voice, but speech expression is insufficient. Performs analysis of four sound words independently.

Tall. The child possesses speech skills. He is initiative and independent in coming up with fairy tales, stories, does not repeat the stories of others, uses a variety of means of expression. He is interested in argumentation, proof and uses them widely. Shows initiative in communication - shares impressions with peers, asks questions, attracts children to communication. Notices speech mistakes of peers, corrects them. Has a rich vocabulary. Unmistakably uses generalizing words and concepts. Speech is clean, grammatically correct, expressive. The child owns all means of sound analysis of words,

Determines the main qualitative characteristics of sounds in a word (vowel - consonant, hard - soft, stressed - unstressed vowel, place of sound in a word).

Educational area "Reading fiction"


L. M. Gurovich, N. A. Kurochkina, A. G. Gogoberidze, G. V. Kurilo

Child and book

Senior preschool age is a qualitatively new stage in the literary development of preschoolers. Unlike the previous period, when the perception of literature was still inseparable from other types of activity, and above all from play, children move on to the stages of their own artistic attitude to art, to literature in particular. This is manifested in the close attention of children to the content of the work, the ability and desire to comprehend its inner meaning. There is a steady interest in books, a gravitation towards constant communication with them, a desire to get acquainted with new works. A selective attitude towards works of a certain content and style (fabulous, adventure, natural history, historical, lyrical,

^ Program mastering levels:

Low... The child prefers other activities to listening to reading. When perceiving a literary work, it establishes connections between individual facts without penetrating into the subtext. Emotional response to what you read is weak. The child is passive when discussing a book, in dramatization and other types of artistic activity. Responds positively to the offer of the educator to listen to reading or storytelling, but does not feel the urge to communicate with the book.

Average. The child is able to establish the most significant connections in texts with dynamic content, has difficulty listening to more complex types of works (informative book, lyric poem, fable, etc.). Pays attention to the actions and deeds of the heroes, but ignores their inner experiences. He willingly takes part in games, dramatizations, literary entertainments as a performer, but does not show creative initiative.

Tall... The child shows a desire for constant communication with the book, feels obvious pleasure when listening to literary works. Displays a selective attitude towards works of a certain subject or genre. Able to establish the most essential connections in a work, to penetrate into its emotional subtext. He correctly realizes the motives of the heroes' actions, sees their experiences, thoughts, feelings. Shows attention to the language of a literary work. He actively manifests himself in various types of artistic activity, is creatively active.

The circle of children's reading of an older preschooler is rich in composition and content. This includes, first of all, works of world folklore, classical Russian and foreign children's literature. In addition, the reading circle of preschoolers includes the works of contemporary writers from all over the world. This circle is constantly replenished with new talented names and wonderful children's books. Nowadays, collections of well, professionally selected works of poetry and prose for children, books for reading, anthologies have been created. Therefore, without offering a specific list of books for reading to children of senior preschool age, we will give the names of some of the most interesting literary collections that will help the teacher find the desired work, will give the opportunity to approach the choice of books creatively, in accordance with the reading interests of the children of the group, as well as personal pedagogical experience.

1. Fun school for preschoolers. Poems, stories, proverbs for those who want to learn to write and count. - Perm, 1989.

2. The magic world. Fairy Tales of Foreign Writers) - SPb .: Chelovek, 1993.

3. The opposite is true. Fables and absurdities in verse / Comp. G. Kruzhkov- M., 1992.

4. The Golden Book of the Best Fairy Tales in the World.- M .: Terra, 1992.

5. Literature and fantasy / Comp. L.E. Streltsova. - M., 1992.

6. A train of poetry. From foreign poetry for children. - M., 1974.

7. Russian poetry for children / Comp. E.O. Putilova. - L., 1989.

8. The happiest island - M .: Malysh, 1992.

9. Poems about Petersburg for children.- SPb., 1994.

10. Reader for older preschool children / Comp. Z.Ya.Rsz et al. - M: Education, 1990.

11. Reader. 5-7 years old / Comp. N.P. Ilchuk and others - M: Education, 1999.

Direction Artistic and aesthetic development.

