Interesting about the figure 8. Equipment and materials

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Figure 8 Presentation of Podolskaya Ksenia 1 "A" GBOU SOSH No. 49

Figure 8 Two Branches Moving together, the figure will be released. It is 8! 8 - together two steering wheel, or together two zero. In the eight two rings without start and end. And when it lies on the side, turning into infinity. And she is visible in glasses. We need this digit.

Eight dolls of wooden, round and ruddy, in colorful sundresses on the table we live. All the nurses are called. The first fat doll is fat, and inside it is empty. It is released on two halves. She lives another doll in the middle. Discover this doll is the third in the second. Half of unscrewing, dense, intente, - and you will be able to find a pupa fourth. Take it yes, see who is hiding in it inside. It hides in it the fifth pupa is puppy, and inside empty. She lives in her sixth. And in the sixth - the seventh, and in the seventh-one. This doll is less than all, just more than a nut. Here, put in a row, sisters-dolls are standing. - How many of you? - We will ask them, and dolls will answer: - Eight! The figure is eight - like a matryoshka, and cooked and cheerful. Fucking fun in the palm and again danced. eight

Neighbors numbers 8 digit 7 digit 9

Hown the figure of eight Arabic digit roman digit

Figure 8 About dialing number 8

How to get the number 8 1 + 7 \u003d 8 How many fabulous characters in the picture? REMEMBER! 1 Snow White + 7 Dwarfs \u003d 8 and 7 Dwarfs + 1 Snow Whole \u003d 8 Reply: 8 7 + 1 \u003d 8

How to get the number 8 2 + 6 \u003d 8 four years in chum, it loves arithmetic. Svetik joyful news announces to everyone: - If you add six to two, it will be seven! - Hearing his words, Jura began to count: - No, to six add two, it will be five! The dispute has started, voices were divided. Fucks thumb taja: - Do not interfere, boys, quieter! I believe! It is difficult to add six to two, does not cease cry and noise. Nastya knows the rules: two to six added, and, tell me for mercy, eight turned out! 8 6 + 2 \u003d 8

How to get the number 8 3 + 5 \u003d 8 5 + 3 \u003d 8 How much will the fairies come in pictures? 3 fairy tricks + 5 fairies winx \u003d 8 and 5 fairies winx + 3 Fairies tricks \u003d 8 Reply: 8

How to get the number 8 4 + 4 \u003d? Answer: 8 in one kitten 4 legs. How many paws have two kittens?

How to get the number 8 8 + 0 \u003d 8 0 + 8 \u003d 8

Even or odd? Continue row: 2 4 6 ... Answer: 8 Remember !!! Number 8 - even

Interesting facts about the figure 8 All spiders have 8 legs for all octopus 8 supreets in solar system 8 Planets in the calendar August - the eighth month of an inverted eight - the sign of infinity Spring holiday - March 8, and the autumn holiday - October 8 - m o'd of the day  I will be 7 years old!

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Project: "A funny account. Number and digit 6".

The project is one of the forms of a systemically activity approach. Project: "Merry account" - a joint project of parents and students ....

Project: "A funny account. Number and digit 4".

The project is one of the forms of a systemic approach. Project: "A funny account" - a joint project of parents and students "helps to diversify mathematics lessons in grade 1 ....

Project: "A funny account. Number and digit 7".

Project: "A funny account" allows you to make the first lessons of mathematics more interesting and more diverse. Project - the joint work of parents and children ....

Project: "A funny account. Number and digit 1".

The project is one of the forms of a systemically activity approach. Project: "A funny account" makes it possible to optimize the first lessons in mathematics. The project is a joint creativity of parents and children ....

Purpose: To acquaint with the composition of the number of 8 of two smaller numbers.


  • Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe number and digit 8, consolidate the ability to relate the amount with the corresponding number.
  • Develop spatial orientation and eye meter.
  • Secure the ability to distinguish the concepts: above - below, wider - already, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger.
  • Continue to learn to determine the number of numbers in natural row.
  • Develop spoutness, attention, creativity, imagination.
  • Develop attention, thinking, speech.
  • Relieve the ability to listen to comrades and educators.


Demonstration : Circles to illustrate tasks, a house for fixing the number 8, numbers and signs, a card with a digit 8 to demonstrate the writing.

