Personal growth of children during the formation of the game. The value of the game for the comprehensive development of the child's personality

The game is one of those types of children's activities, which is used by adults in order to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. In the game, the child develops as a person, he is being formed by the sides of the psyche, which later will depend on the success of its educational and work activities, his relationship with people.

For example, in the game, such quality of the child's personality is formed as self-regulation of actions taking into account the tasks of quantitative activity. The most important achievement is the acquisition of a sense of collectivism. It not only characterizes the moral appearance of the child, but also reins which its intellectual sphere is rebuilt, since the collective game is interactions of various meanings, the development of the event content and the achievement of a common gaming goal.

It is proved that in the game, children receive the first experience of collective thinking. Scientists believe that children's games are spontaneously, but naturally arose as a reflection of the employment and social activities of adults. However, it is known that the ability to play does not occur by automatic transfer, in the game learned in everyday life.

It is necessary to attach children to the game. And on what content will be invested by adults to the Games offered to children, the success of the Smart generation to the society of its culture depends.

It should be emphasized that the fruitful development of social experience occurs only under the condition of its own activity of the child in the process of its activity. It turns out that if the educator does not take into account the active nature of the acquisition of experience, the most advanced methodological techniques for learning and playing the game do not reach their practical goal.

The tasks of comprehensive education in the game are successfully implemented only under the condition of the formation of the psychological framework of gaming activities in each age period. This is due to the fact that the development of the game is associated with significant progressive transformations in the psyche of the child, and, above all, in its intellectual sphere, is the foundation for the development of all other parties to the child's personality.

Sections: Work with preschoolers

My name is Cottus Gaude Gabelkhadievna. I am an educator of kindergarten from the city of Kazan. For almost 26 years I have been working with preschoolers. I can not imagine another case.

In preschool age, the leading activity of children is the game. The child spends a lot of time in the game. She raises significant changes in his psyche. The teacher known in our country, A.S. Makarenko, has characterized the role of children's games: "The game is important in the child's life, it also has the importance of what an adult has activities, work, service. What a child in the game, so in many ways it will be in work when it grows. Therefore, the upbringing of the future figure takes place, first of all, in the game ... "

Development of children younger preschool age unthinkable without a wide variety of games that can be mobile and developing. Children's games are two in one: both the game, and work. Before adults there is a definite task - it must give the start of the intellectual game and take care that the baby play with passion, while not pulling away, and becoming a full participant in the game.

I try to include the educational process to include the whole range of games that exist for preschoolers. It is both didactic, and plotting, and play-dramatization, and mobile, and design games.

The game has tremendous educational opportunities. Special place is occupied by plot-role games. These games are created by themselves. They occupy a completely special place. They are most fully forming the identity of the child. Such a game allows children to choose the topic of the game, develop the plot, pick up partners, apply their experience, knowledge, skills in different versions. This is such a game in which children take a certain role and in the gaming imaginable conditions specially created by them reproduce the activities of adults and relations between them. The subjects of the plot-role games of children 3-4 years old are mainly related to the reflection of family relations and elementary professional interaction of the elders (patient doctor, hairdresser-client, etc.). In a joint game with children, the educator develops in children the ability to take a new role, to participate in a simple dialogue, encourages children to call their gaming roles and game action. Preschoolers learn to enter into communication with the educator through the game character (the teacher from the face of the doll asks: "What will I eat? And where will we go for a walk?"). The child responds and improves game actions. With the support of adult, children learn to play with peers (in pairs, in small groups).

The role-playing game is crucial for the development of imagination, creativity, organizational abilities, communication of children. They learn to rightly assess the actions of the act of peers and their own. Based on this, we can assume that this activity in preschool age is the leading.

Before me, as before the tutor, there is a task - to rally the children's team, teach children to play. In our group 27 kids with different characters. For a majority of the guys, a kindergarten group is the first children's society, where they acquire the initial skills of collective relationships. You need to teach a child to live with common interests. Obey the requirements of the majority. Show goodwill to peer. Therefore, I set up the target to raise this feeling in children and decided to use plot playing games for this. Playing with children, watching games, I found out how children show themselves in them. It helped me out the concrete ways of interaction with each child.

I set up the following tasks:

  • teach a child to play
  • facilitate the union of children in the game
  • tactfully lead the choice of game
  • teach children to follow the rules during the game
  • bring up a feeling of goodwill and mutual assistance

Work on the development of plot-role games I carry out in two directions:

  • creating the necessary game environment
  • direct leadership of children's games

The group creates an appropriate gaming environment. Beautiful elegant toys quickly attracted kids, and they began to act diverse with them: feed, stack by etc. Played in the morning and after day sleep. It was important that our kids learned to perform several interrelated actions. For this purpose, I widely use questions that prompt new actions. I take a great place to show action with those or other toys. For example, to attract the attention of children, I begin to play with a doll, uniting several plots available to the understanding of the children: "I feed a doll, laying her sleep." Children carefully watch my actions. Continuing to play, I give the doll to children, verbally send the further course of events.

To enrich children's games, pick up simple plots for drapes with a doll. For example, Mom and daughter came from a walk home, the daughter wanted to eat. Mom welded porridge, fed her daughter. Also, the dramatics help children in an independent choice of the game "Mother's daughter", and additional attributes and objects - substitutes enrich its content.

I am widely used in your work playing. So, during the game with a doll, I say: "Our Kate wants to walk, let's help her get dressed." During dressing we consider the clothes of the doll, call it. Then I dressed a doll. Children are watching my actions. To secure the skills, I propose to repeat my actions. Initially, children needed my help, and then they learned to wear themselves and undress dolls. At the same time, I draw attention to the fact that clothes should be taken and folded gently. The accumulated experience helps children actively participate in the game. And as a result of joint gaming activity, the children learned to transfer game actions from one toy to another.

In terms of educational work I try to pay attention to the formation of an independent, more deployed plot-role-playing game of children with different toys, I determine for myself actions to develop the first plotting games.

In the younger group, the plot of the game is simple. However, for the development of games there is not enough good equipping of the group game Material. It is still necessary to have a variety of impressions of the surrounding reality that children reflect in their game. At the beginning of the younger group, most children simply manipulate with toys. My goal is to help children enrich their gaming actions. In this regard, we are watching the work of the nannik, a cook, a carpenter. During observations, I pointed the attention of the children on the fact that the cook, for example, is preparing for us not only breakfasts, but dinners, hops, dinners. Along the way, I call a dish (soup, stew, kissel, compote). In the future, during their games, the children told why they had such a tasty omelet or roast, and because they used to prepare their various products.

At the very beginning, when the children were not yet familiar with each other, they played one by one. I helped them jerk. By the end of the younger group, at the beginning of the middle guys have already begun playing small bands, they began to be interested in each other, care and attention. The quarrel has become less.

Our group also created conditions in which each kid can show their feelings and emotions, desire, no one shy. Theatrical games play a huge role. During the pronouncement of their roles, children understand that they needed clearly, it is clearly voting to pronounce that the surrounding it is clear. Children develop speech, memory. Theater is most often associated with a fairy tale, thanks to which children learn to perceive the world not only by the mind, but also soul.

In their practice I also use didactic games. With the help of their children learn to compare, analyze, draw their conclusions and conclusions. The didactic game contributes to the development of the speech of children, enriching the active dictionary. When managing a children's game, I will not only introduce children with new words, but also watching them in speech. The didactic game is necessary for children, as it creates a positive attitude, makes the life of a child in an interesting, bright.

