Congratulations on the Baptism of Water (January 19). Congratulations on the Baptism of Water (January 19) Congratulations on the baptism on January 19 short

Ahead is the Baptism of the Lord, on January 19 Orthodox Christians will remember the day when the Savior was baptized in Jordan. John the Baptist revealed the Messiah to the world. Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord is a congratulation on one of the most important holidays for Christians. In the form of a dove on this day, the Holy Spirit himself descended on the Savior, designating Who stands before people. We offer you congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in verses and postcards, let our selection help you congratulate your loved ones.

How to congratulate loved ones and relatives on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord:

  • Message in verse;
  • Postcard;
  • Short SMS congratulations on the Epiphany.

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

Anton Ovsyanikov. Epiphany

Congratulations on Baptism in verses

Lord's bright baptism
It has come on this frosty day!
May blessing enter the house
Let the shadow go away
Saint Jordan water
Let health protect!
Bells are ringing from the temple
Blessing the procession!


Once upon a time Jesus received the Baptism,
And that day the water became holy,
Let the sick grant healing
And it brings joy and peace to the house.
Let the Holy Spirit be white like a dove
That he once descended upon Christ,
With its warmth and joy it will warm
On a frosty day of Epiphany, everyone is always.

With the Baptism of the Lord you, friends!
May a kind angel be with you
I wish you this day:
Forget all the old grudges
Say I'm sorry, say I'm sorry
And remember good deeds.
But about the sad, dear,
I wish you never to think.
Love, kindness, hope, faith,
Light moments every day
And of course health,
For many, many years to come!

Let in Epiphany frosts
Misfortunes, sorrows will go away
With happiness only tears are shed
And let the days bring only joy.
I wish everyone to laugh
And sadness was forgotten forever.
Everyone just admired love
And never suffered

Bell ringing of churches and temples,
Let the soul ring today.
I want to wish you straight today
Peace in the house, easy days in destiny.

And let love knock on the heart
The frosty day will ring with fire
Let your face light up with a smile
Giving joy and success in everything!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in verse to a friend or friend

May your Faith not weaken
And your Spirit grows stronger over the years.
Do not let fate deceive you
Happy Baptism of the Lord, my friend.

Let Hope in life not fade away,
Love will warm you in the cold
May the Lord give happiness
And health for many years!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord in verse to your beloved man

I want a beloved man
On Baptism, wish you happiness
And so that there is no reason
To be sad, hurt, and discouraged.
Desires of the main fulfillment
And endless kindness
Hope, joy, luck,
And in a kind heart - warmth!

Read also -

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord to loved ones

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord,
A glorious holiday of peace and happiness!
And I want to wish you today
To avoid troubles and bad weather!
Pray at the old icons
May faith help you in everything
May the divine, generous fire
Warms your heart!

Let the Epiphany frosts
Are angry outside the window
Let a quiet holiday come
On this day to your house
Let it bring to your souls
Peace and grace
Let it be wiser, cleaner, better
He will help you become!

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord 2019 in SMS


With the Baptism of the Lord,
Happy big, holy day,
Let your heart be warm
Health, faith, strength.

May the holy Epiphany
He will save the whole family from adversity.
And the candle of unquenchable faith
It will give you a spiritual stronghold.

With a pure soul, as after Epiphany,
I wish you to live all this year.
Then happiness will come, no doubt,
And every day will bring good luck!

Let the holy water wash away the pain and frustration
Let the disease and the enemy go far
On the bright holiday of Epiphany, I wish you joy,
Let it be easy in soul and heart!
With the Baptism of the Lord!

Congratulations on the Epiphany: cards, pictures


Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord! We hope that our congratulations on the Epiphany were useful to you!

Happy Baptism! I wish you
Happiness, good luck, kindness and warmth!
The forgiveness of the Lord may await you,
Let the soul become calm, light!

Let only close people gather
They will bring love and comfort to the house!
Let today's holiday be fabulous!
Let great news await you!

May Baptism bring joy
And troubles will go away after the frost.
Health to you, prosperity and love,
Let the roses dance in the snow for you to waltz.
So that everything comes true, so that happiness is the river,
By a seething stream or by the ocean
You are overwhelmed. And so that fate
The family of Angels watched through life.

To be baptized three times,
Not "bite", so that the water.
Holy in a miracle, believe in God,
Fortunately for the door to open!

Get ready for Epiphany,
And sprinkle with water.
Congratulations on your faith,
Into the hole! With God! Good hour!

