Zanzibar. Stone Town Walk

No matter how planning to get to Zanzibar, the first city that will fall on your path on the island will be the city of Stone Town - the capital of Zanzibar and its sights. The only port, the only international airport and probably the only city on the island of Unguja.

Stone Town is located on the western part of the island. Location of the capital Zanzibar, see the map below, and in more detail about this region you can read by reference :.

It is also not easy to get to this city, though with the development of air traffic, large international airlines began to fly here and strongly declined.

The size of the city is about 200 thousand people. And on the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of rather modest sizes. There are no trams, nor subway, nor railwaynor trolleybuses. All attractions of the city you can walk on foot for 1 day.

Map of sights Stone Town:

I will immediately say that the map shows, those attractions that just need to visit. There are other places for the tourist, the Cathedral or Old Town bath complexBut objectively, these are not the most interesting places of the city, and if you say in other words, then on a very big amateur.

In detail about Stone Town and the most iconic sights:

  • Miracles House: Palace built by one of the sultans. The architecture is quite simple, outside is not particularly noteworthy, in three floors height. The name of his own attraction was due to the fact: that this is the first building of Zanzibar, where there was an elevator, water supply and electricity.
  • Old Fort: If you are a motley traveler, then the forts you did not see anything. The old fort is located in the heart of Stone Town near the house of wonders. Fort looks like the most ordinary fort from thousands of others on the planet. The entrance is free.

It is worth going here at least because today the tourist market is located today, where the prices for souvenirs are 30% lower than anywhere in the island, and it's easier and more pleasant to bargain. Also there is one zabach with ice beer for 4000 shillings per bottle. If you are interested in the spiritual component, then inside the fort there is an ancient amphitheater, whose arena traded slaves.

  • Fortune Gardens: During the day is the usual stone embankment with trees, bushes and cannons who defeated Stone Town. It is nice to walk or sit on the edge, the belling of the legs towards the Indian Ocean. But in the evening is a sign for all world street cuisine.

Recently, digging on the Internet, I found a list of the top 10 of the best places of street cuisine on the planet Earth, which must visit the self-respecting traveler. So on this list were Guards Fortany Stone Town. Below you will understand why.

Every day closer to the sunset, after 19:00, the entire area and the entire free territory turns into one big Tanzanian fast food. The square comes out hundreds of chefs with their mangals, naphles, etc. They exhibit tables with food, on abundance of dishes that resemble the royal feast.

The diversity of dishes is simply amazing: mostly this sea products on the skewers, which are ready to prepare on the grill. There are 5 species of octopus, 20 species of a variety of fish (tuna, sailboat, marlin, dorado), lobsters, lobsters, shrimps, potatoes fries and much more. The photo below will give you an idea of \u200b\u200beverything that is happening.

How to act: come to the table that you liked, take a disposable plate and dial those dishes and how much you want to the plate. I recommend to recognize the price in advance, since then with a complete plate it will be difficult to prove something. The plate gives the cook and he is all that it is preparing, it prepares right with you on the mangale. You can pay as immediately and after you are taking.

Prices are not very humane there, one skeleting of food with seafood. It costs 5000 - 10,000 shillings (2.5 - 5 dollars). But in such a place you are unlikely when you still.

  • Freddie Mercury House: For modern youth, this attraction is not so interesting than older people. My father would dream here. The house in which he was born and grew up to 6 years of the legend of world music, the leader of the Queen group, Freddie Mercury. Yes, yes, he was from Zanzibar.

Today it is an ordinary house, an ordinary entrance where ordinary people live, and someone lives in Freddie Mercury's apartment. Only at the entrance hangs the "board of honor" and the plate that gives it a cult place. I thought I see a place similar to the wall of Tsoi, but everything is different. The photo is below that confirmation.

  • Darajani market: the central and largest Stone Town market and of course, all Zanzibar. Smells here are appropriate. Mostly this is a grocery market, where in the face of terrible anti-sanitation and temperature +40, sell products, spices, pets, clothes.

On the market, the shards can be purchased a variety of spices, excellent Tanzanian coffee (we have been tied 1 kg of grain, 100% Arabica for 20,000 shillings), there are dried octopuses to beer, and excellent fruits. If you are a lover of noisy and crowded markets, you will like right here.