Our group created such a gaming environment in which the conditions have been created to meet the needs of children in a variety of activities. Didactic games Our children are very like, because they are very simple, but at the same time are interesting and fascinating. They can play at any time.

Each game - with adults, or with a comrade is a child acquisition of a certain experience, where he learns to enjoy his little victories and with dignity to experience his defeats.

I love to play with children. The main thing in the game is the ability to preserve its immediacy, as well as that children can apply in everyday life those skills, skills that have received, playing plot-role, theatrical, didactic and other games.

I want to bring a few games that, in my opinion, will be interested in younger preschoolers:

"We go for a walk."

purpose: Teach children selection and shoes for the season, studying their names, elements from which they consist.

"Shopping in the store."

Purpose:teach children to call and classify objects, expand the vocabulary, form a culture of behavior in public places.

"At the reception of the doctor."

Purpose: Teach children care for sick, understanding the functions of medical devices, expand vocabulary. Teach children to be tolerant, sensitive, caring.

"Birthday of Kati dolls."

Purpose:acquaintance of children with a festive table serving, fixing the names of various types of dishes, its destination. Enrichment of the dictionary of children. Education of the culture of behavior, caring, attentive attitude towards others.

Essential results in the comprehensive development of children through the game can be achieved, working closely with parents, enriching their knowledge about the features of the game activity of children. I prepared several consultations, such as "traditional national games and their role in raising children", "sports games with non-standard equipment", "The role of plot role-playing game in the life of a preschooler. " All this contributes to the emergence of the living interest of the parents to the gaming activities of children. Adults are correctly perceived, the recommendations offered to them, and this in turn, helps me very much in my work.

The game has a very important place in the life of the preschooler, it constitutes its main content, acts as leading activities. The game matters not only for the mental development of the child, but also for the development of his personality. Playing various roles, situations, children learn to empathize, sympathize, oriented between people, in circumstances.

The game has a great influence on the development of the ability of children to interact with other people: reconstructing in the game the interaction of adults, the child is developing the rules of this interaction, as well as in joint games with peers, he acquires the experience of mutual understanding, learns to explain its actions and intentions to coordinate them with other people.

The child needs to play how the adult needs to work. He must play with joy, with desire. Adults are obliged to help the child to instill confidence in their own forces and opportunities.

Thus, the game owns a significant role in life and in the development of children. In the game, the child develops as a person, it forms the sides of the psyche, which will further depend on the success of his educational and work activity, his relationship with people.

List of used literature.

1. Usova A.P. The role of the game in organizing the life and activity of children. Pre-school education, 1999, №7.

2. Gubanova N.F. Development of gaming activities. System of work in the second youngest group of kindergarten. M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2012.

3. Pre-school education, 2012, №7.

The value of the game for the comprehensive development of the child's personality.

Reducing the living standards, the deterioration of the environmental situation in Russia generates conditions under which the level of children's health is significantly reduced. Today, every fifth child is born sick.

By carrying out the complex and responsible task of the comprehensive development of the spiritual and physical abilities of each child in the process of its upbringing and training, caregivers of kindergarten often face children who have difficulty learning and behavior, caused by one or another deflection in development. The idea of \u200b\u200bincluding the game in the learning process has long attracted the attention of teachers. K.D. Ushinsky wrote that the children are easier to learn knowledge, if training is accompanied by the game.

The inclusion of the game in the process of learning children increases its success, as the game creates a positive emotional background, which contributes to the effective assimilation of the material; directly affects the communicative activity of the child; contributes to the liberation of the child, stimulates to find creative solutions.

The game is formed by the identity of the child. In the process of gaming activity, dexterity, resourcefulness, excerpt, activity is developed, the cognitive activity of preschoolers is developing. The game is a child's communication school.

Usually almost all the children are engaged in, adults are called the game. There is a considerable share of truth. After all, the game includes voluntariness as necessary elements, pleasure. This is how little child playing. At the same time, the children's game is not just a pastime. This is a work. The game for a child is a matter of his life, all uniting: his work, a way to order peace. Through the game, it develops physically, mentally, emotionally. The child does not just run, jumps, explores the items, he does it with perseverance, pleasure. The game stimulates, forms his emotions and thinking. Through the game, the child acquires his life experience. The game is natural training, sometimes more effective than "useful classes", lessons and other complex "inventions" adults.

In the writings of domestic and foreign teachers and psychologists L.G. Vygotsky, A. P. Usova, D. B Elconin, J. Piaget, M. Montessori, F. Kafka notes that the game aimed at the full development of the child is one of the main aspects of pre-school education.

The game is one of those types of children's activities, which is used by adults in order to educate preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, ways and means of communication. This is a unique means of non-violent education of young children. The game is the leading activities of preschoolers. It matches the natural needs and desires of a preschooler, and therefore with its help he learns voluntarily and willingly. In the game, children can do what they do not know how to real life: come up with exciting plots, share with each other toys, fulfill the rules, waiting for their turn, can be patient and persistent.

The advantage of the game is that it relies on the natural needs of children, does not contain coercion, attractive and pleasant.

In the game, the child is developing as a person, it forms the sides of the psyche, from which the success of its educational and work activities will continue to depend on the success of his educational and work activities. For example, the game is formed in the game as a child's identity as self-regulation of actions taking into account the tasks of quantitative activity. The most important achievement is the acquisition of a sense of collectivism. It not only characterizes the moral appearance of the child, but also reins which its intellectual sphere is rebuilt, since the collective game is interactions of meanings, the development of the event content and the achievement of a common gaming goal.

But not always the child itself is able to come up with such a game that meets its capabilities and develops its abilities. Often adults leave children alone with toys and believe that the child knows himself than to take himself. Even the most useful toys themselves cannot say and show how to play with them. A child can repeat the same primitive actions that it is unlikely to have a developing effect.

If you imagine a normal healthy child surrounded by many toys, but committed deprived of the senior society, it can be assumed that it will produce with them the simplest manipulations that can only be called the game. To make the game really developing, the preschooler must necessarily need to learn how to play, and after that it can develop, supplement and even invent new games.

Teach him to play can those who already know how to play and knows interesting games. For many decades, older children were such "teachers". In the courtyard, in a large family game and the ability to play were transmitted from generation to generation. All this happened spontaneously, naturally, without any adult intervention. Now this connection of children's generations was interrupted, often it turns out that the preschooler does not see older children at all: one child, the yard and yard children are not.

So the child is growing among adults who have their own problems and not at all to the games. "Adult" is this business - to play with the child? Let B children's garden Plays! But in kindergarten children of the same age that did not teach play. As a result, it turns out that children's games are primitive, monotonous and develop their moral, volitional and mental qualities.

And from adult parents and educators, the child hears some notations and calls to be so so. But to acquire all these valuable qualities, the child can only in the process of own activities and their own experience. Therefore, if adults want to help the child in its development, they must play with him. It is proved that in the game, children receive the first experience of collective thinking. Children need to be attached to the game. And on what content will be invested by adults to the Games offered to children, the success of the Society of Society for its culture to the younger generation depends.

It should be emphasized that the fruitful development of social experience occurs only under the condition of its own activity of the child in the process of its activities. It turns out that the educator does not take into account the active nature of the acquisition of experience, the most perfect at first glance methodological techniques for the game and the game management do not reach their practical purpose.

In the older preschool age, the game gradually begins to turn into career, during which the child is no longer just playing, but creates, builds something necessary, useful. In such a game, the child learns to use many subjects and tools that are used in everyday life.

According to R.S. Nova, applying games with children, it is important to pay attention to the following:

1. Ensure independence in finding knowledge, in the formations of skills and skills.

2. Provide the opportunity to receive well-deserved promotions for success, and not so much in itself, how much for the demonstration of knowledge, skills and skills. .

