I pregnant in bodybuilding how to take. The use of gonadotropin during the steroid course, after it and on the PKT

Horionic Gonadotropin (HCG) It is a natural human hormone, which contains a placenta of a woman during pregnancy. In order to produce this drug, a woman's urine is taken as a basis when she puts out a child. Before creating HCG, the urine is purified in special laboratories. The gonadotropin of the human body is actually used, which, according to the effect, is similar to a luteinizing hormone, which is the precursor of testosterone.

Most effective way Taking the drug is not oral, but by injection. During the experiments conducted in the United States, it was found that nutritional supplements containing chorionic gonadotropin do not give absolutely no return, especially since this drug is completely prohibited for use.

How Gonadotropin acts

The action on the body of this substance completely copies the luteinizing hormone. Like him, HCG by means of signaling through the pituitary gland to the testicles, gives a command to increase testosterone production. In addition to this very important function, this substance leads to such positive results:

  • Improved sperm quality;
  • The effect of severity of secondary sexual signs (in men and women is equally);
  • Improvement of progesterone (in women);
  • The ripening of the egg is accelerated, the placenta is formed in a timely manner.

IN natural environment Chorionic gonadotropin reaches the required amount by regulating feedback in the chain, where hypothalamus, pituitary and testicles interact at the same time. With a lack of this substance in the human body, there is a decrease in the size of the testicles, and the level of natural function is reduced.

In case of artificial administration of testosterone synthetic character (or its analog), a system consisting of a hypothalamus - pituitary gland - the testicles gets used to the fact that its hormones (gonadoliberin and gonadotropin) do not work. As a result, after a while, the main function of the testicles is lost, and they become smaller in size.

How is chorionic gonadotropin in bodybuilding

Athletes who use testosterone training must necessarily apply human gonadotropin, as the prevention of undesirable consequences, the result of which the testicle atrophy may become. This is the main function of this substance.

Some inexperienced bodybuilding athletes are used by chorionic gonadotropin as a drug that stimulates an increase in muscle mass, combining it with other steroids. The reason for making such solutions is its ability to increase testosterone production. In addition, the use of this substance is practiced during the "drying" to preserve the mass of the muscles in the lack of calories in the diet.

In fact, the use of HCG in bodybuilding training for an anabolic exposure does not give any effect. On the contrary, the abuse of this drug may cause poor health. If you compare the degree of impact of this substance on the production of testosterone compared to synthetic shapes of the hormone, it is significantly lower. At the same time, side effects are much more significant.

After such information, the question arises - why then use chorionic gonadotropin?
Here you need to recall the main purpose of the drug during the use of anabolic exposure steroids - prevention of testicle atrophy.

If gonadotropin is used for a prophylactic course that reduces the risk of decreasing the size of the testicles, then the dosage is needed significantly less than achieving the effect obtained from it, as from anabolic. In this case, the risks associated with the deterioration of well-being are minimal, and the benefit from the use of the substance is maximum.

In addition, this drug softens and eliminates some consequences from the use of anabolic. Gonadotropin really can well keep the muscle mass during the "drying". If the steroid courses have a fairly long period, then HCG is indispensable as a drug that prevents the loss of the functional abilities of the axis based on the hypothalamus, hypophysies and testicles. As post-case therapy, gonadotropin is not among the recommended drugs.

What is the method of receiving chorionic gonadotropin during the course and after it

HCG is purchased in pharmacies without a recipe. Injections have both subcutaneous type of administration and intramuscular. Dry substance of the drug is divorced directly in the ampoule with a special fluid sold along with the preparation. It is best to take intramuscular injections, then they are absorbed with sufficient speed. The substance "works" in the body for five to six days.

FEATURES OF A Short Course

With a small duration of using the steroids of an anabolic nature of the impact (no more than six weeks), the need to receive gonadotropin, as such, no.

Using HCG with long-term courses allowing increased dosages

If AAC is used more regulatory time, or the recommended doses of steroids are exceeded, the gonadotropin is accepted with a frequency of at least two times a week and one-time doses from 250 to 500 IU. In the case when this substance was not used during such stress courses, its use is mandatory in post-case therapy, during which the doses are prescribed significantly more in terms of volume - up to 2000 IU. Injection frequency with this option - once every two days with a duration of three weeks.

