Motike official instruction. Motilium suspension for children: instructions for use

Motilium is one of the popular medicines against nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms from the stomach and intestines. It is often recommended by adults with different pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (both chronic and sharp) and with nausea caused by other factors (molding, drug intake, etc.).

But is it possible to give this medication to children how it affects the body of a small patient, in which dosage forms is produced and in which dosage is used in childhood?

Form release

In pharmacies, Motilium is represented by three different forms:

  • Suspension. It is an oily white homogeneous liquid with a sweet taste. Such a medicine is sold in glass bottles to which the dosing syringe is attached. There are two scales on the syringe for easy dosing. One bottle contains 100 ml of syrup.

  • Tablets that need to be dissolved. They have a round shape, a smooth surface and a white shade. One packaging of such a medication includes 10 or 30 tablets, packaged in blisters for ten pieces.

  • Tablets in the shell. They are characterized by a round two-way form, cream or white and the presence of inscriptions on each of the sides of the tablet (on one "m / 10", on the other - in a circle of the letter "JanSsen"). Such a drug is packaged in blisters of 10 or 30 tablets, and one box contains one blister.

In candles, injections, capsules, drops and other forms, Motilium is not released.


Each of the Mothilium variants as the main component, providing the therapeutic effect of this drug, contains a substance called Domperidon. Its amount in 1 ml of suspension is 1 mg, and the dosage in one tablet (both in conventional and dissipation) is 10 mg.

Additionally, the medication depending on the form includes:

  1. Sorbitol, polysorbate 20, sodium saccharinate, sodium carmellosis and other substances, due to which the suspension remains liquid, homogeneous and does not deteriorate.
  2. Mannitol, Mint Essence, Poloxamer 188, Aspartame and Gelatin, thanks to which the pills for resorption sweet tastes and quickly dissolve in the mouth.
  3. Hydromellosis, sodium laurelsulfate, lactose, polyvidone, corn starch and other connections that provide a dense core and a film shell.

Operating principle

The motilium has a controversic effect due to the impact of its active ingredient and on the central, and peripheral structures involved in the formation of a vomit reflex:

  • In the brain, the drug affects a certain area in the fourth ventricle region, called trigger chemoreceptor zone. In this section, Domperidon acts on dopamine receptors, as a result of which the impulses from the digestive tract interferes from the digestive tract to the robust center in the oblong brain. The medication acts on the trigger zone, since it is weakly protected by the hematorecephalic barrier.

To other brain departments, protected better, Domperidon almost does not fall, so the side effects on the part of the central nervous system are very rare in the treatment of Motilium (they often occur in kids due to the increased permeability of the barrier).

  • Affecting the digestive tract, the drug increases the tone of the sphincterseparating the stomach from the esophagus, and also stimulates the stomach motor, as a result of which the food leaves the stomach faster, goes into a duodenal zone and moves further by intestines. At the same time, the secretion of the gastric juice under the action of domperidone does not change.

The active component of the motilium after receiving the suspension or tablet is absorbed quite quickly and already after 30-60 minutes its concentration in the bloodstream reaches the maximum level. Metabolic changes in the domperidone occur in the liver, and the removal of the drug from the body partially occurs with the urine (about 1/3), but to a greater extent the medication is displayed with the feces.


Motilium is used for dyspepsia due to the reflux of the contents of the stomach in the esophagus or too slow gastric emptying.

The medicine is in demand with:

  • nausea;
  • painful sensations in epigastrics;
  • meteorism;
  • jugging;

  • heartburn;
  • too fast saturation;
  • feeling of overflow of the stomach;
  • vomit;

  • bloating;
  • ottage by air or contents of the stomach.

The tool is discharged in vomiting or nausea, the cause of which is organic damage to the digestive tract, functional disorders of the stomach, intestinal infection, violation of the diet (overeating, eating unusual food) or drug therapy.

Motilium helps to eliminate vomiting and nausea in patients taking bromocriptine and levodopa, since these drugs stimulate dopamine receptors.

How old are allowed to take?

Motilium in liquid form is resolved from birth, since the suspension is easy to dose even for the smallest patients.

The solid forms of the drug are prescribed only from 5 years and, provided that the weight of the child exceeds 35 kilograms. With weight, more than 35 kg and over the age of 5 years old can be used by any of the types of tablets, choosing it depending on the preferences of the child.

One kids are easier to swallow medicine and drink water, so the pills in the shell are suitable for them. Others are experiencing difficulty in swallowing, so they give them a medicine that can be resolved.


Motilium is not prescribed if a child is:

  1. There is intolerance of any of the components. The chosen form of medication, for example, lactose intolerance will prevent the use of tablets in the shell.
  2. A tumor has been detected, which stimulates the selection of prolactin (It is called prolactic).
  3. Diagnosed gastric or intestinal bleeding, spinning the wall of the gastrointestinal tract or revealed intestinal obstruction (mechanical).

The drug also do not give children with severe or medium-free liver pathologies, and with a slight violation of the function of this organ, the tool must be used with caution, but the dosage does not change. The presence of a child's kidney disease, heart failure, impaired balance of electrolytes or problems with the conductivity of pulses in the heart requires the correction of the treatment regime. Since aspartame is present in the resorption tablets, this form is prohibited by children with phenylketonuria.

Side effects

  • Motilium reception in some children can provoke allergiesAnd in very rare cases it becomes the cause of an anaphylactic reaction.
  • In breast kids, the medication sometimes leads to nervousness and nervous excitement, as well as motor disorders and seizures.
  • One of the actions of Domperidon on the brain is to stimulate the selection of prolactin in the pituitaryTherefore, in the treatment of Motilium, it is possible to increase the concentration of such a hormone in the blood and associated side effects.
  • Rare side effects Medicines are called arrhythmia, urine delay, diarrhea, headache, dry mouth, constipation, drowsiness and other symptoms.

Instructions for use

  • Drink motilium recommended before mealsSince food reduces the absorption rate of such medication. Optimal time Taking both suspensions and tableted forms are called 15-30 minutes to feeding.
  • Suspension before use gently mix, not allowing foam formation. Having gained a medication with a syringe, it gives it to a child, after which the syringe was washed with warm water.

