Euforbyium composites instructions for use for. Euphorbium Composites: Instructions for use and what is needed for what, price, reviews, analogues

The most frequent disease affecting the upper departments respiratory tract - This is a runny nose (rhinitis). It can move into a chronic form, as well as cause inflammation in the apparent sinuses of the nose. Getting rid of rhinitis - often a very complex and long process. There are a large number of treatment techniques and many drug and non-drug, homeopathic drugs. One of them is a euphorbium composite

What is a homeopathic agent

In accordance with the main homeopathic law, this is treated like this. All homeopathic preparations are used in very small doses, since if they are used in the usual dosage characteristic of traditional medicine drugs, an opposite effect may occur, that is, they can increase the signs of the disease from which the patient is trying to get rid of. There is an authoritative opinion that it is supermarital doses of the drug that stimulates the work of certain organs and contribute to getting rid of the ailment.

All homeopathic remedies are tested on volunteers. There is a prerequisite condition for the accuracy of the drug, since the drug in this case is prescribed in large doses, due to which its mechanism is detected.

One of the homeopathic drugs in lately Conquered great popularity in the treatment of rhinitis (rhinics) of different origin, is a euphorbium composure.

This complex homeopathic preparation with pronounced anti-inflammatory, reparative and antallergic properties, which includes the components of plant and mineral origin, used to treat rhinitis.

Indications for the use of euphorbium composites

Euphorbium composites applied for the following states:

  1. Rinith of viral etiology.
  2. Hay fever.

The drug has proven well when treating acute manifestations of rhinitis, which develop against the background of ARZ bacterial and viral origin. In the process of treatment, it is stimulated by the exchange processes, which leads to the improvement of local immunity and speeds up the process of recovery. In the process of treating influenza and ORZ, experts recommend using the preparation of Euphorbium composites together with other homeopathic remedies.

It is very effective to use the drug for the treatment of chronic processes of the upper respiratory tract (chronic rhinitis, frontites, sinters, etc.). Due to its effect, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is restored in the case of its excessive growth in chronic hypertrophic rhine, as well as atrophic processes leading to a decrease in the volume of the mucous membrane (with atrophically ritin).

In chronic atrophic ritin (ozen), accompanied by strong atrophic changes in the bone-cartoile skeletal skeletal department of the nose and in the mucous membrane, as a result of which silent crusts are formed in the nose, the euphorbium composites, stimulating the metabolic processes, significantly facilitates the condition of patients.

The use of the means with an allergic seasonal or year-round rope reduces the stress of the mucous membrane, which leads to a relief of breathing.

The drug has proven well when treating inflammatory processes localized in adenoids (adenoidits). In the process of therapeutic measures, metabolic processes are improved, which leads to a decrease in inflammation and exacerbation of the disease.

Euphorbium also can be applied with inflammation of the Eustachius pipe and the middle ear.

Due to the fact that in stimulating local exchange processes, immunity is activated, the drug is recommended for use in the cold season in order to prevent respiratory bacterial and viral infections.

The composition of Euphorbium composites is indocentropen

  • In 100 ml aerosol contained
  • Pulsatilla / shot meadow / (Pulsatilla) - 1 gr.
  • Luffe Operation / Lafness Labiting / (Luffa Operculata) - 1 gr.
  • Hydragirum Biodeatum (Mercurius Biiodatus) - (Mercurius Bijodatus) - 1 gr.
  • Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum (Hepar Sulfuris Calcareum) - 1 gr.
  • Mukosa Nasalis Suis (Mucosa Nasalis Suis) - 1 gr.
  • Argentum nitrikum (Argentum NitriSum) - 1 gr.
  • Sinusitis - Nozzle (Sinusitis-Nosode) - 1 gr.


  • P - R benzalconium chloride - 0.02 gr.
  • NaCl - 0.8292 gr.
  • Sodium dihydrophosphate dihydrate - 0.0628.
  • Purified water - 91.068 gr.
  • Sodium hydrophosphate dihydrate - 0.02 gr.