  • Doors Stone Town: on the map above they are not, as they are everywhere. Entrance doors - business card of the capital. Locals seem to compete with each other in beauty and originality entrance doors. On many doors there are spikes, we thought for beauty. Now yes, but before these spikes carried a defensive function, they defended the house from the invasion of the elephants when these elephants lived on the island. Now you have to defend the house not from anyone.

If you can go to other attractions without visiting Stone Town, then you can only get from the beach of the capital Zanzibar. Therefore, if you are in Stone Town, do not forget about this magic island.

The above is not a complete list of sights of the capital: but these are the most important of them, to the visit of which you will not feel sorry to be spent time and money.

Stone Town is the gate of Zanzibar, the first impression of the whole archipelago you will get here. But what to prepare you and form a certain mood, see the link.

In conclusion: Many tourists make a mistake, arriving in or flying from Stone Town - the capital of Zanzibar without stopping here at least for the day. At this city, it is simply necessary to allocate all day to walk around the narrow streets, visit the Turtles Park and enjoy the delicious street cuisine.

The most ideal option: Allocate the day at the sights of Stone Town on arrival, book a hotel for one day and calmly take a walk and relax. Or already on the last day of your trip before flying home.

Excellent holidays 🙂

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Below the main resources without which you do not organize your vacation on Zanzibar (add right to add to the bookmarks you need):

Airline: - Cheapest tickets to Zanzibar through Istanbul, Dubai, Doha or Muscat.

Finished tours: - Tours to Zanzibar from 60,000 rubles. (You can find a direct charter Moscow - Zanzibar)

Hotels: - Hotels on the island with 50% discount, work with Booking, Ostrovok, Trivago.

Villas, bungalows and hotels on the first line: - There are exclusive options at excellent prices.

Car rental: - World car rental leader, on Zanzibar too.

Extended Medical Insurance: - cooperate directly with the Zanzibarskaya hospital and clinic. When buying insurance free online Consultation of the doctor 24 \\ 7 in your journey!

An exotic word caressing Zanzibar"Attracts the attention of tourists when choosing a resting place. However, the archipelago and the main island of the archipelago, referred to as Unguja, and the main city of this island also called Zanzibar. Undoubtedly, each of the three geographical units have its own attractions and charms, but the journey to Tanzania will certainly lead you to the city Zanzibar - the capital of the island part of the republic. It is an oldest historical place on the island now made.

Stone city Zanzibara

The city has other names: the locals call the capital of Shangahani - so was called the Bantian Bantia from Mozambique, which first settled in these places. In 1831, Sultan Zanzibar estimated the significance of the deep-water bay in a village as a potential port, where the Arab and European trade ships will be able to sail the slaves and spices. He founded on this place Stone City - Stone TownUnlike Zanzibar villagers, only stone houses were built in this city, but there was no construction plan. And each owner put his house as it is convenient, trying to be in the building as much as possible rooms.

As a result, the city began to be a labyrinth of winding narrow streets, in which not one generation of foreign traders and sailors was plusing. So famous since the 8th century, Stone Town became the largest port, shopping center and the center of the slave trade. Later, these functions began to perform Dar-Es Salaam and Mombasa. In the mid-19th century, the Stone City became the capital of the Oman Empire, so far the Anglican Cathedral has been built on the site of the former slave market, you can see several cameras, where they contained slaves at that time.

Later, Stone Town became the transport center of researchers, travelers and colonializers from Europe, in particular - Portugal. It was here that David Livingston was preparing for his last expedition. In his honor, a crucifix was established in the Anglican Cathedral, carved from the tree, under which the heart of the famous researcher was buried.

And this city remains the economic, administrative and cultural center of Tanzania Islands. A large seaport allows you to make even ocean ships, from here exported on the island of cloves and cloves, coconut oil, copras. The Stone Town is located the residence of the first vice-president of Tanzania.

Sights Stone Town

Tourists tend to float into the stone city on the ferry, which regularly runs from Dar Es Salaam to Stone Town. Another way to the "island capital" of Tanzania is from Kisauni Airport, where they arrive by an airport from other major cities of the republic.

