Formation of the subject of social ecology. Social ecology methods

Social ecology is a relatively young scientific discipline.

Its emergence should be considered in the context of the development of biology, which gradually rose to the level of broad theoretical concepts, and in the process of its development there are attempts to create a unified science that studies the relationship between nature and society.

Thus, the emergence and development of social ecology is closely related to the widespread approach, according to which the natural and social world cannot be considered in isolation from each other.

The term "social ecology" was first used by American scientists R. Park and E. Burgess in 1921 to define the internal mechanism of development of the "capitalist city". Under the term "social ecology" they understood primarily the process of planning and development of urbanization of large cities as the epicenter of interaction between society and nature.

Most researchers are inclined to believe that the development of social ecology begins after the First World War, and then attempts to define its subject appear.

What factors influenced the emergence and development of social ecology?

Let's name some of them.

First, new concepts have emerged in the study of man as a social being.

Secondly, with the introduction of new concepts in ecology (biocenosis, ecosystem, biosphere), the need to study patterns in nature, taking into account data not only from natural but also from social sciences, became obvious.

Thirdly, the research of scientists led to the conclusion about the possibility of human existence in a deteriorating condition. environmentcaused by the violation of ecological balance.

Fourthly, the emergence and formation of social ecology was also influenced by the fact that the threat to ecological balance and its disruption arise not only as a conflict of an individual or group with their natural environment, but also as a result of a complex relationship between three sets of systems: natural, technical and social. The desire of scientists to know these systems, in order to coordinate them in the name of protection and protection

the human environment (as a natural and social being)

led to the emergence and development of social ecology.

Thus, the ratios of the three systems - natural, technical and social - are changeable, they depend on many factors, and this, in one way or another, is reflected in the preservation or violation of the ecological balance.

The emergence of social ecology should be viewed in the context of its development and the transformation of ecology into a social science that seeks to cover a wide range of problems in the field of environmental management.

As a result, "ecology" has become a social science as well, continuing to be a natural science.

But this created an essential prerequisite for the emergence and construction of social ecology as a science, which, based on its research and theoretical analysis, should show how social indicators should change in order to exploit nature less, that is, to maintain ecological balance in it.

Consequently, in order to maintain ecological balance, it is necessary to create socio-economic mechanisms that protect this balance. Therefore, not only biologists, chemists, mathematicians should work in this area, but also scientists engaged in social sciences.

The protection of nature must be linked to the protection of the social environment. Social ecology should investigate the industrial system, "its connecting role between man and nature, while taking into account the trends in the modern division of labor."

The famous representative of classical ecology McKenzie (1925) defined human ecology as the science of the spatial and temporal relationships of people, which are affected by selective (selective), distributive (environmental factors) and accommodative (adaptation factors) forces of the environment. However, this led to a simplified understanding of the interdependence between population and other spatial phenomena, which led to the crisis of classical human ecology.

After the Second World War, in the 50s, there was rapid economic growth in the industrially developed countries of Germany, Austria, Italy, which required deforestation, the extraction and development of a huge amount of land resources (ores, coal, oil ...), the construction of new roads, villages, cities. This, in turn, influenced the emergence of environmental problems.

Oil refineries and chemical plants, metallurgical and cement plants violate environmental protection, emit huge amounts of smoke, soot and dust-like waste into the atmosphere. It was impossible not to reckon with these factors, as a crisis situation could arise.

Scientists are beginning to look for ways out of this situation. As a result, they come to the conclusion about the connection of environmental problems with social relations, about the connection between environmental and social. That is, all environmental violations must be analyzed from the point of view

revision of social problems in industrialized countries.

In developing countries, there is a demographic boom (India, Indonesia, etc.). In 1946-1950. their exit from the colony begins. At the same time, the peoples of these countries used both political demands and an ecological program with social consequences. The countries freed from the colonial yoke put forward claims to the colonialists for the destruction of forests, natural resources, that is, violation of the ecological balance (India, China, Indonesia, and other countries).

This approach to environmental problems has already been accentuated from biological and natural problems to social ones, that is, the main attention was paid to the relationship "between environmental and social problems." It also played a role in the development of social ecology.

Due to the fact that social ecology is a relatively young science, and it is closely related to general ecology, then, naturally, many scientists, when defining the subject of social ecology, tended towards one or another science.

So, in the first interpretations of the subject of social ecology, which were made by McKenzie (1925), traces of animal ecology and plant ecology were easily noticeable, that is, the subject of social ecology was considered in the context of the development of biology.

In Russian philosophy and sociological literature, the subject of social ecology is the noosphere, that is, the system of socio-natural relations, where the main attention is paid to the processes of human influence on nature and the impact on their relations.

Social ecology studies the relationship between a person and his environment, analyzes social processes (and relationships) in the context, taking into account the characteristics of a person as a natural-social being, which affects both the elements of his environment and his relationship to them. Social ecology is based on the knowledge of humane ecology.

In other words, social ecology begins to study the basic laws of interaction in the system "society-nature-man" and determines the possibilities of creating a model of the optimal interaction of elements in it. She strives to contribute to scientific forecasting in this area.

Social ecology, examining the influence of a person through his labor activity on the natural environment, also examines the influence of the industrial system not only on the complex system of relations in which a person lives, but also on the natural conditions necessary for the development of the industrial system.

Social ecology also analyzes modern urbanized societies, people's relations in such a society, the impact of the urbanized environment and the environment created by industry, the various restrictions it imposes on family and local relationships, various types

social ties due to industrial technologies, etc. Consequently, the creation of the institution of social ecology and the definition of its subject of research was influenced primarily by:

Complex human relationship with the environment;

aggravation of the ecological crisis;

The norms of the necessary wealth and organization of life, which should be taken into account when planning the methods of exploiting nature;

Cognition of the possibilities (study of mechanisms) of social control in order to limit pollution and preserve the natural environment;

Identification and analysis of social goals, including a new way of life, new concepts of ownership and responsibility for the preservation of the environment;

Influence of population density on human behavior, etc.

Thus, social ecology studies not only the direct and immediate influence of the environment (where technology is not developed) on a person, but also the composition of groups that exploit natural resources, the influence of man on the biosphere, and the latter passes into a new evolutionary state - the noosphere, which is a unity, mutual influence of nature and society, which is based on society.

Consider the definitions of the subject of social ecology. Studying the historical process of the formation of social ecology, one should also take into account the various semantic colors (definitions) of the term "social ecology" that appeared in different periods of its development, which makes it possible to formulate a correct objective idea of \u200b\u200bscience.

So, E. V. Girusov(1981) believes that the laws that make up the subject of the study of social ecology cannot be defined only as natural or social, since these are the laws of interaction between society and nature, which allows us to apply the new concept of "socio-ecological laws" to them. The basis of the socio-ecological law, according to E. V. Girusov, is the optimal correspondence between the nature of social development and the state of the natural environment.

S. N. Solomina(1982) points out that the subject of social ecology is the study of global problems of the general development of mankind, such as: problems of energy resources, environmental protection, problems of eliminating mass hunger and dangerous diseases, development of the ocean's wealth.

N. M. Mamedov(1983) notes that social ecology studies the interaction of society and the natural environment.

Yu. F. Markov(1987), tracing the relationship of social ecology with

v. I. Vernadsky's doctrine of the noosphere, gives the following definition of social ecology: the object of social ecology is the system of socio-natural relations, which is formed and functioning as a result of conscious, purposeful human activity.

A. S. Mamzin and V. V. Smirnov(1988) note that "the subject of social ecology is not nature and not society per se, but the system" society-nature-man "as a single developing whole."

