Providing hot water supply. What is an open hot water system


Open Hot Water Supply System

This article describes in detail the open system of hot water supply, its advantages and misses in front of the closed system. The elements of the system under consideration and the principles of its use are named.

Security hot water Perhaps due to the complex of devices that are designed and installed in order to supply technical water and water for personal use.

What kind of hot water system must be selected depends on some factors - these conditions under which water supply is produced, the energy source for heating water, and the quality of both water and water supply. Using an open water supply system must be justified by savings and technology.

Considering the choice from the sanitary standards, then the closed system is more reliable, which is attached to the central city heating network.

But if we talk about local networkAll solves the quality of the water and the economic benefit of each system in exactly each case.

Types of open systems

The system can have two versions: centralized or decentralized. The difference is that the centralized system provides several consumers (from one building to a whole village). The decentralized system prepares water directly at its place of use, with small heating devices.

For feed hot water One of the two types of schemes can be used: with circulation pipelines, or intricate circuit. His structural simplicity and inexpensive starting cost is characterized by the intriccy of hot water supply.

Consider the intricate water supply system

When using the intricate diagram, the need to purchase a circulation pump, but, at the same time, if some time does not use water, it is quickly cooled. This means that by opening the crane, the consumer will receive not hot water, but already cooled, and to obtain hot water, it is necessary to drain some of the cool water.

What constitutes only inconvenience, increases the waste of water, adds cargo to the drainage system and the energies of waste.

An open system of this type will be acceptable to use only on a network with a continuous fence of hot water, or in short individual networks.

Circulating water supply system

In places where the constant supply of hot water is necessary, and it is undesirable to lower the water before the fence, circulation systems are used. In this system, water continuously passes through the water heater, without stopping and without cooling, maintaining the temperature at the selected level on all points of water consumption.

For buildings with no more than 4 floors, it is necessary to organize the circulation of water only in divorced pipes. For higher buildings, water should circulate on the risers. Moreover, in places of attachment of the centralized system to the local branch, water should have a temperature not lower than 60 ° C for open systems, and at least 50 ° C for closed. And, in both cases, should not exceed 75 ° C.

What is the difference between the open and closed water supply method

The closed system is more energy efficient due to the use of heat outgoing water for heating the incoming cold water. This process of exchanging thermal energy occurs in the heat exchanger. And on the contrary, in open systems, hot water comes directly from the heating network. In this regard, the systems differ and classified according to the method of water supply.

Using open systems requires the disinfection of the network using chlorine, as well as washing the system of 90 degree hot water.

Any water heating device must be periodically cleaned, because at high temperatures, adverse conditions are created that strongly affect water quality.

The composition of the open system of hot water supply is simple. The system consists of water heating equipment, the pump producing water circulation in the system and pipelines by which the water is directly supplied to each point of the fence. The devouring highway can be executed in two versions:

1. With the upper wiring - when water heaters and tanks are located on top, which requires the availability of the technical floor in the building. The circulating highway itself, in this case, is located in the basement.

2. With lower wiring - when heating equipment is located in the basement, which is more convenient for servicing such a system.

Required water quality

Water in the open system has the same quality with water in heating radiators. In this connection, the requirements prescribed by the quality of water in the open system are much higher than for water closed systems, where hot water is almost not distinguished by its quality from the cut cold.

Open system device

All equipment for the open system device must be chosen based on the principle of operation of the system. In other words, the water pressure in the cranes should be absolutely sufficient and almost the same. It is not even always achievable when using the pump with the required performance.

It is necessary to take into account the force of friction of water on the walls of the pipes, which acts as a barrier to the movement of water. Initially, it seems insignificant, but, as practice shows, the open system works effectively when even the smallest factors of influence are taken into account.

The following factors affect water pressure:

Geodesic height of water injection;

Dynamic pressure in the pipeline;

Pressure loss in networks.

In such a system, it is convenient to use cranes to cut off individual sections if necessary for scheduled maintenance or repair. Also, it is advisable to use other protective devices, such as float sensors in pots and pressure switch in pipes.

System efficiency

As in the general case, the efficiency of the system can be determined in terms of the level of thermal energy with the smallest energy consumption. Both systems, with zero water intake, will not differ in their effectiveness (except will be more efficient when using the heat pump).