The most useful for the child are those techniques, games and toys that are made with their own hands, those that collect and disassemble. Most of all children need such games that are focused on the development of cognitive abilities, such as imagination, attention, memory, thinking, child speech, the development of its all possible abilities, such as musical, design, mathematical, organizational and many others.

The tasks of comprehensive education in the game are successfully implemented only under the condition of the formation of the psychological framework of gaming activities in each age period. This is due to the fact that significant progressive transformations of the child's psyche are associated with the development of the game, and, above all in its intellectual sphere.

In the game there is a formation of perception, thinking, memory, speech-those fundamental mental processes, without sufficient development of which it is impossible to talk about the education of a harmonious personality.

The level of development of the child's thinking determines the nature of its activities, the intellectual level of its implementation.

The child acquires experience in its own activity, learns a lot from parents, educators. A variety of knowledge, the impressions enrich his spiritual world, and all this is reflected in the game.

Educational features of the game are most fully implemented with skillful pedagogical guidance, which provides the necessary level of development of gaming activities. So gradually in the game there is a development of the children of moral norms, it is growing responsibility for performing actions. Psychologist D.B. Elkonin allocated three stages of this process:

1. The child focuses on the knowledge of the properties and qualities of objects, the possibility of action with them. Satisfying your interest in subjects, the child begins to take attention to the actions of other children playing nearby. At this stage, the basis is laid for the further development of children's relations.

2. The interest of children moves to the sphere of adult relationships. The teacher, the playing game, aims children to master the moral norms that serve as the basis for humane human relations.

3. Subsection, even the most attractive, the child subordinates the gaming target determined by the game role. Another person becomes the center of attention. Gaming actions are performed in the situation of use of their result for the benefit of other people, that is, the activities of the preschooler acquires public orientation. The main way of enrichment of the game moral content lies through the familiarization of children with the phenomenon of public life and upbringing positive relations to it. .

The preschooler game is saturated with a variety of emotions, surprise, excitement, joy, delight. This makes it possible to use game activity not only for the development and education of the child's personality, but also for the prevention and correction of his mental state.

On the existence of a special, emotional plan of the game paid attention to many teachers and psychologists, such as LS. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin, E.A. Arkin and many others. They emphasized that the main meaning of the game lies in the diverse experiences, meaningful for a child that in the process of the game there are deep transformations of the initial intentions. The relationship between the game and the emotional state of children performs in two plans. The formation and improvement of gaming activities affects the emergence and development of emotions.

A prerequisite for the emergence of a full-fledged game is the deployment of social content in it - the content of communication, interaction and relationship between characters. Playing the game make it possible to determine how the relationships with peers are.

As the development of the child, his game changes, you can make the following main activities of the child: game of manipulation, individual subject game, collective plot role-playing game, individual and group creativity, game-competition, communication game, homemade work, training Activities, labor activity.

It is important to note the approval of D.B. Elkonina that the transition to a more complex game is associated both with the age-related child's development and its playing experience.

Without the active participation of the child in any of these activities of his mental development It would be one-sided and not complete.

The shortage of the child's participation in certain types of activity leads to the fact that the child owns a speech badly, it does not know how to communicate well, and in the future it becomes independent and does not know how to do with his own hands.

All healthy children, mental development reserves are extremely great, the task of parents - to promote their implementation, to correct development, without breaking its harmony, which is much easier to do through the game, with the help of the game and in the game process.


1. D.B. Elconin Psychology of the game. M., 1999.

2. R.S. Nobones are the foundations of psychological counseling, 1999.

Just as his work is important for each adult, the child needs a game. Through the game, the child meets the world around the world, with relations between people. The game in the development of preschoolers has one of the dominant roles, since it is in it that we see the projection of thinking, the imagination of the baby, his inclinations and interests.

How does the game affect the development of the child's personality?

  • In the game, the child learns to communicate and interact with peers, acquires new qualities that are needed for successful communication;
  • The ability to invent various games itself affects the imagination of the child. The better the imagination is developed, the more interesting games the child will come up. To those who know how to write interesting games, other children are drawn, and this develops communicability and sociability in the child, makes it a leader among a certain group of kids;
  • The game is the most interesting in the life of every child, so it is in a games form that the most necessary quality needs for future life are developing: the subordination of the rules, compliance with the roles, the development of memory, purposefulness;
  • In the game, we often note the reflection of ours, adult relationships, because even playing in the "shop", one child will behave measuringly, politely, and the other will quarrel and find out the relationship. The preschooler cannot come up with such tactics of behavior - probably this is the projection of your relationship with other people. Perhaps, many nuances in their behavior you do not notice, but by how a child behaves in the game, some deviations in the negative side can be noted. Change your behavior, and the game style will also change;
  • The game is extremely important as a means of developing responsibility, comparing thoughts with actions, miscalculation of possible consequences, attentiveness, the development of arbitrary perception. Through the game, the child learns to manage his emotions, behavior, compare them with the behavior of other children;
  • The child will quickly understand such truth: to play with other kids, you need to obey the rules of the game. By virtue of its zeal to communicate with peers, the child learns to be disciplined, which requires a lot of effort from him;
  • Particularly important is the role of the game in the development of the leader's personality and the person-slave, because these qualities are some of the main in life. If your child is the leader, he will immediately take the initiative on himself, will offer a lot of options for the diversity of the game, will accept the "command" in his hands. If your baby is driven, it will impeccably obey the rules that other people invented. If you do not like the statement of your child, teach it to be the leader, and you can see the results of your efforts during the game;
  • If the child plays with toys, then this is the most successful case in order to teach the baby to share them, eradicate greed, and also to teach it to clean up;
  • In the game, the child is best developed thinking, the ability to calculate their next step, to predict the behavior of another person.

Variety of games

While the child will not go to the kindergarten, that is, about 3 years old, he has no knowledge of what is a game. More precisely, it has a game, but it is at the level of elementary. When a child is a sufficient vocabulary, some life experience, peers around - then you can talk about the game, as about the development tool, since it is a collective game that, invented and meaningful, is the greatest value.

  • Scene-role games

We all remember our children's games in the "hospital", to the "store", in the "family" - we distributed roles for friends, and maybe even for the whole of the relatives, came up with each of our clearly allocated role, imagined the plot, and played with pleasure. This is called the plot-role-playing game, because in the title the essence of this game activity is already laid.

Here, the character of the baby is most clearly manifested, his concept of relationships between people, about his preferences to one or another social status, profession. And even if some role alarmed you or the behavior of a child does not satisfy you, remember that while this is a game, the child does not need to distract. Mark yourself the oddities that the most of all averaged you, and later talk about it with the child, find out its motives - perhaps, it is your behavior that has become the reason for the performance of roles.

The plot role-playing game, as a means of developing a child, has an indisputably important role, especially in the formation of personal qualities and the ability to communicate, live in society. The child develops imagination, because in each game it is gaining in a new role and must fully fit it.

And if everything is clear with the roles, then you will have to think about the plot. If the child himself thinks up the plot, the direction of the game is talking about his extraordinarily developed imagination, the ability to think widely and creatively, free to own game methods. If your baby still can not think so wide, come up with the plot for yourself.

But the most important thing is the inventory, assistant items that will turn the game into a kind of real life. Agree, play with real pills, puppet syringe and flasks much more interesting than with an imaginary thermometer. Perhaps, the old USSR-oskie money was lit at home - give them their child, let it be the most interesting help for playing the "Store".

