Terraces extensions closed veranda. Is it possible to make an extension in the form of a veranda with your own hands? Photo Gallery - Veranda, ADD

If you carefully examine the projects of modern private houses, cottages and country villas, you can see that most often they are already created with terraces and verandas. Engineer and architects are not in vain providing such premises, a veranda attached to the house - a great place to relax and contempted their garden, a flower garden, a pool and a court area.

Bioclimatic gazebo, this is a magic!

Bioclimatic gazebo, a real outdoor living room playing with the rays of the sun. It also adapts to weather conditions and allows you to enjoy the terrace. round year. Good plan immediately aesthetic, smart and comfortable. We summarize different kinds protection of the terrace from the sun and heat.

Conclusions on the construction of an open or closed veranda

To create a real cocoon of greenery in the garden, on the terrace or on the balcony, the plant is a good alternative to classic blues. Landscapter Gaston Binterter gives you advice to draw the curtain of greenery with shrubs and plants to maximize the nature of nature without help.

However, it should be noted that the veranda can be attached even if it was originally prohibited, which is especially important for private houses old buildings. So if you wish, almost every person living in country housemay carry out your dream and make a beautiful veranda where people will rest, take guests, communicate and drink tea.

Intimacy of my terrace: screens, screens, bikes

Garden Shed is ideal to add a room to the house or offer a convenient and spacious storage space. Choose materials or shelter functions, find our tips to select a shelter suitable for your garden. The upper and lower edges of the terrace are most destroyed by freezing water. Therefore, it is very important to have a good drainage and proper waterproofing.

The design of the terrace depends on whether we will erect it on the floor in a preheated or unheated room or right on the ground. In the latter case, we have several types of design. But before we start the construction, let's think about which terrace best justifies our expectations.

Is it possible to make an extension in the form of a veranda with your own hands?

The answer to this question depends on how well a person owns a plumbing tool, has skills to work with construction and finishing materials. The veranda is usually a small room and, if desired, the usual owner may well build it, perform a beautiful finish in the desired style, create the desired interior.

Choosing a place for a terrace, we should think about what purpose and at what time of day we will most often use it. If you should be on the east side in the morning. If in the evening, using the sun to the last radius - we turn to the southwest or to the west. When we want to take guests here, the location of the terrace as close as possible to the kitchen - but, of course, with access to the living room - it will be the most favorable.

IN big House You can afford more than one terrace or cover the angle of the building. Basically, the terrace "under the cloud", but it is worth at least covering it, as it will allow you to sit on the street even in the rain. The second part may have a large umbrella or awning, which, in turn, will allow you to adjust the amount of the sun.

You can attach the veranda and do it yourself

For construction wooden veranda do not have to fill a solid foundation

What should be considered when building a veranda?

Much depends on the building material and if the veranda is from stone or brick, then a powerful foundation with the use of reinforcement will be required. If the veranda attached to the house is designed from the tree, the foundation is usually light, without steel or fiberglass reinforcing components, which entails smaller financial costs.

As soon as we find out where our terrace is located, we must answer the question how much space we will allocate for this. But too big terrace Also is not beneficial, as it limits the garden area. In short, you must maintain moderation and take care of elegant proportions - in relation to the building and green.

In most projects, the terrace is located right on Earth or slightly above it. This configuration perfectly combines it with both the house and garden. We can choose one of three options - with varying degrees of complexity and, of course, different costs. This is the cheapest and properly manufactured - very durable. Of all the types of terraces, it gives you the maximum opportunity to form a form. Its scheme may be irregular, which is blurred in the naturalistic "unordered" garden.

The size of the veranda directly depends on the size of the house

The last parameter directly depends on the value of the house, and here there is a rule: the size of the veranda must correspond to the size of the house - the more house, the more the veranda and the opposite! Only in this case the extension will look harmoniously and beautiful, and the parameters of the house will correspond to the parameters of the veranda.

Let's start with the form of the future terrace. It is best to do this, scoring the line of your future pins and attaching a chain to them. Excavations are filled with sand, which should be mechanically sealed. This device can be rented. The next step is to prepare the so-called. The substructure, which represents another layer of a similar thickness of sand mixed with cement, in proportions 9: During the styling of the foundation, it should be placed on the edge of the future terrace on which borders are located.