How to apply gonadotropin at the "eternal course"

Many athletes professional level Anabolic exposure steroids are used almost all the time, therefore the drug is recommended to receive in constant mode. The only thing that needs to be observed is periodic breaks up to one to two weeks after every five weeks of reception.

What side effects can manifest after taking hgch

Like each medical preparation, chorionic gonadotropin has its own side effects, the main of which are listed below:

  • The production of gonadotropin-release hormone is suppressed;
  • The functioning of the system consisting of hypothalamus, pituitary and testicles is violated;
  • The manifestations of gynecomastia are found;
  • Acne appear;
  • The amount of hair on the body increases;
  • The effect of masculinization in women increases;
  • The size of the prostate and other increases.

What reviews are the most common about hgch

In most cases, the reviews of bodybuilders who use it during post-case therapy, as well as when receiving long and "heavy" courses of steroids of anabolic effects, quite positive. Although gonadotropin can also take both women, it is most effective for men, since it does not eliminate the effect of aromatization.

Negative reviews about this drug practically does not occur, since its use, like anabolics, is not recommended. As a rule, negative reviews write those people who are trying to increase 10 kg of muscles in one course, and at the same time lose weight.
The fake of the drug was not noticed because its sale is not limited.

During the course of the course of anabolic steroids (AC), each athlete is obliged to remember the possible adverse reactions of the organism and arising from this problems. The most common of them are:

  • gynecomastia (rising mammary glands in men)
  • acne on her face
  • excessive cluster of fluid under the skin
  • reduced libido and others.

These consequences can be caused by various reasons - the individual features of the body, an illiterately constructed AC reception scheme, which leads to the imbalance of drugs in the course, as well as sharp drops of hormonal background.

In the arsenal of each professionally training bodybuilder there must be a certain set of drugs. These include:

  • mineral Vitamin Complexes
  • anabolizers
  • adaptogens
  • hormonal agents and others.

Horionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - refers to the group of protein hormones, which occurs in the placenta (uterus) of pregnant women. Gonadotropin is synthesized in the body of a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy and is the basis for the subsequent formation of estrogen and progestins in the yellow body. HCG comes from the bloodstream in the kidneys and is later excreted from the body with urine, which is subsequently used to produce a hormone in the form of a drug. The introduction of gonadotropin into the body of a woman contributes to ovulation, and increases its chances to become pregnant.

The attention of Bodybuilders Gonadotropin attracted for another reason. The fact is that this hormone has in fact the same properties as the luteinizing hormone, which occurs in the pituitary. The young man luteinizing hormone provokes the formation of genital cells in the testicles, stimulates interstitial cells (lesidig cells) and contributes to the production of genital steroids - testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

Today, many researchers from the United States agreed that for the maximum effect, chorionic gonadotropin should be taken as an injection. His use is orally, for example, as a dietary supplement, does not lead to expected results.

How to take gonadotropin in bodybuilding

The drug HCG for injection (for intravenous or intramuscular input) is located in a free sale in any pharmacy. The medication solution is prepared with a liquid (usually sodium chloride), which is attached to the medicine. Gonadotropin almost instantly enters blood and begins its action. Moreover, it is unique in its property to influence the body "in two waves" - the first peak of the level of the hormone is 2 hours after the reception, when the concentration of plasmotheosterone in the blood turns out to be maximum; The second is 46-48 hours from the moment of injection.
If we talk about in what quantity it is necessary to prick gonadotropin in bodybuilding, then its dosage depends directly from both the AC scheme and its intensity.

  1. If the AU cycle lasts less than 5-6 weeks and one steroid is accepted in small doses, then there is no need for hCG;
  2. In the case of a longer use of ac, or overestimated doses are used (two or more steroids are used), then two injections should be made per week with a dosage from 250-500 interfaces. units. It is possible to increase the dosage of hormone (up to 2000 meters, for example, post-case therapy). Injections should be done every other day for three weeks. Of course, it is necessary to remember that the approach to the admission of hCG for all individuals depends on the characteristics of the body and from drugs as part of the AU Course.
  3. If we are talking about longer steroid courses (from three months and more), it is recommended to include a preparation on an ongoing basis. In this case, it is advisable after four to five weeks to take a break for one or two weeks for it and then conduct a re-receiving course.

