Complexed proposals with apparent conditions. Completed proposals with circumstantial pressing

Podid circumstantial We replace the position of the circumstances of various kinds and respond to questions that are characteristic of circumstances. In Russian, the following types of consulting attachments are presented: time, places, causes, consequences, conditions, goals, concessions, comparisons, image, measures and degrees.

Completed proposal suggestions

Putting time Below to the whole main part or to one word in it, indicate the time of action in the main part, answer questions "When?", "How long?", "Since when?", "How long?" They join the main part with the help of subordinate unions when, as, while, barely, only before, while, as long as, since, how is it suddenly and etc.

For example: Barely diligence tried and began to ride in the mountain, the boy sniffed to the window and began to look around (Kataev). The alarm clock decided to marry when he knocks without fifteen nine(Petrushevskaya).

Among the NGN with pressing time there are proposals with complex unions, which can be divided into two parts of the comma. Such unions are found not only in PSP with pressing time, but also in other types of apparent. Compare: Three years passed, since as wemovedin Petersburgand Three years passed since We moved to Petersburg. Both suggestions are in their composition the same union since.

Attention! In the case when the union is divided into a comma, its first part is part of the main offer as a nasty word, and the second plays the role of the Union: The performance was delivered at the time, (what?) When no one could dream of his success. In this case, the type of apparent proposal will change - before us NPP with the apparent determination.

In the absence of an indicable word, the pressing part in the NGN of time may be in any position relative to the main part. However, there are two cases when the position of the apparent part is fixed:

1. When using unions how, how suddenly (Such unions express the attitude of suddenness, surprise between situations called in the main and pressing parts) the dressing part is located after the main thing: The investigation of this case was already by the end, as new unclear details suddenly turned out..

2. When using a double union when - then, only only - how, when et al. (The second component of such unions is placed in front of the second part and can be omitted) the apparent part is located before the main thing: Barely dawned as we went to sea.

Completed proposals with pressing places

Putting places Indicate the place or direction of movement and answer the questions "Where?", "Where?", "Where?". They do not relate to the whole of the main part, but to one word in it - the circumstance of the place expressed by the prisoner nascha there, there, from there, nowhere, everywhere, everywhere . Association in SPP with pressing places are allied words where, where, from where acting in the role of circumstances:

For example: The wolf ran out from there, from where he was not waiting at all. She appealed for help throughout, where she could at least help.

IN spoken Speech The adverb in the main part may be descended, and this part becomes incomplete: Having a certain goal, the boy went to walk, where he did.

Usually, pressing places are standing after the indicative word in the main part. The location of the pressing part before the main thing is found only in conversational speech: Where is thin, there and breaks(Proverb).

Complexed proposals with additive causes

Putting reasons These include the main part, have the importance of the reason and answer questions "Why?", "Why?". They join the main part of the unions because, because what, since, for, good, thanks to what, since, especially since etc.

For example: The girl cries, because the air ball flew away.

Pressing causes are usually located after the main part, however, when using a double union, the apparent part may stand to the main one, in front of which the second component of the Union is: Since we all liked your execution, we will ask you to fulfill another romance.

Completed proposals with apparent conditions

Putting conditions These include the importance of the condition and are responsible for the question "With what condition?". They join the main part with the help of subordinate unions if, when (in the meaning of the Union, if), if, since it is soon, if and etc.

For example: It is not difficult to wait two hours if I was waiting for the whole summer(Koval). Once I am a fascist, it means that the spring is fascist(Gaidar). If you go to rest on the Volga, capture the fishing rods with you.

Pressing conditions are capable of occupying any position in relation to the main part.

Attention! Pressure conventional can join the main part and with the help of double unions if - if - so, if - then. All these unions are possible to replace with a simple union if a (that is, the second part of them is not mandatory). In this case, the pressing part stands before the main thing: If tomorrow will be sunny again, then we will go to the lake.

Completed proposals with additive goals

Applying goals These include the main part, have the meaning of the goal and answer questions "For what purpose?", "Why?". They join the main part of the unions (so that) in order to, then so that, in order not only if only if only .

For example: The mountaineer did everything possible, just to resist at a taking height. If you want to pick up strawberries, take a comfortable basket.

In NPP with pressing targets sometimes uses an index word then: I called you then to report about the decision.

Attention! Unions that are used in PPCs with apparent purposes are often separated by a comma: I gathered you all so as to Congratulate our colleague happy birthday.

