Names for girls rare and beautiful anime.

You know japanese names and their meanings? What names are today popular in Japan? We will answer these and other questions in the article. Japanese names These days, as a rule, include a generic name (surname) and the following personal name. This practice is distributed in Eastern and Southeast Asia, including in Korean, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese and other cultures.

Comparison of names

Few know Japanese names and their meanings. Names The Japanese are usually recorded using Kanji, which in various cases have completely different options for pronunciation. The current names of Japan can be compared with the names present in other cultures. Each Japanese has one surname and one name without patronymic, minus the Japanese royal family - has no family members.

Many say that the Japanese name meaning "fire" sounds amazing. In Japan, the last name is first and then the name. Meanwhile, in Western languages \u200b\u200b(sometimes in Russian), the names of the Japanese are written on the contrary - the name-surname. This nuance corresponds to the European tradition.

Creating names

Are you interested in Japanese names and their meanings? The Japanese often create names from those signs that they have at hand, so there is a tremendous number of non-format names in the country. The names were rooted more and often rise to toponyms. In Japanese, there are significantly more names than surnames. Women I. male names Different due to its typical elements and schemes. Reading Japanese own names is one of the most intricate details of the Japanese.

A bit of history

So, what are the Japanese names and their meanings? As stated above, the names of the Japanese are usually written by hieroglyphs. However, parents can sometimes apply Sound Japanese Catakana's alphabets and Haragan for recording names of their kids. In addition, in 1985, a list of formally allowed characters for writing names of the Japanese was expanded, and now people in this country can apply Latin signs (Romandzi), Hangtaygan, sludge alphabets (Man'ehan), as well as special letters, symbols of type% * ^ $ etc. But in fact, people usually use hieroglyphs.

Earlier in Japan, people were owned by the autocrat, and their surname reflected their role in the directory. For example, Otomo (comrade, big friend). The names were also given to everyone know that a person made a contribution to some kind of huge achievement and so on.

Before the restoration of Maidzi, the common people were not named after necessary: \u200b\u200bif necessary, people used the name of the place of birth. Then the Japanese name meaning "Angel" has not yet been invented. After the reconstruction of Maidzi, the tops ordered all the plebeians to compose themselves in the surname. Some people preferred historical names, others - came up with desposion or appealed to priests. This explains the fact that in Japan a lot of different surnames, both writing and pronunciation, which creates difficulties in reading.

Men's names of the Japanese

Many experts explore Japanese male names and their meaning. What do they have features? Many of the classic names of Japan can be easily read and recorded, but despite this, most parents choose names with an unusual pronunciation and hieroglyphs. These names have no clear writing or reading.

This trend appeared in 1990. For example, many boys are called the name of the chiroto. There were also multivariate readings of this name: Yamato, Haruto, Taiga, Dioto, Tuto, Sora, Masato and all of them began to be used.

The names of men often end on-in (Itiro - "Son", but also "light", "clear"), -This (Canta - "big, fat"), contain "ITI" or "JI" (Dziro - " Next "), give (Daiti -" Big, Great ").

Also in the names of men with a pair of hieroglyphs often apply their signs indicators.

Women's names of Japan

Consider Japanese women's names and their meaning. Most Japanese names have abstract meaning. As a rule, they use such hieroglyphs as "ma" (truth), "ah" (love), "Mi" (beauty), "Ty" (mind), "An" (calm), "Yu" (tenderness ) other. For the most part, names with similar inclusions give girls, wanting them to possess these qualities in the future.

There are names and other types that include hieroglyphs of plants and animals. Names with hieroglyphs "Deer" or "Tiger" were considered health contributing. Nevertheless, they will be heard today and almost do not apply. An exception is the hieroglyph "Zhuravl".

Those names that contain vegetation hieroglyphs are still used frequently. For example, "INE" (Fig.), "Tay" (Bamboo), "Khan" (flower), "Kiku" (Chrysanthemum), "Yanagi" (IVA), "Momo" (peach) and others. And there are also numbers with numerical, but there are few of them and they are quite rare. They happened, most likely, from the ancient custom of the name of the girls from noble families in order to appear on the light. Today, the nueroglyphs "Nana" (seven), "Ti" (Thousand), "Go" (five), "Mi" (three) are usually used.

In Japan, there are names with the subtext of the seasons, time of day, nature phenomena and many other. For example, "KUMO" (cloud), "Yuki" (snow), "Asa" (morning), "Natsu" (summer).

Sometimes instead of hieroglyphs are applied alphabets. Along with this, record this name is constant, unlike words that are written differently (mixed, alphabet, hieroglyphs). So, if the name of the woman is written by the Haragan, it will always be recorded, although in meaning it can be written by hieroglyph. Many Japanese likes the name Megumi - blessed.

By the way, the inhabitants of the rising sun can and unusually, instead of typical ladies' names, use foreign names: Maria, Anna, Ren, Emiri, Rina and others.

Popular names in Japan

The following men's names are popular in Japan:

  • Charoto (big, flying);
  • REN (Lotos);
  • Yuma (calm, honest);
  • Sora (blue sky);
  • Yamato (big, peaceful, thick);
  • Ricka (land, land);
  • Haruto (positive, flying, sunny).

The most popular in Japan are the following women's names:

  • Yui (clothing, associate);
  • Aoy (Malva, Geran, Allas);
  • Yua (love, connect);
  • Rin (impressive, majestic);
  • Hina (positive, sunny, vegetable, greens);
  • Yine (to form, greens, vegetable);
  • Sakura (Sakura);
  • Mana (greens, vegetable, love);
  • Saki (blossom, desire).

Japanese nicknames

To form one or a pair of diminutive names from each name, you only need to add the nominal suffix -kun or -than to the base. There are two types of names of the name. The first folds from the full name, for example, Yasunari-Tian (Yasunari) or Kimiko-Tian (Kimiko).

The second type of foundation is a reduction in the full name: I: -Than (Yasunari), Kii-Chan (Kimiko) and so on. This species transmits closest nature of the relationship (for example, between friends).

There are other ways to create diminutive names, for example, the girl named Maymums can be called Cay-chan. In this case, the hieroglyph, which is written first in the name of Magumi, can be read as Kay.

It is known that the Japanese know how to create abbreviations, by combining the first pair of syllables of two words. This practice is usually used in the preparation of celebrity names.

So, Kimura Takuya (the famous Japanese singer and actor) becomes Kimutak. Thus, sometimes modify the names of overseas luminaries: Brad Pitt (in Japanese, pronounced as Burarado Pitto) is known as Burapi. Another, less recognized way, is to doubling one or a pair of syllables in the human name. For example, Mamiko Noto is often referred to as Mamimami.

