Information security of schoolchildren presentation for parents. Presentation on the topic: Information security of children

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"Cell phone exposure" - One conversation. The telephone is in the service of man. Phone exposure. The first mobile phone. The most popular phone. Safe phones. Mobile phone. Telephone etiquette. The advantages of mobile communication. Scientific and technical progress. Place of wearing phones. Human health. Talk time. Physical health. Parents' opinions. Dangerous phones. Age. Scientific organization. Average talk time.

"Information measurement system" - Binary coding of numerical information. Binary code. Power. Measurement of the amount of graphic information. Binary alphabet. Binary coding of audio information. Coding methods. A message that reduces the uncertainty of knowledge. CMYK is the model. Sufficient alphabet. Information volume of the symbol. Positional and non-positional number systems. Information volume of a book page. Drop of any card.

"Stages in the history of the development of computer technology" - Electronic stage. Operating system. Recent developments. Card. Modern personal computer. Stages of development. 1st generation computer. Home mechanical stage. Windows operating system. Computer of the 3rd generation. Computer of the 4th generation. Mechanical stage. 2nd generation computer. Definition of BT. Electromechanical stage. The history of the development of computer technology.

"Means of input and output of information" - Functions. CRT. Keyboard. Printers. Graphics tablet. Mouse. Universal input device. Information input and output devices. Plotter. Scanner. Digital cameras and photo cameras.

"History of the invention of the computer" - Technical capabilities. Work. History of the invention of the computer. Electronic computer. Counting mechanical machine. Cybernetic scientists. Equipment. Babbage's analytical device. Computers. Main components.

"Security and protection of information" - Legal system. Informatization and globalization of society. Methods for obtaining and updating information. Legal information, system and informatics. Breaking the cipher. System and informatics. Information Security. Ensuring information security of the individual. The main types of threats to computer systems. Cryptographic transformation. Information systems security measures. Cryptology. Security classes of computer systems.

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We create a course for parents on the information security of children

Purpose of the course: To provide methodological assistance to parents on information security of schoolchildren

The objectives of the project are to identify the level of competence of parents on information security issues; c - create an information space for parents where they can familiarize themselves with materials on information security of children, as well as ask questions and get competent answers to them; - to acquaint parents with the laws that ensure information security; - to develop an algorithm of parents' actions to ensure information security of children; - develop scenarios for assessing the qualities and skills related to safe behavior in the network (formative assessment); - to form a responsible attitude and awareness of the importance of parental involvement in the upbringing of a child's safe behavior in the network; - to organize the exchange of knowledge and experience, personally meaningful communication of the training participants.

Project questions: Fundamental question: Is peace possible in a digital world? Problem Issues: The Internet Brings more use or harm? “Web” intertwined - by whom? Can a family provide information security to their children? How to prepare children for life in the information society? Can parents, using the Internet, themselves additionally teach their children (self-education)? Study Questions: What are the dangers of the Internet? How to detect danger? What is information security for children? What rules of internet etiquette do you need to follow? What resources for self-education can parents recommend to their children? What is the classification of internet addictions? How can you get rid of Internet addiction?

“We want the Internet to be your friend for many years! You will know ten rules of these. Feel free to surf the Internet! "

Useful Links on Children's Internet Safety Keeping Children Safe on the Internet: Internet Safety Tips for Children 13 to 17: /rus/protect/athome/children/kidtips13-17.mspx Parents' Guide to Online Child Safety: Age and Milestones Your Child and Internet: Review of parental control programs:

List of resources 1.http: //\u003d213&text\u003d%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B0+ % D0% B4% D0% B5% D1% 82% D0% B8 +% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B4% D0% B8% D1% 82% D0% B5% D0% BB% D0% B8 +% D0 % B8 +% D0% BA% D0% BE% D0% BC% D0% BF% D1% 8C% D1% 8E% D1% 82% D0% B5% D1% 80 2.http: // index / bezopasnyj_internet / 0-73 3.http: // 4.http: // com /

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Organization of work with parents of younger adolescents on information security of children

A Parent's Memo to protect children from online threats and make Internet use as useful as possible ....

