Report on the conduct of an educational excursion. Tourism Report on Knowledge Day

State State Communal Enterprise

service College and New Technologies

UO Akimat ZKO

"A report on the tour of the city for the day of knowledge"


CL. Head of c. №322 "Confectioner"

Andrusenko N.A.

Uralsk, 2015.

1.09.15 Students of the Group №322 "Confectioner" together with students of the group №312 "COO" Made a tour of the native city.

After the solemn line, the students got to the area named after Abai and went to the embankment of the Ural River.

The guys rested on the square and photographed at the monument of the Great Poet, the writer, a public figure, the founder of modern Kazakh written literature. And also in a gazebo with a clock on the street. Krasnoarmeyskaya.

During the excursion, students got acquainted with the ancient architecture of Uralsk, saw the building of the regional akimat, in the past - the Russian commercial and industrial commercial bank; One of the most famous buildings in Uralsk - the House of the merchant A. T. Kareva, built at the turn of 19-20 centuries; Ataman House, perhaps, is one of the most attracted city entities. special relationship to herself, in it there were Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Dal, Tolstoy, emperors (then Tsearevichi) Alexander Second and Nikolai second; The building of the Ural military office, later - the military board. The building also housed a public library and a military archive, in which in 1900 studied documents relating to the Pugachev uprising writer Korolenko. By the way, now, there is also a children-youth library. The guys visited Square J. Moldagaliyeva with a bust of the poet countryman. Urally is proud of its fellow countryman. Juban Moldagaliyev was associated with the Viurav, not only because he was born here and grew up, but also because his work was fed by meetings with the workers of the primeard, the nature of our region. Square was also visited near the monument to Mishe Gavrilov. Misha Gavrilov - Young Hero civil War. The monument is built for money collected by the pioneers of Kazakhstan, the Ural sculptors with the spouses A. and E. Shalimov. Opposite the Square, students reviewed the main body of the Pedi Institute. Pushkin (ZKSU. Utemisov), built on the site of the Church of the Kazan Mother of God.

Many old buildings seen during the excursion continue to serve according to their original purpose: a pharmacy pharmacy, the first cinema of the city in the mansion of General Anichkina - now named Gagarin serves visitors to this day, in the military gymnasium - Natural Geographical Faculty of University, in the military real school - pedagogical College, in the military hospital - private medical polyclinic.

Uralsk is considered one of the oldest cities in Kazakhstan. In 1833, Pushkin, the Great Russian poet, came here to conduct a study on the uprising of Pugachev, and, inspired by history, wrote one of his best works "Captain's daughter". Square them. A. S. Pushkin is laid by the Urals in 1899 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the poet's birth. Monument was established in 1960, the author of which is H.Z. Shamsutdinov. Monument is made in Kharkov.

We visited the memorial to the Urals, who died during the war of 1941-45.

In 1980, the Memorial of Glory to the fighters fallen into the civil and great Patriotic War was opened in Uralsk. The foot of the stela was lit by the eternal flame that the baton was taken from the city of Volgograd from Mamaeva Kurgan, the best athletes of the Urals.

The eternal flame, delivered from Mamaev Kurgan, was lit with the hero of the Soviet Union by Konyachin I. I. and the participant in the defense of the city of Uralsk A. Ipmagambetov. The walls were buried urns with land taken from fraternal graves.

The fifty-meter monument, according to its authors, is two giant banners, as if symbolizing the continuity of two heroic eras.

The memorial complex is under state protection of local significance, as a monument of history.

Then there was an excursion to the boat on the Ural River.

Ural, my native river,
The beautiful Motherland of mine!
You go fast, dear,
Among the fields, among the steppes.

The Ural River is the greatest natural heritage of the planet. It is different, multiple, allowing to recharge the energy, life forces And just positive emotions. To admire her beauty comes many tourists.

There is an hour at the light Urals,
When dawn is born,
There is a shirre at the light Urals,
Wave carrying on the light.
There is a steppe at the bright Urals,
Like a hot, painted carpet.
There are shores where he lived
History from distant pores.

(Akushiap Baktygereva)

Students were loved by dazzlingly sprinkled in the sun of the water tape of the rapid Urals. Nature on the banks of the Urals is also diverse, as well as the river itself: high trees alternate with a shrub and a thick undergrowth, and amazing wild beaches are located on the banks of the river. The guys enjoyed amazingly beautiful landscapes.