It is known that in Japan, it is customary to contact each other by last name. And when applying to a person, the Japanese for the surname or name is used by registered suffixes.

Japanese emperors

The Japanese emperors have no surnames, and their vital names are tabulated and do not apply in the official documents of Japan. Instead, the dealer adds only on the title. When the ruler dies, he is assigned a posthumous name, which consists of two parts: the name of the praising righteousness and title Tanno: - "Lord". So, if the ruler had the name of Mutsukhit, he will receive a posthumous name - Maidzi-Tanno (monarch of highly developed government).

During the life of the ruler, it is also not accepted to contact him by name, as it is impolite. Instead, various titles apply. For example, akihito in childhood had a title - Tsugu-No-Mia (Infant Tsuuga). Similar titles for the most part are used when a person has not received a specific name or is a heir.

If the member of the ruler's family turned into an ordinary person, the emperor gave him the surname. The name of Minamoto was very popular in the Middle Ages. And on the contrary, if a third-party person entered the family of the autocrat, his last name was lost. For example, Venzenosa Mitiko, before she became the wife of the akihito ruler, called Mitiko soda.

The value of the ladies' names

So, we will study the Japanese women's names and their value as much as possible. Ladies' names are different from male more understandable translation and easy pronunciation. It is associated with the fact that they are mostly read by Kuhn, as well as they have a simple structure. Nevertheless, sometimes there are deviations from the rules. In Japan, there are ladies' names:

  • Azumi - a protected home;
  • AZEMI - Flower of thistle;
  • Ah - love;
  • Ayano - Shades Silka;
  • Akiko - autumn baby;
  • AOO - blue;
  • Asuka - fragrance;
  • Aya - woven or colorful silk;
  • Bank - child;
  • Dzhanko - Clean Baby;
  • Jun - submissive;
  • Zhina - silver;
  • Isuri - source;
  • Ioko - Oceanic Child;
  • Ioši - a fragile branch;
  • Kay - respectful;
  • Kin - Golden;
  • Kemeko - Turtle (symbol of long life);
  • Corai - aroma;
  • Mizuki is a wonderful moon;
  • Miko - a beautiful child of blessings;
  • Miyuki - beautiful happiness;
  • Mauco - baby dance;
  • Nobuko - a loyal child;
  • Natsumi - summer splendor;
  • RAS - water lily;
  • Rey - respectful;
  • Rico - baby jasmine;
  • Sora - Heaven;
  • Support - signal;
  • Sango - Coral;
  • Tomoko - friendly;
  • Tamiko - child of abundance;
  • Uzoeji - hare;
  • Hamco - the child of a flourishing plum;
  • Fuji - Glicinia;
  • Khan - flower or favorite;
  • Harumi - splendor of spring;
  • Chi - intelligence;
  • Chico - Wise Malytka;
  • Cheeis - morning;
  • Shizuka - quiet;
  • Chic - fragile;
  • Shinju - Pearl;
  • Eiko - Durable Child;
  • Eyko - Favorite Baby;
  • Erie - a gracious prize;
  • Yuko - superior, useful kid;
  • Yuri - Lily;
  • Yasu - serene;
  • Yasuko - an honest, peaceful child.

The current names of women and their interpretation show the transformation of the Japanese attitudes towards their customs. Previously, the Japanese name, meaning "Moon", for example, liked many parents. It sounded like Mizuki. IN last years The Japanese increasingly began to call their kids with the names of manga or anime characters. This phenomenon has already begun to spread throughout the world.

The meaning of male names

Why do Japanese male names and their meaning interested in many people? Japanese men 'names are one of the most complex parts of the Japanese language, since it is in them that they have great popularity and non-standard readings, as well as amazing variations of individual components. There are even cases when the name writing is not related to its pronunciation, and only a carrier can read it.

The names of men, as well as women, have undergone enormous changes associated with modifying Japanese values. In Japan, there are the following values \u200b\u200bof male names:

  • Akayo is a smart man;
  • Aki - bright, autumn;
  • Akio - Charming;
  • Akira - clear, shiny;
  • Akichiko - Coloring Prince;
  • Akihiro - spectacular, scientist, smart;
  • ARETA - the newest;
  • Goro - Fifth Silka;
  • Jero - Tenth Son;
  • Jun - obedient;
  • Dishyuk - Great Assistant;
  • Izama - removal, warrior;
  • IZAO - merit, honor;
  • Iori - addiction;
  • Jošieki - True Glory, Spectacular Luck;
  • Ichiro - the first heir;
  • Kaioshi - calm;
  • Ken is healthy and strong;
  • Kero - Ninth Son;
  • Kichiro - Lucky Son;
  • Katu - triumph;
  • Makoto - True;
  • Mitsera - Full;
  • Mermon - Defender;
  • Naoki - honest tree;
  • Nobu - faith;
  • Noraio - man of principles;
  • Ozamu - autocrat;
  • Rio is great;
  • Raden - Thunder and Lightning;
  • Ryu - Dragon;
  • Serija - warning, second (son);
  • Suzumu - progressive;
  • Takayuki - noble, sown happiness;
  • Teruu - a bright person;
  • Toshi - emergency;
  • TaemSu - protecting, full;
  • TETSUO - Dragon people;
  • Tetsua - the dragon, in which they turn (and have its durability and wisdom);
  • Fumayo - academic, literary child;
  • Hydeo - a luxurious person;
  • Hizoka - saved;
  • Hiroka is rich fun, strength;
  • Hachiro - Eighth Son;
  • Tires - true;
  • Shihichi - the right one;
  • Yukayo - Happy man;
  • Yuki - grace, snow;
  • Yuudea - the Great Hero;
  • Yasuhiro - rich honesty;
  • Yasushi - honest, peaceful.

The beautiful names of the men of Japan are customary to divide two types: single-component and multicomponent. The composition of the names with one element includes a verb, as a result of which the name has the ending - in, for example, Mamor (intercession). Or adjective with the end - si, for example, Hiroshi (spacious).

Sometimes you can find names with one sign that they have a reading. Names folded from a pair of hieroglyphs usually indicate a male beginning. For example: Son, warrior, man, husband, courageous and so on. Each of these indicators has its own end.

In the structure of such names, there is usually a hieroglyph, which detects what reading it is necessary to read the name. There are also names consisting of three elements. In this episode, the indicator will be two-dimensional. For example, "Senior Son", "Junior Son" and so on. You can rarely meet a person with a three-sided name and one-component indicator. Infrequently there are names, the composition of which are four components that write japanese alphabetand not hieroglyphs.