Parents' meeting "Information security of children and adolescents"

Parent meeting. This development provides information for parents on the correct and safe use of the Internet by children. There is a presentation and videos on this topic ....

A single lesson on information security in the network for children.

Purpose of conducting a media security conversation- ensuring information security of underage students and pupils by instilling in them the skills of responsible and safe behavior in the modern information and telecommunication environment.


    to focus students' attention on the rules of responsible and safe behavior in the modern information environment;

    to give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to protect against illegal attacks on the Internet;

    consolidate knowledge of safety when working with a computer.

The rapid development of computer technologies qualitatively changes the surrounding life and gives rise to many new problems, in particular, the problem of the formation of information culture and security among the younger generation.

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, All-Russian Center public opinion research, the Public Opinion Foundation:

Slide 2. Internet and children

in Russia there are about 8-10 million Internet users under the age of 14 (for comparison, only a third of adults use the Internet, while among schoolchildren, 90% of students use the Internet);

on average in Russia, children start going online at the age of 10;

25% of 5 year olds use the Internet;

about 6.3 million children go online from school;

two thirds of children who go online do it on their own;

parental control over the child's use of the Internet remains until the age of 11.

Slide 3. Internet - communication. Most of the schoolchildren actively use the possibilities of the Internet for communication: they keep online diaries (90%), communicate with friends via Skype (87%), ICQ (62%), in chats and various social networks (57%).

Every ninth high school student maintains a blog - a public online diary that is open to reading and where everyone can express what they want.

More than 80% of Russian teenagers have a profile on a social network. Among users aged 14-17, 93% use VKontakte, 43% - “Every sixth of them has more than 100 friends from their classmates, 4% of children have more than 300 friends on a social network.

Slide 4. Internet classes... A significant part of the time that Russian youth spends on the Internet, they devote to searching for audio and video recordings.

Many indicated that they often listen to audio (73%) and watch videos (68%), participate in various promotions and polls (60%), play online games (77%), and also browse sites that they are not allowed to watch parents (56%).

Slide 5.Internet and study.Less actively than teachers might think, students view the web as a source of learning information. 44% of students said they use the Internet to study, with only 10% doing it often and 34% sometimes.

Slide 6.The Internet is a threat.The biggest threat is posed by luring and spreading personal information on the web. More than half of the surveyed students often give their home phone number (79%), mobile number (65%), school or class number (60%), their photos and photographs of relatives (58%), their email address (51%) on the Internet. ).

According to a study by the European Child Welfare Agency, 44% of children who regularly access the Internet have experienced sexual harassment during virtual communication, 11% have experienced it several times. Even more children received abusive messages from other Internet users.

In addition, the study found that 19% of children occasionally browse porn sites, another 9% do it regularly. Erotic chats are visited by 26% of young Internet users, 38% are visiting sites containing information about violence, and 16% are promoting nationalism.

14.5% of children who took part in the survey made an appointment with strangers via the Internet, 10% of them went to meetings alone, and 7% did not tell anyone that they were meeting with someone.

In addition to the listed risks, the Internet carries another danger directly related to personal changes of users - the development internet addiction... Adolescents are the most vulnerable to this threat.

Slide 7.Internet addiction. More than a quarter of children spend 7 to 14 hours a week online. about 1-2 hours a day, every sixth child - from 14 to 21 hours. At the same time, every fifth child is online more than 21 hours a week, which is almost a day. On average, in the Russian regions, about every eighth student admitted that they "live on the Internet" - they spend online two or three days a week.

Slide 8.

Slide 9.Thus, the number internet threats to young users, includes: access to objectionable content; communication of confidential information to interlocutors on the network; contacts with strangers through chats, instant messengers, e-mail; the threat of a computer infection with malware; uncontrolled purchases in online stores, etc.

In this regard, it is necessary to direct all efforts to protect children from information that is harmful to their health and development. Enlightenment of the younger generation, knowledge by a child elementary rules selection of information, as well as the ability to use it contributes to the development of a system for the protection of children's rights.

Slides 10-16. Tips for kids

1. Don't click on links. When you chat using instant messaging systems or if you receive an email, never click directly on the link, especially if it came from someone you don't know.

