How to explain the fact that the Ural region is urbanized? The lesson "The population of the Ural Economic Area for the Ural population is characterized by the level of urbanization.

UDC 94 (470.5) "18/19" (045) E.Yu. Kazakov-APKARIMOVA

From the "Village" to the "CITY": urbanization and urbanism in the regional dimension (according to the materials of the Urals of the second half of the XIX - the beginning of the twentieth century)

The article analyzes the essence and maintenance of the initial process of the Russian urbanization and the formation of urbanism during the period of imperial industrialization, the features of urbanization in the Urals and the formation of a urban lifestyle in the cities of various administrative status and socio-economic and sociocultural type in the second half of the XIX - early twentieth century. The key in the study is an anthropologically oriented approach. The sociological concepts of Western urbanists used in the work are refracted in a historical study using relevant sources, which informs the work of the scientific novelty. We are talking about the problem of the perception of urbanism by the contemporaries themselves and the reflection of these issues in their written evidence. The process of gradual transformation of the Ural "villages" in the "cities" is shown, in which even the most progressive urban settlements of the Urals were characterized by rural features. As a result of industrialization and urbanization, especially in late XIX. - early XX century, significant changes in the culture of the Ural cities are due to the strengthening of sociocultural heterogeneity, an increase in the importance of urbanistic signs in the symbiosis of rural and urban elements, the interaction of civilizational components of Western and Eastern types due to the Eurasian state of the Ural region.

Keywords: urbanism, city, urals, contemporaries, culture, innovation, social organization.

The essence and maintenance of the urbanization process in the industrial era today is investigated at the interdisciplinary level. Sociological and economic concepts are complemented and verified by the historical approach, since urbanization is a historical process of increasing the role of cities in the development of society. The urbanization process in individual countries and in the regions within one country has its own characteristics. Sociologist D. Xarvi believes that the full analysis of this process involves identifying the foundations of the formation of consciousness in everyday life.

The consequences of the industrial revolution and the images of the new capitalist building in Russia in the second half of the XIX - early XX century, erasing gradually traces of patriarchalness, changing the lifestyle of the urban population, modernly observed contemporaries. Invaluable assistance in the deepening of scientific ideas about the evolution of the urban lifestyle of the population of the Urals of the Urals gives the sources of personal origin and having a subjective color of historical documents identified in the Ural periodic press of the pre-revolutionary period and transmitting the most transformation process of urban settlements from the "villages" to the real "cities" (with the corresponding modus vivendi). Mr. Zimmel wrote that the concentration of economic, social and professional activities is a distinctive feature of a large city and generates a rapid pace and a unique lifestyle of the city, a variety of economic, professional and public life.

In such a city where "Life is visible", appears in the description of P. A. Kropotkin Ekaterinburg in 1862: "On the streets movement, the people are found pretty. The buildings are very cute, many stone, the streets are good, on the outskirts of the factories, many hands are engaged in them, and a lot, in addition, is engaged in the houses with a granner business. " P. A. Kropotkin emphasized that in the city trading went well, and the residents did not complain about boredom, on the contrary, said that there was a fun, "finally, the presence in the city of Pedagogical Society testified that" It's not one industrial activity and trading. "

S. A. Keltsov, being an employee of the Moscow Vedomosti, accompanying Mikhail Nikolayevich and Sergey Mikhailovich on a trip to the Urals of the Great Princes and, Linking this trip to the newspaper, criticized the provincial Perm: "Go from the main three streets a little bit aside and immediately From the Perm-Gubernsky city you get to Perm-Village and positively chind in dust, as only three streets and a half alley are covered in Perm; All other streets and alleys are almost in primitive state. "

The symbiosis of urban and rural features appears in the description of the provincial city of Ufa Sergey Yakovlevich Yelpatyevsky, given by the seven-year revolutionary. Famous writer, public

cyst and memoirist, he was serving here in the 1880s. political link. In his "memories of fifty years" (1929) in the chapter dedicated to the cultural and public life of Ufa, read: "The city was then 40 years ago, a quiet, thoughtful, gentle. The streets were drawn, overgrown with grass, and a field was visible, where they came out. And on the street, one-story houses, less often two-story, with gardens and kindergartens, where lilac lilac, jasmine, dahlia, - low houses with windows, with iron bolts with iron bolts stabbed. In the middle of the city ruled the square - a huge, not the deserted deserted days, not cursed, where, according to legend, a peasant drowned with a horse and chant, who risked at night through the square. Almost all the streets were poured into the square, and all Ufa civilization was located around the square, the long rows were drawn, there were big houses, even in three floors, there were mail, and a pharmacy, and the chambers, and the noble assembly and the "Grand Hotel" with Numerals. The sign "Lady Tailor" was conquered, and an accompanied by a hay of the hoop and without a sign, spoke to the dirty people, which is the inn here. The city was wonderful white with bluish transparent water, the most joyful river, which I saw in Russia, and on the other hand flowed, joining the white, dusk Ufimka. "

The peripheral position of the Ural region affected. In the perception of eyewitness of Ufa of the 1880s. Looking a provincial and backward: "Inhibited, ancient times, a long-being forgotten Central Russia has visited from the city. There was no district court, and the vintage chambers were made by justice, the zemstnaya was young, open later than in Central Russia, just began to understand the local affairs and did not have time to create a rural atmosphere. Mail, especially in winter, did not come often and not always carefully: the local newspaper was not, and the news of Moscow newspapers lost a significant part of their novelty, while they reached Ufa. He took the last steamer troupe of actors, who played in the urban garden, hid the last bearing curls, the navigation closed on long winterAnd in the city I got very quietly up to the first joyful whistle from the river in the spring, when the city ran to meet the first steamer. "

We present the evidence of contemporaries about some small cities of the Ural region. The county cities of the Perm province (excluding, of course, Ekaterinburg), according to the connoisseur of Kama Zhelenina, "they were not issued" and were "even straight". Traveler D. N. Peshkov, driving in 1890. Okhansk, recorded in his travel notes (diary) that "the city is rather similar to the village." I was eager for him by A. I. Firsov, traveling around the cities of the Prikamye is already a significant time (in 1907-1908): "This is a sufficient of the town of Perm province, which has less than 2 thousand inhabitants, would more resist to be a village than he first and was" . The "bad town" called A. I. Firsov and the wasp. Ethnographer D. Zelenin wrote about the wasp that it was a county city (since 1781), at the beginning of the twentieth century. It consisted of 4.5 thousand inhabitants, their main classes were the production of rogs, kula and ropes, wood alloy and flax; The city trading was insignificant, the annual turnover of the city pier did not exceed 0.5 million rubles. Mid-medium institutions in the city were absent, there was a feminine deflection, a spiritual school and a city four class school. Another "more miserable, compared to the axes" called the obviously another county (since 1781) the city of Perm province - Okhansk with a population of less than 2.5 thousand people. Rural component of the vital activity of this settlement rushed into the eyes. The main occupation of the inhabitants was agriculture. Other occupations of the population were: shipping, fisheries, partly trade in bread and flax. "The" bad county city ", according to Liowed, was Solikamsk with a few more than 4 thousand people with a population. In addition to hydrochlorians, the townspeople worked in a speck. D. Zelenin disappeared unflipped, and about Cherdyni.

Among some of the county cities of the Vyatka province, contemporaries also called those who rather resembled rural settlements. The "Vyatyatskaya Capital", the city of glazes, before the discovery in 1871, Vyatka vsarchsky was a simple village, becoming a county city of Vyatka province, evolved slowly. According to the testimony of contemporaries, glazes at the beginning of the XIX century. He remained "small, like a different village", almost did not change the town and later. Only with the conduct railway "I quickly began to improve," trading speeds increased five times (traded bread, flax, sacks and leishes). There were only seven streets in the city, one church and women's gymnasium. Malmaty, having received the status of a county city in 1780, remained a modest settlement. At the beginning of the XX century. It consisted of 4 thousand inhabitants, "in the appearance of the city" was a "ordinary large village".