Name Shizuka

Japanese name, meaning "Dragon", like both local residents and foreigners. What is the name of Shizuka? Interpretation of this name: quiet. The values \u200b\u200bof the letters in this name are as follows:

  • W - developed intuition, impulsiveness, ambition, hard work, independence.
  • And - intelligence, emotionality, kindness, pessimism, uncertainty, creative deposits.
  • W - Independence, developed intuition, intelligence, hard work, pessimism, secrecy.
  • U is kindness, developed intuition, sincerity, creative deposit, spirituality, optimism.
  • To - developed intuition, ambition, impulsiveness, practicality, kindness, sincerity.
  • A - egoism, activity, creative deposit, impulsiveness, ambition, sincerity.

The number of Shizuka name is 7. It hides in itself the ability to direct the ability to the world of philosophy or art, in religious activity, science sphere. But the results of people's activities with this name largely depend on the deep analysis of already accomplished victories and from true planning of their own future. Knowing other people, they often turn into leaders and teachers of the highest class. But if they took up commercial or financial affairs, then they themselves will need someone's help.

Shizuka's planet is Mercury, the elements - cold dry air, the sign of the zodiac - Virgo and Gemini. Color this name Changeable, Pentess, Mixed, Day - Wednesday, Metals - Bismuth, Mercury, Semiconductors, Minerals - Agat, Emerald, Topaz, Porphyr, Rhinestone, Glass, Sardonix, Plants - Parsley, Basil, Celery, Walnut, Valerian , beasts - caress, monkey, fox, parrot, stork, thrush, nightingale, ibis, larks, flying fish.

Personal names in Japan are the most difficult direction in Japanese. No exception here and female names. At first, reading translations may seem that there is nothing complicated. In Japanese, the last name is pronounced first, and then the name. In the Russian language, as in many Western languages, the name is first pronounced, and then the last name. But believe me - this is the smallest difficulty with which you encounter when working with Japanese names. Although even such a trifle sometimes confuses people weakly acquaintances with Japanese culture.

In Japanese culture, and in particular and personal names, in the last hundred years there have been radical changes. It affected and writing names and their meanings. New hieroglyphs and signs for writing names were allowed. The last major change refers to the nineties of the twentieth century. Then the Parliament of Japan made amendments to the list of allowed signs for writing names. In principle, these signs are replenished by amendments about every five years. But as they say, only the dead language does not change.

Especially affecting B. modern names Japanese change in attitudes to tradition. If earlier Japan was extremely traditional society, now it comes off with each generation. Very popular among modern Japanese names for girls Names from Japanese comics are manga. Manga is one of the Japanese cultural phenomena, comics affecting various topics for both children and adults. Manga is essentially not a familiar children's comic, but a fairly serious literary and visual work. This cultural phenomenon is known and is popular for all over the world.

Another difficulty represents the transliteration of Japanese names for girls. Transliteration of any language causes many disputes, which is to talk about the language of the country of the rising sun. Most often in Russian practice is used by the Polyvanov system. It was introduced in the thirties of the twentieth century and since then is a secretly approved transliteration system from Japanese to Cyrillic.

Japanese girls names popular in 2009-2011

List of Japanese female names, writing them and meaning.

Before you a list of women's Japanese names collected by our edition. This is certainly not all possible women's Japanese names, but according to statistics are the most popular. Japanese names are the most difficult part of the Japanese language and therefore so many discrepancies in their translations. Happy viewing.




秋 and 明 and 晶

笃子 and 温子

彩花 and 彩华.

彩乃 and 绫 乃

顺子 and 纯子

和子 and 一 子

后子 and 君子

爱 美 and 爱海

雅子 and 昌子.

直子 and 尚子

晴 and 春 and 阳

遥 and 遥 and 悠

裕 and 寛 and 浩

裕 美 and 浩美

恵 美 and 絵 美

Meaning of the name

indigo / Love

love song

child Love

i love beauty

bright red

bright beauty

autumn / Bright / Spark

child in autumn

bright / clear

Goddess of Sun.

blue / Malva

morning beauty

aroma tomorrow

good child

island of Apple

colorful / design

color-flower / flower petals

flower Iris.

my color / My design

temp / Walking / Walking

safe accommodation.


obedient child

aroma of weaving

victory Beauty

branch / first blessing


harmonious beauty


honest, noble

noble child

pure child

clean beauty

sounds of harp

happiness / Light / World

pretty Baby

diet city

circle / flower

dancing baby

meaning / sincerity

affectionate beauty

true village of Village

elegant child

elegant beauty

true clarity

bring the world


beautiful, wise child

pretty Baby

beauty blossom

shining baby

beautiful child night

beautiful child generation

beautiful moon


one hundred blessings

forest child

obedient / respected

obedient tree

obedient child

first of all, beauty

summer beauty

lily / Orchid

lovely baby

significant fragrance

water lily

child cherished beauty

favorite / flower

flower baby

spring / Sun.


spring tree

spring child

spring beauty

magnificent child

generous / tolerant

abundant beauty

long-lived child



wise child

thousand Rodnikov

scattered flowers

fragrant child

thousand generations

child thousands of generations

long-lived baby

beautiful blessing /

pretty Baby

blessed prize

joyful child

Drawing up a name for the inhabitant of the rising sun - a whole science, first of all, because the harmonious combination of the name and surname, their meaning for the Japanese, and even more so Japanese - the question is paramount. There is a special name arch, containing about two and a half thousand hieroglyphs. There are specialists who are engaged in name. We must give them due - they are doing their own worthy. In Japan, there is no concept of "thesis" - and girls are never repeated. They are made up of two parts - the surname of the genus, which is worth the first and personal name, which occupies second place.

The value of Japanese names was determined in ancient times. Once the girls of noble blood acquired in their own name component "HIME". Translated "Hime" sounds like a "princess". But there were a lot of aristocrat girls, and the true princesses are a limited number. Therefore, "HIME" is somewhat large in their sense meaning - it means the presence of blue blood. When the presence of blue blood, due to strict moral installations, excluded a worldly life and demanded monastic conditions, the "In" particle was added to the name of the nun. Monks this concerned equally.

Samurai wives were marked by the presence in the name of the "Human" component. However, the name with such a component in everyday life was almost not used. Usually, the samurai spouse was magnified by the surname of her husband or his rank.