Dispensing: Cards for the game "Who lives in the house" for each couple of children, pencils.

Structure occupation

Hello guys!

This morning I came to work and saw a letter. He was sent to the Fairy Mathematics (Letter Show). She asks us to solve interesting tasks. To solve them let's make a warm-up.

Listen carefully and answer:

Educator: Cut the workout. If the table is above the chair, then the chair? Below the table.

- If the road is wider than the path, then the path?

(Already roads.)

If the line is longer a pencil, then a pencil?

(Shorter ruler.)

If the rope is thicker thread, then thread?

(Thinner rope.)

If the sister is older brother, then brother?

(Younger sister)

1. I took a needle hedgehog in my paws,

He began to sew the beasts of the caps.

Five for little will ring

Three are wicked for sulfur.

Hedgehog cap sews intelligent.

How many caps have a tailor? (5 + 3 \u003d 8)

2. Lost hedgehog hedgehog,

And the hedgehog lie and silent.

Behind the pitch one, behind the trough one,

Under the sheet one, there is one under a tutor.

How do children quickly find?

There must be a little less than five. (4 5)

3. Gave Hedgehog Hedgehog

Eight leather boots.

Who will answer from the guys:

How many were everyone? (4 + 4 \u003d 8)

4. Yozh asked her neighbor's hedgehog:

Where are you from Fidget?

I am flattering for winter. See, apples on me.

Collect them in the forest. Six brought two not.

Predited the neighbor is a lot or not (6 + 2 \u003d 8)

Well done! (Slide with Winnie Pooh)

Game with the ball "Name neighbors"

Guys, and the fairy mathematics still have tasks for us (The educator reads the task, we find a letter).

Solving tasks from fairies.

The composition of the number 8.

Solve the tasks

Well, how many guys
Skore rides?
Seven in Sanochkam sit,
One wait.

Responses of children.

Educator: We will illustrate the task. Instead of children we put a circle. How many children are sitting on Sanochm? We put as many red circles. How many children are waited? We put so much blue circles. How much do the guys ride on the hill? How did you get 8?

Six Mama Walls
For children carried in a basket.
Siga Hedge met
And two more nuts gave.
How many nut nuts
Boots brought in a basket?

Responses of children.

Educator: We will illustrate the task. Instead of nuts, put a circle. How many nuts carried a pig? We put as many red circles. How many nuts gave the pig of the hedgehog? We put so much blue circles. How many nuts brought pigs to children? How did you get 8?

Our cat has five kittens
In Lukushka, sit down.
And the neighbor cat is three!
So cute, look!
Count them help
How much will be five yes three?

Responses of children.

Educator: We will illustrate the task. Instead of kittens, put a circle. How many kittens have our cat? We put as many red circles. How many kittens have a neighbor cat? We put so much blue circles. How much is kittens? How did you get 8?

Apples from the branch fell on the ground.
Cried, cried, tears dropped
Tanya in Lukoshko collected them.
As a gift to my friends brought
Four earrings, four arms,
Speak come on soon
How many tannium friends?

Responses of children.

Educator: We will illustrate the task. Instead of apples, put a circle. How many apples Tanya brought an earrings? We put as many red circles. How many apples Tanya brought Antoshka? We put so much blue circles. How many apples Tanya brought? How did you get 8?

Three bunny, five hedgehog
Go together in kindergarten.
Calculate we ask you
How many kids in the garden?

Responses of children.

Educator: We will illustrate the task. Instead, we will ring red mugs. How much will they go to kindergarten? We put as many red circles. How much do they go to kindergarten? We put so much blue circles. How many toddlers? How did you get 8?

Apples in the garden sucked
We have time to taste them
Two ruddy, bulk,
Six with sourness.
How many of them?

Responses of children.

Educator: We will illustrate the task. Instead of apples, put a circle. How many ruddy apples, bulk? We put as many red circles. How many apples with sourness? We put so much blue circles. How many apples? How did you get 8?

Seagull rooted the kettle,
The guests called seven seas
"Come all for tea!"
How many chapters, answer!

Responses of children.

Educator: We will illustrate the task. Instead of chaps, put a circle of different colors. How many grocery makeup? Put the circle of red. How many gosquitors called to visit? Put the circles of blue. How many mugs? How did you get 8?

