Zodiac sign Aquarius 5 october.

The creative character that will be inherent in the October life of Aquarius is nothing more than a consequence of the over-favorable position of the leading planets on the celestial ribbon. Just think - in the middle of this autumn, the Sun, Saturn, and even the capricious Venus will volunteer to protect you! It remains to find out what benefits these powerful celestials will give you.

Saturn will have the most significant impact on your destiny in October. This planet loves to "teach" everyone and tune in to positive (you will also receive "lessons" in wisdom and virtue from Saturn). In addition, Saturn will reliably protect you from all the troubles of the outside world (which is why major problems and surprises are almost completely excluded in your October lifestyle).

The Sun, your other October “guardian”, will make sure that your physical and emotional health is at its highest in the middle of autumn. Venus, responsible for the sensory-emotional aspect, in turn harmonizes your personal front and excludes the occurrence of any unforeseen situations.

However, in the middle of this autumn, you, dear Aquarius, will still have a dangerous ill-wisher. They will be the warlike Mars, which will try to spoil your temper and make it prone to aggression. Aggression in October is simply not permissible for you, do not forget about it! At this stage, you have to interact a lot and productively with the people around you, and aggressive behavior, you must admit, in every possible way prevents the establishment of a productive dialogue.

In the middle of autumn, many of you will go through a transformation process as Venus and Mars are in the eighth house of Aquarius. This is a difficult process that will include changes in heart affections, changes in consciousness, reassessment of the current circumstances of personal life.

You will be attracted by the secrets and secrets of love, and a lot may become clear in October. If you have a burdensome relationship that doesn't have good prospects, there is an easy way to end it. In addition, you will note the relationship between love and money, the financial consequences of your steps are possible.

On October 14, 2017, the planet of love Venus moves into the ninth house of travel and adventure, and the love atmosphere changes. You will feel more lightness and openness in your relationship with your beloved. The second half of the month is conducive to romance, long-distance relationships, travel. Maybe you will meet new love on the road, or a love affair with a person from afar starts.

Aquarius career and finance horoscope for October 2017

The month heralds achievements at work and in business. On October 10, 2017, the beneficial planet Jupiter enters the home of your sign's career, where it will remain until November of next year. Begins a period with high potential for professional growth and career advancement. Moreover, success in work will be accompanied by financial growth. All difficulties become surmountable, and the chances of success are much greater.

Jupiter's influence is especially favorable for travel, exploration, international cooperation, scientific and cultural activities. All of these are fundamental factors and contribute to an increase in social and professional status.

The impact of Saturn in the Aquarian friendship and social networking sector suggests that you can count on the support of friends and community organizations. The time is good for finding like-minded people and business partners. Successful work on collective projects within a group or association.

Since October 23, 2017, the Sun has been located in the career house, which will help you strengthen your authority in the team, earn the recognition of the leadership. Financial benefits can come through partnerships.

Financially, the period promises to be good for Aquarius. Your work will be adequately paid, and opportunities for additional earnings will appear. However, in the first half of the month, you need to be careful with money, because there is a possibility of losses due to carelessness or incorrect assessment of situations.


Mars remains in the eighth house of Aquarius until October 23, 2017, which carries some health risks. During this period, you need to be especially careful, since there is a danger of acute diseases, inflammations, injuries. Be vigilant and do not delay visiting your doctor if you feel unwell.

Don't take on too many responsibilities! Allow yourself enough time to rest.

Brave and decisive Aquarius in this autumn period will need patience and graceful endurance, because fate has prepared for them a rather turning and difficult period. Many representatives of the stellar constellation will have to make the right and correct decision for them, on which situations in later life will directly depend. The horoscope for Aquarius for October will advise the representatives of the constellation to understand the true value in their own lives.And after such awareness, thoughts will surely come that will force the star sign to eliminate all negative moments from itself.

Ahead of the zodiac sign, there will certainly be such difficult cases when you have to clearly define your own path. It is important not to be mistaken in the chosen road, because wrong paths will lead to collapse and great misfortune. The representative of the star constellation is advised to beware of gossips and open detractors. It is likely that a person from the inner circle carries the maximum negative for a star sign. You cannot trust the first people you meet, especially this factor concerns the professional sphere. You need to be more attentive to new partners. And the signing of important documentation must be left to the real masters of their craft.

If Aquarius feels apathy and fatigue in relation to the present life, then it is important to urgently have high quality and full rest. Now you cannot overextend yourself, and also strive especially hard for anything. It is important to remember that many anticipated situations may end up not at all in the way that would be expected and desired. The health horoscope for Aquarius warns that increased irritability and nervousness can lead to more harmful consequences. A life full of unpleasant events may well contribute to the fact that representatives of the zodiac will lose their keen interest in absolutely everything.