Pharmacological effect of the drug

Euphorbium composites are indocentropen with a specific effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and the apparent nasal sinuses. Enhance its functional activity, the drug has a beneficial effect on the stabilization of metabolic processes, as a result of which nasal breathing is facilitated, the front voltage is reduced and the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is moistened.

Due to the presence of a physiological solution (0.9% NaCl), the euphorbium reactivates and moisturizes the epithelium, which has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane during chronic rhinestone.

The tangible effect of the drug is observed after 3 - 4 days of use if the dosage and mode of injection is valid. Euphorbium composites do not cause burning and dryness of the mucous membrane of the nose, and also produces a prolonged effect. It can be used as a monotherapeutic preparation, as well as in a complex with other drugs and with a non-drug treatment method.

Brief characteristic of components (their therapeutic effect)

Mokhokhi Smolonous (Euforkium)

It comes to an additional means in the treatment of ozane, with the edema of the middle ear, causing a feeling of complete deafness. Its beneficial effects noted with inflammatory processes of larynx, sinusitis and the catars of the apparent sinuses of the nose of different localization, as well as in the case of strong irritation and the occurrence of burning pain on the affected mucous membrane, which causes the feeling of dryness.

Stretch meadow (pulsatill)

It has a therapeutic effect with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the middle ear, cephalgia and neurotic disorders, useful to persons prone to colds.

Lyuffa laxative (LuFa Alpoked)

Used for the treatment of rhinitis (cold) and with hanname.

Mercurius Biomatus

Purulent inflammation of the conjunctiva, zea, almonds and mucous membranes of the nose.

Mukoza Nazalis Suis

Oge, chronic rhinitis, nasal polyps, polysinusitis, pathology of the apparent sinuses of the nose.

Gear Sulfuris Calcareum

Chronic purulent inflammatory processes of the middle ear, purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane, diseases of the lymphatic system and nervousness.

Argentum nitrikum

Otitis, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, catarrhal inflammatory processes of voice ligaments (professional pathologies) and chronic mucous membrane diseases.

Sinusitis - Nozoda

Sinusitis recurrent nature.

Form release

  1. Euphorbium composites are available in the form of an aerosol in dark glass bottles with a volume of 20 ml, equipped with a dispenser.
  2. Drops in the nose Euforbyium.
  3. Solution for injection euphorbium composites.

Methods of application and dosage EUFORBIUM composites

The drug in the form of spray is injected with the help of a dispenser to the nasal cavity (1 - 2 doses in each nostril 3 - 5 times a day). Children under 6 years old - 1 dose 3 - 4 times a day.

With acute rhinitis flow, you can increase the amount of injection to 6 times a day.

When using drops 3 times a day, 10 drops are dripped. With sharp rhinitis - 6 times a day.

With acute sinusitis, Eustachiites and otites are subcutaneously or intramuscularly introduced 2.2 ml of injection solution (daily). In chronic sluggish processes - 1 -3 times a week.

Side effects

In the case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, itching and burning of the nasal mucosa arises, enhancing a cold and in rare cases of bronchospasm attacks. This time the drug should be canceled.

Due to the fact that the euphorbium composites in its composition contains iodine, patients suffering from diseases thyroid glandIt is recommended to apply it with great care.


Individual allergic intolerance to the components of the drug.

Based on the instructions for the use of euphorbium composure, it is not recommended for use in the case of an increased sensitivity of the patient to its individual components. For a given period, there is no clinical data on the use of the drug to children who have undergone a four-year-old age.

Medicinal interaction

The interactions were not detected.


Cases are not known.

Pregnancy and lactation

Eating is allowed.


Euphorbium composites are stored at room temperature in places inaccessible to children. Released without a recipe. Shelf life - 5 years.