Fairy mathematics sent us video letter with tasks.

Slides: "Octopus". "What two numbers consists of number 8". "What number will be". "

Task for each pair of children the game "Who lives in the house".

Consider houses compiled by children.

The slide of the finished house

- Guys, and try to come up with the tasks yourself in which there will be the biggest number 8.

Quest of the Fairy Mathematics "Spray Matryoshek" (slide).

1. Kruttsky

2. Vyatka

3. Vyatka

4. Semenovskaya

5. Sergiev Posad

6. Sergiev Posad

7. Tverskaya

8. Tverskaya


What games played? What new learned? What did you like most?

Subject : "Number and figure 8".



    To introduce the formation of the number 8 and the composition of the number 8.

    Teaching the number 8 of two smaller.

    Maxue with the number 8 and teach writing this figure.

    Secure the score skills within 10.


1. Develop memory, attention, logical thinking.

2. To promote the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue its statements.

3. Look competently use mathematical terminology in speech.


1. Educating independence, the ability to understand educational task and perform it yourself.
2. Rail interest in classes.
Material for the lesson:

Demonstration - plates with seven squares of red and 1 sec cast, drawings similar to the figure 8, pictures of animals.

Dispensing - Chopsticks H. Kyizér, workbooks.

Methodical techniques:

1. The verbal method is an explanation, conversation, riddles, poems.

2. Visual method - viewing illustrations, cards, items.

3. Practical method -h. Khizheuner sticks, workbooks.

Structure occupation


You all at the lesson will carefully listen to, respond to questions with a full answer, not shout, do not interrupt the comrades.

I invite you to the country "Knowledge of Mathematics".

Guys, what can you travel?

- By bus, plane, steamer, train, bike.

We go to our journey by train.

To do this, buy tickets.

2 . Work on new material.

BUT). Verbal counting.

To take the train, you need to know the direct and countdown to 10.

B). Guessing mysteries.

The first stop is the Station "Forest".

Guess the riddles and find out who lives at this station.

Children guess them. On the board at the same time exposed pictures of the depressed animals.


    Angry NadrogLives in the wilderness of the forest.Needles a lot,And the threads are not alone.(hedgehog)

    Kosolapy and bigHe sleeps in Berlog in winter.Loves bumps, loves honey,Well, who will call? (bear)

    Gray and toothyHe produced a cross in the forest.All animals fled.Scared attending those ...(wolf)

    Long ears, rapid paws.Gray summer, winter white.Who is it?(hare)

    Herbs touching with hoovesHandsome walks through the forest,Walks boldly and easyRog sprawling wide.(Elk)

6. Less tiger, more cats,

Above ears - brushes-horns.

Seeming meek, but do not believe:

Terrible in anger this beast!(Lynx)

7. Who on the Christmas tree deftly jumps And takes off on oaks? Who in the vapla nuts hides,

Dry mushrooms for winter? (squirrel)

Who is it? (wild animals).

How many animals? (7)

They consider and removes the teacher.

Animals are preparing for the winter they have a lot of things, and we will go further.

Fizminutka for the development of shallow motility:

This finger in the forest went,

I found this finger fun.

This finger mushroom washed,

This finger has a mushroom,

This finger only ate

Because fatmented.

While he holds a child fizminutka, cook squares on the board.

IN). The formation of the number 8.

Next station "Digital".

What do you see on the board?

Guys, in front of you on the blackboard, red and blue squares.

- How many squares? (7)

How many red squares? (6)

How many blue? (one)

How did we get the number 7? To 6 + 1 \u003d 7

And now we will play in the game "Day-night"

Carefully look at the squares and remember.

Children cover their eyes, night came.

The teacher changes the blue square on red.

The day came, open the eyes "What has changed?"

Blue changed on red.

How much is the blue squares? (7)

Night, close your eyes.

The teacher adds one red square.

Day, what has changed?

How much did it become?

Let's consider. (eight)

How did we get the number 8?

We are 7 + 1 \u003d 8

D). Familiarity with the number 8.

The number eight is indicated by such a digit.

(Exhibited on the blackboard number 8)

What is the difference in number 8?

On the blackboard the picture with drawings and read the entry.

