Adult birthday. Original greetings in verse

In winter holidays, we are finally the time in order to gather a family or big companyAnd sometimes - and to celebrate the anniversary. We offer you a script that is suitable for the celebration of the anniversary of a woman or a man, any family celebration, corporate and New Year's party.

What is anniversary?

With Latin, this word is translated as the "anniversary year". Anniversary is a celebration of 25-, 50- and 100-year-old birthday or human activity. So it happened historically. But in our time any "circular", i.e. ending on "5" or on "0", the date is called the anniversary. Starting from the 5-year-old birthday of the child, all theories are celebrated as anniversary. What is the reason for the selection of "special" dates? Apparently, in the love of all people to the holidays.

All round in the life of a person since ancient times was considered special, closely related to natural and cosmic forces. Even before it turned out that the earth has a round shape, the pagans worshiped the sun, which brought them warmth and light. Different rituals were devoted to this round luminaire - lit and rolled wooden wheels or hoops from the mountains; The girls were clung round wreaths, and a belt having a circle shape was considered to be a faith in many nations. Against the evil forces, people spent their magic circle around themselves. Even the dance, adopted not only in the Slavs, has a ritual meaning.

The same is the case with the "round" dates. They require a particularly reverent relationship, as it comes to a certain milestone in life. Anniversary is usually celebrated more widely than annual birthdays, with an invitation of a larger number of guests and an original entertainment program.

All anniversary dates divided by "4", i.e. 20, 40, 60, 80 years, etc., it must be noted especially bright, fun and for richly covered tables. During these years, Silen Jupiter, giving happiness and material benefits.
Jubilee dates, multiple 7, - 35 and 70, notice well, in an informal setting, as the seven is under the control of uranium - the planet surprises. You can go on the journey.
The anniversary dates ending on 5, as well as 30 and 50 years old are marked among the best friends and close people in a pleasant, romantic setting. These years are under the influence of Saturn, the planet stability, or Neptune, responsible for mutual feelings and sexual harmony.

Festive design

First of all, in the interior with the help of beautiful inscriptions, balls, colors, you can beat the number of the anniversary itself - for example 25, 45 or 55, etc. But this is possible only if the jubilee is a man. Not every woman wants to see the number of their years everywhere.

Opposite the entrance you can hang a stand with the inscription: "If I were a wizard ..." You need to tie a marker to it, which all invited can be addicted to the phrase, thus making a wishes to the perpetrator of the celebration.

On another stand, there should be an inscription "100 reasons (you can specify the age of the jubilee), for which we love you ..." and guests, in turn, indicate these reasons. To the stands do not look boring, they can be painted.

For guests and drawing prizes, guest cards are harvested for guests. Coming to the celebration take them, without looking, and retain until the end of the evening.

Holiday script

The presenter at the celebration becomes a wizard. On the head - the cap, in the hands - a shiny wand and a big book. Dance pauses are made at the discretion of the lead.

Host: How do we love birthdays! And especially such an anniversary! (The presenter begins to tell the parable.) "Once at Malls asked how the cooled pilaf is called in Arabic. But Molla did not know and responded like this: the Arabs never give the pilaf cool."

Then all guests are invited to a festive table.

Host: Today's celebration is dedicated to a special round date, which means it becomes a little magical. Guests also touched the magic, leaving their wishes on a special stand.

Then the "Waltz of the colors" of the Johann Strauss is declared. First, the jubilee is dancing (with his wife / husband), then everyone joins.

Jubilee, our boyfriends,
Sit dust,
Hey, pour over the stack of more!
Take greetings from friends
In wonderful anniversary!

Competition poetic

The presenter declares the competition, putting the cap and waving a stick. Then he looks into the "magic" book and announces that for the competition he needs one guest, which pulled out the figure 5.

On a sheet of paper, you can write some not very well-known classic poem with missed epithets, adjectives and pronouns.

The task of the participant of the competition is to insert the most suitable words from the proposed. After that, all the poem is fully read out. Guests applaud.

Competition Mythological

After contacting his "magical" book, the lead reports that all those present guests will participate in the next competition, but divided into two teams.

The presenter reads questions related to mythology, and the teams respond.

  1. Why did the gods punished the young man, turning it into Narcissus? (For the fact that he was engaged in self-examination.)
  2. Before the gods turned the young Hyacinth to the flower, who was he? (The son of King Sparta, a friend of Apollo, who accidentally killed him during the sports games.)
  3. Why chrysanthemum is so revered in Japanese mythology? (Because it is associated with the origin of the country. The highest award of Japan is the Order of Chrysanthemum.)
  4. What does the word "Astra" mean in Latin? (Star.)
  5. In Slavic mythology there is a flower that is named women's name. What is this flower? (Pansies.)
  6. Vasilek is considered a royal flower, why? (Because in Greek sounds "Basilev", which is translated as "king".)
  7. In the mythology of which peoples speak of a non-existent Fern flower? (In Slavic mythology, it is said that it blooms in a deaf more often once a year - on the night of Ivan Kupala - and found it acquires wealth for life.)

Competition Rhythmic

The presenter again looks into his book and reports that only even numbers will be involved in this competition, which returns us to pagan times. Odd numbers remain in their places and help the game, applauding loudly. One of the guests with an odd number you can give a children's drum to create a rhythm.

So, the participants go to the center of the hall and sit on the chairs placed in a circle.

