Do I need to pour a ribbon foundation for the fence. Ribbon foundation for the fence: installation and calculation.

Every day the popularity of ribbon foundations for fences of any type is growing. It is strong, reliable and durable structures, resistant to shifting of soils. They are perfectly suitable for any type of soil, even too wet, withstand heavy loads. Feature reinforced Fundament It is that it can be different depths, and you can make it with your own hands as soon as possible. But why such a design is so popular? First of all, it is simple and understandable to each carrier design. Here you do not need to possess extensive knowledge in the field of construction and building materials, as well as understand the features of the design and characteristics of binding materials. And the most important thing is a ribbon foundation for fence with your own hands in a short time, using materials and concrete solutions available on the farm.

Ribbon foundation - This is a monolithic concrete design with reinforcement, covered in the ground and is additionally covered with waterproofing if necessary. The width of the tape depends solely on which supports will be used. If the pillars are made from the pipe, then the width is less, and in the case of using a brick or stone decorative masonry, the width can be significantly more. Also, when calculating the foundation, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the soil itself, the location of the layers and the angle of the slope, if it is provided on the construction site.

What stages are the construction of a ribbon foundation for fence

· Preparation and alignment construction site;
· Marking of the future foundation;
· Trench preparation;
· Pouring trench concrete, reinforcement of concrete tape and pillars installation zones;
· Drying of the finished concrete structure;
· Installing intermediate connecting sections.

It is clear that when using steel columns, the depth of installing the concrete tape is less than when creating brick or decorative supports. Because in the case of decorative fences, the load per unit area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation is significantly higher due to the mass of the structure of the supports and binding materials.

Types of ribbon foundations and their features

  • Ribbon monolithic. This is the classic and cheapest option of the foundation where concrete and metal reinforcement are used.
  • Brick foundation. This is an expensive option, because for such purposes only a red clay brick can come. But then the surface can be trimmed with decorative materials and create its own original style of the fence.
  • Bujet foundation. Enjoys popular in rural areas, where there is a lot of natural stone nearby.
  • Stone base with reinforcement. The construction of such a base is quite expensive, but the foundation is resistant to water and climatic influences. In most cases, the carrier external design includes pillars.
  • Ribbon foundation for decorative purposes. His feature is that it is actually monolithic designAnd the pillars can use any type, diameter and style style, as well as material.
  • Collected concrete base. It is quite difficult to make it with your own hands through a large mass of reinforced concrete blocks, which are produced on the factories and are then delivered by freight transport to the construction site. Pouring in such cases is not used, but the cost of such a base is less due to the use of ready-made building structures. The owner of the site only digs the trench to the necessary depth and calculates the number of reinforced concrete blocks.

The ribbon foundation for the fence is considered as an integral part of it, as well as the base under the residential building. This is the component that perceives all the loads and transfers them to the ground. The surface of the foundation is called it top partwhere the above-ground structures are located, and the sole is plane, which directly contacts the base (ground).

1 Why should I use a ribbon foundation for fence?

Ribbon foundation is one of the most common types of bases for designs such as a fence. You can briefly describe it as reinforced concrete strips passing around the perimeter. Such a tape is laid under all carrier elements, while the same cross section is preserved all over the foundation. With comparative external simplicity, an increased labor intensity of the construction and a significant consumption of material in comparison with other types of foundations should be noted. It will require much more concrete, formwork, and the use of special equipment is necessary.

Most often, belt foundations are used in the following cases:

  • in homes built from high density material - from concrete, stone and bricks;
  • when applying heavy floors - precast concrete, monolithic or metal;
  • with inhomogeneous soils and the existing threat of uneven sediment of the foundation;
  • when the basement device or the ground floor, the ribbon foundation simultaneously plays the role of walls.

Why are the foundation with such capabilities to be installed under the fence? It may seem that this is the pampering and complication of the task, but do not rush. If you put a good solid fence, then you should take care of its durability, and for this there is no way to easily fill with the concrete of iron pillars. Any flooding, naphthous waters or even the assured fence careless motorist will lead to noticeable offsets of the plane of your fence, which can only be fixed.