The role of the game in the development of personality is not only in the formation of certain feelings and qualities of the child, but also in the knowledge of the child of the world, training it is elementary, but so necessary knowledge about the form, about color, about the magnitude of space.

Didactic games are sent more for training than entertainment. But thanks to bright cubes, figures, educational toys, the child is happy with pleasure for the game, learning to group items, after comparing them according to the specified criteria: by appointment, by external signs (yellow items to yellow, or cubes in one basket, and balls to another ).

Thanks to the Didactic Games, the child develops attention, concentration, perseverance, educational abilities develop, through the game he will learn to distinguish objects faster.

Movement is life! And in childhood we did not need to talk about it, because any child could not stop in place - he likes to run, jump, hide. Excessive activity of children should be sent to the right direction, that is, in the game.

We all know perfectly well with chairs, the number of which is 1 less from the number of players. While music is played - the children dance around the chairs, but as soon as the music stops - everyone should sit on the chair. The one who did not get the chair leaves out of the game. Interesting, funny, mobile game that produces in the child a desire for the goal.

The role of a mobile game in the development of a child is to help him develop speed in movements and in thinking, discipline and ability to play according to the rules. In addition, it is in the rolling games of the child often sees a cunning and the desire to "go withdraw" from other participants. If you notice that your baby does the same, explain to him that uncompatory and rudeness can be defeated by cunning.

Moving games are a great way to distract the movable baby from the paposses, or to liberate the quiet.

Toys - basic value

Of course, you can play without toys, but this is the same thing that it is easy to eat from a frying pan, without a plate, forks and spoons - the process is the same, but with additional elements much easier, and in the case of the toys are many times more interesting and more exciting.

There is an imaginary separation of toys on "Girls" and "Boys", but you should not limit the child without buying a designer's girl, or a banning boy play with dolls. Every baby has his imaginary world, and he has the right to choose the toys that he soul. It costs every time to give the child toys of different appointments, so that his inner world is enriched, and childhood becomes more and more interesting every time.

  • Dollhouse

We are accustomed that only our daughters will be with dolls, but sons must also have at least 2 dolls so that they can play with them in plot roles. In order to the child transferred your life to the game with a doll, he needs all those things that you use at home, but in the doll version - house, furniture, dishes, clothing, household and cosmetic accessories.

  • Designers, puzzles

If constructors and transformers are more than boys' walk, then the puzzles like everyone.

We will try to determine the role of the game in the development of the child on the example of the designers: we can notice the amazing kid's abilities from the same details every time to design something new, to which even adult would not have thought. Some boys are capable of sitting over Lego and design castles, fortresses, cars, and then play with them, as with a whole imaginary world. Designers and transformers develop imagination and small motility of hands. And if you buy not just a set of details, but also with various methods And the ways of their connection, then you will see the real happiness in the eyes of the child, because now he has a larger space for a flight of fantasy, the opportunity to learn to keep the key in the hands, work with nuts.

But even adults love to fold the puzzles, because it is a very exciting occupation, which is capable of occupying a person not for one hour. The main thing is to choose an interesting picture, because the baby more souls to put the cartoon characters than nature. You, like parents, for sure you know your favorite characters of your crumbs - so buy a baby puzzle for a start with large details. Games with puzzles develop extraordinary attentiveness in the child, the effortfulness, the desire, the desire to bring the case to the end. As a result, the parents have a free hour, and the baby develops thanks to a beautiful puzzle. It is not worth buying puzzles with a solid pattern, for example, the sea, a forest, the field, since most small pictures will be similar, and even an adult person will be hard to collect them, not to mention the child, and it can beat off the baby to play with puzzles.

  • Educational toys

For the smallest crumbs, educational toys are very important, since the game, as a means of developing the skills of the kid, cannot be considered yet, because Kroch is unlikely to participate in it. Therefore, kids need to develop with toys: musical, bright, large, beautiful, each of which is aimed at developing a particular skill. At least 2-3 such toys, undoubtedly, should be your crumbs.

Girls! Let's make repographs.

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All healthy kids!
PS. Boys also concern! Just girls here more ;-)

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Games differ in content, characteristic features, by what place they occupy in the life of children, in their upbringing and training.

Scene-role games create children themselves with some guidance of the educator. The basics of them are children's amateur. Sometimes such games are called creative plot-role, emphasizing that children do not simply copy certain actions, but they are creatively comprehended and reproduced in the created images, gaming actions. A variety of plot games are building games.

In the practice of upbringing, games with the rules created for children are used for adults. Games with rules include didactic, movable, fun games. They are based on a clearly defined software content, didactic tasks, the focus of training. The amateurness of children at the same time is not excluded, but it is more combined with the guidance of the teacher. When mastering the experience of the game, the development of the ability to self-organization children are carried out and these games independently.

1. The originality of plot games

Role-playing, or the so-called creative game of preschool children in a developed form represents activities in which children take on the roles (functions) of adults and in public uniform in specially created play conditions reproduce the activities of adults and relations between them. For these conditions, the use of a variety of game items, replacing real objects of adults.

The amateur nature of the game activity of children is that they reproduce certain phenomena, actions, the relationship is actively and peculiar. The peculiarity is due to the peculiarities of the perception of children, understanding and understanding them of certain facts, phenomena, links, the presence or lack of experience and the imperceptibility of feelings.

The creative nature of the game activity is manifested in the fact that the child is reincarnated in the one he depicts, and in the fact that believing in the truth of the game, creates a special game life and sincerely rejoices and is upset along the game. Active interest in life phenomena, people, animals, the need for socially significant activities of the child satisfies through game actions.

The game, like a fairy tale, teaches a child to penetrate the thoughts and the feelings of the people depicted, going beyond the circle of ordinary impressions into a wider world of human aspirations and heroic actions.

In the development and enrichment of the amateurness of children, creative reproduction and reflection of facts and phenomena surrounding life A huge role belongs to imagination. It is the force of imagination that the situations of the game are created, images reproducible in it, the ability to combine real, the usual with fictional, which attracts the child's attractiveness that is inherent only to her.

In plot games, the optimistic, life-affirming nature, the most difficult affairs in them always end successfully and safely: the captains spend ships through the storms and storms, the border guards delay the violators, the doctor cures patients.

In the creative plot role-playing game, the child actively recreates, simulates the phenomena of real life, is experiencing them and this fills his life with a rich content, leaving a trace for many years.

2. Image tools in the game

In a plot-role-playing game, the image means are role and game actions. In their nature, they are most often importable, close to real.

A large place in the development of the game belongs to plot-shaped toys, which are as if auxiliary and at the same time necessary image tools. Children fully reflect certain phenomena, included in their role, if you provide an opportunity to use real items: umbrellas, bags, clothing dishes, conditional signs, etc., as well as paintings, photos, illustrations that enhance the situation of the game. For example, store departments are indicated by the corresponding images that are like signboards (fruits, vegetables, toys, clothing, etc.). Theatrical costumes are used as fine funds.

However, the fantasy itself, fiction, the ability to imagine, condemble often fill the absence of real objects and image tools.

3. Guide a plot-role-playing game

The guide this kind of games requires great mastery and pedagogical tact. The educator should direct the game, without destroying it, to maintain the amateur and creative nature of the game activity of children, the immediacy of experiences, faith in the truth of the game.

The teacher affects the gaming plan and its development, enriching the content of children's life: expands their idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and the life of adults, about the relationship between people and thereby specifies the content of a particular gaming role. All these ways are not directly affected by the game, but are aimed at an increasingly deep disclosure of those sources, of which children draw its content, to enrich their spiritual world.