Addition to euphorbium composites

The drug is allowed for use in the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes of frontal, gaimor, wedge-shaped and lattice sinuses of the nose. Euphorbium composites contributes to the relief of breathing and moisturizing when dry the nasal mucosa appears, and also contributes to the release and removal of mucous secrets. I recommend it to apply in chronic and acute cold of different etiology (including allergic rhine), as well as during the catarial inflammation of the ear.

In the course of numerous experiments, it was proved that the regular use of EUFORBIM composites has a tangible therapeutic effect in chronic inflammatory processes of the apparent nasal sinuses (the atrophy of the mucous membrane, dry form). It should be noted that the treatment is recommended to be prescribed in a complex with other homeopathic preparations that promote activation of enzymatic activity. At the same time, the ethics of mucous membranes are removed, crusts are cut off, drying the mucous membrane is prevented, which, in turn, provides light free breathing and significantly reduces the pressure in the frontal area.

Euphorbium Code does not cause redness (hyperemia) and the subsequent narrowing of the respiratory tract, and also contributes to the acceleration of resorption of secretion products.

The beneficial therapeutic effect appears after a long use of the drug.

The drug is not addictive.

This is the only homeopathic means of direct antiviral activity (proved).

Currently, EUFORBIM composites are the most demanded in patients with the drug. However, it is recommended to consult a specialist immediately before using it.

From what age you can apply EUFORBIUM composites to children

Due to the fact that there is no clinical experience in the treatment of young children, it is recommended for use after a four-year-old age. The drug is appointed in the form of spray to children from four to six years 3 - 4 times a day at one dose. After the six-year-old age, 1 - 2 doses are prescribed 3 - 5 times a day with rhinitis of different etiology and adenoids.

Euphorbium compositis is recommended for use in the complex treatment of children suffering from acute sinusitis, Eustachi, and medium otitis.

To prevent the aggravation of chronic inflammatory diseases (hymorites, frontists and otites), the drug is also prescribed in a complex with other drugs.

It should be noted that EUFORBIUM composites are very convenient for use and safe, as it contains plants such as a shot of meadow, shedding and luffling, used by folk healers for the treatment of diseases. respiratory system.

Application Euphorbium composites during pregnancy

In the process of hormonal changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, a decrease in the immune forces of the body is very often observed, which leads to cold illness. Euphorbium composites are considered to be the safest drug for women who are preparing to become mothers. It should be noted that, despite the fact that the gynecological obstetricists speak very positively about the drug, it is still necessary to treat with all caution and use only after the doctor's permission.

Euphorbium composites during pregnancy is prescribed in the form of droplets or spray in ordinary doses during the period of acute runny nose, with a hyimorite or in the process of exacerbation of chronic rhinitis.

Rinith is one of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Unfortunately, many do not think about the fact that the "banal" runny nose in case of carelessness becomes the cause of serious complications. Modern highly efficient drugs will avoid this. For example, such as euphorbium composites.

Future - for homeopathy?

The homeopathic method of therapy is becoming increasingly popular. And if a couple of years ago, it was skeptical to him, today the situation has changed. And all because they have compared with a lot of advantages. They are harmless, do not cause addiction, differ in the absence of contraindications and side effects. All this in aggregate with high performance suggests that the works of Samuel Haneman (the founder of the method) will take a worthy position in medicine.

Euphorbium composites - the product of the German company Hel (Heel), which enjoyed the patients of all ages. This makes even the most "unbelievers" doctors reconsider their views on the treatment of "similar similar" (main principle of homeopathy).

Features of the drug

Euphorbium Naznostropfen - a complex means for eliminating a cold of various etiologies. Release form - spray, drops and mortar. It has an anticipal, anti-allergic and reducing effect. Such multidirectionality is explained by the presence of several active ingredients.

The use of euphorbium has a special effect on and apparent sinuses. As a result:

  • the functional activity of the mucous membrane is enhanced;
  • exchange processes are normalized;
  • escape and feeling disappears;
  • melts nasal breathing.

