System Split in the gym. Split training: choose the perfect system

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, it is enough to introduce the necessary word, and we will give you a list of its values. I would like to note that our site provides data from different sources - encyclopedic, intelligent, word-forming dictionaries. Also here you can get acquainted with examples of using the word you entered.

The meaning of the word split

split in the Crosswordist Dictionary


Economic Dictionary Terminov


separation, crushing unrealized shares of corporations, a joint stock company for a large number of less large shares in order to facilitate their distribution. It is carried out subject to the maintenance of the total amount to which the shares are issued.

Dictionary of Financial Terms

Split (fraction)

fractionation (division) of one share in several parts of a smaller nominal value without changing share capital.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Split (Split) city in Croatia, port on the Adriatic m. 260 thousand inhabitants (1985). International Airport. Shipbuilding; Cement, chemical, tobacco, textile industry. Art Gallery, Gallery Mesault. Archaeological Museum, Croatian Antiquities Museum. Tourism. Climate resort. The remains of the Palace of Emperor Diocletian (approx. 300; Includes mausoleum, from 7th century Cathedral), Palaces and houses 15-16 centuries, Gothic Town Hall (15th century), Church (11-16 centuries). Near Split - the ruins of the ancient G. Salon (2 V. BC er - 4th century n. E.).


(Split), city and port in Yugoslavia, in the Socialist Republic of Croatia, on the Adriatic Sea coast. 158 thousand inhabitants (1974). By cargo turnover, the second port (after Rieki) in the country (1.8 million tons in 1972) and the first passenger traffic (over 1.4 million people per year). Together with the nearest settlements form a large industrial node of Yugoslavia. Shipbuilding, cement (about 1/2 products of the country), chemical and food industry; textile enterprises; HPP. In S. ≈ Biolean-Oceanographic Research Institute. Sea, archaeological, ethnographic, etc. Museums. Art gallery (mostly yugosl. Art), Gallery I. Mesault. Center for tourism and seaside resort. Monument of architecture ≈ Old Roman Diocletian Palace (about 300, see ill.), the basis of which the principles of the military camps were laid; In the inside of the complex, administrative and economic buildings were located, Mausoleum Diocletian and the Temple of Jupiter (in the Middle Ages turned into a cathedral and baptistery). The medieval part of C. (inside and to Z. from the palace) retained numerous samples of gothic, renaissance and baroque architecture.

Lit.: Kečkemet D., Bibliografija o Splitu, Dio 1≈2, Split. 1955≈56.


Split (city)

Split - City in Croatia with more than 1700-year history. The largest city of Dalmatia and the second largest city in the country after the capital - Zagreb. The center of the famous resort region is located in the central part of the Adriatic coast between the cities of Zadar and Dubrovnik. Population 178 102 people (according to the 2011 census).



  • Split is a city in Croatia on the Adriatic coast.
  • Split - Airport in Croatia, serving the city of Split and surrounding settlements.
  • Split - Croatian football club from the city of Split.
  • Split - Croatian basketball club from Split.
  • Split is an Israeli television series.
  • Split - Ukrainian television series.
  • Split - the ratio of the number of lowest investments among different species packs.

Separation, split

  • Split system - technical term.
  • Split stocks and reverse split shares - financial term.
  • Split is a music album with two performers.
  • Split language - body modification, in which the language is cut along into two parts.
  • Split - In Blackjack, split one hand with two identical cards for two.
  • Split in bowling - position after the first throw, when they remain not shot down two or more groups of kegs that are not near
  • Banana Split - Ice Cream in Solved On Half Banana
  • split is a command, copying file and breaking it on separate files of a given length.

Split (football club)

« Split Working Football Club"(; Also abbreviated RNA Split - RNK Split.) - Croatian Football Club from Split. Based on April 16, 1912. From the 2010/11 season participates in the first Croatian football liga.

Split (sound recording)

Split - Musical album (plate, CD, EP, single, etc.), on which there are compositions of two different performers. It differs from the collection in that it includes several compositions of each performer, and not 1-2 songs of many performers.

Since the early 1980s, Split is actively used by independent labels and groups playing punk rock, hardcore and indie. Thus, buying split due to one group, receive records of two or more groups, often close to style or ideas.