However, in the expansion of knowledge and ideas, preschoolers must be observed. The oversuppression of impressions can lead to surface reflection in the games of a non-essential, random, to their instability, insufficient organization.

The educator should not hurry, awakening children to rapid reproduction in the game that they learned during conversations, excursions, stories, etc. The reflection of the surrounding life in the game does not constitute direct reproduction of the learned content: it is for some time as if defended into consciousness and feelings of children.

Pedagogical leadership in the game of the game has its own characteristics: it contributes to the development of its plan, expanding the content, clarification of gaming actions, roles, manifestation of benevolent relations. The educator should strive to ensure that these relationships are fixed, become a real attitude of children and outside the game. The game management in no way should be intrusive, call preschoolers protest, exit the game. Appropriate questions, tips, recommendations.

The teacher has a raising effect through the roles performed by children. For example, he asks the child performing the role of the head of the store in the store, where the office, who is a cashier, why there are no certain items, whether the buyer is convenient to choose what he wants to buy who will wrap purchases, suggests that buyers thank the seller, And the seller politely invites you to shop for shopping.

Most effective way Guidelines are the participation of the teacher itself in the game. Through the role performed by them, the game actions, it affects the development of the game content, helps to include all children in her, especially timid, shy, awakens their confidence in their abilities, causes a sense of sympathy for them from other children.

At the end of the game, the teacher celebrates the friendly actions of children, senior attracts to the discussion of the game, emphasizes the positive relations of its participants. All this contributes to the development of interest in children to the subsequent games.

The teacher must analyze the playful game, appreciate its educational impact on children and think about the ways of further leadership of the plot-role games of the children of their group, their upbringing of collective starters.

4. Dramatic games and guide

In the game-dramatization, the content, roles, gaming actions are due to the plot and content of a literary work, fairy tales, etc. They are similar to plot playing games: the basis of those and other conditional reproduction of the phenomenon, actions and relationships of people, etc., and there are elements of creativity. The peculiarity of the dramatization games is that in the plot of fairy tale or the story, children perform certain roles, reproduce events in the exact sequence.

Most often the basis of games - dramatization are fairy tales. In fairy tales, the images of heroes are treated most brightly, they attract children with the dynamic and clear motivation of actions, the actions clearly replace one other and preschoolers willingly reproduce them. Easy to dramatize your favorite children folk tales "Rack", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Three Bear", etc. In the games dramatizes are used and poems with dialogues, thanks to which it is possible to reproduce the content of the roles.

With the help of games - dramatization, children better assimilate the ideological content of the work, logic and sequence of events, their development and causing conditionality.

To deploy games - dramatization: Arrigation and development of interest in children in children, knowledge of the guys content and text of the work, availability of costumes, toys. The suit in the games complements the image, but should not be a baby. If it is impossible to make a suit, you need to use individual items, characterizing individual signs of one character: scallop Cockerel, fox tail, bunny ears, etc. To make suits to attract the children themselves.

The guidance of the teacher is that he, first of all, selects works that have educational importance, the plot of which children is not difficult to learn and turn into a game - dramatization.

With preschoolers, it should not be specifically designed to learn a fairy tale. Beautiful language, a fascinating plot, repetitions in the text, the dynamics of the development of action - all this contributes to its rapid assimilation. When re-telling a fairy tale, children well remember her enough and begin to turn on in the game, performing the role of individual characters. Playing, the child directly expresses its feelings in the word, gesture, facial exposure, intonation.

In the game - dramatization do not need to show a child. Those or other expressive techniques: the game for him should be exactly the game.

Of great importance in the development of the game-dramatization, in the assimilation of the characteristic traits of the image and reflection, they are interested in the teacher himself, his ability to use the means of artistic expressiveness when reading or telling. The correct rhythm, a variety of intonations, pauses, some gestures revitalize images, make them close to children, they excite their desire to play. When repeating the game, once again, the guys need less need to help the caregiver and begin to act independently. In the game of dramatization, only a few people can participate, and the teacher must make all the children alone their participants. Senior preschoolers in the distribution of roles take into account the interests, desires of each other, and sometimes apply to read. But here it is necessary for some influence of the caregiver: it is necessary to cause a friendly attitude of the peers towards timid children, suggest which roles they can be entrusted. Helping children to learn the content of the game, enter the image, the educator uses the viewing of illustrations to literary works, Specifies some characteristic features of the characters, finds out the attitude of children to the game.

5. Uniqueness of construction games

Their educational influence.

Building game is such an activity of children, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in different buildings and related actions.

The construction game is somewhat similar to the plot-role and is considered as its variety. They have one source - the surrounding life. Children in the game are building bridges, stadiums, railways, Theaters, circus and much more. In the construction games, they not only depict the surrounding items, buildings, copying them, but also bring their creative ideas, an individual solution of constructive tasks. The similarity of plot and role and construction games is that they combine children based on common interests, joint activities and are collective.

The difference between these games is that the plot-role-playing game is primarily reflected in various phenomena and are mastered by the relationship between people, and in the construction main thing is to familiarize themselves with the relevant activities of people with the applied technique and its use.

The educator is important to take into account the relationship, the interaction of the plot role and the construction game. Construction often occurs during the plot role-playing game and cause it. She as if asking for the purpose of the construction game. For example, the children conceived to play sailors - they had the need to build a steamer; The game in the store inevitably requires it to build up. However, a construction game can occur both as an independent, and this or that particular plot role develops on it. For example, children are building the theater, and then play artists.

In the senior groups, children for a long time are built quite complex buildings, practically intimidating the simplest laws of physics.

The educational and developing influence of the construction games is concluded in the ideological content of phenomena reflected in them, in mastering children in construction, in the development of their constructive thinking, the enrichment of speech, simplifying positive relationships. Their impact on mental development is determined by the fact that in the plan, the content of the construction games contains a certain mental task, the solution of which requires a preliminary thinking: what to do what material needs, in which sequence the construction should go. Thinking and solving this or that construction task contributes to the development of constructive thinking.

In the process of construction games, the educator teaches children to observe, distinguish, compare, relate to some parts of buildings with others, to remember and reproduce the construction of construction, focus on the sequence of actions. Under his leadership, schoolchildren master the exact vocabulary expressing the name of geometric bodies, spatial relations: highly low, right to left, up-down, long short, wide narrow, higher below, is shorter than shorter, etc.

Building games are essential for physical education of preschoolers. They show a variety of motor activity of the child, the coordination of movements is developing. Of particular importance is the development of small muscles, an eyelace. Constructing buildings from large details, children make them physical efforts affordable, show endurance.

For building games, special sets of materials have been created, including a variety of geometric bodies (cubes, bars, prisms, cylinders, cones, half-go). Additional (plates, boards, arches, rings, pipes, etc.) and auxiliary materials for decorating buildings.

In the construction games are used and ordinary, most often plot-shaped toys, and natural materials are widely used: clay, sand, snow, pebbles, cones, reeds, etc.

Management of construction games.

The educational and developing effects of construction games is achieved only when the targeted training and guide guide of the caregiver is properly combined with the amateurness and activity of children. At the same time, the educator carries out the following tasks:

a) expanding the ideas of children and the direction of their attention to the work of the builders used by the technique;

b) training methods for construction, education and development of independence and activity of thinking, structural abilities;

c) the formation of hard work, the development of the correct relationship of children, combining them into a friendly team.