2. Do not download or open files from suspicious sources.

3. Don't hang out with strangers. When using chat rooms and instant messaging systems, you never know who you are actually communicating with.

4. Do not share your confidential information over the Internet. Never send personal information (your data, photos, address, etc.) by e-mail or through instant messaging systems, and never post this kind of information on blogs and forums.

5. Be vigilant. If a program that you don't remember installing starts showing you pop-up windows with an offer to buy something, be vigilant.

6. Don't run suspicious files. If your security solution tells you that a file may contain (or contains) malware, do not open that file. Just remove it.

7. Talk to your parents or teachers. If you have any questions about all this, if you are faced with something suspicious, if you have received offensive or dangerous letters, then discuss it with adults. They can help you.

Slide 17.. How to sit at the computer correctly (picture)

Slide 18. Don't let your computer hurt you(picture)

Slide 19.It is important for adults to remember that even the most sophisticated children do not see the dangers of the Internet and do not understand the risks of using it.

Tips for Parents (optional on parent meeting)

1. Talk to your children. You need to know what sites they visit, who they communicate with, what they like to watch, etc.

3. Establish rules for using the Internet. You must establish clear and understandable rules that describe the Internet access schedule, the maximum length of time you can use the Internet, and how you use it. And make sure your kids follow these guidelines.

4. Forbid children from providing confidential information. You must instruct your children not to share information such as their name, address or photographs with anyone on the Internet.

5. Teach your children to be careful. Often, many things on the Internet do not look the way they appear to us. Teach your children to be careful and teach them not to do anything that could jeopardize their safety and privacy.

6. Install Panda Internet Security 2012. It protects you from viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online scammers, identity theft and other Internet threats. Panda Internet Security 2012 contains Parental Controls to ensure your kids browse the Internet safely


1.Media securityInformation security of the younger generation. A series of comics on the topic of Internet security "". ›lib.php? item \u003d 247 Novosibirsk

2.Media security

Media safety of children in the Internet and cellular networks. In September 2011, media security lessons were held at schools in Russia, where students ... ›file ... internetbezopasnosti ...

3. Media security I would consider it necessary to propose to the Ministry of Education to introduce a special course for children, possibly even parents, the so-called “Media security of children and ... ›index.php ... St. Petersburg

4. The child is online. Is the child playing? Panda Security BABY PLAYING? A detailed guide will help you keep your kids safe online.

Is the child playing? A detailed guide will help you keep your kids safe online.

5. Internet. Yandex. Pictures on the topic.

View presentation content

Internet and children

  • in Russia, there are about 8-10 million Internet users under the age of 14 (among schoolchildren 90% of students use the Internet);

On average in Russia, children start going online at the age of 10;

25% of 5 year olds use the Internet;

About 6.3 million children go online from school;

Two thirds of children who go online do it on their own;

Parental control over the child's use of the Internet remains until the age of 11.

Internet - communication

Most of the students actively use the possibilities of the Internet for communication:

  • keep online diaries (90%),
  • communicate with friends via Skype (87%), ICQ (62%), in chats and various social networks (57%).

Internet classes

They listen to audio (73%) and watch videos (68%), participate in various actions and votes (60%), play online games (77%), and also browse sites that their parents are not allowed to watch (56%) ...

Internet and study

Less actively than teachers might think, students view the web as a source of learning information. 44% of students said they use the Internet to study, with only 10% doing it often and 34% sometimes.

On the Internet, an interested child can find all the necessary information that even textbooks do not provide. The main condition is to be able to use Internet resources correctly, then the child will only benefit.

Internet is a threat

The biggest threat is posed by luring and spreading personal information on the web. More than half of the surveyed students often give their home phone number (79%), mobile number (65%), school or class number (60%), their photos and photographs of relatives (58%), their email address (51%) on the Internet. ).

Internet addiction

More than a quarter of children spend 7 to 14 hours a week online. about 1-2 hours a day, every sixth child - from 14 to 21 hours.

At the same time, every fifth child is online more than 21 hours a week, which is almost a day

On average, in the Russian regions, about one in eight students admitted that they "live on the Internet" - they spend online two or three days a week.