Sits on the chair and the lead and asks everyone to put hands on his knees so that the right hand was on the knee of the neighbor on the right, and the left - the neighbor on the left.

The task of participants is to observe the order, slightly hit the knee of the neighbor. Begins the game presenter from the left hand and further - his neighbor with his right hand, then the neighbor right with his left hand, etc. The blows should be a kind of magical rhythm.

And guests who do not participate in the competition, clapping in your hands, ask the pace, speeding it.

Competition anecdotal

The presenter begins his story with the fact that round items always have a special magical impact on people, and tells the anecdote.

Gathered new Russian marry. And before the wedding came to the architect:

- I need a completely round house.
The architect clarifies:
- Round?!
- Well, I said: Absolutely round!
- What about the floor, ceiling and everything else?
- I said that they should be round!
- But why?! - Architect is amazed.
- Yes, the mother-in-law says: "You have and for me there is a corner ..."

Then the lead announces a competition of "round jokes", for example, about a kolobka, sun, etc. All guests are involved.

Television competition

Host: Guess that there is a big one in the world as the Eiffel Tower, but nothing weighs anything? That's right, the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. Our contest is called "Guess Shadow".

For his holding, the jubilee is planted on the chair face to the wall, and guests of the festive evening with numbers 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27 are preparing to participate. The top light turns off (the presenter can make it with a wave hand with a magic wand, using the help of a volunteer from guests), and a table lamp is installed behind the jubileel. On the wall in front of him you can see the shadow of the person who stands behind his back. The task of the celebration of the Celebration is to guess whose shadow is when players begin to pass between him and the lamp. Participants should try to make them the anniversary to know - they can change the gait, attach to themselves a clown nose, make funny gestures. The one whom the jubilee guessed, replaces him in a chair. During the competition, you can put cheerful soft music.

Competition congratulatory

Participants with numbers 4, 6, 8, 14 are invited to his participation. They are divided into 2 teams of 2 people. They are given a task: for 5-10 minutes. To write a story for the anniversary with the help of one letter. For example, when all the words begin with the letter "O" or "P". The story should have a small plot and signature.

If the participants become hampered, the lead can help them mini-story:

"Once very educated monkeys went to explore the surroundings.

"ABOUT! A charming monkey! "The monkey rested near the lake:" Oh, the charming monkeys! "They region. The charming charming will appreciate a very frank opus.

Especially witty Olga, Oleg.

"Elderly Peacock met a decent guy. They drank, danced, swam. Then they went through the desert, they asked to drink. Later we swapped the ferry. The correct promising guy will understand the invented work.

Pioneers of the past period. "

Stories take turns read the jubilee. Participants are awarded with applause.

Digital competition

The presenter suggests that today's celebration is associated with the magic of numbers. And in the next competition, the tasks will be associated with numbers. Participation invite guests near the numbers 26-36. Competition is advisable to spend under merry fast music.

Exercise 1. Dedicated to the figure 3. It is required to name all the well-known works, including fairy tales, in the names of which this figure: "Three comrades", "Three in the boat, not counting the dogs", "d'Artagnan and three Musketeers", "three pigs" , "Three heroes", "three fathers", etc.

Task 2. Dedicated to the figure 7. Here you need to give examples of how often this figure is applied in our lives. For example, seven notes, seven days of the week, the proverbs "Seven times will die - once the rejection" and "seven one are not waiting", the word "family" - seven "I", etc.

Task 3. Dedicated to the figure 5. It is necessary to list 5 animals, the name of which consists of five letters. For example, protein, zebra, cat, boar, grounding.

Task 4. Dedicated to the figure 4. Participants must count to 40, while not calling the figure 4, and replacing it with the word "next".

Each task is allocated for 2 minutes.

Competition "Teski"

Lead, looking into his book, invites guests to play at the numbers 16, 17, 18, 19. They must, remembering with the help of the host of all famous namesok of the birthday man, make a small horoscope for him on this basis.

For example, if a birthday name is Yuri, you should recall Yuriy Dolgoruky, Yuri Gagarin, Yuri Nikulina and come up with such a "horoscope": "The birthday room has a strong character, and its influence extends so far that it still doesn't even deprive. At the same time, our jubilee is not deprived Humor's feelings and loves to be in all the first! "

If Jubilee is Sergey, Sergei Yesenin, Sergius of Radonezh will be helped here. If the name of Jubilee, Alexander, here is full of rampant fantasy: Macedonian, Nevsky, Pushkin, Russian emperors. Ivan "Cool" theses - Ivan Grozny, as well as Ivanushka-fool and Ivan Tsarevich. The image of Michael will help to draw up actor Derzhavin, Russian Tsar Mikhail - the first in the Romanov dynasty, as well as the good Russian Mikhail Potapich. Name Gennady Guests can tie with Gennady Khazanov and good crocodile Geno. Valery is an artistic name, such famous singers, like Meladze and Leontiev, are worn. Vladimir is undoubtedly numerous courageous Russian princes, and maybe Vladimir Ilyich.

Such horoscopes are easy to compile for women. Natalia - Natasha Rostov, Natalia - Boyarskaya daughter. Catherine is two Russian empress; Elizabeth - and Russian, and English Empress; Julia can be associated with Julia Caesar, as well as with Italian Juliet; Olga in character will remind the guests of Princess Olga or actress Olga Ostrumov; Maria is the images of the Virgin Mary, as well as many Pushkin heroines - Masha Dubrovskaya, Captain's daughter. Horoscope Tatiana will help create Tatyana Larina, Holy Tatiana - the patron of all students.

