Luxembourg country history. Great Duchy Luxembourg: Location, History of Appeal, Interesting Facts

Luxembourg, who was on the path of many conquerors, more than once fell under the power of German, French, Austrian, Dutch and Spanish rulers. Despite numerous changes in political status, he retained his face and gained independence.

What is known in the history of both Luxembourg includes the territory emerging for the modern limits of the Grand Duchy - the province of Belgium and small areas of neighboring countries. The word Luxembourg itself means a small castle or fortress; Thus called the strengthening of the capital city, which was known as Northern Gibraltar in Europe. Located on steep cliffs, rising above R. Alzet, this fortress was almost impregnable and existed until 1867.

The Romans may have been the first to use this strategically important place and strengthened it when the rules in the field of Belgik in Gaul. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Luxembourg was conquered by Franks of 5th. And later became part of the extensive Empire of Charles Great. It is known that one of the descendants of Charles, Siegfried I, was the ruler of this area in 963-987, and at 11 c. Conrad, who assigned to himself the title of Luxembourg Count, became a density of the dynasty, which rules up to 14 V.

In the 17th century Luxembourg was repeatedly engaged in the war between Spain and sabotaged by France. According to the Pyrenean peace treaty, 1659 Louis XIV dismantled the South-West region of Duchy with the cities of Thionwill and Montmeni. During another military campaign in 1684, the French captured the fortress of Luxembourg and remained there for 13 years, until the terms of the Rubvik world, Louis did not make him return His Spain along with the lands captured by him in Belgium. After a long wars, Belgium and Luxembourg in 1713 moved to the authorities of the Austrian Habsburgs and had a relatively peaceful period.

He was interrupted by the French revolution. Republican troops entered Luxembourg in 1795, and during Napoleonic wars, this area remained under the authority of the French. At the Vienna Congress, 1814-1815, the European powers first allocated Luxembourg as a great duchy and transferred him to the King of the Netherlands Wilhelm I in exchange for the former possessions that were attached to Hessen's Duchy. Luxembourg, however, was simultaneously included in the Confederation of Independent States - the German Union, and Prussic Forces were allowed to contain their garrison in the fortress of the capital.

The next change occurred in 1830, when Belgium rebelled, which also belonged to Wilhelm I. With the exception of the capital, which the Prussian garrison held, all Luxembourg joined the rebel. Trying to overcome the split in the region, the great powers in 1831 were offered to divide Luxembourg: his western part with the French-speaking population became the province of independent Belgium. Such a decision was finally approved by the London Treaty of 1839, and Wilhelm remained the ruler of the Great Duchy of Luxembourg, heavily diminished in size. The great powers were made to clearly understand that they consider the duke as an independent state independent of the Netherlands, connected only to personal unia with the ruler of this country. In 1842, Luxembourg joined the Customs Union of Germanic states, founded in 1834. With the collapse of the German Union in 1866, the protracted stay of the Prussian garrison in Luxembourg was displeasted to France. The King of the Netherlands Wilhelm III suggested selling his rights to the Grand Duchy of Napoleon III, but at that time a sharp conflict between France and Prussia broke out. The second London conference gathered in May 1867, and the London Treaty, signed in September of the same year, allowed the urgent contradictions. The Prussian garrison was removed from the city of Luxembourg, the fortress was eliminated. The independence and neutrality of Luxembourg were proclaimed. The throne in the Great Duchy remained the privilege of the Nassau dynasty.

Personal significance with the Netherlands was interrupted in 1890, when Wilhelm III died and his daughter Wilhelmina inherited the Netherlands throne. The Great Duchy moved to another branch of the Nassau at home, and the great Duke Adolf began to edit. After the death of Adolf in 1905, the throne took his son Wilhelm, ruled until 1912. Then the reign of his daughter of the Great Duchess of Maria Adelaide began.

August 2, 1914 Luxembourg was captured by Germany. At the same time, German troops joined Belgium. The German Foreign Minister promised Luxembourg to pay reparations for the violation of its neutrality, and the country's occupation continued until the end of the First World War. With the restoration of independence in 1918, a number of change occurred in Luxembourg. January 9, 1919 Maria Adelaide replaced the throne in favor of his sister Charlotte. The latter received the overwhelming majority of votes on a referendum conducted in 1919 to address the issue of whether Luxembourg wishes to remain great duke with ruling home Nassau. At the same time, it began to conduct constitutional reforms in the spirit of democratization.