Today all the water is holy
Health and goodness brings.
We all celebrate baptism
Let the holiday bring this light.

I wish the worries to go away
Let the water wash away the sorrows
Let the joy light up the heart
May the years only pass in happiness.

Congratulations on water baptism in funny verses

I wish you on the feast of the Lord's Baptism,
It is worthy to undergo the ritual of purification!
Let the thoughts be purified, as well as the body,
Go to the river resolutely, boldly!

Let the cold water not frighten you,
Any ceremony will take place in the weather!
The look will become sincere, even radiant
After the water is cold and clean!

Hooray! Baptism on the threshold
For those who could withstand everything.
Two New Years, Christmas,
Holy evening - how can it be without it.
Good health, success,
Fun, joy and laughter,
And all the blessings of the earth,
You definitely deserve them.

Summer turned out to be cool
Bathing season is not open ...
But in winter, greedy to faith,
Have to swim!

Diving in today
In spite of bad weather.
You with the Baptism of the Lord,
Congratulations to the daredevils!

Plunge into the hole today
No frost,
Wash away your sins quickly
Throw off the burden of grievances and grief.

Well, in order not to catch a cold,
Drink a glass to the bottom.
After all, in Baptism only for good
Even hot water.

Christening wishes (January 19) for friends

Happy Holidays! Happy Epiphany, friends!
Let God's grace descend
The track will become wider than life,
Immediately damn lucky!

May peace reign in your soul,
And nothing will disturb her!
Let happiness bring with you
A holiday for you, and let God help you!

May you be lucky in life, and the angel protects you,
Let it bless you with Epiphany water in the morning.
Let dreams come true and only the sky will be peaceful.
Let everyone get enough of kindness, health, joy and bread.
Friends, let them not betray, they always help in life,
Snowflakes festive fireworks let congratulate you on Epiphany.

Friends! With the Baptism of the Lord!
Celebrate a gloriously bright day.
And with a New Year's mood,
We will not be too lazy to climb into the hole.

Decisively, a brave act,
In spite of the hot cold,
Let's boldly cleanse the soul with the body,
Redeeming myself in water.

I congratulate you today,
My dear friends.
Baptism of happiness, peace to you
I will wish you tenderly.

Let the Epiphany frosts
Will not cool the ardor of hearts
Let saint's day lay
The end of troubles, sorrows.

Short verses with the Baptism of the Lord (SMS)

Congratulations to everyone on the Epiphany!
We wish you tranquility, faith, hope!
Let something good come true soon
The bad will burn like dry brushwood in a fire!

Happy Baptism! All the blessings of the earth,
Love and happiness every moment
Health, joy, prosperity,
And so that life is sweet.

We congratulate you on the Baptism of the Lord,
We wash away everything with sanctified water!
To cleanse your soul and body,
You have to dive into the hole with your head boldly!

Will wash away ailments and problems
Magic flow of waters.
I wish you happiness
Congratulations on your Epiphany!

Wishes for Baptism in prose

Happy Baptism! May January 19 be the beginning of the brightest and kindest stage in life! May God bless all deeds and undertakings, bring long-awaited victories and ease the burden of waiting! Patience, wisdom and all the best! Let faith grow stronger, hope does not leave you, and love will become a life principle and stimulus!

Friends, with the Baptism of you all! With frosts that delight and bring good luck and prosperity to the house. With the ability to drink Epiphany water and purify. With cold weather and snows that herald that the coming year will be fruitful. Let this bright holiday in your life start a strip white like snow, and with the spring waters, which will not be long to wait, all adversity and sorrow will go away. I wish you happiness and success in all righteous deeds.

With the great January holiday of all believers - with the Baptism of the Lord! Let bathing in the blessed ice water help to get rid of hardships and resentments, wash away the ailments and troubles acquired over the year, and give the joy of being and unshakable faith. Happy holiday of purity and goodness, joy and enlightenment!

I congratulate you on the bright holiday of the Baptism of the Lord! Every drop of water on this magical, holy day brings a spark of health and vigor. Let the magical effects of water, which all bodies of water are endowed with today, change your life for the better. Let the stormy streams wash away all diseases and ailments, cleanse the soul of resentment and envy, and give a feeling of joy and happiness.

According to the new style, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Baptism of the Lord on January 19. In 2017, the Orthodox holiday falls on Thursday.