  • Remove pills for resorption from packaging is advised very neat, as they are very fragile. It is best not to press the tablet, but first remove the foil from the cell and carefully get the drug. Putting a medicine into a language, you need to wait for it dissolving saliva and swallow. Do not drink such a motilate.
  • Breast kids and older children (up to 12 years) Dosage of suspension is determined by weightBut it is not necessary to use the table for this. On a dosage syringe, which is in the package together with a bottle, one scale is marked from 0 to 20 kg and a second from 0 to 5 ml. Therefore, dialing the drug, you need to navigate either on the mass of the body of a small patient, or to the desired number of milliliters. For each kilogram, children of this age requires from 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg of domperidone, which corresponds to 0.25-0.5 ml of suspension. In such a dose, the medicine is given three times a day, and sometimes a fourfold use (additional reception before bedtime) is prescribed.

  • Children over five years with weight\u003e 35 kg, but under 12 years old instead of a suspension, you can already give a tablet form (both the drug for resorption and medicine in the shell). One-time dosage will be 1 tablet, and the reception frequency is like three and four times a day.
  • For children older than 12 years old, Motilium is usually given on one tabletand, but a single dose can be two tablets at the same time. At this age, it is possible to continue to give a suspension. The single dosage of the liquid drug is from 10 to 20 ml. The medication is accepted 3 times during the day, and if necessary, the fourth time before bedtime.

  • The maximum permissible number of domperidone per day for children with a mass of\u003e 35 kg is 80 mg, that is, 80 ml of suspension or 8 tablets. For children, the weight of which is less, to calculate the maximum daily dosage of liquid motilium multiplies the number of kilograms by 2.4. For example, a child at the age of 2 years weighs 15 kg, which means that it can be given per day not more than 36 mg of domperidone (2.4x15 \u003d 36), and this is 36 ml of suspension. If you split this dose into three receptions, we obtain a maximum one-time dosage of 12 ml, and if you give a means of four times a day, then no more than 9 ml per reception.
  • If a child has serious kidney diseases, Motilium's one-time dosage does not changeBut the reception frequency is reduced to two times a day, and with strong renal failure, the medication is allowed only once a day.


If the Motilium dosage allowed for children is accidentally exceeded, it may adversely affect the nervous system of a small patient and cause disorientation, cramps, drowsiness, motor disorders and other negative symptoms. In such a situation, rinse the stomach and seek medical attention without delay.

Interaction with other drugs

Antacids and drugs that oppress the secretion of gastric juice will worsen the absorption of the drug, and under the influence of anticholinergic agents, the effect of the medication is neutralized. In addition, the Mothilium is not advised to be combined with erythromycin, ketoconazole, amiodaron, clarithromycin, fluconazole and some other means. All medicines, when using which you need to prescribe Motilium with caution, are noted in the annotation to liquid form and tablets.

Terms of sale

To acquire Motilium in suspension, you must first get a recipe for a doctor. Tableted forms of drugs are noble, so freely sold in pharmacies.

The average price of 10 pills for resorption is 400 - 450 rubles, and the cost of one suspension bottle, as well as the price of 30 tablets in the shell - about 650 - 670 rubles.

Storage features and shelf life

Holding the Motilium home follows in a dry place where the medication will be inaccessible for a small child. The optimal temperature of the drug storage is called the range from +15 to +30 degrees.

After opening the bottle, placing a bottle into the refrigerator is not necessary (the drug is stored at room temperature). The shelf life of pills for resorption is 2 years, suspensions - 3 years, and tablet covered tablets - 5 years.


Worried about the work of the gastrointestinal tract? Often suffer from dyspepsia, manifolding heartburn, abdominal pain, meteorism? Significantly alleviating the state will help the famous drug - moti wax. Learn more about the testimony for the use of the drug, read the peculiarities of adults, children.

Medicine Motikek

The drug is known for a wide range of impact and rapid results. Immediately after taking the medicine, the motilac begins to influence the brain section responsible for the operation of the digestive tract. As a result, the motorcy of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, the person disappears nausea, Ikota, bloating. In addition, there is an emptying of the stomach from the edible lump, the heartburn disappears. The medicine is perfectly coping with the symptomatics of the dyspeptic type, without disturbing the speed of psychomotor reactions. Application is allowed both children and adults.

Motike - composition

In pharmacies, medicine can be purchased in two versions. It can be the usual tablet in the shell or pills for resorption. Both options have a white color and two-way form. As part of the motilate, you can see the domperidone - an active substance capable of blocking dopamine receptors. Contain in the amount of 10 mg in one tablet. In addition to domperidon, the tool contains auxiliary substances: magnesium stearate, lactose, cellulose, silica, potato starch.

Motike - instruction

The facilitation of the state occurs with the strict consequence of the Motike instruction. There is a standard dosage of medication: 10 mg 3 or 4 times a day with adults. If vomiting and diarrhea is strongly expressed, permissible increase to 20 mg. If the patient has renal failure, the dose is necessarily adjusted. How to take motilate? According to the instructions, the medicine needs to be drunk 30 minutes before meals, tablets with a shell - entirely, not chewing. If taken after meals, absorption is significantly worse.

Motike - indications for use

According to annotations to the medium, the main indication for the use of the drug is vomiting. The drug is effective in symptom that arose as a result of poisoning, diseases, radiation therapy. In addition, it helps with vomiting associated with nutrition errors, drug intake. The drug is recommended to drink patients before carrying out endoscopic research. Other indications for the use of motive:

  • reflux of different etiology;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • intestine atony;
  • flatulence;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • ikota;
  • gastric hypotension;
  • x-ray-contrast study of digestive organs;
  • pain in the stomach.

There is an antiemetic and contraindications to the application that are listed in the instructions. Manufacturers do not recommend using drugs with intestinal obstruction, the front lobes of the pituitary gland. The drug cannot be drunk during bleeding from any stomach department, simultaneously with antacids and some other groups of drugs.

