Interior archings in a wooden house. Arch decoration with wood: stages of work

Create a unique I. original design The doorway will help the "Romanesque" arch, made in a classic style. In your interior there will be a feeling of beauty, expanse and comfort. Arched openings, decorated with the help of the arches, carry the comfort and trend of antiquity. The "Romanesque" arches fit easily into a modern interior.

In order to properly select the size of the arched unit, it is necessary to produce accurate measurement of the opening in height, width and thickness of the wall.

Arches are not painted. If necessary, toned under the dark, light oak, red wood and lacquered. The arches are suitable in almost any wall outlets due to a wide range of sizes. Standard dimensions: Height: up to 2500 mm. Width: from 680 to 1700 mm. Depth: from 70 to 200 mm.

Arches "British"

Using interroom arch, you can get away from the stereotypes of building space - do not separate the room from each other by the door, but to combine both visually and stylistically. The British Arch gives a solid and refined view of both modern rooms with a conceptual interior design and strictly classic premises.

In order to avoid complexity when installing, it is necessary to produce accurate measurement of the wall opening in height, width and thickness of the wall. Interior arches are made of solid pine, oak, MDF and MDF, veneered oak or red tree. Arched blocks of standard configuration are suitable for opening with dimensions from 700 to 1200 mm.

Arches "Portal"

The arch "Portal" is a simple and reliable design that will retain the feeling of space and comfort with a minor decrease in the size of the doorway, due to its strict rectangular form. The word "portal" itself translated from Latin "Porta" means the gate. Architecturally decorated input is usually called the portal. The stylistic features of this arch are closest to the architecture of classicism.

The arch "Portal" is an excellent solution for creating the effect of smoothly flowing in each other rooms, but at the same time divides the room on the zone. It saves free space, because it does not require the installation of interroom doors.

Arches "Modern"

Arch Arch Arch has the shape of the circle segment. The sophistication and conciseness of the arch will give your home a respectable and noble view. Modern style that emerged at the end of the 19th century is characterized by the grace and surprise of the forms. Therefore, the exquisite interconnect arch "Modern" will look great in combination with various patterns on the walls, lacquered wood, metal and objects belonging to various styles.

Arches are made of MDF, veneered oak and a red tree. The assortment presents unpainted and varnished arched blocks. The alteraner, made by special order, allows you to install the arch in the opening to 2000 mm additionally you can purchase decorative elements.

Arches "Palermo"

Installation of interroom arches is a great way to visually divide the room without doors. When choosing an arches decor, you need to repel from the general style of your home. The arch "Palermo" is best suitable for the interior performed in a classic style. An example is widespread decorative decoration The Articles "Palermo" can serve as a drawing on its surface, which focuses on the style of the room in the arch.

Arches are made of MDF, veneered oak and a red tree. The assortment presents unpainted and varnished arched blocks. Additionally, you can purchase decorative elements.

Accessories for Arok

A competently designed arch will become a kind of highlight of the interior and will attract attention to the unusual and originality. With us you can easily choose the desired arch depending on the stylistic solution of the room and the size of the doorway. The design consists of individual modules, so interroom arches are easy to embed in the wall opening
of any size. The standard package includes all the components and parts required for the fast and convenient installation of a wooden arch. A simple design will allow you to easily install the arch on your own. The exact assembly scheme of each set is presented in the instruction that is attached to each product.

In order to decorate a wooden interroom arch, as well as if necessary, increase its size, we can buy decorative elements and decorative expansion for any kind of arch - the impost, something else, something else.

We care about quality

All our products are always packaged in a heat shrinkable polyethylene film, to protect against moisture and insects. With concern for the client, we deliver products exclusively within the specified time to maintain all its source properties to the construction process itself.

Stroyderevo offers interior arched high quality archers. If you want to buy wooden arches wholesale or retail, call us on the phone in Moscow. Our managers will be happy to answer any questions.

Arches indoors in more than They serve as decoration they can be of any size and have a diverse appearance.
In them, light-size lighting devices are mounted as decor, which gives the room originality, consider how the decoration with the tree arches attaches to the room.