Internet - threats that lie in wait young users:

  • access to inappropriate content;
  • communication of confidential information to interlocutors on the network;
  • contacts with strangers through chats, instant messengers, e-mail;
  • the threat of a computer infection with malware;
  • uncontrolled purchases in online stores, etc.

Tips for kids

1. Don't click on links. When you chat using instant messaging systems or if you receive an email, never click directly on the link, especially if it came from someone you don't know.

Tips for kids

2. Do not download or open files from suspicious sources.

Tips for kids

3. Don't hang out with strangers. When using chat rooms and instant messaging systems, you never know who you are actually communicating with.

Tips for kids

Tips for kids

4. Do not share your confidential information over the Internet. Never send personal information (your data, photos, address, etc.) by e-mail or through instant messaging systems, and never post this kind of information on blogs and forums.

Tips for kids

5. Be vigilant. If a program that you don't remember installing starts showing you pop-up windows with an offer to buy something, be vigilant.

Tips for kids

6. Don't run suspicious files. If your security solution tells you that a file may contain (or contains) malware, do not open that file. Just remove it.

Tips for kids

7. Talk to your parents or teachers. If you have any questions about all this, if you are faced with something suspicious, if you have received offensive or dangerous letters, then discuss it with an adult. They can help you.

Don't let the computer harm you!

Ensuring information security of children by the state, protecting the physical, mental and moral development of minors, as well as human dignity in all audiovisual media services and electronic media is a requirement of international law.

Federal Law adopted on December 29, 2010 Russian Federation 436-FZ "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development" establishes rules for the media safety of children when circulating in Russia media products, printed, audiovisual products on all types of media, programs for computers and databases, as well as information located in information and telecommunication networks and networks of mobile radiotelephone communication. The law defines the information security of children as a state of security, in which there is no risk associated with information (including information distributed on the Internet) causing harm to their health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2011 No. 252-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption Federal law "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development", aimed at protecting children from destructive, traumatizing informational impact, an overabundance of cruelty and violence in publicly available sources mass media, from information that can develop vicious inclinations in a child, form a distorted picture of the world and wrong attitudes in the child. The law establishes the procedure for stopping the distribution of mass media products, carried out in violation of statutory requirements.

To help your children, you need to know this: Be aware of what your children are doing on the Internet. Ask them to teach you how to use various applications that you have not used before. Help your children understand that they should not share their mobile phone number, home address, school name / number with anyone on the Internet, or show photos of themselves and their families. Anyone on the Internet can see it. If your child receives spam (unsolicited e-mail), remind him not to believe what is written in the letters and in no way respond to them. Explain to your children that you cannot open files sent from people unknown to you. These files may contain viruses or photos / videos with "aggressive" content.

Make sure the children consult with you before ordering, buying or selling anything online; Explain to your children that they should not download programs, music, or files from the Internet without your permission. By sharing files and downloading text, images and other materials from the Internet, they may violate copyright laws. Ask your children what chats and message boards they visit and who they communicate with. Encourage communication in monitored chat rooms, and insist that children only communicate in shared chat room windows.

Help your child understand that some people on the Internet may not be telling the truth and not who they say they are. Children should never meet online friends in real life on their own without adults. Communicate with your children constantly. It's never too late to tell your child how to act and react to other people's actions on the Internet. Teach your children how to react if someone offended them or they received / came across aggressive content on the Internet, also tell where in such a case they can turn. Make sure your computers have filtering tools installed and configured correctly.

The key functions of the Parental Control module are: Blocking sites by category (pornography / erotica, drugs, cruelty, foul language, weapons, gambling, chats, Internet mail, social networks, extremism / terrorism); Protection against cybercrime against children; Restricting children's access to the Internet and certain applications (for example, games) on a schedule; Enabling the search function taking into account age restrictions; Setting up user accounts; Blocking access to portable information storages, network devices, disk drives, as well as individual files and directories, which makes it impossible to delete or steal confidential information.

If you are concerned about your child's safety while surfing the Internet or using mobile communications, If your child is at risk or is the victim of online harassment and fraud, Contact the Kids Online Help Line. Experts will help you solve the problem, communications and the Internet Call by phone (calls within Russia are free, calls are received on weekdays from 9-00 to Moscow time) Or send your letter to: