What does it mean if an Indian dreamed in a dream. Interpretation of Hindu sleep in dream books

What is the dream of the Hindu

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

To an unusual, but significant event for you.

What is the dream of the Hindu

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To see a Hindu is romantic longing / there will be some fear, something sinister / the desire to stand out, to show yourself as an extraordinary being / your real, but supernatural abilities hidden from consciousness.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

An unpleasant dream seen warns of problems: deprivation, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate imminent success and the need to move on to decisive action. The meaning of sleep is realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

24 lunar day

The dream directly reflects the sexual energy of the sleeper. In its decoding, it is better not to take into account the details. Pay attention to your impressions: if they are gloomy, you have intimate problems that need to be addressed. Pleasant dreams speak of harmony in the sexual sphere.

Waning moon

A dream on a waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

22 of October

A dream with an unpleasant tinge personifies the subconscious fears of the sleeper. It is pointless to interpret it: it will not come true. Only dreams with a good semantic load are destined to be realized.

If you dreamed of a man, then you will have some kind of pleasure. If you dream unknown man, this portends the commission of some kind of adventure. Seeing yourself as a man in a dream means getting into some kind of piquant situation with far-reaching consequences.

If a man seen in a dream is in prison, then this promises you the implementation of your plans for a long time.

Seeing a male actor in a dream means an upcoming quarrel with friends or the loss of someone close to you. Resentment, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, hassle.

If the man you saw in a dream was an obstetrician, this means an imminent illness.

Seeing the man of your dreams in a dream and enjoying talking with him means that you will have to cry a lot and worry about trifles.

If in a dream a man of small stature is trying to start a quarrel or fight with a person who is superior in strength, this means that you are exchanging for nothing. Also, a dream promises an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources give numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that actually happened later. Such facts are cited in his Comparative Biographies by the ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (c. 45 - c. 127), the Roman historian and writer Gaius Suetonius Tranquill (c. 70 - c. 140) and many other ancient authors narrate about prophetic dreams.

About one prophetic dream that predicted misfortune, the story of Plutarch from his famous "Biographies" has been preserved. One night on the eve of the assassination of the Roman dictator and commander Gaius Julius Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up sobbing: she dreamed that she was holding her murdered husband in her arms. Her feelings were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the Senate meeting scheduled for that day. If he had given importance to this warning from above, given to his wife, he would have remained alive (in the Senate he was stabbed twenty-three, in which all the senators took part) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have turned out differently.

Interpretation of dreams from

Our experts will help you find out what the Hindu is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    i dreamed of an Indian ... when I came closer to him, I felt his strength and put my palm vertically, a wave of energy carried me into the air. while in the air, a huge number of pictures with ancient objects flashed before my eyes (writing on tablets, jugs, knives, etc.), as if I were studying. it felt like I was learning a language and trying to speak it

    • Anna, probably your dream about a Hindu, says that you will meet a person or teachings that will open up a lot of new and unknown things for you.


      today, August 11, in the morning I had a dream that dad and brother were swimming in the sea, after they went out to the shore, I decided to swim, but as I entered the water, the water subsided, as if a sharp ebb, I sat on the shore and noticed that an Indian suddenly appeared nearby, with short but curly hair, chewing gum disgustingly ... I said: “get out of here, you shouldn’t be here!”, then abruptly got up and went up the stone steps, went to the fence of dry branches, where dad and brother are sitting, and all of a sudden that Hindu put his hand on my shoulder, as if he was trying to hold me, at that moment I woke up ......

      • janna, the fact that you dreamed of an Indian most likely warns you that you can do detailed introspection in the future.

        I dreamed of a hospital and it was like a Hindu doctor and advised me to lose weight, and I argue with him (I don’t have problems with being overweight, I just recently dropped after giving birth and in excellent shape, though there is a fear of gaining again) .... then I leave I go down the stairs to him and to meet up, there are a lot of Indians and very memorable faces before my eyes ... I think the first part of the dream is the delirium of the subconscious, and the second is symbolic. I wrote the whole dream for objectivity.

        • The Hindu you saw in this dream probably promises you a strengthening of the spirit, religious ideals.

          I dreamed that I was in India, riding a bus. I go up to one sitting Indian and he proposes to me and puts on my wedding ring. And there is no surprise from what happened in my head. I agree and start screaming loudly for joy. Although, of course, I do not know him, but I feel his positive energy. Please clarify... Thanks in advance!

          I dreamed of an Indian trying to stab a green frog with a dagger. She jumps on the curb, tiles. I see it all. The frog jumps in a straight line and tries to get away from him. At the end of the dream, he pierces her with a dagger. There was no fear after sleep.

          strange thing ... there were two dreams .. the first one, where I was supposedly the bride of one, suddenly I suggest to an Indian to give himself up for gold, I even show him a golden ring that I need such gold ... he scatters a bunch of stones and all kinds of jewelry in front of me. .and then I hear that someone is coming into the house. I understand that this is my fiancé ... and as if I hear the thoughts of his family (she’s a badass, you shouldn’t marry like that) the Indian quickly runs away, decorations are scattered on the floor ...
          and today again a dream and again the Indians ... some conversations with them, communication ...
          in general, I am passionate about the theme of the soul and awareness ... not so fanatically as many ... the theme of the structure of the universe and human abilities is very interesting ...