2 How to make a ribbon foundation for a fence - everything starts with the calculations

Before starting performing the work of software, you need to decide on its main parameters - the depth of the occurrence and the base area. The first parameter is calculated fairly easy, for a non-volatile fence, this figure is almost fixed - 50 cm. For heavy structures, it is necessary to take into account the quality characteristics of the soil and object parameters. Most often, the depth of the ribbon foundation may be at the level of primerization of the soil + 40 cm. In each region, the freezing level has its own value.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe belt foundation is calculated in order to calculate the optimal proportion at which maximum stability will be achieved, and the structure will not give precipitation. In addition, with incorrect calculations, the object can be poured upside down with bunched soils. For calculations, a special formula is used, in which the reliability coefficient (K (n)) is taken into account, the value of the total calculated load on the base of the soil (F), the coefficient of working conditions (k (c)) and the calculated soil resistance (R). The base area should be at least the following: /. Many of these parameters are collected in the table.

The calculation of the materials is carried out, based on the size of the foundation and its corresponding volume. For example, the section of the foundation is 0.5x0.7 meters, and its total length is 100 meters. Thus, the total volume is 35 m3. If we consider that one cubic meter of concrete requires 340 kg of cement, 1.05 m3 of sand and 0.86 m3 rubble, then, accordingly, the total amount of material will be cement - 11900 kg, sand - 36.75 m3 and rubble - 30.1 m3 . The calculation of the number of reinforcement is performed, based on its diameter.

3 Stages of creating a tape foundation

Now we will immediately understand how to make a foundation for a fence that we are waiting for the stages of work and what difficulties will have to overcome.

Creation of a ribbon foundation - step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Trench

After the depth of the foundation is finally determined, you can prepare a damp under its fill. The first thing is removed a fertile layer with grass and root system. After removing the turf digging the trench, its parameters are taken from. But it is necessary to take into account the presence of formwork in the future, so make a width with a margin of about 10 cm so that the wall of plywane is easily installed on both sides.

Step 2: Pillow

When the trench is ready, the foundation base is made. As a rule, after extracting the soil, the pillow falls asleep, which includes crushed stone with sand (or without sand). For seal, a special tamping machine is used. Following, we make a sandy pillow, after which it is compacted by a wet way (it is abundantly watering with water, which then seeps further into the soil). In some cases, the pillow after tamping can be spilled with the use of liquid cement milk.

It depends on the base and the pillow, in particular, the uniform of the ribbon foundation is uniformity. Therefore, the layers of sand and rubble can be alternating with mandatory tamping and spilling with water.

Step 3: Formwork

After the trench is ready for the ribbon foundation, the next stage of the work will be the formwork assembly. In most cases, the formwork is made of boards, which should be academy on one side and have a thickness of about 40 or 50 millimeters. If there is an opportunity, then the big shields of plywood are taken, it is more convenient. Finished formwork shields are installed inside the trenches. For very financially free owners, we can advise the metallic panel collapsible formwork. Wooden opal In the installation process, it must be cleaned from chips and garbage, is rigidly fixed using spacers to the walls of the trench. The surface of the formwork must be rich in water. The vertical of the walls is checked with a plumb. The formwork is removed by 30 cm above the ground level. If necessary, the technological holes for pipeline and sewage pipes are left.

Step 4: Reinforcement

During the installation of formwork throughout the perimeter, fitting is mounted, it is easiest to organize several frame sheets. They can be made by welding or binding to wire. This should be a mesh with a cell, the side of which will be at least 20 cm. Usually there is enough two rows of such a grid that are installed in the trench at such a distance from each other to evenly settle down in width. They are fasten into a single three-dimensional frame of the rods of horizontal reinforcement.

Step 5: Concreting

After the reinforcement is filled with concrete, the monolithic reinforced concrete structure of the belt foundation with high strength characteristics is obtained. Concrete pouring is carried out in small layers, the thickness of which is approximately 15-20 centimeters. Each layer must be tamped using special wooden rubbing or climbing the walls of the formwork. The ideal option is to use a concrete vibrator. Concrete consistency should be the same and not divided into layers. In too liquid concrete, the entire filler is simply mounted on the bottom. Special gutters or other similar devices should be used for the fill.

Step 6: Isolation

The formwork is removed from about 7-10 days, with the achievement of 70% concrete strength from the regulatory. After that, waterproofing is arranged so that the moisture does not fall on the walls of the fence. It is used for its device bituminous mastics and waterproofing materials. In most cases, rubberoid is used as the most efficient and cheap material. After the waterproofing is arranged, it is necessary to perform the backstage of the sinuses. For this operation, take the sand of the middle consistency, which is neatly tram, so as not to damage the waterproofing, and spill the water. Concrete regulatory strength is gaining within 28 days, after which the other elements of the fence can be installed.