When treating homeopathic remedies, it is not necessary to wait for relief immediately. Sometimes for visible effect takes several days or even weeks.

Euforkium: Composition

The medication includes 8 substances. Consider some of them:

  • scalonic shed. Plant actively used in folk medicine. Has a powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stretch meadow. Appreciated for antimicrobial, anesthetic, antispasmodic properties;
  • lyuffa laxative. Contains vitamins, foliic acid, fiber, iron. It is part of many funds intended for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system;
  • diodeid mercury. A strong antiseptic appointed in small quantities in chronic purulent pathologies of LOR-organs;
  • silver nitrate. It is used in medicine since ancient times. Destroys the enzyme systems of pathogenic microorganisms, causing their death. It has astringent, antibacterial, migrating, cleansing effect;
  • extraction from the mucous membrane of the nasal pigs. It is used for protracted rhinitis, frontitles.

Each "ingredient" has certain properties that, together with the use of Euoforbium in the nose, facilitate the symptoms of the disease and return to the usual rhythm of life.

Mercury? It's dangerous!

Particularly attentive patients in the instructions for Euoforubum, most likely, the presence of mercury and other poisons will be alarmed. It is not worth afraid of them, because in homeopathic preparations there are no molecules of the source substances.

The elements specified in the composition are divorced by a special way. The proportions are indicated in the instructions for applying to euphorbium after the name of the active substance and the Latin letter D. For example, Argentum Nitricum D10 or Mercurius Bijodatus D8. Not only decimal dilutions are used, but also hundredth, thousandth, etc.

Euphorbium composites of the title-pound with applied locally, i.e. Not absorbed into the bloodstream. He is prescribed not only adults, but also for children.

Microscopic dose of substance, diluted dozens, and even hundreds of times loses materiality. As experts say, only the projection of the original component remains, which, however, has certain therapeutic properties.

Homeopathic remedy, which is produced in the form of nasal spray. Can be applied in children from early age. Euphorbium is used both to eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis and for the treatment of this state. The medicine has a high security profile, many positive feedback from patients and can be released from pharmacies without a recipe.

Dosage form

Euphorbium is produced in the form of nasal spray. Drug liquid can be colorless or weakly yellow. It does not have a specific smell and enclosed in a bottle of dark glass, which has a convenient dispenser-sprayer.

Description and composition

Euoforum's effect is due to the pharmacological effects of components that are included in its composition. The drug contains 8 main actors in different dilutions.

The mechanism of action lies in the activation of the protective forces of the body and other processes that were violated during the disease. Restore health helps substances of vegetable, animal and mineral origin, which are part of Euoforum. The drug helps not only eliminate symptoms, but also affects the pathogenetic mechanisms.

Euphorbium shows the following effects:

  • anti-referee;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunocorrorizing;
  • antiallergic;
  • antiviral.

Pharmacological group

Homeopathic remedy used for diseases of the nose and incomplete sinuses.

Indications for use

for adults

The drug is used to treat nasal diseases. As an indication for use, the official instruction identifies the following states:

  • Infectious rhinitis - viral, bacterial;
  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Inflammatory processes of nasal cavity of other etiology - vasomotor, dry, hyperplastic, atrophic;
  • Sinusitis of acute and chronic flow.

for kids

Indications for children are the same as for adult patients. Euforbyium is one of the few drugs that is used precisely for the treatment of rhinitis, and not just eliminating the nasal congestion. Due to the combined composition and the integrated mechanism of action, the medicine has effective in inflammation of various etiologies - from infectious to dystrophic processes. Age limit in two years, which is indicated in official instruction, It is no longer caused by the medication, but its form of release. Use sprays to children under 2 years old is not recommended.

Conducted clinical trials in this category of patients is not enough. However, given the high security profile of Euforbyum and his therapeutic effect, which manifests itself only locally, many doctors are still allowed to apply this spray during pregnancy and lactation.