- Figure 8 is so tasty, of two bagels it.

- Hanging a pear, can not be ease.

- Figure 8 plus hooks - glasses are obtained.

- To this figure you are used, this figure is a snowman ...

What number lives to the right of 8? (7). To the left of the number 8? (nine)

Is the eighth day of the week? (No, after 7, again the first day of the week)

What is the name of the holiday, whose name is the figure 8? (March 8)

Let's take a look at the figure.

What does she look like? (Children's Answers) Pictures (Neva, Matryushka, Pear).

E). Letter numbers on the board and in notebooks.

Children draw a number 8 in the air as a fox with a nose, hand in the air, then in the notebook by points.


You probably tired?

Well, then everyone got up together.

Feet soften,

Handles patted,

Before socks reached,

Right, left to the left,

Quietly, we sat down in place.

Eye closed firmly

Together to 8 consider

Open, Pomorgham

And we continue to work.

E). The composition of the number 8.

- Guys, open boxes with colored countdown sticks.

Remove the wand, which means the number 8.

What color is this wand? (Burgundy)

And now, get so much white sticks so that they are all located on the burgundy.

How many of them? (eight)

It means among 8 - 8 units.

And now think and attach such sticks so that they together along the length were equal to the burgundy wand.

What color are these sticks?

It can be chopsticks of different colors.

Put these couples next to your burgunduous wand.

That's what a beautiful carpet turned out!

On the board in advance from numbers all the embodiments of the number 8.

Let's call the composition of the number 8 again.

Children, now you have shown, from which two smaller numbers you can make a number 8.

The composition of the number on the board:

7 1

6 2

5 3

4 4

    Fastening a new material.

Work in notebooks.

Dorisite in each row as many squares so that they are 8.

Didactic game: "It happens - no"

1. Does the circle with three corners? (No, three corners of the triangle)

2. Does the protein with a bie 4 tail? (No, 2 tails 1 + 1 \u003d 2)

3. Does the haunch of 4 paws? (Yes. The hare is only 4 paws)

4. Summary round? And why? (No. Square four corners)

5. Is there a fox and fox to just 4 ear? (Yes. 2 ear in fox + 2 in Lessink \u003d 4)

Well done!

4. Outcome classes.

Congratulations! You coped well with the task and it's time for us to go back.

Today, we made a fascinating journey around the country "Knowledge".

Did you like the trip?

What did you like?

What was interesting?

What kind of digit and number met?

You are great!

I want to give you a memory of our session stickers - emoticons that stick to a page in the notebook.

State budgetary pre-school educational institution Kindergarten number 21 Kirov district Sankt-Petersburg

Abstract Node for preparatory group By FMP

Topic: "Number 8.Sifra 8.Bebert in the country of knowledge"

St. Petersburg


Topic: "Number 8.Sifra 8" Journey to the country of Knowledge "

Software content.



  1. Secure the representations about the composition of the number 7, the score skills within 7
  2. Continue to form temporary views (days of the week)
  3. Become acquainted with the formation and composition of the number 8 and the number 8;
  4. Consolidate the ability to relate the number of items with the number;
  5. Consolidate the name of the geometric shapes; interrelation of integer and parts


  1. Develop logical thinking
  2. Give ideas about true and false judgments


  1. Educate the ability to focus on the taskEducating the ability to work in the team, prudence, ability to understand and independently perform the tasks of the educator
  2. Brought up good, respectful attitude towards others, to work independently with handouts.

Priority Education Area: " Cognitive development»

Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Socio-communicative development", "Physical development"

Activities: Cognitive, Movement, Game, Communicative, Labor.

Tasks of integrable educational regions


  • develop in children free communication, speech, memory, attention, thinking
  • intensify the dictionary of children.


  • rail in children curiosity, mutual assistance, self-esteem skills.

Physical education


  • fasten the ability of children to hear and move to the music of various dynamics.


Remove the workplace, maintain it in order

Methodical techniques.

  1. artistic word;
  2. questions for children, answers; guessing riddles;
  3. independent work on cards;
  4. individual and choral responses;
  5. games with a ball, account loud;
  6. work with benefits
  7. surprise moment;
  8. promotion and praise children.