So the contemporaries noted on the features of the Russian urbanization, in the future accented by the researcher V. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, when analyzing them, "imaginary" (having

History and philology

the official status of the city, in fact, who are rural settlements) and "true" (characterized by the "trading and fishing problem") of cities, which was due to an administrative approach to the process of city formation in imperial Russia. These observations received theoretical and specific historical understanding in modern historiography, including on the materials of the Urals. It was carried out, in particular, a comparative analysis of the evolution of some county cities with mining settlements of the Perm province in the second half of the XIX century., The latter, according to some indicators of socio-economic and demographic development, could be discovered first. A vivid example of such contrast - two settlements of Verkhotur-Sky County - the county city of Verkhoturier and the factory settlement of Nizhny Tagil: The preemptive occupation of the population of the first binding contrasted with the brought by the industrial activities of residents of the second; The neglence of the population in the first (4 thousand) losing the same indicator (over 25 thousand) of the second.

L. N. Mazur rightly emphasizes that, in addition to the economic and demographic side, urbanization includes social sense associated with a change in lifestyle. Important investigation of urbanization - formation new system Socio-cultural relationship. In the urban environment, technical, cultural and political innovations occur, new standards of living conditions, labor, recreation and behavior appear corresponding to the modern understanding of the "urban lifestyle" and introduce it within the boundaries of the contact space that is constantly expanding. The city converts and rural medium.

Urbanization theorization A. S. Achiezer emphasizes that the essence of urbanization in the historical process can be understood "only subject to the consideration of urbanization primarily as the process of formation, distribution of urban culture." Especially attractive for contemporaries, the culture of larger cities of the Ural region was presented.

So, S. Ya. Yehpatyevsky writes about theft of Ufimtsev to musical culture: "Music in the quiet streets sailed from small houses. I was divided when in a modest apartment of the official, a clerk who served, I met a piano or piano, a violin, and learned that the children of people living by 50-60 rubles. per month, take systematically music lessons. There were mugs where music was a serious content of life. In one of these circles, I came shortly by arrival and began to receive invitations for quartets that would have done the honor and capital. "

The heterogeneity of urban culture is emphasized in sources of personal origin. S. Ya. Elitanovsky reconstructs the culture of various layers of Ufa Society: the tops and the bottoms, the middle urban layers. The tops of the Ufa Society, in turn, were sharply divided into two layers - on people in fruits and uniforms and people in the youngsters. On the first author of memories writes: "Fraps were - officials: chiefs of individual parts, advisers from different chambers, officials of special instructions. There were no prominent officials from the local authorities, the majority were associated with St. Petersburg, - or people who started their career, or sent to live to retirement. It was a vicious circle, with separate interests, ideas, nravami, life, where citizens' orders were not allowed. " Poles-officials were adjacent to the same mansion.

Talking about the life of this circle, the contemporary notes that she "was a magazine from St. Petersburg": "Family events were not particularly common, balls with dancing were only in the noble assembly, the favorite form of receptions was Rauta [a solemn evening evening. - E. K.-A.]. There they were pronounced: "on the Raut." Men in Thractions, Chapeau Claque [hat-cylinder. - E. K.-A.] In the hand, the ladies in the decollete defiled in the six-seven rooms of the miserable Ufa House, exchanged courtesies, reported Petersburg news, half-known. Occasionally, someone from the guests sat down for the piano, the occasion of someone's daughter sang romances, two or three card tables were arranged. There were no real dinners, "the" Raoot "architecture would be disturbed, - ate a la Fourchette [fork. - E. K.-A.], and was specially chic to set countless all sorts of intricate sandwiches and cold eats. "

About the second category of tops An eyewitness wrote: "And there were fittings. In the youngsters, the provincial and county Zemskaya Gubnika went, starting with the chairman of the provincial government of A. A. Dashkov, the stoves wore the noble landowners. In the stakes were each other, in the youngsters sat at the Zemsky meetings, in the stakes and were in the club. It was neither Slavophilism, nor a simplification, then there was a kind of form, uniform, a liberal suit, distinguished the land, a native person from an official. To sub-

girls were adjacent to the rich Bashkira-landowners. " "It was between Fraks and the youngsters," I wrote S. Ya. Yelpatyevsky, - if not an enmity, then a sharp alienation, mutual semisulling. "

On social contrasts in the provincial city of Perm in the revocation of the publicist V. L. Deedlova-Killing (1897) read: "What else is available in Perm? Of course, the pretrial places, educational institutions, numerous streets of small and darmeted houses of burghers and master, and two, three "Palazzo" rich merchants ... Such is the Perm, the door to Siberia. Merchant Palazzo, Magnifier shacks and a pretty place. External order, science, art and even religion, exhaled by officials, a comprehensive merchant and the people of the population. "

The symbiosis of the European and Asian, wealth and poverty saw V. L. Dedov, having visited Earlier (in 1896) and in the district of Sarapul: "Sarapul is the first of the transitional European-Asian cities visited by me. I recognize these characteristic signs of the transition band in it. Great wealth - and, near, striking poverty. Little Palaces of merchants - and a notchless, drunk bare team, wandering around the marins, coastal kabaks and sleeping under the fences. These palaces and rich churches are buried in the unsessing dirt of not cobbled streets. On the streets you can only ride, but do not walk, because the sidewalks represent the most insidious Westerns. "

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Ural cities changed markedly. D. Zelenin saw technical progress in the development of Perm:<^отя и медленно, однако Пермь подвигается вперед. Построена железная дорога на Вятку и вместе с нею чудный мост через Каму. Мост этот высится около самой Перми и составляет, в сущности, главную достопримечательность города. Это какой-то узорчатый гигант (до 400 саж. длины), на который, кажется, глядел бы и не нагляделся» . О Перми начала XX в. Д. Зеленин писал, что город выглядел «совсем по-европейски». Бросались в глаза разбросанные по городу церкви, театр (где можно было услышать и оперу). В городе издавались газеты «Пермский край» и «Пермские губернские ведомости», развивалось краеведение (показательными были труды А. Дмитриева и «Труды Пермской Архивной Комиссии»). В городе действовал книжный магазин «Ольги Петровской», магазин пользовался популярностью у населения. Увеличилась численность учебных заведений, автор путеводителя перечислял: мужская и женская гимназия, реальное училище, духовная семинария, горнозаводское и техническое училища, торговая школа, женская прогимназия, мужское и женское духовные училища. В Перми имелись типичные для губернского города учреждения: «окружной суд, контрольная палата, контроль Пермской ж. д., управление Пермской ж. д., духовная консистория, отделение казанского общества путей сообщения, управление 21 местной бригады, управление государственными имуществами Пермской г., управление почтово-телеграфного округа, биржа» . Навестив губернский город Пермь, известный публицист В. А. Поссе тоже почувствовал в нем «залог великого культурного будущего» .

To the census of 1897 in Perm already numbered up to 46 thousand people, and after a decade - more than 70 thousand. The contemporary claimed: "A foreigner moved to the Urals now, and he does not like to joke, and the Perm does not have to sleep." At the same time, Uralets believed that the foreigner would stir up industry, will update the factory work, and the countrymen will take cultural work. Permyak argued that at the beginning of the XX century. In this regard, there was already a solid back: "In our city administration, people are sitting, who can not be called" progressors ", and despite this, we already have electric lighting, water pipes, phones, and will soon have sewage, tram, etc. . This is not enough. We have a scientific and industrial museum from which the People's University will develop; We have a handicraft and industrial bank from which the mighty engine will develop for all sorts of artels, consumer societies, etc.; We already have several cooperatives, and we are on the eve of the creation of the Urals Union of Consumer Societies. "

Quite objectively in his book "In Europe and Russia", I wrote V. A. Possea about Yekaterinburg 1907 as about the "city very original", lizing its cultural achievements, technical innovation and material "amenities" against the background of some shortcomings: "Junior city and" capital of the Urals ". "Distance of a huge size" with state institutions, destroyed from each other to whole versts; wide streets with beautiful buildings, electric lighting, telephones, theaters, entertainment gardens, but there is not only a tram, but also the most primitive hat, there is no water supply, but at the same time polishing the streets, so in summer days not only poor pedestrians, But both rich riding on their fries have a positively bathe in dust. Three large progressive newspapers, several scientists of societies, the library named after Belinsky and Reshetnikov, and along with this "all-known drunkenness." .