The guidance of the teacher is to create a game environment - selection building material. Children give cubes, bricks, prisms, later - connecting boards, plates. The size of the cubes and bricks should be such that the kids can reach their hand. When coordination of the movements of the hands can be coordinated, you can also give larger cubes and bricks for buildings on the floor, on the plot. Preferences should be given to a sustainable building material made of wood. Plastic building material is very easy, slides in the hands, malstainable in construction, and therefore they are destroyed faster, which causes the disappearance of children.

The material should be enough to play anyone. In the games of children 2-3 years old there is no idea or plot. Kids attracts the material itself. They disassemble the cubes and bricks, transfer them to shift them, are praying alone on the other, destroy the spontaneous arisers. Children seem to master the material. The educator should be able to wait a relatively short period of such a primary development, but not to delay it. It is necessary to prevent an unorganized, which is not appropriate to its appointment using building material when some children throw cubes, bricks, kololy them, etc.

The game with building material must be given a meaningful. The world surrounding the world is still complicated for them. Therefore, the kids 2-3 years old teacher offers the world of toys affordable. Capturing toys and makes up the content of building games from younger children. Children encourage chairs for dolls, cribs, for cockerels and horses - courtyards, fences and organize games on this basis.

Young children have no experience of construction, they cannot build themselves. The tutor tells them the idea of \u200b\u200bwork. For example, it shows a familiar toy - a small doll, says she is tired and asks what to build from cubes for a pupa, so that she could relax (chair, crib). Of the three cubes, he immediately makes the chairs. The child teacher gives a box-box, in which there are toys - doll, a small bear and building material - cubes, bricks in sufficient quantities to build two or three chairs, a crib. Children view toys and material. After that, the educator proposes to build with him, showing the sequence of ads and actions, teaches children not to rush, putting cubes carefully, encourages the efforts of children and expresses joy when they are successful.

The teacher draws attention to the surrounding items and buildings: benches in the garden, fences, gaming houses on the plot, ladder, encourages to reflect seen in the construction games.

For children of 3-4 years, it is planned to further develop interest in construction games, the use of created buildings in plot-role-playing games, education of the ability to build not only on the proposed pattern, but also on the topic named by themselves, learning more complex techniques of work.

Under the guidance of the teacher of the child, 4-5 years is able to reflect the impression on the surrounding in the construction game. They already have the necessary experience in his most simple forms, the ability to play small teams, the ability to distribute the building material to carry out more complex buildings.

Children 4-5 years old can not independently reflect in the construction game what they saw. The educator, using the sample of the construction explains that each building has a base - the foundation on which the walls are erected. Together with the children, selects the desired material, and they should lay the foundation under the guidance of the teacher. Next, walls are erected, windows are made, etc. Construction building together with the educator, preschoolers are mastering the general foundations of construction not only buildings, but also bridges, cars, steamboats, etc. As construction bases are mastered, he teaches them to choose the topic, to determine the sequence of construction of the construction: where to start, how to continue to finish it.

Children encourage to evaluate the accumulating options for its use in the plot-role-playing game, offer the necessary changes and additions.

Thus, in the process of managing construction games, children of this age expand their ideas about the surrounding, which they use in the game. It is advisable to train children with construction techniques by using a sample and joint construction, exercises in repeated acquaintances. The teacher must tactfully help children in an independent choice of the plots of construction games.

For children 5-6 years, the program provides for training to pre-plan construction games, setting the goal of the game, the use of constructive-building skills not only on a visual pattern, but also in drawings, photographs of various structures.

Guide to the games of older children is more essential to the combination of intellectual and practical activity. The educator teaches them to think about the upcoming gaming actions, compare one with the other, develops the intelligence, encourages a guess, encourages the decision to implement the decision.

The development of the content of the game is determined by wealth, clarity, the impressions of children from the surrounding life. Showing them complex buildings (residential buildings, stations, theaters, pier, etc.), the educator draws the attention of children to the general type of buildings, reveals the appropriate architectural features of their purpose, teaches individual parts, indicates symmetry, contrasts. Preschoolers also train images (photos, drawings), i.e. allocate in them the general, main, parts, etc.

Spectatic analysis helps children deeper to capture the features of the facility under consideration, make it ideas, then use it as a basis in a construction game.

For older children, the word acquires great importance. So, the source of the plan and content of the construction game is sometimes the story of the educator. He informs the child about the goal of the game, the sequence of game actions, supports interesting offers, critical comments, it develops from the child the independence of thought and search.

With older children, there is a discussion of the construction game, the quality of actions of its participants, as they seek to perform the necessary actions well, they enjoy the deserved praise and are able to take into account critical comments.

Many building games are aimed at meeting the cognitive interests of preschoolers. The desire to accuracy leads to a certain decrease in the gaming convention. The child wants the game building to be similar to the real one. The similarity with the real structure depicted, relative scale, decorativeness, and artistic expressiveness are criteria for it correct design.

The interests of the child are 5-6 years old, its capabilities are presented to leadership to the management of great demands with flames. The educator must have the necessary knowledge, show interest in technology, inventiveness. From a wide variety of buildings, structures, construction types, he takes away a little, what is available to children and has a training and educational impact.

In training, the design of a planar image (photographs, drawing) is largely important in the design of the construction, which places significant requirements for the child and promotes the development of analytical activities. The teacher teaches the child to analyze the results of the game, including the construction of its composition. This disciplines the mind, teaches children to relate the goal and the construction process with the result.

Thus, an important condition for the training and educational impact of construction games is the leadership of them while maintaining the creative amateurness of children, the development of their interest in the technique, the use of visual aids (illustrations, photographs, simple technical drawings), training in the methods of translating a flat image into a volume building.

Storage of building material and use them.

The educator pays great attention to the storage of building material, using his child, his participation in the cleaning of the material after the game. Large building material is stored in a certain, permanent place of the room. Details folded carefully, steadily, otherwise, scattering with a random push, they can embark the child. The baby 3-4 years old should take the material and lay it after the game only with the help of an educator and under his control. Senior preschoolers should be good to know the order of storage of large building material and lay it on their own.

The medium-sized material is stored on open shelves and racks so that the child can take it to play himself. The small building material for the kid is best to store in shallow boxes so that you can see all the details and easily get them. In children of 5-6 years, the small material is stored in deeper wooden boxes, where it is gently folded with several rows.

The educator introduces the child with the order of storing the building material, teaches gently handles him, independently use it in games.

The preschooler does not immediately assimilate all the requirements. The teacher teaches it to observe the necessary order, encourages it with the right fulfillment of his requirements, checks how he folded the material after the game helps him. Older children assimilate his instructions quickly, but do not always fulfill them. The educator clarifies the inadmissibility of violation of the regulations of storage and use, persistently requires the guidance of proper order.

Building games with natural material and guide them.

For building games in kindergarten, not only construction, but also natural materials are widely used: snow, water, sand, pebbles, branches, cones, reeds, etc.

The sand is poured into a special box with sideboards for which children put toys. Todders for games are usually given small molds and small lodges, toys with a stand, which can be stuck in the sand.

Place on the site where the sand is stored, it gets so that it does not crumble; Sandboxes and sandboxes at night and at the time when children do not play closes with grids so that the sand is not contaminated and at the same time ventilated.

Senior children build a slide, tunnels, river beds, build dams, waterfalls, fortresses. Playing children are more eagerly engaged in natural conditions: on the beach, on the banks of the river, lake. There is an opportunity to use a large space.

And the grace with snow, the younger kids will be angry with his blades, hide the slides. Senior preschoolers are built from the snow at the house, fortresses, steamboats, boats, bridges, decorate the area sculptures from ice and snow. The educator teaches them to build buildings from snow in different ways (of the rolled snowballs, from snow bricks), encourages the initiative, fiction. Encouraging games with snow, he watches so that children have moved enough, do not murgri, and at the same time warns excessive motor activity so that they do not overheat.