The closed system can provide hydraulic tightness of the heating network, and the open access to the consumers with hot water is lower. Also, it has greater reliability and the possibility of improving the efficiency of work in the future (when using quality water).

Note: Quality plastic window Depends on the type of glass used. They are single-chamber, two-chamber heat-saving, noise insulating, sunscreen and shockproof. From all this price window will be different. In addition, you must carefully choose stores and get acquainted with possible discounts.

Hot water supply

the supply of hot water houses, utility and industrial enterprises for household and industrial needs, as well as a complex of equipment and devices that provide it. Systems in B. Consist of heat sources, water treatment equipment, water heaters (see water heater), pipelines transporting water and devices for regulating and monitoring the water temperature.

Water supplied by the G. B systems. In residential and public buildings and the household needs of industrial enterprises, there must be drinking quality and meet the requirements of GOST. The quality of water coming on technological purposes is imposed on the nature of production. Distinguish the G. B. Centralized and local (decentralized). In centralized systems, heat generation is made on the CHP, in various boilers, is also used by the T. N. Garfing heat of industrial enterprises, underground et al. Sources; At the same time, heat is transferred to consumers in the pipelines of the heating network. The preparation of hot water is made both in the sources of heat and in central thermal items (CTP) or directly in homes. In local systems, heat sources for water heating are located on the place of its consumption. Centralized G. in. It can be carried out according to a closed scheme when tap water is heated by heat carrier (water or ferry) from heat networks in water heaters installed in central thermal points or directly in homes. With the implementation of the city in. According to the open circuit, the water "disassembled" by consumers directly from the thermal network. At the same time, there is no need to install water heaters in homes or at CTP and the possibility of corrosion of local pipelines decreases. However, for "feeding" such systems requires a large amount of water that has been preliminary treatment in order to avoid scale and corrosion in pipes and equipment of heat supply devices. Maximum water temperature in G. B systems. 75 ° C, minimal (at water separation points) 60 ° C.

To prevent water cooling in feed pipelines of the G. B. During periods of small water, constant circulation is carried out with the help of so on. circulating pipeline. In the bathrooms and shower rooms to the circulation pipeline join the heating devices for heating these rooms and drying towels.

To align the chart of loads and reduce costs for heat sources, heat exchangers, heat seats and water treatment (see water treatment) in centralized systems, hot water batteries are used in which it accumulates at a clock of a small parsing and is consumed during a period of significant water consumption. All residential buildings and public buildings are constructed in cities and industrial villages of the USSR, as a rule, provided by centralized G. B. It is also arranged at all industrial enterprises.

With a local town in. Water heaters are installed directly in places of water consumption (bath, souls, sinks, industrial aggregates) and heated with fuel (gaseous, liquid, hard) or electricity. These settings usually require significant time and labor costs for their maintenance and, as a rule, are not continuous.

LIT: Khludov A.V., hot water supply, 4 ed., M., 1957: Brodsky E. F., hot water supply under heat, L. - M., 1961: Construction standards and rules, part 2, section G., GL 8. Hot water supply. Design standards, M., 1963; Heat supply and ventilation guide, CN. 1, K., 1968.

N. I. Zhirnov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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The system of engineering equipment of the building is a comprehensive technical event aimed at ensuring the favorable conditions of life and consumer comfort during the entire service life of the building. The building in engineering equipment includes:

  • cold and hot water supply;
  • sewage;
  • electrical equipment;
  • gas supply;
  • heating;
  • ventilation and air conditioning;
  • telephonization;
  • radio;
  • other types of internal improvement.

Water supply

Cold water supply

Water supply or water supply is a system of measures aimed at providing consumer with water of a certain quality and in the required quantities. The water supply system is a complex of engineering structures and systems for obtaining water from various natural sources, its storage, cleaning from impurities and unwanted substances and transportation to the consumer. As a rule, the projects of water supply systems are created simultaneously with the design of sewage systems. For the water supply system, there are certain technical, economic and sanitary requirements.

GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water" puts forward the requirements that are presented to the quality of drinking water. The main requirement for drinking water is the complete lack of pathogenic microbes that may affect the health of the consumer or being causative agents of diseases: cholera, dysentery, abdominal typhoids, and so on. In addition, the presence of poisonous chemical compounds in the water is not allowed - arsenic, salts of heavy metals and the like elements, as well as the presence of intestinal disorders in an invalid degree of salts.

Below are the characteristics that are used to the waterways used in water supply systems and networks:

  • necessary strength, to overcome the overall voltage of the internal pressure of water flow, soil and transport load;
  • durability;
  • the required hydraulic smoothness of the inner surface;
  • economy;
  • waterproof.

Based on the above characteristics, it can be noted that steel, asbestos-cement, cast-iron, plastic, metal-plastic and reinforced concrete pipes can be used to different degrees. Steel and cast iron pipes have extremely low heat-shielding properties, easily susceptible to corrosion, have a lot of weight, destroyed by water frozen in them. The last moment is especially dangerous for the joints of cast-iron pipelines. To date, the construction of water pipes is most appropriately stabilized elastic polyethylene pipes with big tolerance low temperatures (up to -60 ° C) and low thermal conductivity (0.25-0.33 kcal / h M ° C).

Laying pipes into the soil is necessary to a depth of 0.5 meters below (counting to the nose) of the calculated depth of the penetration of zero temperatures. If the tab is made in the area of \u200b\u200blow temperatures, the materials from which the pipes are made, and the elements of the joints must satisfy the requirements of frost resistance.

Armature plumbing network It consists of a shutter, a check valve, airbrows, fire hydrants and cranes, air intake valves, compensators and releases for resetting water during repair work on the pipeline and flushing it.

Waterproof wells are built to accommodate water reinforcement, attaching all sorts of branches and devices of issues. As a rule, the construction of such wells use the precast concrete. Through viewing wells are laying cast-iron hatches. It must be borne in mind that the lids of hatches must be at the same level with the carriageway. If the groundwater is located above the bottom level of the well, it is necessary to provide waterproofing the bottom and side walls of the well above the level of groundwater level on Polatpa. The distance between the wells should be a multiple length of the pipes used.

Inland water supply, that is, water supply system with water, is the system of pipelines and the necessary equipment transmitting water from the exterior water supply to the consumer located in the building. There are several water water systems. Among them is a central or district system and water supply systems from local sources.

And the main components of the building water supply are one or more inputs, a waterway assembly, distribution highways, eyeliners and risers, water treatment and control equipment, pressure devices (pneumatic devices, pumps, tanks), watering devices, fire-fighting systems and some other elements.

By his structure water systems Buildings can be dead-end, ring, combined and zoned. As a rule, in residential buildings use dead-end networks, that is, in case of problems, interruptions are possible in water supply.

According to its intended purpose, the reinforcement of water pipes of buildings is divided into watershed, adjustable, shut-off, safety and special. The calculation of the working pressure for the reinforcement of economic and drinking water supply systems is 588.6 kPa / m2 (60 m of water. Art.), For the reinforcement of the fire and drinking complex of the water supply system - 882.9 kP / m2 (90 m of water. Art.). The main part of the entire water reinforcement system is valve. This makes it possible to increase water consumption or overlapping it at all to avoid hydraulic shocks.

The watershed assembly system includes all sorts of water treatment, fire, mixing cranes and float valves of drain tanks. The presence in the system of locking valves and valves makes it possible to turn off the individual sections of the tap chain. If it is necessary to regulate in the supply circuit or the pressure of the aqueous stream, adjustment valves and reduction valves are used - pressure regulators. For the inner system of water supply systems, cast-iron, steel, plastic, and sometimes asbetic and glass pipes are used. The choice of this or that material of the pipeline is influenced by the operational pressure in the total network and efficiency.

Galvanized pipes are most suitable for economic and drinking water systems. Based on the calculated pressure, reinforced (0.98 MPa and more) and lightweight (less than 0.98 MPa) pipes are used. The compound of galvanized pipes is carried out by means of threads, and non-dissolved - with welding. It is possible to combine galvanized pipes and with the help of electric arc welding. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account that welding should be carried out in the carbon dioxide environment, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the destruction of the zinc coating. The main and most significant flaw steel pipes - their corrosion exposure both from the outside and internal. Internal corrosion is a consequence of the aggressiveness of water, in which oxygen and carbon dioxide are present, and the outer-consequence of the appearance on the outer surface of the pipes of strong condensate due to the difference in temperatures in cold water pipes and in a heated room with high temperature and humidity up to 90%.