As a rule, all the arches today are made of plasterboard. This finishing material Different with its versatility.
It has a variety of species, such as:

  • Wall.
  • Arched.
  • Ceiling.

Each of such species is divided into moisture-proof and fire-resistant.
Of course, arched plasterboard is used for the manufacture of the arches. It has sufficient flexibility.

Council. In order for the plasterboard for the manufacture of the arch accepted the right form, it is necessary to moisten its surface with a small amount of water. After that, the sheet of such a material is strung up to the desired radius and fixed after drying.

Such actions can be carried out for the reason that the structure of drywall consists of dense cardboard sheets, between which there is plaster dough. Working with such a material is quite easy and simple.
The whole process of construction arches using drywall can be viewed on video. After that, mounting decorative arch Without problems with your own hands.
For decoration, the arch can be used:

  • Wood.
  • Bamboo.
  • Paint.
  • Decorative plaster.

The choice of material will be largely dependent on the room, where the arch serves as a decorative element. As a rule, the arch is constructed in the doorway.
It is very interesting and in the original it looks in the corridor or in the design "Studio", where the kitchen is combined with the living room. Also, you should not forget that in addition to finishing works, the Arch will need a finish of the angles of the openings in which such decorative element.

Council. It will be better to finish the arch and the outlook itself to use the same material. This will create the integrity of the design.

The photo shows examples. Design design is very diverse.


  • Plasterboard is attached to a metal frame that is manufactured from special profiles. Mounted sheets of such a finishing material using self-samples and a screwdriver.
  • After the process of building the arch has already been completed and the metal frame will be fully covered with plasterboard, it will be necessary to move to the finish. It is that with the help of putty or plaster to wear all the joints of the sheets that were formed as a result of the installation of plasterboard.
  • Also do not forget about the hats of self-tapping screws, which are also processed in the same way. As a rule, plaster or spacure is sold in a dry rapid form.

In order for it to acquire the desired consistency, there is an instruction on the packaging, following which the required amount of water is added to the mixture. Everything is thoroughly mixed before the formation of a homogeneous mass.

Decoration arches with a tree

Wood has long been used to build a different kind of buildings. It has excellent properties.
The material is distinguished by its strength and durability. But in the use of such a material it will be necessary to take into account that it is perfectly able to absorb moisture and is subjected to temperature and climatic influences.
It is for this reason that it is not worth using it in the premises, where there is an increased air humidity.

Council. In order for the tree as a finishing material for quite a long time, it will be necessary to cover its surface with varnish or paint.

The decoration with wood arch is quite popular. It can be applied in any stylistic direction.
As a rule, for these purposes, wooden lining is used, which in the room creates an extraordinary coherent. It may be fully fulfilled the entire surface of the arch with wooden clap, and it will be possible to make the framing of such a decorative element.

Council. If the arch, which is performed by wooden lining is in the corridor, it is necessary that the corridor is finished with a tree. This is the unity of this design and the original view of the entire premises of this type.

If it is not completely made of wood, then it will be necessary before installing such a finishing material qualitatively to finish the surface of the arch. Everything will depend on the selected room design.
Usually, plaster is used for the plasterboard arch. It is applied with layers on sheets and then processed by sandpaper after drying.
After that, it will be possible to paint the arch into the desired color and only then begin to fix on its surface with wooden lining. Installation process of such a finishing material is quite simple.
It will take:

  • Wooden lining (the amount of material depends on the decoration area).
  • Selfless
  • Screwdriver.
  • Electrolzik or saw.

Initially measured the dimensions of the future finish. Then it will be necessary to adjust the size of the wooden lining under them.
It is possible to do this with an electrobrice or saw. In such a process there is nothing complicated.
Since the hikiton is pretty durable material, then it will be possible to mount the lining right on the surface of the arch with the help of screws. The only disadvantage of such actions will be that the hats of the screws will be visible.
They can be smeared with putty of the same color as wood.