It is believed that God himself comes into the world on this day to reveal the Unapproachable Light to the world. All four Gospels bear witness to this. "And it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And when he came out of the water, immediately John saw the heavens opening open and the Spirit, like a dove descending upon Him. And a voice came from heaven:" You are my Son beloved, in whom I am well pleased "(Mark 1: 9-11). Jesus was 30 years old at that time.

The day before, January 18, a strict fast was established: believers fast all day, and in the evening they celebrate "Hungry Kutya" or Holy Evening (like Christmas). Lean rice, kutya, and fried fish are cooked on this day.


Let the Epiphany frosts
Together with holy water
They will divert threats from you.
And sickness side
They will definitely bypass you,
There is no doubt about that
After all, the waters of the Epiphany miracle
Protects you from all troubles!

They say that the sky opens on this night.
You can even think of whatever you want.
On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, the bells will ring
All will be blessed from great to small!
Let the water cleanse the soul, resurrect faith in the heart,
And the Lord will hear us all and forgive us for mistakes.

I congratulate you on the greatest Orthodox holidays of the Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord! I wish that the holy grace of God descended on you, so that the body and soul, being washed with consecrated water, would be satiated with health, lightness, joy, so that pain, annoyance, disappointment, hatred and vices would go away, and peace, calm and harmony would reign in the soul. !

On the bright day of the Lord's Baptism
I wish you all earthly bounties.
May soul and body be cleansed
On this day, it will descend from heaven to you.

The blessings of the earth and God's grace
I want to wish you now.
May everything be on time and by the way
May the Lord protect you.

May everything in life be easy for you.
And let the Epiphany water
What is pouring from everywhere today
Will wash away all bad things forever!

On the bright day of the Baptism of the Lord
I sincerely want to wish you
Happiness, joy, kindness, health,
For grace to come to you!

Pure thoughts, warmth and understanding,
Peace and harmony around
Warmth, love and compassion.
And you do not know any troubles or partings.

May faith warm your soul
May hope not leave you
Let your mind not prevent your heart from listening,
Let sadness not touch your eyes.

In the Baptism of the Lord,
Holy water,
Sadness and adversity
Wash it from your heart and soul!
In the Baptism of the Lord,
I want to wish
You love, health,
May God's grace
It will help you in everything
Guide, protect
Faith will increase
Will strengthen the hope!

On the great day of the Baptism of the Lord, I wish to be cleansed with holy water and remain pure in soul, healthy in spirit and strong in faith. Be happy and loved.

On this special day filled with holiness, I would like to wish you harmony, spiritual peace, tranquility and idyll. May the heavens protect your soul, and the angels protect your home from evil and troubles. With the Baptism of the Lord you, do not lose faith in good, and it will certainly help in difficult times.

Congratulations on the Orthodox holiday - the Baptism of the Lord! May the Almighty sanctify your heart with peace, happiness and health. Great spirit, wisdom and patience to your home!

Here is a bright holiday
Brings us joy and forgiveness.
We forget about problems
I congratulate you on your Epiphany!

Let the house fill with warmth
The soul will be humble, pure.
May all adversity be a dream
And life is happy and radiant!

The Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord is one of the most ancient holidays of the Christian Church. Its establishment dates back to the time of the apostles. The ancient name of the holiday - "Epiphany" - phenomenon, or "Theophany" - Epiphany, it was also called "the holiday of Lights", "Holy Lights" or simply "Lights". For God comes into the world on this day to reveal the Unapproachable Light to the world.
The holiday begins on the evening of January 18, when all Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany Eve.

The word "baptize", "baptize" means in Greek "immerse in water." It is impossible to understand the meaning and importance of baptism without first understanding the symbolic and real meaning of water in the Old Testament. Water is the beginning of life. It is from the water fertilized by the life-giving Spirit that all living beings will arise. Where there is no water, there is a desert. But water can both destroy and destroy - like the water of a great flood, God poured sins and destroyed human evil.

The baptism of John was symbolic and meant that as the body is washed and cleansed with water, so the soul of a person who repents and believes in the Savior will be cleansed from all sins by Christ.

After the Baptism of Christ, baptism for people is no longer just a symbol of purification. Here Jesus revealed Himself to the world as Christ, the Son of God. “I saw, I testify: He is the Chosen One of God,” confirms John the Baptist. The Epiphany revealed to us the great Divine mystery of the Holy Trinity. Now every one who is baptized participates in this mystery.

