Chanting speech is characteristic of multiple sclerosis and other disorders. Chanted speech and factors causing it

speech disorder in which the patient speaks slowly, pronouncing syllables and words separately; observed with damage to the cerebellum; characteristic symptom multiple sclerosis.

  • - daily newspaper with attachments, center. organ of the Cadet Party. Came out in St. Petersburg from Feb. 1906 under the fact. ed. P. N. Milyukov and I. V. Gessen ...

    Soviet Historical Encyclopedia

  • - communication through language, a system of principles of language use. Depending on the activity and on the texture, it is carried out as listening and speaking or reading and writing ...

    Literary encyclopedia

  • - using language means to communicate with other people; specific speaking, occurring in sound or writing. By yu we mean both the speaking process itself and the result of this process ...

    Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism


    Postmodernism. Glossary of terms

  • - a form of communication that has developed historically in the process of material transforming activities of people, mediated by language ...

    Great psychological encyclopedia

  • - a historically developed form of communication - people through linguistic structures created on the basis of certain rules ...

    Psychological Dictionary

  • - Historically established form of communication between people through language. There are complex dialectical relationships between R. and language: R. is carried out according to the rules of language and, at the same time, under the influence of a number of factors, it ...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms

  • - - a form of communication between people through language ...

    Pedagogical terminological dictionary

  • - The river and speech, God created you with a single inspiration. No one can beat you, There is no dam for your flesh ...

    Encyclopedia of mythology

  • - English. discourse; German Rede / Sprach. Type of human communication; communication mediated by "language ...

    Encyclopedia of Sociology

  • - one of the types of human communicative activity - the use of language means to communicate with other members of the language community. R. is understood as the process of speaking and its result ...

    Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - I is an important mechanism of intellectual activity, a form of communication between people and a way of existence of consciousness ...

    Medical encyclopedia

  • - a historically established form of human communication, through the use of the capabilities of the language to communicate with other members of the language community ...

    Financial vocabulary

  • - See LANGUAGE -...
  • - not from"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - See ROSE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

"Scandalous speech" in books

Bella Akhmadulina. Speech and speech are indissoluble ... Selected poems and articles

From the book Poetry of the Peoples of the Caucasus translated by Bella Akhmadulina author Abashidze Grigol

Bella Akhmadulina. Speech and speech are indissoluble ... Selected poems and articles POEMS TO BE TRANSLATED A poem to be translated has a difficult, threefold life. It fully exists in its native language and then seems to die in

Speech delivered in the Chamber of Deputies on January 27, 1848 during the discussion of the draft wishes in response to the throne speech

From the book Democracy in America author de Tocqueville Alexis

Speech delivered in the Chamber of Deputies on January 27, 1848 during the discussion of the draft wishes in response to the Lord's speech to the throne! I do not intend to continue the discussion of that particular issue that is raised here. I believe this will prove to be more useful when we have to

31: Speech

From the author's book

31: Speech I can't even believe I'm here. It is now November 2003, and I am sitting on a low stage in a huge lecture hall with my colleague Munyani, who has just addressed the audience in the audience. There are about 350 people gathered here who are waiting for my speech. I

What are we talking about?

From the book The Milky Way, 2012 # 02 (2) author Ipatova Natalia

What are we talking about? In one moment to see Eternity, A huge world - in a grain of sand, In a single handful - infinity, And the sky - in a flower cup. W. Blake What kind of "single handful" to choose for presentation to the reader of the huge Pimenov world? Politics, history, philosophy?