On Plebiscite 1919, the population of Luxembourg expressed a desire to preserve the independence of the country, but at the same time voted for the economic alliance with France. However, France for the sake of improving relations with Belgium rejected this proposal and thereby prompted Luxembourg to conclude an agreement with Belgium. As a result, in 1921, it was established by half a century railway, customs and currency union with Belgium.

The neutrality of Luxembourg was a second time broken by Germany, when the troops of the Wehrmacht on May 10, 1940 entered the country. The Great Duchess and members of Her Governments fled to France, and after the surrender of the latter organized the Government of Luxembourg in the exile, which was located in London and Montreal. For the German occupation followed by the accession of Luxembourg to the Hitler Rech in August 1942. In response, the population of the country declared a universal strike, which the Germans responded with mass repressions. About 30 thousand inhabitants, or more than 10% of the total population, including the majority of young men, were arrested and sent from the country.

In September 1944, the Allied troops liberated Luxembourg, and on September 23, the government returned to his homeland. The northern regions of Luxembourg were again captured by the German troops during the offensive in Ardennes and were completely released only in January 1945.

Luxembourg participated in many post-war international agreements. He participated in the UN institution, Benilyuks (also included Belgium and the Netherlands), NATO and the EU. The role of Luxembourg in the Council of Europe is also significant. Luxembourg signed a Schengen Agreement in June 1990, abolished border control in Benilyux, France and Germany countries. In February 1992, the country was signed by the Maastricht Treaty. Two representatives of Luxembourg - Gaston Thorn (1981-1984) and Jacques Santer (from 1995) - served as presidents of the EU Commission.

On the general elections in June 1999, the ruling HSNP and LSRP failed: they received 19 and 13 places from 60, respectively, losing 2 and 4 places. On the contrary, the Democrats strengthened their positions, taking 15 seats in parliament (3 more than in 1994). 7 seats received the association of pensioners, 5 - green, 1 - block left. After the election, a new government was formed from representatives of the HSNP and the Democratic Party headed by Jean-Claude by Junker.

On the territory of this state, the most ancient artifacts of existence on the planet of a person were found. Luxembourg is a European country with a very small total area. Despite this, at the moment it is completely independent. The history of Luxembourg is associated with the development of Germany and France.

Rich story of Luxembourg

Name Country S. german language Translated as a small castle. It begins with the construction of a small fortification, which was located near the two Zaur Rivers and Alzet. The construction of the castle began in 963, when the Earth switched to Count Sigfred. Since then, this place has moved many times from hand to hand from one ruling dynasty to another. The original German strengthening moved to England, and to the Bourbon dynasty in France, and to Spain, and to Austria, and to Prussia, and to the Netherlands, and to Belgium. The principality was a bonus and exchange coin in a political game.

The initial territory of Luxembourg was expanded, but it was never very big. Independent story Luxembourg begins on September 9, 1867. Both world wars ended for the principality of the occupation. During World War II, the entire royal yard was in emigration. Currently, Luxembourg is included in Benilux and NATO.

The capital of Luxembourg

From a long time the capital of Luxembourg - the same city, which is located within the first fortress. Its modern view is two parts. The upper old city is the historical part, and the lower - modern industrial area.

Luxembourg population

Basic luxembourg population - This is Luxembourbles. They live not only in the territory of the principality, but also in other European states. In Luxembourg, the population consists of 285 thousand people. The total number of all Luxembourbles 473 thousand people.

The country has an increase in the number of people. In 1700, the population was 64,000 people, and in 2007 - 480000. According to forecasts by 2050, the population will increase to 720000.

State Luxembourg

Small state Luxembourg It has a constitutional monarchical form of government. The indigenous population presents a third of the number of all citizens of the country. In the state Luxembourg You can get on airline means. In the capital there is an international airport.

Luxembourg policy

Geography of Luxembourg It clearly shows us that the size of the state is small. But despite this, luxembourg policyAs external and internal, aims to develop and prosperity. In the country, low inflation and automatic wage indexation, depending on the rise in prices. The situation in the state is stable without shocks and discontent from the population.

The foreign policy of Luxembourg is aimed at expanding connections with other states. The principality takes an active part in the EU activities, as one of his founders. Since 1965, one of the three EU centers is located in the capital.