The competition usually causes great interest in any audience.

The evening is over. The master takes off the cap, puts his magic wand into it, near the book and pronounces the final toast "on the bed".

My children were looking for an invitation for the day of rye on the map, as everyone was invited to the flemefon, they knocked the balls with darts (in them notes, phantas, riddles), painted with closed eyes or doriospi from some kind of doodle
riddles, comic questions
who can focuses show
they themselves prepared a sandwich (and most importantly ate-even those who do not eat potatoes and tomatoes)
at the end of Mumia
if you are full of time, you can also start the snake
At the table gathered immediately after the treasure, then the boots themselves are made, then the cake, and in the evening it goes by the fire-bread, sausages fry

my dream DR in the country's dacha :) I would have arranged a pirate party with the search of the treasure - the territory allows, in the pool you can arrange a sea battle **, the scenery to buy is not a problem, there are even sets for the table in such a style. Today in Mr. Sevastopol was - for 11-15 floors full of tri-brings, flags and other things in this subject.
The plot and scripts with the prompts can be seen in the internet, the main thing is not to overload the kids :)
And like this topic to girls is even very. And if the adults are also connected, the holiday will be long :) Dad and mothers are pretty to wear, grate ...

More about entertainment. My dreams. In principle, most people know what is different children's holiday from an adult. Voleta's review Many thanks for the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an interesting child's birthday program.


my favorite is "Mummy", all over couples, each pair - on the roll of toilet paper, 2 stages - 1) Actually Mummy - wrapped the partner's paper - who is faster. When everyone finishes - the next stage of the 2nd "Mummy is released" - a ripe mummy breaks down the paper, who is faster and immediately the 3rd stage - which steam larger the paper scraps. For this, plastic bowls were issued for each pair. The 3rd stage is exclusively for purity so that the garbage is not lying. Always causes a wild delight first scattering paper, and then its gathering picking up. But this year I had to weigh the collected paper - the children demanded accuracy! :). We also play alias and "crocodile", a simplified version - I gave the tasks to one person, it would be depicted with gestures and faith (helicopter, dog, etc.), and the rest guess.

We at the "Hurray" goes like this: we take a bow and hoop, we dress the child with swimming glasses, closed with cotton wool (so exactly nothing can be seen and is not considered it impossible).
In one place we put Kegel, to another - hoop. Purpose: Find a bow to attribute to the hoop. Where to go says (in fact screams and yells) the rest of the kids.
I attached a reference here for clarity. We still restrict time so that they move faster. Who met in time, then ... come up with yourself.

I do not like the anniversary, where you come and only food yes toast ... There are no little entertainment ... boring ... especially dances, usually begin later. First birthday: holiday scenario, contests for kids and adults.

You and adults you with the kid, in addition to the animators, ordered a show of soap bubbles, show transformers and paper ... We, however, have already celebrated both birthdays, children entertained animators and there were many attractions (in Happilon in ...


Calm! %) Went here, on the site, "holiday scenarios" search. There will be a sea of \u200b\u200barticles.

Draw them a crossord for some interesting topic. Let guess.
Phanti - pull out, perform (three times on the left leg jump, jump around the table, sing a song Turtle and Lionca, list all fabulous mice (Jerry, Ratatouh (rat), Kryska Lariska, in a repka mouse, in a rush mouse, a mouse and pencil SUYEEEV ),

next, in 8 years you can already play "nonsense". We take a sheet of paper and every writes an answer to the question of the lead. Questions - who? (everyone write what they want - a cat, Tanya, teacher, hare), when? (in the morning, after the rain, on Tuesday), where? What did you do?, Who came? what did you say? What caused?. After each question, the paper is transmitted to the neighbor. Then the leading artistic and fun read the resulting stories. It is usually funny. My son loves her.

Mini supervision lottery. Just a handful of small gifts (key chains, stickers, gum, candy) in a dark bag. Everyone pulls out a gift. Just ATK.

You can traditional - who will seek the rope to the pencil faster. Two ropes are tied to the pencil and give opponents in hand.

Beautifully looks greeting with a candle. Each guest gives a candle. He / she says the wish birthday girl, hands a gift and transmits a candle on. About this presentation ceremony and congratulations to prevent better in advance so as not to be handed over time. :)

The game of attention. We take with you a bright and realistic picture, show it for 10 seconds. Then questions about the picture.

You can recognize the animals that jokes to the back of the player. He does not see them and should ask questions to which the rest respond "yes, no." The rest see what an animal is behind him.

Do you have any books at home on the topic of organizing holidays or how to take children? Or see some contests here or in the sun. For example, well-known "nonsense": answers to questions are written on leaves: who, with whom? what they were doing? Where? What happened from it. Remember such a game or need details? My still played in some similar (on leaves) about animals, I do not remember already. In general, remember, full of games are sedentary and very funny. I no longer remember - I do not like it myself, and children do it better.

We, though, have already celebrated both birthdays, children entertained animators and there were a lot of attractions around (in the son very soon there will be a birthday - 18 years. Tell me some games, entertainment for children from 3 to 8-9 years, as separately from adults and and ...

It is planned birthday, I want to play contests with gifts for the uncle and ate 30-35 years old .. Share ideas, huh? And we have always enjoyed success such entertainment.