Children received a lot of impressions, learned a lot of new things, got a charge of cheerfulness and energy.

I hope that the guys, having committed this little excursion forever will preserve the brightest memories of her, will feel love and respect for the native city, pride for him.

Eurasia! Bescrase earth!
Your wealth is cities and years.
But only more expensive for you
Uralsk is the keeper of the world and freedom.

Uralsk - descendant of many cultures,
Casual guard of science and fresh thoughts,
Grow bold and be always in bloom
In the name of continuing life.

(Aizhan Erbulekova)

Larisa Degtyarev

"Smart strong our people!

Far look forward

But legends starns

We should not forget.

Glory russian starne!

The glory of our side. "

In class I told a lot to children about the last life of Russian people: Peasants, artisans. My children and I considered pictures that displays the life of the Russian people in the past, the objects of folk life, read fairy tales, considered illustrations to the Russian folk tales, Pestekov, played Russian folk games.

And for this purpose, to learn more about the past life we \u200b\u200bvisited Krasnogorsk local Lore Museum.

Children were surprised by objects starnsThey didn't even know anything about which they did not even know anything.

We kindly met the head of Krasnogorsk museum N.. V. Elago, who told a lot in a game form and showed about life ancient folk life.

And she began her story with riddles.

Oh what old grandmother!

Whole white, white.

On Summer Street

Do not pay attention

And winter will come and stick to her! (Bake)

"Having guess the peasant that I put off the hut on the furnace" - says the Russian folk proverb.

The furnace was usually put on the right or to the left of the entrance. The angle opposite the opening of the furnace was considered a workplace, the hostess which was called the "Worker Kut". Everything here was adapted for cooking.

The children were very surprised that there were no washing machines before.

Also, the children saw the clothes in which our ancestors went, and how she was manufactured.

Since with the arrival of winter, work ended in the field and work on the house began.

One of the important work in the house was considered to spin linen and wool on a spiner.

Shine in the house burned. She passed from Mother to her daughter, granddaughter.

They hung up long winter evenings. Behind this work, the song was often heard.

And another mystery.

Without hands, no legs, all directions are bounted. (Sybka or Crib).

"Bed B. stainer For a child called Sybka, from the word to write - download "

IN stainer With great love treated small frauds.

Also, children were shown as earlier stroked clothes.

Next mystery.

On top of a hole, lower hole,

And in the middle fire yes water. (Samovar).

Samovar did from copper. He always stood on the table. Russian people loved to drink tea from Samovar. The whole family was going around the table, they drank tea, he was a conversation.

In the end excursions Children were awarded sweet prizes from the head of Krasnogorsk museum N.. V. Elago.

Publications on the topic:

Excursions - one of the main types of classes and a special form of organization of work on comprehensive development Children, moral and patriotic,.

Municipal autonomous institution Kindergarten №5 "Rodnichok", Obukhova Natalia Anatolyevna Educator senior group. From the senior group.

It is invaluable to the role of the museum in the admission of children to the world of museum values. Museum, like a huge magic casket, stores an unusual jewel.

Plan for a year for the middle group on excursions to the Museum of Starina September Work with children: Tour of the mini-museum Theme: familiarity with national costumes. 1. Features of national costumes. Purpose:.

In February 2018, guys from the preparatory group kindergarten №9 Rosinka visited the local history museum. Excursion Olga Albertovna.

In each city there is a place where you can get acquainted with his story, learn about attractions, customs and life, see interesting.

1 day. The group went from the city of Moscow from the Leningrad Railway Station at 23.30 and to the destination was followed by train Moscow - St. Petersburg.

At 10.00, at the Moscow Railway Station in St. Petersburg, our group met guides, Valentina Nikolaevna and Tatiana Nikolaevna, who promised us to show the "Brilliant St. Petersburg", was scheduled for this name all day, and tell about this amazing and mysterious city As many interesting historical facts as possible.