In the old part of the city, most of the houses stand longer than 100-150 years old, their openwork loggias, carved gates and elegant verandas are often similar to the palaces. No wonder tourists are so prettier hiking (there is just not to drive here on the car!) According to narrow curly streets among palaces, historical buildings, amazing houses from coral stone, small shops, traditional Arab homes with turrets and ancient ruins.

Not only Arabic and Indian cultures influenced the architecture of the city, but also - later - European, as well as the trends of various religions: in small (1.5 by 2 kilometers) Stone Tauna more than 50 mosques, 6 Hindu temples, 2 catholic church.

Many buildings today came to the deplorable state, and some beautiful palaces, houses belonging to the Sultans, and historical monuments were completely destroyed, since due to the lack of funds were not supported in proper condition. But, nevertheless, there are many vintage buildings and palaces in the city, which remained to the present day, and they are no doubt inspecting tourists.

One of these places is the Arab Fort, built in 1710-1715 in the place of old Portuguese fortifications. Today, you can not only explore the Fort itself, a collection of furniture and clothing that has survived since the time of the board of Sultans, but also to eat and even spend the night. And sometimes concerts and presentations are held in the Fort premises.

The famous Palace of Miracles is excellent - Beit El-Adjaib, built in 1883 for Sultan Said Bargash with a maritime engineer from Scotland. The palace was indeed filled with "incredible wonders": this is the first elevator on Zanzibar, and the water pipe, and the "Ilyich Lamp"!

During the shortest war of Zanzibar, the British was fired at the Palace of Miracles for 45 minutes, and his owner surrendered, and Beit El Ajaiba was empty. For a long time, local residents wanted to arrange a historic or cultural museum in the palace, but later they decided to simply turn it into a restaurant - in the evenings on the square of the Palace of Miracles Zanzibarians sing, meat fry and rest.

The Anglican Cathedral was built in 1873-1874 on the spot, where she was traded in slaves. Interestingly, during his construction, builders from among the local residents during the lack of the chief architect installed columns at the entrance to the temple upside down! These eight columns are preserved in this form so far.

The Stone Tauna has many other ancient and amazing buildings - St. Joseph Cathedral, Cathedral of Christ, Hindu Temple, Aga-Khan Mosque and Malindi - one of the three mosques of East Africa with a conical minaret. The story of the Blue Mosque is interesting: in the mid-70s of the last century after the proclamation of Tanzania by the Democratic Republic, the Government of Zanzibar is likely to follow the example of the Soviet authorities, at one time who established an outdoor pool on the site of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, decided to please the citizens Stone Town " The folk pool "in the open sky, which was built on the site of a destroyed blue mosque. Naturally, it caused indignation of the local population, most of whom were confined to Muslim religion.

Apparently negative emotions have emerged their action, as the pool constantly proceeded, despite the fact that he was trying to "patch" for 20 years. As a result, in 1995, a new blue mosque was rebuilt on the old place, which the current tourists can see.

In Stone Tauna, it is interesting to visit the National Museum, in which you will tell you the history of the islands, as well as the Palace Museum, where the situation of the rule of Sultanov will be preserved. In the latter, there is a hall dedicated to the daughter of Sultan Seida - Princess Salma, who in the 19th century secretly fled from the palace with a German businessman.

Near the city, tourists visit the remains of the main building with columns on the ruins of the Palace Complex Maruhbi. Built in 1880, the palace was intended by Harem Sultan Barkhash, was surrounded by a garden and was considered the most beautiful on the island.

Nearby are the ruins of the Palace of Mthony, which was built at Sultan Said in 1840, as well as the Kibveni Palace, where the president and important guests of Tanzania are stopped to this day.

To join the bright, saturated life of Zanzibarians, coming to one of the markets Stone Town. Founded in 1904, a large market is indeed considered one of the most dynamic in Tanzania, the market in the gardens of fortified foods is offered the cheapest food products, and exotic aromatic spices can be purchased at the Darazan Bazaar.