In Burim you can play ...
And we have always enjoyed success such entertainment. At the end of the event, one person comes out and writes a story that the whole evening happened, leaving spaces in front of nouns. Then everyone else is called the various adjectives, which he fit into the go there. And then the story is read. It is usually very funny.

when you can not completely sober, you can make a business card with lips, try to attach a business card to the lips and draw the air - it sticks. So, everyone gets around and begin to transfer a visit to each other, one relaxes, one breaths, the other inhales, such as the transmission of orange, the orange man clamps between the chin and the neck and transfers to another, the other without the help of hands should take this orange with the help of chin And the neck, but the first is more sexy, of course, depending on which company. Drops out the one who drops orange or business card

Ritul! Look in the archives of "rest" - scenarios for birthdays. There are links to sites with contests. We (I and Cloanes) did a rope with talented prizes (I purchased cute key chains). Children with closed eyes found a thread with a prize, adults cut off. Then we folded in the hat - the phantas with the performance of the rooms. Wonderful go dancing with repetitions ("If you want to have fun - do so" somewhere I have a description of the movements, but I did not pick up the music, so my 3-5 years danced under the "small ducklings"). If children are drawing, then you can make a drawing contest for two teams - draw or draw with closed eyes. We also hit the bow of the ball. Competition "Zamri" is very cheerful. Played in the blind cat. Gidden the riddles, came up with non-residents. All those who won the stickers on the handles, then the prizes were handed over to those who have more.

First birthday: holiday scenario, contests for kids and adults. What do birthday come up with? Entertainment for the multi-year company of children. Section: How to celebrate: Ideas, Tips. (How to entertain a multi-year company).

As the English film director Alfred Hichkok said, "three main components of the film: script, script and once again scenario."

Using these "proven in battle" scenarios, you can independently make a birthday scenario and even the scenario of the jubilee of men 50, 55, 60 years old, the anniversary scenario of women 50, 55 years old.

If you already have your own wonderful scenario, then you can improve it a little, taking advantage of anniversary competitions, wedding contests, birthday competitions, wedding games, from scenarios presented on this page.

Your husband's birthday. Surely, you have repeatedly dreamed of this day, scroll through all the events in my head, trying to organize the most interesting, cheerful and exciting holiday. And now, just now it's time to include your fantasy and make an original scenario for my husband's birthday.

A disco-party in the style of the 80s is an excellent option to celebrate the birthday. Why does the disco party? Just competitions at parties are held frequently, and costume parties with adults - only for the new year. And, of course, because it is our youth (or our parents, and in this case, each melody is familiar with the cradle).

We offer a script and additional materials for an independent organization of the holiday - a disco party in the style of the 80s.

Idea: organize a beer party with spicy contests. This script is perfect for a narrow circle of friends. Age of friends 30-40 years old young, interesting, hot and incendiary. Organize the party at home or in a restaurant. If you decide to hold a party at home, then be sure to make sure that you have enough space for contests. It is desirable that the number of women and men in the amount of approximately the same. it prerequisite Scenario, as most competitions will be paired. Musical design of the evening, trust your friend who has a good music style. You can write discs in advance with modern popular music, as folk motives in your case can spoil the whole holiday.

The proposed version of the script is recommended for anniversary days of birth and round dates. However, the scenario of the anniversary can be used in an ordinary birthday. Approximate age of guests - from 30 to 60 years. The anniversary scenario is designed for 3-4 hours of the holiday.

This is an exemplary birthday scenario in nature, in which friends or relatives of the birthday officers are organizers. This birthday scenario is designed to hold a holiday in a collective 7-20 people, a duration of 6-8 hours.

To carry out the event you will need:

  • gift birthday;
  • equipment for the forest;
  • equipment for kebabs;
  • props for contests;
  • prizes;
  • musical accompaniment.

When a holiday comes to our life, everyday troubles are inferior to the most joyful and happy moments of being, decorating the world with rainbow paints. These days are filled with light emotions and impressions that you want to keep in memory, divide with loved ones. Congratulations always remain an integral part of any celebration, because only with the help of words coming from the heart itself, you can express and transfer our feelings to others. But the usual words are not always suitable for this. Poetic lines are born into unusual minutes and with a special mood, they are capable of touching the most subtle strings of the soul. Congratulations in verses donated by expensive people will not only be transferred from the soul to the soul, but also will definitely leave bright memories of the happy event. Whatever the reason for the celebration, on our site there are fresh and original congratulations on any occasion. Selecting the necessary words, it is important to take into account all to the smallest detail: name, age, gender, related or other relationships, profession and even affiliation to the sign of the zodiac. After reviewing the sections presented on our site, you will definitely delete a congratulation that meets all the features of each specific case.

Happy holiday you and always excellent sentiment!

Our site contains a huge number of original congratulations on any holiday, reason and case. All sections are regularly updated, so do not forget to look at
Happy BirthWith us you will definitely find something suitable - congratulations, verse, SMS, voice cards.

You can find out what holiday today you can in our holiday calendar, designed for every day of just 2016.

Select a picture (postcard) with a beautiful bouquet of colors for

The script is designed for thematic day birth of yellow color, as in the home setting (apartment, vacation home) So in the cafe, the banquet hall, etc., with the presence of both adults and children.

For birthday it is necessary:

Send invitation guests in which something yellow (part of the clothing, accessory, flowers, etc.) can be sent to each of the invited guests.

Decorate the rooms with balloons (30-40 pcs.), Flowers, festive posters (with photos of the birthday party), paper garlands and all yellow;


Festive cake (preferably rounded shape) with candles;

Props for games and contests;

Gifts (prizes).