Baptism is the beginning of the restoration of the original image of God in fallen man. The great mystery performed in baptism does not reach consciousness immediately. Epiphany makes us "one branch" with Christ, as if grafting us to Him. In the water of baptism, the fountain of new life, man dies to sin and is resurrected to God. But in order to truly fulfill your baptism, that is, to become the image of Christ, all life is needed.

Baptism, or Epiphany, is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on January 19 in a new style. On the eve of the holiday, January 18, a strict fast was established.
The whole family, as before Christmas, gathers at the table, to which only lean meals are served; kutia (sochivo) is prepared from rice, honey and raisins.

In memory of the fact that the Savior consecrated water with His Baptism, there is a consecration of water; on the eve of the feast, water is consecrated in churches, on the very feast of the Epiphany - in rivers or other places where water is taken. The procession to the Jordan is called a procession to consecrate natural reservoirs.

Baptism is one of the most ancient Christian holidays, marking the appearance of the Savior - the Son of God. Give your loved ones congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord on January 19, and you, thereby, let your relatives know that you are not indifferent to their fate, that you remember them and are always ready to help.

On a clear January winter day
We praise the baptism of the Lord
And cleansing like Him
Let us direct all thoughts to goodness.
May this world be fast
But he does not betray Faith.
Whoever is pure in heart is this time
To live as it should, understands.
And congratulating you friends
With such a solemn moment
I want to receive a reward
At least a slight compliment.
Let these lines bring
You are in a festive mood
A sip of holy water
It brings peace to the soul. ©

Great holiday - Epiphany
I came to visit in the snow.
Brought us a blessing
So everything is fine!
Congratulate you on Baptism
I hurry to the singing of birds.
I wish you happiness without rules
And joy without borders! ©

In all churches today
The bells are ringing:
The grace of the Lord again
Has descended to earth!
The world has become kinder and cleaner
It has beauty and new ...
Happy Epiphany, buddy!
Be happy and healthy! ©

Space sparkles in divine light.
The water on this day is impeccably clean.
The Lord was baptized. Well, and we are His children
We taste sacred for Christ's sake.
Let us wash, taste the saint
It is affirmed in the soul for thousands of years!
Happy holiday, people who are from God
Divine light lit our faith! ©

Baptism is a Christian holiday.
In Russia since ancient times, the people
He celebrates his winter
When the New Year has already passed.
We bless the water today
And someone to the hole already -
He himself performs ablution,
Removing the filth in the courage. ©

We will offer prayers to God!
We thank heaven
For the fact that the ways are open to us,
For believing in miracles!
Today we celebrate Epiphany
Today is the day that sins
They leave with the ablution,
Hearts are light! ©

We wish to love our neighbor

Baptism is a great day!

I sincerely wish

Healthy and happy to be

Every moment I live to appreciate

Friends, family without forgetting!

Today is the Lord's Baptism.

Sadness, failure, adversity

Today hearts are full of faith

Your life will light up today

Lord grace

My friend, on Epiphany day

I sincerely congratulate you

May God bless you!

I sincerely wish!

A miraculous power descended from the sky.

Holy water gave healing.

Let pride, greed,

malice will fall from your soul.

Free from sins

make haste tonight.

The sky is shining with stars

The feat calls to repeat.

All praise Jesus.

God's grace is coming!

When everything is white and white

When everything was covered with snow,

When frosts outside the window

Check your cell phone.

There will be congratulations

Happy Epiphany!

I congratulate you on your Baptism.

Laugh on this January day.

Rejoice in life with rapture,

Let no shadow fall on the soul.

It will be a principle for you.

Let him let himself be conquered.

Let there be satisfaction

From what has already been achieved.

I congratulate you on your Baptism.

Laugh in this January moment.

SMS congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord

"Epiphany frosts"
Let in Epiphany frosts
Your sorrows will go away.
Let there be tears only from happiness
Let the good news come.
I want you to laugh more often
And they were never sad!
To be admired by love
And they were always happy!