From the book Volume 4 author Engels Friedrich


5.3. A linguist's point of view: children's speech as colloquial speech

From the book Psycholinguistics author Frumkina Rebekah Markovna

5.3. A linguist's perspective: children's speech as colloquial speech As mentioned above, English-speaking specialists in DR are practically all psychologists without exception. Analyzing DR, they relied on the authority of English-speaking linguists. The latter, being followers of Chomsky,

Speech-appeal, or Motivation speech

author Apanasik Valery

Invocation or Incentive Speech Incentive speech is speech in a situation that requires a decision about future actions. She encourages you to do this or not do that. For example, starting a war or making peace, investing in a project or cutting costs,

Speech - a discussion of a fact, or Judgment speech

From the book Speak Like Putin? Talking better than Putin! author Apanasik Valery

Speech - a discussion of a fact, or a court speech The second situation for a speech, which has been relevant practically from the very beginning of the democratic world order, is the clarification and qualification of facts. The most typical example is litigation. Judges, prosecutor, lawyers

Speech - the statement of values, or Solemn speech

From the book Speak Like Putin? Talking better than Putin! author Apanasik Valery

Speech - the affirmation of values, or Solemn speech We come to the most important type of speech for any leader - solemnity. Here the speaker refers to the present, to what we consider to be praiseworthy or blameworthy. To what is good and what is bad. In a word, to

Theophanes, Bishop of Nicea, the first speech, answering a question about the Divine light shown to the apostles on Mount Tabor (given by someone with evil intent and out of idle curiosity), and resolving some inevitable disagreements; it will talk about the Divine essence

author author unknown

Theophanes, Bishop of Nicea, the first speech, answering a question about the Divine light shown to the apostles on Mount Tabor (given by someone with evil intent and out of idle curiosity), and resolving some inevitable disagreements; in it

The third speech, in which the statement of the divine Maxim is brought forward against us by the heretics-Akindinists: "This most divine Light that shone on Tabor is nothing but a symbol"; and this speech proves that this Light is both a symbol and a truth

From Anthology of Eastern Christian Theological Thought, Volume II author author unknown

The third speech, in which the statement of the divine Maxim is brought forward against us by the heretics-Akindinists: "This most divine Light that shone on Tabor is nothing but a symbol"; and this speech proves that this Light is simultaneously

CHAPTER 36. Conversations in the Temple. The parable of the two sons. The parable of the evil winegrowers. It's about the stone rejected by the builders. Parable about the wedding feast. Jesus' Answer to the Pharisees about Tribute to Caesar. The Resurrection Answer to the Sadducees. The answer to the lawyer about the greatest commandment. Speech about Christ: Whose Son is He? Exposing the scribes and fa

From the book Interpretation of the Gospel author Gladkov Boris Ilyich

CHAPTER 36. Conversations in the Temple. The parable of the two sons. The parable of the evil winegrowers. It's about the stone rejected by the builders. Parable about the wedding feast. Jesus' Answer to the Pharisees about Tribute to Caesar. The Resurrection Answer to the Sadducees. The answer to the lawyer about the greatest commandment. Speech about Christ: Whose Son is He?

3. I will camp around you and constrain you with watchful eyes, and I will erect fortifications against you. 4. And you will be humiliated, you will speak from the earth, and your speech will be deaf from under the dust, and your voice will be like the voice of a ventriloquist, and from under the dust your speech will whisper.

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

3. I will camp around you and constrain you with watchful eyes, and I will erect fortifications against you. 4. And you will be humiliated, you will speak from the ground, and your speech will be deaf from under the dust, and your voice will be like the voice of a ventriloquist, and from under the dust, speech will whisper.

Chapter 2. 1-9. The second speech of the prophet Haggai speaks of the despondency of the builders of the second Jerusalem temple due to its poverty in comparison with the temple of Solomon and, in this regard, heralds the greatest glory of the future temple in Messianic times. 10-19. The third speech reinforces the zeal of the people discovered by the people

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 7 author Lopukhin Alexander

Chapter 2. 1-9. The second speech of the prophet Haggai speaks of the despondency of the builders of the second Jerusalem temple due to its poverty in comparison with the temple of Solomon and, in this regard, heralds the greatest glory of the future temple in Messianic times. 10-19. The third speech reinforces

Chapter XXXIII. Once again the chapel and the crying village. I. weeping speech. My farewell visit to the Chapel of Joy. Farewell evening feast at the Radanda Community. I.'s last speech on it. Our departure to Ali Community

From the book Two Lives author Antarova Kora Evgenievna

Chapter XXXIII. Once again the chapel and the crying village. I. weeping speech. My farewell visit to the Chapel of Joy. Farewell evening feast at the Radanda Community. I.'s last speech on it. Our departure to the Ali Community In my mind I accompanied the whole caravan on a long journey through the desert. How many times already

When a doctor tells some of his patients (or his parents) that the visitor has a chanted speech, most often he has to explain what he means. The term is poorly understood even by a literate person who fully understands what a chant is. Meanwhile, the sounded symptom is very serious and, if detected, requires a detailed and multidirectional examination.