N.U. Tikhonovich(1990) highlights global ecology, social ecology and human ecology. "Global ecology", in his opinion,

"Includes in the area of \u200b\u200bhis research the biosphere as a whole ... anthropogenic changes and its evolution."

The emergence of social ecology was preceded by the emergence of human ecology, and therefore often the terms "social ecology" and

"Human ecology" are used in the same sense, that is, they denote the same discipline.

The human environment (environment) in social ecology is understood as a set of natural and socio-ecological conditions in which people live and in which they can self-actualize,

Ilinykh I.A.



Gorno-Altaysk, 2018

Foreword ……………………………………………………. 4
Topic 1. Introduction to social ecology …………………… 6
Topic 2. Social problems ………………………………… 17
Topic 3. Society as a social system ………………… .. 20
Topic 4. Stability of the social system and mechanisms for maintaining stability ……………………………………… 26
Topic 5. Ideal and greening of society ……………………… 31
Topic 6. Environmental awareness ……………………………… .. 39
Topic 7. Nature: ambiguity and unambiguity of understanding ……………………………………………………… ... 50
Topic 8. The essence of a person ……………………………………… 55
Topic 9. Ecological culture ……………………………… ... 65
Topic 10. Environmental ideology …………………………… .. 72
Topic 11. Environmental policy……………………………… 89
Topic 12. Environmental law. Sources of environmental law …………………………………………………………………. 92
Topic 13. Environmental education ………………………… 99
Topic 14. Environmental education …………………………… 100
Topic 15. Environmental propaganda and environmental campaigning ………………………………………………………… ... 101
Topic 16. Final lesson ………………………………………. 103


The manual is a detailed development of classes on the subject of "social ecology" for bachelor students studying in the direction of "Ecology and environmental management".

The methodological basis of this course is a humane and personal approach to teaching, on which ideas are strung pedagogical technologies active learning: problem-based learning, the development of critical thinking and game situations... Classes are designed using methods of both collective and individual work: heuristic thinking, "chain of cause-effect relationships", brainstorming, method of associations, "case-method", essays, etc. The material collected in the manual was initially selected in such a way that it was possible to organize the work using the "portfolio".

Work in the classroom is carried out in three stages:

ü The first stage, it can be called introductory, consists in the activation of consciousness, i.e. the primary adjustment of consciousness to work on the topic of the lesson is carried out. The first two or three tasks are completed based on the knowledge that the student already has. In the process of completing the tasks of the preparatory stage, questions should appear and a desire to receive answers to them.

ü The second stage, and it can be called the main one, is devoted to adjusting the knowledge that was shown at the preparatory stage and acquaintance with new material. Probably in the process of immersion in new material the answers to the earlier questions will appear.

ü The third stage, which can be called the final one, contains tasks aimed at combining initial knowledge with the knowledge that emerged in the course of studying new material.

If the work is carried out using a portfolio, then all tasks are performed in writing on A4 sheets and placed in a folder with multiformes (or fastened together with a binder). The texts of the new material are printed and placed together with the completed assignments. The texts can be (it is even desirable that this should be so) worked out by the author using various kinds of notes: highlights, comments, questions ... which testify to the thoughtful work of the author of the portfolio. In the final form, the first page of the portfolio is the title page, which contains information about the name of the subject being studied, the author of the portfolio and the teacher.

Why is a portfolio attractive as a method of organizing work within a subject? Most importantly, it allows you to escape from the stereotypical perception of the workspace - a notebook - where each topic follows each other, the sheets are rigidly bound, and it is impossible to change the sequence of topics. In a portfolio, sheets are easily separated from each other and this gives the impression that the author of the portfolio can manage his work at this level. There is another important aspect that also applies to the creative way of organizing the sheet itself. You can fill in a blank white sheet as you like. White list plays the role of a field for creating images in it. Images are words and sentences that are mixed with pictures, and the author again chooses where to place the images.

Topic 1

Introduction to social ecology

Exercise 1

Write an essay on the topic "What is social ecology?" or "I think social ecology is ..." or "I think social ecology is ...".

Assignment 2

Based on your understanding of the subject of social ecology, write what are:

ü tasks,

ü object (s),

ü subject,

ü methods,

ü links with other sciences.

Assignment 3

Using the text below, complete the table.

Table - Methodological aspects of social ecology

Introduction to the subject

Social ecology is a scientific discipline that considers the relationship of society with the geographic, social and cultural environment, i.e. with the environment surrounding a person. Communities of people in connection with their environment have a dominant social organization (levels from elementary social groups to humanity as a whole are considered). The history of the emergence of society has long been studied by anthropologists and social scientists-sociologists.

The main goal of social ecology is to optimize the coexistence of man and the environment on a systematic basis. A person, acting in this case as a society, making large contingents of people a subject of social ecology, breaking up into separate groups depending on their social status, occupation, age. Each of the groups, in turn, is associated with specific relationships with the environment within the framework of housing, recreation areas, garden areas, and so on.

Social ecology is the science of adaptation of subjects to processes in natural and artificial environments. The object of social ecology: the subjective reality of subjects of different levels. The subject of social ecology: adaptation of subjects to processes in natural and artificial environments.

The goal of social ecology as a science is to create a theory of the evolution of the relationship between man and nature, the logic and methodology of transforming the natural environment. Social ecology is designed to understand and help bridge the gap between man and nature, between humanitarian and natural science knowledge.

Social ecology reveals the laws of the relationship between nature and society, which are as fundamental as physical laws.

But the complexity of the very subject of research, which includes three qualitatively different subsystems - inanimate and living nature and human society, and the short time of existence of this discipline lead to the fact that social ecology, at least at the present time, is mainly an empirical science, and the patterns are extremely aphoristic statements.

The concept of law is interpreted by most methodologists in the sense of an unambiguous causal relationship. Cybernetics provides a broader interpretation of the concept of law as a limitation of diversity, and it is more suitable for social ecology, which reveals the fundamental limitations of human activity. The main of the laws can be formulated as follows: the transformation of nature must correspond to its adaptive capabilities.

One of the ways to formulate socio-ecological laws is to transfer them from sociology and ecology. For example, the law of conformity of productive forces and production relations to the state of the natural environment is proposed as the basic law of social ecology, which is a modification of one of the laws of political economy.

Two directions are subordinated to the fulfillment of the tasks of social ecology: theoretical (fundamental) and applied. Theoretical social ecology is aimed at studying the patterns of interaction of human society with the environment to develop general theory their balanced interaction. In this context, the problem of identifying the co-evolutionary laws of modern industrial society and the nature it is changing comes to the fore.

Social ecology is the science of harmonizing the interactions between society and nature. The subject of social ecology is the noosphere, that is, the system of socio-natural relations, which is formed and functions as a result of a person's conscious activity. In other words, the subject of social ecology is the formation and functioning of the noosphere.

The problems associated with the interaction of society and its environment are called environmental problems. Ecology was originally a branch of biology (the term was coined by Ernst Haeckel in 1866). Environmental biologists study the relationship of animals, plants and entire communities with their habitat. An ecological view of the world is such a ranking of the values \u200b\u200band priorities of human activity when the most important thing is to preserve a human-friendly environment.

For social ecology, the term "ecology" means a special point of view, a special worldview, a special system of values \u200b\u200band priorities of human activity, focused on harmonizing the relationship between society and nature. In other sciences "ecology" means something different: in biology - a section of biological research on the relationship between organisms and the environment, in philosophy - the most general patterns of interaction between man, society and the Universe, in geography - the structure and functioning of natural complexes and natural-economic systems. Social ecology is also called human ecology or modern ecology. In recent years, the scientific direction, called "globalistics", has begun to actively develop, developing models of a controlled, scientifically and spiritually organized world with the aim of preserving earthly civilization.