After all invited guests at the celebration, took place at the festive table:


As you all already know, in honor of the birthday of our beloved birthday book (s), which (s) really like the yellow color, we decided to hold a thematic holiday associated with this color.

For the beginning, let's congratulate the birthday officer (-the), for this I have a sun, which radiates rays.

The presenter shows all the sun, which was cooked in advance.

The sun is made, from yellow paper, and is: a circle with a photo of a birthday book (s), in the center, (you can print a photo on yellow paper or stick a photo on the glue) and rectangular stripes that are attached to the edges of the circle using a stapler or scotch , on the turnover of each of the rectangular strips (the number of bands must correspond to the number of invited guests), the word is written. For example: Good luck, love, etc.

Present guests, neatly tear off one ray, and with the word, which is written on this rash, they must come up with or a wish.


Now let's spend the competition "Who is furious" (This competition is suitable for different age-old categories, both for adults and for children).

For this we will need five participants, four chairs (tools) and cheerful (fast) music.

The presenter includes music, and participants begin to dance around chairs (stools). After a certain period of time, the host turns off the music, the task of participating in the competition, take a free chair (stool). A participant who did not manage to take free space, dropping out of the competition, while retracts one chair (stool) and it continues until the last chair remains. The participant who will take it first wins.

The winner is awarded the prize - the "Sun" magnet.


Well, I propose the next contest called "Two halves, one lemon". For the competition, you need six participants and props. The presenter disperses the participating in the competition prepared in advance, from paper yellow, caps on the head.

The essence of the competition is as follows:

For a start, three pairs of participants are formed, one participant from the formed couple sits on the chair, the second becomes behind his back, each couple represents two halves of one lemon.

Each lemon, you must come up with a sound signal. The presenter sets questions on the topic associated with lemon, and three possible answers, among them one right. As soon as the answer is ready, the second half of the lemon clicks on the first, which makes a beep, after that the second half is voiced by the answer.

The lead asks about the readiness of steam competition and begins to ask questions:

1. In the global industrial culture of citrus fruits, lemon after oranges takes ...?

A) second place. (Correct answer)

B) third place.

C) fourth place.

2. Did the birthplace of lemon consider ...?

A) South Africa.

B) Northern Europe.

C) Southeast Asia. (Correct answer).

3. Since when did lemon appear in Russia?

A) Since the times of Catherine II.

B) Since Peter I. (correct answer).

C) since Nikolai II.

4. What action is lemon on the stomach?

A) no.

B) reduces acidity. (Correct answer).

C) increases acidity.

5. What vitamin is the most rich lemon?

C) C. (correct answer).

6. The most good lemons are ...?

A. Small lemons, with a thin skirt. (Correct answer).

And now remember the proverbs and tell me that in our time is valued more than money? (Someone certainly says: "Time!"). For sure! Of course time! And the time counter from the century is the clock! On my - ..., who has the same result? And who has a hurry watch? W.

Meet - rivals! Three heroes, three handsome on the selection. And tell me, dear viewers, who else in the story was three? (There is auction, at the expense of "Three" someone wins). So he is the fourth handsome man! Applause! Imagine. Under the terms, you are given the right to choose the fifth player! Choose from the audience! There is! And the name of the fifth contestant .... Excellent! Applause to the participants of the beauty contest!

1 contest

So, we start the competition! It is known that a real man should be elegantly dressed. Nothing, perhaps, so does not decorate a man, like fashionable, correctly tied to the slaughter ... -E-e, sorry, tie! Here are five self-saying ties, everyone apart. Attention, players! The game system is as follows: After each stage, one of you will leave the site with a comforting prize, the rest will continue the battle to victory, but for now - ties on the elongated hands!

Task: Tie a tie by any of the twelve available in the stock of humanity of nodes, and as soon as it turns out to be tied up on your neck, as a sign of readiness to raise up your hand! Clear? But the team "began!" Knit tie on the neck, and - hand up! The one who will raise the latter - lost. Prepared! Started! (Players knit ties with any node, someone - last). There is a loser! Oh, how sorry, some seconds did not have enough to you, but alas, it is so. Here is your consolation prize, you can return to the hall, and the rest will now continue the fight.

2 contest

Well, ties you caught, go further. Please stand on one line. I have already said that a real man should be able to make money. But a real man should also be able to beautifully let the money on the wind! Here you have money - on a thousand-dearned, fold it with "house", and the wind is under the nose. On the team "Started!" You need to blow on the bill, putting it on the wind. He whose gets closer - lost. Clear? Prepared. Started! (Players blow on bills, whose it turns out to be closer). Oh, how you are not lucky! Well, it's not a misfortune, - just you a little half the rest, here is a comforting prize, thanks and applause of the public! And the fighters mean left three.

3 contest

And we continue! (Assistants take out three stools, put them behind the players). It has already been said that the time meter is the clock. "Seven one is not waiting" - it is also about time. In the next competition, the task is simple: on the team "Started!" You rinse into the hall and collect the audience, - and they, I am sure you will help you, - by seven wrist watches each! Your own - are considered. The one who comes to his highchair last - lost! So fans, help! Started! (Players run to the hall, collect hours, someone last). Stop game! Yes, yes, it's a pity, you also didn't have enough time! ... but it's not a grief - you just don't watch the clock! Your prize, and - applause of the public!