Tourists also attracts the Coral Island of Island's prison near the Stone City. Once there was a slightly dungeon, and now it's just beautiful placewhere you can watch gigantic turtles brought from Seychelles. A similar place, also listed in, is located in Senegal, in the west of Africa - this, who also was the center of the slave trade at one time.

In general, Stone Town is located in the center of Zanzibar Island, from here it is easy to go on one of numerous memorable excursions on the natural and historical sights of Tanzania Islands.

One of the brightest and most colorful events in Zanzibar is considered the festival of Sauti Za Busara music and culture Suahili. It is held in mid-February and attracts many tourists from around the world. If you want to plunge into the exotic original atmosphere of the festival, plan your trip in advance, because the holiday has become so popular that not everyone can get to Stone Town during his holding.

Miracles House is the chief architectural ensemble of the Stone Town city, located on Zanzibar Island. For a long time, the House of Miracles was a residence of local sultans, it lasted until 1964, until the union of Zanzibar and Tanganiy took place.

The name of the palace is explained very simple: he was the first building on Zanzibar, where electricity and centralized water supply appeared. Locals were wondering for a long time that the water flows through the pipes immediately in the Hathers.

Today the palace has lost their former greatness, the first persons of the states are no longer stopped here, and the elevator who served as a means of moving the end of the building for a long time. However, a museum is placed in several rooms of the palace, where the local fishery and customs are told. And, of course, the tourist enters the magnificent view of the Stone Town, opening from the Palace Terrace.

Square slave trade in Stone Tauna

The large slave market appeared on Zanzibar at the beginning of the XIX century. From 1830 to 1873, more than 600 thousand people were sold at the Stone Tauna area, on average annually on Zanzibar sold from 10 to 30 thousand people.

In 1873, the slave trade was banned, and a year later on the square, the construction of the Anglican Cathedral began. He stands there and now.

Tourists show not only the square itself, but also the premises in which slaves were kept before the sale, as well as basements, where the slave trade continued after the official ban on the 1890s.

And what sights of Stone-Town did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

Sultan Palace in Stone Tauna

Sultan Palace, or Miracles House - this is one of the largest buildings in the Stone Town, built in a tropical Victorian style.

The palace was erected by the project of the Unknown Scottish Sea Engineer on the order of Sultan Bargasha in 1883. For some time the building served as a residence of Sultan. But in 1896, a three-story building became the object of British bombardments. Subsequently, the palace was renovated.

The palace was not only the largest structure in all Zanzibar, but also the first building in which electricity, plumbing and even an elevator appeared. Since the Zanzibarski government began to hold their meetings elsewhere, exhibitions and parties are held in the palace from time to time, and recently a luxury restaurant has been opened here.

On the memorandum before the entrance it is written that someday the Museum of the History of Zanzibar and Civilization of Swahili will be arranged in this house.

The English fort on the island of Zanzibar exists from those times when Tanzania was the Colonian of Great Britain, that is, from the end of the XVIII - early XIX century. The majestic fort is located next to the Sultan Palace, in the center of Stone Town.

In the XIX century, the Fort dungeons were used as a prison chamber and torture places, the age of the railway station, and now fort is a large cultural center, which regularly hosts festivals, musical and dance performances, the Schow of African drums.

The most important open-air holidays, traditionally passing in the fortress and collect thousands of people from all over the world, is the international Zanzibarsky Film Festival ZIFF and Swahili Music Festival Sauti Za Busara.

The market of spices and fruits on Zanzibar

The largest fruit and spices market on Zanzibar is located in the historic part of the island, in the city of Stone Town. This market was founded in 1904. Today in the market you can see huge fruit rods, numerous shopping beefs with color fruits and spices. Zanzibar is often called the "island of spices", and the choice of seasonings is really huge here.

The market gives tourists the opportunity to feel the pulse of this African-Muslim Island, hear the most different dialects of local languages. The market is focused not only on tourists, but also at the locals. Therefore, here you can see how zanzibars dresses, what fruits and spices are chosen for themselves.

Hotel "House of Africa"

Africa House is a magnificent hotel located in a luxurious old building end XIX. century. More than a century ago, the hotel building served as an English royal residence, and therefore the hotel is one of the most elegant on the island by offering truly royal service.