Completed proposal with concessions

Putting concessions Reference to the whole main part and have a grade value - they call the situation, against which an event is carried out, named in the main part. To the main part, you can put questions "Despite what?", "Contrary to what?". Applying concessions are joined by subordinate unions although (at least), despite the fact that, for nothing, let , lose or allied words whoever, where no, how much and etc.:

For example: Unexpectedly, the noise of falling water rang out almost under the nose of the boat, although there were also a quarter of the versts to the dam(Veresaev). Raskolniki was silent and did not resist, despite the fact that he felt enough forces to rise (Dostoevsky).

Union may be two-component with the second part But yes, however: But the rain though ended, but it was cool and uncomfortable on the street. Oddly enough, but on the third day, the resting audience was no longer annoyed, but rather having fun.

Compare comparison suggestions

Putting comparisons Distribute the entire main part or one word in it. The main part content is compared with the content of the apparent one. From the main part to the apparent you can put questions "How?", "What?", "Like what?". Podepie joins comparative unions as if, as if, just like, as if, as if, as if, as if, as if, as if : On the guitar suddenly burst the string, as if someone was hurried. In the main part of the NGN with the pressing comparative, the indicative word can be used so which is not mandatory: And you so gently I loved how I once loved me (Bunin). Everyone so pleased with his departure, as if they received the long-awaited prize.

Attention! It is necessary to distinguish the apparent comparative and comparative turnover. In the apparative comparative, there is a grammatical basis, in the comparative language, the grammatical framework is absent. Compare: And it became so dark in the forest, exactly all nights gathered in it right away.(Bitter). Cat slammed like raw dough(Olesh).

In the apparatus comparative can be used a double union than thosem.; In both parts of such a proposal, comparative degrees of adjective or adveria are presented: Than the gloover of blood passionate ropot and faithful words you need, the more you value the sober experience of calm maturity of your (A. Tarkovsky).

Complexed proposals with appointments

Pressing image of action Answer questions "How?", "How?". They belong to one word in the main part - the index prime inflation so or combination this imagem. (sometimes they are omitted) and join the main part of the union word as . For example: I did everything like my mother asked me. My friend acted exactly as it should be done by this friend.

Pressing images are located behind the main part.

Complexed proposals with pressing measures and degrees

Pressure measures and degrees Denote or the degree of what can be measured from the point of view of quantity, quality, intensity. They answer the question to what extent? and join the main part of the unions what, as if, as if et al. or allied words how much how much.

Puttingles with alliances that to refer to the words so, such, so much so and revolutions to such an extent And have the additional importance of the investigation.

For example: One person was interested in the ants to such an extent that the present surveillance was made over them(Petrushevskaya). She seemed so beautiful to me that I did not understand not only to speak, but even approach her.

A separate group among PSPs with pressing measures and degrees are those in which the pressing part joins the words so much so much with the help of union words how much how much . In these proposals, only the importance of measures and degrees is expressed and there is no additional shade of the investigation: I trust you as much as it is possible.

Completed proposals with appointed attachments

Feature appointed attachments It is that they do not relate to any of the membership members. From the main part to the appointed attachment cannot be issued. This was the reason for the allocation of them into a separate group. Communication facilities of the pressing offer with the main thing here - Union words what (in the form of any case with an excuse or without it), why, why, why, Which, as it were, the maintenance maintenance content. Such means of communication can be replaced by pronoun this is: He could not come anywhere without being late, which (this) annoyed everyone. Suddenly, the light on the stage went out, which is why (from this) we could not continue the rehearsal.

Applying circumstances are responsible for the same issues as circumstances, and in the proposal refer to verbs or words that have a thorough value.

In terms of their meaning, circumstances are attached, as well as circumstances, are divided into the following types: Pressing time, places, causes, consequences, goals, conditions, comparisons, images, measures and degrees, concessions.

1) Putting time indicate a time of action that is performed in the main sentence answer questions when? From what time? what time?

They belong to the whole main or to the circumstance of time in the main part and are joined by alliances. when, while, since, barely, as soon asand etc.: In the summer, when the holidays occur, we will go to rest.

In the proposal, the pressing time may be in any position in relation to the main one (preposition - before the main, postposition - after the main, interposition - inside the main one): When I returned, she's already gone(preposition). We will go on the road as soon as it breaks (postposition). In the House, since the father returned, everything went differently(Interposition).