Women's Japanese names ending on "Co" or "Mi" have the following meaning: "Ko" - a child, "Mi" - beauty. For example, Yoko, Yuko, Esiko, Fujico, Minami. Feminine and soft words present in the name, modern Japanese women do not always suit. No wonder technical progress requires stiffness from women, and playful names of names that hinting on the defenselessness of their owners, they do not have this rigidity. Therefore, some business ladies lower these particles, be called more concisely and trying to create themselves the necessary idea.

The value of female Japanese names.

AI - love
AIKO - Favorite Baby
Akako - Red
Akane - sparkling red
Akemi - dazzling beautiful
AKI - Born in the fall
Akiko - Autumn Child
Akina - Spring Flower
Amaya - Night Rain
AMI - Friend
Anda - Meeting in the Field
Aneko - older sister
Anzu - Apricot
Arisu - Yap. The form of Alice
Asuka - Aroma of tomorrow
Ayame - Iris.
Azarni - Thistle Flower

Chika - Wisdom
Chikako - Child Wisdom
Chinatsu - a thousand years
Chiyo - Eternity
Chizu - a thousand storks (meant longevity)
Cho - Butterfly

ETSU - delightful, charming
Etsuko - Delightful Child

Gin - silver

Hana - flower
Hanako - Floral Child
Haruka - far away
Haruko - Spring
Hide - prolific
Hiroko - generous
Hitomi - doubly beautiful
Hoshi - Star
Hotaru - Firefly

IMA - a gift
ISHI - stone
Izanami - Emphasing
Izumi - Fountain

JUNKO - Clean Child

Kaede - Maple List
Kagami - Mirror
Kameko - Child Child (longevity symbol)
Kasumi - fog
Kazuko - Cheerful Child
Kei - respectful
Keiko - adored
Kichi - lucky
Kiku - Chrysanthemum
Kimiko - Child of Noble Blood
Kioko - Happy child
Kita - North
Kiyoko - Clean
Kohana - Little Flower
Koko - Aist
Koto - Yap. Musical instrument "Koto"
Kotone - Coto Sound
Kumiko - forever beautiful
Kuri - Kashtan
Kyoko - mirror

Leiko - arrogant

Machi - Ten thousand years
Machiko - Lucky Child
Maeko - Honest Child
Maemi - sincere smile
Mai - Bright
Mamiko - Child Mami
Manami - Beauty of Love
Mariko - Baby Truth
Marise is infinite
Matsu - Pine
Mayako - Child MAYA
Mayoko - Child MAYO
Mayuko - Child MAYU
Michi - Fair
Michie - Elegant hanging flower
Michiko - Beautiful and wise
Midori - Green
Mihoko - Child Miho
Mika - New Moon
MINA - Yug.
MINAKO - Beautiful child
Mine - Brave Defender
Misaki - Beauty Flowering
Mitsuko - Child Light
Miya - Three arrows
Miyako - Handsome Child Martha
Mizuki - Beautiful Moon
Momoko - Persix
Moriko - Forest Child
Mura - rustic
Mutsuko - Mutsu Child

Nahoko - Child Naho
Nami - Wave
Namiko - Child Waves
Nana - Apple
Naoko - obedient child
Naomi - "First of all, beauty"
Nara - Oak
Nariko - Nevoya
Natsuko - Summer Child
Natsumi - Great Summer
Nayoko - Child Nayo
NORI - law
Noriko - Child of Law
Nozomi - Nadezhda
Nyoko - Gemstone

OKI - Middle Ocean
Orino - Peasant Meadow

RAI - Truth
Ran - Water Lily
Rei - gratitude
Reiko - Thanks
REN - Water Lily
Riko - Diet Jasmine
Rin - Envoy
Rini - Little Bunny
Risako - Baby Risa
Ritsuko - Child Ritsu
Rumiko - Child Rumi
RURI - Emerald
Ryoko - child Ryo

Sachi - Happiness
Sachiko - child of happiness
Saki - Cape (geographer.)
Sakura - Cherry Flowers
Sanako - Child Sana
Sango - Coral
Satu - Sugar.
Sayuri - Little Lily
Shika - deer
Shina - worthy
Shizuka - quiet
SORA - Sky
Sorano - Heavenly
Suki - Favorite
Suma - asking
Sumi - Cleaned (religious.)
Suzu - Bell (Bubrenchik)
Suzume - Sparrow

Taka - noble
Takako - High Child
Takara - Treasure
Tamiko - baby abundance
Tani - from the valley (child)
Taura - many lakes; Many rivers
Tomiko - child wealth
Tora - Tigritz
TOSHI - Mirror Reflection
Tsukiko - Moon Child
Tsuyu - Morning Dew

UME - Well - Plum Flower
Umeko - Well - child of plum colors
Usagi - f - rabbit

Yachi - f - eight thousand
Yasu - Well - calm
Yayoi - w - March
Yoko - Well - Sun Child
Yori - Well - Certificate
Yoshi - g - perfection
Yoshiko - Well - Perfect Baby
Yukiko - Well - Snow Child
Yuko - Well - Good child
Yumako - Well - Child Yuma
Yumi - f - like onions (weapon)
Yumiko - Well - Child
Yuri - Well - Lily
Yuriko - Well - Child Lily