From the point of view of smaller corrosion exposure, cast-iron pipes are most appropriate, which can be used when installing the supply of water supply and other gaskets in the soil. Custemes are used to connect cast iron pipes.

Polyethylene pipes are suitable for use in the system of internal water pipes. Such pipes are connected to each other exclusively welding. Since polyethylene pipes have a fairly low heat resistance, they are used only for cold water supply. Viniplast pipes are not used at all for systems of fire and economic and drinking water pipes.

In those buildings, where even short-term cessation of water supply is unacceptable, arrange annular networks. Those networks that combine annular and dead-end areas of trunk water pipes, that is, the combined networks are located in large buildings designed for a large amount of water consumed.

In residential buildings, as a rule, have zone water pipelines. They are most suitable for situations where the required pressure in the network exceeds the maximum allowable head in domestic networks, that is, more than 60 m of water. Art. The zone water supply is suitable for buildings with a small number of floors, that is, the lower zone is highlighted with direct power from the outer networks, and the upper zone is highlighted in the zone with the water treatment pod.

Water supply systems based on the location of the main pipelines are divided into systems with lower and upper wiring. In the first case, the main pipelines are located in the basement, underground or under the first floor flooring. This is the most common system. With the upper layout, pipelines are placed in attic rooms or under the top floor ceiling. This method is used as a rule in residential buildings under the zone water supply scheme.

Water meters

Today, it is very advisable to place the placement of the meters of water gods, that is, water meters. The water meter is a special device that allows you to measure the total volume of water consumed. The installation of the water meter allows you to control the consumption of water and, accordingly, fee for it. In the building itself, there are so-called high-speed counters, the principle of operation of which is based on the speed rotation of the turbine or the impeller. The impeller rotates in the water stream. The speed of rotation is directly proportional to the volume of consumable water. Next, the rotational movement of the impeller with the gear system is transmitted to the counting mechanism, the dial of which and registers the volume of the water flow that passed through the water meter. The pressure losses in the impeller caliber of 15-40 mm caliber should not be more than 0.25 MPa, and in the turbine caliber meters 50 mm and more - 0.1 MPa.

Hot water supply

The process of supplying hot water is divided into the following steps: preparation, transportation, and directly supplying water with a certain temperature to watershed cranes. Hot water, which goes to household needs, must meet all the requirements of drinking water supply. This must be taken into account primarily when designing and in the further operation of the pipeline. Depending on the mode and the amount of water consumption in the system of economic and domestic needs, the hot water supply system is divided into local and centralized.

In local systems, cooking and consumption of hot water occur in the same place. Water is brought to the appropriate temperature in that can be placed in bathrooms or kitchens. With a centralized supply of hot water, the preparation of water is made in one place - in the central or individual heat plugs, and consumption is carried out out. Transportation of hot water to the consumer is made by means of a pipeline.

A centralized hot water supply system includes hot water preparation chains in special heaters joined in heat seafood (closed heat supply systems) chains with direct water treatment from the heat network (open heat supply systems) and with the use of water to the required temperature directly in the water tanks, batteries, batteries directly placed in boiler rooms.

With a centralized hot water supply system, the heating of the original cold water can be carried out either in steam or high-speed water heaters - depending on the coolant, or in the bulk heaters - boilers and open tanks, as well as in the water heating boilers.

With individual housing construction, special attention is paid to connecting to the centralized chain of hot water supply. Hot water pipes are made of galvanized steel, as it allows you to minimize the corrosion process. But it is also possible to use pipes from heat-resistant plastics. In the process of designing hot water supply systems, industrial reinforcement is used general meaning. In the event that its diameter is at least 50 mm, in the manufacture of reinforcements, bronze, brass, heat-resistant plastics are used. In order for air removal in the hot water system, the pipelines are accomplished with a slope of at least 0.002.