One of the fundamental concepts used to achieve this goal is the concept of socioecosystems.

The content of this concept has not been sufficiently developed, therefore, a socioecosystem is understood as a strengthened model of the "society-nature" system, as well as very complex models containing ecological, economic, social, demographic and other subsystems. The interaction and significance of these subsystems are not fully understood, which is reflected in the prevalence of some of them and the loss or reduction of others, including, paradoxically, ecological or natural.

When forming a structural-functional global-regional model of the "society-nature" system on the basis of a systematic approach, the understanding of the unity of the world, including everything earthly on Earth, should be embodied deeply enough and substantiated by science, but not yet by society.

It should be borne in mind that such complex systems consist of a large number of variables and, therefore, a large number of connections between them. The greater their number, the more difficult it is for the subject of research to achieve the final result, to derive the patterns of functioning of a given system. The difficulties in studying such systems are also associated with the fact that the more complex it is, the more so-called emergent properties it has, that is, properties that its parts do not have and which are a consequence of the integrity of the system.

Socioecosystems of different orders form its vertical structure, which includes levels of organization and its hierarchy.

Therefore, connections and highlighted formalized subsystems - society, economy, society, etc., in the model are “interlocked” with each other and built into the systems of higher levels of hierarchy and organization, including spatial ones, covering them, up to planet Earth.

The following levels of socio-ecological modeling and the corresponding socioecosystems are distinguished: global, regional and local.

Formation of the subject of social ecology

In order to better represent the subject of social ecology, one should consider the process of its emergence and formation as an independent branch of scientific knowledge. In fact, the emergence and subsequent development of social ecology was a natural consequence of the ever-increasing interest of representatives of various humanitarian disciplines - sociology, economics, political science, psychology, etc. - to the problems of interaction between man and the environment.

The term "social ecology" owes its appearance to American researchers, representatives of the Chicago School of Social Psychologists - R. Park and E. Burgess , who first used it in their work on the theory of population behavior in an urban environment in 1921. The authors used it as a synonym for the concept of "human ecology". The concept of "social ecology" was intended to emphasize that in this context we are talking not about a biological, but about a social phenomenon, which, however, also has biological characteristics.

One of the first definitions of social ecology was given in his work in 1927 by R. McKenzill, who characterized it as the science of territorial and temporal relations of people, which are influenced by selective (selective), distributive (distributive) and accommodative (adaptive) forces of the environment ... This definition of the subject of social ecology was intended to become the basis for the study of the territorial division of the population within urban agglomerations.

It should be noted, however, that the term "social ecology", apparently best suited to designate a specific direction of research into the relationship of a person as a social being with the environment of his existence, has not taken root in Western science, in which the preference from the very beginning began to give in to the concept of "human ecology" (human ecology). This created certain difficulties for the formation of social ecology as an independent, humanitarian discipline in its main focus. The fact is that in parallel with the development of the actual socio-ecological problems within the framework of human ecology, bioecological aspects of human life were developed in it. The long period of formation that has passed by this time and due to this having greater weight in science, having a more developed categorical and methodological apparatus, human biological ecology for a long time "overshadowed" humanitarian social ecology from the eyes of the advanced scientific community. And yet social ecology existed for some time and developed relatively independently as the ecology (sociology) of the city.

Despite the obvious desire of representatives of the humanitarian branches of knowledge to free social ecology from the "oppression" of bioecology, it continued for many decades to experience a significant influence from the latter. As a result, social ecology borrowed most of its concepts, its categorical apparatus from the ecology of plants and animals, as well as from general ecology. At the same time, as D.Zh. Markovich notes, social ecology has gradually improved its methodological apparatus with the development of the space-time approach of social geography, the economic theory of distribution, etc.

Significant progress in the development of social ecology and the process of its isolation from bioecology took place in the 60s of the last century. A special role in this was played by the 1966 World Congress of Sociologists. The rapid development of social ecology in subsequent years led to the fact that at the next congress of sociologists held in Varna in 1970, it was decided to create a Research Committee of the World Association of Sociologists on Social Ecology. Thus, as D.Zh. Markovich notes, the existence of social ecology as an independent scientific branch was, in fact, recognized and an impetus was given to its faster development and a more accurate definition of its subject.

During the period under review, the list of tasks that this branch of scientific knowledge, which was gradually gaining independence, was designed to solve, significantly expanded. If at the dawn of the formation of social ecology, the efforts of researchers were mainly reduced to searching in the behavior of a geographically localized human population for analogues of laws and ecological relations characteristic of biological communities, then from the second half of the 60s the range of issues under consideration was supplemented by the problems of determining the place and role of man in the biosphere , development of ways to determine the optimal conditions for its life and development, harmonization of relationships with other components of the biosphere. The process of its humanitarization that has swept social ecology over the past two decades has led to the fact that, in addition to the above-mentioned tasks, the range of issues developed by it included the problems of identifying general laws of the functioning and development of social systems, studying the influence of natural factors on the processes of socio-economic development and finding ways to control action. these factors.

In our country, by the end of the 70s, conditions also emerged for the separation of socio-ecological problems into an independent direction of interdisciplinary research. A significant contribution to the development of domestic social ecology was made by E.V. Girusov, A.N. Kochergin, Yu.G. Markov, N.F. Reimers, S.N. Solomina and others.

One of the most important problems facing researchers at the present stage of the formation of social ecology is the development of a unified approach to understanding its subject. Despite the obvious progress achieved in the study of various aspects of the relationship between man, society and nature, as well as a significant number of publications on social and environmental issues that have appeared in the last two to three decades in our country and abroad, on the issue of there are still different opinions about what exactly this branch of scientific knowledge is studying. In the school reference book "Ecology" A.P. Oshmarina and V.I. Oshmarina give two options for defining social ecology: in the narrow sense, it is understood as the science “of the interaction of human society with the natural environment”, and in the broad sense, the science “of the interaction of an individual and human society with natural, social and cultural environments ". It is quite obvious that in each of the presented cases of interpretation it is about different sciences that claim the right to be called "social ecology". No less indicative is the comparison between the definitions of social ecology and human ecology. According to the same source, the latter is defined as: “1) the science of the interaction of human society with nature; 2) the ecology of the human person; 3) the ecology of human populations, including the doctrine of ethnic groups. " The almost complete identity of the definition of social ecology, understood "in the narrow sense", and the first version of the interpretation of human ecology is clearly visible. The striving for the actual identification of these two branches of scientific knowledge, indeed, is still characteristic of foreign science, but it is quite often subjected to well-reasoned criticism by domestic scientists. SN Solomina, in particular, pointing out the feasibility of breeding social ecology and human ecology, limits the subject to the latter consideration of the socio-hygienic and medico-genetic aspects of the relationship between man, society and nature. V.A. Bukhvalov, L.V. Bogdanova and some other researchers agree with a similar interpretation of the subject of human ecology, but N.A. Agadzhanyan, V.P. Kaznacheev and N.F. Reimers strongly disagree, according to which, this the discipline covers a much wider range of issues of interaction between the anthroposystem (considered at all levels of its organization from the individual to humanity as a whole) with the biosphere, as well as with the internal biosocial organization of human society. It is easy to see that such an interpretation of the subject of human ecology actually equates it with social ecology, understood in a broad sense. This situation is largely due to the fact that at present there has been a steady tendency for the two disciplines to converge, when there is an interpenetration of the subjects of the two sciences and their mutual enrichment due to the joint use of the empirical material accumulated in each of them, as well as methods and technologies of socio-ecological and anthropoecological research.