Finally, the last step is the surface. It can be concrete pavers or paving stones, called some terrace manufacturers. Good stone or stone imitation. The sidewalks must be tightly installed by hitting them with a rubber hammer. The remaining slots are filled with sand and swamps with water. The terrace is built so that it does not hurt autumn or frost.

Closed or open an extension?

This parameter is one of the most important and directly affects the comfort of the owners, the ability to use the veranda in the cold season. Open extension has no glazed and made in the form of a terrace, fenced from the outside decorative panels From wood or stone, up to 50-80 cm high from the floor level. Thanks to this, fresh air freely comes on such a verando, which is especially good in spring and summer, when everything blooms and fragrances.

If the style of the house allows such an opportunity, the terrace can also be made of wood. The best place Here - oak, hardwood and durability. The material should be impregnated and remove the bark. We fill it with gravel and sand. They will create a well-drained drainage layer. The more blocks, the faster the work goes, but the greater the gap between them - and it makes it difficult to walk on the heels. Also take the rim that protects the surface of the terrace from slip. Blocks should be ground with rubber, and the slots should be ground with water.

It is the most popular and provides the highest possible surface. After determining the prospect of the future terrace, you must select the upper layer of the Earth inside it. The resulting recess is filled with substructure - from a gravel or sand-cement substrate. On it lay ballast or layer of sand. And the substructure and sprinkle must be well sealed.

Attached open veranda

The lack of such an extension is unpleasant drafts formed with strong winds and small slender at strong rains (the likelihood of water getting intoward). In addition to this, such a veranda attached to the house cannot be used in the winter period of time, which imposes some restrictions. More precisely, it can be released and admire the winter landscapes, but only in clothes, which is not always acceptable for some owners. In practice, open verandas are constructed most often in summer houseslocated outside the city, at the cottages and on the banks of the rivers, lakes and seas, that is, those places that the person uses only in the warm season.

The terrace does not require waterproofing on such a prepared substrate, and its structural stove does not need to be gained. Wanted dilatation. It will also be necessary to perform the formation of a drop of the leveling layer, which will ensure the drainage of the surface. The concrete terrace usually ends with frost-resistant sins, stone slabs or concrete imitation or clinker plates.

For laying tiles, use a flexible solution and a solution for outdoor use. To use the terrace was convenient and safely, finishing material It can not be slippery. This condition corresponds to the rustic tile, with a special texture or coated with a non-slip coating, as well as a unhappy clinker and grainy stone.

Open veranda is ideal for warm season

The closed veranda has its own characteristics and the main one is that it can be used throughout the year, including the winter. It has a big advantage, because in the presence of heating and good insulation, this room turns into a full-fledged living room, but with a panoramic overview. Thanks to this, sitting on such a veranda you can watch the snowfall, admire the beautiful winter scenery of your garden.

The concrete surface of the terrace can also be coated with a special dispersion of epoxy resin based on water dispersion. However, the substrate must be carefullyroidered from water. The product has different colors, so you can choose the most suitable, for example, for the facade. However, in bright colors it is recommended to apply several layers in order to make the color homogeneous.

What should be considered when building a veranda?

A basic foundation is required, but you do not need to remove the top layer of the Earth. Since the boards that are finished, the terrace is light, it is enough to consolidate the foundation racks and the retaining walls of the concrete blocks. In turn, the smaller the distance between the beams, the more subtle boards can be placed on them. Wooden beams There should be no direct contact with concrete, so they must be covered with a layer of resin or placed in special metal clamps.

The closed veranda is suitable for year-round use

At the same time, the winter veranda will require much more time to build, already much greater financial costs than the summer version. Here you will definitely need high-quality glazing, gasketing of the heating system or the construction of the fireplace, the corresponding finish, so the actual closed veranda is a full-fledged room.

Instead of the base of the point, the land under a wooden terrace can be gravel. In this case, however, you must make a small trench. The top layer of the soil is removed and a nonwoven material is formed at the bottom, which prevents the growth of weeds. The gradient gravel grain layer is stacked, and then the covering of the boards.