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It is noteworthy that the European city (European urbanism) was a litmus paper, a reference point in assessing the standard of living and civilization of Russian cities. V. L. Dedov, looking from "this bell tower", writes about the Ural cities: "For the Urals we passed on April 30, 1896 on the railway from Perm to Ekaterinburg and Tyumen. The railway is enveloped by Yekaterinburg, and the city has been published by the European and busy city. Bell tents, big houses, gardens. This last city is at least published on European. "

Otherwise, describes V. Dedov city of the Southern Urals, in particular, Orenburg: "Endless, flat as the plain table. Everywhere the sands, there and Sym Solonchaki, wormwood, saksaul, camel caravans, winds, soaring in the summer and unbearable sizza in winter. So I was presented to Orenburg, with whom I was signable only on the biography of Taras Shevchenko, and Pushkin's "captain's daughter". The very name of the city sounded unpleasant. Among the Asian desert, and suddenly the German city of Orenburg. " The author is a little terribly on the "threshold of Asia". V. Dedov gives a detailed description of Orenburg, comparing it with Damascus. Signs of urban subculture, he tried to find and when meeting another steppe town - Troitsky: "From above, the entire Troitsk as a palm with its stone single and two-storey houses, seven churches and six mosques. From the signs of culture in the semi-valor, Polukpets Troitsk - only beautiful, pure merchant home-mansions. The newspaper is as difficult to get as pineapple, even there is no bathhouse, even hotels, even a bathing room. "

The criterion of landscaping was presented to contemporaries an important parameter of the life of the Ural cities. The author of the guide "Kama and Vyatka" called Elabugu "One of the most comfortable cities of Vyatka province." The city earlier than the provincial Vyatka acquired electric lighting. "Water pipes, three secondary schools (real school, women's gymnasium and a female diocesan school), a well-arranged alpine, the richest churches - all this is not so usually in our county cities," wrote the author of the guide, D. Zelenin, emphasizing That his landscamention of Elabuga was largely obliged by the private initiative of Sta-Cheyev entrepreneurs. Electric lighting, plumbing, real and diocesan schools, alder have been arranged for their funds. The city was famous for its "significant" trading.

"One of the best cities at Kame" was called D. Zelenin City Sarapul. "From the river, the species is very beautiful: the right rows of stone buildings, white churches that scattered throughout the city, the mass of the gardens. Next to the city rises a huge "Startsev Mountain", at the very last time (1900) there was a male John-Forerovsky Monastery. "

About the "comparative culture" of Sarapula wrote this connoisseur of Kama, pointing out the presence in the city of the district court, the bishops (Vicarnaya) department, the specific office, two secondary educational institutions (real school and women's gymnasium), two Sunday private schools, private deflection A.N. . Peltsy. The city was published: "Sarapulsky list of ads", "telegrams of the Russian telegraph agency". Here in 1835 the first public library opened in Vyatka province. Many streets were paved, in 1899 a government telephone network was opened. The city was decorated with Pushkin Square. There were up to 10 thousand inhabitants in the city. The city was distinguished by the "fairly significant trade", the presence of rich merchants, and also "shoal skill", tasty "Sarapul bread." The Sarapulian trafficking, the tourist could acquire "several mail forms with the views of Sarapul", according to D. Zelenina, "the existence of them once again spoke about the comparative culture of the city."

The Prikamye researcher seemed to be equitable to allocate the city of Kungur "In contrast to most of the other county cities of the Perm province" - "Very lively, industrial and comfortable city", where to "cost."

Kungur had his own special "smell": in the city and in the county there were many factories, especially leather, "the city received even a specific smell of skin from them." By the way, the Perm had his own special smell. Tourists rushed into the eyes of the "Eternal Smoke" above the city, felt the smell of Gary in the air (thanks to the neighborhood of the Motovilikhinsky causative cannon plant). About Kungur D. Zelenin wrote that the city was distinguished by the "significant" trade, throughout the year three "large fairs" took place in it. In 1877, a technical school was opened at Gubkin's funds. In 1903, the Vicar Episcopa Department was established here.

Spiritual components, the degree of religiosity remained the rod features of the national, in particular, urban culture of the Russian provincial city in the time consideration. D. Zelenin primarily emphasizes that the city of Slobodskaya was famous for its old

noah, in particular, the monument of Starina was a wooden church in the name of Archangel Michael (with the ancient icon of ArchReart Mikhail in Iconostasa), built in 1614 by the reverend Trifon Vyatsky. Only 10 thousand inhabitants in the city there were 9 churches and two "rich monastery" (female and male). At the same time, the contemporary noted that in its factory activity Slobodskaya "stood significantly higher than G. Vyatka." However, the inhabitants of Vyatka were also distinguished by their religiosity, the eyewitness narrated by a special reverence of the miraculous Icon of Nicholas of the Wonderworker and the icons of ArchReart Mikhail in the Cathedral, as well as the image of the Tikhvin Mother of God. The church old older was rich in Cherdin, for example, in the Resurrection Cathedral there was a very ancient and honorable icon of St. Nicholas Wonderworker. Religiosity was distinguished by the "modest and patriarchal town" Kotelnich. The main Kotelnich holiday on the first Sunday after Petrov's Day was the holiday of "all saints", when icons were brought from the surrounding village and the procession was arranged. The "main attraction of Kotelnich" was Alekseevskaya Fair (held annually from March 1 to March 20), "The Biggage and Famous Fair in the Vyatka province".

In the eyes of contemporaries, an important urban function was to provide residents with the possibility of cultural leisure and creative self-expression. It was the lack of such opportunities to upset the official who fell into Ohansk, "in this slum", "and the city, with the permit to say!".

In his eyes, "the famous Shchedrian Poshechonya, perhaps," seemed to be "the capital relatively with Ohansky." The eyewitness complained to the traveler A. I. Firsov: "I came here for half a year ago, and I still can not even get comfortable with these nests. There are no people here, but some dicks. This is whom you will not call cultural people. Mental requests no, literature for us is an empty sound; What is happening on white light - it does not concern us. In the gossip, a cartoon game, drinking vodka and beer all the time. In the summer, the public at least often suits picnics, - of course, with a fairing drunkenness, and in winter it is strongly sitting in the porter. Imagine, because there are no club in the city even. No, here is not Europe, but some Papuaussia. If it is soon not translated from here, I feel something that either hurt or sink. "

The city of Osa has modest cultural possibilities. Someone Antonch in the "Appendix to the Vyatka Provincial Vedomosti" (1901) wrote: "In the city, two churches - the cathedral and the other in the cemetery. There is a female deflection, club. There is also a fire cilaplan, but it is in 1-wooden, and in 2 days, which threatens every second to collapse. That the city deserves the attention of visitors, is the garden in which the cathedral is located. The only entertainment of Osintez, like every such city, is a gossip and a cruise game, accompanied by decent drink. "

Another contemporary on the pages of the Peremyak newspaper after a decade wrote about cultural life in the city of Osa: "We have about the" People's House ", which first arranged lectures, performances, etc., but then he fell asleep, as they say," Single Righteous. " And when it returns again to life, - it is known to one God. Meanwhile, in winter, in reasonable entertainment, the inhabitants of the wasp, more than ever need. "

V. A. Posses, having lived for a week in Perm, met some cultural workers and saw the "sprouts of many truly cultural undertakings" and "fruitful creative work" in the provincial city, due to a large extent that the emergence of numerous public organizations. V. A. Possee reproduced the opinion of the acquaintance of Perm: "Do not neglect anything; Each "meeting," club, society can be used for cultural work, without which it is not fixed by any of the conquests made by great impulses. "

D. Zelenin considered it important to list in his guidebook public organizations in Perm: "Department of the Imperial Russian Technical O-Va, the Branch of the Ural O-va Lovers of Natural Science with the Museum, Medical Society, Music Circle, Society of Finders of Fine Arts and Sciences, O. Lovers Dramatic Art, O-in Public Library named after D. D. Schdslyaev, O-in lovers of hunting, cyclists, rescue on waters, etc. " . At this sign of urbanism as a special social organization (the citizen self-realization through organized groups, the presence of many voluntary organizations in cities, such numerous, as many people in people and interests) indicated the theoretical of Urbanism Louis Wirth.