The group took places in a comfortable bus provided by the tour agency and we went on the old streets of St. Petersburg. Driving along the embankment of the car wash river on B. Konyushenny we saw the real monuments of the architectural structure of past centuries, here in every house their amazing story, tours told and showed at home, where next door to different times Located well-known writers, poets, state figures. So we learned that in the house number 8 - the writer M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, in the house number 12, there is a museum-apartment Pushkin, here he lived here in the fall and in winter 1837. A. S. Pushkin died. In the house number 14, the children's years were held by I. I. Pushchina. In the house number 18 there was a single-handler A. S. Pushkin Baron M. A. Korf, in the house number 15 - Poet Prince P. A. Vyazemsky, in the house number 25 - writer Yu. P. Herman.

At the corner from the embankment of washing, the guides showed us a house, where in the past century there was a popular confectionery Wolf and Beranta. Here, in front of Duel, Pushkin met with his lyceum friend K. Dazasas, who later became his Secundant.

We saw the Stroganovsky Palace, in which in the 18th century one of the richest aristocrats of Russia Count Stroganov often satisfied the grand dinners.

Traveling around the city We saw and learned a lot of new from the historic past St. Petersburg.

One of the unforgettable excursions was a trip to Kunstkamera, we were told, as in Russia, during Peter I, medicine was emerged and developed, that the collection collected by them in those times was unique and served to an anatomical study of man. After Kunstkamera, we continued a sightseeing tour of St. Petersburg, visited the temple of the "Savior of the Blood", visited the "Aurora" cruiser.

2 - day. The group in full force went on a bus on an excursion to the submarine "The Peopling". A lot of new things we learned about the heroic submarine exploratory exploiter, the sailors - submariners who were selflessly fought during the Great Patriotic War, saw photos of the entire crew of a submarine, who died, defending the frontiers of our homeland. We saw how a submarine was arranged, visited each compartment, all the children noted that it was very difficult to sailors, because on the submarine closely, everywhere, devices, free space, uncomfortable, in difficult conditions had to be sailors in the sea at 2- 3 months, so they still tried during the Great Patriotic War to protect St. Petersburg from the sea. Our veterans remembered their military stories and told about how difficult it was to defeat the invaders.

Further, our group went to the city of Kronstadt is a nautical city, we saw a lot of military uniforms on the street, on the wharf warships, a large monument to Peter Great was installed on an anchorine square. We walked a lot through the Petrovskaya Pier, in the Petrovsky Park, saw the Marine Cathedral of St. Nicholas Wonderworker.

In the evening of this day, we returned to St. Petersburg and the train from the Moscow railway station went to Moscow. Early in the morning of April 25, the Group arrived in Moscow, where parents met their children who were enthusiastic and in need of their impressions about St. Petersburg and Kronstadt.

During the spirit of days for the group, three meals a day and accommodation in the hotel "October" in 2 and 3-bed rooms were provided.

Thanks for the organization of this trip, parents, children, veterans expressed the head of the intracity municipality of Sokolniki, Chairman of the Municipal Assembly of the Deputies of the Sokolniki district Irina Vladimirovna Krestovskaya.

Excursion to the Local Lore Museum of the Preparatory Group "Teremok"

On an annual plan with parents, we have planned a tour of the local lore museum.

Purpose: Creating conditions for development cognitive activity Pupils.


Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe museum; expand and deepen knowledge of pupils about history native region;

Develop logical thinking, curiosity, ability to conduct a comparative analysis;

Rise love to the native land, respect for our ancestors, pride for residents of the district or city

A visit to the museum with preschoolers is not a simple, requiring thoughtful training and a clear organization.In order for the excursion to be interesting and productive, we agreed with the Museum staff about the date of visits. Date attendance coincided on weekends, so we have notified our parents in advance and offered to visit the local history museum with their children. Before visiting the museum, we conducted a conversation and gave the idea what a museum was, and also consolidated the rules of behavior in the museum.