What is a chanted speech

Doctors have identified a huge number of speech disorders. But ordinary members of society will recall offhand only stuttering and bursting. But the chanted speech is one of the three most common. Identifying her is no more difficult than lisping. The person with the chanting speech speaks extremely slowly, almost reciting. Words are pronounced literally in syllables, similar to how children read from an ABC book. Monotony is also characteristic of such speech, although the opposite situation is also possible, when the patient practically emphasizes each syllable in intonation or pronounced stress.

Why do people chant

Chanting speech most often appears in people with pathological lesions of the cerebellum or other parts of the brain closely related to it. It is also considered a symptom very characteristic of multiple sclerosis. And the more it progresses, the more this defect manifests itself.

Often, chanting speech occurs after strokes. Almost always - if the hemorrhage is localized in the cerebellar hemispheres or directly in the brain stem. Hemorrhage of traumatic origin as a result of craniocerebral trauma often also leads to the appearance of chanting.

Such speech impairment can be a consequence of intoxication with lead and mercury compounds.

Treatment is always preceded by the identification of the reasons why the chanted speech appeared. And therapy is aimed at eliminating them, and it is coordinated with a number of narrow-profile specialists: ENT, otoneurologist, neurophysiologist, neurooculist, etc.

Baby chant

The situation is somewhat different with children. The chanted speech of the child can also be caused by the pathological course of pregnancy (fetal hypoxia, toxicosis, especially early, Rh-conflict). Birth trauma and birth asphyxia, prematurity and a strong degree of the so-called jaundice of newborns are recognized as possible factors of its occurrence. The consequences of many of the risk factors can be eliminated by identifying the speech defect early.

Chanting speech is a speech disorder in which the patient speaks slowly, pronouncing syllables and words separately; observed with damage to the cerebellum; a characteristic symptom of multiple sclerosis ...

  • Weisman symptom (Weisman; syn. Hoffa-Schilder phenomenon of "attempts to imitate") - the inability for a patient with closed eyes to give his leg the same position that is given to his other leg by the doctor; observed with damage to the cerebellum ...
  • News about Speech chanted

    • The world's first trial of gene therapy for Parkinson's disease begins. Scientists hope that the new method will become an effective alternative to existing treatments, both pharmacological and surgical, which are known to have serious side effects. M
    • British researchers are trying to use a harmless form of the AIDS virus to prevent organ transplant rejection. HIV is dangerous primarily because it has the ability to embed its genetic material into the DNA of ordinary non-dividing cells. Researchers from Cambridge

    Discussion Speech chanted

    • Good day! Doctor, how do you feel about cytamines? A friend tells me that this is almost a panacea for all diseases today. He says that at this time these are the best dietary supplements. Is it so?
    • Check out the article on www. rabaev. narod. Common crawl en Peyronie's disease (syn.: fibrous cavernositis and plastic induration of the penis) is characterized by the formation of a lesion or scar tissue of a plaque-like or longitudinal shape under the skin of the penile shaft, which often leads to b


    speech disorder in which the patient speaks slowly, pronouncing syllables and words separately; observed with damage to the cerebellum; a characteristic symptom of multiple sclerosis.