The small hotel is located in the original low snow-white building in colonial architectural style. The internal decoration of the hotel is tastefully decorated with luxurious Persian carpets, antiques, works of artists of local artists, and therefore the hotel reigns an indescribable special atmosphere of royal luxury.

Gardens Fodokhani

Gardens of Fodokhani - the opening platform, located in front of the central embankment of Stone Town, which is located on Zanzibar Island in Tanzania. This place is one of the most popular in the tourist environment, especially travelers attracts the local market, opening in the evenings.

Translated from Suahili, the word "forty" means "place of unloading ships". This name is no coincidence: many centuries ago there was a discharge of shopping ships by slaves, which then sent to sell goods to the local market. Later here was the customs.

Today, the Gardens of Fortavani - the center of attraction of tourists, famous primarily by its market. The market works daily in the evening. Here you can purchase a wide variety of products, including those cooked on your eyes in huge bras. Especially popular cobwebs with fish filling.

Stone Town.

Stone Town is ancient city And the capital of the Zanzibar Peninsula. Between mosques, colorful bazaars and old Arab houses, his narrow romantic streets extend. They are wonderful suitable for walking walks, as cars do not fit to drive between the buildings of the Old Town.

The architecture is presented here with an amazing association of Persian, Arab, European, Indian and African styles. Arabic influence is especially expressed in the impressive sizes of mounted balconies and carved doors. The construction was carried out several centuries - although the buildings from the stone began to erect only at the beginning of the XIX century.

The main attractions of Stone Town are two buildings: Arab Fort, built instead of Portuguese fortification of the XVIII century, and the Palace of Sultan Said Barghash, also known as the "House of Miracles". On the East African coast to colonization, this city was the center of trade. In the middle of the XIX century, its main income was the export of various spices - mainly cloves, and slaves that were taken into a new light.

The most popular attractions in Stone Tauna with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose best places for visiting famous seats Stone Tauna on our website.

As long as we enter the Stone Town, I think, it's time to talk a little about the history of Zanzibar. It is believed that the first inhabitants of Zanzibar were the peoples of the Bantu, 2 thousand years ago, crushed here through the strait from the continent.
Zanzibar always lived trade. The island is one of the oldest shopping centers of the world, known during the times of Sumerians and Assyrians. In India and Asia, they supplied slaves, gold, elephant bone and tree. Spices, glass and textiles were brought from Asia. Spices here, by the way, have taken root. True, already at the beginning of the 19th century. A clove was delivered here - and after a couple of years, Zanzibar was called the name "Island of Spices" ...

However, back to earlier times.

Of course, Zanzibar visited the Portuguese colony, as well as many other regions in Africa and Asia, but Portuguese dominion lasted for a long time, years 100. After the Portuguese, the island was ruled by Ottomans, which brought their culture and Islam here.

The 19th century, under the control of Ottomans, perhaps, became the "golden" century for the island - he was fond of rich! It is rich in so much that Sultan Oman suffered here a residence from the Persian Gulf! The main income came from the sale of ivory and black slaves and the already mentioned carnation. It's funny that competition of Zanzibar in the trade of the carnation was Indonesia only in ... 1985!

In Stone Tauna

And the biggest tragedy of Zanzibar, except for the slave trade, of course, occurred in 1964. Prior to this year, Arabs and Negros lived on one island, but separated. But in 1964 there was an analogue of the Bartholomewn Night analogue in African. Negros cut the Arabs ...It began with the fact that the British left Zanzibar and the state gained independence. The cities immediately began a massacre and riots up to the cannibalism of Europeans, the Arabs and Hindu had to be fleeting. A little expented, from 2 to 20 thousand people! I do not know, the legend is or not, but I read that the slaughterhouse ended when Negro guys began to marry the Araks girls. I'm not sure that the girls agreed to marry with pleasure, but Alternna they did not have. Therefore, Negro-Arab Milat, by the way, very beautiful figures and persons live on the island.