Council. So that this is not, it will be possible to use special glue for the installation of wooden lining. It fastens a finishing material quite firmly on the surface of the drywall.

Corner for decoration arches

Pretty simple and practical is considered to finish the arches to the corner. It is usually manufactured from plastic. It has a variety of color, which will allow you to apply it in any design.
There are other types of such a corner. They are very often used to finish outdoor or inner corners slopes.
How to separate the arch corner?
The process is quite simple:

  • It will first be necessary to implement. For this, in most cases, plaster is used.
    It not only gives the strength of the whole design, but also masks the Himglon himself. Layers of paint are superimposed on top of it.
  • In order not to carry out such work, it will be possible to dry the surface of the arch. Wallpapers are also diverse.
    there is big choice Such material. All of them differ not only for their quality, but also worth.
    There are wallpapers specifically under painting, there are moisture resistant.
  • After the preparatory finishing work on the arch has already been completed, it will be possible to start mounting the corner. It will serve as a decorative element of the entire design and it will be possible to pick it up in color in color with the main finish, but, for example, just darker or lighter.
    This design will look very original.

To attach a corner on the arc will need:

  • Special construction glue.
  • Stationery knife.

It will be possible to use liquid nails instead of the construction glue. They will need to be applied to the inner surface of the corner.

Council. In order for glue or liquid nails to the surface of the Arch, on which finishing works already implemented, it will be necessary to apply these substances in a not very large amount. If still the protrusion of the adhesive could not be avoided, then it will be possible to eliminate it with a dry vet.

This method of finishing the arch is quite simple. It takes great popularity for the reason that the price of it is very low, and the result is a neat finish of such a decorative element like an arch.

Bamboo in decoration arches

Bamboo in finishing work began to be applied relatively recently. But, despite this, it became very popular.
With it, it creates an original and unique design of any room:

  • There was no exception to the decoration of the arch Bamboo. This finishing material has a very large selection of coloring. It is sold in rolls.
  • In order to carry out finishing work on the surface of the arch with the help of such an original material, it will be necessary to pre-process the surface. Since the arch in most cases is made of drywall, it will not be necessary to align its surface.
    Finishing works will depend on the area that will be hidden under the bamboo.
  • You can apply a bamboo on a specific part of the arch, and it will be possible to perform the entire decorative element of this type.
  • If preference is given to the bamboo finish only a certain part, then on the remaining area, the arch will need to be finished. The combination of decorative plaster with bamboo looks unusually.
    To do this, the layer of starting plaster is applied to the surface of the drywall, which is processed by sandpaper after drying.

  • Then the decorative plaster can be applied to it, which today has a large number of structures and colors.
  • After the plaster dried can be moved to the arches with a bamboo cloth. To do this, you will need construction glue and scissors to give bamboo the necessary forms.
  • Adhesive glue to the surface of the arch. After that, a bamboo canvas is applied to this surface.
    It will be necessary to fix it on the surface until complete drying of the adhesive substance. As a rule, this process takes only a few minutes.

As you can see, the Arc bamboo finish does not take too much time. It looks rather original and gives the interior a highlight.
Do not forget that if decorative lighting devices are still mounted in the arch, the holes are cut down even before the start of finishing works, and the wiring is laid at the very beginning of the construction of the arch.

Question of refining and decor country plot Not at all of the lung category. Sometimes landscape peripetias throw serious puzzles, which can be solved only by turning on the fantasy and introducing exclusive elements.

The most vivid representatives of the latter are garden arches. They can be made of the most unusual forms and arrange in the most unexpected places. We will talk about these interesting architectural inclusions today.

What is she, garden arch?

The arch is not only peculiar, but also diverse in its functionality. She can be pearl landscape designand the spectacular component of the landing compositions. As for the functional, the arch can serve:

1. Plant support.

2. A bright stylistic stroke of the general architectural design of the site.

3. Strengthening and supporting supporting columns (concerns structures located above the gate).

4. A delimitation and zoning element.

5. Frame base for hammock suspension or arrangement of swing.

6. A kind of lamppost, etc.

Decorative Arch in the Garden

What designs garden arches

What makes the arch, decide on the basis of considerations of the harmony of a combination of material with a common design vision of the distribution of the territory as a whole. The design should fit into the stylistics of the decor of the courtyard and garden.