    Medical terms. 2012

    See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is SCANDED SPEECH in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    • SPEECH
      Historically developed form of communication between people through language. There are complex dialectical relationships between R. and language: R. is carried out according to the rules of language and, ...
    • SPEECH in Miller's dream book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
      Hearing the speech of a government person in a dream means that you will quarrel with a friend. If you dream that you are discussing someone ...
    • SPEECH in Medical terms:
      a specifically human form of activity serving communication between people through ...
    • SPEECH in the Pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary:
      , a form of communication (communication) of people through language. Verbal communication organizes joint activities of people, promotes knowledge of each other, is an essential factor ...
    • SPEECH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      one of the types of human communicative activity is the use of language means to communicate with other members of the language community. By speech they mean ...
    • SPEECH
      a daily newspaper with supplements, the central organ of the Cadet Party. It was published in St. Petersburg from February 1906 under the actual edition of P.N. ...
    • SPEECH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
      speech activity, communication, mediated by language, one of the types of communicative (see. Communication) human activity. R. arose in the collective as a means ...
      great daily polit. and a literary newspaper published in St. Petersburg. from February 23, 1906 with the close participation of P. N. Milyukov ...
    • SPEECH NEWSPAPER 1903-4 in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
      a daily social and literary magazine published in St. Petersburg. in 1903-4. Ed.-ed. S. S. ...
    • SPEECH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
      is formed in the oral cavity and pharynx "due to a change in their shape and shape, and if the vocal apparatus is involved, ...
    • SPEECH in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    • SPEECH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      specific speaking, flowing in time and clothed in sound (including internal pronunciation) or written form... Speech is understood not only ...
    • SPEECH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      , -and, pl. speech, -ey, ac. 1. Ability to speak, speaking. Have a speech. Hindered r. Distinct p. The gift of speech (ability to speak, ...
    • SPEECH
      ARTISTIC (poetic speech), aesthetic realization. language functions. The specificity of artwork is the maximum organization and the expressive-semantic significance of each of its elements. Formed in ...
    • SPEECH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      POSPOLITA (Polish. Rzeczpospolita - republic), officer. name united Polish-Lithuanian. states from the time of the Union of Lublin 1569 to 1795. In 1772-95 in ...
    • SPEECH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      "SPEECH", daily newspaper, center. organ of the Cadet Party, 1906-17, St. Petersburg (Petrograd). Fact. ed. - I.V. Hesse, P.N. Milyukov. Closed after Oct. ...
    • SPEECH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      one of the types of human communicative activity is the use of language means to communicate with other members of the language community. R. is understood ...
    • SPEECH in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
      ? is formed in the oral cavity and pharynx "due to a change in their shape and shape, and if the voice is involved ...
    • SPEECH in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
      re "chi, re" chi, re "chi, speech" y, re "chi, speech" m, re "ch, re" chi, re "chyu, speech" mi, re "chi, ...
    • SPEECH in the Dictionary of Epithets:
      1. Ability to speak, express one's thoughts; conversation, conversation. About the nature of pronunciation or pronunciation; about the manner of speaking, about the emotional coloring of speech. ...
    • SPEECH in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
      - specific speaking, flowing in time and clothed in sound (including internal pronunciation) or written form. R. is understood as ...
    • SPEECH in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
      1) The activity of the speaker, using the means of language to communicate with other members of the given language community (speaking) or to address himself ...
    • SPEECH in the Popular Explanatory and Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
      -and, well. 1) only units. Ability to speak, to express thoughts in words. Organs of speech. Speech disorder. Have a speech. 2) only units. Tongue …
    • SPEECH
      She is being held ...
    • SPEECH in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
      She is not subject to ...
    • SPEECH in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
      What keeps ...
    • SPEECH in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
      word, sentence, phrase, speech, toast, toast, allocation, diatribe, race, tirade, philippic, presentation, syllable, style, pen. The speech is meaningless, honey flowing, heartfelt, sweet, ...
    • SPEECH in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
      speech, -and, pl. -and, ...
    • SPEECH in the Complete Russian Spelling Dictionary:
      speech, -and, pl. -and, ...
    • SPEECH in the Spelling Dictionary:
      speech, -and, pl. -and, ...
    • SPEECH in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
      ability to speak, speaking To own speech. Hindered r. Distinct p. The gift of speech (ability to speak, as well as eloquence). speech sounding language Russian ...
    • SPEECH
      speech, pl. speeches, speeches, f. 1.units only. Ability to use the language of words. Speech is one of the signs that distinguish a person from ...
    • ENCEPHALITIS VIRAL in the Medical Dictionary:
      Viral encephalitis is an acute infectious inflammation of the brain caused by the direct action of the pathogen (primary encephalitis) or by an inflammatory reaction that develops in response ...
    • MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS in the Medical Dictionary:
      Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic demyelinating disease of the brain and spinal cord, characterized by the development of scattered (in time and space) foci of demyelination ...
    • MIGRATION OF THE PANCULAR RHYTHM DRIVER in the Medical Dictionary:
      Migration of the supraventricular pacemaker is a rhythm characterized by a gradual displacement of the pacemaker from the sinus node towards the atrioventricular node. On …
    • ATAXIA in the Medical Dictionary:
    • in the Medical Dictionary:
      Ataxia is a movement disorder that is manifested in the inability to coordinate voluntary movements; may be the result of cerebellar disorders, motor or sensory disorders ...
    • FRIEDREICH'S DISEASE in Explanatory dictionary psychiatric terms:
      (Friedreich N., 1863). Hereditary familial disease characterized by progressive ataxia and pyramidal paraparesis. Loss of coordination and impaired voluntary movements gradually increase. Begins ...
    • MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS in the Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms:
      Chronic disease of the brain and spinal cord of unclear etiology. Morphologically - focal micronecrosis, demyelination, subsequent sclerosis (formation of "plaques" from gliofibrous tissue), ...
    • MARBURGH PENTADA in the Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms:
      (Marburg O., 1936). A set of symptoms characteristic of multiple sclerosis: bitemporal blanching of the optic nerve discs or their atrophy, loss of abdominal reflexes, ...
    • MIGRAINE, cerebellar in Medical terms:
      M., accompanied by cerebellar symptoms (asynergy, chanted speech, intentional tremor, etc.); observed with circulatory disorders in the basilar and vertebral systems ...
    • ATAXIA in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
      (Greek ataxia - disorder, from a - negative particle and taxis - order), disorder of coordination of voluntary movements. For accurate and ...
    • SCANDED in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
      chanted, chanted; chanted, chanted, chanted (lit.). And. suffering. last time. from ...