Carefully folded coating can crack when the boards are slightly swollen under water influence. Air circulation will also be broken under it, which exposes the boards from the bottom to dampness. In turn, the width of the boards should not exceed 15 cm - the wider, the easier it is to deform. The best elements are ribbed, that is, slits.

The veranda of the closed type

What is the veranda different from other rooms?

1. Big review, and often panoramic views
2. Recreation area: The owners are relaxing here and admire the surrounding nature.
3. The presence of a large number of windows
4. Perform finishing, which is not afraid of sudden drops of moisture and temperatures.
5. Single Roofwhich levels below the roof of the main house

This surface prevents sliding, and the water is easier to be depleted. Boards must be connected to stainless steel or brass screws. The usual steel corrosive, and the boards will be ugly spots. Terraces above numbers are not as popular as "single-storey". In addition, their design is much more complicated. Easily make mistakes that can lead to Trawra. Not only for aesthetics of the terrace or its durability, but also can often threaten the construction of the house.

Such a terrace is built on the lower floor. If the room is heated under it, we must ensure thermal insulation between the layers of isolation. Although there is no need to overheat, for example, in the garage, there is no need to adjust it. In winter, this will prevent sudden drops of internal temperatures.

Single Roof - Distinctive Feature of the Vernade

The veranda attached to the house is a separate structure, so three parties come out, as a result of which the temperature is always different from the one that is in the house. Heating and cooling the veranda occurs much faster than in the main house, which should be taken into account at the design stage.

The terrace over the room requires careful waterproofing. It is also necessary to form its surface so that water flows "from the wall". In the ideal case, the upper surface of the terrace will be several centimeters lower than the floor in the next room. There is no fear that the water will fall into the interior.

Tired after long hours of work and relaxed moments in the house, the perfect choice is a terrace. This allows you not only to read the book well, but also dine with family or friends, drink the eastern cup of coffee, breakfast and have fun. In addition, it is an excellent opportunity to stay outdoors longer.

When designing the veranda, do not forget about the heating system

In other words, so that the hosts and guests are comfortable on the veranda, provide for the following:

1. Possend the veranda from the leeward side to eliminate the likelihood of strong drafts

Over the past few decades, new trends that come to our country from the West have changed society and habits. One such changes is a radically modified view of the terrace. At the moment, the terraces became as serious as other home areas. In the end, people used their balconies only for drying clothes or storing unnecessary things. Now the internal and external relationships of the house have completely changed. It also reflects the constantly changing mentality of the Lithuanians: in the past, people tried to close as much as possible and hide their personal life, while today's equilibrium is sought between the external and inner.

2. It is desirable that the veranda is well covered by the Sun throughout the light day, therefore it is correct to perform an extension from the south.

3. Provide efficient protection from direct sunlight, rain, setting a good roof

To add a veranda better from the south side of the house

The terrace is a semi-open space, which can be seen from the neighboring house and from the street. She invites you to communicate with the environment, and not close your own world. An enlarged open-air balcony, which often overgrown terrace, even in apartment housesAlso plays a certain social role and leads people to the community. You can even notice that there is a competition in this - people are struggling, which will be beautiful and tastefully dress with blooming flowers in pots and adapt them to environment, choose furniture.

Most often, when you set up your own home, you want to create a terrace, where after the working day in your yard or in the garden it would be good to relax even in the rain. Therefore, if you do not have such a cozy place, do not wait for anything and do this work. We want to advise, which terraces are best to build and how to do it.

In order for the veranda to be beautiful and comfortable, it is necessary to proceed to it correctly, be sure to take into account the architectural features of the house. Make a simple sketch of the hosts can also, but it is necessary to observe all the proportions and calculate the volume of the required building material. A good help in terms of interior and new ideas can be specialized magazines, ready projectswhich can be found online. Photos already ready veranda Help the owners to find those who like them in the best possible way. Many of them are simply taken as the basis for the construction of their own veranda.

The design of the arbor must be harmonized with the shared style of the house.