In the future, the influence of the city on the reproduction of social relations and the formation of a new type of a new type has become an important part of the urban discourse of the humanities, which was reflected in specific historical studies on the history of the Ural cities. IN

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in particular, we are talking about development in the cities of democratic ideals and the formation of the field of civil activity. It is not surprising that V. A. Possea writes a lot about people in his essay about the stay in Perm, called, for example, P. N. Serebrennikova and I. G. Ostrumov, noting their fruitful educational activities at the head of the Council of the Scientific and Industry Museum. V. A. P. N. Serebrennikov P.S. P. N. Serebrennikov, arguing that he knew and loved the entire Perm region. Special praise deserved its activities in the Christmas-Bogoroditsky guardianship, in which the national dining room and the women's church-parish school operated. The guardianship was sought not only to "make a person the best worker, but also to make the worker to make the best person," by choosing the motto: "Everyone who was born people should be brought up in all that humane."

The material considered allows you to conclude that the cultural and civilization appearance of the Ural city in the second half of the XIX - early XX century. underwent significant changes. Contemporaries observed and willingly wrote about the new sociocultural and economic signs of urban life. In some cities, these signs were more noticeable, rural features were preserved in other longer (especially in the cities of rural origin, like Okhansk or Glazov). The administrative status helped with such cities as Perm (the provincial city) and Ekaterinburg ("Gornozavodskaya Capital of Urals") to become leaders in the regional urbanization process. Accumulating progressive activities, the city were the creators of the new in the spheres of economics, technology, science, education and culture, which attracted contemporaries.

Historical sources indicate that in the period under review, the Ural cities have evolved noticeably: the population has increased, industry and trade, science and art, cities gradually landscaped, providing the guests and the most residents and the newest achievements of urban civilization to the residents. The introduction of technical innovations in the daily life of citizens in the second half of the XIX - early XX VA. It became a noticeable feature of time due to scientific and technical progress. It is significant that this progress and signs of a urban lifestyle in the consciousness of citizens were largely associated with European influence. The formation of a new urban lifestyle was manifested in the transformation of the social organization of cities related to the democratization of culture and the genesis of citizenship. The urban environment provided citizens wide opportunities for self-realization, the city gave rise to a new type of personality - an active public figure, "cultural worker", citizen. The city provided residents with the opportunity to choose the forms of his leisure.

In the culture of the Ural city, especially at the end of the XIX - early XX century, there were significant changes due to the growth of the urban population, the strengthening of social differentiation and socio-cultural heterogeneity, ascending (under the influence of scientific and technological progress) the importance of urbanistic signs in symbiosis of rural and urban elements , close wearing elements of traditional and modern culture in the daily life of citizens, the interaction of civilizational components of Western and Eastern types, due to the Eurasian position of the Ural region.

List of sources and literature

2. Zelenin D. Kama and Vyatka: Travel Guide and Ethnographic Description of the Prikamsky Territory. Yuriev, 1904.

3. Elitatyevsky S. Ya. Memories for fifty years. Ufa, 1984.

4. For chamber and the Urals: Taptic notes of the XIX - early XX century. Perm, 2011.

5. APKARIMOVA E. Yu. Power and society in the Ural Province in the second half of the XIX - early XX century. // Ural historic Bulletin. 2005. № 10-11.

6. Achiezer A. S. City - the focus of the urbanization process // City as a sociocultural phenomenon of the historical process. M., 1995.

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Received 27.11.14

E. YU. Kazakova-apkarimova.

From "Village" to "City": Urbanization and Urbanism in the Regional Dimension (The Urals Case of the Second Half of Xix - The Beginning of XX Century)

On the basis of regional material, the paper analyzes the essence and the content of the initial process of urbanization and the formation of Russian urbanism in the period of imperial industrialization, identifies urbanization features in the Urals and the formation of an urban lifestyle in cities of Various Administrative Status and Socio-Economic and Socio-Cultural Type In The Second Half of XIX - Early XX C. A Key Approach in this Study Is Anthropologicly ORIENTED Approach. Sociological Concepts of Western Urbanists Are Used in this Paper; Their Interpretation In Historical Research With The Use of Appriate Sources Determines The Paper. The Investigation IS Largely Devuted to the Problem of Perception of Urbanism by Contemporarias and The Reflection of this Problem in their Written Testimonies. The Author Shows The Process of Gradual Transformation of the Urals "Villages" to the "Cities", while Stressing That Even The Most Progressive Urban Settlements of the Urals Were Characterized by Rural Features at that time. As a result of industrialization and urbanization, especially in the late XIX - early XX century, there were significant changes in the culture of Ural cities due to increasing socio-cultural heterogeneity, growing importance of proper urban characteristics under symbiotic rural and urban elements, interaction Of Civilizational Components of Western and Eastern Styles Which Is Due To Eurasian Position of The Ural Region.

Keywords: Urbanism, The Urals, Contemporarias, Culture, Innovations, Social Organization.

Kazakov-APKARIMOVA Elena Yurevna

doctor of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher

Institute of History and Archeology URO RAS 620990, Russia, Yekaterinburg, ul. Sofia Kovalevskaya, 16 e-mail: [Email Protected]

Kazakova-APKARIMOVA E.Yu. Doctor of History, Leading Researcher

Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Branch Of Ras

620990, Russia, Ekaterinburg, S. Kovalevskoy St., 16 e-mail: [Email Protected]

The urbanization level in the Urals is higher than in the whole of the Russian Federation. But the share of urban population in the WEW districts is not the same, so in Bashkortostan it is 64.7%; in Udmurtia 69.7%; in Kurgan region54.8%; in the Orenburg obl. 63.9%; in the Perm region 76.6%; In Komi-Permyatsky Avt. OKR.30.6%; in Sverdlovsk region 87.6%; In Chelyabinsk region 81.3%.

Table 4. Dynamics of the number of urban population of WEUR,%

as of January 1, 1961

by January 1, 1981

as of January 1, 1996

by 1.01.2000

for January 1, 2003

for January 1, 2004

for January 1, 2005

for January 1, 2006

About 2/5 of the Ural cities are located at mineral deposits, and their entire life is associated with the mining industry. They usually consist of several villages whose population rarely exceeds 50 thousand people. More than 1/10 urban settlements are required by its development of black and non-ferrous metallurgy. The number of metallurgical centers compared with the beginning of the century decreased due to the development of local deposits, many of them are transformed into the centers of mechanical engineering and metalworking. As a rule, it is also small towns and villages. Small and rare medium urban settlements arose with forestry and paper industry enterprises. But the chemical industry causes larger settlements, which is associated with a high concentration of production.

Centers of regions and republics are multifunctional. They represent large industrialized education and the most important transport hubs. They are concentrated by political administrative, organizational and economic, supply activities. About 40% of UR urban population lives in these centers.

Almost 2/3 of urban settlements are located in the Gornozavodskaya Strip, mainly along the Eastern and Western slopes of the ridge, forming places in areas of settlements. Directly in the axial zone of the mountains of their little. Noticeably less than them and outside the mining strip, here they are placed mainly along the communication paths.

As in other areas, the process of forming urban agglomerations around large cities is underway in the Urals. There is also a process of pendulum migration - movement of the population into the zone of large cities from the locations of the housing to work and refer to the workshop.

With the growth of the absolute number of rural population in the Urals, its share in the total population is gradually falling. There are significant differences in the rural settlement of different parts of the WEUR. In the north of the district and in mountainous areas, small settlements are dominated, usually located along the rivers, where the non-agricultural population prevails. When moving to the south, the magnitude of rural settlements increases, and their network becomes more rare; Agricultural population dominates.

6. The features of the Ural urbanization

Ural urbanization is characterized by at least three features:

· It develops on the basis of a mining and folded belt, formed in Paleozoic as a result of the full Wilson cycle (Riftogenesis → Spreading → Subduction → Collision). The mesozoic young mountains were destroyed, their ancient roots are opened by erosion-deduction surfaces of alignment, and the destruction products are accumulated on the outskirts of the Russian platform and West Siberian Plates. Urbanization, which began in the Urals of about four centuries ago, is now the most powerful modern process that converts Paleozoic mining belt.

· Ural urbanization of ethnically typomorphic: in time and essentially it coincides with the Russian colonization of the Urals, which began in the XV century.

· The late industrial stage of the Ural urbanization is characterized by a paradoxical combination of modern mighty energy and technological potential and rudimentary orientation to extract the mineral substance, which predetermines the steady geomorphism of the Ural urbanization process.