Initially, the splits were vinyl records, on one side of which there were songs of one group, on the reverse - the other. Subsequently, this idea was transferred to CDs, despite the fact that the CD is usually only one side (the exception is bilateral DVD, but they are usually not used to record music).

Sometimes songs of each other are constantly on splits of groups.

Split (airport)

Airport Split - International Airport, serving the city of Split, Castela, Trogir and other coastal cities of Central Dalmatia in Croatia.

Split Airport - the second largest passenger traffic airport of Croatia (1 190 551 people in 2007). It also serves as an important node airport for Croatia Airlines, offering flights to many European cities.

Split (TV series, Israel)

Split.yina blood (IVR. חֲצוּיָה , Hatsuya) - the youth Israeli series of Dori Media production, broadcast daily since May 28, 2009. In Israel, the broadcast carried out HOT VOD. In Russia, the first season of the series broadcast MUZ-TV channel. There were three seasons of the series. The rights to show the first season were acquired by 34 countries, among them countries of Latin America, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Italy.

Split (Mountain, California)

Split - Mountain peak in the Sierra Nevada massif in the western belt Cordiller in North America.

Located in California, USA, on the territory of the Kings Canyon National Park. Mountain height 4287 above sea level.

The peak was named by the alpine Bolton Brown in 1895 by the vertex. The graduate from the North-West, which cuts off from Neum, through which the Croatian help was a Dubrovnik from Split.

Take at least the Arches of Trajan in Ancona and Timgada, built by Adrian City Gate in Adaly, Diocletians Palace in Split, Buildings in Herat, Palmyra, Temple in Baalbek with him unprecedented by giant columns and sculptural rows, where sculptures are located in two floors.

In January, partisans captured ports Split Both the Zadar, and the coastal troops operating from these bases, applied strikes to the enemy on the banks of Dalmatia and helped the steady advancement of Tito.


He received her for the help of Otto Sorrow at the tick of the city Split On the Adriatic Sea coast.

After the shares that he organized - spoke in the role of Prometheus and stole an explosive metal from the lizards, then brought out Mussolini right from them from under the nose, then he drove the tank of lizards, drove their allies from Split And all of Croatia, - Sorrow could afford to be confident in their own power.

Atvar could not answer fear, as he deserved, since the action plan in Split Developed an operative named Drefsab, perhaps the best fleet scout.

However, an atomic explosion in the USSR and our shameful failure in Split showed not leaving the slightest doubts that your strategy for conquering Tosev-3 is erroneous.

Using abbreviated schedules of basic exercises and SIS-themes splitwhich will be told in this book below.

Split - Multivalued term:


  • Split - City on the Adriatic coast of Croatia, the largest city of Dalmatia.
  • Split - Airport Near the city of Split.
  • Split is a mountain peak in the Sierra Nevada Arrays (California, USA).


  • "Split" is a squadrous destroyer who was in service with Navy Yugoslavia in 1939-1985.

Sport clubs

  • "Split" - a football club from the city of Split.
  • "Split" - a basketball club from the city of Split.
  • "Split MNK" - a mini-football club from the city of Split.


  • Split - Triller M. Knight Syamalana (USA, 2016).
  • "Split" is an Israeli television series.
  • "Split" - Ukrainian television series.


Terms originating from the English. split. - separation, split, split:

  • Split - in warehouse case: the ratio of the number of lowest investments among various types of packages.
  • Split is a music album containing the compositions of two or more performers.
  • Split and reverse split shares - operations with securities.
  • Split - in blackjack: breaking one hand with two identical cards for two.
  • Split - in bowling: position after the first throw, when there are no two or more groups of kegs that are not shot down nearby.
  • Split system - air conditioning consisting of two blocks.
  • Banana Split - ice cream in a sun-cutting banana.
  • Split language - body modification, in which the language is cut along into two parts.
  • split is a command, copying file and breaking it on separate files of a given length.

What is Split, why did you call the movie?

I am sure that Split is not a split system.

But why was the American psychological chorror about Schizophrenia and the division of a person on many personalities called?