"Beloved man"
To wish your beloved man
I want now, in Baptism, good luck,
So that I never thought to be discouraged,
So that life only makes you richer.
Support and support for me,
For happiness and smiles, you are the reason
I am your faithful rug,
Beloved and only man. "May peace and joy reign"
May the day of Epiphany be great
Only grace promises you.
May happiness be many-sided
May justice prevail
May peace and joy reign
In family, work and business.
May divine goodness
Will help in life and dreams! "Epiphany light rises over the world"
When flying over the world at midnight,
The messenger of God will wave his wing to you,
Frosty sparkles holy night,
Every body of water will be consecrated here!
Not a breeze, but ripples walk on the smooth surface,
Then the Angel wet his wing
Epiphany light rises over the world,
So that we all feel warm in it! "Beloved son"
My dear, beloved son,
I congratulate you on Baptism,
I have you - only one
And with all my soul I wish
Let love come to you
And let luck not leave
And let joy find you
And everything that means a lot in life! "Girlfriend"
Girlfriend on the day of the Baptism of the Lord
I want to wish a man
Such that came to you today,
And he would offer a hand with a heart.
So that it turns out that his car
It's called Bentley - you know about this?
With a reliable and responsible man
Bypass all sorrows. "Welcome the arrival of good"
What a bright day today!
Water is already charged in the morning
And on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord
We all welcome the arrival of good!
And let the good walk the planet,
Let him visit all the houses
I wish you and your children
Health, happiness and warmth! "Feast of the Great Epiphany"
Great Epiphany holiday
The country is celebrating today.
And many good, different words
I want to wish you in full:
So that you always shine with joy
Eyes, soul, smile, flesh!
So that colored dreams only dream,
And may the Lord help you! "My beloved man"
My beloved man, deserved
You are joy in life, happiness and luck,
I want you to be always happy -
Not only on this glorious Epiphany.
I want luck to come
And it never left you
So that all bad things will forever pass
A lot of good luck and joy awaited. "Congratulations on your Baptism!"
Congratulations on your Epiphany!
A great holiday has come to us.
And with all our hearts we wish now
So that your table always breaks,
So that abundance is marked
Was every day and every hour
So that only joyful meetings
We were waiting for you in a wonderful life! "Close friend"
To a close friend, dear, dear,
Today I sincerely wish you happiness
We have been friends for many years already with you,
And almost all of us know about each other.
I respect your kindness
And you deserve happiness, friend,
So that this unearthly beauty
Nature itself has awarded happiness! "The bright holiday of Epiphany"
Today is a bright holiday
The baptism of the Lord has come,
Everyone should plunge into the water,
In the same way, John baptized Christ.
I wish you always
Healthy, strong and loved
May trouble not come to you
May you always be happy! "Day of the Baptism of the Lord"
May the day of Epiphany grant
Unearthly grace to you
So that only the word "Hallelujah"
Could shout with joy
So that every moment seems like a miracle
So that love enters your life,
So that it is not difficult in life,
To make the smile bloom! "To the beloved woman"
Epiphany frosts crackle,
The great holiday has come!
And let the stars in the sky
Today they shine that there is strength!
The water is all holy today
You must take a bath,
I want you so dear
On this day, see and hug ... "In the Israeli town of Bethawar"
In the Israeli town of Bethawar,
Where the waters of the Jordan River roll,
The Jews accepted baptism,
The carpenter's son was baptized there too!
And grace descended from heaven,
And Christ began his journey through the world,
We wish that every prayer
From you to God, a dove to convey! "Epiphany text message for a loved one"
Hey! I am Epiphany
sms sent to the most beloved and handsome guy in the world! Let be
the great feast of the Baptism of the Lord will give you kindness and warmth,
will take away sorrows and sad thoughts. Happy holiday, darling! "I congratulate you, girlfriend"
I congratulate you, girlfriend,
The great holiday has come!
We celebrate baptism today
How John Baptized Jesus.
And let the lighted water
All sorrow will wash away from you
Trouble never touches
Good luck will open the door for you! "To the best friend"
I want on the day of the Baptism of the Lord
Wish you good luck and health,
After all, you are my closest friend for today,
So, I want to wish well.
Let success be with you everywhere
On all the roads of the chosen one goes,
You deserve goodness and happiness, honestly
So let him get lucky as soon as possible. "To beloved dad"
I want to wish dad on Epiphany,
So that you always achieve your goal,
So that luck comes in all matters
And never gave up forever.
May every minute be precious
Your destiny will not sweep in vain
Appreciate every moment - priceless
And those people who are with you. «»
What can I wish you for Baptism?
So that you are always healthy
And let the good mood
Blessed water will give you! "My beloved friend"
My beloved friend!
I congratulate you today
I wish you a faithful spouse
And I wish you a bright house
Let luck and hope
Always with you, everywhere they go
Let the light of a smile, as before,
Only the angels bring you. "Epiphany text message for the beloved"
Hey! I'm a baptismal text message
sent to the most beloved and beautiful girl in the world! Let be
the great feast of the Baptism of the Lord will give you kindness and warmth,
will take away sorrows and sad thoughts. Happy holiday, darling! "Beloved girl"
I want my beloved on the day of baptism
I dedicate a poem.
I want to wish you health
Turn off the saw more often
Seriously if - without a doubt,
Be in a great mood.
Let the soul always sing
Takes the necessary chords. "Holy Night of Epiphany"
Since the baptism of the great moment
The Son of God learned his essence,
The Heavenly Spirit entered him there,
Father was kind to him!
Beginning his ministry from Jordan,
He saved everyone on the cross!
You will not have any flaws,
Let the fun hour come! "Orthodox Russia was baptized"
Orthodox Russia was baptized,
Our Jordan was in Pochayna,
By the prince's will they came
All the families of Kiev are there!
After the Baptism of Christ
A thousand years have passed then,
Now - one more and again
We make a vow of fidelity! "Beloved grandfather"
Beloved grandfather for baptism
I want to wish from the bottom of my heart
Always be in a good mood
Protect health,