Arch must organically fit into the garden style

The deficit in proposals is not observed. It remains only to analyze everything and against everyone.

Wooden arches

"The garden arches from the tree poorly carry wind loads: they can skew or at all."

Wooden arches refer to traditional models. Designs made of wood love for relative simplicity in the manufacture, the ability to diverse them to decorate and low cost. Wooden Arch Easy to adapt almost all the styles. It can be splashing from rods or assemble from sawn timber.

Elegant garden arch

From the flaws in the first place is a short service life. Next is the need for enhanced protection against rotting and low weight. More garden arches from the tree poorly carry wind loads: they can skew or at all.

Metal arches

Element durable and durable. It is found in the welded version and more prestigious - forged. The designs are massive and stable, but they are afraid of corrosion, so they need to regularly update the protective layer of varnish or paint.

Metal garden arch

Stone arches

Very solid and almost eternal structures, however, not applicable in the designs of small gardens and ridiculous on the backdrop of arms wooden houses. Their appearance in these cases will bring with them proportional and stylistic disharmony. To put such monumental garden arches will have to look for a qualified bricklayer.

Monumental Garden Arch from Natural Stone

The work can go a stone of any kind:

1. Natural.

2. Artificial.

3. Brick.

Brick garden arch

The masonry can be left in primevaria or plastering.

Plastic arches

"When choosing a plastic garden arch, you will definitely ask the cold resistance of the model"

Practical garden arch plastic

Plastic arches are available in assortment and stylistic diversity. In terms of color scheme, everything is not so riddling, although you can find the most popular shades. Choosing a plastic garden arch, you will definitely ask the cold resistance of the model. You will know whether it is possible to leave this element of the decor to winter on the street or the design will have to be hiding somewhere in the utility rooms.

Plastic arch Easily move to the desired part of the garden

Combined Arches

To mix materials, it is resorted if necessary to strengthen the alliance useful properties Designs or to give it greater expressiveness. It looks good and for a long time an arch with a concrete or a stone base, topped with a vault from the budget tree. Massive structures are not afraid of winds, contact with the soil.

Combined garden arch of wood and metal

Arch shapes

Arched structures in modern design differ in the form of the arch. He can be:

1. Arcuate.

Classical arcuate garden arch

2. Double (like roof).

Garden Arch with Duscate Roof

3. rectilinear.

Straight garden arch

If non-standard solutions are needed, then round garden arches can be installed, which will add creativity to the surrounding space, or half airs. The latter is a great way to decorate narrow alleys or passages along the fence.

Half and a half decorate the narrow parts of the garden

How to assemble the arch do it yourself

The arch can be built from such lumber as cedar, pine, extruded wood, ready-made sets of parts from treated wood or go to search for a timber, boards and rails for individual project On the local sawmill. From the tools it is necessary to arm the jigsaw, circular saw, drill and screwdriver.

Scheme of a simple garden arch

To attach head crossbars to the support pillars, the grooves under the fasteners are cut on their tops.

Build construction begins on top. After attachment, the space is decorated with semicircular lining under them.

Build construction begins on top

Installation of garden arches occurs by knocking into the ground. For better stability, the depth of the holes should be at least 70 centimeters. The underground part is treated with protective compositions that prevent rotting and coated with a waterproof layer of resin. By installing the arch, the temporary sidebands organize and fall asleep in the holes rubble. Concrete Pouring is made only after controlling the standing vertical produced by a plumb. The above-ground part of the structure is processed by a verse or covered with wood varnish.

Installation of the garden arch in the ground

Follow the lumber used to work well succeeded, otherwise there is a risk of serious deformation of the creation of your hands.

Garden arch in finished form

Where to put an arch?

Garden arches are just that element of the decor, which is alone will be "in the warrior field." Separately installed structures will become a very spectacular point accent and, at the same time, it does not matter where they will be used: when entering a private territory or on the expanses of the site. They can be "dance", as from the stove, creating unique design The rest of the landscape.