Values \u200b\u200bof japanese names

Name - Paul - Meaning

AI - Well - Love
AIKO - Well - Favorite Baby
Akako - F - red
Akane - Well - Sparkling Red
Akemi - Well - dazzling beautiful
Akeno - M - Clear Morning
AKI - W - Born in the fall
Akiko - Well - Autumn Child
AKINA - W - Spring Flower
Akio - M - Handsome
Akira - M - intelligent, smart
Akiyama - M - autumn, mountain
Amaya - Well - Night Rain
Ami - friend
Amiko - m - beautiful girl
Amida - M - Buddha name
Anda - Well - Meeting in the Field
Aneko - Well - older sister
Anzu - Well - Apricot
Arahsi - storm, whirlwind
Arata - M - inexperienced
Arisu - Well - Yap. The form of Alice
Asuka - Well - Aroma of tomorrow
Ayame - W - Iris
Azarni - f - thistle flower
Benjiro - M - enjoying the world
Botan - M - Peony
Chika - Well - Wisdom
Chikako - Wisdom Wisdom
Chinatsu - Well - Thousand Years
Chiyo - F - Eternity
Chizu - Well - one thousand storks (meant longevity)
CHO - W - Butterfly
Dai - M - Great
Dai - G - Great
Daichi - M - Great First Son
Daiki - M - Great Tree
Daisuke - M - Great Help
Etsu - Well - delightful, charming
Etsuko - Well - Delightful Child
FUDO - M - God of fire and wisdom
Fujita - m / f - field, meadow
GIN - W - Silver
GORO - M - Fifth Son
Hana - F flower
Hanako - F - Flower Child
HARU - M - Born in Spring
Haruka - Far
Haruko - Well - Spring
Hachiro - M - Eighth Son
Hideaki - M - brilliant, excellent
Hikaru - M / F - Light Shiny
Hide - Well - prolific
Hiroko - g - generous
Hiroshi - M - generous
Hitomi - Well - doubly beautiful
Hoshi - W - Star
Hotaka - M - Mountain name in Japan
Hotaru - Well - Firefly
Ichiro - M - First Son
Ima - g - gift
Isami - M - courage
ISHI - W - Stone
Izanami - Well - Failing
Izumi - Fon Fountain
Jiro - M - Second Son
Joben - M - Loving Clean
Jomei - M - carrier light
JUNKO - Well - Clean Child
Juro - M - Tenth Son
Kado - M - Gate
Kaede - F - Sheet of Maple
Kagami - W - Mirror
Kameko - W - Child Child (longevity symbol)
Kanaye - M - zeal - and you thought I took this name from my head?
KANO - M - God of water
Kasumi - Fog
Katashi - M - hardness
Katsu - M - Victory
Katsuo - M - Victory Child
Katsuro - M - Victorious Son
Kazuki - M - Joyful World
Kazuko - Well - Cheerful Baby
Kazuo - M - Cute Son
KEI - G - respectful
Keiko - Well - adored
Keitaro - M - Blessed
Ken - M - Healthy
Ken`Ichi - M - Strong First Son
Kenji - M - strong second son
Kenshin - M - heart sword
Kensiro - M - Heavenly Son
Kenta - M - Healthy and Brave
Kichi - Well - lucky
Kichiro - M - Lucky Son
Kiku - G - Chrysanthemum
Kimiko - Well - Child of Noble Blood
KIN - M - Golden
Kioko - Well - Happy Child
Kisho - M - Having his head on his shoulders
Kita - Zh - North
Kiyoko - Well - Clean
Kiyoshi - m - quiet
Kohaku - m / w - amber
Kohana - Well - Little Flower
Koko - W - Stork
Koto - Zh - Yap. Musical instrument "Koto"
Kotone - Well - Sound Koto
Kumiko - Well - forever beautiful
Kuri - Well - Chestnut
Kuro - M - Ninth Son
KYO - M - consent (or red)
Kyoko - W - Mirror
Leiko - Well - arrogant
Machi - Well - Ten thousand years
Machiko - Well - Lucky Child
Maeko - Well - Honest Baby
Maemi - Well - sincere smile
Mai - Well - Bright
Makoto - M - sincere
Mamiko - F - Child Mami
Mamoru - M - Earth
Manami - Well - Beauty of Love
MARIKO - F - Baby Truth
Marise - M / F - Endless / Aya
Masa - m / w - straightforward (person)
Masakazu - M - First Son Masa
Mashiro - M - Wide
Matsu - W - Pine
Mayako - Well - Child MAYA
Mayoko - Well - Child MAYO
Mayuko - Well - Child MAYU
Michi - Well - Fair
Michie - Well - elegant hanging flower
Michiko - Well - Beautiful and Wise
Michio - M - man with a force of three thousand
MIDORI - G - Green
Mihoko - Well - Child Miho
Mika - Well - New Moon
Miki - m / w - Sellek
Mikio - M - Three Woven Tree
MINA - Zh - South
MINAKO - Well - beautiful baby
Mine - Well - Brave Defender
Minoru - M - Seed
Misaki - Well - Beauty Flower
Mitsuko - W - Child Light
Miya - F - Three arrows
Miyako - Well - Beautiful Child Martha
Mizuki - Well - Beautiful Moon
Momoko - Well - Persix
Montaro - M - Big Guy
Moriko - Forest Child
Morio - M - Forest Boy
Mura - W - Rustic
Muro - m - running away - I chose this name at all because of the sense
Mutsuko - Well - Child Mutsu
Nahoko - Well - Child Naho
Nami - Well - Wave
Namiko - G - Child Waves
Nana - Well - Apple
Naoko - Well - obedient child
Naomi - Well - First of all, beauty
Nara - Well - Oak
Nariko - Well - Sleep
Natsuko - W - Summer Child
Natsumi - Well - Beautiful Summer
Nayoko - Well - Child Nayo
Nibori - M - famous
Nikki - m / w - two trees
Nikko - M - Daylight
NORI - F - Law
Noriko - G - Child of Law
Nozomi - Well - Hope
Nyoko - Well - Gem
OKI - G - Middle Ocean
Orino - Well - Peasant Meadow
Osamu - M - the hardness of the law
Rafu - M - Network
Rai - Well - Truth
Raidon - M - God thunder
RAN - W - Water Lily
Rei - g rather thanks
Reiko - G - gratitude - Most likely there was a "child Rei"
REN - W - Water Lily
Renjiro - M - honest
Renzo - M - Third Son
Riko - Well - Dity Jasmine
Rin - Well - Envoy
Rinji - M - Mirny Forest
Rini - Well - Little Bunny
Risako - Well - Baby Risa
Ritsuko - F - Child Ritsu
Roka - M - White Wave Comb
Rokuro - M - Sixth Son
Ronin - M - Samurai without a host
Rumiko - Well - Child Rumi
RURI - W - Emerald
Ryo - M - Excellent
Ryoichi - M - First Son RYO
Ryoko - Well - Child Ryo
Ryota - M - strong (fat)
Ryozo - M - Third Son RYO
Ryuichi - M - First Son RYU
Ryuu - M - Dragon
Saburo - M - Third Son
Sachi - Well - Happiness
Sachiko - Well - Child of Happiness
Sachio M - Fortunately Born
SAEKO - F - Baby SAE
Saki - F Cape (geographer.)
Sakiko - Well - Child Saki
Sakuko - Well - Child Saku
Sakura - Well - Cherry Flowers
Sanako - F - Child Sana
SANGO - W - Coral
Saniiro - M - Wonderful
SATU - W - Sugar
Sayuri - Well - Little Lily
Seiichi - M - First Son Sei
SEN - M - Tree Spirit
Shichiro - M - Seventh Son
Shika - Well - deer
Shima - M - Islander
Shina - Well - decent
Shinichi - M - First Son Shin
Shiro - M - Fourth Son
SHIZUKA - F - quiet
Sho - M - prosperity
SORA - W - Sky
SORANO - W - Heavenly
Suki - Well - Favorite
Suma - Well - asking
Sumi - Well - Claimed (religious)
Susumi - M - moving forward (successful)
Suzu - Well - Bell (Bubrenchik)
Suzume - Well - Sparrow
Tadao - M - helpful
Taka - Well - noble
Takako - Well - High Child
Takara - Well - Treasure
Takashi - M - famous
Takehiko - M - Bamboo Prince
Takeo - M - like bamboo
Takeshi - M - bamboo tree or brave
Takumi - M - Craftsman
TAMA - M / F - Gemstone
Tamiko - Well - baby abundance
Tani - F - from the valley (child)
TARO - M - firstborn
Taura - M - Many lakes; Many rivers
Teijo - M - Fair
Tomeo - M - Caution Man
Tomiko - Well - Baby Wealth
Tora - W - Tigress
Torio - M - Bird Tail
Toru - M - Sea
TOSHI - F - Mirror Reflection
Toshiro - M - Talented
Toya - m / w - door at home
Tsukiko - W - Child Moon
Tsuyu - W - Morning Dew
UDO - M - Ginseng
UME - Well - Plum Flower
Umeko - Well - child of plum colors
Usagi - f - rabbit
Uyeda - M - from the rice field (child)
Yachi - f - eight thousand
Yasu - Well - calm
Yasuo - M - Mirny
Yayoi - w - March
Yogi - M - practicing yoga
Yoko - Well - Sun Child
Yori - Well - Certificate
Yoshi - g - perfection
Yoshiko - Well - Perfect Baby
Yoshiro - M - Perfect Son
Yudsuki - M - Crescent
Yuki - M - Snow
Yukiko - Well - Snow Child
Yukio - M - Sleeping God
Yuko - Well - Good child
Yumako - Well - Child Yuma
Yumi - f - like onions (weapon)
Yumiko - Well - Child
Yuri - Well - Lily
Yuriko - Well - Child Lily
Yuu - M - Noble Blood
YUUDAI - M - Great Hero