Educational area "Artistic creativity"

Visual arts and artistic activities of children

Tasks of the teacher:

To develop a steady interest, emotional and aesthetic feelings, tastes, assessments and judgments, universal, emotional and moral orientations towards manifestations of the aesthetic in a variety of objects and phenomena of a natural and social nature;

To contribute to the understanding of various positive and negative, bright and transitional emotional states, manifested not only by those close to the child, but also by the people around the child, the ability to respond to them accordingly, empathizing and expressing their attitude towards them;

Lead children to understand that art reflects the world around them and the artist depicts what aroused his interest, surprise. To draw their attention to the fact that art surrounds us everywhere: at home, in kindergarten, on the street, it gives people pleasure, joy, it should be treated with care;

To acquaint children with different types and genres of fine arts, ideas about which they deepen and expand. Learn to correlate the mood of images expressed by different types of arts. Children get acquainted with different artistic professions, as well as with the individual style of creativity of some artists, graphic artists, sculptors. Through artistic images addressed to feelings and hearts, children acquire orientations in universal human values. The development of a consistent, goal-oriented, holistic artistic perception, the "observation" of truly artistic works of art, the ability to express evidence-based judgments and assessments of what was seen, to include the knowledge through art and familiarization with the environment continues

In their own aesthetic and artistic activities. Skills and abilities are developing and improving

Fine, decorative, constructive and design creativity, the introduction of its results into the artistic design of the environment.

^ Visual arts Representations, skills, abilities, attitudes ... Decorative and applied arts. Representations of various works of Russian folk arts and crafts and art of other peoples - Ukraine, Belarus, Tatarstan, Latvia, etc .; on the purpose and features of this art (brightness, elegance, generalization, stylization, decorativeness, which manifests itself both in the color decor, and often in the design of the object itself), the connection of features with the purpose of the object, the traditional character of images, patterns and ornaments, their connection with nature , folk life, culture, traditions and customs. Types of applied art, its objects and means of expression are becoming more diverse and complex. These are toys

From clay (along with Dymkovo, Kargopol, Filimonov, Tver, Oyat, children are introduced to Ryazan, jbanni

Kovskoy, Grinevskaya, Skopinskaya, Abashevskaya Russian, as well as from Belarusian, Moldavian, Tatar, Tajik, Uzbek and other species); toys made of wood, wood chips, straw, papier-mache (Polkhov-Maidan, Vologda, Krutetskaya, Zagorskaya, Bogorodskaya, Yermilovskaya); household items made of birch bark (Pechora, Mezen, Pinezh, Olonets caskets, dishes, cutting boards, spinning wheels, etc.); paintings and carvings of Gorodets, Khokhloma, Palekh; ceramic ware of Pskov, Novgorod, Gzhel, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, etc .; lace (Vologda, Vyatka, Yelets, Kirish, etc.); embroidery from different regions of Russia, Ukraine; weaving and carpet weaving of different republics; weaving, applique work, origami, embossing Children distinguish between types of Russian applied art according to the main stylistic features. Decorative and decorative art. An idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose of this art, its features. Skills in the design of greeting cards, the composition of bouquets, the design of exhibitions of their works. With the help of an adult, children prepare costumes, decorations for theatrical performances and holidays, decorate a group, a hall, a section of a kindergarten. Graphics. Ideas about graphics, its types (book graphics, easel, applied, poster), means of expression, the purpose of illustration (accompany the literary text); features of the language of book graphics (expressiveness of lines, strokes, spots that convey the features of forms, movement, gestures, poses, facial expressions; color as a way of conveying the state, mood of the characters and the author's attitude towards them; composition not only of a sheet of the book, but also of its layout as a whole ). An idea of \u200b\u200bthe specifics of the work of illustrators, the creative manner of some. Understanding that the artist, creating an illustration, takes into account the genre of a literary work (fairy tale, humorous work or nursery rhyme) and uses different means of expression. Ideas about the individual style of creativity of artists-storytellers, illustrators of "fun" books, animal painters, etc. Creation of your own illustrations for fairy tales, stories and other works; acquaintance with easel and applied graphics, posters. Painting. The ideas about the genres of painting and its means of expressiveness are consolidated and deepened: drawing as a transfer of the character of an image, movement or statics, posture, gesture, facial expressions; color as a means of conveying the mood, state or attitude of the artist to the depicted; composition as highlighting the main thing, building an image, its plans; material and ways of using it to convey the expressiveness of the image. Still life. The depiction of objects of the same order, mixed, subject, still life as part of other genres of painting. Scenery. Landscape - nature in different seasons and times of day, not only in their vivid manifestations, but also in transitional ones; urban, architectural, marine and water, industrial, mountain and space. Representations of different types of still life and landscape, not only in their content, but also in terms of expressiveness: written in a warm, cold, contrasting scale, conveying a certain mood, state and by nature they can be lyrical, solemn, epic, decorative, etc. ; different both in composition and in image methods (realistic-generalized, realistic with detailed detailing, decorative). Portrait and its types: self-portrait, children's portrait, ceremonial, family, social, historical, etc. Ability to carefully examine the face, facial expressions, hands, pose of the person being portrayed in order to understand the internal state, mood of a person, his social characteristics; the color tone of the image that conveys the mood, the state of the person, the composition of the portrait. Genre painting, its types: fairy tales, epics, sports, battle painting, paintings about human labor, animals, and everyday subjects. The ability to establish diverse connections in a picture, both in content and in means of expression.