Preliminary work:

Training account up to 10 and back, familiarity with geometric shapes, acquaintance with didactic games, Production of benefits, cards, handouts.

Material to node : magnetic board, cards with numbers "7", "8"; numeric row with numbers from 1 to 10; pictures of wild animals (hare, squirrel, wolf, bear, lynx, elk, yout), pictures with the image of items on what is similar to the figure 8 (pear, matryoshka, nevosha), house "Composition of numbers 8", cards to squares for a house, 10 x10 cm square squares in an amount of 7 pieces, blue squares 1 pcs., simple pencils in the number of children, sheets of paper with digit 8 (by points) for independent work Children, plates for handouts for children, ball, magnets for fixing benefits, glue, brush, chocolates by the number of children, emoticons by the number of children, music from the cartoon "Layer from Romashkovo", music for physical attacks.

Travel course.

Organizing time.

IN. - Hello guys -

Let's stand in a circle, take up your arms and smile to each other.Children together with the educator are in the circle.

IN. - in the circle wide, I see,

All my friends got up.

We will now go right away

Now let's go left

In the center of the circle will gather

And they will return everything to the place.

Smile, wemgeh,

And the lesson will begin

Children perform exercises in accordance with the text. 1 time

IN. "You will all be carefully listening to a full answer to questions, not shout, do not interrupt the comrades, listen to the educator.

(2 minutes)

IN . - (invitation to the country of knowledge of mathematics).

IN. - Guys, what can you travel?

D. - By bus, plane, steamer, train, bike.

IN. - We go to our journey by train.

To do this, we must buy tickets.

1. Gaming exercise With the ball "train ticket"

To take the train you need to know direct and countdown to 10

You say the ball to each other you think.

V.- You are great, thought well and can still sit in our place in the train.

Music "The train from Romashkovo" sounds, children take place at the table.

To do not miss the way, we will play with you (answering, raise your hand)

2. The gaming task "neighbors of the number"

IN. I call a number, and you are his neighbors

Name the neighbors of the number 2; neighbors number 4; neighbors of the number 5; Neighbor numbers 6.

IN . Guys, do you know what fairy tales is the number "7"?

1. What fairy tale was the seven kids?

2. What flower did all the desires of the girl of the girlfriend performed?

3. What is the name of the fairy tale where were the gnomes and one girl?

4. How is the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin Where was the seven heroes?

Responses of children: "Wolf and Seven Goats", "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs", "Flower - Seven Scenery", "Tale of the dead princess and seven heroes"

IN. - How many days in the week? Name the seventh day of the week?

IN. - number 7 is indicated by the number "7"

V.- Well done! So we reached the first stop.(4 min)

IN . - The first stop is the "Forest" station. Guess the riddles and find out who lives at this station. The teacher makes riddles, children guess them. On the board at the same time exposed pictures of the depressed animals.


1. Angry notching
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Needles a lot,
And the threads are not alone.(hedgehog)

2. Kosolapiy and big,
He sleeps in Berlog in winter.
Loves bumps, loves honey,
Well, who will call? (bear)

3. Gray, and toothy
Crushed in the forest.
All animals fled.
Scared attending those ...(wolf)

4. Long ears, rapid paws.
Gray in summer, but not mouse, white in winter.
Who is it? (hare)

5. Herbs with hooves touching
Handsome walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easy
Rog sprawling wide.(Elk)

6. Less tiger, more cats,

Above ears - brushes-horns.

Seeming meek, but do not believe:

Terrible in anger this beast!(Lynx)

7. Who on the Christmas tree deftly jumps
And takes off on oaks?
Who in the vapla nuts hides,
Dry mushrooms for winter? (squirrel)

IN. - As in one word, these animals can be called (wild animals). How many animals? (7) They consider and removes the tutor. Animals are preparing for the winter they have a lot of cases, and we will go further (music) while the music sounds cooking squares on the board

Next station "Digital"

So we reached. What an interesting task was prepared for us

V. - What do you see on the board? Guys, in front of you on the blackboard, red and blue squares.

How many squares? (7)

Q. How many red squares? (6) How many blue? (one)

How did we get the number 7? to 6 + 1 \u003d 7

And now we will play in the game "Day-night"

V.- Carefully look at the squares on them and remember.

Children cover their eyes, night came.