For future parents in Japan, special collections of names are produced in Japan - as well as we are in general - so that they can choose their own more suitable. In general, the selection process (or coming up) the name is reduced to one of the following paths:

1. The keyword can be used in the name - seasonal phenomenon, color shade, gem, etc.
2. The name may be the wish of parents to become strong, wise or bold, for which, respectively, the hieroglyphs of force, wisdom and courage are used.
3. You can also go from the choice of the most liked hieroglyphs (in various writing) and their combinations with each other.
4. Recently, it became popular to call a child, focusing on the rumor, i.e. Depending on how much the desired name is like hearing. By selecting the desired pronunciation, the hieroglyphs that this name will be recorded.
5. It was always popular to call a child in honor of celebrities - heroes of historical chronicles, politicians, pop stars, heroes of serials, etc.
6. Some parents rely different divination, believe that the number of features in the hieroglyphs of the name and the surname should be combined with each other.

The most frequent endings of Japanese names:

Men's names: ~ Aki, ~ Fumi, ~ Go, ~ Haru, ~ Hei, ~ Hiko, ~ Hisa, ~ Hide, ~ Hiro, ~ Ji, ~ Kazu, ~ Ki, ~ Ma, ~ Masa, ~ Michi, ~ Mitsu , ~ Nari, ~ Nobu, ~ Nori, ~ O, ~ Rou, ~ SHI, ~ Shige, ~ Suke, ~ Ta, ~ Taka, ~ To, ~ Toshi, ~ Tomo, ~ Ya, ~ zou

Women's names: ~ A, ~ Chi, ~ E, ~ Ho, ~ I, ~ Ka, ~ Ki, ~ Ko, ~ Mi, ~ Na, ~ No, ~ O, ~ Ri, ~ SA, ~ Ya, ~ yo

Japanese personal suffixes and personal pronouns
Nominal suffixes
In Japanese, there is a whole set of so-called registered suffixes, that is, the suffixes added to spoken Speech To names, surnames, nicknames and other words denoting the interlocutor or a third party. They are used to designate social relations between the speaking and those talking about. The selection of suffix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the nature of the speaker (normal, rough, very polite), his attitude to the listener (ordinary politeness, respect, enhancing, rudeness, arrogance), their position in society and the situation in which the conversation occurs (one on one, in a circle of loved ones Friends, between colleagues, between unfamiliar people, in humans). This follows the list of some of these suffixes (in order of increasing "respect") and their usual meanings.
-the (CHAN) is a close analogue of the "diminutive-laxative" suffixes of the Russian language. Usually used in relation to the younger or lower in the social sense, with which close relationships are. In the use of this suffix, the element "Sysyukanya" is felt. Usually used when applying adults to children, guys to his beloved girls, girlfriends to each other, young children to each other. The use of this suffix in relation to not very close people equal to the speaker is impolite. Let's say if the guy appeals to the peer, with which it does not "revolve the novel", then it is incorrect. The girl, applying to the guy-rivet, with whom not "revolves the novel" - in essence, Hamit.
-Kun (kun) is an analogue of the appeal "Comrade". Most often used between men or towards guys. Indicates, rather, on some "official", however, close relationships. Let's say between classmates, partners or buddies. It can also be used in relation to the youngest or lower in the social sense, when in this circumstance do not need to focus.
-Yan (yan) - the cansaic analog "-thyan" and "-kun".
-Well (Pyon) - Children's option "-KUN".
-Tti (CCHI) - Children's option "-thyan" (cf. "Tamagotti").
-Bez suffixes are close relationships, but without "Sysyukanya". The usual appeal of adults to teenage children, friends to each other, etc. If a person does not use suffix at all, this is a clear indicator of rudeness. The appeal by the surname without suffix is \u200b\u200ba sign of familiar, but "removed" relations (a characteristic example is the relationship of schoolchildren or students).
-San (SAN) is an analogue of the Russian "Mr. / Madam." General indication for respectful attitude. It is often used to communicate with unfamiliar people, or when all other suffixes are not suitable. Used in relation to the elders, including senior relatives (brothers, sisters, parents).
-Han (HAN) - the cansaic analog "-san".
- SHI - "Mr.", is used exclusively in official documents after the last name.
-Fujin - "Madam" is used exclusively in official documents after the last name.
-Kohai (Kouhai) - appeal to the younger. Especially often - at school in relation to those who are younger than saying.
-SEMPAI (Senpai) - appeal to the eldest. Especially often - at school in relation to those who are older than speaking.
- DONO (DONO) - Rare suffix. Respectful appeal to equal or higher, but slightly different in position. Currently, it is considered obsolete and practically does not occur in communication. In antiquity, was actively used when contacting samurai to each other.
-Sensei (Sensei) - "Teacher". Used in relation to actually teachers and teachers, as well as to doctors and politicians.
-Senshu (Senshu) - "Athlete". Used in relation to famous athletes.
- Dzeki (Zeki) - "Sumo Fighter". Used relative to the known chances.
-Ue (UE) - "Senior". Rare and outdated respectful suffix, used in relation to senior family members. Not used with names - only with the designations of the situation in the family ("Father", "Mother", "Brother").
-Sama (SAMA) is the highest degree of respect. Appeal to the gods and spirits, to spiritual authorities, girls to the beloved, servants to hide-stone owners, etc. In Russian, approximately translated as "dear, dear, deerable."
-Dzin (JIN) - "One of". Saya Dzin - "One of Saya".
-Tati (Tachi) - "and friends." "Goku Tati" - "Goku and his friends."
-Gami (gumi) - "Team, Group, Tusovka". "Kencin-Gumi" - "Kencin Team".
Personal pronouns
In addition to registered suffixes, in Japan, many different ways of appealing to each other are also used with personal pronouns. The choice of pronoun is determined by the above-mentioned social laws. Next follows a list of some of these pronouns.