However, let us return to the end of the Ottoman rule on the island and roles in the history of the Island of the British. In Zanzibar installed English Protectorate in 1890. And when in 1896, one of the sultans died, Britain did not approve of his successor, held the world's short war in the world, only 38 minutes, and then the rules on their own. The struggle against the slave trade, by the way, was also conducted with the direct participation of the British. The slave trade won earlier, as much at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, in 1876, during Osmans. Since the English boards, residents of Zanzibara call their archipelago "Muslim with fucking with English orders. "I will say that there is incredibly flattened! What is the fact that Zanzibar is now - the spectacle is sad. Island of lost opportunities ...

Somewhere in the center of Stone Town
The main attraction of the island, of course, is the old Arabic city of Stone Town, an insensited UNESCO to the World Heritage List. Doors in Stone Town - Arabic style. Each is unique.
Well beautiful!

Local residents call the capital in different ways: Shangahani, so called the Bantian Bantia from Mozambique, which for the first time settled in these places, Stone Town and just the city of Zanzibar. In Stone Town, stone houses were built without any construction plan, so now the city represents a labyrinth of winding narrow streets. Interesting places In the city there is a lot - in Stone Tauna more than 50 mosques, 6 Hindu temples, 2 Catholic churches. But we walked on it somehow crumbly. Very interesting territory of the market. By the way, he is located here.

Stone Town. Market

Nearby, on the site of the former slave market, an Anglican Cathedral was built. Stone Town was at one time the base of researchers, Africa from Europe. It was here that the famous David Livingston was preparing for his last expedition. Yet, Ottomans were civilization (and rich in civilization) compared to wild Africa.

Very interesting energy from the ancient port is the feeling of eternity, as in the mountains or in the desert.

In the port of Stone Town
Stone Town. Somewhere in the port area
Stone Town. Fort

Immediately the famous Palace of Miracles - Beit El Ajaibib, built by the Sea Engineer from Scotland in the early 19th century for Sultan Said Bargasha. Imagine the degree of wealth of the island, if already in 1883 there was the first (and I'm afraid, the last :)) on Zanzibar the elevator, water supply, and electricity, which, by the way, is now disconnected on the island regularly.

Stokey Town. Palace of Miracles
In the evenings, on the square near the Palace, Stone Town rest, there are "rumpled" rows ... Here I first saw (I do not know why, for the first time), the machine to extrude the juice from sugar cane. Try not risked. Would be your glass - can be seduced.

We walked on shopping, bought gifts. Legend that in Stone Tauna souvenirs was cheaper not confirmed. I would even say that more expensive than our beach. Buy stands standing summer cotton and paper clothes (pants, sundresses, pareo), paintings and wood products. Yes, and spices! But what I was looking for and did not find - this is tea with spices. Probably, it was worth buying a massa ... tea with spices on the island I saw - it's super! Sorry, I could not bring home as a gift close.

We are on shopping

And Stone Town is known as the place of birth of one of the most unique modern performers - Freddie Mercury. Of course, I could not pass by! Queen is one of my musical addictions throughout the conscious life.

Entrance to the Freddie House Museum
Will going around a little bit in the city? So, just where you look? On the outskirts of the city traditional slums
Stone Town. Slum

And in the center - very soulful buildings on the seashore.

Stone Town. Embankment
Stone Town. Rich houses
Minaret. Some kind of non-standard
I like this. And you?
Non-standard transport - signs of exotic cities

And the inhabitants are so interesting that it is impossible to keep from photo shoots. It is good that in Zanzibar people are calmer refer to the desire of tourists to capture them. Well, how not to capture the aunt with suitcases on your head?

Babes are good

That I could not take a picture - this is the most big impression from island entertainment. In the evening, in the villages, they carry televisions around which all the inhabitants are going to and watch television programs! I see for the first time in my life. It is very touching. Although my husband says that in the 70s such scenes could be seen in Ukraine.

For a couple more days of rest, then almost a day on the road (8 hours on the plane) of the road with a visit to Istanbul - and we are at home. But about this later.

Zanzbir Island is not only natural beauty, but also historical and architectural. Although, justice for the sake, I will say that all the same, nature is very cool here, but with the sights of urbanism so-like. Nevertheless, if you relax in this place, do not visit its central city called Zanzibar with his old town of Stone Tauna - an unforgivable omission. Still, this is the capital of the island.