Motike during pregnancy

As you know, many women in the position are tormented from strong nausea, vomiting. Medicines that they can drink independently without harm to the fetus do not exist. Motilak during pregnancy, like many other drugs, is not recommended. The doctor may write it on strict indications if use is advisable. In other cases, pregnant women are recommended to use more secure methods to facilitate the state.

Motilak Children

In the instructions, you can see that children under 5 years old drug is contraindicated. Since 6 years, the drug can be given in an amount of 2.5 mg per 10 kg of weight 3 times a day in the presence of chronic dyspeptic symptoms. To eliminate vomiting, nausea recommended a one-time reception - 5 mg per 10 kg of weight. Motike for children should not be used if there is an allergy. Side effects are possible, for example, disorders of the central nervous system.

Price on Motilak.

The medicine is very popular among the population, as it is inexpensive. You can buy in a pharmacy, buy in the online store, order through the directories in pharmacists. How much is the motilate? The cost depends on the form of release. Tablets with film shell stand from 170 rubles, medicines for resorption - from 180 rubles and higher. Prices vary depending on the city, pharmacy.

Motike - analogs

If you did not find the described medicine, you can purchase analogs that are not inferior in their therapeutic effect. The known means with similar composition is the drug Domperidon. Is an excellent anti-ansite drug with affordable price. Other Analogs of Motihka:

  • Passenger;
  • Motifek;
  • Motionium;
  • Home;
  • Motilium;
  • Motinorm;
  • Damelium.

Video: Motike Tablets


Julia, 26 years My seven-year-old child often becomes bad. Complaints on the feeling of coma in the throat, stupid pains in the top of the abdomen, heartburn. The doctor constantly appoints either the Mothilium, standing is expensive, or a domal who does not always have on the shelves of pharmacies. Yesterday they decided to try a motilate with a similar action and low price. The child helps perfectly!
Olga, 34 years About 10 years old I have a digestive problem, so I always carry a medicine with a simple name - Motike. Using it when the abdomen is bloated, when leaving. It helps very well if I ate something nestable, oily, drank a little more alcohol. The action starts immediately, an overdose is excluded. My medicine reviews are only positive.
Evgenia, 29 years old In the morning, the nausea often arises, and many medicines are perfectly coped with it. If you have been prescribed motilak - instructions for use should be studied necessarily. From it you will learn that the remedy helps with dystonia, with nausea after drugs. I advise everyone. I drink it under heartburn, meteorism, nausea after taking oral contraceptives.
Vera, 24 years old Curved reviews and decided to try the motilac, which is analogous to the well-known motilium. First, I got acquainted with the description, I read about interaction with other medicines - the instruction takes a small page. The tool can be given to the child if he is more than 5 years old. Good thing, the main thing is available at a price for young moms.

And additional substances: aerosil, lactose, sodium carboxymethyl starch, PVP, microcrystalline cellulose, starch, silica, polysorbate-80, titanium dioxide.

One tablet for resorption containing 10 mg domperidona And additional components: magnesium stearate, advotose FS-95, glucose, starch, carboxymethyl starch and flavoring (mint natural oil).

Form release

The medication is available in tablet form: pills for resorption and tablets, covered with a special shell. In each cardboard package there are 30 tablets (3 blisters of 10 pieces).

pharmachologic effect

By its structure, the current component domperidon SK neuroleptics , on efficiency, compare with. Active substance practical does not affect severity And it is not able to call .

Due to the increase in the time of reducing the walls of the duodenum and the stomach, the medication has a positive effect on peristaltics gastrointestinal tract. The drug accelerates the emptying of the stomach, without delaying the food lump.

Due to the increase in the tone of the gastroesophageal sphincter is achieved antiemetic effect .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active substance after the intake inside is absorbed quickly. Biological accessibility about 15% (low). With reduced acidity of the gastric juice, the absorption of the active component decreases. The concentration peak is registered after 60 minutes. Communication with plasma proteins is 93%.

The drug penetrates all body tissues, a small concentration is recorded in the brain. In the liver of the intestinal walls, the medication is subjected to intense . Half-life - 7-9 hours.

Indications for the use of motive

What is the drug Motike? The medication is actively prescribed at:

  • reflux Ezophagitis ;
  • belching ;

From what tablets domperidona Can be appointed:

  • pain in epigastry .

Indications for use in patients with : nausea Against the background of the reception Levodopa and .


Medication is not prescribed at:

  • bleeding in the digestive tract;
  • individual hypersensitivity to derivative domperidona ;
  • mechanical obstruction gastrointestinal tract;
  • perforation in the digestive system;
  • diagnostation prolactinoma .

Side effects

  • skin rashes;
  • gynecomastia ;
  • extrapyramidal disorders (in pediatrics);
  • intestinal spasms;
  • anaphylaxis ;

Motiratka application instructions (method and dosage)

How to prescribe a Motike medicine?

Instructions for use: daily dose - 30 mg; One-time - 10 mg. Medication is recommended to take 30 minutes before meals. Pills for resorption must be kept in the oral cavity to complete dissolution; Tablets in the shell can not be broken, divide and chew. In isolated cases, the daily amount of the medication can be increased to 60 mg.

Children (weight 20-30kg) are prescribed by ½ tablet 2 times a day. With weight, more than 30 kg are prescribed 1 tablet twice a day.


Registered extrapyramidal disorders , increased, disorientation in space and time. It is recommended assignment enterosorbents ( ), timely washing the stomach, the appointment of imprint therapy.

Antihistamine medicines Help to stop extrapyramidal disorders.


Antisecretory tools and antacids Could have a negative impact on the biological accessibility of the motion.

M-cholinoblocators Reduce the ability of the medicine against the evacuation activities of the stomach and intestines.

HIV protease inhibitors, nefazodon , macrolids and the drugs of azole row increase the level domperidona in blood.

Terms of sale

Neckless drug.

Storage conditions

Bear from exposure to moisture. Temperature regime recommended by the manufacturer is not more than 25 degrees.