Today, an increasing number of researchers are inclined towards an expanded interpretation of the subject of social ecology. So, according to D.Zh. Markovich, the subject of study of modern social ecology, understood by him as a private sociology, are specific connections between man and his environment.Based on this, the main tasks of social ecology can be defined as follows: the study of the influence of the habitat as a combination of natural and social factors on humans, as well as the influence of humans on the environment, perceived as the framework of human life.

A somewhat different, but not contradicting the previous, interpretation of the subject of social ecology is given by T.A. Akimova and V.V. Khaskin. From their point of view, social ecology as a part of human ecology is a complex of scientific fields that study the connection of social structures (starting with the family and other small social groups), as well as the connection of a person with the natural and social environment of their habitat.This approach seems to us more correct, because it does not limit the subject of social ecology to the framework of sociology or some other separate humanitarian discipline, but especially emphasizes its interdisciplinary nature.

When defining the subject of social ecology, some researchers are inclined to emphasize the role that this young science is called upon to play in harmonizing the relationship of mankind with its environment. According to E.V. Girusov, social ecology should study, first of all, the laws of society and nature, by which he understands the laws of self-regulation of the biosphere, implemented by a person in his life.


1. Bganba, V.R. Social ecology: textbook / V.R. Bganba. - M .: Higher school, 2004 .-- 310 p.

2. Gorelov, AA Social ecology / AA Gorelov. - M .: Mosk. Lyceum, 2005 .-- 406 p.

3. Malofeev, V.I. Social ecology: a textbook for universities / V. I. Malofeev - M .: "Dashkov and K", 2004. - 260 p.

4. Markov, Yu.G. Social ecology. Interaction between society and nature: Textbook / Yu.G. Markov - Novosibirsk: Siberian University Publishing House, 2004. - 544 p.

5. Sitarov, V.A. Social ecology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions / V.A.Sitarov, V.V. Pustovoitov. - M .: Academy, 2000 .-- 280 p.

Assignment 4

Complete the table below.

Table - Reflexive analysis on the topic of the lesson


Write an essay on the topic: "The paradoxes of social ecology" or "Contradictions of social ecology" or "I'm puzzled ..." etc.

Topic 2

Social problems

Exercise 1

ü Write an essay "The essence of social problems" or "My view of social problems" or "My understanding of the essence of social problems", etc.

Assignment 2

ü Read an article from a newspaper (for example, from the regional newspapers "Leaf", "Postscript", etc.), where a social problem is discussed.

ü Describe the problem by filling out the table "Social problems of the region (based on the materials of the regional newspaper" Listok ", if you have another newspaper insert the appropriate title).

Table - Social problems of the region according to the materials of the newspaper "Listok" (if you have another newspaper, insert the appropriate name)

Assignment 3

ü Read the article "Social problems" from the electronic encyclopedia "WIKIPEDIA" URL:

ü Read the article "The main social problems of Russia in the last decade" by the author N.P. Popov, posted on the website "Standards and Quality" URL:\u003d39422

ü Identify the causes of existing social problems.

ü Fill in the table "Social problems and the reasons for their occurrence" (if you do not have enough of the information provided, then fill it in yourself).

Table - Social problems and their causes

Social ecology arose at the intersection of sociology, ecology, philosophy and other branches of science, with each of which it closely interacts. In order to determine the position of social ecology in the system of sciences, it is necessary to bear in mind that the word "ecology" means in some cases one of the ecological scientific disciplines, in others - all scientific ecological disciplines. Social ecology is the link between technical sciences (hydraulic engineering, etc.) and social sciences (history, jurisprudence, etc.).

The following reasoning is presented in favor of the proposed system. There is an urgent need to replace the hierarchy of sciences with the concept of the circle of sciences. The classification of sciences is usually based on the principle of hierarchy (subordination of some sciences to others) and sequential fragmentation (division, not combination of sciences).

This scheme does not claim to be complete. Transitional sciences (geochemistry, geophysics, biophysics, biochemistry, etc.), the role of which is extremely important for solving an ecological problem, are not marked on it. These sciences contribute to the differentiation of knowledge, cement the entire system, embodying the inconsistency of the processes of "differentiation - integration" of knowledge. The diagram shows the importance of "connecting" sciences, including social ecology. In contrast to sciences of the centrifugal type (physics, etc.), they can be called centripetal. These sciences have not yet reached the proper level of development, because in the past, insufficient attention was paid to the links between the sciences, and it is very difficult to study them.

When a knowledge system is built on the principle of hierarchy, there is a danger that some sciences will hinder the development of others, and this is dangerous from an environmental point of view. It is important that the prestige of environmental sciences is no less than the prestige of the sciences of the physical, chemical and technical cycle. Biologists and ecologists have accumulated a lot of data that indicate the need for a much more careful, careful attitude to the biosphere than is the case at present. But such an argument is weighty only from the standpoint of a separate consideration of the branches of knowledge. Science is a related mechanism, the use of data from some sciences depends on others. If the data of sciences are in conflict with each other, preference is given to sciences that enjoy great prestige, i.e. currently the sciences of the physical and chemical cycle.

Science must approach the degree of a harmonious system. Such science will help to create a harmonious system of relationships between man and nature and ensure the harmonious development of man himself. Science contributes to the progress of society not in isolation, but together with other branches of culture. This synthesis is no less important than the greening of science. Value reorientation is an integral part of the reorientation of the entire society. The attitude to the natural environment as a whole presupposes the integrity of culture, a harmonious connection between science and art, philosophy, etc. Moving in this direction, science will move away from focusing exclusively on technical progress, responding to the deepest needs of society - ethical, aesthetic, as well as those that affect the definition of the meaning of life and the goals of development of society (Gorelov, 2000).

The main directions of development of social ecology

To date, there are three main directions in social ecology.

The first direction is the study of the relationship of society with the natural environment at the global level - global ecology. The scientific foundations of this direction were laid by V.I. Vernadsky in his fundamental work "Biosphere", published in 1928. In 1977, a monograph by M.I. Budyko "Global ecology", but there, mainly climatic aspects are considered. Such topics as resources, global pollution, global cycles of chemical elements, the influence of the Cosmos, the functioning of the Earth as a whole, etc. have not received proper coverage.

The second direction is the study of the relationship with the natural environment of various population groups and society as a whole from the point of view of understanding a person as a social being. Human relations to the social and natural environment are interrelated. K. Marx and F. Engels pointed out that the limited relationship of people to nature determines their limited relationship to each other, and their limited relationship to each other - their limited relationship to nature. This is social ecology in the narrow sense of the word.

The third area is human ecology. Its subject is a system of relationships with the natural environment of man as a biological being. The main problem is the purposeful management of the preservation and development of human health, the population, the improvement of Man as a biological species. Here and forecasts of changes in health under the influence of changes in the environment, and the development of standards in life support systems.

Western researchers also distinguish between the ecology of human society - social ecology and human ecology (human ecology). Social ecology considers the impact on society as a dependent and controlled subsystem of the "nature - society" system. Human ecology - focuses on the person himself as a biological unit.

The history of the emergence and development of human ecological concepts is rooted in antiquity. Knowledge about the environment and the nature of relationships with it acquired practical importance at the dawn of the development of the human species.

The process of formation of the labor and social organization of primitive people, the development of their mental and collective activity created the basis for realizing not only the very fact of their existence, but also for an increasing understanding of the dependence of this existence both on conditions within their social organization and on external natural conditions. The experience of our distant ancestors was constantly enriched and passed on from generation to generation, helping a person in his daily struggle for life.

The way of life of primitive man gave him information about the animals he hunted, and about the suitability or unsuitability of the fruits he collected. Already half a million years ago, human ancestors had a lot of information about the food that they obtained by gathering and hunting. At the same time, the use of natural sources of fire for cooking began, the consumer qualities of which significantly improved under conditions of heat treatment.