Lyucembourg language

State Lyucembourg languageCreated on the basis of German language with French borrowings is called Luxembourg. In addition to the official, German, French and English are operating in the country.

Luxembourg, who was on the path of many conquerors, more than once fell under the power of German, French, Austrian, Dutch and Spanish rulers. Despite numerous changes in political status, he retained his face and gained independence.

What is known in the history of both Luxembourg includes the territory emerging for the modern limits of the Grand Duchy - the province of Belgium and small areas of neighboring countries. The word "Luxembourg" in translated means "Little Castle" or "Fortress"; Thus called the strengthening of the capital city, which was known as "Northern Gibraltar" in Europe. Located on steep cliffs, rising above R. Alzet, this fortress was almost impregnable and existed until 1867.

The Romans may have been the first to use this strategically important place and strengthened it when the rules in the field of Belgik in Gaul. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Luxembourg was conquered by Franks of 5th. And later became part of the extensive Empire of Charles Great. It is known that one of the descendants of Karl, Siegfried

I, he was the ruler of this area in 963-987, and at 11 c. Conrad, who assigned to himself the title of Luxembourg Count, became a density of the dynasty, which rules up to 14 V. The settlement of Luxembourg in 1244 received urban rights. In 1437, as a result of the marriage of one of Konrad's relatives with the German King of Albert II, the Duchy of Luxembourg passed to the Habsburg dynasty. In 1443, it was captured by the Duke of Burgundy, and the power of the Habsburg was restored only in 1477. In 1555, it moved to the Spanish King Philip II and, together with Holland and Flanders, fell under the power of Spain.

In the 17th century Luxembourg was repeatedly engaged in the war between Spain and sabotaged by France. According to the Pyrenean peace treaty, 1659 Louis XIV dismantled the South-West region of Duchy with the cities of Thionwill and Montmeni. During another military campaign in 1684, the French captured the fortress of Luxembourg and remained there for 13 years, until the terms of the Rubvik world, Louis did not make him return His Spain along with the lands captured by him in Belgium. After a long wars, Belgium and Luxembourg in 1713 moved to the authorities of the Austrian Habsburgs and had a relatively peaceful period.

He was interrupted by the French revolution. Republican troops entered Luxembourg in 1795, and during Napoleonic wars, this area remained under the authority of the French. At the Vienna Congress, 1814-1815, the European powers first allocated Luxembourg as a great duchy and transferred him to the King of the Netherlands Wilhelm I in exchange for the former possessions that were attached to Hessen's Duchy. Luxembourg, however, was simultaneously included in the Confederation of Independent States - the German Union, and Prussic Forces were allowed to contain their garrison in the fortress of the capital.

The next change occurred in 1830, when Belgium rebelled, which also belonged to Wilhelm I. With the exception of the capital, which the Prussian garrison held, all Luxembourg joined the rebel. Trying to overcome the split in the region, the great powers in 1831 were offered to divide Luxembourg: his western part with the French-speaking population became the province of independent Belgium. Such a decision was finally approved by the London Treaty of 1839, and Wilhelm remained the ruler of the Great Duchy of Luxembourg, heavily diminished in size. The great powers were made to clearly understand that they consider the duke as an independent state independent of the Netherlands, connected only to personal unia with the ruler of this country. In 1842, Luxembourg joined the Customs Union of Germanic states, founded in 1834. With the collapse of the German Union in 1866, the protracted stay of the Prussian garrison in Luxembourg was displeasted to France. The King of the Netherlands Wilhelm III suggested selling his rights to the Grand Duchy of Napoleon III, but at that time a sharp conflict between France and Prussia broke out. The second London conference gathered in May 1867, and the London Treaty, signed in September of the same year, allowed the urgent contradictions. The Prussian garrison was removed from the city of Luxembourg, the fortress was eliminated. The independence and neutrality of Luxembourg were proclaimed. The throne in the Great Duchy remained the privilege of the Nassau dynasty.

Personal significance with the Netherlands was interrupted in 1890, when Wilhelm III died and his daughter Wilhelmina inherited the Netherlands throne. The Great Duchy moved to another branch of the Nassau at home, and the great Duke Adolf began to edit. After the death of Adolf in 1905, the throne took his son Wilhelm, ruled until 1912. Then the reign of his daughter of the Great Duchess of Maria Adelaide began.