As an auxiliary component in Euoforbium, benzalconium chloride is used. With increased sensitivity to this substance, the spray can not be applied.

With caution, treatment is carried out with patients with diseases due to the content of iodine in the composition.

Applications and doses

for adults

Euforkium must be injected into each nasal hike. For adults, one-time amount is 1-2 injection, the multiplicity of the repetition is up to 5 times a day.

The duration of treatment is individual and is usually 2-6 weeks.

for kids

Despite the high safety of the drug, its dosage depends on the age of the child. Up to 6 years should be carried out by one injection into each nasal passage. The multiplicity of repetition is up to 4 times a day. More elder children are allowed to conduct 1-2 injection as a single dose, while the multiplicity of repetition may increase to 5 times a day.

for pregnant women and during lactation

If the potential benefits for the mother exceeds the possible risk for a child, the doctor may appoint Euphorbium to treat rhinitis. In this case, the method of use is the same as for adult patients - injection is carried out in each nasal passage up to 5 times a day.

Side effects

During clinical trials, some unwanted reactions were identified, which arose in the treatment of EFFORBIUM

  • increasing salivation;
  • local allergic reactions (burning, swelling, itching);
  • bronchospasm in patients predisposed to atopy and bronchial asthma.

Unlike vasoconstrictors, the drug is not addictive and can be used for a long period of time.

With adverse reactions, the treatment of euphorbium is stopped.

Interaction with other medicines

The drug is compatible with other medicines, including local applications.

special instructions

The drug does not affect the ability to control vehicles and work with hazardous mechanisms.

In the first few days of treatment, it is possible to strengthen secretion from the nose, which is a normal reaction and does not require the cancellation of the drug.

If the patient's condition does not improve in a few days of treatment, it is necessary to think about changing the therapy scheme.

For diseases, EUFORBIUM can be used only after consulting with the doctor.


The drug is safe enough and only local action on mucous nasal moves and sinuses has. Cases of overdose during the treatment of EUFORBIUM were not registered.

Storage conditions


Euforkium - high-quality and effective toolwhich is applied not only to eliminate symptoms, but also for the treatment of rhinitis. Most of the popular drugs from the cold are represented by vasoconstrictor drugs that facilitate breathing are not suitable for long-term use and do not have a healing effect. The following drugs look like a tertabium therapeutic effect:

  • Decaper. Austrian drug famous company Bittner. It is a homeopathic agent based on five components. Allowed to use in children from the age of 1 year. Decaper is used as a therapeutic agent with rhinitis of various etiology, as well as inflammation of the Eustachius pipe.
  • . Available in several dosage forms, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable for each category of patients. is a drug based on plant components, in particular essential oils. They possess the healing effect, and also eliminate the nasal congestion and show some bactericidal effect.
  • Hevert sinusitis. Homeopathic tablets based on 11 components. Complex effects and are prescribed for diseases of the nose, throat, ears and sinus sinus. Tablets are designed for resorption in the oral cavity in patients older than 2 years. Therapeutic effect is observed a few days after the start of treatment.
  • . The drug for topical use based on cyclamen extract. Used in diseases of the nose and the incomplete sinuses and ears, including for purulent states. It acts only locally and is not absorbed into systemic blood flow.


The cost of EUFORBIUM compulsion is an average of 497 rubles. Prices fluctuate from 405 to 641 rubles.

Euphorbium composites are a homeopathic tool that is used for therapy of all types of rhinitis. The following components include:

  • Euoforbium / Rofing Smolonous,
  • Pulsatilla / sharp meadow,
  • Lyurkulyat / Lafella Lafness,
  • Gear Sulfuris Calcareum,
  • Mukoza Nazalis Suda,
  • Argentum nitricks
  • Sinusitis - nozzle.

As well as auxiliary substances:

  • P - R benzalconium chloride,
  • NaCl
  • Sodium dihydrophosphate dihydrate,
  • Purified water,
  • Sodium hydrophosphate dihydrate.