Shelf life

special instructions

If you need simultaneous therapy with antacids, it is recommended to withstand a 30-minute interval between medications.

What is better or motilak?

There is no definite answer. The current component in the preparations domperidon , Difference only in medicines manufacturers.

Motilate Analogs (Structural Replacements)

Coincidences on the ATX 4 level code:

, Motorix , Peridon , Motorikum . The motilate analogs are made in Russia and abroad.

Thank you

The site provides reference information Exceptionally for familiarization. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Motilium represents antiwheatwhich also has a property to reduce the severity of dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, meteorism, belching, nausea, vomiting, feeling of fullness and pain in the stomach after meals, etc.), due to disruption of the evacuation of the food lump from the stomach in the intestine. Therefore, the motilium is used to relocate vomiting, as well as facilitating dyspeptic symptoms in reflux-esophagite, gastrointestinal reflux, GERB, esophagite, stomach hypotension, and also against the background of cytostatic therapy or tumor radiotherapy.

Molds of release, names and composition of motilium

Currently, the Motilium is produced in the following three dosage forms:
1. Pills for resorption in the oral cavity;
2. Shell tablets for intake;
3. Suspension for intake.

Tablets in the shell and for resorption in the oral cavity are usually called simply "Motilium tablets" without clarification, what kind of species are we talking about. A suspension often in everyday life is called Mothilium syrup. However, since the Motilium in the form of a syrup does not exist, then this term people denote the liquid form of the drug, without going into the subtleties of the differences between the suspension, solution, syrup, emulsion, etc. In addition, the suspension is often called children's motilium, since this dosage form is used in pediatric practice.

The composition of all Motilium dosage forms as an active substance enters domperidon In the following different dosages:

  • Pills for resorption in the oral cavity - 10 mg;
  • Tablets for intake in the shell - 10 mg;
  • Suspension - 1 mg per 1 ml.
The auxiliary components of all three Motilium dosage forms are reflected in the table.
Lozenges Tablets in the shell Suspension
GelatinLactoseSakharin sodium
MannitolCorn starchSorbitol
AspartamePotato starchSodium hydroxide
Mint EssencePolyvidonPolysorbat
Poloxamer 188.Microcrystalline cellulose
Magnesium stearatePurified water
Hydrogenated vegetable oilSodium carboxymethyl cellulose

Pills for resorption have a round shape and painted in white or almost white. Tablets in the shell have a round shape, painted in white or white-cream color and are equipped with "JanSsen" and "m / 10" inscriptions on flat surfaces. If the pill in the shell to break up, then it will be evenly white on the break, without inclusions. Both varieties of tablets are available in packages of 10 or 30 pieces.

The suspension is a white opaque liquid of a homogeneous structure and a colors-like consistency. Available in bottles of dark glass with a volume of 100 ml.

What does Motilium helps (therapeutic effects)

Motilium has the following pharmacological effects:
  • Suppression of the activity of the vomit in the brain;
  • An increase in the intensity and duration of abbreviations of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Increased pressure in the esophagus;
  • Acceleration of the evacuation of the edible lump of stomach in the duodenum.
These pharmacological effects provide the therapeutic effect of the Motilium, which is to stop the symptoms of digestive disorders (meteorism, belching, sensation and pain in the stomach after eating, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, etc.) caused by the diseases of the stomach in which the evacuation process is violated Its content (gastritis, ulcerative disease, reflux-esophagitis, GERB, gastric hypotension), as a result of which food is stored and does not take place in the duodenum.

Motilium improves the contractile activity of the stomach muscles, which leads to a faster evacuation of the edible lump in the duodenum. And due to the fact that food is not stuffed and does not irritate the stomach, the person's dyspepsia symptoms (belching, heartburn, meteorism, etc.) pass. That is, Motilium helps to get rid of the symptoms of the diseases of the stomach, in which food is stirred in it. And since these symptoms may occur in a healthy person, for example, when overeating, using fatty or unusual food, or with other violations of a normal balanced diet, the motilium will help and in this case get rid of the unpleasant sensations associated with the overflow of the stomach.

Due to the increase in pressure in the esophagus, the Motilium prevents the gastroofic and esophageal reflux, reducing heartburn and other symptoms (oozing acid, etc.), as well as contributing to the healing of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). That is, the motilium helps to stop the symptoms of the gastroofing reflux and GERD.

And due to the suppression of the activity of the Voment Center, the Mothilium is capable of eliminating vomiting, provoked by the infectious disease, the reception of drugs, various chronic pathologies of any organs and systems, as well as functional disorders of digestion, due to the use of unknown or unusual food and other similar factors.

Motilium - Indications for use

Suspension and both types of Mothilium Tablets are shown to use in the following identical cases:
1. The relief of the following symptoms of the hypotension of the stomach, gastritis, GERB, Reflux-Ezophagitis, gastrointestinal reflux arising due to the delay in food in the stomach and its slow evacuation in the intestine:
  • Feeling of gravity, pressure or overcrowding in the stomach after meals;
  • Pain in the stomach area after meals;
  • Bloating;
  • Belching, including sour content;
  • Vomiting;
  • Heartburn;
  • Regurgitation (casting a fairly large number of contents of the stomach into the mouth of the oral cavity).
2. Nausea or vomiting caused by infectious diseases, pathologies of any internal organs or functional disorders (for example, errors in a diet, making, using too much food at a time, etc.).
3. Nausea and vomiting, provoked by the reception of drugs, as well as radiotherapy and tumor chemotherapy.

4. Nausea and vomiting, provoked by the reception of levodopa, bromocriptine or other preparations of a group of dopamine agonists during Parkinsonism.
5. Saving nausea and vomiting reflex when conducting medical manipulations, for example, the introduction of the gastric probe, the production of EFGDS, etc.
6. Jumping syndrome in children.
7. Cyclic vomiting in children.
8. Gastrointestinal reflux in children.
9. Violations of the stomach motility in children.

Instructions for use

Consider the rules for the use of both types of Mothilium tablets in one section, since they differ slightly. And the rules for using the Mothilium suspension will consider in a separate section.