The actions referred to in the main and pressing parts may occur at the same time or in different time: When the sun comes out due to the mountain, it becomes light(Simultaneous action). They woke up when it was already quite light(Miscellaneous time of actions: First, it became light, and then they woke up). The expression of simultaneity and the abundance of actions is carried out with the help of unions, indicative words and verb forms of time and species.

2) Putting placesindicate the place or direction of the action referred to in the main thing, refer to the combination of the fant and index word and answer questions. where? where to? From where?: I was where none of you was.

Pressing places join the main allied words where, where, from where.

Sometimes, these words may be descended, which is characteristic of conversational speech: I did what I wanted.

Pressure places can be in any position in relation to the main: postposition - "Go, where the free mind entails you " (A. Pushkin). Wherever I traveled, I always won a diary(preposition). Only there, where am I come from, There are such beautiful places(Interposition).

3) Putting conditionsindicate the condition at which the action may occur, which is reported in the main sentence, and answer the question with what condition?

Pressure conditions join the main thing with the help of alliances if, if, if, when, once, if, since, how soon: if you do not want to do it, say straight. Since you started, so you must finish.

Pressing conditions may be in any position in relation to the main one. If the appropriate condition is in the preposition, then the main thing can begin with words that's it: if tomorrow there is a good weather, then I will leave.

Combination can perform as indicative words in the event that: in the event that we will turn off the road, we will get lost.Combination ifcan merge into one complex union: He was going to leave if nothing change.

4) Applying goalsindicate the purpose of the action that is reported in the main thing and answer questions what for? for what? for what purpose?

Pressing goals join the main thing with the help of alliances to, in order to, so that.Sophisticated unions can disintegrate into two parts, while in the appropriate sentence remains the Union toand the remainder of the complex alliances is moving to the main thing: in order, then.These words become indicable words and members of the sentence: I arrived in order to work here (in order to -sophisticated Union). I arrived in order to work here (for that -summary word to -union).

Pressing goal usually applies to everything in the main and can occupy any position in relation to the main one: To see you I did a hard way(preposition). I flew here to see this edge with your own eyes (postposition). It, so that no one noticed quietly snuck up(Interposition).

5) Putting reasonsindicate the cause of the action that is reported in the main sentence, and answer questions why? from what? for what reason?

Potion reasons join the main union because, because, due to the fact that, because because, due to the fact that, due to the fact thatand etc.: In the fall, the grass was still green(why?), because all summer went raining.

Pressing cause can occupy any position in relation to the main, except when the union is joined by the Union because(Offer can not start with "because").

Sophisticated unions can disintegrate into two parts, while in the main sentence, indicative words will remain: because because becauseet al., and the dressing part will join the main union what: "I am sad because you have fun"(M. Lermontov).

6) Puttingure consequencesindicate the result of the action referred to in the main sentence, answer the question as a result, this happened?

Candidage investigations are joined by the Union so that,below to the whole main sentence and are always in postposition in relation to the main: The house was on the very coast of the sea, so the screams of chaps through the window.

7) Pressing image of actionindicate the nature of the action reported in the main sentence, and answer questions as? how?

Applying image of action joins the main subordinate unions as if, exactly, as if. He spoke very insensitive(How? How?), as if experienced a strong pain.

In the main sentence may be an index word so,in this case, the apparent belongs to it: He lived(How? How?), as if every day his day was the last.

8) Pressure measures and degreesindicate a measure and degree of action that is reported in the main sentence and answer questions to what extent? in what degree? To what extent?

Putting measures and degrees join the main sentence with the help of unions and allied words what, how, how much how muchand stand after the main offer. In the main part there may be indicable words so, so much, so much to that degreeand etc.: The wind blew so hard that the window broke. The light was so bright that eyes hurt. The book was so interesting that it was impossible to tear off.

9) Puttingular comparativesexplain what is reported in the main sentence answer the question as?,refer to the whole main sentence, joined with the help of alliances how, as if, as if, for sure, as ifand others. Puttingular comparatives can occupy in relation to the main thing any position, but most often they are in postposition: The air was clean and fresh, as if it was just that it was raining. It was dark as fast as it happens before a thunderstorm.

10) Candidate gradesindicate an action that is opposed to action in the main sentence, and answer questions despite what? Contrary to what?