August 2, 1914 Luxembourg was captured by Germany. At the same time, German troops joined Belgium. The German Foreign Minister promised Luxembourg to pay reparations for the violation of its neutrality, and the country's occupation continued until the end of the First World War. With the restoration of independence in 1918, a number of change occurred in Luxembourg. January 9, 1919 Maria Adelaide replaced the throne in favor of his sister Charlotte. The latter received the overwhelming majority of votes on a referendum conducted in 1919 to address the issue of whether Luxembourg wishes to remain great duchy with the Right Home Nassau. At the same time, it began to conduct constitutional reforms in the spirit of democratization.

On Plebiscite 1919, the population of Luxembourg expressed a desire to preserve the independence of the country, but at the same time voted for the economic alliance with France. However, France for the sake of improving relations with Belgium rejected this proposal and thereby prompted Luxembourg to conclude an agreement with Belgium. As a result, in 1921, it was established by half a century railway, customs and currency union with Belgium.

The neutrality of Luxembourg was a second time broken by Germany, when the troops of the Wehrmacht on May 10, 1940 entered the country. The Great Duchess and members of Her Governments fled to France, and after the surrender of the latter organized the Government of Luxembourg in the exile, which was located in London and Montreal. For the German occupation followed by the accession of Luxembourg to the Hitler Rech in August 1942. In response, the population of the country declared a universal strike, which the Germans responded with mass repressions. About 30 thousand inhabitants, or more than 10% of the total population, including the majority of young men, were arrested and sent from the country.

In September 1944, the Allied troops liberated Luxembourg, and on September 23, the government returned to his homeland. The northern regions of Luxembourg were again captured by the German troops during the offensive in Ardennes and were completely released only in January 1945.

Luxembourg participated in many post-war international agreements. He participated in the UN institution, Benilyuks (also included Belgium and the Netherlands), NATO and the EU. The role of Luxembourg in the Council of Europe is also significant. Luxembourg signed a Schengen Agreement in June 1990, abolished border control in Benilyux, France and Germany countries. In February 1992, the country was signed by the Maastricht Treaty. Two representatives of Luxembourg - Gaston Thorn (1981-1984) and Jacques Santer (from 1995) - served as presidents of the EU Commission.

With the exception of 1974-1979, the Christian-Social People's Party was presented in all governments after 1919. This stability in combination with effective labor legislation and banking laws guaranteeing the secret of deposits attracted major foreign investments in the industry and the scope of Luxembourg services.

origin of name

The name of Luxembourg comes from one old fortification, which was originally called Lutseburg.. From 963 known name Lutzlinburgus, and from 1125 LucelenBurgensis en Opidum et Castrum LuxelenBurgensis. The name Luxembourg consists of two words of German origin: lutila (small) and burg (Castle). In later, the Middle Ages under the influence french The state began to call Luxembourg.

Early History

Initially, Luxembourg was only a Fort near the Sauer Rivers and Alzet. In 963, Count Siegfried bought strengthening and laid the castle on this place, which was made by the center of his possessions in Mozlin and in the Ardennes mountains. The male offspring of the graph ceased in 1136. Luxembourg moved through the female line to the Chart of Namur, then to the Count Limburg.

According to the Utrecht world of 1713, the part of the duke, which from 1489 remained in Spanish hands and which with some changes is the current Luxembourg, passed into the hands of Austria. In 1794, she was conquered by France, for which she strengthened the world in Campoff.

The Vienna Congress of 1815, separating from the Former Luxembourg, some areas in favor of Prussia and generally changing its randomly borders, formed an independent great duchy from him, which was part of the German Union until 1860. The crown of the Great Duchy Congress conveyed Wilhelm I, the king of the United Netherlands (Holland and Belgium), to the remuneration for his Nassau possession, and Luxembourg was in personal union with the Netherlands.

Communication with the German Union was mainly expressed in the fact that the city of Luxembourg is the strongest fortress in Europe after Gibraltar - was recognized as the fortress of the German Union and is busy with Prussian troops. Wilhelm I ruled the duke on the basis of the Netherlands laws and its discretion.

In 1830, the revolution spreading in Belgium was covered by Luxembourg; The entire territory of the Grand Duchy, with the exception of the fortress with the closest neighborhood, has moved to the power of the Belgian government. The great and small powers for 9 years led negotiations due to Luxembourg, which have repeatedly caused armed clashes. Finally, in 1839, the treatise, signed in London by representatives of the five great powers, returned half of Luxembourg to the Dutch king, on the previous beginnings, leaving another half of the Belgium.