Group with the meaning "I"
Watasi (Watashi) is a polite option. Recommended for use by foreigners. Usually used by men. Infrequently used in conversational speech, because it carries the shade of "high style".
Atashi is a polite option. Recommended for use by foreigners. Usually used by women. Or gay. ^ _ ^ Is not used when communicating with high-ranking personalities.
Vatakusi (Watakushi) is a very polite female option.
Vasi (Washi) is an outdated polite option. Do not depend on gender.
Wai (Wai) is the Kansian analogue of "Vasi".
Boku (Boku) is a familiar youth male option. Women are rarely used, in this case, "unbleased" is emphasized. Used in poetry.
Ore (Ore) is not very polite option. Purely male. Type, steep. ^ _ ^
Ore-Sama (ORE-SAMA) - "Great I". Rare shape, extreme degree of boasting.
Daiko or Naiko (Daikou / Naikou) is an analogue of "Ore-Sami", but somewhat less boastful.
SESSHA (Sessha) is a very polite form. Usually used by samurai when contacting their gentlemen.
Hisø (Hishou) - "insignificant." Very polite form, now practically not used.
Gusei (Gusei) is an analogue "Hisø", but somewhat humiliated.
Oir (Oira) is a polite form. Usually used by monks.
TIN (CHIN) is a special form that only the emperor has the right to use.
Ware (Ware) - polite (formal) form, translates as "[I / You / OH] myself." Used when you need to especially express the importance of "I". Let's say in the spells ("I spell"). In modern Japanese, the meaning "I" is rarely used. It is often used to form a return form, for example, "forget about yourself" - "Warre in Vasuremet".
[Name or speaker position] - used by children or when communicating with them, usually in the family. Say, the girl named Atsuko can say "Atsuko wants to drink." Or her elder brother, referring to her, can say "Brother will bring you juice." This is the element of "Sysyukanya", but this appeal is quite acceptable.
Group CO value "We"
Watasi-Tachi (Watashi-Tachi) is a polite option.
Ware-Ware - Ware-Ware - very polite, formal option.
Bokura (Bokura) - ignorable option.
Toho (Touhou) is the usual option.
Group CO value "You / You":
Anata (Anata) is a common polite option. Also ordinary wife's appeal to her husband ("dear").
Anta (Anta) is less polite option. Usually used by young people. Easy shade of disrespect.
Otaku (Otaku) - literally translates as "your home". Very polite and rare shape. Due to the Ernic use by Japanese neformals in relation to each other, the second meaning was secured - "Feng, Psych".
Kimi (Kimi) is a polite option, often between friends. Used in poetry.
Kijou (Kijou) - "Madam". A very polite form of appeal to the lady.
Onusi (Onushi) - "insignificant." Outdated form of polite speech.
Omae (OMAE) - the familiar (when contacting the ease - an offensive) option. Usually used by men in relation to socially younger (father for daughter, let's say).
TEMAE / TEMEE - an offensive male option. Usually in relation to the enemy. Something like a "bastard" or "bastard".
Onore (ONORE) - an offensive option.
Kisama - a very offensive option. Translated from points. ^ _ ^, Oddly enough, literally translated as "noble lord."