The teacher changes the blue square on red.

The day came, open the eyes "What has changed?"

D. - Blue changed to red. How much is the blue squares? (7)

Night, close your eyes. The educator adds one red square.

IN. - The number eight is indicated by such a digit.

(Exhibited on the blackboard number 8)

The figure 8 is so tasty, of two bagels it.

IN . - What number lives to the right of the number 8? (7). To the left of the number 8? (nine)

Is the eighth day of the week? (No, after 7, again the first day of the week)

IN. - Let's take a look at the figure. What she looks like (children's responses) Pictures (Nevashka, Matryoshka, Pear)

Children draw a number 8 in the air as a fox with a spout, hand in the air, then on a sheet by points(work with notebook)


IN. - You probably tired?

Well, then everyone got up together.

Feet soften,

Handles patted,

Before socks reached,

Right, left turned

Quietly, we sat down in place.

Eye closed firmly

Together to 8 consider

Open, Pomorgham

And we continue to work.

The composition of the number 8.

"House" on a blackboard with circles.

V.- What is the number at this house? (eight)

How to divide the number 8 to 2 smaller numbers?

How much do you need to add circles to get the number 8?

The tutor shows a table with squares and with children discusses the options: 6 and 2; 5 and 3; 4 and 4; 3 and 5; 2 and 6; 1 and 7; 7 and 1;

Output : The educator says can be compiled in different ways and lists all the options in Table 1 and 7; 2 and 6; 3 and 5; 4 and 4; 5 and 3; 6 and 2; 7 and 1; How many options for us of the composition of the number 8

V.- Well done! Well coped.

In the meantime, we will go until the next station, play the game

Didactic game: "It happens - no"

1. Does the circle with three corners? (No, three corners of the triangle)

2. Does the protein with a bie 4 tail? (No, 2 tails 1 + 1 \u003d 2)

3. Does the haunch of 4 paws? (Yes. The hare is only 4 paws)

4. Summary round? And why? (No. Square four corners)

5. Is there a fox and fox to just 4 ear? (Yes. 2 ear in fox + 2 in Lessink \u003d 4)

V.- Well done!

We arrived at the station - "Geometric Figures".

And what geometric shapes do you know? (Children call)

V.- And what is the geometric figure in my hands?

Take into your hands the same geometric shape.

The tutor shows the children a circle, asks to call a geometric shape and divide it into 2 equal parts, then asks: how many parts you divided the circle, how can I call each part? What is more: an integer or ½

What is less: half or the whole? The teacher asks children to divide the circle into two equal parts again: how many parts did it work out? (four)

How can I call every part? What is more: integer or ¼? What is less: ¼ or integer?

B. - Congratulations! You coped well with the task and it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. (music)

IN. - Today we have committed a fascinating journey through the country of "Knowledge". Did you like the trip? What did you like? What was interesting? What kind of digit and number met? You are great, I really liked working with you. I want to give you the memory of our occupation stickers - emoticons that you can glue to your notebook.

The educator praises children.

Natalia Gromozdova
Mathematics lesson for senior children preschool age "Number and figure 8"

Subject: Number 8.. figure 8..

purpose: 1) introduce to education and composition numbers 8.., figure 8..

2) to form countable skills within 8.

3) Development of logical thinking

4) fixing direct and reverse account

Materials for the lesson:

Demonstration - Fairy Image mathematics; set numbers from 1 to 7 depicted on daisies; numerical cut; Domino demonstration bones for task number 1.

Distribution - notebooks for each child - 1. times - step, two - steps ... Mathematics for children 5-6 years. Part 2.

2. Color pencils, markers

Travel course:

Guys today to us on the occupation came guestslet's welcome them.

And today we came to all our favorite fairy - fairy mathematics. Fairy invites us on a trip to the country of Typhyria, in which we get acquainted with what, who remembers? (from numbers) . Fairy prepared buildings for us. Let `s start?

And here is the first task.

I invite you, friends

Take a walk numbers I..

I really want to know

Who can distinguish them

Guys look carefully on the board and tell meHow many daisies are here? (7) . And that every chamomile in the middle (numeral) . Name everything numbers.

Consider carefully our floral rowWhat did you notice? (Chamomile S. digital 4 and 6 are not in their places). What should be done? (Change them in places)

What the number goes with a score of 3?5?