Candidate seeds join the main thing using subordinate unions despite the fact that, though, let, let, in order thatand etc.: Good in your own way and cloudy days, although not everyone loves them. It was still dark in the forest, despite the TC that the sun had already risen. "Let Rosa Rosa, it still blooms."(Suppon) Let them offended you, you do not lose faith in friendship.

Candidate seeds can also join the main allied words how muchwith a particle neitherat the same time, they acquire an additional amplifying value: As we tried to get around it, we failed. "How much rope is neither, and the end will be"(proverb).

Pressing sednation more often relate to the entire main proposal and occupy a preposition or postposition in relation to it: Although the frost is still angry, spring will still come. We had to leave early, although we would like to stay.

11) Appendix attachmentscontain various additional information that relate to what is said in the main sentence.

Approaching attachments more often relate to all; The main sentence, stand after it, join the allied words what, why, whyand others. The connection between the main proposal and the apparent is very weak, in the main sentence there is no indication that it is necessary to contact: He was always very observant that, in fact, and reflected in his works. This setting was for. I was unbearable, why I left.

As a result of frequent use, some appointed connecting attachments turned into phraseological units: with which I congratulate you and I needed to prove.

1. Questions: Candidage consequences answer the question what follows from this?

2. Means of communication: Candidage consequences are attached to the main sentence using the Union so.

3. Place in the sentence: Potion consequences are after the main offer.

The snow was getting white and brighter, so she lomged her eyes, looking at him (L. Tolstoy).

, (so that - Union).


1) So - the only union, which is used in the apparent effect, and it is used only in this type of apparent.

2) Union so it cannot be dismembered into two parts as many other composite unions. It is always fully part of the apparent. If this union is dispelled, then not only the structure of the sentence will change, but also the value of the apparent one.

Wed: He dressed warmly, so that the frost is not afraid of - Pressing consequences with the Union so; He got dressed sothat frost him is not afraid - Pressing image of action and degree, so - the indicative word in the main sentence, which is the subordinate union in the apparent.

Note. In a number of benefits are also allocated appendix attachments:

1) questions: Approaching attachments answer questions: what is the conclusion from this? What is the evaluation of this? What can be noted about this?

2) Tools: Approaching attachments are attached to the main sentence with the help of union words: (in various forms without prepositions and with pretexts), why, why, why.

3) Place in the sentence: Approaching attachments stand after the main offer, and in the most important there are no pointers for following the proposals of this type (except intonation showing that the proposal is not completed).

The main proposal in the complex proposal with the appointed attachment is complete in form and content. The appointed attachment contains an additional message, an assessment of the situation in the main sentence, the output, separate comments about the message in the main part.

    For example:

    Such [Wild, desert, irresistible] taiga affects the psyche of people, what It was noticeable for my satellites (Arsenyev). In this case, the appropriate proposal provides observation confirming the general judgment expressed in the main sentence.

    Working on Jasma, Russian artists and masters we learned to understand and appreciate the stone, search in it the most artistic idea, merge the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist with the properties of the material, what is one of The greatest achievements in the history of stone art (Fersman). In this pressing offer, an assessment is expressed.

    for what Going along the bank (Arsenyev). This pressing offer provides an extension message.

In general, complex proposals with pressing attachments are close to the meaning to complex and non-union complex proposals. Not by chance allied words what, why, why Can be replaced by indicable pronouns and prime adverbs: what → this; Why → because of Why → then.

CP: By destroying the fish in one of the area, the otter moves up or down the river, for what Going along the shore. - By destroying the fish in one of the area, the otter moves up or down the river, for this goes along the shore).

Collection plan for complex proposal

  1. Specify the type of complex offer (complex proposal).
  2. Name the main proposal and the apparent proposal (to highlight the grammatical foundations).
  3. Specify what is the appropriate proposal (to the whole main proposal or to one word in the main sentence).
  4. Determine the type of pressing offer.
  5. Specify communications: Union or Union Word; Signable word (if it is in the main sentence).
  6. Specify the place of the pressing offer in relation to the main sentence.
  7. Build a scheme of a complex proposal.

Sample analysis

Young people are so shocked by this meeting that some time is silent, looking at us (Ginzburg).

The offer is complex, consists of two simple. Main proposal: Young people are so shocked by this meeting., grammatical basis - young people are shocked. Subordinate clause: that some time is silent, looking at us; grammatical basis - silent, omitted to the subject young people. Pudent refers to the lean shocked, pronounced brief communion. Pressing image and degree. Means of communication - the Union as the indicable word so (in the main sentence). Pressure offer stands after the main one.