Options for performing veranda

An excellent project is a veranda with a attached porch, which allows you to make a house more comfortable and more beautiful from the outside, finding the entrance. The porch can be made of stone, brick or wood, using all sorts of decorative elements And even forged finishes, all this really makes it yourself.

Cozy open veranda with a porch

The veranda itself is most often performed from the brick - the material is proven and reliable, having a strength, reliability and durability. In this case, you should take care of a reliable basis - ribbon foundationwhich will adequately withstand brickwork.

Veranda with brick porch

Features of a wooden veranda

The wooden veranda is most often performed if the house itself is made of a rounded log, conventional or glued timber, in which case the construction is harmoniously combined with each other. Internal finish of such a veranda may include wooden lining of the right color and invoice, where panoramic windows here should be done by wooden.

Condition with an open wooden veranda

If the owners prefer PVC design, then the profile should be not white, and under the tree to completely combine with the house itself.

PVC veranda under a tree

Attention! Material for the construction (natural tree) should be well leaking, have antibacterial impregnation! In this case, the owners will be reliably protected from pathogenic fungus and high humidity, which is able to bring harm material.

PVC material veranda

Pretty practical and inexpensive type - PVC veranda, attached to the house, where there is no need to perform a complex foundation. In fact, such a structure will resemble a canopy, only with walls that are performed from durable glass and with a polycarbonate roof.

PVC material veranda

You can build such a building with your own hands, ordering the preliminary production of components in a specialized company. Of the advantages of such a veranda allocate:

  • Easy weight
  • Fast mounting
  • Reliable precipitation security

PVC veranda is not afraid of atmospheric precipitation

Berranda of bricks

As a masonry material, clay, clay or gas-silicate brick, foam block, which depends on the desire of the customer, its financial capabilities. A veranda of bricks - a full extension to the house that requires filling lasting and strong concrete foundation. The decision of this issue is seriously suitable, as the durability of the extension, its reliability and safety depends on this.

For the veranda of bricks will require the fill of the foundation

The roof of the verandes perform a single-sided - this is the easiest type in the design and design plan. With installation, an ordinary man can easily cope. As roofing material The metal tile or professional flooring is used, with its relative ease, they perfectly protect the veranda from all types of atmospheric precipitation (rain, snow, hail).

Brick veranda with a single roof

Interior interior of a attached veranda

Attention! Color in the interior of the veranda largely depends on the location of its location. If the veranda is located with the northern or east side, the interior must be light, and if from the south side, it is better to give preference to blue and white color.

Light interior will make the northern veranda visually warmer

The internal finish directly depends on the desire of the owners, their artistic tastes and preferences, but the furniture on the veranda should be comfortable for recreation. Typically, there is a table, chairs, a sofa and several otfikov. The British style of registration is particularly popular today, which includes woven rattan furniture, bamboo or mahogany, presence of cotton fabrics with a floral pattern, paintings on the walls.

British style veranda with rattan furniture

As outdoor coating can be used cement strainer With the subsequent laying of laminate, parquet or wooden boards. More expensive closed verandas - Installation of the "Warm floor" system, but it is done only if the veranda is actively used in the winter period.

System Warm floor - an ideal solution for closed veranda

As for the materials for finishing the walls, they should not be afraid of moisture, so an excellent version there will be a decorative plaster, a plastic or wooden car, a block house.

Wooden Wooden Wood Finish

Conclusions on the construction of an open or closed veranda

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the veranda attached to the house is an excellent solution that will allow the owners to make a real recreation area for a comfortable stay and pastime. If you responsibly approach the construction, carefully draw up a sketch, take into account important moments By construction and finishing, almost every owner will be able to descript the veranda.

The veranda will be an excellent vacation spot

The most important thing is to accurately comply with technological and building requirements, use only certified building materials.

Photo Gallery - Veranda, ADD


The terrace to the house can be made on their own from inexpensive building materials. Erecting such an extension, you can make a harmonious transition between the house and the surrounding landscape. Of course, not everyone can organize a terrace at the construction stage of the house. The need for it occurs later when the house is already exploited. Making the glazing of the veranda or terrace, you will create a buffer zone that will increase the heat resistant at home.