Gradually, mankind has accumulated information about the properties of various natural materials, about the possibility of their use for the implementation of certain purposes. The technical means created by primitive man testify, on the one hand, to the improvement of the production skills and abilities of people, and on the other hand, they are evidence of their "knowledge" of the external world, since any, even the most primitive, tool requires its creators to know the properties of natural objects , as well as understanding the purpose of the tool itself and getting to know the methods and conditions of its practical use.

About 750 thousand years ago, people themselves learned how to make a fire, equip primitive dwellings, mastered ways to protect themselves from the weather and enemies. Thanks to this knowledge, man was able to significantly expand the areas of his habitat.

Since the 8th millennium BC. e. in Asia Minor, various methods of cultivating land and growing crops are beginning to be practiced. In the countries of Central Europe, this kind of agrarian revolution took place in the 6th and 2nd millennia BC. As a result, a large number of people switched to a sedentary lifestyle, in which there was an urgent need for deeper observations of the climate, in the ability to predict the changing seasons and weather changes. The discovery by people of the dependence of weather phenomena on astronomical cycles belongs to the same time.

Awareness of their dependence on nature, the closest connection with it played an important role in the formation of the consciousness of primitive and ancient man, refracting in animism, totemism, magic, mythological ideas. The imperfection of the means and methods of cognizing reality pushed people to create a special, more understandable, explainable and predictable, from their point of view, the world of supernatural forces, acting as a kind of mediator between man and the real world. Supernatural entities, anthropomorphized by primitive people, in addition to the features of their immediate carriers (plants, animals, inanimate objects) were endowed with human traits, they were attributed to features of human behavior. This gave rise to the experience of primitive people of their kinship with the surrounding nature, a sense of "belonging" to it.

The first attempts to streamline the process of cognition of nature, placing it on a scientific basis, began to be undertaken already in the era of the early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China. The accumulation of empirical data on the course of various natural processes, on the one hand, and the development of counting systems and the improvement of measuring procedures, on the other, made it possible to more and more high precision predict the onset of certain natural disasters (eclipses, eruptions, river floods, droughts, etc.), put the agricultural production process on a strict planning basis. The expansion of knowledge of the properties of various natural materials, as well as the establishment of some key physical laws, made it possible for the architects of antiquity to achieve excellence in the art of creating residential buildings, palaces, temples, as well as buildings for economic purposes. The monopoly on knowledge allowed the rulers of ancient states to keep masses of people in obedience, to demonstrate the ability to "control" the unknown and unpredictable forces of nature. It is easy to see that at this stage the study of nature had a clearly expressed utilitarian orientation.

The greatest progress in the development of scientific ideas about reality fell on the era of antiquity (VIII century BC ¾ V century AD). With its beginning, there was a departure from utilitarianism in the knowledge of nature. This found its expression, in particular, in the emergence of new directions of its study, not focused on obtaining direct material benefits. The aspiration of people to recreate a consistent picture of the world and to realize their place in it began to come to the fore.

One of the main problems that occupied the minds of ancient thinkers was the problem of the relationship between nature and man. The study of various aspects of their interaction was the subject of scientific interests of the ancient Greek researchers Herodotus, Hippocrates, Plato, Eratosthenes, etc.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus (484-425 BC) linked the process of the formation of character traits in people and the establishment of a particular political system with the action of natural factors (climate, landscape features, etc.).

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (460¾377 BC) taught that it is necessary to treat a patient, taking into account the individual characteristics of the human body and its relationship with the environment. He believed that environmental factors (climate, condition of water and soil, lifestyle of people, laws of the country, etc.) have a decisive influence on the formation of bodily (constitution) and mental (temperament) properties of a person. The climate, according to Hippocrates, also largely determines the characteristics of the national character.

The famous idealist philosopher Plato (428-348 BC) drew attention to the changes (mainly of a negative nature) occurring over time in the human environment, and to the impact of these changes on the way of life of people. Plato did not connect the facts of the degradation of the human environment with the economic activity carried out by him, considering them to be signs of natural decline, degeneration of things and phenomena of the material world.

The Roman naturalist Pliny (23-79 AD) compiled a 37-volume essay "Natural History", a kind of encyclopedia of natural history, in which he presented information on astronomy, geography, ethnography, meteorology, zoology and botany. Having described a large number of plants and animals, he also indicated the places of their growth and habitat. Of particular interest is Pliny's attempt to compare humans and animals. He drew attention to the fact that in animals instinct dominates in life, and a person acquires everything (including the ability to walk and speak) through training, through imitation, and also through conscious experience.

Started in the second half of the 2nd century. the decline of the ancient Roman civilization, its subsequent collapse under the pressure of the barbarians and, finally, the establishment of the dominance of dogmatic Christianity practically throughout Europe, led to the fact that the sciences of nature and man for many centuries experienced a state of deep stagnation, receiving practically no development.

Things changed with the onset of the Renaissance, which was announced by the writings of such prominent medieval scholars as Albertus Magnus and Roger Bacon.

The German philosopher and theologian Albert Bolstedtsky (Albert the Great) (1206¾1280) owns several natural science treatises. The works "On Alchemy" and "On Metals and Minerals" contain statements about the dependence of the climate on the geographical latitude of a place and its position above sea level, as well as about the connection between the inclination of the sun's rays and the heating of the soil. Here, Albert speaks of the origin of mountains and valleys under the influence of earthquakes and floods; views the Milky Way as a cluster of stars; denies the influence of comets on the fate and health of people; explains the existence of hot springs by the action of heat coming from the depths of the Earth, etc. In the treatise "On Plants" he examines the issues of organography, morphology and physiology of plants, gives facts on the selection of cultivated plants, expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bthe changeability of plants under the influence of the environment.

The English philosopher and naturalist Roger Bacon (1214¾1294) asserted that all organic bodies represent, in their composition, various combinations of the same elements and liquids, of which inorganic bodies are composed. Bacon especially noted the role of the sun in the life of organisms, and also drew attention to their dependence on the state of the environment and climatic conditions in a particular habitat. He also talked about the fact that a person, no less than all other organisms, is subject to the influence of climate ¾ its changes can lead to changes in the bodily organization and character of people.

The onset of the Renaissance is inextricably linked with the name of the famous Italian painter, sculptor, architect, scientist and engineer Leonardo da Vinci (1452¾1519). He considered the main task of science to establish the laws of natural phenomena, based on the principle of their causal, necessary connection. Studying the morphology of plants, Leonardo was interested in the influence exerted on their structure and functioning by the light, air, water and mineral parts of the soil. Studying the history of life on Earth led him to the conclusion about the connection between the fate of the Earth and the Universe and the insignificance of the place our planet occupies in it. Leonardo denied the central position of the Earth in both the universe and the solar system.

Late XV ¾ early XVI century rightfully bears the name of the era of the great geographical discoveries. In 1492, the Italian navigator Christopher Columbus discovered America. In 1498, the Portuguese Vasco da Gama skirted Africa and reached India by sea. In 1516 (17?), Portuguese travelers reached China for the first time by sea. And in 1521 Spanish navigators led by Fernand Magellan made the first round the world voyage. Having rounded South America, they reached East Asia, after which they returned to Spain. These travels were an important stage in the expansion of knowledge about the Earth.

In 1543, the work of Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) "On the Reversions of the Celestial Spheres" was published, which outlined the heliocentric system of the world, reflecting the true picture of the universe. Copernicus's discovery revolutionized people's ideas about the world and their understanding of their place in it. The Italian philosopher, fighter against scholastic philosophy and the Roman Catholic Church, Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) made a significant contribution to the development of Copernicus's teachings, as well as to free him from shortcomings and limitations. He argued that in the Universe there are countless stars like the Sun, a significant part of which is inhabited by living beings. In 1600, Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake by the Inquisition.