4 contest

Dear Time Counter Owners! A few minutes, your watches will return to you, because ahead is the last stage of the game! Attention, contestants! Are you real men? Are you ready for victory? You will not refuse the last tour and do not fade from the battlefield? Excellent! The last stage is a competition for the sexiest man! Calmly, I'll explain everything now! To inspire your favorite feeling, any bird, the beast, including a person, performs a certain similarity of erotic dance in front of it!

This is what you have to do, and it will help you this simple props! (Two ropes are taken over the meter, at the ends - by potatoes and on the linen clothespin). The task is simple - picking up potatoes on the rope to the belt buckle, you, by performing erotic movements with the body back and forth, using potatoes must push this boxes of matches (each one is put on the foot of the matchbox) before this feature (at a distance of three-four meters) . I can not help your legs, hands and other bodies! So, give the tool in a quiet position! No, from length, I assure you, nothing depends!

Hands and legs do not help - nonhygienically! The team will start acting. Tot, whose boxes will first cross the finish, will receive a prize. Attention started! (Game, someone turned out to be faster). Copyright - there is a victory! Here he is a superhero evening, the sex symbol of a local scale and just a handsome man! And you - yes, sorry, it is a pity - I didn't have time to eat a little. Well, nothing, the hurry does not paint a man. Here is a comforting prize. And you, dear winner, this is champagne!

I am sure that the first toast you lift will be for those in the name of whom men earn money, they write songs and poems, make the most crazy and beautiful actions - for you, cute ladies! Thanks for the game!

Props: 5 Self-saying ties, 4 bills of 1000 rubles., 3 stools, 2 boxes of matches, 2 potatoes, 2 ropes, 2 clothespins.

Prizes: 4 chocolates, a bottle of champagne.

Birthday Scenario Adults\u003e Funny Jokes

You will have sectors: right now. Estimated Words: Holiday, Gift, Rose, Bouquet, Birthday, Surprise. A huge number of fun birthday scenarios on the website. Blitz poll, cards with questions: Do you often wake up in bed with a stranger of Georgian. Thus, we will learn about the most intimate secrets and secrets of all those present. Thus, we learn what kind of man will be the most deft. You get the title of Queen Parties. Cards with answers: Only on the day of salary, that of course, I do not believe my ears with my own, but my subconscious tells, I do not know. So, each person pulls two papers out of the box. And now I propose to show for our birthday film called, on which the word is written, modern silent movies, leaves are issued to each guest. Ha, unfolding the soul, ha or hee, harmonica, ha, hee. Thus, it turns out a long toast with great, and most importantly interesting meaning. For birthday. The main thing is that the last person finish the toast is logical. Only after wine-beer-vodka cocktail. Instead of drum, there will be a multi-colored circle, cut from watman or cardboard with a rotating tape measure. Invite your friends and girlfriends, together we all more fun, let the kids become a circle, cover the table rather. I am sure that each guest has something to say the perpetrator of the celebration. True, these are the best moments in my life, it happens when I sing overnight. Diplomas are attached, you won a hole from the bagel, the names fit manually. Host: It's time to have a snack again, otherwise our guests will go away from the holiday hungry. Just in case, explain the purpose of each sector. All invited to have a good and inexhaustible supply of humor. A huge number of funny, original adult scenarios. You won the air castle in the thirty kingdom. Everyone chose what a wall and painted it into his most beloved color. It is from this interesting moment that I will start our evening. The scenario of the adult birthday of the TV show field of miracles dedicated to the next anniversary of the birth of the respected and beloved Ivanov, on entrance door For half an hour before the arrival of guests, you can hang a bright poster of the following content: the field of miracles with her permanent leading Vasily Yakvadrathych, poster. I start the toast, but at the most interesting moment I propose to continue it to my neighbor on the table. Do you dream about a love meeting with a black man. Name the letter and cool further. You like to read the novels in the toilet. Love whether to sing when you wash your head. Well, in what order will be said toast, we will learn using the lot. A rosy uncle along the line of a four-humid aunt from Hong Kong left you a billionth inheritance. In the next game, our men take part, who are not even suspected of being pregnant. Remember how Cheburashka with friends painted the walls of a house. Closes and opens letters on the scoreboard. A collective toast, after such a gorgeous toast, it will be useful to have a snack.

setting the script for lesson teachers

Funny An Adult Birthday Scenarios - November 27, 2012 - Congratulations, Wishes, Poems, New Year 2014, Scenes

Ved.1 Dear Men! Congratulations on the Day of Defenders of the Motherland!

Veda.2 We congratulate you on the soldiers' holiday

But you always want to see you only in civilian clothes!

And if in the form, then only in sports -

For running, football and life active!

The female ensemble performs the song:

(Executed on the melody of the song "Girlfriends married for a long time, and I dream about the prince")

Wine foams in glasses,

And we congratulate you dream!

We have men, like in the movies,

And we sincerely wish:

To grow your income

Was in the Swiss bank account!

To wait in the kitchen pilaf,

Fishing waited for catch!

To go on vacation to Bahamas!

To love you,

And at the same time, so that you have

Young dust in the soul is not Gus!

We wish you bright dreams

And the extraction dates!

And understanding without words

And the fulfillment of desires!

Here every husband and every chin!

Here are all handsome supermen!

We will drink together for men!

Let you wait for happiness without treason!

The female ensemble performs a song on the motif of "Song pilots":

Tonight, in the evening, in the evening

Without you, men, let's say right, nothing to do!