Motilium Tablets - Instructions for use

Cutting and covered with a shell tablet should be taken in 15 - 30 minutes before meals. Also, if necessary, Motilium can be taken before bedtime.

The tablet in the shell is simply swallowed, not shaking and not chewing, drinking half a glass of water. And the pill for the resorption is put into the tongue and are waiting for a few seconds until it camesides small particles. After that, the resulting particles swallow and, if necessary, washed with several sips of water. However, if there is no water for some reason, then absorbable tablets can not be lit after they have broken into small particles in the language and were swallowed.

Tablets in the shell can be taken from blister, without observing any special precautions. And with absorbent pills it is necessary to abide by caution, since they are rather fragile. In order to avoid breaking and scattering the tablets, it is recommended not to squeeze them from a blister through a foil, but gently cut through the edge of the cell. You can also carefully remove the foil from one cell and take a tablet from it.

To relocate manifestations of dyspepsia (belongings, heartburn, meteorism, sensations of stomach overflow, etc.) in chronic diseases of the stomach and esophagus, adults and children over 5 years old should be taken 1 tablet 3 times a day before meals, and if necessary before Snow. In the absence of the effect, children over 12 years old and adults can increase the dosage twice, that is, take 2 tablets 3 times a day before meals.

With nausea and vomit for their relief, children over 12 years old and adults must take 2 tablets of 3-4 times a day before meals and before bedtime. And for children 5 - 12 years old to relieve nausea and vomiting should be given 1 tablet 3 - 4 times a day before meals and before bedtime.

For children 5 - 12 years, the maximum permissible daily dosage of the motilium is 2.4 mg (1/4 tablets) per 1 kg of body weight, but not more than 80 mg (8 tablets). For adults and adolescents over 12 years old, the maximum permissible daily dosage of Motilium is 80 mg.

For children under 5 years old, the drug is given in the form of suspension and the dosage is calculated individually by weight of the body, based on the ratio of 2.5 ml per 10 kg of weight. Motilium tablets in children under 5 years old and with a mass of body less than 35 kg do not apply.

Motilium Suspension (Motilium for Children) - Instructions for use

The suspension is designed for use in children under 5 years and with a mass of body less than 35 kg. In the children of the first year of life, the drug should be applied only to the appointment of a doctor and under constant control.

Suspension, just like pills should be given to a child for 15 - 30 minutes before meals and if necessary before bedtime. The amount of the drug measured by a special syringe must be poured into a spoon or in a small capacity (wine glass, cup, etc.) and give a drink to the child. You can drink suspension if desired.

The dosage of the suspension for applying for various states in children is the same and depends on body weight. Dosage each time is calculated individually at a ratio of 0.25 - 0.5 ml of suspension for every 1 kg of the child's body weight. The calculated amount of suspension gives a child 3 - 4 times a day before eating and, if necessary before bedtime.

However, since a convenient dimensional syringe is supplied with a bottle, which is indicated simultaneously, the variants of the child's weight in a step of 1 kg and the amount of suspension in ml is indicated, then you can not calculate the dosage for the baby. It is enough just to use the attached measuring syringe.

The maximum permissible daily dosage of the suspension of Motilium for children under 5 years is 2.4 ml per 1 kg of body weight, but not more than 80 mg (80 ml of suspension).

If necessary, suspension can also be taken by adults and adolescents older than 12 years in a dosage of 10-20 ml of 3-4 times a day. The maximum allowable daily dose of suspension for adults and adolescents over 12 years old is 80 ml.

Each time before use, you should shake the bottle with a suspension, after which it is necessary to open it according to the following algorithm:
1. Press the lid on top, while simultaneously turning it counterclockwise;
2. Remove the lid;
3. Get a measuring syringe from the packaging and lower it into the vial in such a way that its tip goes into a suspension by 1 - 3 cm;
4. Holding the bottom ring of the syringe with your fingers, raise the piston to the mark, which corresponds to the weight of the child;
5. Holding the syringe for the bottom ring, remove it from the bottle;
6. Squeeze a suspension into a spoon or other capacity;
7. Rinse the syringe with warm water after use;
8. Close the bottle.

special instructions

Motilium should not be applied to relieve and prevent postoperative vomiting.

In renal failure, it is recommended to maximize the intervals between the two subsequent methods of the drug, but it is not necessary to reduce the dosage. However, if a person suffering to renal failure must take the motilium for a long time, then it follows the entire daily dosage to be divided into 1 - 2 receptions, and not at 3 - 4. If the process of the renal function deteriorates, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the drug.

With hepatic insufficiency, the drug in any form should be used with caution, constantly controlling the function and liver condition.

When the motilium is used simultaneously with antacid drugs (Renny, Phosfaleugel, Almagel, Maaloks, etc.) and H2-histamide Blockers (Ranitidine, Famotidine, etc.), their reception should be made. Optimally, the motilium takes to meals, and antacids and H2-histamine blockers - after eating.

Tablets in the shell contain lactose, so they should not be taken by people suffering from the intolerance to the milk sugar, as well as impaired glucose and galactose absorption. Also, pills for resorption should not be taken by people who have an increased risk of developing hyperphenylalaninemia, due to the content of aspartam.

In children under 1, the Motilium in rare cases can provoke neurological side effects, so when applying the drug, it should be strictly adhered to the recommended dosages without increasing them on their own.

Application during pregnancy and breastfeeding

When pregnancy, Motilium can be taken only when the estimated benefit for the mother exceeds the possible risks for the fetus. With breastfeeding, the motilium cannot be taken, because in milk the drug is in a concentration of 50% of such in the blood.

Impact on the ability to manage mechanisms

Motilium does not affect the ability of a person to control the mechanisms, therefore, against the background of the use of the drug, you can engage in any kind of activities that require high concentration of attention and reaction rate.