What is the translation of the word "split"?

Assistant K.

It is only possible to disassemble the translation of the word "split", how it becomes clear the meaning of this word.

Split is not a name or conditioner.

If you look at the Wikipedia, you will see that this word has a lot of meanings and almost all of them imply a split.

In Google, the translator says that "split" is a crack, that is, a split, a break into two parts.

And since the film "Split" about schizophrenia, that is, about the gap of the personality, it becomes clear why he was given such a name!

Nadezhda Kot.

Split is splitting and separation into parts. The film "Split" about a man whose personality is divided into as many as 23. That is, in one person there are many different entities, each of which has its own floor, age and character.

Split What is not a city or name, and the word?

Are you a split system (about air conditioner)?
Its from english word. Split, which means: splitting, separation.
Because in split-systems, two divided blocks (well, of course, still - connected by wires, hoses, refrigerant tube, drain tube, etc.). That is, there is a block internal and block external. The meaning of this separation is that the entire main "noisy" part, and the main thing - the motor is in the external block, on the street. Accordingly, less noise inside the apartment.
Prior to that, air conditioners were used by another system. If you remember, window (1 block). Well, they noise more, of course.
Well, of course, there is another advantage: the ability to install the inner block is almost anywhere apartment, since everything will depend only on your desire and the length of the wires and hoses. Perhaps there are other reasons (which I do not know about) why these blocks in the split system were divided. But this is already a question for technics.

What is Split? (splitting)

Vjacheslav Goryainov.

Split is a city in Croatia on the Adriatic coast.
Split - Airport in Croatia, serving the city of Split and surrounding settlements.
Split (football club) - Croatian football club from the city of Split.
English Split - separation, split
Split (conditioners) - technical term.
Split stocks and reverse split shares - financial term (stock market).
Crushing shares (split, eng. Stock split) - an increase in the number of shares in circulation due to the proportional crushing of each initial action. Emissions of new shares does not occur.
Split (sound recording) - a music album with two (or more) performers.
Starting from the early 1980s, Split are actively used by independent labels and groups playing punk rock, hardcore and indie. Thus, buying split due to one group, receive records of two or more groups, often close to style or ideas.
Initially, Split were vinyl plants, on one side of which there were songs of one group, on the reverse - the other. Subsequently, this idea was transferred to CDs, despite the fact that CD has only one side.
Split language - body modification, in which the language is cut along into two parts.
Cutting language or Tongue Splitting is perhaps one of the most original trends of the art of the modification of the human body. In the process of this manipulation, the language is cut from the tip until the middle. After the incision heals, a person remains twisted, like a snake, language. Looks like Tongue Splitting really original. Especially in combination with other types of body modifications.
Split is a command, copying file and breaking it on separate files of a given length.
Also split is applied in the cards - splitting (disconnection of cards).
If the first two player cards have the same value (for example, two dozen), then it can play split by placing the bet equal to the original, in boxing next to the first rate, and then play as two different rates. After that, both separated rates (split) won or lose independently of each other. If there is a split on a pair of aces, then the player receives for each Ace only one additional map, except for the case when another ace comes - then you can also play split on the aces. The number of aces is not limited.


Daniel Selivanov

Any IRC network if it is really a network consists of several servers. Multiple - means that it is more than one.
And when servers are more than one, they are obliged to constantly exchange information to know about everything that happens on the network.
Of course, one of the laws of Murphy, sooner or later the channel between any two servers will fall, and they will lose touch with each other. The entire network will fall apart into two parts that will not see each other. This is Split.

What does the word "spline" mean?

Recently heard the expression "Split check in the store." What does this verb mean?


Split this carte with english verb to Split. Translation to Split from English into Russian - divided, crush.

The expression "spline the check" means that everyone pays for himself. For example, the company enters the store, picks up a cart, knocks one check at the checkout, and then each introduces funds in its position in the check.

Although it is wiser first to slow down, that is, to make a common budget, then appoint a responsible for the calculation at the checkout. However, this approach is also split, only with the best organization.

IN the general meaning Split is to knock out one check, and not on the check on each. So faster there is a cashier.