Garden arch like a spectacular gardens accent

The arch will look good on the garden path, especially if the latter passes through a green lawn. Make it bright, striking, can be snow-white. On a green background, it will look just gorgeous.

Snow-white arch on the background of the green of the lawn

Under the Senius of the Garden Arch, seized by plants, you can equip cozy swings. A series of such structures can also be placed along the central alley or make a decorative element in a single instance and send it to a secret secluded area of \u200b\u200bthe site. It is beautiful and functional, because it perfectly protects from the heat, soothes the nerves and gives pleasure from the pastime on a soft sofa.

Cozy garden arch with swings

Would you like to plunge into the atmosphere of the Middle Ages? Then think about garden arches from stone. The landscape composition will be truly fascinating and even a bit of mystical.

Garden arch of stone in medieval style

A separate sub-item is to highlight the justification of the use of the arches when designing fences in their input part, because it is from here that the decor of the rest of the territory begins to be set.

Garden arch at the entrance part of the fence

Arched integration

"Modern decorative garden arches are highlighted by the expressiveness of the color and the scope of the dimensions"

You can supplement the arches not only input wickets, but also a decorative fence, a degradation of the garden, and it is absolutely not necessary that both parts of the composite solution are made of an identical material. On the contrary, the game of textured contrasts is valuable in such garden arches.

Garden arch, as part of the fence

The integration of the bench will be justified into the arc-arched frame of wrought metal. This will add the last stiffness and aesthetics. The pillow added to the composition and the lantern suspended under the arch will enable the evening perfectly.

Bench with garden arch, decorated with lantern

Unusually look at the arch in the porch area. The facade of the house will immediately acquire a prestigious look.

Admissible integration of additional elements and in the design of the Arc itself. This course allows you to expand the design functionality. The most successful symbiosis with floral containers. The weight of the drawers with the earth attached light gardenov Arches are desired stability.

Functional arch with colors boxes

Decorative elements from this category can replace the choplars on the flower bed. More original support for colors and do not look for. Equally relevant here will be elegant arches from fine metal. With their appearance, flower bed goes into the discharge of two-level, which automatically makes its unique component of the landscape.

Garden Arches successfully replace the choplars in the flowers

Arched shapes with floral decor in a protective garden, wall, contribute to the perception of the landscape as paintings.

Modern decorative garden arches are highlighted by the expressiveness of the color and the scope of the dimensions. They do not just ask the pattern of space rhythm, they open the prospect of its development in the new capacity. It is a non-standard reception of decorating a country site, however, now he is in service with each designer.

Original garden arch of tree branches

When integrating the arches in the garden landscape, it is necessary to take into account the proportionality of their size. For example, for simply portal composition or selection of a recreation corner, the height and width will be not so important, but if the task of the garden arches emphasizes the beauty of the fountain or the sculptural group, then their proportions are selected from such a calculation so that the so-called "frame effect" remains even on the big Removal.

Arrangement of several garden arches

The depth of the arch is directly related to its direct destination. Supported structures, it is usually minimal. If under it it is planned to place any zone, that is, use the object of the object, like a roof, and the space under it as a playground or the relax zone, then the arch will have to make a fairly deep and better openwork, and not monolithic. The last item is the key to good lighting of space inside the architectural form. And this reception will allow not to turn deep garden arches into tunnels for drafts.

What landscaping arched elements

Perennials from the curl class, which in their weaves have beautiful curls of an unusual shape in their weaving. The design can be bolden:

- plenty rose;

- Clematis;

Arch wrapped Clematis

- fragrant peas;

- honeysuckle;

- Chinese lemongrass;

- grape;

- Hop.

Gardening garden arch with plenty rose


Garden arches are the most aesthetic elements of landscape design. Their presence will not simply emphasize the beauty of the garden, but will fill its space with some mysteriousness. Do not miss the chance to make its territory in a special attractive.

Photo Gallery - Garden Arches