[kr. and. + Decree. Sl.], ( what - Union).
image image and degree

1. Questions: Pressing conditions answer the question with what condition?

2. Means of communication: Pressing conditions are attached to the main sentence unions: if, if, when (In the meaning "if"), times (in the value "if"), kaba, if, as (in the value "if"), etc.

In complex proposals with conditional pressures, composite double unions can be used: if ..., then; if so; if so; like, ... so and etc.

Unlike composite unions since, as long as, while And others. The second part of the double union (then, so) is always in the main sentence, and this is part of the union, and not an index word. Candidates with double unions are always facing the main proposal:

Since you agreed, you can't give up (Dal).

3. Place in the sentence: Pressing conditions may stand after the main offer, before the main proposal.

    [With what condition?] If sand was sand, could see Footprints of the animal (Arsenyev).

    (if a - Union) ,.

    [With what condition?] Kolya boyfriend you are ruddy, brother will be called me (Pushkin).

    (if - Union) ,.

    Not benefit book read [with what condition?] when only the tops get enough (proverb).

    , (when - Union).

    [With what condition?] Like a soul of black and soap you do not smash (proverb).

    (as - Union), [ so I. ].

2.2. Puttinglements that belong to one word in the main sentence

2.3. Puttinglements that apply to the whole main sentence

Puttinglements in Russian are dependent parts from the main in the complex proposal. That is, they play the role of minor members of the sentence. Therefore, the types of presidential proposals are divided into account of the role performed in the proposal. To the entire secondary proposal, one question can be asked just how this is done in relation to the members of the sentence.

Main types of departing offers

Consider four of their types: determinant, circumstantial, thanks and attachment. Examples can be given that will present all types of departing offers:

  1. Flowerbed, which was broken in the courtyard on the left side of the porch, resembled a reduced copy of the town - a sort of flower town from a fairy tale of Nosov about Lekhanka. (Determined).
  2. And I introduced me that there really lives restless and funny shorteys. (Issuctive).
  3. And we do not see them because they are hiding from us under the earth. (Constentive).
  4. But only we are leaving somewhere, as the shorteys are chosen from their shelters and begin to raise life violently. (Connecting).

Definition apparent

These attachments in Russian define the sign of one name of the noun or sometimes phrase consisting of a noun and index word. They serve as answers to questions what? whose? which the? These minor proposals join the main part of the allied words whose who, who, what, from where, where, when. Usually in the main part of the complex offer are such indicative words as such, everyone, anyone, any or tOT In various forms of childbirth. As examples, you can take the following proposals:

  • Live creatures ( what kind?) who live on the planet next to people, feel good human attitude towards them.
  • Stretch your hand with food, palm cutting, Zamre, and some kind of ptah, ( what?) whose voice in the morning hears in the bushes of your garden, with trust will be in your hand.
  • Every person ( what?) who considers themselves the top of the creation of the Most Highmust comply with this rank.
  • Lie, Forest or Normal Dvor, (What?) where everything is familiar and familiarmay open a door to the door to the amazing world of nature.

Appendix attachments

Interesting types of departing proposals, which relate not to a separate word or phrase, but to the whole main part. They are called connecting. Often, these parts of the complex proposal enclose the importance of the investigation, complementing or explaining the content of the main part. The secondary sentences of this type are joined by allied words. where, how, when, why, where, that. Examples:

  • And only next to mom, any kid feels protected, what is envisaged by nature itself.
  • Caring for cubs, tenderness to their offspring, self-sacrifice is laid in a creature at the level of instinct, how to break the need to breathe, sleep, eat and drink.

Issuctive appendages

If the author of the text wants to clarify, specify some one word of the main part, which matters thoughts, perception, feelings or speech. Often these additives relate to verbs, such as say, answer, think, feel, be proud, hear. But they can specify and adjectives, for example, satisfied or glad. It is often observed when these kinds of departing proposals act as explanations of the shortcoming ( clearly, you need, it is necessary, it is known, sorry) or nouns ( message, Thought, Statement, Rumor, Thought, Feeling). Advanced supplanted with help are joined:

Unions (so that when, as if, like others);

Any union words;

Particles (Union) Lee.