    When a doctor tells some of his patients (or his parents) that a visitor has a chanted speech, most often he has to explain what he means. The term is incomprehensible, even to a literate person, quite imagines what a chant is. Meanwhile, the sounded symptom is quite serious and, if detected, requires a detailed and multidirectional examination.

    What is a chanted speech

    Physicians have discovered a huge number of speech disorders. But ordinary members of society will recall offhand only stuttering and bursting. But the chanted speech is one of the three most common. Recognizing her is no more difficult than lisp. The man in the chanting speech speaks extremely slowly, almost reciting. Words are pronounced literally in syllables, like children read from an ABC book. Monotony is also characteristic of such a language, although the opposite situation is also possible, when the patient actually emphasizes every composition in intonation or pronounced stress.

    Why do people chant

    Chanting speech most often appears in people with pathological lesions of the cerebellum or other parts of the brain associated with it. It is also considered a symptom very characteristic of multiple sclerosis. And the more it progresses, the more this defect manifests itself. Often, chanting speech occurs after strokes. Almost always - if the hemorrhage is localized in the cerebellar hemispheres or in the brain stem. Hemorrhage of traumatic origin as a result of traumatic brain injury often causes chanting.
    Such speech impairment can be the result of intoxication with lead and mercury compounds. The treatment is always preceded by the identification of the reasons for which the chanted speech appeared. And therapy is aimed at eliminating them, and it is consistent with a number of narrow-profile specialists: ENT, otoneurologist, neurophysiologist, neurooculist, etc.

    Baby chant

    The situation is a little different with children. The child's chanted speech can also be caused by the pathological course of pregnancy (fetal hypoxia, toxicosis, especially early ones, Rh-conflict). Birth trauma, birth asphyxia, prematurity and a severe degree of so-called neonatal jaundice are recognized as possible factors of its occurrence. The consequences of many risk factors can be eliminated by identifying a speech defect in the early stages.