City Zanzibar: Where is it?

Let's first figure out with geographic concepts and names. Sanzibar Island itself is in Indian Ocean The Eastern Coast of Tanzania and is part of this country on the rights of autonomy. That is, Zanzibar is the name of the main island of the Zanzibar archipelago of the same name. That is, we see that the word "Zanzibar" is called two geographical objects - the archipelago and its main island. But there is also the third toponym. This is the capital of the island - the city of Zanzibar. Yes, the locals are clearly a rich imagination differed and called everything that is possible. Enough, here it is, the capital of the island Zanzibar.

City Zanzibar on the map

As you can see, the city is located on the eastern coast of the main island. He is very small. This is an administrative and transport node: there is even an international airport. So even with all the big desire you will not be able to drive by. And therefore it is worth looking at it.

Stone city Zanzibar: Stone Town

Historical and cultural value in the city is an old center called Stone Town (Stone Town), which translated "Stone City". It is here that the main attractions and cafes are concentrated.

I will tell about the attractions below, as well as a few words about the organization of excursions and hotels in Stone Taun.

As for me, then on the inspection of this place you can allocate clock 5, no more. During this time you have time to bypass the main sights on your own and with the guide. But if you expect a good shopping, then you will need more time. Calculate. Sit in a cafe - 1-2 hours, a guide tour - 2-3 hours, shopping - depends on your needs and desires. Total hours 5-8.

Guide can be found right on the street. More precisely, it is not necessary to search for him, he is most likely suitable for you. At least approached us. I first wanted to walk around the city on my own, however, my husband decided to agree on a tour - and we did not regret it. With a guide, you will have a rich program with a visit to such places you did not even know. For example, everyone is impassing to visit the market of slaves or the house of Freddie Mercury, but almost no one knows about the panoramic form to the city on one of his highest roofs or the Buddhist temple, which, to surprise, there is a zanzibar. So do not miss: Agree to the guide. Especially since its services are inexpensive: only 20-30 dollars.

Stone Town: Attractions

As for visits to sights, regardless of whether you yourself or with a guide, basic need to know in advance. Not to forget to see them.

The first, truly religious landmark of Stone Tauna, which was already mentioned above, is Freddie Mercury. More precisely, this is a hotel room where it was once apartment house And the family of Farruha Bulsary lived (the real name of the idol, given to him at birth). You can see this number unhindered if it is open.

Also obligatory to visit is the market of slaves on Zanzibar. Here, during a separate mini-excursion, they will be shown for a small fee, in which non-human conditions contained these unfortunate.

Visit also the famous Market Zanzibara, where you can buy literally everything. Personally, he made an indelible impression on me, putting a real horror of his own antisanitarian. The clouds of flies that sit on the dried octicors, fruits from the floor, crowds of people and smells, smells, smells ... In general, it is very difficult for me to imagine that someone is buying something there. However, the place is very colorful and look at it.

During an excursion through the streets of the city, the guide also showed us numerous famous Zanzibarsk doors, which are a whole direction of art and are still very popular among the rich people from all over the world. Each door is a unique masterpiece worth several thousand dollars. And there are a lot of such masterpieces on the streets of Zanzibar. And there are as many three directions in ornaments: Indian, Arabic and actually Zanzibarskoye.

Also when walking around the city you will see several temples, and completely different denominations. One of them is a long-term long-term. Very reminded our country with her long-suffering. It is unlikely that he will ever be ready.

In general, the sights of Stone Tauna are rather weak. That is, go to the island to watch them not. It is only for a chic beach vacation here. And point. Therefore, and stop at the hotel directly in the Stone Town itself - unforgivable slip. It is ugly, crowded, dirty and no good beaches.

Shoping in Stone Tauna

As for the shopping, the Zanzibar needs to go to the Stone Town. And this shopping will, of course, purely tourist. That is, you can hardly visit the stores with clothes. This is not Milan. Most likely, you stop your choice on souvenirs and jewelry. There are a lot of them here and for every taste. However, if you plan to visit more and mainland Tanzania, you can sink and there: prices are in the mainland sometimes lower than on the island.

Going to Zanzibar?