Examples can serve as the following complex suggestions:

  • And whether you were watching, ( what?) how amazingly plays sunlight, reflecting in dew droplets, insect wings, snowflakes tiles?
  • Once a sort of beauty, a person will certainly be incomprehensible, ( what?) that discovered the unique world of the beautiful.
  • And immediately becomes clear, ( what?) that everything around is created not just so that everything is interconnected.
  • Consciousness fill the indescribable feelings of joy, (what kind?) as if you were and yourself are a part of this amazing and unique world.

Pressing image and degree

Consulative appendages are divided into several subspecies. A group of dependent parts of complex proposals, which relate to a trait or action, called in its main part, and denote its degree or measure, as well as the image relating to the apparent image and extent. They usually respond to the following questions: how? How much? as? in what degree? The design of the plot connection with the main part looks about this way: full adjective + noun + such; Full adjective + such; verb + TA. The joining of these pressing proposals is ensured by alliances. so that or allied words how much, how much And some others. Examples:

  • The girl laughed so causingly, so directly What and everything else was difficult to stay from a smile.
  • Ringing overflows of her laughter broke the stressed silence of the room, like unexpectedly crumbled multicolored peas from the package.
  • And the lichki itself was transformed so much as far as it was possible in this case: the girl exhausted by the disease is easily easily called the charming and absolutely healthy child.

Circumstantial pressing places

These dependent proposals indicate the place of origin of the action, which is called in the main part of the complex proposal. Referring to the entire general proposal, they respond to the following questions: where? where to? Where? and join the allied words Where, from where, where. Often in the main sentence are the words there, everywhere, there, everywhere, from everywhere and some others. You can bring the following examples Such proposals:

  1. Determine the parties of light in the forest more often can be quite easy there, Where in the trees there is moss.
  2. Ants dragged on back construction material For their anthills and food reserves from everywhere, where these hardworking creatures could get.
  3. I am pulling me there, in the magic edges, where we went with him last summer.

Circumstantial pressing time

Indicating the time of action, these apparent are treated both to the entire main proposal, and specifically to one to the lean. To this species can be asked such questions: how long? How long? when? since when? Often, in the main part of the sentence there are indicable words, for example: sometimes, one day, always, now, then. For example: animals will then be friendly among themselves, (when?) when they grow near the childhood.

Consulative Putting Conditions, Causes, Objectives, Corollary

  1. If the dependent parts of the complex proposals are responsible for questions in what is the case? Or with what condition? and belong to either to the lean main part, or to it to all, joining the conditional unions time, kid, if, if whenand as (in the meaning "if"), then they can be attributed to the apparent conditions. Example: Even the most dying chalopai turns into a serious and well-skitting gentleman, ( in which case?) When he acquires the status of a parent, whether it is a man, marty or penguin.
  2. On questions because of which? why? for what reason? from what? Answer pressing reasons. Accession them occurs with the help of unions because because because, since. Example: For the baby in early childhood, the prestige of the parent is adamant, ( why?) because its well-being depends on this being.
  3. Dependent proposals denoting the purpose of the action called in the main part and answering questions for what? What purpose? what for?are called apparent targets. Accessing them to the main part is provided by the target unions in order to, then, so that (so that). Example: but then you should accompany your credentials ( what purpose?) then so that the kid has grown thinking personality, and not a non-rest robot performer.
  4. The dependent parts of the sentence, which indicate the conclusion or result, indicate a consequence arising from the foregoing in the main part of the proposal, are called the trendy consequences and refer to the entire main proposal. They usually join the alliances of the investigation so or so that, for example: Education - Complex and regular process ( what follows from this?) therefore, parents should always be in shape and not relax for a minute..

Circumstantial pressing comparisons

These types of dependent proposals in complexized structures are either a leaky, or to the whole main part and answer the question like what? By joining comparative unions as if, than (topics), as if, exactly. The comparative revolutions are distinguished by the fact that they have a grammatical basis. For example: White bear worker so funny poured on his side and looked up the paws up especially this is a sharp boy fun playing in a sandbox with his friends..

Circumstantial appropriate concessions

Dependent proposals in a complex design, denoting circumstances, contrary to which, or may be carried out, which is indicated in the main part, are called concessions. These include questions: contrary to what? Despite what? and attach to the main one with the help of giving unions although (though), let (let him go), that, for nothing that, despite And some others. Unclean combinations are often used: how much nor, when nor whoever And the like. Example: Despite the fact that the cubs panda fun playedTheir dark spots around the eyes created the impression of sad thoughtfulness.

A competent person should always remember: with a letter of supply, which are part of the complex, are separated by commas.