Side Effects of Gonadotropin

During the reception of gonadotropin, similar side effects may occur as when taking testosterone:

  • milk iron swelling
  • baldness / raising body hairiness
  • the appearance of acne
  • increase prostate size
  • masculinization in women.

To date, HCG remains one of the most popular hormones among professional athletes. However, despite the beliefs of some athletes, HCG is not able to replace steroids and does not have a fat burning effect. Also, you should be careful when using it to raise the testosterone level - HCG is invalid doping.

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (reduced HCG) is formed exclusively in the placenta of a pregnant woman, being a natural hormone. It is obtained in the conditions of a laboratory from the urine of a woman during pregnancy. His impact on a person is similar to a luteinizing hormone - testosterone predecessor.

Oral reception HCG is not effective. This was proven during numerous studies. Experiments spent in the United States of America proved that nutritional supplements with chorionic gonadotropin do not give any result. The use of the substance itself in the United States is prohibited.

The impact of HCHG on the human body is similar to the luteinizing hormone. It also signals, passing the pituitary gland, about the active stimulation of testosterone. HCG in the form of a drug, in addition to improving the production of male hormone, enhances the quality properties of sperm, makes secondary sexual signs and in women, and men are much more pronounced. For female representatives, chorionic gonadotropin enhances the synthesis of progesterone, significantly enhances the ripening rate of eggs. In addition, this drug helps to form a placenta.

The amount of HCH has produced allows you to regulate feedback in the interaction chain of the axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicle. The deficiency of chorionic gonadotropin provokes a decrease in the size and functionality of the testicles. Increase the concentration of this human hormone allows artificial administration of both synthetic testosterone and its diverse analogs, which allows the hypoglamic-pituitary-gonodny system to understand the absence of the need to synthesize gonadotropin and gonadoliberin. This provokes the loss of the testicles of its functions that become much smaller.

Use hgch bodybuilding

The use of gonadotropin is recommended to those athletes that take testosterone and its counterparts. It helps to avoid the atrophy of the testicles, which is considered the main function of this drug. Bodybuilders who do not have greater experience are used by hCG in combination courses for muscle growth. Due to the fact that this drug increases the level of testosterone synthesis, and accept it. It is used including during the "drying" period to save muscular weight Against the background of low calorie content.

Chorionic gonadotropin, as studies have shown, is ineffective for admission to an anabolic goal in bodybuilding. This is due to the fact that it can provoke numerous problems. Stimulation of testosterone synthesis, rendered by this drug, much less than in other synthetic forms of this hormone, and side effects are much higher. Therefore, many are wondering about what, and then, then take HCG. His main advantage that Bodybuilder receives, taking it, is to prevent the atrophy of the testicles.

Gonadotropin consumption B. preventive purposes To prevent the decrease in the testicles requires small dosages. Consequently, the reception of this drug with this goal minimizes those risks that receive when it exhibits anabolic properties. The main advantage of the means on the course of anabolic steroids is that it can significantly reduce the negative consequences of many of these drugs. Its use is allowed during the period of "drying" to preserve muscle mass. If HCG is administered for a long time, it allows you to maintain the axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary testicle functioning. Take this preparation on post-case therapy is not recommended.

Rules for receiving chorionic gonadotropin during the period and after the end of the course

You can purchase chorionic gonadotropin without any recipe in the pharmacy. It is produced in the form of injections for administration subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The drug is first bred by a special fluid attached to it, inside the ampoule. Injections are enhanced inside the muscles. The substance is very quickly absorbed, and at least five to six days acts.

Short term

When anabolic steroids take no longer than five or six weeks, then there is no need for HCG injections.

Long course

Large dosages or use of anabolic steroids for a long time requires administration from 250 to 500 milligrams of chorionic gonadotropin twice a week. When a heavyweight HCG is not applied, it is taken on post-case therapy, which requires a dosage of 2,000 milligrams. The drug is introduced three weeks every other day.

"Eternal" course

Professional bodybuilders use anabolic steroids almost always. This means that taking chorionic gonadotropin is required regularly. Every five weeks necessarily a break for seven or fourteen days.