So that you see the main thing in your grandchildren -
Another continuation of myself,
May every day please you
Live having fun and loving! "Today is Baptism"
Today is Baptism.
Great holiday.
Grants forgiveness
The Lord is many-sided.
Let there be business
Your thoughts match.
And may it grant you
Lord grace! "The great holiday has come today!"
The great holiday has come today!
And its essence is sacred and pure,
May this day of the Baptism of the Lord
Sadness and vanity will disappear away.
I congratulate you on this holiday,
I wish you only happiness, peace and goodness,
Everything will be fine, I know for sure
And it will be so - today and forever! "With the Baptism of the Lord you!"
Today is an ancient Christian holiday,
With the Baptism of the Lord you!
Let everything be easy and clear in life
Let it be even better than now!
I also want to wish you a lot:
So that you do not know sorrows and troubles,
So that the health was all "five"!
So that everything comes true, what you dreamed about. "Beloved daughter"
My beloved daughter
I wish in Baptism
More of the best days
Such a mood
So that I wanted to keep up with everything,
So that life is wonderful
And never lose heart
Living an interesting life! "Wishes to your beloved"
I want a beloved man
On Baptism, wish you happiness
And so that there is no reason
To be sad, hurt, and discouraged.
Desires of the main fulfillment
And endless kindness
Hope, joy, luck,
And in a kind heart - warmth! "To my beloved mother"
I want on the day of Epiphany
Mommy, wish
Without any doubts,
Meet the day with a smile
Let every minute
It brings you warmth
Hope, important joy,
Fun and goodness! "Beautiful, so beloved"
Beautiful, so beloved -
I want to wish you on Epiphany,
So that you always live without discouragement
Blossom like a bright rose.
May everything in the world succeed
What do you dream about, dear, you!
Let every day laugh in your eyes
Leaving open spaces for dreams! "Not sharp thorns, but roses!"
The entire Christian world today
Celebrates a great holiday.
It is called the Baptism of the Lord,
I congratulate you on him! I wish
So that you have in life
Not sharp thorns, but roses!
And let all troubles notice
Epiphany frosts in winter! "Today is the Baptism of the Lord!"
Today is Baptism
Lord! May this bright holiday take away all sorrows from you,
sorrows and bad thoughts, wash away all sins with holy water. Happy Holidays! "Buddy, happy holiday to you!"
My friend, happy holiday to you!
Great Baptism of the Lord!
Be healthy and your whole family
May she be happy today!
And may good luck, happiness and success
They accompany you in life all the time.
Let laughter be heard in the house
There will be no troubles, sorrows and deceit. "Beloved sister"
Sister is a wonderful girl!
I congratulate you on Epiphany!
May your laughter always be sonorous
I sincerely wish you
May fleeting luck
Success will grow huge
Live brightly without ever crying
And letting out laughter more often! "So that you are always healthy"
What can I wish you for Baptism?
To always be healthy
And let the mood be good
Blessed water will give it to you! "Beloved"
I want on the day of Epiphany
Wish for a loved one
Be in a cool mood
And don't grumble at all.
You know, everything in life will come true
What do you want
You will succeed
Dreams will come true! "To the beloved woman"
I want to wish the beloved woman
So that your dreams come true on baptism,
Your beauty, no doubt, cannot be taken away -
I wish everything came true
Like you - one in a million
And I got this treasure,
All my life I will only be in love with you
I dream to smile more often! "Best friend"
You, friend, should become happy
I wish you on Baptism
Stay tender and beautiful
So that you live without discouragement
So that everything in the world succeeds,
To keep luck with you,
If failure is just a little
And always in a great mood. "To a beautiful woman"
To a beautiful woman like you
I want to give everything flowers,
And I wish for Baptism
Live never discouraged.
Hope, joy, success
And a delicious laugh.
Let health be strong
Let loved ones surround people! "Beloved brother"
On Baptism to my brother, I wish
I did not indulge in sorrows
I congratulate you today
Remember, this is just the beginning
Happy interesting life
Events of excellent complete,
You just don't listen to flattering words,
Let the waves overwhelm good luck! "Friend"
With the Baptism of the Lord
I will congratulate
And my friend today
I rather want to wish -
Of course there is more money
And more kindness
So that I could do everything longer
So that all dreams come true! "You deserve happiness"
My friend, you deserve happiness
I wish you on Epiphany
To have enough strength for everything
So that luck goes with you.
To make mad love
Rather settled in the heart,
So that the passion in her is revived again
And it never stopped. "Epiphany celebration"
They cut an ice-hole with a cross in the river,
Frost under thirty - nothing!
Some saint will help
To accept the Epiphany celebration!
Do not be afraid, friend, invisibly with us,
The one who saved our world from filth,
It will warm us with its breath
He will cleanse us from sins! "January 19. Epiphany."
January 19. Epiphany.
I congratulate you with him!
A bright holiday has come today
I wish you good and peace! "Great holiday"
On this great holiday of the Baptism of the Lord, I wish you health, longevity, a sea of \u200b\u200blove and happiness! "Beloved grandmother"
Beloved grandmother at Epiphany
I wish you good health
I pray to God, without a doubt,
So that my dear grandmother
Always healthy and cheerful
I was always smiling
And every day is magical new
He met her with a ray of warmth. "On this day, holy water is everywhere"
What kind of holiday is being celebrated today?
Jesus Christ was baptized at Bethabar
At 30 years old. Since then the Baptism of the Lord
How Christians celebrate a holiday!
On this day, holy water is everywhere,
Do not forget to plunge into it,
Unearthly grace will descend on you,
Gives health and happiness a little bit! "May he send you peace of depth!"
And it was like this - people were waiting for the Messiah,
John called them to be cleansed,
Slaves, nobles - everyone except the Pharisees,
Perceived pure Jordan into the waters.
When the hand of Jesus touched those waters,
Then in a moment they are consecrated forever!
Cleared the world of filth and temptation,
May he send you peace of depth! "I sincerely congratulate my friend"
My dear best friend,
I, tirelessly,
I wrote this verse for you
He composed about baptism.
I sincerely congratulate you
And, of course, I wish
So that dreams come true
To make girls fall in love!