The teacher teaches children to lay out the pebble patterns on the track, the playground. For patterns, a sample can be given, a plot is proposed, the condition of the location of the pebbles. Such games are useful for the development and refinement of spatial orientations. Senior Children under the leadership of educators are made from the cones of men, animals, buildings from branches, cane for them.

Thus, construction games with the right leadership them are an important means of upbringing and learning. They develop in children the ability of creative display of phenomena of the surrounding life, interest in technology, constructive thinking, artistic taste, forms friendly relationships.

6. Uniqueness of didactic games

The didactic game at the same time is the form of training most characteristic of small children. Its origins in the folk pedagogy, which created many educational games based on a combination of a game with a song, with movements. In the functions, gaming songs, in the games "Ladushka", "Soroka-Beloboka", in the games with fingers, the mother attracts the attention of the child to the surrounding subjects, calls them.

In the didactic game, all structural elements (parts) are contained for the game activity of children: the intention (task), content, game action, rules, result. But they manifest themselves in a somewhat different form and are due to the special role of the didactic game in the upbringing and training of children of preschool age.

The presence of a didactic task emphasizes the training character of the game, the focus of its detention cognitive activity Children. Unlike the direct formulation of the task in the classroom in the didactic game, it arises and the game's challenge of the child itself. The importance of the didactic game is that it develops independence and activity of thinking and speech in children.

For example, in the game "I will reveal the mystery of the magic caps" (senior group) The educator puts the task of learning children to talk about the subject, develop a related speech. Game task - find out what under the cap. In the case of the correct solution, the child gets an incentive icon. The teacher as a participant of the game raises the first cap and, telling under the toy under it (for example, Matriake), gives a sample of its description. If the playing child makes it difficult to give such a description or points little signs, the teacher says: "And the cap who raised Vova, said that Vova had a little told that the cap was hid."

The game task is sometimes laid in the title of the game: "We learn that in a wonderful bag," "Who lives in which house", etc. Interest in her, the desire to perform it is activated by play actions. The more diverse and meaningful, the more interesting for children the game itself and the more successful cognitive and gaming tasks are solved.

Game actions of children need to be learned. Only under this condition the game acquires a training character and becomes meaningful. Education to the game actions is carried out through a trial in the game, the show of the action itself is disclosed becomes meaningful. Education to the game actions is carried out through a trial in the game, the show of the action itself is disclosed becomes meaningful. Education to the game actions is carried out through a trial in the game, the show of the action itself is disclosed becomes meaningful. Cognitive content and gaming task, age characteristics of children.

In the games of younger children, game actions are the same for all participants.

When distributing children to groups or with the presence of roles, the game actions are different.

Spilled and the volume of gaming actions. In younger groups - this is most often one or two repetitive actions, in the older five or six. In sports games, the game actions of the senior preschoolers from the very beginning are dissected in time and are carried out consistently. Later, mastering them, the children act purposefully, clearly, quickly, consistently and in the already selected pace solve the game task.

One of the elements of the didactic game is the rules. They are determined by the task of learning and the content of the game and, in turn, determine the nature and method of gaming actions, organize and direct the behavior of children, the relationship between them and the educator. With the help of the rules, it forms in children the ability to navigate in changing circumstances, the ability to restrain direct desires, exercise an emotional-volitional effort. As a result, the ability to manage their actions develop, relate them to the actions of other players.

The rules of the game have a training, organizing and discipline. The training rules help reveal to children, what and how to do: they relate to the game actions, increase their role, refine the method of execution; Organizing determine the order, sequence and relationships of children in the game; Disciplines warn about what and why it is impossible to do.

The educator must carefully use the rules, do not overload them the game, apply only the necessary of them. The introduction of many rules, the fulfillment of their forced children leads to negative results. Excessive discipline reduces their interest in the game and even destroys it, and sometimes it causes cunning tricks to avoid rules.

It happens that there is no need to remind the rule or enter additional. It is enough just to change the game actions and thereby fix violation.

The rules of the game, installed by the educator, are gradually absorbed by children. Focusing on them, they assess the correctness of their actions and the actions of comrades, relationships in the game.

The result of the didactic game is the indicator of the level of achieving children in the assimilation of knowledge, in development mental activity, relationships, and not just a win, obtained by any way.

Gaming tasks, actions, rules, the result of the game is interrelated, and the absence of at least one of these components violates its integrity, reduces the educational impact.

Pedagogical value of didactic games.

In the didactic games, these or other tasks are set before children, the solution of which requires focus, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, the sequence of actions, to overcome difficulties. They contribute to the development of feelings and perceptions in preschoolers, the formation of ideas, learning knowledge. These games make it possible to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways to solve certain mental and practical tasks. This is their developing role.

It is necessary to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributed to the general development of the child, served the formation of his abilities.

The didactic game contributes to solving the problems of moral education, the development of society in children. The educator puts children into conditions that require them to play the ability to play together, regulate their behavior, to be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

Guide to didactic games.

Successful leadership of didactic games, first of all, provides for the selection and thinking of their software content, a clear definition of tasks, the definition of place and role in a holistic educational process, interaction with other games and training forms. It should be aimed at developing and promoting cognitive activity, independence and initiatives of children, applying them in different ways Solutions for game problems should provide friendly relations between participants, willingness to come to help comrades.

Little children in the process of games with toys, objects, materials should be able to knock, rearrange, shift them, disassembled the components (collapsible toys), again draw up, etc. But since they can repeatedly repeat the same actions, the educator must gradually translate the game of children to a higher step.

For example, the didactic task "to teach children to distinguish between the rings in size" is implemented through the game task "Collect the turret right." In children there is a desire to find out how correctly. Showing the method of action contains simultaneously the development of a game action and a new game rule. Choosing a ring behind a ring and putting on the rod, the educator gives a visual sample of the game action. He holds his hand along the risks and draws the attention of children to the fact that the turret becomes beautiful, even that it is collected correctly. Thus, the teacher clearly shows a new game action - to check the correctness of the towering - offers children to do it.

The development of interest in didactic games, the formation of gaming activities from older children (from 4 to 6 years) is achieved by the fact that the educator puts complicating tasks to them, in no hurry to prompt game actions. The game activity of preschoolers becomes more conscious, it is more aimed at achieving the result, and not the process itself. But for senior preschoolers, the game should be such that children retained the appropriate emotional mood, ease so that they experienced joy from participating in it and a sense of satisfaction from solving the tasks.

The educator charts the sequence of games complicated by content, didactic tasks, play actions and rules.

Separate, isolated games can be very interesting, but using them outside the system, it is impossible to achieve a common learning and developing result. Therefore, it is clear to determine the interaction of learning in classes and in the didactic game.

For early children, didactic game is the most suitable form of training. However, already on the second, and especially in the third year of the life of kids attract many items and phenomena of surrounding reality, there is an intensive learning of the native language. Satisfaction of the cognitive interests of children of the third year of life, their speech development require a combination of didactic games with targeted training in classes, carried out in accordance with a certain program of knowledge, skills, skills. In the classroom, more successfully than in the game, methods of teachings are formed: arbitrary attention, the ability to watch, watch and see, listen and hear the instructions of the educator and perform them.

It should be borne in mind that in the didactic game it is necessary proper combination clarity, words of the educator and the actions of children themselves with toys, game benefits, objects, pictures, etc. The visibility includes: 1) the items that children play and which make up the material center of the game; 2) pictures depicting objects and actions with them, which is clearly distinguished by the appointment, the main signs of objects, the properties of materials; 3) Visual show explanation with the words of gaming actions and performing game rules.