Possible side effects

The use of hCG can lead to the following negative effects:

  • suppress the generation of gonadotropin-release of the hormone;
  • provoke the dysfunction of the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicle chain;
  • lead to gynecomastia and masculinization;
  • cause the appearance of acne;
  • cause afforestation and increase body hairiness;
  • enlarge the prostate in size.

The content of the article:

Gonadotropin is a hormone synthesized in the placenta during pregnancy. After that, it is excreted from the body with the urine. According to its properties, it is identical to the luteinizing hormone produced by the pituitary. You can purchase the drug in the pharmacy without a recipe. Currently, chorionic gonadotropin in bodybuilding is used everywhere.

Effects of chorionic gonadotropin

The body regulates the content of the hormone using feedback on the axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary testicle. Among the main properties of gonadotropin can be noted:

  • Stimulates the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones;
  • Prevents atrophy of the testicles;
  • Accelerates the restoration of the body after the course of steroids.
Athletes use a drug with long-term courses of anabolic tools to prevent possible testicular atrophy.

Gonadotropin in Bodybuilding

Bodybuilders are important only one property of the drug - acceleration of testosterone synthesis in the testicles. Due to this, chorionic gonadotropin in bodybuilding is used as an anabolic to accelerate the growth of muscle tissue mass, as an additional weight loss means and as one of the components of post-case therapy.

Despite the possibility of using gonadotropin as an anabolic agent, this step is not justified from the point of view of security for the body. There are two reasons for it. The first is the low efficiency of the drug as an anabolic. It is significantly inferior to any steroid.

The second reason is the need to use overestimated dosages exceeding 4000 IU over the week. This can lead to a violation of the functions of the axis of the hypothalamus-pituitary testicle. This is the reason for negative reviews About the preparation. However, chorionic gonadotropin in bodybuilding performs a different task and does it very effectively.

The use of the drug athletes during anabolic courses is not only justified, but also necessary. This makes it possible to prevent egg atrophy and not one drug does not make it so efficient as gonadotropin. The use of funds in these purposes cannot cause damage to health, as dosages are within acceptable. In addition, thanks to the gonadotropin athletes reduce the risk of occurrence side EffectsSome anabolic steroids and some extent reduce rollback.

The use of the drug is necessary in cases where the duration of the steroid cycle exceeds six weeks or athletes use overestimated doses of steroids. Much less often the drug is used during post-case therapy, and they use before it.

Gonadotropin as a fat burner

Not so long ago, a study was conducted, confirming that the tool can be used for weight loss to preserve the mass of muscle tissues. Of course, according to the results of one study, far-reaching conclusions are premature. However, it was found that gonadotropin is capable of programming the hypothalamus to burn fat stocks and at the same time protect muscle mass from catabolic reactions.

At the same time, it should be used small and safe doses for about 125 milligram daily. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to a low-calorie diet, no more than 500 kcal throughout the day. Currently, such a diet is already practiced in specialized centers for weight loss. It is also worth noting that when using gonadotropin to accelerate fat-burning processes, it is necessary to increase the amount of vitamins and protein compounds in the diet.

Dosage gonadotropin

Now produces a huge amount of drugs in which Gonadotropin is contained. Injection funds are quite painless and it is instantly absorbed into the blood. The drug is a powder that needs to be breeding in a liquid supplied with gonadotropin.

If the duration of the course does not exceed six weeks, only one steroid is used and its dosages are not exceeded, then use chorionic gonadotropin in bodybuilding. But when the duration of the course is more than 6 weeks or high doses of anabolics are used, it is necessary to apply the tool. Starting the gonadotropin course should be from the second week of the cycle, and the dosage of the drug ranges from 250 to 500 IU during the week. During this period, two injections are made per week.

After removing steroids from the body of Gonadotropin, it makes no sense, and it is necessary to begin to conduct post-aware rehabilitation. If an anabolic cycle lasts for several months, then the drug must be taken constantly. After each fourth or fifth week of using gonadotropin should be made a weekly break. According to numerous studies, such a reception scheme brings the maximum effect.

When the tool was not used in the composition of the long or heavy cycle of the anabolics, then it must be administered to the post-therapy. In this case, the dosage is 2000 Me once every two days within 20 days. The effectiveness of the exposure to gonadotropin can be defined only with the help of analyzes.