Motilium overdose is possible and manifests itself with the following symptoms:
  • Disorientation;
  • Astemation (excitement);
  • Modified consciousness;
  • Extrapyramidal reactions (tremor, violation of speech, ticks, mioclon, etc.).
For the treatment of an overdose, a single washing of the stomach is performed with the subsequent intake of the sorbent (activated carbon, polysorb, polyfepan, etc.). In the future, if necessary, antihistamines and cholinergic preparations are used, facilities for the treatment of Parkinsonism to relieve extrapyramidal reactions.

Interaction with other medicines

Reduce the severity of the therapeutic effect of the motilium anticholinergic agents (aproofen, atropine, scopolamine, dicyclomine, cyclizin, bienactic, etc.), cimetidine and sodium bicarbonate. Enhance the effect of Motilium Fluconazole, Iratenazole, Ketoconazole, Coriconazole, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin, Amprenavir, Atazanavir, Fosamprenavir, Indinavir, Nelfinavir, Ritonavir, Savinavir, Diltiazem, Verapamil, Amiodaron, Aprepitat, Nefazodon and Telitromycin.

Ketoconazole and erythromycin while simultaneously use with motilium cause changes to the ECG, which are normalized after the abolition of drugs.

The side effects of Motillium

Suspension and both varieties of Mothilium tablets can cause the following side effects from various organs and systems:
1. Gastrointestinal tract:
  • Intestinal spasms;
  • Changes in ASAT, Alat and SCF;
  • Thirst;
  • Disruption of appetite.
2. Nervous system:
  • Extrapyramidal syndrome (ticks, tremor, violation of speech, parkinginson-like movements, impaired muscle tone, etc.);
  • Convulsions;
  • Drowsiness;
3. Mental disorders:
  • Astemation (excitation);
4. The immune system:
  • Anaphylactic reactions (swelling of quinque, anaphylactic shock, urticaria);
  • Allergic reactions.
5. Endocrine system:
  • Raising the level of prolactin in the blood;
  • Galactere (the expiration of milk from the chest);
6. Skin:

Extrapyramidal disorders, as a rule, arise in children, but are transient, that is, they independently disappear after the end of the intake of the motilium and do not require special treatment.

Contraindications for use

Suspension and both varieties of Motilium tablets are contraindicated to use if a person has the following diseases or states:
  • Prolactinoma (pituitary tumor brain generating prolactin);
  • Hyperprolactineia ( elevated level prolactin in the blood);
  • Simultaneous reception of drugs containing ketoconazole, erythromycin, fluconazole, voriconazole, clarithromycin, amiodar, or telitromycin;
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • Mechanical obstruction of the intestine;
  • Perforation of any organ of the digestive tract;
  • Body weight is less than 35 kg (for tablets);
  • Individual sensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
In children under 1, the Mothilium should be used only in the form of a suspension and with caution.

Motilium - Analogs

In the pharmaceutical market, Motilium has analogs and synonyms. Synonyms are the means containing the same way as the Motilium as an active substance domperidone. Analogues are drugs containing others active substancesbut possessing the most similar spectrum of therapeutic action.

The synonyms of Motilium are the following drugs:

  • Damelium pill;
  • Home tablet;
  • Domperidon, Domperidon Hexal and Domperidon Teva Tablets;
  • Domstal Tablets;
  • Motifect tablet;
  • Motike tablets for resorption and shell-covered;
  • Motinorm Syrup and Tablets;
  • Motionium pills;
  • Passenger chewing tablets and in the shell.
Analogs of Motilium are the following drugs:
  • Aceclidine solution for subcutaneous injections;
  • Ganaton pills;
  • Dymetrapmide tablets and a solution for intramuscular injections;
  • Item pill;
  • Itopra pills;
  • Melomida hydrochloride tablets and a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections;
  • Methoclopramidtlatti and solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections;
  • Metoclopramide-acry tablets;
  • Metoklopramid-Wal, Metoklopramid-Protected, methoclopramid-essociation for intravenous and intramuscular injections;
  • Perinorms tablets, a solution for intakes and a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections;
  • Czech of tablets and a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections;
  • Cerukal tablets and a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections.

Cheap analogs

Among the synonyms of Motilium, the most cheapest drugs are the following:
  • Home - 76 - 108 rubles;
  • Domperidon - 99 - 113 rubles;
  • Passensen - 84 - 107 rubles;
  • Motike - 126 - 232 rubles;
  • Motionium - 94 - 100 rubles.
Among the analogues of Motilium, the most cheap preparations are the following:
  • Dimethphramide - 89 - 168 rubles;
  • Metoklopramide 35 - 135 rubles;
  • Perinorms 99 - 183 rubles;
  • Cegrolan 19 - 42 rubles;
  • Cerukal 125 - 142 rubles.

Russian analogues of Motilium

Synonyms and the analogues of the Mothilium produced by Russian pharmaceutical plants are shown in the table.


Reviews of the use of motilium in adults in most cases are positive, due to the high efficiency of the drug when receiving the testimony. However, in the reviews, not all unambiguously and there is a large number of nuances, since the spectrum of states in which people took the motilium is quite wide and diverse.

So, adults took Mothilium in two main cases. First, the drug was taken episodically to relieve nausea and vomiting that arose due to the existing diseases of the digestive tract, disorders of a diet or an infectious disease. Secondly, adults took the Mothilium in the complex therapy of the diseases of the stomach (gastritis, ulcerative disease, pylororostenosis, etc.), refluxs and GERDs in order to relieve meteorism, feelings of overcrowding in epigastria, belching, early saturation, vomiting and other symptoms of violation Digestion of food characteristic of these diseases.

With an episodic intake of the motilium for the reluction of vomiting and nausea, the drug is about 2/3 cases eliminates these symptoms after the first tablet. The relief of vomiting and nausea significantly improves the overall well-being of a person, allowing him to drink calmly various solutions To replenish the loss of fluid, as well as to take other drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the causes of symptoms and treatment of the disease. In such situations, the motilium reviews were positive.

In the remaining 1/3 cases, people had to take Mothilium to relieve vomiting a few days in a row before each meal or liquid intake. This mode of application of the drug is definitely not happy people, so they are in such situations, as a rule, leave neutral or negative feedback.