The geological structure of the Urals is asymmetrically. The main Urals deep-rode serves as a peculiar surface of asymmetry, separating the Urals on Paleokontinental (Western) and Paleoocyanic (Eastern) sectors (Fig. 4).

In general, the city of Urals, according to the genetic nature of a lithogenic basis, can be divided into such groups:

The cities were pre-examined and the Zauralye: they develop within the platforms, the structure of which is determined by two structural floors. In the case of the Russian platform, the first structural floor is a properozoic, crystalline (metamorphic and magmatic) foundation, and the second - plywood (PZ + MZ + KZ) cover of horizontally occurring sedimentary rocks. The first structural floor of the West Siberian Plate is composed of deployed Paleozoic complexes, and the case is sedimentary breeds of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic.

The cities of the Paleokontinental Sector of the Mountain Urals, convert the mineral substance an ancient foundation of the eastern outskirts of the Russian platform involved in the Ural deformations.

The city of Paleoochenic sector of the Mountain Urals, transform magmatic and sedimentary complexes - the legacy of the Ural Paleozoic Ocean. In fact, this is, in the geological sense, the Ural cities.

The difference in the processes of urbanization of these geostructural zones of the Urals manifests itself to the degree in the nature of the relationship between surface and groundwater.

Cities of the Mountain Urals develop under open hydrogeological systems. Here, the connections of surface and groundwater are simple and effective, therefore, the transformation of surface water during urbanization is directly reflected in the underground hydrosphere. The city of Pre-Urals and Zauralye develop in conditions of closed hydrogeological systems and groundwater resources here are better protected from technogenic effects (Fig. 5).

Russian colonization, the urbanization is connected with the fundamental asymmetry of the Geological structure of the Urals. Starting in the Northern Predict, urbanization spread first in the Urals, and then already covered the mountain average and southern Urals. Ancient and vintage mining centers, known from the era of copper and iron, determined the geography of Petrovsky factories and cities. Ural urbanization, initially hydromorphic, due to the powerful pulses of Petrovskaya and Stalin's industrialization acquired geomorphic features: the location of the Ural cities is subject to the symmetry of the geological space, the structure of the Urals mining belt, its mineragenic zonality.

Fig.5. Hydrogeological aspects of urbanization

A - Open Hydrogeological Systems (Mountain Urals)

B - closed hydrogeological systems (Western outskirts of the West Siberian Plate).

Aqual horizons:

B1-modern alluvium;

B2 - buried alluvius;

B3 - aquifer horizons with a power area in zone A;

B4 - freshwater protected from degradation;

B5 - mineralized and salty water.

Sequence of water transformation due to urbanization:

A.® A1.® B1.® B2.® B3.® B4.® B5.


"Cities - the great creation of the mind and the hands of human. They own a decisive role in the territorial organization of the Company. They serve as a mirror of their countries and districts. City-leaders are called spiritual workshops of humanity and engines of progress. " - Georgy Mikhailovich Lappo in his book "Geography of Cities" gave such admiring characteristics.

You can not disagree with him. Indeed, urbanization and settlement play an important role in the life of each country.

When writing his work, I would like to consider the following questions in more detail (many of which are already indicated in the table of contents):

what types of urban population are divided into the republics of the republic. Zar. (near abroad) and E.R. (Economic regions) of Russia, and with what countries of the world are comparable to this indicator.

what are the causes of regional differences in the level of urbanization;

at what stage of urbanization in Jibbs were the Bl. zag. By the time the collapse of the USSR (91g.);

what E.R. Russia has the smallest growth rates of urban population and why;

as the crisis of the 90s in the process of urbanization affected, and with which the reduction in the share of the urban population in new independent states is due;

where the city-millionaires are located, and with which their concentration in the Volga region and in the Urals are connected;

what are the types of republic and e.R. By density of the population, which is the cause of differences in population density.

The ratio of urban and rural population

The development of public division of labor has led to the formation of two main types of settlements: urban and rural. Accordingly, the urban population is distinguished (residents of cities and township villages) and rural (residents of settlements employed in less than 85% in production). The quantitative predominance of the rural population over the urban is observed in five countries of the near abroad: Moldova (46%), Turkmenistan (45%), Uzbekistan (39%), Kyrgyzstan (36%), Tajikistan (28%). These countries refer to the category of rural type. The rest of the neighboring countries have more than 50% of the urban population.

A more interesting situation is with economic areas of Russia. In this country there are no economic areas of rural type. The minimum figure of the urban population has the North Caucasus: 56%. But despite this, several subjects include several subjects, the rural population in which prevails. Moreover, this list includes not only the subjects of little urbanized areas, for example, the North Caucasus: Dagestan (43% of the urban population), Karachay-Cherkessia (37%), Chechnya and Ingushetia (43%), but also subjects of districts with a fairly high level of urbanization . For example, Eastern Siberia (71% of the urban population) and located on its territory: Ust-Ordi AO (0% of the urban population), Altai (26%), Evenki AO (27%), Agin Buryat AO (32%), Tuva ( 48%). Low indicators are compensated significantly higher in other parts of these areas. For example, in the North Caucasus Economic Area, the most urbanized subject is North Ossetia (70%), and in Eastern Siberia - Khakassia (72%).

The limit of changes in the share of the urban population to the districts of Russia 56-83% and 28-73% for the countries of the neighboring countries, although often the indicator increases in a step of 1%.

Compare the economic regions of Russia and neighboring countries with the countries of the world in the share of the urban population

Urbanizac e.R. Russia Country neighbor. Bubble The country of the world having a compaable percentage of urbanization.
87% Sev.-Zap. United Kingdom, Qatar, Argentina, Australia
83% Ts.E.R. Sweden, Bahrain, Venezuela
76% North D.-Vost. Japan, Canada
75% Ural Czechoslovakia, Iran, Brazil
73% Volga. Russia France, CA, USA
72% Estonia Italy, Republic of Korea, Puerto Rico
71% Zap.-Sib. Vost.-Sib Latvia Norway, Taiwan, Mexico
70% Volg.-Vyat. Jordan, Libya
69% Lithuania Peru
68% Belarus Armenia Colombia
67% Ukraine Bulgaria
61% Switzerland, Cyprus, Equatorial Guinea
57% Kazakh Greece, Mongolia, Nicaragua
56% Sev.-Kav, Ireland
55% Georgia Austria, Iraq, Ecuador, Tunisia
53% Azerba. Romania, Panama
46% Moldova Yugoslavia, Lebanon, Saint Lispsy, Morocco
45% Turkmen. Slovenia, Philippines, Costa Rica, Egypt
39% Uzbekist. Guatemala, Côte d Ivoire
36% Kyrgyz. Albania, Malaysia, Guyana, Somalia
28% Tajik. Portugal, India, Haiti, Namibia

As can be seen from this table, the economic regions of Russia and the countries of the neighboring countries are compared at the share of the urban population with the most diverse countries: from Namibia to the UK. Where does this difference come from? What are the reasons for regional differences in the level of urbanization in the republics of neighboring countries and the districts of Russia?

To answer these questions, you will need the definition of the term "urbanization". Urbanization is the process of spreading a city lifestyle; This is the process of concentration, integration and intensification of activities, the global socio-economic process.

There are several reasons for regional differences in the urbanization level by e. R. Middle abroad and e. R. Russia. First, this is an economic and geographical position. Northern Republic of Middle Abroad (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, to them and Belarus), as well as Northeast E.R. Russia (North, North-West, West Siberian, East Siberian, Far Eastern) is highly divided, because Natural conditions do not allow to develop with / x. In these regions there is a structure of the economy based on industry. Accordingly, cities are developing - labor centers. The same picture is typical for mountainous areas (Urals, Armenia).

On the other hand, such E.R., as And the North Caucasus are in the most beneficial to the development of agricultural conditions. This is the residents of our country. Most of the population of these E.R. Busy in the village. This is the reason for the prevalence of the rural population in Central Asian republics, except Kazakhstan, and in Moldova.

The group of secondary urbanized countries will take Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The combination of favorable natural conditions and high resource resources has generated simultaneous development and agricultural and industry in these countries. In Ukraine and Kazakhstan, with the development of coal and iron ore deposits, the cities were also formed and grew. Some agglomerations were concentrated here: Karaganda, Donetsk and others. A similar situation has developed in Russia in the Urals and in Western Siberia. Georgia and Azerbaijan are less different from the republics of a rural type than Ukraine and Kazakhstan (just 4-6%). The republics of a rural type are due to the presence of fertile valleys among the mountain ranges. These valleys are the only lands of the former USSR, where tropical fruits are grown.