The first half of this fall month promises to be particularly challenging. This moment in life will be filled with various troubles and hardships. But Aquarius will be able to emerge victorious if he stops listening to the opinions and advice of the people around him. Do not succumb to the influence of addictions, with which the representatives of the constellation are so fond of "extinguish" sadness. Trust this month must be excluded from the qualities of your character, especially, you need to be less led by nice women.

To distract from the negativity of real life, Aquarius is advised to think about their own education or professional development. The time is also good for taking action to start taking care of your own health. Active sports will help this. Of course, in October it is still impossible to visit the ski resorts, but it is quite possible to go to the ice rink or swim a dozen lanes in the pool. In any case, it is important for Aquarius to take care of themselves on their own, only in this way it will be possible to reach a new and improved level of their destiny.

Not the best time to start thinking about your personal life. During this period, ladies feel special nervousness and aggressiveness, which they can infect and the people around them. Single ladies should not hope for anything serious, even though this month they will have some new acquaintances. For married women, fate has prepared several surprises. If the latter behave rationally and find the right way out of the resulting circumstances, then fate in the future will bestow good luck on them. On the contrary, for those ladies who categorically do not want to change negative qualities in themselves, life offers to go through multiple trials.

Horoscope for October 2018 for the Aquarius man

The entire strongest half of the star constellation now has absolutely no personal matter to love and romantic experiences, on the contrary, they want to be distracted and devote free minutes not to love, but to an important career. The love horoscope for Aquarius for October 2018 warns that you cannot take risks in romantic affairs. If a man's soul does not lie in flirting or romanticism, then there is no way to go there. It is time for married men to start participating in everyday problems.

Time can negatively affect the performance of the nervous system. The main reason for this lies in increased emotionality and the inability to restrain one's negative impulses.

October 2018 love horoscope for Aquarius

The period is aggressive and very negative towards Aquarius, therefore it is recommended to devote most of their free time to loneliness. If possible, the zodiac representatives are advised to go somewhere far away from everything that is happening nearby. Of course, you definitely cannot run away from problems, therefore, if there are serious shortcomings in life, then it is important to resolve them, and then set off on the planned path.

Lonely celebrity reps shouldn't hope for long-term relationships that begin this month. It will also not work to live for your own pleasure, so you just need to wait out such negative in time.

Health horoscope for October 2018 for Aquarius

Except for the increased nervousness and aggressiveness, the health of the zodiacal representative will be excellent. You cannot now get carried away with drinking alcohol-containing liquids, since they only provoke the appearance of troubles in the fate of the latter.

Now it is good to think about what lies ahead. It's time to start using effective methods of preventing the activity of possible diseases. It will not hurt Aquarius to think about their own appearance. Women are advised to visit a beautician, and men will not hurt to sign up for a gym.

The financial horoscope for October 2018 for Aquarius

It cannot be that all spheres of life are negative, the area of \u200b\u200bcareer relations will pass with a Hurray for Aquarius. Celebrities may be given the perfect opportunity to change duty this fall season. So you cannot immediately agree to such a crucial step, first you need to think over everything and weigh it several times. But it is strictly forbidden to hope in matters of a career for the opinion of a number of people around them, from them Aquarians will receive only wrong advice.

The horoscope of finance for October 2018 for Aquarius promises stability in material affairs and worries. But this does not mean at all that now you need to start spending the accumulated savings, it is best to continue the accumulation process. But the saved finances will come in handy in the near future.

According to the horoscope for October 2017 for many representatives zodiac sign Aquarius, it will be one of the most successful months of the year. There will be a lot of things to do, but thanks to an optimistic attitude and a sufficiently high energy potential, if you wish, you can realize the most daring and ambitious plans.

Horoscope work and finance Aquarius for October 2017

The first half of October 2017 is great for negotiations with business partners. Important issues will be resolved easily and naturally. However, decisiveness is also required to bring professional plans to life. You yourself must be convinced of the correctness of what you say to your colleagues. Otherwise, it will be problematic to convey your opinion to other people.

But it is also possible that you will encounter intrigues from your colleagues. The heavenly bodies recommend not to reciprocate them, but simply to calmly do their work, not paying attention to the squabbles that arise. Focusing on doing your job will be far more successful than taking the time to sort things out with other employees. Business trips promise to be successful in October, especially over long distances.

The most favorable financial path will be for those representatives zodiac sign Aquariuswho are involved in the field of entrepreneurship. Your business will develop especially actively, which will please your wallet too. For all other representatives of this zodiac sign, the stars predict an approximately uniform flow of finance and their same departure. During this period, it is undesirable to both borrow money and borrow money.