          Today is February 3rd. I had a dream about how I was driving fast on a motorcycle with broken brakes, then I crashed somewhere, and ended up in an enclosure with lions and tigers at the zoo, they attacked me, then I realized that it was not me, and from the side I watched the lions eat a person from his head, then he jumped up and began to drive away the lions with a reflection from the golden plate, then the Indians came to the rescue with sabers and knives, stood in a circle, and in a complete trance they twisted their sabers over their heads, drove the lions away, I woke up in horror, as if I had not slept Why this colorful and terrible dream?

          At the beginning of the dream, I met my friends. They were walking after the funeral. In real life, one of them has a sick mother.
          Further in a dream I walk the streets with some guy.
          Next episode: scene. I look beautiful. I sing and dance, but I do it ridiculously, because I feel very constrained. Filming video. Then I get into a gray, almost b / w place. There are a lot of men there. They kill me. Further, it seems, I look from the side as they send a closed coffin with me (I don’t see myself) across the water. The Indian does it. The coffin does not sink, but turns over and floats up, but does not open. This is some kind of sign for the Hindu to take something out, to get it. And then a folder with paper appears on the water. There is something written on it. This is the sign. The Hindu takes this paper, and only after that the coffin with me calmly floats on the water

          he came instead of my husband, he was supposed to live with me, but then my husband appeared and watched us, but we had nothing, the Indian said that I don’t like you because you snore in your sleep, he left and the husband disappeared somewhere.

          HELLO!! dreamed in a dream that it seemed to me. as if this Hindu is a holy man .. and not a young old man, he is surrounded by a crowd, and I seem to see him at a meeting already close in the distance ... and he sings something in his own way and gesticulates with his hands.

          i dreamed the Indians at the customs stopped me and inspected the girl who was very beautiful especially she didn’t want to inspect and then they invited me to the boss went to the boss there they further inspected my bag then I talked with their boss in a very sincere form without any aggression everything was fine in one word everything was easy, I was surprised

          in a dream, my boyfriend went to the dentist. In the dentist's office, he saw through a window without glass an Indian in a light-colored turban and trousers (wide, worn by Indians) of burgundy-violet color. But the Hindu while we looked out the window was doing a massage fat woman(European with a red face). My boyfriend went to ask for a price for a dental treatment and when he came back he quoted a price that was too high.

          I walk during the day, along the street along the coast. And I see a man, or a guy, walking towards me, about the same appearance: tall, swarthy, in a dark blue coat unbuttoned, somewhere above the knees, in a scarf, in my opinion, gray, dark pants. And about his face - swarthy, as if Indian, very big eyes, despite the fact that he was very swarthy, they were gray-blue in color and ... they were bottomless ... the nose is quite large, but neat, I don’t remember the lips, I think they are narrow, the hair is dark dark, black, not very well-groomed, disheveled , length - square ... and in my opinion, he still had some kind of purse, or a small briefcase in his hands ... and now I don’t remember if I asked in a dream who he was, but I remember for sure that there were rumors about him some went that he was strange, very strange, everyone either feared him or avoided him. And I... I just couldn't take my eyes off him... but well, he didn't notice. For the first time... Then again the locations change a little - as if the next day. I'm still walking in the same place, along that street, but on the other side. And I look down, to where the river bank, reeds, trees - willows. And again I see him there, in the same attire ... He either freaks out, or he has a nervous breakdown, he seems to drive all his anger on a tree - he beats him with his fists ... something is wrong with him ... And then he raises his eyes upwards – his big bottomless eyes… but there is not a drop of hatred in them… towards me… only curiosity… I quickly turn away and move on… but still I can’t forget that look…

          I dreamed that I was in a cave, with someone I allegedly came there for treasures, but someone could not take them with me, there were traps, some kind of gratings closed .... and so we fled and we met, as I understood it, a creature half a man half a snake ... with a blue face, it immediately seemed to me that this was a mythical creature from Naga Hinduism ... and we talked about something, it seemed to me that she became friendly to me and asked something that she would give me some kind of strength or something else, but then I was someone else and she began to get out of the cave as everything was closing and got outside, there she became a girl similar to a Hindu and after a while began to dance with a boy who as it turned out, I was also in a cave with me, at first I began to envy that she was with him and not with me, and she didn’t give me anything, and then I started to be happy for her or them and she threw me some kind of lamb or a cookie like eat, I remember that he bit ... well, and then the beleberda went there

          I bathed with my daughter in the Ganges River, there were several Indians. Then a lot of women and children (Indians) and we (with my daughter) jumped from the waterfall, as if on an attraction. Then they got out of the water and climbed the stairs, together with the Indians ...

          Hello. I dreamed that I was riding a train that had derailed. I left it and ended up in India. I walked without knowing where I was. Suddenly, a good-looking Indian pulled me out of the crowd by the hand and said that I needed help. He gave me some kind of potion that made me dizzy, then put his hands on my head and began to heal, saying something. After that, he disappeared somewhere. And I was left alone in India, not understanding what to do next. I found that I had no money, no passport, nothing. And decided to stay in it beautiful city for good.