The size of the testicles in the reception of the chorionic gonadotropin

As mentioned above, the use of steroids leads to the suppression of the synthesis of luteinizing hormone, which is necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the testicles. If the anabolic preparations have been used for more than 12 weeks, the volume of leilding cells will decrease by 90%. Also significantly reduce the production of natural testosterone by 98%. It should be noted that leilding cells make up only 5% of the total weight of the egg. Thus, in size, it is difficult to judge its performance.

Most often, gonadotropin is used in sports and bodybuilding, however, the use of it is much more extensive. Athletes he helps produce more testosterone, manifests anabolic effectFor women, the therapy of HCG is sometimes required not only during pregnancy, but before it. Restoration menstrual cycle, improvement of the work of the yellow body, follicle stimulation - All this requires use this means. How to take gonadotropin in all these cases to not harm yourself?

Dosage and reception mode hCG

Gonadotropin in tablets does not apply because it has low efficiency, therefore, they are injected into the muscle injections. Here it is quickly absorbed, and therefore, it begins to work more actively. It is possible to make injections on our own, but only if you have the necessary skills in order not to damage other important areas next to the muscle.

The drug dosage is selected in each case purely individually. Pharmacies are usually provided with gonadotropin in doses of 500 months and up to 10,000 meters, which allows you to immediately dissolve the right amount of medication, making one injection.

The standard applied dosages of gonadotropin will be listed below, but it is necessary to use it only on the prescriptions of the doctor. No need to forget that the wrong treatment of this medicine can bring many problems, as well as tighten the treatment of the main disease. So, standard dosages for various pathologies are usually the following:

  • When stimulating the yellow body, it is enough to use HCG in the amount of 1500 IU per day of ovulation (i.e., on the third, sixth and ninth day), or to roll 5000 meters at a time.
  • With threats, the miscarriage is prescribed at the beginning of 10,000 IU, then continue therapy weekly 5000 meters twice. Application deadlines are strictly limited. You need to start and complete the treatment, respectively, from 8 to 14 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Gonadotropin injections are made in the same way to maintain pregnancy, if the woman had previously had familiar unbearability. The dosage in this case is similar to the miscarriage appointed during threats.
  • Stimulation of growth in follicles precedes further reproductive activities. In the latter case, there is enough unite introduction of 10,000 gonadotropin, so that after 34 hours it was possible to select the ripe egg.
  • In cases of development delays, HCG is prescribed in the amount of 3000-5000 IU for 3 months each week. Such a dosage is suitable for teenagers, the HCG 500, 1500 or 2000 hours is more often used for men 2-3 times a week. The course of therapy is selected individually and can last 1.5-3 months.
  • Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is treated with a combination with menotropic. 1500-6000 megadotropin are introduced at a time.
  • Up to 6 years, the boys in cryptorchism ripen either 500 IU twice a week or a one-time 1000 IU for 6 weeks. After 6 years, the dosage of gonadotropin increases and will amount to 1500 me, and it is necessary to enter the medicine twice a week.

Rules for the injection of gonadotropin

Sold hCG in the pharmacy, usually in the form of a powder for injection, which is after divorced by either a special solution or water for injection. The dilution of the drug at home is made as follows:

  1. Remove the rubber protective cover without printing the bottle;
  2. Wipe it with alcohol;
  3. In a clean syringe, dial water for injection (2 ml) and, without removing the covers from the bottle, pierce it with a needle and enter the liquid in slower;
  4. Diluted medicine should not shake, leave in the sun or in any way to warm;
  5. Imagine a solution into the cavity without removing the syringe and make an injection.

The gonadotropin injection is done as any other intramuscle. The safest area is a bodied muscle, not all, but only the upper part of it. In order not to hurt a sedlicate nerve, we mentally spend the cross on the buttock.

The upper outdoor of the hip is best place For independent intramuscular injection. Naturally, before the procedure, and after it it is necessary to treat a plot with alcohol.

To storage drug Also need to approach correctly so that it does not deteriorate. So, gonadotropin chorionic should be stored in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!), Especially if it has already been divorced. You can pick up for it and another cool place, the main thing is that the temperature is not higher than 10-12 degrees.