From this day, the soda enhances the direction of power training with regular translations from the cult American site T-Nation, where the word "Testosterone" is hidden behind the letter "T". Today is the translation of the text "8 MOST Effective Training Splits".

Split options (distribution of exercises by day of the training week) is designed so much that you can break your head. But the program must be chosen with a certain goal - and considering your level of training and individual features. Consider 8 different schemes, effectively decisive specific tasks; Choose what is suitable for you.

1. Split in parts of the body

This is the most common option in bodybuilding - frequent workouts (up to 5-6 times a week), each of which certain muscles are being worked out.

Pros: You load the muscular group rarely, but it is concentrated and intensively, performing more different exercises. Such a "shock" makes the muscles grow, especially if earlier you trained under the program to the whole body. it the best way Pick up the mass, but due to increased volume and metabolic stress, it is already suitable for experienced bodybuilders prepared for large loads.

Minuses: From multi-sowing exercises, it is necessary to refuse, as some muscles work in different movements and do not have time to relax between training.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the power and mode of the day (sleep) to completely restore and transfer the training loads.

Split in parts of the body takes a lot of time and does not suit people with floating work schedule - each training ships its muscles, you can not pass. The purpose of such a program is hypertrophy, it does not increase the results of athletes and is not suitable for beginners.

Example split

Monday: Chest
Tuesday: Spin
Wednesday: shoulders
Thursday: feet
Friday: Hands and Press
Saturday and Sunday: rest

2. Split "Top-bottom"

This scheme is a step from the workouts of the entire body to Split in parts. You increase the exercise for the upper and lower half, but at the same time it is better to restore. For one week you can spend 4 training with alternation.

Pros: Split "top-bottom" helps to progress when workouts on the whole body have already exhausted themselves. You continue and develop strength and gain a mass. You can train more often, but at the same time use decent weights.

Minuses: Many people are too interested in top training and relax in Niza training. Since the study of the same groups occurs more often, the restoration of the muscles is worse than in Split in parts of the body. Heavy feet workouts twice a week can overload the body and are not suitable for everyone.

Example split

Monday: Top (Human Exercises)
Tuesday: bottom (squats and variations)
Wednesday: Full holiday or active recovery
Thursday: Top (traction exercises)
Friday: bottom (turn and variations)
Saturday and Sunday: rest

3. Full body training

Justice for the sake of "Training of the whole body" - not quite "split", but for harsh and brutal authors T-Nation, it seems, training Full Body is just one of the varieties of split - approx. Clamp.

To work out the whole body on each workout more efficiently, if you have little time, and also useful, because our body is still one, and not a set of parts.

Pros: The high frequency of the entire body helps to lose weight and develop strength, increasing the muscles growing from frequent stimulation.

Such a program is better for athletes who have and other training in addition to iron. She teaches the body to optimally perform a small set of movements, and not spend their efforts on a dozen wiring variations.

It is from these training that beginners should begin, they spend a lot of calories, laid a power foundation, improve health.

Some muscles can fall behind in the development, which is not suitable for bodybuilders.

it a good option For rare training - up to 3 times a week. To go to the hall for more than three or four times a week, you need to know your body well and control the intensity.

Example split

A. Climb on a rack 5 × 3
B. Lying 3 × 6
C. Drops 3 × 8-12
D1. Farmer walk 3 × 30 seconds
D2. Pressing on the bars 3x 30 seconds

Tuesday: Rest

A. Stolling bench 5 × 3
B. Stannaya 4 × 6
C. Tightening 3 × 8-12
D1. Plank 3 × 30 seconds
D2. Rises on biceps with dumbbells 3x 30 seconds

Thursday: rest

A. Sound with a bar on the back of 5 × 3
B. Tilt in the slope 4 × 6
C. Handicate of dumbbells lying 3 × 8-12
D1. Farmer walk with one gay overhead (other - in the lowered hand, as usual) 3 × 30 seconds
D2. Bench bridge on a bench 3 × 12

Saturday and Sunday: Rest or OFP.

4. Split "Ries / Traction"

Here you share the exercises by the type of movement: the bench and traction. Most of the muscles of the back surface of the body work in the traction, and the front is in the cave.