Not only EGP played a role in the level of urbanization.

An equally important reason is the course of the historical process of folding cities. In the Central and North-West E.R. Historically, urbanization began to develop, because The centers of these areas at different times are capitals and now form huge agglomerations focusing millions of people. Also earlier, the process of urbanization began in the Volga region. This E.R. stretched along the largest river. The trading routes were held here, the cities were the centers of trade and crafts, the population was concentrated in them.

Growth rates of urban and rural population

1. Stages of urbanization in Jibbs.

Over time, there are some changes in the field of settlement in each country. This is due to the change of the type of population reproduction and the change of the type of farming. American geographer DzhibbS allocated 5 main stages of resettlement, which were held or held all countries of the world to a certain stage of development. The main criterion for the allocation of five stages of urbanization is the ratio of the dynamics of urban and rural population. Based on data on the dynamics of urban and rural population from 1979. to 1991 We define, at what stage of urbanization was each of the republics of bl. Zag ..

The dynamics of the population of bl. zag.

(1991 by 1979 at the beginning of the year in%)

The country All population Urban Rural
Ukraine 104 115 88
Belorussia 107 131 79
Moldova 111 134 96
Georgia 109 118 99
Armenia 111 115 104
Azerbaijan 118 119 117
Kazakhstan 114 122 105
Uzbekistan 135 131 137
Kyrgyzstan 125 123 127
Tajikistan 141 127 149
Turkmenistan 135 128 141
Lithuania 110 124 87
Latvia 106 110 97
Estonia 108 111 101

The first stage of urbanization in Dzhibbsu has the following characteristics: pre-industrial estimation of the economy, traditional type of reproduction, dense and relatively uniform network of rural settlements. At this stage of the development of urbanization, the urban population grows slowly and therefore the share of citizens may even decrease, with an absolute predominance of the rural population. At this stage of urbanization by 1991. There were: Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Dynamics of urban and rural population C79g. for 91g. Specifies this. In the transition to the second stage of urbanization was Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

The second stage of urbanization of society is manifested during the passage of the process of industrialization. At this stage of urbanization, the rural population migrates to the cities by mass flows, but due to the natural increase, the share of rural residents in the entire population of the country is still slightly growing.

The urban population increases more dramatically. By 91 At this stage of urbanization there were republics: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia. At the transition from the second stage to the third were Moldova and Georgia.

The third stage of urbanization of society is characterized by the following features: the demographic transition has already been completed; Migration outflow and natural decrease leads to a decrease in the rural population. The growth of the share of the urban population determines the predominance of the shares of the rural population.

At the fourth stage of urbanization, the urban population continues to grow weakly, the rural population is also poorly reduced. By 91, Russia, as well as Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania was located at the third and fourth stages of urbanization. Estonia and Latvia transported the fifth stage.

The fifth stage of urbanization is characteristic of post-industrial countries, when social differences disappear between the city and the village. All advantages of the city appear in rural areas. The value of the environmental factor in the consciousness of the population increases. The growth of the psychological factor forces the citizens to move in the village. The number of urban population is reduced and the number of rural is growing. The settlement system again comes to a state of equilibrium. In this stage of urbanization by 1991, none of the republics of Bl. zag.

The growth rate of urban population for the period 1979-1991g.

The smallest growth rates of the urban population in Russia for the period 1979-1991g. Observed in North-West E.R. (by 11%), in Uralsky (by 11%), in the central (by 12%). This is due to the specifics of the population and the economy of these areas.

In the North-West Economic Area, the share of urban population has increased sufficiently. This area has an extraordinary structure: 5 million people live in the center of St. Petersburg, whereas in the whole area - 8 million, including the Leningrad region. It accounts for 1.7 million, to the Novgorod and Pskov combined - 1.5 million. person. In the North-West, urbanization began earlier than in some other areas of Russia. Industry is highly developed here, less developed agriculture. All these features affected the urbanization process. By the 80s, the entire potential of the rural population capable of moving to cities was exhausted in this area, i.e. With a small population of the countryside, the maximum inflow of the population in the city is also small.

For Ural E. R. It is characterized by a high level of urbanization, focusing a large number of population in large cities. This is largely due to the predominance of large enterprises in the Industry of the Urals. Back in the 60s, the world experienced a crisis associated with the decline of such industries such as ferrous metallurgy and metal-machine engineering. In our country, this crisis was artificially "delayed" with the help of state subsidies and excessive metal consumption of the national economy. Therefore, by the beginning of the 90s, when it was no longer possible to restrain the crisis (deterioration of the environmental system, the exhaustion of the main deposits), many enterprises decline, decreased the number of jobs. Therefore, the influx of the population from the countryside in the city gradually decreased.

The process of urbanization in Central E.R. Began, as well as in the north-west earlier than in other parts of Russia. In addition, the countryside of the central eq. The district is distinguished by the little bit of villages and villages, since, podzolic soils are an unfavorable natural condition for the development of agriculture. This led the initial preference to the city of the village in the inhabitants of this region. Therefore, at the low population of the countryside, the low and natural increase in the rural population, which in turn causes a small influx of rural residents in the city of this ek. district.

In our considered by us. R. There is a low growth rate of the urban population, due to the small influx of the rural population.

Another reason for the low growth rate of the urban population is the deterioration of the demographic situation in Russia. The decline in the birth rate has affected at a certain increase in mortality, which is caused by the unfavorable age structure of the population in large centers and cities. Recall that in the past decades, the prevailing part of the country's total increase occurred. This is also evidenced by the statistics of the following table.

Natural increase of 1000 inhabitants in 1980-1992g. In some cities of the Russian Federation.

The table shows that in the largest cities of the Russian Federation by 1991. There was a natural decline in the population, although in general the urban settlements retained a small increase.

Crisis of the 90s. years Reducing the share of the urban population.

The crisis of the 1990s was reflected in a decrease in the share of the urban population of Russia and many republics of neighboring countries. In this case, what is happening at all is not explained by the fifth stage of urbanization, as happens in recent years, for example, in the United States. During the crisis, the population is especially acute facing material problems. Residents of southern regions previously engaged in industry are easier to maintain a certain standard of living in rural areas, because In the southern regions, agriculture is strongly developed and brings some income. Most of the whole process of disurbanization was reflected in Tajikistan (3%) and Kyrgyzstan (2%). From the countries of the near abroad, today, this is a republic, where the share of agriculture is especially great. By geographical position, this is the most southern republics of Central Asia. With the collapse of the industry in the cities, the return of workers to the centuries processed lands naturally.

Reducing the urban population in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Georgia is also explained by the geographical position of these republics and the possibility of landscaping of life through employment in rural areas.

In Russia, a similar situation has developed in the southern regions, hence in recent years there is not a big increase in the rural population in comparison with the above replies.

Largest cities

Millionaire City of Russia and Bl. zag.

The country ECON. District Rep. Bl. zag. Millionaire city Number of thousands of us. For 1994.
Russia Ural Ekaterinburg 1371
Chelyabinsk 1143
Ufa 1092
Permian 1086
Volga region Samara 1255
Kazan. 1092
Volgograd 1000
Western Siberia Novosibirsk 1418
Omsk 1161
Central Moscow 8793
Nizhn.Novgorod 1428
Sitting - Zap St. Petersburg 4883
Sev -Kavk Rostov-on-Don 1023
Ukraine Kiev 2637
Kharkov 1618
Dnepropetrovsk 1187
Odessa 1106
Donetsk 1117
Belarus Minsk 1613
Georgia Tbilisi 1264
Armenia Yerevan 1202
Kazakhstan Alma-Ata 1147
Uzbekistan Tashkent 2694

Consider in more detail how city-millionaires are placed through the territory of Russia.