Congratulations on the Epiphany 2017

E then one of the most ancient and revered holidays in
Orthodox Slavs. It was on this day that John the Baptist baptized
the Jordan River of Jesus Christ. "I baptize" means "immersed in water."
Water, as a symbol of the beginning of life and purification, is the main attribute
holiday. On this day, ice holes are made in the shape of a cross and
divine services are held with the obligatory consecration of water. Thereafter
Orthodox are plunged into the consecrated font. It is believed to be
swimming in the Epiphany ice hole gives health and happiness to the whole
next year. The sacred water on this holiday is placed near the icons.
I drink it in three small sips immediately upon coming home, all
household. And then the head of the family irrigates all corners with this water
dwellings in order to ward off evil forces and call on happiness and prosperity in your

January nineteenth.
It's a pity: not everyone is familiar with this date.
Our ancestors once believed:
This holiday is important for all ...
You are always faithful to Baptism,
So, we congratulate you from the heart,
And we wish you all the best.
May you dream rainbow dreams
In reality, let it be easy
May the Lord help you in your aspirations,
Let it help your children too,
And the sorrows will go far!

Epiphany snowy evening
The day Christ was baptized.
Jokes sounded, laughter was ringing,
People postponed worries.
May every home be happy
Let all bad weather disappear
And the bell towers are clear
Will sow only happiness in the heart!
I wish everyone this evening
Candles lighted with hope!
Happy Baptism!

The light Epiphany comes.
And love goes with him.
The blizzard is spinning impatiently.
And there are not enough words for a verse.
And somewhere again, word for word,
Old words will tell us -
Everything is ready for a new life
And let your head spin!