          Sleep - “My mother and I walked along the streets unknown to me and possibly the city, and a completely unfriendly Indian came to meet us, I would even say angry. We subsequently ran away from him. And then my mother herself sent me to the Indians, something like Old Believer Buddhists, so that I could ask them to pray for health and give me some folk remedies»

          Hello! Such a dream - an Indian dreamed in a female long dress of cherry-brown color. Even in a dream there were children (not mine), there were about five children, aged from about 2 - 3 years to 7. He seemed to be their babysitter. I also saw my father and one of the girls I knew in a dream (in a dream she rode a very unusual motorcycle) And I also moved either by motorcycle, or by car, or by bicycle. The place and the city in which various events took place sometimes seemed not real (as if Alice had a wonderland, only in a modern version - light, cellular communications and all other attributes of modernity)

          An Indian came to visit me, all dressed in white, he said something to me, but I did not understand him and he left. Some time has passed and he comes again, but not alone, but as friends. They wanted to put on a concert. I tell him we don't like you very much, it's better you leave. He began to explain something in his arms. I say that I do not understand you. And he badly said that soon you will understand me and left.

          I saw a long staircase going up from the road and on it a lot of people of Hindus went upstairs, basically everyone was wearing a blue Sari
          Then I don’t know how I ended up there, many women were sitting there once giving pendants, earrings, vases, I took myself

          Hello !!! ... I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, as if a man was calling me, an Indian and begging to meet me, and I seemed to be in thought, and for some reason I opened the album and began to look at photos of where it could be, and I saw him on the graduation photo of the institute, he seemed handsome to me, but I was surprised by his blue eyes ... then I began to look at the photos further and was amazed by the Hindu girl, she had a huge nose, and she was not beautiful ... please tell me what it is for?)

          I'm walking down the street. I met a Hindu with a girl 5-6 years old. The girl tells him that I am a copy of some kind of acquaintance of theirs. Offers this Hindu to invite me to events. The Hindu stops me and writes cardinates on my hands. Like a dollar. And then I woke up.

          I don’t exactly remember the whole dream, but I remember a lot of people in a dream, and at first I didn’t notice this man, an Indian man, a Hindu, we didn’t know each other, I remember him in a dream as a man who put everything in order, he was calm and kind , silent, and in the end, he gave me a box, it contained some expensive cigars, as if from India, as he told me, I was upset in a dream, because I don’t use tobacco, but I was still very glad, because the thing is from India and I decided to keep and protect them, and he also gave me some beautiful candles, rectangular in shape, and I remember in what metal frames with embossed inscriptions, the language is definitely not Russian and I don’t know this at all
          He was very happy

          I saw a river in my dream. At first, the water in it was very muddy. But when I came closer to her and began to peer, the water became clear. I saw the bottom of this river. It was very deep, but I could see every pebble at the bottom. I even saw the deep currents. The bottom of the river is rocky and there are stones around. And in the water, I saw a man who walked along the bottom back and forth and muttered something under his breath. I also wondered how he could be under water for so long. For some reason, I’m sure that it was a Hindu and the river that I dreamed of was the Ganges.

          Accept treats from the Indians, sit at the same table with them. Find a small baby elephant in autumn leaves, put it in a round box and try to hide it, hide it so that it is not taken away. became, but light golden color

          Good afternoon) Dream, like reality. I lie in my bed, the image of a man appears in front of my face, he looks like an Indian, swarthy and angry. He says: "For this you will give 10% of your soul." I feel a strong fear, the man disappears, I understand that I am not sleeping and I need to get out of bed, but my husband seems to be holding me, I can’t move, I start screaming, there is no voice. I try my best to shake, move, and apparently wake up, my husband is sleeping next to me, feeling as if it was not a dream. I didn’t do bad deeds, my conscience is clear.

Another country may indicate your period of life in some other situation (different from the one that should have been or that you wanted to have), a meeting with acquaintances who did not recognize you can also mean other other circumstances, not at all the same that you expected (or expect), and which also speaks of a significant noticeable change in you or something in your life, hugged and cried - this may indicate that you are comforted by some things that are connected with something - something very dear to you in life. It's like a dream - thinking, in my opinion, about your "strange" position or desire in such a concept as "love".

Dream Interpretation - Indian Cinema

Irina, and if you project your dream onto life, then in your life there is at least something similar to the story? Perhaps fragments, a common idea ... Rich and poor are two poles of the same person, it seems to me ... Men .. Bifurcation inside him ... Rich and poor as an internal state, was with you - was rich in feelings, love, broke up and became impoverished, having lost you and your relationship ... In this sense ... Most likely you continue to communicate ...

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Hindu- spiritual potency, a sign of the development of spiritual abilities.

For those who are fond of oriental, spiritual exercises- the beginning of the demonic temptation.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Hindu see- romantic longing / there is a certain fear, something sinister / the desire to stand out, to show yourself as an extraordinary being / your real, but supernatural abilities hidden from consciousness.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.