Small houses with an attic. Houses with a veranda, attic and garage. Projects and photos

The terrace is a covered platform attached to the house. In the summer, it is possible to spend the evening here, breakfast and dine outdoors, celebrate family celebrations and just meet with relatives and friends. Projects of houses with attic and terrace use unchanged demand among large friendly families and lovers of friendly gatherings.

However, it is important here to remember that this element of the structure should be initially included in the project. The fact is that the subsequent alteration of documentation may require significant changes in the calculations and, as a result, the rise in prices. And no one should not be engaged in your own independently to avoid serious problems. It is much easier to immediately choose a ready-made project of the house with an attic and a terrace.

Romance under the roof

Mansard buildings may have a different area. Generally speaking, the attic floor is called the inhabited and comfortable attic. If its arrangement is made correctly, the premises will be as convenient, as well as a full-fledged floor. But it will cost cheaper, as the walls will have a smaller height, and their place will take the roof itself. However, projects of houses with an attic and terrace should provide for a high degree of insulation, since there will be no warm attic on the attic room.

Otherwise, such a dwelling also looks more effectively. And not only outside, but also from the inside. A special charm and comfort him attach to the beveled ceilings, which will dare to children and located in sight of the beam. If you did not suit ready projects Houses with attic and terrace, you may just need to just order the design of a private house according to an individual sketch that will meet all your requirements and requests with subsequent construction.

Any house becomes modern with an attic, more practical - with a garage and cozy - with a veranda. It is quite possible to combine such a project with the construction of a simple suburban cottage with a successful layout. Details with photos - in the article.

House with attic: features planning and construction

Another 200 years ago, the mansard served as a refuge for the poor creative intelligentsia, which lacked money for more or less decent housing. Today it is up to date and fashionable, and sometimes an integral part of the country cottage project for secured people. It is quite natural, if we consider, what advantages have attic at home:

  • makes the interior lighter, brighter, original;
  • allows you to move away from a standard rectangular building template;
  • it is also functional as the second floor of the house, but it allows you to save on construction materials at the expense of your form, as well as the absence of a attic.

Council. Often at home with an attic prefer owners of small land plates. Such a building is lower than a 2-storey cottage, which means, much less shades the site and plants planted on it.

In addition, if the area allows you to build only small house, then the attic of the attitude will be lucky to fit into the project. It does not distort the proportions of the building, while the full 2nd floor can extend the house in height.

Cottage projects with attic can be performed in any style. The same concerns the planning. Very often, the attic floor will use under the home office, a rest room with a billiards or table tennis, a nursery or bedroom. Such buildings from any material are erected: bricks, bars, foam blocks. If the site allows, a house with an attic can be an area of \u200b\u200b150 square meters. m, 200 square meters. M and more. In this case, it will most often have 2, 3, and then 4 floors. Such a project usually provides for, for example, a few bedrooms at the top of the cottage. In addition, the presence of attic does not exclude the additional construction of the garage, terrace or veranda.

Types of projects of the house with a garage

Own car for a resident of the private sector or owner of a country cottage is a necessity and one of the conditions of comfort. Therefore, the popularity of projects involving the construction of a house with a garage is obvious. 2 options are possible:

  • arrangement of the room for the machine in the basement / basement floor;
  • an extension of personal car park to one side of the house. Moreover, we are talking about simultaneous construction and a house, and a garage, and not about the erection of the last postfactum.

Attention! If you still intend to make an extension to the house already put into operation, think well. One-piece project with a garage takes into account many constructive requirements, heat loss, ventilation system. Plus, incorrectly selected dimensions, the type of roof or the angle of inclination may adversely affect appearance at home.

Advantages of the house with a garage:

  1. To get behind the wheel, it is not necessary to go outside. Especially relevant in frosty or rainy weather. Very many projects provide entry from both the street and directly from the house (usually from the kitchen, tambura, hallway).
  2. You can use the garage room, including for storing things or as a workshop.
  3. There is saving money and building materials, regardless of where to have a garage: on the side or under the residential floor. In addition, plumbing, sewage and heating is cheaper to put in the limits of one building.

Depending on the planning, the house with the garage can have a different area, stylistic design, additional functional elements. For example, not at all uncommon projects with a terrace or veranda, as well as several floors. At the same time, the garage itself can be erected not from the same building material as the house. But finishing, facade, roof (in the case of an extension) must be identical to the external design of the cottage. This will give the harmonious integrity and completion of the whole construction.

Attention! The garage equipped in the basement or basement room is convenient if the access road is tilted at an angle of no more than 12 ° C.