Pros: Split press / thrust is good for those who want to train hard, but limited in time. You can work out the move more often than in Split in parts of the body when muscle groups are loaded only once a week.

Minuses: Due to the distribution of the load on muscle groups, working together, not suitable athletes and beginners who are still more efficient to work out the whole body immediately. To benefit from this split, you need to have a certain training experience.

Example split

Day 1: Traction (muscles of the top of the back, spine extensors, biceps hips, biceps hands)
Day 2: Lives (chest, shoulders, triceps, quadriceps, press)

5. Intense / extensive split

This scheme varies the load on the nervous system, i.e. High intensity and volume. After a day of heavy / speeding workout there is a long time, but less intense. You can do 3 or 4 times a week.

Pros: Advanced option for athletes who have already exhausted ordinary training on the whole body. In addition to the OFP and power supported by the traditional load, you are more working on speed and power, improving the results in your sport.

Minuses: This split is only for experienced, it requires strict dosage of loads. Training in an intense day last longer, because you need to rest much between the approaches of the power exercises. Such a scheme is less stimulated by hypertrophy.

Example split

Monday: Exercises for the development of acceleration, weightlifting and other jolts (bench) exercises
Tuesday: Training of metabolic systems (OFP), traction exercises
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: exercises for the development of acceleration, weightlifting and other jolts (bench) exercises
Friday: Training of metabolic systems (OFP), traction exercises
Saturday and Sunday: Active Restoration

6. Split "Agonists / Antagonists"

In one training session, you work out muscle groups that perform oppositely directed movements, for example, the dumbbells of the dumbbells lying and the thrust of dumbbells with a flexing.

Pros: Such supersets lead to a balanced development of force in the gim and traction. The alternation of approaches for agonists and antagonists helps to increase weight weights, the increased blood flow of the working parts of the body causes additional hypertrophy. Training are shorter and can be carried out more often - up to 6 times a week.

Minuses: Not suitable athletes who need to concentrately work out certain movements. For beginners and people aged such loads are too large, it takes more time to restore.

Example split

Monday: Chest / Back
Tuesday: Feet / shoulders
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: breasts / spin
Pottcia: biceps / triceps
Saturday and Sunday: Active recovery or full holiday

7. Split "Basic / Additional Movement"

Exercises for large muscle groups are combined into training and for small synergists who help mainly movement. For example, spin and biceps or breasts and triceps.

Pros: You can train often (3-6 times a week) and briefly using supersets. The same muscular groups work longer, which leads to hypertrophy.

Minuses: It is too heavy for beginners and are not suitable for the elderly, as they need more rest. This split is better to use experienced athletes who understand what they work on.

Example split for 5 workouts per week

Monday: back / biceps
Tuesday: breasts / triceps
Wednesday: Feet / shoulders
Thursday: back / biceps
Friday: breasts / triceps
Saturday and Sunday: rest

8. Specialization to pull up muscle lagging

For a short period, you leave only one day to maintain the muscles of the whole body and invest maximum efforts to develop a weak group (3 times a week or more).

Pros: Increased volume and intensity lead to hypertrophy of the desired parts of the body. Good reception for experienced who need to dramatically pull out something.

Minuses:All other muscle groups receive only a supporting load and can lose force / mass. This is not the program on which it will be possible to save all your results, something will have to donate.

Example of specialization for muscles back

Monday: Low Horizontal Traction
Tuesday: multiple vertical thrust
Wednesday: multiple horizontal thrust
Thursday: low-calorie vertical thrust
Friday: Supporting workout on the whole body

How to choose split?

Determine the main goal of your training

Decide what you need to improve. Splits with insulation will not suit athletes who need to raise the result in movements for the whole body.

If you need muscles, do not waste time on jumps and sprints, developing speed, select one main goal, and it will be clear to you what split take.

Everyone has 7 days and 24 hours in days, so decide how much you can spend on training. I had a client with three children and four 12-hour work shifts - and he could train 3-4 times a week.

Arrange priorities. If you do not have time for 5 training for 2 hours, then engage in the program for the whole body. Any program will give the result if you can follow it.