And when taking the motilium to relieve dyspeptic symptoms (belonging, nausea, vomiting, meteorism, the feeling of the overflow of the stomach, pain in the epigastria, etc.), characteristic of chronic diseases of the stomach, GERD and reflux, the drug was effective in almost 100% of cases, Therefore, this category of reviews about it is almost all positive.

Motilium for children - reviews

Currently, there is a very interesting situation when in practice in children the motilium is used with a wide range of different states, and very often not by testimony, and according to their own ideas about the physiological functions of the child's body. Naturally, in such a situation, the motilium reviews are very diverse. To navigate into them, consider the reviews of people who gave the drug to the child in different reasons.

Reviews of the use of Motilium to relieve vomiting in children with rotavirus infections, any other sharp infectious diseasesAs well as in response to the reception of drugs, about 2/3 cases are positive. This is due to the fact that the drug stopped vomiting and improved the overall condition of the child who began to actively play, ask to drink, is, etc. Moreover, in some cases, it was sufficiently single techniques for the drug, and in others - had to give a child syrup several times a day for 2 to 3 days. When vomiting did not stop after a single reception of the drug, the parents gave the Mothilium to the child before each meal, drinking or other medicines.

Approximately 1/3 - 1/4 Reviews of Motilium to relieve vomiting during acute states in children are negative, which, as a rule, is due to not so many properties of the drug, as a subjective attitude to it, high expectations, as well as applied by testimony. Very often, parents are trying to give the Mothilium to the child when vomiting, provoked by poisoning, and when the drug does not exert the expected effect, disappointed and leave a negative feedback. In fact, Motilium and will not stop vomiting in poisoning, since it is due to the flow of toxic substances into the blood from the intestine, and not the disorder of the functions of the stomach. In such cases, sorbents binding toxic substances need to be taken. And the Motilium can only be drinking before taking the sorbent, so that the child does not break out over the next 10 - 15 minutes and the main therapeutic drug has not been derived outward.

The second part of the reviews about the motilium concerns its use in babies and young children in order to reduce gas formation, scaring abdomen and jeeping. In this case, almost all reviews about the preparation are positive, as syrup effectively stopped the specified symptoms.

The third part of the drug reviews concerns its use in diseases of the digestive tract in children (GERB, Gastritis, Gastroduodenitis, Ezophagitis, Reflux) in order to relieve unpleasant symptoms of slow emptying of the stomach (sensation of gravity in the stomach, abdominal pain, belching, flatulence, nausea, vomiting and etc.). This category of reviews in most cases are positive, since parents reach a good therapeutic effect with the regular use of the Motilium syrup according to the instructions.

The fourth part of the reviews about Motilium concerns its application is not indicated. So, many parents give syrup to children in order for food from the stomach faster evacuated, and they could eat more at once. Such an application of the syrup is based on the fact that the Motilium stops the feeling of the overflow of the stomach. Typically, the drug is used when trying to force the child "to eat well" and gain weight, which in the opinion of parents and doctors is insufficient. Naturally, such a method for improving the child's appetite and an increase in the volume of food eaten does not work for a number of reasons, and parents leave a negative feedback about the drug.

First, the motilium reduces the feeling of overflow of the stomach and accelerates the transition of the food lump into the intestine only for diseases, such as peptic disease, gastritis, GERB, Ezophagitis and reflux! And if the child does not suffer from such diseases, then he has food evacuated from the stomach in the intestine at normal speed, and attempts to reduce this period of time only to the fact that the food lumps is poorly processed and digested with gastric juice. This will cause the baby colic, flatulence, bloating and other unpleasant sensations. In other words, trying to speed up the evacuation of the edible lump of the stomach in the intestine, so that the place for another large portion of food, the parents only violate the normal digestion process in a child who will ultimately be the cause of the development of severe chronic gastroy diseases.

Secondly, against the background of the admission of Motilium, the child will not be able to eat more, but, on the contrary, it will be saturated with a smaller amount of food. This is due to the fact that the food lump will be faster to enter the intestine, from where the nutrients will begin to be absorbed into the blood and give a signal to the brain on the occurrence of satiety. As a result, the child will enjoy a much smaller food than before.

That is, the use of motilium in order to "improve" the nutrition of the child is not just irrationally, it is impractical, inefficient and not in the testimony, but also dangerous. In order for the child to gain weight, you need to feed it with small portions of high-calorie and delicious food for 4 - 6 times a day. And try to feed it with a large portion of small-calorie food - it's just stretching the stomach, violate the normal process of digestion and create a database for the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

Ganaton or Motilium?

Ganaton is a preparation-prokinetic, that is, improves the motor operation of the stomach, accelerating the evacuation of its contents and, thus, binding painful symptoms associated with delay in it (heartburn, belching, flatulence, feeling of overcrowding and stomach pain, etc. .). And the Motilium can be used with the same states as Ganaton, but additionally also to relveys vomiting. That is, the spectrum of the readings of Motilium overlaps such a Ganaton. However, the effectiveness of Ganaton is 10% higher compared to the motilium.

This means that to relieve the symptoms (nausea, vomiting, heartburn, belching, a feeling of overcrowding and pain in the epigastrium, etc.) Diseases of the stomach and esophagus (gastritis, esophagitis, GERB, ulcerative illness, etc.) can be used as Ganaton, so And Motilium. However, Ganaton in such situations is preferable, since this drug is intended for use in integrated status data therapy.

Also Ganaton is preferable in cases where it is necessary to take drugs a long period of time or together with other drugs. This is usually necessary in the treatment of chronic diseases of the stomach and esophagus.

For episodic relief symptoms of dyspepsia (heartburn, belching, vomiting, nausea, feelings of fullness in the stomach, pain in epigastrics after eating, etc.) arising from a violation of a diet or for other reasons, any drug can be used that for any Reasons like a person more.

To relieve vomiting and nausea caused by the reception of any drugs, infections, diseases of the tract and functional disorders of digestion, Motilium should be chosen, since Ganaton in such situations is ineffective.