Japanese names
Modern Japanese names consist of two parts - the surname, which is first, and the name that is second. True, the Japanese often write their names in the "European order" (name - surname), if they write their routeji. For convenience, the Japanese sometimes write their surname with capital letters so that it is not confused with the name (because of the above-described difference).
The exception is the emperor and members of his family. They have no surnames. Girls marrying princes also lose their last names.
Ancient names and surnames
Before the restoration of Maidzi, the names were only among the aristocrats (KUGE) and samurai (beads). All the rest of Japan's population was content with personal names and nicknames.
Women of aristocratic and samurai families also did not usually be surnames, as they did not have inheritance rights. In cases where the names in women were still, they did not change them when married.
The names were divided into two groups - the names of the aristocrats and the names of Samurai.
Unlike the number of samurai names, the number of the names of the aristocrats almost did not increase from ancient times. Many of them were adjacent to the priest past Japanese aristocracy.
The most complicated and respected clans of the aristocrats were: Conoe, Takasi, Kudzo, Ihidzo and Godzu. They all belonged to the family of Fujiwara and had a common name - "Gosetsuke". From among men of this kind, Regents (SESSU) and Chancellors (Campak) of Japan were appointed, and from among women - wives were chosen for emperors.
The following are clans of Hirokhate, Diago, Kuga, Oymikado, Sayondi, Sandjo, Imaidagawa, Tokundayji and Kaine. Of their numbers, the highest state dignitaries were appointed. Thus, the representatives of the Saiondi clan served by the imperial stables (mayoro but Gogan). Next, all other aristocratic clans have already followed.
The hierarchy of the knowledge of aristocratic genera began to develop in the 6th century and existed until the end of the XI century, when power in the country moved to samurai. Among them, the clans of Genzy (Minamoto), Heike (Taira), Hodzo, Asicaga, Tokugawa, Matsudayra, Hosokawa, Simaja, Oda were used. A number of their representatives in different time were signes (military rulers) of Japan.
The personal names of aristocrats and high-ranking samurai were formed from two kandzi (hieroglyphs) "noble" meaning.
Personal names Samurai servants and peasants were often given on the principle of "numbering". The first son is Itiro, the second - Dziro, the third - Saburo, the fourth - Siro, the fifth - Goro, etc. Also, except for "-ro-", for this purpose, the suffixes "-EMON", "-DZI", "-DZO", "- SUKE", "- BE" were used.
Upon joining a samurai during the day, he chose a different name, rather than what was given to him at birth. Sometimes samurai changed their names and for adulthood, for example, to emphasize the onset of her new period (promotion or relocation to another service place). Mr. possessed the right to renaming his vassal. In the case of a serious illness, the name was sometimes changed to the name of the Buddha Amida to appeal to his grace.
According to the rules of samurai fights before the fight, the samurai was supposed to call his full nameSo that the enemy can decide whether he is worthy of such an opponent. Of course, in life this rule was respected much less frequently than in novels and chronicles.
At the end of the names of girls from noble families, suffix "-Hime" was added. It is often translated as a "princess", but in fact it was used in relation to all the notable young ladies.
For the names of Samurai, the suffix "-dzen" was used. Often they were called simply by the name and rank of her husband. Personal names of married women were practically used only by their close relatives.
For the names of monks and nuns from the noble classes, suffix "-in" was used.
Modern names and surnames
During the restoration of Maidzi, all the Japanese were assigned surnames. Naturally, most of them were associated with various signs of peasant life, especially with rice and its processing. These surnames, as well as the surnames of the highest estate, were also usually made up of two kanzi.
Most common now japanese surnames - Suzuki, Tanaka, Yamamoto, Watanabe, Saito, Sato, Sasaki, Kudo, Takahasi, Kobeayasi, Kato, Ito, Murakami, Oonishi, Yamaguti, Nakamura, Kuroka, Higa.
Male names changed less. They are still often dependent on the "sequence number" of the son in the family. The suffixes of "-Iti" and "-Kadzu" meaning "First Son", as well as suffixes "-ji" ("Second Son") and "-Dzo" ("Third Son").
Names containing "Sin" are usually considered unsuccessful and unhappy because "Sin" in Japanese - "death".
Most Japanese female names end on "-ko" ("child") or "-" ("Beauty"). Girls, as a rule, are given names associated with all the beautiful, pleasant and feminine. Unlike male names, female names are usually recorded not Kanji, but the Hiragas.
Some modern girls do not like the end of "-ko" in their names and prefer to lower it. For example, a girl named "Yuriko" can call himself "yuri".
According to the law, adopted during the Emperor Maidzi, after making a marriage, her husband and wife are obliged to take one surname. In 98% of cases, this is the surname of the husband. For several years now in Parliament, amendment to the Civil Code, which resolving spouses to leave the breasting surnames has been discussed. However, while it cannot dial the required number of votes.
The Japanese Death Donet receives a new, posthumous name (Kaimo), which is written on a special wooden plate (IHAY). This sign is considered to be an embodiment of the spirit of the deceased and is used in the memorial rituals. Kaimo and Yikhai are bought from Buddhist monks - sometimes even before the death of man.

Japanese female names, unlike male, read quite simply and have a clear meaning. They have interesting traditions and an unforgettable translation. Women's names Amazed with their sound, and it remains only to guess what is hiding behind him. But we propose not to guess, and find out what women's Japanese names actually mean. It will be interesting! Doubt? Read on and check yourself!

Women's Japanese names

Japanese women's names are very simple in reading and easily translated. Translation from Japanese, as always, beautiful. The meaning of the name gives its owner something elevated and beautiful. You yourself can see for you before you list of women's Japanese names.

Name Value
BUTzoom safe place accommodation
Ai. indigo or love
Ayano colors of silk
AIKA love song
Akemine bright beauty
AIMI beauty of love
ASUCA aroma.
Acukuk good child
Amey. evening rain
Ayame flower Iris.
AKEIN brilliant
Akana. diamond red
Ayame patterned girl
Ariza noble view
B.unco educated child
D.zhanko pure child
June obedient
ANDzoom fountain
Ioko child Ocean
Iosha fragrant branch
Iosico noble child

Women's Japanese names are most often read by Kuhntherefore there is no reading difficulties. Yes, and the structure they have a simpler than male names. There are exceptions when female names are written exclusively by cataka or enhaughs, and sometimes names can be read by onan reading. But these are only exceptions to the rules. If you want to see also men's Japanese names, click on the link!

Name Value
turtle (means long life)
Kamiko perfect child
Kico child of the capital
Kaoro. aroma.
COOON. sound of harp
Katsumi. winning beauty
Kumiko durable child
Kyuko child city
Kohke amber
COU peace
Kiku. chrysanthemum
M.ari. beloved woman
Mai. dance
Miva beautiful harmony
Makoto. proper and loyal
Miko. beautiful child blessing
Mizuky beautiful moon
Masami elegant beauty
Minori. lovely harbor
Michiko the child is on the right path
Madoka circle flower
Momo peach
Mamok child peach
Mayuma true absorbing beauty
Maiko dance of the child

Depending on the main component, women's Japanese names can be divided into several groups. So it can be the main component of the abstract value. For example, "love" (ah), "mind" (TI), "Beauty" (MI). Often, such components indicate the desire to have the necessary qualities in the future. The second view is components of animals or plants. So, the components of animals are practically not practically used now, they are considered old-fashioned, but earlier it characterized the desired health. Components vegetable world Today are popular and are quite frequent among women's Japanese names. For example, Momo (peach), Khan (flower) and so on.

Name Value
N.acukuk child summer
Naoki. honest punishment
Natsumi. beauty summer
Nobuko devotee
Ran. water lily
Ray call, Spirit, polite woman
Rica fragrance that appreciated
Ree. valuable blessing
Ren. water lily
Rico child jasmine
FROMaKE cape
Sumiko thinking baby
Skera japanese flourishing
Sakico. flowering child
Sango coral
T.omico baby that keeps clean
Tacker treasure
Tomoko wise child friendly
Taruko. bright child
W.zedzhi. rabbit
UKEKO baby of flourishing plum

There are names and with numerical. For example, a thousand (TI). There are also names that mean seasons or phenomena of nature. For example, Yuki (snow), Natsu (summer).

Name Value
F.umeika baby storing beauty
HiDeko. luxurious baby
Haruka distance
Hicheri. shining
Khotaru. glowworm
Hitomi name for girls with very beautiful eyes
Harumi spring beauty
Hoshi. star
Haruki spring tree
Chi. thousand blessings
Chias. tsyssycha Rvszvetov
CIIOCO child thousands of generations
Chow butterfly
Chiheru one thousand Spring
Shidzheko abundant child
Shizuka quiet girl
Shinju pearl
Chic gentle deer

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What Japanese women's names have you already met, for example, when watching Japanese films or anime? What do you like most? Share in the comments please.

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