Expanding boundaries known world the invention of new means of studying the starry sky contributed greatly. Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) constructed a telescope with which he studied the structure of the Milky Way, establishing that it is a cluster of stars, observed the phases of Venus and sunspots, and discovered four large moons of Jupiter. The last fact is remarkable in that Galileo, by his observation, actually deprived the Earth of the last privilege in relation to other planets of the solar system - a monopoly on "possession" of a natural satellite. A little more than half a century later, the English physicist, mathematician and astronomer Isaac Newton (1642-1727), based on the results of his own studies of optical phenomena, created the first mirror telescope, which to this day remains the main tool for studying the visible part of the Universe. With its help, many important discoveries were made, which made it possible to significantly expand, clarify and streamline ideas about the cosmic "home" of mankind.

The onset of a fundamentally new stage in the development of science is traditionally associated with the name of the philosopher and logician Francis Bacon (1561-1626), who developed inductive and experimental methods of scientific research. He proclaimed the main goal of science to increase the power of man over nature. This is achievable, according to Bacon, only under one condition ¾ science must allow man to understand nature as best as possible, so that, by obeying it, man, in the end, can dominate in it and over it.

At the end of the XVI century. Dutch inventor Zachary Jansen (also lived in the 16th century) created the first microscope that allows you to obtain images of small objects magnified with glass lenses. The English naturalist Robert Hooke (1635¾1703) significantly improved the microscope (his device gave a 40-fold magnification), with which he first observed plant cells and also studied the structure of some minerals.

He penned the first work - "Micrography", which tells about the use of microscopic technology. One of the first microscopists, the Dutchman Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), who achieved perfection in the art of grinding optical glasses, received lenses that made it possible to obtain an almost three hundredfold increase in the observed objects. On their basis, he created a device of an original design, with the help of which he studied not only the structure of insects, protozoa, fungi, bacteria and blood cells, but also food chains, regulation of the population size, which later became the most important sections of ecology. Levenguk's research actually laid the foundation for a scientific study of the hitherto unknown living microworld, this integral component of the human environment.

The French naturalist Georges Buffon (1707-1788), the author of the 36-volume Natural History, expressed his thoughts about the unity of flora and fauna, their vital activity, distribution and connection with the habitat, defended the idea of \u200b\u200bspecies change under the influence of environmental conditions. He drew the attention of his contemporaries to the striking similarity in the structure of the body of man and ape. However, fearing accusations of heresy by the Catholic Church, Buffon was forced to refrain from speaking about their possible "relationship" and origin from a common ancestor.

A significant contribution to the formation of a true preconception about the place of man in nature was the compilation by the Swedish naturalist Karl Linnaeus (1707-1778) of a classification system for the flora and fauna, according to which man was included in the system of the animal kingdom and belonged to the class of mammals, the order of primates, in As a result, the human species was named Homo sapiens.

A major event of the 18th century. was the emergence of the evolutionary concept of the French naturalist Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829), according to which the main reason for the development of organisms from lower to higher forms is the inherent desire of living nature to improve the organization, as well as the influence on them of various external conditions. Changes in external conditions change the needs of organisms; in response to this, new activities and new habits arise; their action, in turn, changes the organization, morphology of the creature in question; new traits acquired in this way are inherited by descendants. Lamarck believed that this scheme is also true for humans.

The ideas of the English priest, economist and demographer Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) had a definite influence on the development of ecological ideas of contemporaries and the subsequent development of scientific thought. He formulated the so-called "law of population", according to which the population increases exponentially, while the means of subsistence (primarily food) can increase only in arithmetic progression. Overpopulation inevitably arising in such a development of events, Malthus proposed to fight by regulating marriages and limiting the birth rate. He also called in every possible way to "promote the actions of nature that cause mortality ...": overpopulate houses, make narrow streets in cities, thereby creating favorable conditions for the spread of deadly diseases (such as plague). The views of Malthus were severely criticized during the lifetime of their author, not only for their anti-humanity, but also for their speculation.

The ecological trend in plant geography throughout the first half of the 19th century. developed by the German naturalist-encyclopedist, geographer and traveler Alexander Friedrich Wilhelm Humboldt (1769-1859). He studied in detail the peculiarities of the climate in various regions of the Northern Hemisphere and made a map of its isotherms, discovered the relationship between climate and the nature of vegetation, and made an attempt to distinguish botanical and geographical areas (phytocenoses) on this basis.

The works of the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809-1882), who created the theory of the origin of species by natural selection, played a special role in the development of ecology. Among the most important problems of ecology studied by Darwin is the problem of the struggle for existence, in which, according to the proposed concept, it is not the strongest species that wins, but the one that was able to better adapt to the specific circumstances of life. He paid special attention to the influence of lifestyle, living conditions and interspecific interactions on their morphology and behavior.

In 1866, the German evolutionary zoologist Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) in his work "General morphology of organisms" proposed a whole range of issues related to the problem of the struggle for existence and the influence on living things of a complex of physical and biotic conditions, called the term "ecology" ... In his speech “On the path of development and the task of zoology”, delivered in 1869, Haeckel defined the subject of the new branch of knowledge as follows: “By ecology we mean the science of economy, the domestic life of animal organisms. She explores the general relationship of animals to both their inorganic and their organic environment, their friendly and hostile relationship to other animals and plants with which they come into direct or indirect contact, or, in a word, all those intricate relationships that Darwin conventionally designated as a struggle for existence. " It should be noted, however, that Haeckel's proposal was somewhat ahead of his time: more than half a century passed before the word "ecology" firmly entered scientific use as a designation of a new independent branch of scientific knowledge.

During the second half of the XIX century. several large, relatively autonomously developing areas of ecological research developed, the originality of each of which was determined by the presence of a specific object of study. These, with a certain degree of convention, include plant ecology, animal ecology, human ecology and geoecology.

Plant ecology was formed on the basis of two botanical disciplines at once - phytogeography and plant physiology. Accordingly, the main attention in this area was paid to the disclosure of distribution patterns different types plants on the Earth's surface, revealing the possibilities and mechanisms of their adaptation to specific growing conditions, studying the nutritional characteristics of plants, etc. A significant contribution to the development of this trend in the second half of the 19th century was made by German scientists - botanist A.A. Griesenbach, agrochemist Yu. Liebich, plant physiologist Yu. Saks, Russian chemist and agrochemist D.I. Mendeleev and others.

Research in the framework of animal ecology was also carried out in several main directions: the patterns of dispersal of specific species on the surface of the planet were revealed, the reasons, methods and routes of their migration were clarified, food chains were studied, the features of inter- and intraspecific relationships, the possibility of their use in the interests of humans, etc. The development of these and a number of other directions was carried out by American researchers - zoologist S. Forbes and entomologist C. Reilly, Danish zoologist O.F. Muller, Russian researchers ¾ paleontologist V.A. Kovalevsky, zoologists K.M. Baer, \u200b\u200bA.F. Middendorf and K.F. Roulier, naturalist A.A.Silantyev, zoogeographer N.A. Severtsov, and others.

The problem of human ecology was developed mainly in connection with the study of the ecological aspects of human evolution and research in the field of medical epidemiology and immunology. The first direction of research in the period under review was represented by the English evolutionary biologists Charles Darwin and T. Huxley, the English philosopher, sociologist and psychologist G. Spencer, the German naturalist K. Vogt and some other researchers, the second direction ¾ microbiologists, epidemiologists and immunologists E. Bering , R. Koch,

I.I. Mechnikov, L. Pasteur, G. Ricketts, P.P.E. Ru, P. Ehrlich and others.