Planning at home with a veranda

Here, as in the case of a garage, it is better to initially plan simultaneous construction and at home, and veranda. Of course, you can make an extension and later, but it is worth paying attention to such moments:

  1. With a separate erection of the house, and through time - the verandas are difficult to achieve high-quality fastening of the walls. Because the foundation for the extension will be poured separately, there is a risk that it will begin to crack when shrinking, and the walls will diverge.
  2. If the veranda is used not only in the summer, but in the cold season, it should be warm. It is easier and cheaper to plan heating immediately and for an extension.
  3. The external finish of both buildings should be the same in any case.

Houses with a veranda are designed to relax in nature, the pleasure of silence away from the city noise and the beauty of nature. Taking into account these features on the veranda, there is often a library, an office, living room, and sometimes even the kitchen. Accordingly, the project is developed in each case on the basis of how the premises will be used. For example, if an extension is planned for the kitchen, then make her glazing rationally only at the top.

The more traditional "cold" verandas for which heating is not required is cheaper. But it cannot be equipped with a living room, a greenhouse or a winter garden: they serve as a summer terrace for gatherings in the warm season.

Projects of houses with a veranda are typical, as well as designed for specific tastes and wishes of the future owner. Individual orders are more expensive than finished typical samples. However, at the same time, you can be sure that such a structure is the only one in its kind. Regardless of what you choose, before the introduction of any project, it is worth consulting with specialists who understand the landscaped features of the area.

Projects of small cottages 8 x 8, 10 x 10

If you decide to build a house outside the city, but we own a very large plot, take a look at the project of a simple and compact cottage in 64 or 100 square meters. m. The square shape of such a building contributes to the most efficient planning of the useful space, eliminating the house from the passing rooms. The additional benefits of building 10 x 10 should include:

  • universality - you can experiment in this building with different styles and implement any designer projects;
  • practicality - every room in such a house performs its purpose, and not an empty, waiting for the best times;
  • savings - both at the construction stage, and during further maintenance.

Council. Even if the size of the site allows you to build a chic mansion, think how much free space will remain for the garden, the garden, other buildings. Own yard, while also well maintained, is a great place for meetings with friends, family holidays.

House 8 x 8 or 64 square meters. M - at first glance it may seem that this is not enough. But about the same dimensions have an urban apartment from 2-3 living rooms. How closely or spacious will be in this cottage - depends on the number of family members, their lifestyle. However, you should not lose sight of the benefits of a small house in front of the apartment:

  • good sound insulation, because the neighbors do not live behind the walls;
  • relatively low construction costs;
  • the choice at the planning stage of any project, which will have to moral the whole family;
  • the presence of the yard for the equipment of a personal playground, car parking, a resting place.

Council. Even if according to the project, the house area is strictly designated as 8x8 or 10x10, this does not mean that the useful space cannot be increased. Such a cottage may well have 2 floors, attic, ground floor, basement and even a garage.

Draft house with attic, veranda and garage: video

House with attic, veranda and garage: photo

Most individual developers as a basis for the future dacha or country house are choosing a house project with an attic and a veranda, the size of 6x8 or 7x8 m. In the presentation of the future dacket, the presence of these two elements personifies the convenience and comfortable holidays in nature. But in reality, not every project of the house with an attic can be so comfortable, as it looks like in the plans and on the paper from the projector. The practical experience of developing such difficult schemes, a thorough design of all the features of the construction is of great importance.

What is the attic and a veranda for the country house

Undoubtedly, for a house of 6x8 will be very prudent to schedule a small veranda in the project, and the roof lift and make it a broken, so that the attic room could be converted to the attic. But in this case, some recommendations of specialists will need to take into account:

  • For a rectangular house 6x8, the facade of the house will be designed to design along the wide, eight meter side. Only in this case can be obtained by an acceptable monsard width of 2.8-3 m with a length of 6 m. Otherwise, the attic turns into a tunnel, 2.5x8 in size;
  • Placing the verandas is best to have a lit part of the building. For frame house With an attic area of \u200b\u200b6x8, the veranda will be the most rational veranda in the form of an extension or first floor of the house from the facade side of the building;
  • Part of the veranda is usually left open and used as a platform for relaxing in air, in this case the project can be considered as building with an attic and terrace.

Tip! Today there are no clear signs that distinguish a built-in terrace from the open veranda, so it is important to understand correctly what exactly should be built in terms of the house to explain the designer.

If you restrict ourselves to only names and terms, a company or projector can interpret similar concepts in its own way, and as a result, the initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe house will be lost.

Projects of country houses in size 6x8 m

Working out the planning of the house, it will be necessary to consider that the attic and the veranda have absolutely different features and the device:

  1. Attic in the overwhelming majority is used as a sleeping room. Summer under the hot roof is always hot, so more or less favorable conditions will be only in the autumn-winter period of the year. Even if the project provides a small balcony, a place for a comfortable stay will be clearly not enough;
  2. The veranda is the exact opposite of the attic. In any project, the veranda remains a laptile time or summer cuisine. Often, the owners are repeated several times and expand such a construction.