Love horoscope for October 2017

For representatives zodiac sign Aquarius in a relationship, the most emotional will be the end of October 2017. The chosen one will open from a new side, which will pleasantly surprise you. So, if you doubted whether you are with the "right" person, for sure, now such torments will disappear, and you can enjoy idyll and romance.

But now, if you are already married (moreover, for a considerable amount of time), previously existing conflicts are likely to aggravate. The stars advise not to let everything go by chance in the future, but to talk frankly with the chosen one, and, if the existing connection is dear to you, do everything possible to keep it. For the same Aquarius who are now alone, heavenly bodies predict a fateful meeting. The likelihood of starting a relationship with a person from another city or even a country is high.

Aquarius health horoscope for October 2017

Due to the heavy workload in October 2017, many of the representatives zodiac sign Aquariushealth condition may suffer. Try to do your best to help the body - get enough sleep if possible, eat right, and don't get hung up on minor troubles. Remember that nerve cells do not regenerate. At the same time, the stars are also not advised to spend their free time too passively. A walk in the fresh air (when it's not very cold outside) and a morning warm-up will only benefit you.

Favorable and unfavorable days October 2017 Aquarius

Auspicious days Aquarius October 2017 - October 3, October 11, October 16, October 21, October 24 and October 31, 2017.

Bad days Aquarius October 2017 - October 1, October 7 and October 15, 2017.

Natalia Rodionova

In the middle of autumn, representatives of the sign will want new communication and new boundaries of their horizons. You will be drawn to adventurism and to new travels and new acquaintances. Don't miss out on new chances and opportunities this month!
For some, trips abroad and new opportunities for learning are in sight. By the way, this applies to all representatives of the sign, without exception.

  • Auspicious days for Aquarius in October 2017: October 3, 11, 16, 21, 24, 31.
  • Difficult days for Aquarius in October 2017: October 1, 7, 15.

Horoscope for October 2017 Aquarius woman


In the first decade of the month, Aquarius will become so permanent. You won't even want to go to the left. Otherwise, the dear will cease to respect you. It seems to you that if he finds out how popular you are, he will leave you right there.
Between October 11 and October 20, you have a natural rapprochement with a sweetheart. Darling is patient with you and soft and gentle. And he gives compliments (hum!).
Venus in the third decade of October will hit you in the head. And you want to turn the head of someone else (purely out of sports interest). But you will not tolerate rivals. And immediately return to your constant companion.
You can relax with friends or with a sweetheart. Close relatives are not welcome. But the trip together is the plane itself.
In a work environment, you will be held up with a lot of financial responsibilities. And then, the boss has his eye on you. What does that mean? Gossip!
You will have to pop a psycho in the middle of the month. And therefore health suffers. Look for reasons to rejoice. This will increase your confidence.

Horoscope for October 2017 for Aquarius men

Dear Aquarius nowadays the very charm, friendliness and kindness. You are not only a feminine for him, but also a friend and ally. And this isn't a damn pound of raisins. Close your eyes to trifles and be bright (he will appreciate).
Well, yes - fantasy will not hurt. Especially in terms of leisure.
Your man is in great shape (but only thanks to you). It is in this month that you invite him to the trampoline, to the pool, and wherever. He will agree.
He's not getting along with the money now. Even the complexity. But do not meddle in his troubles - he will only get mad (he's so cool - he can handle it himself).
In the middle of autumn, he cannot sit at home (ambition calls!). He will start a side project of some kind and begin to work on it. Give him support from you. In return, get another level of intimacy.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Aquarius

Cupids shine a sea of \u200b\u200bcommunication for Aquarius, as well as strengthening relationships. Experiments are good. Pay attention to the psychology of communication, avoid any possible crises. Build contacts with everyone (first of all - with loved ones). You can contact the specialists in relations. You are not a master at them. Go study.
Auspicious days for love in October 2017 for Aquarius: October 3, 11, 16, 21, 24, 31.

Aquarius financial horoscope for October 2017

Now is the time to start professional development.
You can go to study over the hill, go to trainings and / or seminars.
You have a chance to agree on everything with bourgeois investors and / or partners.
In general, mid-autumn business is tied to foreign contacts and only to them.
Learn foreign languages. They will help you in the future and enhance your cool as a specialist.
Auspicious days for money in October 2017 for the sign Aquarius: October 3, 11, 16, 21, 24, 31.

Health horoscope for the sign Aquarius October 2017

We have to work now. Eyesight and nerves may be affected. Move away from the monitor and / or TV. At least sometimes. Learn the basics of eye gymnastics. Practice. Finally - it's time to watch yourself. Have
Stressful days for Aquarius in October 2017: October 1, 7, 15.

Horoscope for October 2017 for other zodiac signs