Sculpture... Children get acquainted with monumental, decorative, easel sculpture, volumetric and relief. They continue to learn the specifics of this art form as an art to create three-dimensional images of humans and animals. They understand the purpose of the sculpture, its means of expressiveness: the material, the technique of its processing, composition - dynamics and statics - silhouette, stability of the structure, pedestal. They get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe specifics of the sculptor's work, use the knowledge gained in their own activities. Architecture. Ideas about architecture as the art of creating structures, their complexes necessary for people to live and work, about different types of architecture (industrial, public, residential buildings; construction of bridges, decoration of squares, embankments, monuments), about the features of architecture, its functions (benefits, strength, beauty). The benefits are associated with the purpose of the structure (functionality), hence the design feature; strength means that the structure must be stable, reliable, comfortable for people (for example, a wide, solid foundation near a building, stability of walls and floors); the structure must be beautiful and fit well with the environment. The role of the material from which the building is built, the size and length of the volumes, their arrangement vertically and horizontally, the use of various architectural decorations (columns, porticoes, arches, trellises, sculptures, monumental painting, mosaics, etc.). Children are led to understand the typical, generalized image of a structure (for example, all houses have a basement, walls, roof, doors, windows) and a characteristic, individual (Moscow Kremlin, Admiralty, Bolshoi Theater, etc.). On excursions, walks, children get acquainted with the architecture of their city, look at photographs, illustrations depicting various structures, acquire practical skills (build buildings, bridges, city streets, household structures from the material in the group), use the knowledge gained in drawing, application, modeling ...

^ Artistic activity of children Representations, visual skills, abilities, attitude.

Representations are consolidated and improved, as well as the skills and abilities of image, decoration, construction. Independence, initiative, the ability to create an expressive image develops, to convey one's attitude to what is depicted, using the acquired knowledge about art, the methods of image, decoration, construction, visual and technical skills and abilities are being mastered. In depicting the objective world, children achieve a certain similarity with a real object, especially when depicted from nature: they convey both general, typical, and characteristic, individual signs of objects or living objects. The expressiveness of the image is achieved not only through greater similarity in form, proportions, but also through the transmission of characteristic poses, dynamics or statics, gesture, facial expressions, essential details. The ability to use color as a means of conveying mood, state, attitude to the depicted or highlighting the main thing in the picture is improved. Children master the properties of color (warm, cold, contrasting or similar gamut), the beauty of bright, saturated and soft, muted tones, transparency and color tone density. When depicting fairy-tale images, the ability to convey signs of unusualness, fabulousness, using various means of expressiveness - drawing, color, composition, appears. In a plot image (drawing, modeling, application) - the ability to highlight the main thing, to convey the relationship between objects, using all means of expression, and especially composition; depict objects of close, middle and distant plans, the horizon line; create plot images from nature. In decorative activities - the ability to apply the knowledge gained about decorative art, to create elegant, generalized, conventional, stylized images, to decorate objects with the help of ornaments and patterns of vegetative and objective nature, using rhythm, symmetry in compositional construction. (The plane that children decorate can be voluminous.) The ability to stylize real images, emphasizing the main, characteristic in the subject, omitting details, using the style features of color inherent in Russian paintings, as well as paintings of other peoples. To improve technical skills and abilities in various types of arts: the ability to use a variety of materials and tools, methods of activity in order to create an expressive image; apply new visual materials and tools (sanguine, pastel, various crayons, watercolors, ink, pen, palette, brushes of different numbers); create new color tones and shades by composing, diluting with water or whitening, adding a little black tone to another color tone; use a palette, brush painting technique. To master new ways of working with watercolors and gouache (wet and dry), methods of various overlaying of a color spot, working with a pen, shading, shading, gratography, imprinting, creating a sketch, sketching with a pencil or brush. In application work - use a variety of materials: paper of different quality, fabric, natural materials (dried leaves, flowers, straw, tree bark, fluff, plant seeds, etc.). (Scissors become a pictorial tool). To master the technique of symmetrical, silhouette, multilayer and openwork cutting, a more effective way of obtaining several shapes at once, various ways of attaching material to the background, obtaining volumetric applique. Apply the cutting technique to obtain a complete image or create a mosaic applique; consistently work on the plot application. In modeling, when creating volumetric and relief images, use various stacks, stamps, materials for fastening elongated, elongated shapes. Use a means of expressiveness such as a pedestal, which unites images in plot modeling or gives them greater expressiveness, completeness (for example, a sculpted frog can be planted on the same leaf). Construction from ready-made geometric volumetric shapes and thematic constructors. When creating various structures, buildings, apply the knowledge gained when familiarizing with architecture. Create various options for residential, public and industrial buildings, bridges, various transport, come up with plot compositions: city streets, a bus station, etc. the dependence of the design on the purpose); be able to use architectural decorations: columns, porticoes, spiers, lattices, etc. Give stability to forms, replace parts, combine them to obtain the desired shapes. Create structures according to diagrams, models, photographs, according to specified conditions. Paper construction. To create interesting toys for playing with water, wind, for decorating premises on holidays, for dramatization games, sports competitions, theatrical performances, etc.; master generalized design methods. Origami-type construction - fold a sheet of paper of a certain shape (rectangle, square, triangle) in half, combining the corners and opposite sides: a square