Wilhelm II, who joined the throne in 1840, and who accepted the title of the King of the Great Duke, was supposed to be killed in 1841 a particular constitution for Luxembourg, in 1848 modified in a democratic spirit.

The new Great Duke, King of the Netherlands Wilhelm III (1849-1890), appointed his brother Henry in Luxembourg with his governor, who began systematic clashes with the Chamber. In 1856, Wilhelm III proposed the Chamber of the draft new Constitution, which made the chamber's right to the ghostly and restored the almost absolute power of the monarch; The Chamber did not accept the project, but the king dismissed it and his authority introduced a new constitution. Among the German governments, this measure was met with sympathy, and in the people she did not arouse opposition.

The destruction of the German Union in 1866 again delivered the Luxembourg question queue. Napoleon III, trying to get satisfied for the insulted pride of his country, took negotiations with Wilhelm III about buying Luxembourg. Wilhelm agreed, but the news about this agreement spread and caused indignation in Germany; The opinion of the Luxembourgs themselves, of course, was not interested. Diplomatic negotiations began; The conference gathered in London from representatives of the Great Powers proclaimed Luxembourg forever neutral, decided at the request of France, so that Prussia brought his garrison from the Luxembourg Fortress and that the most strengthening of Luxembourg was broken to the ground. Next year, Wilhelm III was forced to agree to revise the Constitution in a democratic spirit.

In 1890, Wilhelm III died, without leaving sons; Meanwhile, the Netherlands of the Prestolonian laws differed very much from the surname agreement of 1783, which determined the throne in Luxembourg.

In the Netherlands, the Crown moved to the young Wilhelmine, the daughter of Wilhelm III, and in Luxembourg - to another branch of the same house, precisely to the Duke of Adolf, the former Duke Nassau.

In the speech spoken in the ward of deputies the day after entering Luxembourg, the new duke promised to firmly defend freedom, independence and institutions of the country; "The kings die, dynasty fade, but the peoples remain," he said. His popularity was greatly staggered when the bill of the property of the Great Duke and a loan of 500 thousand for improving his palace was introduced into the ward of deputies. Maybe it was one of the reasons, as a result of which the movement against Germany intensified in the country and in favor of rapprochement with France, expressed in a number of demonstrations.

To date, there are several tiny states. For scientists, it is of great interest, as countries managed to preserve their independence in such small territories and the absence of rich natural reserves. The story helps to answer this question.

The oldest story of Luxembourg

In these territories, scientists discovered traces of ancient people belonging to the Paleolithic era. First of all, it is a dice with a decor found in Rezrgen. Also in the south of the country found permanent settlements, or rather, the remnants of structures, houses, ceramics. Moreover, not only Paleolithic, but also neolithic, bronze century.

Estimation of centuries These territories were favorable for living, just the inhabitants of them changed: Gallas appeared here in the VI - I centuries. BC; They were replaced by the Romans who included land into their empire; The invasion of francs refers to the V century. The era of the Middle Ages begins, which will bring its changes to the political and economic situation of Luxembourg.

Epoch of the Middle Ages

The most important changes occurred in the religious sector - the end of the VII century passes for local residents under the sign of the appeal to Christianity. From the point of view of politics, everything is unchanged - the territories are moving from hand to hand. First, the land as part of the Kingdom of Australia, then the reign of the Holy Roman Empire comes.

The 963 year is an important date in the history of Luxembourg, if briefly - the year of independence, however, through the exchange of territories with strategic importance. The beginning of the state put Siegfried, the owner of Lisilinburg, and the first Luxembourg column is called Conrad (from 1060). In 1354, it becomes duchy, but this change does not affect anything.

In 1477, the Dynasty of the Habsburgs comes to power, which to this day remains its influence in the country. Although the story is still characterized by permanent wars, the neighbors dreamed of duchy, mighty powers, and. This situation is preserved until the XIX century.

In the era of change

In 1842, a Customs Union was signed, it favors the development of the region. The infrastructure, the road, the Constitution was previously signed a year earlier. In 1866, Luxembourg finally becomes a sovereign state, which chooses its development path, trying to maintain neutrality, maintain peaceful, good relations with neighboring countries.