Tip! The best option Will plan the entrance to the house through the veranda room. This is a classic solution "Eat" some part of the residential premises, but the gain received will pay off the loss.

The projects below for houses with an attic and a veranda photo only confirm the practicality of the decision.

First of all, the verandan room will close the facade and the most illuminated part of the house from the roast summer sun, and in winter time In the unheated part of the building there will be an acceptable air temperature, you can grow flowers and seedlings for beds.

The most successful project of increasing the size of the veranda will not complete the width, but the change of its shape. A favorite option is a M-shape, upset from the solar side of the building.

Features of building houses from block

When choosing a project for block houses, it is usually necessary to take into account the features of the construction of the construction foundation. All the more or less successful projects of houses from foam blocks include the use of a rigid low-incredible concrete tape or a foam-pile option as a foundation. Due to the low stiffness of the walls of foam concrete, the veranda must be performed according to the plating scheme, or to increase the room with columns.

The version of the house with an attic and a warmed veranda is almost indistinguishable from ordinary country cottages. MZLF is used as a foundation. Foam concrete walls in this project strengthened additional brick masonryWhat made it possible to make the room as warm and bright.

In the project of arrangement of the attachment of the attic, the classic reception - the roofs are separated by cement-sand plaster and painted in white to reduce heat load. The left, the sun-side of the entrance to the house is closed with brick masonry and curly plants.

Roof a attached veranda can be used as open terrace or balcony, as in the photo.

In this case, the veranda is drawn up in the form of a separate extension on general playground foundation. An attic room is a small elongation, almost square shape, which allows you to install two windows on the front of the building. According to the project, the house 6x8 is triggered by lining or siding. The roof is made of bituminous tiles.

The veranda can be built in the form of Erker, and two entrances for the building at once. If you wish, you can get at once on the veranda, bypassing the central entrance. To increase the amount of light falling on closed verandaThe side entrance doors from the east side are made of glass.

Quite interesting combination of the three main premises, terraces, attic and verandas are shown in the photo.

Building is made on a powerful ribbon foundation with the ground floor. Placing the veranda is raised over the soil and glazed. The use of a two-tie asymmetric roof made it possible to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic by almost 40%, and the main part of the heat load from the Sun is to remove with the help of a very long and gentle roofing rope.


The design of the attic in any house requires a highly professional approach to planning and developing the project of bearing elements. The long roofing rates allow you to win in size and layout of the building, but they cost quite expensive. Such solutions are perfect for a private house, but very rarely used for country houses and country buildings.

The modern vision of the rational use of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house involves the transformation of the attic space in the residential premises - the attic. Depending on the shape of the roof, the height of the attic of the attic is 1.5 m and more, which allows you to move around it without any problems and conveniently arrange furniture.

Erecting the attic floor compared to two-storey houseIt allows you to save on building materials for the foundation, walls and roofs. And in comparison with one-storey - increases the living space almost twice. The functionality of the house with an attic increase due to the separation of premises for their purpose: technical and shared access are located in the lower floor, and the personal rooms of the hosts are in the mansard.

Over the city or within its limits, in a private house there should be a place where you can relax with the whole family in the fresh air. The best solution is the construction of the terrace. Its location depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot and the peculiarities of the soil, but most often the exit to the terrace is equipped with a central entrance or from the kitchen. Alternatively, the terrace is located throughout the perimeter of the house with several outlets from different premises.

The terrace is part of the house, so it must be perfectly fit into the general plan of construction. For a small country house, a sufficiently open terrace with a separate foundation or simply on a platform of a flooring, surrounded by garden trees or curly plants. If you use the terrace is planned round year, Its presence should be considered and calculated at the project development stage.

The fact is that the terrace is lighter than the house, which means the pressure on the soil and the depth of shrinkage they will have different. To subsequently avoid destruction, the foundation in such cases is layered below the level of soil freezing, and the fixing occurs with the help of special elements that allow mutual movement of the house and the terrace to a certain level.

We also note that for the construction of an open terrace, special documents are not needed (as for the temporary structure, the foundation is not required for it), and for closed or glazed - mandatory.

As building material For the home can be chosen any known, and for the terrace you need to choose such that it is harmony with the main one. For a brick house, the same columns can be performed, for wood - the whole terrace should be wooden. A completely glazed terrace is suitable for any option.

Projects of houses with attic and terrace is a coordinated architectural ensemble, allowing you to use a house at any time of the year for a comfortable life and family holiday.