First, we note that most of them are concentrated in the European part of Russia. Only Novosibirsk and Omsk are located behind the Urals. This is due to the small number of people living here, so with all the maximum tributaries of residents in various cities, only Omsk and Novosibirsk have become millionaires. Not least this is the location of the leader cities is determined by a more developed network of roads in the European part of Russia. After all, many millionaire city stand at the intersection of railways and rivers. These are all Millionaire City of the Volga region (r. Volga), Siberia (r. Irtysh and r. Ob) and Rostov - Donu (r. Don), smaller rivers flow through the rest of the millionaires of Russia, but nevertheless pass through Some of the main branches of the railway network. (For Bl. Zag. This tendency of the location of the cities-millionaires at the intersection of rivers and railways is observed only in Ukraine: Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk on the r. Dnieper.)

Secondly, we note that most of the millionaire cities are located in the neighboring regions of one E.R. . Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov- -Dona stand apart. What is it connected with? This is due to the fact that Moscow and St. Petersburg are significantly superior to the underlying cities in the population. They have no competitors who could attract the population of an impressive value: the largest city near St. Petersburg (5 million people) - Novgorod - inhabited 233 thousand people, and the largest city near Moscow (8 million people) - Yaroslavl- 635 thousand people. (Nizhny Novgorod, located in the Ts.R. separates Moscow Region) As for Rostov - on -done, this leader's city is alone in its region due to the prevalence of the rural population, i.e. In Sev.-Kav. E.R. And above the underlying Ts.Ch.E.R., with the maximum shares of the rural population in Russia, there is no burden to relocate in the city. Residents of these regions are occupied in the village.

What is the concentration of millionaire cities in the Volga region and in the Urals?

In the territorial structure of Russia, the Volga region and the Urals are the most important transit territories through which the basic ties of the West - East are held. These areas have formed the core of the supporting "frame" of the resettlement and the territorial structure of the national economy in the form of large centers of different types and connecting their highways. This has played a huge role in the development of millionaire cities. Consider each region separately.

Volga region is not only a transit territory, but also a redistributor of freight traffic between the areas of Russia. The powerful economic axis is the Volga River - the historical path between the forest north and bread south. The crossing of the Volga railway highways is extremely important for the development of the leaders of the Volga region. An equally important role was played by choosing a place, natural conditions, geometry of natural landscapes. Citizens millionaires occupied the characteristic places of the Volga Valley: Kazan - where the Volga changes dramatically the direction of the flow, from the East to South, strictly 90, Samara - at the east of the protrusion of Volga - Samara Luke, Volgograd - at the extreme protrusion of the Volga bed to the West (Also, this city radiates three railway races - towards the center, Donbass and the Black Sea region.

But not only the nature of the situation on the Volga is the Volga cities. It is very important for their economic elevation as transport and industrial centers was that where they are located, the Volga crossed the border of natural landscape zones and provinces. The position on the border of the territories with different natural prerequisites for the development of the economy, on the mighty river, at the points of its characteristic bends and created a powerful foundation for the economic and geographical location of the Volga Millionaire Cities.

The Urals are a lot of nodes of different magnitudes of mountain nests, most of which are "nanisans" into two main meridional axes - pre-rally (Ufa and Perm are located here) and Zauralskaya (here are Ekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk). Millionaire cities are based in the centers of fast-growing industrial areas, on the axes of the mono-iazareal ties, at the points of contacts of various zones, drops of economic potentials. In the Urals, especially developed: MIC, mechanical engineering, non-ferrous metallurgy. The largest cities are the functions of the city-factories. The combination of transport transition and oversaturation by its industry led to the formation of 4 cities of millionaires (maximum for Russia).

Settlement of the territory

Types of republic and e.R. in population density.

e.R. Russia Population density h / km Bl. zag. Population density h / km
(Russia) (9)
Central 63 Moldova 130
North Caucasus 48 Armenia 113 46 Ukraine 86
Northwest 42 Azerbaijan 82
Volgo-Vyatsky 32 Georgia 78
Volga region 31 Lithuania 57
Uralsky 25 Uzbekistan 50
West Sib. 6 Belorussia 49
Northern 4 Latvia 42
East Sib. 2 Tajikistan 40
Far Eastern 1 Estonia 35
Kyrgyzstan 22
Turkmenistan 9
Kazakhstan 6

Eliminate three different types of countries and E.R. According to the population density: tightly populated, with the average population density, rarely populated.

To the first type of countries, we will take those republic bl. zag. In which the population density is 100-75% of the maximum for this region: Moldova, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Georgia. To the dense selection of E.R. Russia can be attributed to Central E.R. and North Caucasian (distribution above the specified principle)

By the second type of countries, we will take those republic bl. zag. In which the population density is 75-25% of the maximum for this region: Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Latvia, Tajikistan and Estonia. To Tipa E.R. With the average population density, it is possible to include the Ts.Ch.E.R., North-West, Volga-Vyatsky, Volga, Urals.

By the third type, we will carry Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, in which the population density is 25-0% of the maximum on bl. zag. The type of rarely selected are North-West E.R., North, East Siberian, Far Eastern.

Natural and economic features of the territories and their population.

The settlement of territories depends on their natural and economic features. Based on these differences, geographers share the territory of the BL countries. zag. and Russia for five zones.

The zone of continuous settlement, or the main bar of the settlement, is characterized by a developed network of settlements, a variety and maturity of the forms of resettlement, focuses the overwhelming part of large cities and major urban agglomerations, industry centers. Hence the high population density of the main band covering the European part of Russia without the North and rarely populated areas of the Caspian lowland, passing submitting Siberia and the Far East.

This will take the European republics of the Bl. zag.

From the north and south, the main bar of the settlement is focused by zones, sharply differing in natural conditions.

The zone of the Far North is characterized by the foci of settlement. Here is the low population density, which is explained by the serability of climate, the scattering of settlements, a rare network of railways, a small number of large industrial enterprises.

The arid zone of focal form of resettlement includes extensive desert and semi-desert territories to the south of the main resettlement strip, also rarely seen and also with extreme, albeit otherwise, conditions. It covers the Northern Caspian, West Kazakhstan and most of the Central Kazakhstan, Northern Turkmenistan, Karakalpakia. These territories are characterized by a production type of C / x (distant animals), a developed fuel industry industry, a solveness of large basic settlements located in permanent sources of water supply.

The zone of oasis and industrial ranges was formed at the junction of the mountain and flat parts of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. In its composition, the ranges with the highest in the republics of the bl. zag. Fluscy of the rural population, all major Central Asian cities. For the national economic basis, a combination of developed agriculture on irrigated lands and leading industries complemented by the extractive industry has been peculiar. It is thus the main lane of the settlement of the southeast macroregion (intermittent places).

Mountain zone in extreme south bl. zag. It is distinguished by very peculiar form of resettlement: here the outflow of the population is combined with some inflow of the population due to the following major types of development: industrial, hydropower, recreational.


Applying to the conclusion of his work, I would like to say that E.R. Rossia and Bl. Zar., Very different with each other. Those or other features of these territories attract the population. Everyone chooses to taste where it will live, but nevertheless, "... Improving cities as a living environment and places of concentration of various activities, a rational device of urban networks in accordance with the geographical, cultural and historical, socio-economic features of the territory is important Task in Russia and in other countries of the world. " (G.M. LAPPO)

List of references

Alekseev A.I. Socio-economic geography of Russia. M. 1995.

Alekseev A.I., Nikolina V.V. Population and economy of Russia. M.1995

Geography: Encyclopedia. M.1994.

Cities of Russia: Encyclopedia.m.1994

Demographic situation of Russia "Free Thought" №2-3, 1993

Zaisonchkovskaya Zh.A. Demographic situation and settlement. M. 1991.

Kovalev S.A., Kovalskaya N.Ya., Geography of the USSR population. M. 1980.

LAPPO GM Geography of cities. M. 1997.

Ozersov G.N., Pokhishevsky V.V. Geography of the global urbanization process. M.1981

Perched E.P. Geography of cities (geo-turbanist) .m.1985

Perched E.P. Human environment: foresawable future. M. 19990

Countries and peoples. M.1983.

Countries of the world. Brief Political and Economic Directory. M. 19996

Economic and social geography of Russia. Edited by Professor A.T, Khrushchev.m.1997

Urbanization is the process of raising the role of cities in the development of society, the growth of cities, an increase in the specific gravity of the urban population.

Urbanization prerequisites are:

concentration in the cities of industry;

development of cultural and political functions of cities;

deepening the territorial division of labor.

For urbanization is characteristic:

the influx in the city of the rural population;

concentration of population in major cities;

increasing pendulum migration of the population;

the emergence of urban agglomerations and megalopolis.

The formation of urbanization takes place the following basic stages:

I. Development and growth of cities (growing as it were separately). This is a "point" concentration. The city accumulates the potential, complicates its functional and planning structures. Problems of it are becoming more larger and gaining increasing sharpness, but their decision in the framework of the city itself becomes more difficult due to the limited territorial resources.

II. Formation of agglomerations. Post-region stage of development of settlement. The emergence of the Pleiads of urban settlements on the basis of a major city introduces indigenous changes in the pattern of settlement. The agglomeration is becoming a key form of a territorial organization of productive forces and resettlement. Agglomerization is selective, but at the same time very common. Agglomerations play a leading role in all developed and in a number of developing countries. A large city finds in them its addition and at the same time gains new opportunities to solve their problems, including environmental. The outstanding potential of a major city is fully implemented.

Socially urban agglomeration - an area in which a weekly cycle of the life of the modern citizen is closed. In agglomerations, two fundamental properties: the prominency of the formulations of their settlements and complementarity (complementarity) of the latter. A significant economic effect is associated with agglomerations, due to the possibility of closing within the territorial limited agglomerating ranges a significant part of production and other relations. This is especially important for countries with a large territory. In conditions of centralized economic management, the agglomeration effect was not used enough: the departments preferred to organize relations in their framework, not paying attention to their economic inexpediency.

The positive properties of agglomerations are combined with their disadvantages. This is explained by the fact that agglomerations as it were accumulated in themselves fragmented, poorly agreed private solutions. Their development was not regulated in accordance with the pre-developed general plan. The formation of agglomerations can be considered as one of the manifestations of self-development of the settlement.

III. The formation of the support frame of the settlement. Dispersed concentration. The reference frame is a generalized urban portrait of a country or region. It is formed by a set of nodal (cities, agglomeration) and linear (highways, polymagistal) elements. Where they are quite brinded and the territory turns out to be covered with zones of their immediate influence, urbanized areas are formed.

The formation of the support frame indicates the manifestation of two main trends in the development of resettlement - centripetal and linear-spectrum. An example of a distinctly manifested linear rapid trend was the formation of a Urbanized band Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod.

Within the Ural Economic Region (UR), a powerful regional settlement system has developed, the demographic situation has a significant impact on the functioning of which the demographic situation has a significant impact. The state and structure of the regional settlement system largely depends on the dynamics of the population in time and space. Under the influence of the current demographic situation, certain rates of the socio-economic development of the Urals are largely emerging. The demographic situation is increasingly determining the development of network of populated areas, the growth rate of urban and rural settlements of various sizes.

The WAER in the population ranks second (20461 thousand people) in the Russian Federation, yielding only to the Central Economic District. In the area there is an increase in the absolute size of the population, including urban and rural, with a negative balance of natural growth, since 1996 (Table 2).

The proportion of regions and republics in the total population of WEUR Nonodynakov. So in 3 of them (Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk region) resides 60% of the WEUR population, and in the area they constitute 50% of the UER territory (Table 3).

Table 2. The dynamics of the population of the WEUR

Year Thousand person.
1863 4000
1913 8750
As of January 1, 1961 18067
By January 1, 1981 19556
As of January 1, 1996 19981
by 1.01.2000 20239
for January 1, 2003 20461
for January 1, 2004 20421
for January 1, 2005 20488
for January 1, 2006 20461

Table 3. Dynamics of the share of regions and republics in the population of WEUR,%

As of January 1, 1980 As of January 1, 1990 for January 1, 2006
Bashkortostan 19,8 19,5 20,4
Udmurtia 7,8 7,9 8,1
Kurgan region 5,6 5,45 5,5
Orenburg region 10,7 10,7 11,1
Perm region including Komi-Permytsky Auth. OK. 15,5 15,3 15,7
Sverdlovsk region. 22,9 23,25 23,25
Chelyabinsk region 17,7 17,9 15,8

The urbanization level in the Urals is higher than in the whole of the Russian Federation. But the share of urban population in the WEW districts is not the same, so in Bashkortostan it is 64.7%; in Udmurtia 69.7%; in Kurgan region54.8%; in the Orenburg obl. 63.9%; in the Perm region 76.6%; In Komi-Permyatsky Avt. OKR.30.6%; in Sverdlovsk region 87.6%; In Chelyabinsk region 81.3%.

Table 4. Dynamics of the number of urban population of WEUR,%

Year %
As of January 1, 1961 60
By January 1, 1981 72
As of January 1, 1996 74
by 1.01.2000 74,7
for January 1, 2003 74,5
for January 1, 2004 74,4
for January 1, 2005 74,48
for January 1, 2006 74,5

About 2/5 of the Ural cities are located at mineral deposits, and their entire life is associated with the mining industry. They usually consist of several villages whose population rarely exceeds 50 thousand people. More than 1/10 urban settlements are required by its development of black and non-ferrous metallurgy. The number of metallurgical centers compared with the beginning of the century decreased due to the development of local deposits, many of them are transformed into the centers of mechanical engineering and metalworking. As a rule, it is also small towns and villages. Small and rare medium urban settlements arose with forestry and paper industry enterprises. But the chemical industry causes larger settlements, which is associated with a high concentration of production.

Centers of regions and republics are multifunctional. They represent large industrialized education and the most important transport hubs. Political and administrative, organizational and economic, supply activities are concentrated in them. About 40% of UR urban population lives in these centers.

Almost 2/3 of urban settlements are located in the Gornozavodskaya Strip, mainly along the Eastern and Western slopes of the ridge, forming places in areas of settlements. Directly in the axial zone of the mountains of their little. Noticeably less than them and outside the mining strip, here they are placed mainly along the communication paths.

As in other areas, the process of forming urban agglomerations around large cities is underway in the Urals. There is also a process of pendulum migration - movement of the population into the zone of large cities from the locations of the housing to work and refer to the workshop.

With the growth of the absolute number of rural population in the Urals, its share in the total population is gradually falling. There are significant differences in the rural settlement of different parts of the WEUR. In the north of the district and in mountainous areas, small settlements are dominated, usually located along the rivers, where the non-agricultural population prevails. When moving to the south, the magnitude of rural settlements increases, and their network becomes more rare; Agricultural population dominates.

The average population density in the area is about 25 people. / km. Moreover, in the Chelyabinsk region, this indicator is 42 people. / CCM, and in Komi-Permyatsky Auth. ok. - 4.8 people. / CCM, which speaks of significant skews in the density of settling various WEW regions.

Since 1993, in the area there is a disadvantageous situation with the natural movement of the population: the number of dead begins to exceed the number of born, and therefore, a natural decline in the population occurs in the WEW.

Again, in various parts of the UER, the situation with the natural movement of the population is different. So in Bashkortostan in 1996 the natural increase of decline) of the population per 1000 inhabitants was 1.2; in Udmurtia - 3.8; in the Kurgan region - 5.5; in the Orenburg region - 3.4; in the Perm region - 5.5; In Komi-Permyatsky Avt. ok. - 4.9; in the Sverdlovsk region - 6.5; In the Chelyabinsk region - 5.1. Thus, for WEW is currently characterized by a narrowed type of reproduction.

Table 5. Indicators of the mechanical movement of the population of regions and republics of the WEER in 2005 (person per 1000 inhabitants)

Entry Departure Balance
Bashkortostan 29,6 23,8 5,8
Udmurtia 24,9 21,6 3,2
Kurgan region 33,7 32,2 1,5
Orenburg region 31,6 25,4 6,2
Perm region 25,1 23,4 1,8
Sverdlovsk region. 28,5 25,0 3,5
Chelyabinsk region 26,9 24,1 2,8

If generally characterize the situation with the mechanical movement of the WEER population in 2005, it should be noted that the number of people who came to the area and the Republic of the district exceeded the number of from them. A positive migration balance made it possible not only to overlap the negative balance of the natural movement in the UER, but also at the expense of it in 2005, the population increased by 70 thousand.

Thus, the Ural region has all the signs of urbanization: there is a tributary of the population from the village to the city; concentration of population in major cities; pendulum migration; The emergence of agglomerations. This allows us to conclude that the Ural region is urbanized.