So, 2017 on October 28 preparatory group "Teremok" visited the Yakut State Joint Museum of History and Culture of the Peoples of the North. Eat. Yaroslavsky. "In the Nature Department, children met a variety of minerals and rocks found here, the wealth of plant and animal world. The exposition presents the stuffed and skeletons of animals, including the skeletons of the Tirehtych Mammoth and Greenland Whale, the stuffedness of the Amur Tiger, Snow Bane, Ryne, Glugham, Sherry, et al., Materials about Shergin mine, diamond mining, etc. In the hall of the expositions of archeology and ethnography, they got acquainted with the culture of small peoples of the North (Yukagirov, Evenov, Evenkov) and the people of Sakha, their traditional classes, lifestyle, religious beliefs, customs, rites and traditions. There, children saw an ancient bronze boiler, an ancient Yakut spear, interior The traditional housing of the northern peoples, the dwellings of Yakuts - Balagan, clothes, dishes and scarecrow Shaman I.T.d. There were many questions in children, and the guide answered all the questions of children.
It was very interesting to see old exhibits.As well as the Museum staff offered parents and children to visit the History Hall. They are were admired by the exhibitions "Reliquia Great Patriotic War". Especially children liked the weapon, a small collection of weapons of Russian Cossacks-Zemlipowers, Cossack Khorugwe. Preschoolers came out from the hall surprised, delighted and joyful.

The guys received an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a museum object, exhibit, exposition, learned the rules of behavior in the museum. In an affordable form, they talked about history and culture malaya Motherland. For children, it was a significant event, they perceived with interest new information and imbued with new impressions. After we visited the museum, we had a conversation with children about what was most liked in the museum. Children tirelessly and violently talked about their impressions.

Thus, excursions in museums help a new look at the world. Acquaintance with the exhibits of museums helps to introduce children to the beautiful.

Once in an unusual solemn environment, small excursions begin to understand what to find out, you can see a lot of interesting things. You can not only sit on a TV, computer, or reading a book, but also considering sculptures, paintings, communicating with a guide. A tour to the museum forms love to the homeland in children, the accumulation of social experience in its region, the assimilation of the behavior, relationships adopted by the norms, relationships to the world of culture. An excursion to the local history museum instills children a sense of love and attachment to the natural and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the native land, since patriotism is brought up on this basis.

Galeeva A.V.

On October 29, the first visit to the industrial facility of Chelyabinsk students of our lyceum took place. The "Federal Network Company of Unified Energy Systems" - the South Ural PMEC today supplies the electricity of all Chelyabinsk. There is one substation (newlylurgical), the rest are below the city. On the excursion went 11 p / m. For some, it was the first acquaintance with the future sphere of activity, someone just wanted to see something new, because Excursions entertainment type they are tired. Our bus was accompanied by the head of the Frame Department of Frost Marina Viktorovna, it also briefly introduced the specificity of this facility. Near the passage, we met the head of the electrical substation of 220 kV Novomethalvurgic substation Rtishchev Sergey Viktorovich. All the guys put on helmets and were missed through the passing. Sergei Viktorovich told the guys about the work of the substation, showed the equipment to be equipped with this object, spent on the territory and of course answered numerous questions of students. The charm and the worm that Sergey Viktorovich accompanied their stories helped to absorb a rather complicated material. The guys even persuaded the head of the substation to take pictures with them. At the end of the excursion, concerns on the face of some students showed us that the excursion did not pass in vain, some of them had their choice for themselves.

Review of the excursion participants in Nikitas Oksana

Within the framework of the project "Industrial facilities with the eyes of the younger generation" On October 29, 2015, the first group of schoolchildren took a trip to the new substation of FGC UES.
The excursion was held by the head of the Rtishchev Substation Sergey Viktorovich.
Sergei Viktorovich told that the company is equipped the newest system The security "Rubezh 08" and the anti-cope system. The safety of the enterprise is extremely important, because it supplies electricity not only at home, but also industrial objects of Chelyabinsk.
The attention of students turned to the essential advantages of a new substation. Here, many processes are computerized, which helps secure the production process. We led next example. The amount of hydrogen and water in the oil of the autotransformer indicates whether it is working. Previously, chemical analysis was carried out by people and this process took about a day. Now chemical analysis is automatically produced, which helps to quickly identify malfunctions and eliminate them.
The production involves such technical specialties as electrosali and engineers. As it turned out, our understanding of the word "electric bellarge" is very limited. At the enterprise these are competent specialists with higher education, which are dealt with in all the intricacies of the production process. Thus, it is very responsible, and therefore a highly paid profession.
Excursion to the industrial enterprise is invaluable experience. This is an opportunity to see the production process from the inside and chat with people who are involved in it.

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