We will gather at the table,

Full glasses Nalmes

And for men's favorite songs.

It's time to admit

What you love you tightly, love you, love hotly!

Always rely

We want your shoulder to your faith!

Let the fate sometimes be cruel to us, let!

Sad in my heart Never admit!

Good luck will be a lot

Everything is swear, you also know!

You are braves brave, brave, brave!

Such slim, beautiful, curly!

We will drink once, we will drink two

For your glorious things

But that tomorrow I did not hurt my head!

Ved.1 Wish to live always "on takeoff",

And in personal life, and in work!

Vedus.2 and always remain real knights!

The song is performed on the motive of songs from the movie "Three Musketeer":

Again February, and a red number

So, the day of the defender according to plan!

And we were on the scene again,

Hire an ensemble is not for the pocket!

It's time to rejoice

In her age

The fact that there are men

Free Dorn!

So far, while we have the defenders such

The fate will whisper more than once:

Mercy side!

Male needs money -

And they need women with the lot!

But most importantly, we wish you love!

And let them accompany you good luck!

And now we want to congratulate each of our defender personally ......

You can devote a chastushka to every man

Conducting Oscars in different

Nominations (although we do not have a hollywood, here too, "Oscars" give ...)

And, at the end of our concert - the song that we dedicate to all our men!

There is a song on the motive "not a firewood you, not carpenters" ....


Gifts are awarded.

Vedas: It's time to sum up the results of the questionnaire, which was held among men, so that our lovely women got, finally, the idea of \u200b\u200btastes and preferences of the men's half of the team!

The questionnaire has this kind:

1. What military qualities are needed to you at work?

2. Describe your life with a line from the song.

3. Decipher the word husband according to the first letters.

4. Why are women loved you?

5. Your motto in relations with women.

6. What do you value the most in a woman?

7. But still, what is love?

Below Draw a woman from 12 figures (you can choose circles, squares, triangles)

On the back of the leaf, draw a non-existent animal and write its name.

Sign your surname or alias.

(Profile with drawings is filled with men in advance, a week before

holiday. You can spend it with each of them in the form of an interview.

Then you need to choose a few better answers to each question and

create a consolidated questionnaire).

Leading with two assistants read a consolidated application form.

(Leading - question, and two other women - the best answers, in turn)

Then 2 prizes are awarded - for the most witty questionnaire (pepper or acute ketchup) and the most lyrical questionnaire (chocolate "delight")

You can hand the prize for the best answer to each question.

Then the host sums up the drawing dough woman.


After that, the results are summed up on the "most" man in test

"Non-existent animal." Small funny prizes are awarded


Leading pronounces toast:

Do you know the difference between the diplomat and the girl?

If the diplomat says "yes", it means "maybe";

If the diplomat says "Maybe", it means "no";

If the diplomat says "no", then this is not a diplomat!

If the girl says "no", it means "maybe";

If a girl says "Maybe", it means "yes";

If the girl says "yes", then this is not a girl!

If a man says "no", it means "no";

If a man says "yes," it means "yes";

If a man says "Maybe", then this is not a man!

So let's drink for real men who know what they want!

Vedas: Everyone whose answers were recognized as the best, we handing the chips now.

For what - I will explain then.

(Available in chips to all men whose answers sounded in a consolidated questionnaire).

Our goal is to identify Mr. ..... (organization name), that is, our super man! In the future, if the chip will earn a woman, she must give it to one of the men. Win the one who will take the greatest number of chips.

There is a competition for the title of a super-man.

Vedas And now check how you know women!

In your name, dear men, congratulatory telegrams received from your female colleagues. But they all hurried that they forgot to subscribe. Your task is to define the sender. For example,

Tsarevna for Nickname ...... Frog

Telegrams from colleagues to guessing the sender for rhyme


Vedas: We thank everyone who took part in our competition!

After the musical pause, gypsy appear.

Here are all men - on the selection!

So let the gypsy choir sound!

Women dance and sing on the motif of "gypsy":


Then guess every man on maps or comic cards

Vedas Dear Men! We are grateful for what you have!

We wish you always to be men with a capital letter!

We wish the pursuit of the general to achieve,

Everyone knows everything to be able to work fine!

Behind your army watching,

Skinny from wives to walk!

Let the reduction of blood not be shedding,

And the nice of your regiment never gives up!

We wish to always stay in the ranks!

Let you get lucky in love, as in battle!

Birthday scenarios for and adults

If you are responsible for organizing a children's or adult holiday, then you first need to be birthday script Or take ready. On our site collected original male birthday scenarios, women, girls, boy, moms, dads, grandparents, grandmothers, friend, girlfriend. In our piggy bank there are scripts for adults and for children to various topics. You can choose a script with the age and interest of the participants, as well as the venue (at home, in nature, not the ship, in the restaurant). A cool and cheerful scenario is perfect for the celebration of the birthday of a young guy in a circle of friends, and for the anniversary woman will be a relevant scenario with a historic bias.

All our holiday scenarios for adults and children contain a detailed description of the parties' theme, menu, dress code, to decorate the venue of the birthday, as well as many games, competitions, scenes and quizzes.