Forms of release

The drug is available in 3 forms:

  1. Euphorbium composites in the form of a spray is a euphorbium composite composites called.
  2. Euphorbium composites of drops in the nose in flocks-droppers.
  3. Euphorbium composites in the form of a solution for injection (2.2 ml in each ampoule).

The drug in any form of release is effectively fighting with inflammatory, as well as allergic processes in the nasal cavity, leads to a normal state of the mucous membrane of the nose.

All dosage forms of Euphorbium composites are designed to treat rhinitis. In pharmacies, most often you can find spray.

The principle of the medicinal drug

Euphorbium composites moisturizes the nasal mucosa, as well as the nasal sinuses with any kind of rhinitis. This preparation is particularly effective manifests itself in chronic shape, as well as with inflammatory processes of nasal sinuses.

Euphorbium composites do not dry the mucous membrane and does not narrow blood vessels. If you correctly observe the dosage of the drug, relief occurs after 3-4 days of treatment. Euphorbium composites can be used both an independent preparation and in the complex with others.

Active substances funds strengthen local immunity, thereby speeding up recovery.

Euphorbium composites: Application for children

Due to the fact that there are no sufficient clinical data on the treatment of young children drugHis recommended to write to children from 4 years old in the form of a spray.

Dosage for kids from 4 to 6 years: three or four times a day at a single dose.

Dosage for children from 6 years: three to five times a day one - two doses.

Euphorbium composites of Naznadrophen C are also discharged by children in a complex with other medicines aim of preventing the exacerbation of chronic diseases:

  • frontitis,
  • hymorites
  • otitis.

Euforbyium composites during pregnancy

Eufurbium composites of the NazNostrophn with absolutely safe for women during the baby tooling. During this period, the immunity of women is weakened, which leads to various diseases. Often, future mothers suffer from a cold.

In this case, the euphorbium composites of the title-fuple C is just the perfect option, as it will not harm the baby and relieve a woman from unpleasant symptoms of rhinitis, it will help to avoid complications.

But the drug must be taken only on the prescription of the doctor strictly according to the recipe.

Instructions for use

Eufurbium spray composites NOZNNOPEN C has a dosing device with which it is very convenient to use it: one injection \u003d one dose.

With ordinary therapy, they need to inject into each nostril one or two doses three to five times a day. With acute form of rhinitis and exacerbation of the chronic form of spray, you can use up to six times a day.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to wash the nasal moves from the mucus and dried crusts so that the drug contacts the nasal mucosa, only the effect will be maximal.

Euphorbium composites in the form of droplets is used for 10 cap. Three times a day.

With sharp forms of the disease, drops take 10 every 25 minutes. Gradually reduce the dose of up to 10 drops six times a day.

The injection solution is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly in a 2.2 ml dosage every day. With inflammatory processes of chronic with a slightly pronounced symptomatics, the solution is introduced 2.2 ml 1-3 times a week.

Instructions for use: side effects

The drug very rarely causes side effects, among which:

  • burning in the nose
  • strengthening the discharge from the nose,
  • bronchospasm
  • increased saliva.

The drug peculiarity is that it does not have addiction. Therefore, it can be used quite a long period of time. The principle of the medication is its gradual accumulation in the body. Therefore, it is very important even after facilitating the state to continue to take the drug so that the effect is maximum.

It is necessary to know

If you have diseases of the thyroid gland, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist at a specialist, since the euphorbium composites contains iodine.

Homeopathic preparations can provoke temporary aggravation of symptoms of diseases. If this happens, be sure to inform the doctor.

With influenza and ORZ, it is better to take a remedy in a complex with other drugs.

Be sure to close the bottle immediately after using the medication.


The price of Euphorbium composites in the form of a spray is about 150-350 rubles.

In our pharmacies, more and more high-quality homeopathic drugs appear, and therefore skeptical attitude towards homeopathy, both doctors and patients, gradually replaced by interest. Today, the demand for homeopathic drugs is never inferior to demand for traditional medicines. Euforbyium composites is one of the most sought-after drugs.

Homeopathic preparations and mechanism of their action

The mechanism of action of homeopathic preparations is based on the fact that this is treated like this. It is believed that any disease is treated with ultra-low doses of substances causing in large doses in healthy people phenomena, similar to or another disease.

Homeopathic remedies in large doses are tested on healthy people in order to determine the symptoms of which disease they cause. After testing, ultra-low doses of homeopathic remedies are used to treat diseases whose symptoms cause large doses. With such treatment, biological processes in the body are stimulated, which leads to the recovery of the patient. It is to such drugs that applies euphorbium composites.

How does EUFORBIUM act (according to the manufacturer's instructions)

Euphorbium composites are a homeopathic preparation for the treatment of all types of rhinitis (runny nose), which includes eight homeopathic facilities of plant and mineral origin. The drug is produced in the form of a spray for the nose (EUFORBIUM composites - indocentropfen C), droplets into the nose in flocks-droppers and injection salts 2.2 ml in one ampoule (euphorbium composure C) of the pharmaceutical company Heel (Germany), which produces many years Homeopathic preparations.

Euphorbium composites in any dosage forms relieves inflammatory and allergic processes, restores the normal state of the nose tissue. All variants of the drug (spray, drops, injection mortar) are designed to treat a runny nose. In our pharmacies can be found mainly spray.

The active ingredients of the drug stimulate and moisturize the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and the nasal sinuses with any forms of the runny nose. Especially efficient means for chronic forms of rhinitis and inflammatory processes of the apparent sinus, when the main symptoms of the disease are pronounced dryness and decrease in the volume (atrophy) of the mucous membrane of these cavities. Euphorbium composites do not cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the nose and does not contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels.

The stimulating effect removes dryness and stress in the nose area, contributes to the activation of metabolism in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which in turn leads to recovery (with acute rhinitis) or to rapid elimination of exacerbation (in chronic rhinitis and).

Euphorbium composites are used to treat acute and chronic rhinitis of any origin, it can be used simultaneously with any other medicinal preparationsboth local and common action. But at the same time, spray and drops act quite slowly: when applied in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer, the therapeutic effect is manifested on the third day. But the effect on numerous recalls of patients is not transient (as, for example, at symptomatic vesseloring droplets in naphthycin-type nose), but long.

\u003e\u003e We recommend: if you are interested in efficient methods of getting rid of chronic runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis and constant cold, then be sure to look at this page of the site After reading this article. Information is based on the author's personal experience and helped many people, we hope to help you. Now we return to the article.<<

When you can apply spray and drops

Euforkium is perfect for the treatment of acute rhinitis, developing against the background of sharp respiratory diseases (ORZ) of viral or bacterial origin. Stimulation of metabolic processes with the help of the drug leads to an improvement in local immunity, which in turn accelerates recovery. With an ARZ and influenza, together with the euphorbium, composites are desirable to use other homeopathic preparations (for example, influenza Hel, Viborol).

But even more effective, EUFORBIUM composites in chronic rhinitis and sinusites (sinusites, frontitles, etc.). According to the reviews of doctors, it perfectly restores the state of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, both when it is excessive expansion (chronic hypertrophic rhinitis) and with a decrease in the volume (atrophic rhinitis). With severe chronic rhinitis, the treatment of euphorbium is complemented by the use of such homeopathic preparations as tramel C and enhistol.

Of particular importance, the drug has in the treatment of ozane - chronic atrophic rhinitis, which is accompanied by a sharp atrophy of the mucous membrane and the bone-cartoile skeleton of the nose with the formation of fetus crusts in the nose. Ozanes with great difficulty can be treated, Euurbium (since it stimulates the metabolism) can significantly facilitate the state of such patients.