Training experience

This is a very important factor to select the correct scheme. Beginners sometimes begin immediately from split in parts of the body, but they have too little strength and experience to get beneficial from the isolated muscle erash. People aged detect that they cannot carry out a lot of heavy workouts: the nervous system is tired, joints are overloaded, etc.

3 inefficient and harmful exercises for the press



separation, crushing unrealized shares of corporations, a joint stock company for a large number of less large shares in order to facilitate their distribution. It is carried out subject to the maintenance of the total amount to which the shares are issued.

Raisberg BA, Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern Economic Dictionary. - 2nd ed., Act. M.: Infra-m. 479 p.. 1999 .

Economic Dictionary. 2000 .


Watch what is "split" in other dictionaries:

    Split: Split city in Croatia on the Adriatic coast. Split Airport in Croatia, serving the city of Split and surrounding settlements. Split Croatian football club from the city of Split. Split Croatian basketball ... Wikipedia

    City, Croatia. Arose to n. e. as Greek. Colony aspalatos, later Latin. Spaladum, Ital. Spasitto, glory. Split. The name is unclear: previously was assumed to communicate with Latin. Palatium Palace (at 295 305 Diocletian built a palace in the city), but ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    - (Split), city in Croatia, port on the Adriatic Sea. 200 thousand inhabitants (1991). International Airport. Shipbuilding; Cement, chemical, tobacco, textile industry. Art Gallery, Gallery Meshtrolovich, Archaeological Museum, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Split) See: Share Splitting. Finance. Dictionary. 2 e ed. M.: Infra M, Publisher World. Brian Batler, Brian Johnson, Graham Siduel, etc. General editors: Doctor of Economics Sadden by I.M. 2000. Split split (fraction) ... ... Financial vocabulary

    Split - Split. View of the peristyle Diocletian Palace, Cathedral and Bell Tower. Split, city in Croatia. 189 thousand inhabitants. Port on the Adriatic Sea; international Airport. Shipbuilding; Cement, chemical, tobacco industry. Climate resort. IN… … Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Split) See: Share Splitting. Business. Dictionary. M.: Infra M, Publisher World. Graham Betse, Barry Brainli, S. Williams, etc. General editors: Doctor of Economics Sadden by I.M .. 1998. Split ... Business Terms Dictionary

    - [English. Split splitting; Shchel] ECON. The crushing of unrealized shares of the Corporation (Corporation) to a greater number of shares (action), subject to the proportionality in the distribution of shares among shareholders (shareholder). Vocabulary… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (Split), a city in Croatia (SFRY), on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, on a hilly peninsula. In the city center, on the embankment, the fortified complex of the former Palace of Emperor Diocletian (rectangular in the plan, with a gate on each of ... ... Artistic Encyclopedia.

    SUT., Number of synonyms: 4 throw (12) city (2765) Resort (52) ... Synonym dictionary

    split - Split, A (Fin.) ... Russian spelling dictionary


  • Split. Dubrovnik, Komelova, I. Wuhanova. Split and Dubrovnik - ancient cities Yugoslavia, picturesque on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Sophisticated historical destinies of cities determined the originality of their cultural and ...

Many of us use such equipment at home, but it is unlikely that it is a high-quality split system. What this will help you know more about our review. This design is not quite air conditioner, it has several differences. Split system produces air conditioning air conditioning. How it happens and what kind of technicians exist, let's find out together.

Splits are an important element of any interior.

Powerful split system (what it can be understood after familiarizing with the device device) structurally includes two parts. The internal represents the evaporative element, and the outer part of the compressor condenser. The outer element is fixed on the facade part of the building, and the inner - in the indoor indoors. Internal elements may differ at the placement. Both blocks are combined with thin pipes from copper. The compressor is a "heart" and the most noisy detail of the system. That is why he is taken out of the building.

Nuances of the device air conditioner System Split

The principle of operation of the device Split system consists in the withdrawal of warm air masses into the street. Such equipment not only has a cooling effect, but also heating. Warming is done in reverse order. Freon evaporates in an external element, and condensation occurs in the room block.