Geoecology arose at the junction of two major earth sciences ¾ geography and geology, as well as biology. The greatest interest among researchers at the dawn of the development of this branch of ecology was aroused by the problems of the organization and development of landscape complexes, the influence of geological processes on living organisms and humans, the structure, biochemical composition and features of the formation of the soil cover of the Earth, etc. A significant contribution to the development of this direction was made by German geographers A. Humboldt and K. Ritter, Russian soil scientist V.V. Dokuchaev, Russian geographer and botanist A.N. Krasnov and others.

Research carried out in the framework of the above areas laid the foundation for their separation into independent branches of scientific knowledge. In 1910, the International Botanical Congress was held in Brussels, at which plant ecology, a biological science that studies the relationship of a living organism and its environment, was singled out as an independent botanical discipline. In the next few decades, human ecology, animal ecology, and geoecology also received official recognition as relatively independent areas of research.

Long before the individual directions of ecological research gained independence, there was an obvious tendency towards a gradual enlargement of the objects of ecological study. If initially single individuals, their groups, specific biological species, etc. acted as such, then over time they began to be supplemented by large natural complexes, such as "biocenosis", the concept of which was formulated by a German zoologist and hydrobiologist

K. Moebius back in 1877 (the new term was intended to denote the totality of plants, animals and microorganisms that inhabit a relatively homogeneous living space). Not long before that, in 1875, the Austrian geologist E. Suess proposed the concept of "biosphere" to denote the "film of life" on the Earth's surface. This concept was significantly expanded and concretized by the Russian, Soviet scientist V.I. Vernadsky in his book "Biosphere", which was published in 1926. In 1935, the English botanist A. Tensley introduced the concept of "ecological system" (ecosystem). And in 1940 the Soviet botanist and geographer V.N. Sukachev introduced the term "biogeocenosis", with which he proposed to designate an elementary unit of the biosphere. Naturally, the study of such large-scale complex formations required combining the research efforts of representatives of different "special" ecology, which, in turn, would be practically impossible without agreeing on their scientific categorical apparatus, as well as without developing common approaches to organizing the research process itself. Actually, it is precisely this need that ecology owes its appearance as a unified science, integrating in itself the particular subject ecologies that developed earlier relatively independently of each other. The result of their reunification was the formation of a "big ecology" (in the words of N.F. Reimers) or "microecology" (according to T.A. Akimova and V.V. Haskin), which today includes the following main sections in its structure:

General ecology;



Human ecology (including social ecology);

social ecology research problem

In order to better represent the subject of social ecology, one should consider the process of its emergence and formation as an independent branch of scientific knowledge. In fact, the emergence and subsequent development of social ecology was a natural consequence of the ever-increasing interest of representatives of various humanitarian disciplines - sociology, economics, political science, psychology, etc. - to the problems of interaction between man and the environment.

The term "social ecology" owes its appearance to American researchers, representatives of the Chicago School of Social Psychologists - R. Park and E. Burgess, who first used it in their work on the theory of population behavior in an urban environment in 1921. The authors used it as a synonym for the concept " human ecology ". The concept of "social ecology" was intended to emphasize that in this context we are talking not about a biological, but about a social phenomenon, which, incidentally, has biological characteristics.

One of the first definitions of social ecology was given in his work in 1927 by R. McKenzill, who characterized it as the science of territorial and temporal relations of people, which are influenced by selective (selective), distributive (distributive) and accommodative (adaptive) forces of the environment ... This definition of the subject of social ecology was intended to become the basis for the study of the territorial division of the population within urban agglomerations.

It should be noted, however, that the term "social ecology", apparently best suited to designate a specific direction of research into the relationship of a person as a social being with the environment of his existence, has not taken root in Western science, in which the preference from the very beginning began to give in to the concept of "human ecology" (human ecology). This created certain difficulties for the formation of social ecology as an independent, humanitarian discipline in its main focus. The fact is that in parallel with the development of the actual socio-ecological problems within the framework of human ecology, bioecological aspects of human life were developed in it. The long period of formation that has passed by this time and due to this having greater weight in science, having a more developed categorical and methodological apparatus, human biological ecology for a long time "overshadowed" humanitarian social ecology from the eyes of the advanced scientific community. And yet social ecology existed for some time and developed relatively independently as the ecology (sociology) of the city.

Despite the obvious desire of representatives of the humanitarian branches of knowledge to free social ecology from the "oppression" of bioecology, it continued for many decades to experience a significant influence from the latter. As a result, social ecology borrowed most of its concepts, its categorical apparatus from the ecology of plants and animals, as well as from general ecology. At the same time, as D.Zh. Markovich notes, social ecology has gradually improved its methodological apparatus with the development of the space-time approach of social geography, the economic theory of distribution, etc.

Significant progress in the development of social ecology and the process of its isolation from bioecology took place in the 60s of the current century. A special role in this was played by the 1966 World Congress of Sociologists. The rapid development of social ecology in subsequent years led to the fact that at the next congress of sociologists held in Varna in 1970, it was decided to create a Research Committee of the World Association of Sociologists on Social Ecology. Thus, as D. Zh. Markovich notes, the existence of social ecology as an independent scientific branch was, in fact, recognized and an impetus was given to its faster development and a more accurate definition of its subject.

During the period under review, the list of tasks that this branch of scientific knowledge, which was gradually gaining independence, was designed to solve, significantly expanded. If at the dawn of the formation of social ecology, the efforts of researchers were mainly reduced to searching in the behavior of a geographically localized human population for analogues of laws and ecological relations characteristic of biological communities, then from the second half of the 60s the range of issues under consideration was supplemented by the problems of determining the place and role of man in the biosphere , development of ways to determine the optimal conditions for its life and development, harmonization of relationships with other components of the biosphere. The process of its humanitarization that has swept social ecology over the past two decades has led to the fact that, in addition to the above-mentioned tasks, the range of issues developed by it included the problems of identifying general laws of the functioning and development of social systems, studying the influence of natural factors on the processes of socio-economic development and finding ways to control action. these factors.

In our country, by the end of the 70s, conditions also emerged for the separation of socio-ecological problems into an independent direction of interdisciplinary research. A significant contribution to the development of domestic social ecology was made by E.V. Girusov, A.N. Kochergin, Yu.G. Markov, N.F. Reimers, S.N. Solomina, and others.

One of the most important problems facing researchers at the present stage of the formation of social ecology is the development of a unified approach to understanding its subject. Despite the obvious progress achieved in the study of various aspects of the relationship between man, society and nature, as well as a significant number of publications on social and environmental issues that have appeared in the last two to three decades in our country and abroad, on the issue of there are still different opinions about what exactly this branch of scientific knowledge is studying. In the school reference book "Ecology" by A. P. Oshmarina and V. I. Oshmarina, two variants of the definition of social ecology are given: in the narrow sense, it is understood as the science "of the interaction of human society with the natural environment", and in the broad sense - the science of "interaction individual and human society with natural, social and cultural environments. " It is quite obvious that in each of the presented cases of interpretation it is about different sciences that claim the right to be called "social ecology". No less indicative is the comparison between the definitions of social ecology and human ecology. According to the same source, the latter is defined as: “I) the science of the interaction of human society with nature; 2) the ecology of the human person; 3) the ecology of human populations, including the doctrine of ethnic groups. " The almost complete identity of the definition of social ecology, understood "in the narrow sense", and the first version of the interpretation of human ecology is clearly visible. The striving for the actual identification of these two branches of scientific knowledge, indeed, is still characteristic of foreign science, but it is quite often subjected to well-reasoned criticism by domestic scientists. SN Solomina, in particular, pointing out the feasibility of breeding social ecology and human ecology, limits the subject to the latter consideration of the socio-hygienic and medico-genetic aspects of the relationship between man, society and nature. V.A.Bukhvalov, L.V. Bogdanova and some other researchers agree with this interpretation of the subject of human ecology, but N.A. Agadzhanyan, V.P. Kaznacheev and N.F. Reimers strongly disagree, according to which, this the discipline covers a much wider range of issues of interaction of the anthroposystem (considered at all levels of its organization - from the individual to humanity as a whole) with the biosphere, as well as with the internal biosocial organization of human society. It is easy to see that such an interpretation of the subject of human ecology actually equates it with social ecology, understood in a broad sense. This situation is largely due to the fact that at present there has been a steady tendency for the two disciplines to converge, when there is an interpenetration of the subjects of the two sciences and their mutual enrichment due to the joint use of the empirical material accumulated in each of them, as well as methods and technologies of socio-ecological and anthropoecological research.

Today, an increasing number of researchers are inclined towards an expanded interpretation of the subject of social ecology. So, according to D.Zh. Markovich, the subject of study of modern social ecology, understood by him as a private sociology, are the specific connections between a person and his environment. Based on this, the main tasks of social ecology can be defined as follows: the study of the influence of the habitat as a combination of natural and social factors on humans, as well as the influence of humans on the environment, perceived as the framework of human life.

A somewhat different, but not contradicting the previous, interpretation of the subject of social ecology is given by T.A. Akimova and V.V. Khaskin. From their point of view, social ecology as a part of human ecology is a complex of scientific fields that study the relationship of social structures (starting with the family and other small social groups), as well as the relationship of a person with the natural and social environment of their habitat. This approach seems to us more correct, because it does not limit the subject of social ecology to the framework of sociology or some other separate humanitarian discipline, but especially emphasizes its interdisciplinary nature.

When defining the subject of social ecology, some researchers are inclined to emphasize the role that this young science is called upon to play in harmonizing the relationship of mankind with its environment. According to E.V. Girusov, social ecology should study, first of all, the laws of society and nature, by which he understands the laws of self-regulation of the biosphere, implemented by a person in his life.


Akimova T.A., Khaskin V.V.Ecology. - M., 1998.

Agadzhanyan N.A., Torshin V.I. Human Ecology. Selected lectures... -M, 1994.

Bukhvalov V.A., Bogdanova L.V. Introduction to anthropoecology. - M., 1995.

Girusov E.V. Fundamentals of social ecology. - M., 1998.

Devyatova S. V., Kuptsov V. I. Development of natural science in the context of world history. -M., 1998.

A Brief Encyclopedia of Philosophy. - M., 1994.

Losev A.V., Provadkin G.G.Social ecology. - M., 1998.

Lunkevich V.V.From Heraclitus to Darwin. Essays on the history of biology: In 2v.-M “1960.

Magidovich I. P., Magidovich V. I. Essays on the history of geographical discoveries. - M., 1982; 2nd ed. - 1986.

Markovich D. Zh.Social ecology. - M., 1991.

Reimers N. F. Ecology (theory, laws, rules, principles and hypotheses). -M., 1994.

Solomina S. N. Interaction between society and nature. - M., 1982.

Folta J., Nowy L. History of Natural Science in Dates. - M., 1987.

Oshmarin A. P., Oshmarina V. I. Ecology. School reference book. - Yaroslavl, 1998.

Social ecology is a young scientific discipline. In fact, the emergence and development of social ecology reflects the growing interest of sociology in environmental problems, that is, a sociological approach to human ecology is born, which first led to the emergence of human ecology, or humane ecology, and later - social ecology.

According to one of the largest contemporary ecologists Y. Odum, "ecology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge, the science of the arrangement of multilevel systems in nature, society, and their interconnection."

The issues of ecological well-being have been of interest to researchers for a long time. Already in the early stages of the formation of human society, connections were discovered between the conditions in which people live and the characteristics of their health. The works of the great physician of antiquity Hippocrates (c. 460-370 BC) contain numerous evidences that environmental factors, lifestyle have a decisive influence on the formation of bodily (constitution) and mental (temperament) properties of a person.

In the XVII century. medical geography appeared - a science that studies the influence of the natural and social conditions of various territories on the health of the people inhabiting them. Its founder was the Italian physician Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714).

This indicates that the ecological approach to human life existed before. According to N.F. Reimers (1992), almost simultaneously with classical biological ecology, although under a different name, human ecology arose. Over the years, it has evolved in two directions: the actual ecology of man as an organism and social ecology. American scientist J. Bues notes that the line "human geography - human ecology - sociology" originated in the works of the French philosopher and sociologist Auguste Comte (1798-1857) in 1837 and was further developed by D.S. Mill (1806-1873) and H. Spencer (1820-1903).

Ecologist N.F. Reimers gave the following definition: “socio-economic human ecology is a scientific field that studies the general structural-spatial, functional and temporal laws of the relationship between the planet's biosphere and the anthroposystem (its structural levels from all of humanity to the individual), as well as the integral laws of the internal biosocial organization of the human society ". That is, everything comes down to the same classical formula "organism and environment", the only difference is that the "organism" is the whole of humanity, and the environment is all natural and social processes.

The development of social ecology begins after the First World War, at the same time the first attempts to define its subject appear. One of the first to do this was McKenzie, a well-known representative of classical human ecology.

Social ecology arose and developed under the influence of bioecology. Since technological progress constantly disrupts the biotic and abiotic environment of a person, it inevitably leads to an imbalance in the biological ecosystem. Therefore, along with the development of civilization, it is fatally inevitably accompanied by an increase in the number of diseases. Any further development of society becomes fatal for man and calls into question the existence of civilization. That is why in modern society they talk about “diseases of civilization”.

The development of social ecology accelerated after the World Sociological Congress (Evian, 1966), which made it possible at the next World Sociological Congress (Varna, 197 0) to create a research committee of the International Sociological Association on Social Ecology. Thus, the existence of social ecology as a sectoral sociology was recognized, the prerequisites were created for its more rapid development and a more precise definition of its subject.

Factors that influenced the emergence and formation of social ecology:

1. The emergence of new concepts in ecology (biocenosis, ecosystem, biosphere) and the study of man as a social being.

2. The threat to ecological equilibrium and its violation arise as a result of a complex relationship between three sets of systems: natural, technical and social

Social ecology subject

According to N.M. Mammadova, social ecology studies the interaction of society and the natural environment.

S.N. Solomina believes that the subject of social ecology is the study of global problems of mankind: the problem of energy resources, environmental protection, the problem of eliminating mass hunger and dangerous diseases, the development of the ocean's riches.

Social ecology laws

Social ecology as a science must establish scientific laws, evidence of objectively existing necessary and essential connections between phenomena, the signs of which are the general nature, constancy and the ability to foresee them.

H. F. Reimers, on the basis of private laws established by such scientists as B. Commoner, P. Danero, A. Türgo and T. Malthus, points to 10 laws of the system "man - nature":

I. Rule historical development production due to the successive rejuvenation of ecosystems.

2. The boomerang law, or feedback of the interaction between man and the biosphere.

3. The law of the indispensability of the biosphere.

4. The law of the renewability of the biosphere.

5. The law of irreversibility of interaction between man and the biosphere.

6. Rule of measure (degree of capabilities) of natural systems.

7. The principle of naturalness.

8. The law of diminishing returns (nature).

9. The rule of demographic (technical, socio-economic) saturation.

10. The rule of accelerated historical development.

When forming the laws of N.F. Reimers proceeds from “general laws”, and thus the laws of social ecology to one degree or another contain expressions of these laws.