What the number goes before number 2?5?

Name numberwhich stands between numbers 3 and 5.

Now, consider chamomile, starting from Lev to the right. What is the name of this account? (straight)

Consider with the right to left? This account is called? (back)

Well done guys, you have ruled with the first task of fairies, proceed by 2 tasks.

Dear guys, listen and guess my puzzles:

Are you not familiar with me?

I live at the bottom of the sea.

Head and eight feet.

Who, tell me, I - (octopus)

Eight legs like eight hands

Embroide the circle flush.

Master in Sheyke knows a lot

Buy, flies, Silk. (spider)

That's right guys. And who of you can say about what figure It was mentioned in the riddles? Who carefully listened? (8)

True, today Fairy mathematics will introduce you to the number 8. (Demonstration on the board figures 8.)

What looks like figure 8.? (Answers children) .

1. G8 two rings

without start and end. (S. Marshak)

2. To this you are used to the figure.

this figure - Snowman. (V. Bakaldin)

3. Figure eight so tasty:

from two bagels she. (Vier)

And now Fairy mathematics Invites us to sit at the tables to open our workbooks.

№1, page 28.

a) - consider a number of numbers.

How every new one the number is greater than the previous one? (On 1)

Look at numerical cut. How from point 7 Getting to point 8? (It is necessary to take 1 step to the right, that is, add 1, increase by 1.)

(all actions are demonstrated on numerical segment on the board)

b) - consider domino bones. What two parts broke 8 points?

(b + 2. 5 + 3, 4 + 4.)

What happens if the bones turn over to the right half to become left, and the left is right? (2 + b, 3 + 5, 4 + 4.)

Well done guys, you coped well with this task, and now I suggest you a little rest.


We are legs top top, we are clas-clap!

We are the eyes of MiG Mig, we shoulders chick chick!

Once - here, two - there, turn around yourself.

Once - sat down, two - they drove, the hands up all raised.

Once or two, once or two, it's time to do!

Rested? Slies all Rovenko, keep the back straight.

Fairy mathematics invites you to find figure 8.which hid from you. Look at the task number 2. Where did the eight hide? (in the mouse, mushroom, pear). Circuit on the contour with a red pencil figures 8.who hid in drawings. (children perform task).

Clever, all coped, you worked well. Let's do the exercises to rested the eyes.

Fizkultminthork for eye

Without turning the heads, look at the left (to the window, right (to door). Repeat 5 times. Do not raise your heads, look at the eyes up, then down. Repeat 5 times. In a circle - 5 times. Now try painting the eight.

Well done boys! The eight is very happy to meet you. But she is not sure if you remember, from which two numbers you can make number 8..

task number 3.

How many peas are on the 1st figure? (8)

What parts are made up number 8.? (7 green peas, and 1 - yellow.)

What expression can be compiled in this picture? (7 + 1.) What does the first term denotes? (Number of green skins.) Second term? (Number of yellow mines.)

In the pea pods should be 8 peas. Do all the peas are drawn? (No. On the rest of the drawings, the peas is missing.)

Draw them with yellow and write down the expressions under the drawings. Tell us how you you will perform task. (Each example is pronounced by children. As the task is executed on the demo board, records appear)

7+1 6 + 2 5+3 4+4


Times get started - get risen

Two beat - pull up.

Three B. ladoshki, three cotton,

Head three nodes.

Four hands wider

Five, six, sit quietly.

Seven, eight, laziness throw it!


Guys, our fairy loves beautiful decorations, so she prepared multicolored beads for you. Look at the task number 4.

Consider the boob chains. How many beads on the first thread? How many are yellow? How many blue? How to record it? (7 + 1 = 8; 1+ 7 = 8)

What happens if you remove all yellow beads with this thread? (8 - 7 =1)

And if you remove not yellow, but a blue bead? (8 - 1 =7)

Guys, Our. the occupation with the FEEE mathematics came to the end. Let's thank her for our exciting occupation. Today you worked very well. Tell me with what new number and numbers Did you meet today? (Answers children) . You liked this numeralwhat does she look like?

And now I offering you to do number eight of the dough and on classes Drawing it to paint it. Agree?

children start working with a dough.