All guests are warned that throughout the holiday will be a contest for the best draw. Of course, guests must be notified in advance about it to be able to better prepare. And at the end of the party the winner will be handed the original prize, it is desirable that he also was comic. After the first competition, all participants are invited for a festive table, which is desirable to arrange in the original corresponding subject of the celebration, form. For example, K. original recipes You can add disadvantered artificial dishes. Now you can find fruit, not different from the degree of naturalism from the present. Traditional competition - a jokes contest. But since in each company, an avid hunter will be pleased with this kind of entertainment, the format of the competition must be limited. After the feast, a turn of real draws, contests and games, which for a variety it is necessary to alternate.

The degree of sobriety is quite simple and at the same time cheerful game. The presenter in the rapid pace calls nouns, and guests compete at speeds for inventing the diminitious form of this word. For example, Mom - Mommy, bag - handbag, goat - goat, sofa - Sofa, handle - handle. The final word will be water. As a rule, guests determine the vodka variant for it, although the driver will be correct. In this case, in this case puts the guests a legitarious diagnosis: "Increased bottling". The drawing of the traffic police for this draw is the lead invites the three-four most bold participants and announces that they have to overcome the "super-modern racing cars" the distance of the distance. As the "bolids" of the aerodynamic form, participants are issued by basins in which they should get to the finish line, where they are already expecting an "Inspector of the traffic police", which is asked for the smarter racer "to present documents".

Since the winner's documents do not have, the traffic cop asks to ride into the tube, the role of which in this case performs the air ball. It is necessary to breathe until the rest, while the ball with the crash does not burst. Since the tube turned out to be irrevocably spoiled, the winner must perform the following procedure - go through a number of bottles exhibited on a straight distance from each other. While the player tie his eyes, the assistants quickly remove the bottles. And under the overall explosion of fun "violators" describes intricate zigzags. The last test for the winner of the race will be the repetition of the patter "Sasha was on the highway and sucked drying." After that, the traffic cop declares the winner of the races completely drunk, since he did not pass a single sobriety test, and the "robing fluid" is awarded as a comforting prize - a bottle of vodka, wine or beer. What is MPS? To participate in this draw, everyone is invited. The lead deals participants in the circle and explains that each of them has MPS, and it is necessary to find it. In this case, you can ask leading questions to which it may not respond if they lead to the answer too quickly. The game continues until when someone does not guess what MPS is. And this is the abbreviation of the words "my right neighbor." The reflection of the most bold participant of the next draw is a markers, paper and a mirror. The task of the player is to connect the straight lines of ten points on paper, looking into the reflection of the sheet in the mirror. During the artistic process, the presenter standing behind, records all the words spoken by the player during drawing. When the task turns out to be performed, the lead aloud reads the guests a complete "speech" of the newly informed artist and announces that it is these words that the participant uttered his beloved in the first newlyworked night. The fortune telling during the dance program to the hall suddenly includes the Gypsy and proposes to pay the hand to everyone. Examples of gypsy predictions: - Waiting for you diseases in contagious, different diseases. And not because the lines of the hands are bad, but because too dirty - oh, honey! I did not want to talk, but I will say: the blow is waiting for you hard! (After a pause) in the morning, when you stand on the scales. - Wai, I know everything, I see everything. In the morning you will run for beer, in the evening - for girls. - You will sleep soft and sweet, dear ... While the cake is not pulled out from under you. - I see how to put your eyes. And the heart with the liver in addition. And on top of something long .... A, I see this herring! And in my pants. .. Everyone can take part in this competition. Each participant must be a neighbor, sitting on the right, call your favorite movie. After that, everyone in turn say the phrase "And I have in my pants ..." and the name of the film that the neighbor told him. Fish, fish, catch! Wishing people are invited, which are then lined up in a row. Competition participants must fulfill all actions that Budy call the lead. And in the meantime, the text pronounces the text: - You come to the river to catch the fish (participants depict walking with a shredded fishing rod). Look around - a great place! Try water - wow, cold. Unwind fishing rods. Dressing a worm on the hook. Take the tackle. And if you become on this pebble, you can throw a fishing rod further. So that the waves do not wet pants, it is better to roll them. Water is selected all the above, roll back the staff! After that, turn around to guests and say: And now the competition is announced on the most beautiful legs! Zoo For this entertainment, it is necessary to prepare paper sheets on which to write animal names. Wishing prepared pieces of paper. Each participant in secret from others reading his piece of paper. The presenter announces the rules of the game: as soon as he calls the animal, the participant who has written on the sheet, should quickly sit on the floor. Then the game itself begins. The presenter begins his story about the campaign in the zoo, what kind of animals he saw there. As soon as the name of a certain animal sounds, all players, as one, flutter on the floor, because everyone has the same name. Pretty flashing sight. As a prizes for participants in contests and games, you can also come up with prizes with trick. For example: - small souvenir sizes wrapped in a large amount of packages and having externally huge sizes; - necklace made of good candies; - Kochan cabbage with carved by the knife, in which a piece of paper with the inscription: "So big, and still believe in fairy tales!"; - Dealetor's allowance - Children's fairy tale "Kolobok"; - the mirror with the inscription "that's you"; - A gift to the "novice musician" - whistle; - Purely male set - newspaper and beer bottle. But the main goal of the lead is to make guests, and not laugh at a separate participant of the draw. Therefore, if you know that among those present there are touchy nature - do not allow him to play where it can become a victim of a draw.

Scenario-feast for adults "Happy Birthday, Cute Friend"

Scenario for adults for a feast in the form of a feast.

Host: In this significant day, everyone came to congratulate you, dear birthday, happy birthday! I am sure that each guest has something to say the perpetrator of the celebration. It is from this interesting moment that I will start our evening!