To date, you can use both advanced technologies and old methods. Having bought a bar and a cutting board, everyone under the power to build a veranda from the tree with their own hands. Large financial costs will not need.

The terrace of wood or stone is an extension to the main building. To protect the design, a canopy or roof is used.

An open veranda of wood will be relevant in the southern regions of the country. It is permissible to build a regular boardwalk, often it is placed in the level of the 1st floor. Such an extension will be opened to the sun and the wind. But in the northern regions it is best to make a glazed terrace. If it is additionally insulated, then the room can be used even in the autumn.

If you want to make a capital structure on the plot, the project is better to order from specialists.

Choose beautiful projects. You can attach the room quickly enough, but first you need to decide on the type of construction. Choose from the following options:

  • wooden cutting device;
  • construction of the frame;
  • construction of aerated concrete or brick.

Choose those projects that match the stylistics of your home. It is best to apply the same materials that have already been used when it is erected. An extension is made after studying the source data. Determine the type of construction, carry out the soil survey. Be sure to assess the condition of the foundation of the main building and its walls.

Studying projects, choose those extensions to the house, which you like the most. But do not forget that novice builders should not choose very difficult options.

When erecting a veranda or terrace, consider climatic conditions. It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the snow cover, strength and speed of the wind. Experts will provide glazing the premises, will be offered different types of door systems. You may want to make a staircase.

Foundation and construction of walls

The house with the veranda will decorate the site. Start work from the definition of the depth of the foundation of the house. The base of the terrace must be done at the same level. If this condition is not observed, then after sending the soil, the new construction in the spring can move away from the building. Of course, the house on the plot can be built for a long time. In this case, the shrinkage does not happen, the additional connection of the terrace and do not need to do at home. Just launch the joints with rubreaded, seams make foam.

The design you are going to attach, do not need to be rigidly combined with the main building. Wait for the shrinkage process to complete.

The connection under one roof is best done with spikes and grooves, so you will provide a vertical slip of all items. But it is worth remembering that the foundations do not need to do common.

By selecting the construction of the terrace of the brick, you will build a strengthened foundation in advance. The column can be done for a lighter structure, for example, for open terrace. It is made based on a lightweight wood frame or metal. Base power Expire based on the materials you have chosen. In areas with movable soils, use the construction concrete solution, Bind the new foundation with early ready.

For light structures, a frame of metal or wood is well suited. If you like a closed terrace, you can see her siding outside. Looks good wooden terrace, covered with finished panels or other materials for finishing finish. To increase the level of comfort, you can put between the facade and interior decoration insulation. It must be combined with waterproofing and vapor barrier.

If you decide to build a brick terrace, make sure that the walls are not too thick. Put in 0.5 or 1 brick. Poles can be made in 1.5 bricks. The walls of the terrace and home connect the mortgages of metal parts.

Roof and exterior finish

The reliability of the roof directly depends on the strength carrier design. Slinge system Best to do from the bar. And rafters, and the crate cover the antiseptic. Buy a special tool, make fireproof processing.

The rafters must be docked with the box of the main building. The veranda to the house should be insulated, for this, put thermal insulation. In winter, heat will not leave the room, and in summer, thermal insulation will protect from the heat. The finish coating of the roof choose it so that it matches the coating of the house.

Alternatively, you can make a roof using lightning constructions. They are great for scope or loan roof. The frame can be made of steel, small spans are constructed even from PVC.

An open terrace to the house can be erected in 1 week. When construction works Electricity is completed and connected, you should move to the finish. For the floor, buy wood, soak the blackboard with a primer and cover after laying varnish. In this case, the surface of the tree will be protected from sharp drops of temperature and high humidity.

When the extractional terrace device, the floors are best separated by tiles. Beautifully looks at the floor of natural stone. For the heating of the room, you can make electric heating, then in the room it will be comfortable even in the autumn.

The construction of the terrace will not require much effort. Choose a terrace design, develop a project. This can be entrusted to experts or make calculations independently. All structural elements, if made of wood, you need to cover with primer and fire fighting.

Photo Gallery

We provide to your attention a successful selection of photo-ideas of the terrace to the house.