The outer element is placed outside the space that is cooled. It contains elements such as capacitor, compressor, receiver, control board, as well as power switching relay. Installation of the mechanism outside the room allows you to get rid of the sounds produced. The rate of possible noise in the apartment is 25 dB.

1-compressor; 2-four-row valve; 3-heat exchanger condenser; 4-sound insulation; 5-fan; 6-casing; 7-output grille; 8-two-way valve; 9-three-way valve; 10-pallet; 11-drain nozzle; 12-heat exchanger evaporator; 13-fan of tangential type; 14-lattice; 15-input filter; 16-guide blinds; 17 sash; 18-facial panel; 19-LEDs; 20-temperature sensors; 21 control board; 22-circuit board; 23-console.

Internal design works on cooling, heating and air filtering. Thin tubes connecting design details can be mounted in suspended installations, in special strokes or in the paved cable channels.

Helpful information! Many newest models are complemented by such functions: filters for cleaning, special timers, air ionization mechanism, as well as a device for maintaining temperature.

Varieties of split air conditioning systems for an apartment

Now you know what split system is: This is a conditioning device that has several versions. Let's deal with the main types of the device.

Wall-mounted equipment

Wall machinery can be represented by various design execution. Such devices are mounted on the outside of the wall. This option is particularly convenient, since all bulky elements are taken out. Currently, this is the most common version of Split. Such models provide maximum heat and cold output. They have such advantages:

  • magnificent assembly;
  • locking the pressure device;
  • compressor, functioning with heated drainage;
  • brake element system;
  • intelligent program that establishes the optimal temperature mode.

Channel and ceiling models

Ceiling and floor split systems for heating and cold are used in rooms with an oblong shape. Strong streams of air masses pass along surfaces and are distributed throughout the space.

In the case of a channel device, the internal element is mounted behind the suspended ceiling. For such installation, about 36 cm of the interporal region is distinguished. The air is pulled out of the room and penetrates back through. The fourth part of the air arriving inward is a fresh stream saturated with oxygen. Ceiling structures are used in small rooms.

Which option to choose for large rooms?

Cassette type devices are suitable for the premises of a very large size, where there are suspended ceilings. To install a full-fledged design between the basic ceiling and decorative there should be a space of at least 25 cm. All internal mechanisms are placed behind the suspended structure. Visible remains only decorative grille. Air passes through the grille, and then after processing it passes through the blinds and distributed in four directions.

If there are no suspended structures, the column type device is suitable. Such units provide a powerful jet of air, which is moving towards the ceiling, and then moves throughout the area. There are about 10% of fresh air in such structures.

Multi Split - System

It is important to take into account the characteristics of split systems of various types. For example, the multi-split design includes several internal blocks. It is in demand for mounting in several office space for residential buildings in several floors and for large stores. In this case, only one block is located outside. Such technique has a greater value than alternative options.

Setup and management

You can buy a split system inverter. This mechanism allows you to transform d.C. in variable. Thanks to this, air conditioning can be produced without interruptions. The inverter allows you to smoothly adjust the operation of the unit. The device is equipped with a variety of sensors and an additional microprocessor. When such a device is working, the temperature mode is maintained constantly, since it does not turn off when heating and cooling.

Control is performed through the following modes:

  • cooling The main task of this design. On the transfer of cool air to the room 1 kilowatt is spent instead of 3 kW of cooled air. A decrease in temperature is possible to a certain norm. Maximum cooling limit + 17-18 degrees. The flow of cold air comes out of the indoor unit and evenly cools the room;
  • for the heating function in Split, the reverse motion cycle is realized. There is a reverse process - the cold air masses move to the street, and the heat goes to the room. When installing such an aggregate, it is better to pay attention to the models with Tanni. It should be borne in mind that such equipment consumes a lot of electricity;
  • air drying function can be used. In this case, extra moisture is removed from the cooled air. It is known that heat with high humidity is tolerated by severe people who have problems with pressure and heart. Drying mode removes water molecules, but does not change the temperature;
  • ventilation mode provides in the room circulation of air masses and their cleaning;
  • an important function is carried out using an air-mechanical filter. This mechanism must be periodically cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and rinse. In more expensive models there is a fine filter. The coal filter allows you to clean the air from smells and tobacco smoke.