Diagonally, in a triangular shape - bending the corners to the middle of the opposite side. Independently create

A variety of toys in one way. Create images by twisting stripes, a circle into a cone (obtuse cone), a semicircle into a cone (sharp), twisting a rectangle into a cylinder. (Each method makes it possible to create a variety of interesting toys). Make volumetric structures from ready-made reamers, read the symbols and follow them exactly. To master the methods of making objects by interweaving strips of various materials, as well as using the papier-mâché technique. Construction from natural materials. (It develops the imagination of children, teaches you to carefully peer into the world around you, to see interesting images in fruits, seeds, roots that can be improved by composing, connecting various parts, while using a variety of connecting materials - wire, plasticine, glue, threads, etc. To master the ways of working with various tools: scissors, needles, an awl, a ruler, etc. Plan your work both in individual activities and in collective creativity. To master the methods of construction from various waste materials: matchboxes, spools, plastic cans, balls of thread, etc.

^ Program mastering levels

Low. The child shows interest and desire to communicate with the beautiful in the world around and in works of art,

Notices the general species and characteristic features of objects, living objects and phenomena. He sees and understands the emotional states (most pronounced) of others, as well as artistic images, empathizes with them. Does not distinguish types, genres and means of expressiveness of the fine arts. Understands what art is for, how people relate to it; correlates perceived with personal experience. With active prompting, an adult can communicate about the perceived, emotionally, figuratively express his judgments.

Possesses technical and visual skills and abilities, but uses them not yet consciously and independently. Doesn't show creativity.

Average. The child shows interest and the need to communicate with the beautiful in the world around him and in works of art, feels the joy of meeting him. Sees characteristic signs of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Distinguishes between types of art by their genres, means of expression. Has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe creative work of artists, sculptors, graphic artists, sees the peculiarities of the creative manner of some of them. Can independently and purposefully examine works of art, correlate perceived with their experience, feelings and ideas. Communicates about the perceived with peers, adults. He uses means of expression, skills and abilities in his own activity to create an expressive image. Shows independence, initiative and creativity.

Tall... The child discovers a constant and stable interest, the need to communicate with the beautiful in the environment

Reality and works of art, experiences pleasure and joy from meeting him. He sees general, typical, specific, characteristic and individual signs of objects, living objects and phenomena of reality. He sees and understands various emotional manifestations in the world around him, as well as in artistic images, behind the external expression of experiences he sees the inner state, mood, empathizes with them. Knows various types and genres of fine arts, sees their features; talks about the professions of an artist, sculptor, graphic artist, decorator, architect, about the peculiarities of their creative work. Remembers the names of some of them, their specific works. Can correlate images of fine art with images of other arts: music, dance, poetry, literature, ballet, etc., compare and find in them the inner consonance, similarity and difference in mood, state, etc.