Mothilium should also be chosen if it is necessary to use drugs with similar properties in children, since Ganaton cannot be used to treat kids.

Motilium or Motilac?

Motilium and motilac are synonymous, that is, they contain a completely identical active substance Domperidon. From the point of view of therapeutic effects, motilak and motilium do not differ from each other, but the first drug is somewhat more likely causes side effects.

Thus, in the absence of any special requirements for medicinal preparationAs well as with a common good tolerance of drugs, when the side effects rarely occur, you can choose any means - motilac or motilium, based only on subjective preferences (for example, for some reason one drug like more than another, relatives or friends speak positively). If a person is inclined to development side Effects Or poorly transfers any medicines, then the motilium should be preferred.

However, the motilium is produced in tablets and suspensions, and motilak - only in tablets. Therefore, the motilate cannot be used for children, and Mothilium can be. That is, if necessary, the use of funds in children or in people who for any reason it is difficult to swallow pills, mothilium should be preferred. If a person can take tablets, you can choose any means on the basis of your own subjective preferences.

Motilium (tablets and suspension) - Price

The cost of various dosage forms of Motilium fluctuates in pharmacies of cities in Russia within the following limits:
  • Suspension 1mg / ml, bottle 100 ml - 485 - 672 rubles;
  • Tablets for resorption 10 mg, 10 pieces - 345 - 458 rubles;
  • Pills for resorption 10 mg, 30 pieces - 550 - 701 ruble;
  • Tablets in the shell of 10 mg, 30 pieces - 452 - 589 rubles.
Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

Preparation: Motike®

The active substance of the drug: Domperidone
ATH encoding: A03FA03
CFG: Central Action Antiwheat Preparation, Blocking Dopamic Receptors
Registration number: LS-002036
Registration date: 09/22/06
Owner reg. Undoj: Veropharm OJSC (Russia)

Motilac release form, preparation packaging and composition.

Tablets covered with a shell of white or almost white color, double-screw; On cross-section, 1 or 2 layers are visible, the inner layer of white or white with a yellowish color shade. 1 tab. Domperidon 10 mg
Auxiliary substances: starch potato, lactose, cellulose microcrystalline, silicon colloidal dioxide, povidone, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, oxypropylcellulose, twin-80 or polyethylene glycol 4000, titanium dioxide, talc.

Pills for white or almost white squeezing, round, double-screwed. 1 tab. Domperidon 10 mg
Auxiliary substances: fructose (advotose FS 95), sugar (sucrose), dextrose, polyplastone X EL-10 (crosspovidon), sodium carboxymethyl starch (fit), magnesium stearate, peppermint oil.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (1) - packs cardboard.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (3) - packs cardboard.

Description of the active substance.
All the information provided is presented only for familiarization with the drug, the possibility of application you need to consult with the doctor.

Pharmacological action Motikek

Antiwheat. It has a controversial action, soothes and eliminates nausea in some cases. The action is due to the blockade of central dopamine receptors. Due to this, the inhibitory effect of dopamine is eliminated on the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract and the evacuation and physical activity stomach.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

Absorption after taking inside, on an empty stomach - fast (reception after meal, the reduced acidity of the gastric juice slows down and reduce the absorption). Cmax is achieved after 1 h. Bioavailability is 15% (the "first passage" effect through the liver). Binding with plasma proteins is 90%. Penetrates various fabrics, it goes badly through the BGB. Metabolized in the liver and in the intestinal wall (by hydroxylation and n-dexyalkylation). Excreted through the intestine 66%, the kidneys - 33%, incl. unchanged - 10% and 1%, respectively. T1 / 2 - 7-9 h, with pronounced CPN - extension.

Indications for use:

Nausea, vomiting, Icota of various genes (with toxmia, radiation therapy, disorders of diet, reception of some drugs (morphine), endoscopic and radiocontrase studies, in the postoperative period. Postoperative hypotension and stomach and intestinal atony, dyskinesia of biliary tract, meteorism, reflux esophagitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, different kinds Dyspepsia. Nausea and vomiting caused by the reception of dopamiomimetics.

Dosage and method of use of the drug.

Adults and children over 5 years old - 10 mg 3 times / day 15-30 minutes before meals, and if necessary, an additional 10 mg before bedtime. In acute cases of nausea and vomiting, pronounced dyspepsia - 20 mg 3-4 times / day. In renal failure, the multiplicity of application should be reduced.

Side effect Motike:

From the CNS: rarely - increased excitability and / or extrapyramidal disorders, headache.
From side digestive system: Spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal organs, dry mouth, thirst.
Allergic reactions: itching, rash, urticaria.
Others: Improving the level of prolactin in plasma, Galactere, gynecomastia.

Contraindications for the drug:

Gastrointestinal bleeding, mechanical intestinal obstruction, punching of the stomach or intestines, prolactinoma, children's age up to 1 year (up to 5 years old and children with body weight up to 20 kg - for tablets), increased sensitivity to domperidone, pregnancy, lactation period (breastfeeding ).

Application during pregnancy and lactation.

Domperidon is contraindicated to use during pregnancy and during lactation.
Adequate and strictly controlled home studies of domperidone during pregnancy.
It is not known whether Domperidon stands out with breast milk. If necessary, use during lactation breast-feeding should be stopped.

Special guidelines for the use of motilak.

With caution should be applied with violations of the liver and kidney function.

Motilac interaction with other drugs.

With simultaneous use with antacids, antisecretory preparations (including with cimetidine, sodium hydrocarbonate) decreases the bioavailability of the domperidone.
With simultaneous use with anticholinergic preparations, the Action of Domperidon is oppressed.
Since the domperidon is metabolized mainly with the participation of the CYP3A4 of the cytochrome P450 system, it is believed that with the simultaneous use of domperidone and inhibitors of this isoenzyme (including antifungal drugs of the Azole group, antibiotics of the macrolide groups, HIV-protease inhibitors, neophasodone), it is possible to raise the level of domperidone in blood plasma.