Special types of didactic games were created: with paired pictures, such as picture lotto, domino with thematic series of pictures, etc. The initial show of gaming actions by an educator, trial, incentive and control badges, concerns, chips - all this is also included in the fund of visual funds that Used to organize games and manuals them.

With the help of verbal explanations, instructions, the educator sends the attention of children, it organizes, clarifies their views, expands the experience. Its speech contributes to the enrichment of the vocabulary of preschoolers, mastering various forms of training, contributes to the improvement of gaming actions.

Guiding games, the educator uses a variety of means of affecting preschoolers. For example, speaking as a participant in the game, he is imperceptible to them directs the game, supports their initiative, competes with them the joy of the game. Sometimes the teacher tells about any event, creates a corresponding game mood and supports it along the game. It may not be included in the game, but as a skillful and sensitive director, keeping and releasing her amateur, leads the development of gaming actions, fulfilling the rules and imperceptibly for children leads them to a certain result. Supporting and awakening children's activities, the teacher does it most often not directly, but indirectly: expresses surprise, joking, uses different kinds of gaming surprises, etc.

It must be remembered, on the one hand, about the danger, overly reinforcing the training moments, weaken the playing start, give the didactic game the nature of the classes, and, on the other, inserting the inhibitory, to get away from the task of learning.

The development of the game is largely determined by the tempo of the mental activity of children, greater or less successfulness of the performance of gaming actions, the level of assimilation of the rules, their emotional experiences, degree of passionateness. During the period of assimilation of the new content, new gaming actions, the rules and the beginning of the game pace, naturally, more slowed. In the future, when the game is deployed and children are fond of, the pace is diminishing. By the end of the game, the emotional rise as it will fall and the pace slows down again. You should not allow unnecessary slowness and unnecessary lifting the pace of the game. The decisled pace is sometimes confused of children, uncertainty, untimely performing game action, violation of the rules. Preschoolers do not have time to get into the game, overclineare. The slowdown pace of the game occurs when they are too detailed explanations, many small comments are made. This leads to the fact that the gaming actions are as if removed, the rules are introduced untimely, and children cannot be guided by them, allow violations, mistaken. They are faster faster, the monotony reduces the emotional rise.

In the didactic game, there is always the possibility of unexpected expansion and enrichment of its plan in connection with the initiative shown by the children, issues, suggestions. The ability to keep the game within the set time is great art. The educator compacts time primarily due to the reduction of its explanations. Clarity, brevity of descriptions, stories, replicas is a condition for the successful development of the game and perform solved tasks.

Finishing the teacher's game must cause children interest in its continuation, create a joyful perspective. Usually he says: "Next time will play even better" or: " A new game It will be even more interesting. "The educator develops options for familiar children's games and creates new - useful and fascinating.

Didactic game as one of the forms of learning is carried out during, which is given in the mode of classes. It is important to establish the right relationship between these two forms of learning, to determine their relationship and place in a single pedagogical process. Didactic games sometimes precede classes; In such cases, their purpose is to attract the interest of children to what will be the content of the classes. The game can alternate with classes when it is necessary to strengthen the independent activities of children, to organize the use of learned in gaming activities, summarize, summarize the material studied in class.

7. Table Games

Desktop games include a variety of features type features, subject lotto, domino; Thematic games ("where it grows", "when it happens", "who needs it," etc.); Games requiring motor activity, skill, etc.

("Flying caps", "fall into the goal", "Gusёk" and others); Mosaic type games. All these games are different from games with toys by the fact that they are usually held at the tables, require 2-4 partners. The wall-printed games contribute to the expansion of the horizons of children, develop intelligence, attention to the actions of a comrade, orientation in the changing conditions of the game, the ability to anticipate the results of their move. Participation in the game requires extracts, strict execution of rules and delivers many joy to children.

Kids need games with affordable content. On the lotto cards, paired pictures, shirms books depict toys, household items, the simplest types of transport, vegetables, fruits. Selection of pictures in pairs, corresponding pictures to the main map, the name of the depicted object, of a particular quality contributes to the development of a dictionary, a brief explanatory speech (red apple, carrot orange, grows on a garden).

For children of senior groups, table-printed games are interesting, in which the phenomena of nature are reflected, various types of transport ("who goes on, swims, flies"), the heroes of fairy tales ("Pushkin's fairy tales", "bold and clever", and others .) These and similar games require children from children and the application of knowledge learned in classes in the process of observations on excursions. Valuable and interesting for older children are games, in content, in the game actions and the rules of which there is an element of competition in agility, accuracy, speed, intelligence ("table ring", "desktop kegli", "top", etc.).

A special group make up games-fun. They are brightly expressed an element of an unusual, unexpected, funny, a joke, harmless humor, contains. The main purpose of their purpose is to hang, steal children, please them. The content and rules of many games require or quick gaming action, or delayed. Some of them cause a quick, often an unexpected reaction, while others teach children to show a volitional effort. The fun games include such well-known as "catch the bunny", "Zhmurki with a bell" (definition of directions for sound), "who will rather collect a picture" (on coordination of movements) and others.

8. Moving Games with Rules

creative Gaming Pedagogical Role

Moving games, first of all, the means of physical education of children. They give the opportunity to develop and improve their movements, exercises in running, jumps, climbing, rushing, fishing, etc. A variety of movements require the active activity of large and small muscles, contribute to the best exchange of substances, blood circulation, breathing, i.e. Enhance the vital activity of the body.

Movable games also have a great influence on the nervous psychic development of the child, the formation of important personal qualities. They cause positive emotions, develop brake processes: during the game, children have to respond to the movement on some signals and retain from movement at others. In these games, the will is developing, intelligence, courage, speed of reactions, etc., joint action in games bring children, give them joy from overcoming difficulties and achieving success.

The source of moving games with the rules are folk Gamesfor which the brightness of the plan, meaningability, simplicity and enormity are characteristic.

The content of the game is determined by the movements that are included in its composition. In the educational program in kindergarten for each age group of children, mobile games are provided, in which the movements of different types are developing: running, jumping, climbing, etc. The games are selected taking into account the age characteristics of children, their possibilities to perform certain movements, comply with the game rules.

The rules in the movable game perform the organizing role: they determine its course, the sequence of actions, the relationship of playing, the behavior of each child. Rules obliges obey the goals and meaning of the game; Children should be able to use them in different conditions.

In the younger groups, the educator explains the content and rules along the game, in the elders - before the start. Movable games are organized indoors and on a walk with a small number of children or with the whole group. They also come to physical training. After children donate the game, they can conduct it on their own.

The management of moving games with the rules is as follows. Picking up a moving game, the educator takes into account the compliance of its required character motor activities, availability of game rules and content to children of this age. It ensures that all children participate in the game, performing all the required gaming movements, but not allowing excessive motor activity, which can cause their re-excitation and fatigue.

Senior preschoolers need to be trained to play mobile games on their own. To do this, you need to develop interest in these games, to provide an opportunity to organize them on a walk, in the hours of leisure, on holidays, etc.

List of used literature

1. Preschool pedagogy. Edited by V.I. Yadeshko and F.A. Sokhina. 1986.

2. Psychology and pedagogy game of the preschooler (symposium materials) / Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets A. P. Udyova. M., 1966.

3. Elkonin D.B. Children's psychology M., 1960.

4. Zaporozhets A.V. Some psychological problems of the children's game. - Pre-school education. 1965.

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