Today is a holiday - Christ's Baptism.
Today there will be blizzards whirling.
Today we will celebrate the holiday together.
And fate will be favorable, and the song.
Love is singing this song to you
Today I am yours, and I know that.
We sing all night together tonight.
Today we sound together, in one song ...

Snow curls outside the window.
In the courtyards of blizzards whirling.
It's running time again.
This is a holiday again - Epiphany.
Silence is weightless in the night.
And the pictures are hung on the walls.
In an unfinished glass of wine
The scents of love are mixed.
Let's be happy now and in the future.
Let's be happy, let's be trusting.
After all, it is given to you and me to grow younger
In this beautiful and changeable world.

New holiday - light Epiphany!
How much sun, snow and love!
And I read to you with impatience
I am my yesterday's poems.
I want to taste eternity
Drown in snowy meadows
So that I am happy and carefree
Until the morning you carried in your arms.

Today we are celebrating Epiphany.
The windows were covered with snow.
All roads, all entrances,
All paths were covered with snow.
And where do we - joy in power,
The storm reigns the white ball
All the land under the veil
From cold blankets.
Let's celebrate the fun.
Today we will drink for
So that from us on the eve of Epiphany
The blizzard took everything away!

Again, confirming all predictions
And the predictions of old people
Epiphany frosts came
With the splendor of the snow
With a crystal crest along the eaves
And the lights of bullfinches ...
After all, there are no surprises
And without gifts of January.

Congratulations on your Epiphany,
You health and warmth!
So that life only brings joy
And she was happy!
To make children proud
For the light to flow
And so that your requests
They did not know the word "No".
With the Baptism of you by God,
Love, kindness, care,
We will help you with everything,
What will be within our power!

Congratulations on your baptism,
And we wish you from the bottom of our hearts!
So that epiphany frosts,
They brought joy to your house!
So that holy water,
Past sins washed away!
So that the Lord gives you mercy,
Throughout life!


Let the Epiphany frosts
Together with holy water
They will divert threats from you.
And sickness side
They will definitely bypass you,
There is no doubt about that
After all, the waters of the Epiphany miracle
Protects you from all troubles!

In the Baptism of the Lord,
Holy water,
Sadness and adversity
Wash it from your heart and soul!
In the Baptism of the Lord,
I want to wish
You love, health,
May God's grace
It will help you in everything
Guide, protect
Faith will increase
Will strengthen the hope!

I congratulate you on the great Orthodox holiday and wish you
this holy day of peace in the home and soul, love and happiness. And let on
you will always be God's blessing. Joy and peace to you. Let be
The Lord always helps you and keeps you from any misfortunes.

Live happily and freely
Honestly, sincerely wish
And with the Baptism of the Lord
I sincerely congratulate you!
Let health not fail
So that there is enough strength for everything,
My soul was calm
And God keep you!

Washes away sins without a trace
Pure Epiphany water.
Happy holiday of goodness and purification -
Bright Lord's Baptism.

Congratulations on the Baptism of the Lord!
Let pure light warm faith
I wish you great love, sincere
And live for as many years as possible.
May the Angels be with you everywhere
Let them protect from all sorrow, trouble.
I wish you impeccable, peace of mind,
And all that you want.

On the feast of Epiphany with holy water
Everyone in the house needs to wash!


















































We wish to love our neighbor



Baptism is a great day!

I sincerely wish

Healthy and happy to be

Every moment I live to appreciate

Friends, family without forgetting!





Today is the Lord's Baptism.


Sadness, failure, adversity


Today hearts are full of faith


Your life will light up today

Lord grace


My friend, on Epiphany day

I sincerely congratulate you

May God bless you!


I sincerely wish!

A miraculous power descended from the sky.

Holy water gave healing.







Let pride, greed,

malice will fall from your soul.

Free from sins

make haste tonight.

The sky is shining with stars

The feat calls to repeat.

All praise Jesus.

God's grace is coming!

When everything is white and white

When everything was covered with snow,

When frosts outside the window

Check your cell phone.

There will be congratulations

Happy Epiphany!

I congratulate you on your Baptism.

Laugh on this January day.

Rejoice in life with rapture,

Let no shadow fall on the soul.


It will be a principle for you.


Let him let himself be conquered.

Let there be satisfaction

From what has already been achieved.

I congratulate you on your Baptism.

Laugh in this January moment.






































































{!LANG-70f7a61bd825bd51dff52293f238ca98!} {!LANG-41a206b46349949cc28268f90795c79e!}





Space sparkles in divine light.


We will offer prayers to God!


