Mason Development Norma Change Brick Masonry

IN modern construction There are 6 divisions of masonry - starting from the 2nd, ending with the 6th. All of them differ in duties, wages, level of professionalism, quality, speed and complexity of work performed.

Mason of the second category, most often, he is a subband, as a rule, bricks bricks and gives a solution to a more master of the bricklayer. Mason of the second category can only be entrusted with the simplest stone work, where there is no great accuracy of execution. Usually such a masonry is the building base. In order to get the 2nd category of stone work, you do not need to finish courses, college or school. It is enough just to appear at the construction site as part of the brigade of mason. Present practically at any construction site.

The bricklayer of the third discharge has several large opportunities in the workplace, but most often, like the bricklayer of the second category, serves bricks and a solution of the older working on the category. From stone works trusted by the third category bricklayer, it is necessary to highlightly be distinguished in addition to the base, simple simpleness or partitions, where, again, it does not require a very high accuracy of execution. In rare cases, the bricklayer of the third discharge can spread interior walls. To get this discharge, it is enough to pass short-term courses or practice in college / school.

The fourth discharge bricklayer does not bring bricks and does not supply the solution. It lays out the inner and outer walls. In addition to high precision, It performs masonry and with quite high speed. The mining rate of the fourth category of the fourth discharge is 2 cubic meters of laying per day. Despite the rather strict demands on the bricklayers of this discharge, they earn very good money and are almost always ensured by work. You can get the fourth category of the mason at special courses after sufficient experience.

Bricklayers of the fifth discharge, in addition to the masonry of internal and external walls, can also perform complex partitions, simpleness, and corners, as well as bridges and erkers. Equally, like the fourth category bricklayers, they must perform their work at high speed. The fifth digit is presented for a fairly extensive experience and after passing a special exam.

Masonicians of the sixth discharge today quite a little. In many ways, the reason for this is that it is necessary to obtain this discharge a very serious work experience (at least 5 years). However, the bricklayers of this discharge can perform any stone work with very high accuracy and speed. The 6th category bricklayers often lay out over 5 cubic meters per day and receive more than 120 thousand rubles. Salary cost such difficulties

View frameless walls

Wall thickness in stones

Without subskings

With sinks

Notes: 1. When laying walls from hollow stones without backfilling emptiness N.VR. and Frame Multiply by 0.85 (PR-1).

2. The norms provide for wall cladding with single or thickened brick.

§ Yaz-7. Laying of simple walls from solid longitudinal full-scale halves of concrete stones with facing brick guidelines for the application of norms

The norm is provided for masonry of external walls thick in one stone from solid longitudinal halves of concrete stones with a size of 390 × 90 × 188 mm with facing thickened brick.

The composition of the link

Bricklayer 4 raz. - one

»3" - 1

Time rate and rates for 1 m3 masonry

§ E3-8. Laying of walls from hollow ceramic stones with facing brick guidelines for the use of norms

The norms are provided by laying of external walls of ceramic stones of 250 × 120 × 138 mm with a facing of a single or thickened brick. Deviations in size and position of masonry from ceramic stones from design are accepted, as for brickwork (see Table. 1 § E3-3.).

Table 1

The composition of the link

The composition of the work

1. Pulling the wharfs. 2. Feed and layout of stones and bricks. 3. Spreading, pulling and resurrection of the solution. 4. Selection of facial bricks. 5. Laying of walls with a lining of 1/2 brick, with the layout of all complexes of masonry, selection, blotch and brick and ceramic stones. 6. Inserting beam sockets. 7. Fishing seams.

table 2

3 Masonch

Wall thickness, mm

Difficulty of walls

simple and medium difficulty

Note. When laying walls from hollow ceramic stones without facing by brick N. Ver. and Frame Multiply by 0.85 (PR-1).

§ E3-9. Brick Parapet Masonry

The composition of the work

1. Pulling the wharfs. 2. Feed and layout of bricks. 3. Spreading and pamping solution. 4. Parapeet laying with selection, blotch and bricks. 5. The device is cement lowbow. 6. Laying mortgage parts to the masonry (if necessary). 7. Fishing seams.

The composition of the link

Bricklayer 4 raz. - one

»3" - 1

Time norms and rates for 1 m 3 Masonch

Masonry dressing system

Parapet masonry thickness in bricks

With combined vertical seams

Notes: 1. When laying mortgage parts from wooden bars or boards to the masonry (for the formation of the groove, in which the runneroid will be started with the roof device) take on 1 m Details N.VR. 0.01 people-h, bricklayer 3 breaks Frame 0-00.7 (PR-1).

2. The norms are provided by the parapet laying with the image display.

Very few people know how many bricks are required to put on a day and how much time building buildings in several floors. Today we will try to deal with the standards of brickwork, the duration of building processes, and also we will tell about possible ways to speed up the construction of brick objects.

The duration of building processes often depends on the skill of mason.

Under brickwork, it is customary to understand the construction of a brick, which has a certain sequence and size. As a rule, modern buildings are performed from silicate and ceramic brickWhat to fasten with each other with a solution.

Brick is a universal building material that is inexpensive, easy to install, and also has good performance characteristics. That is why this building material is so popular.

The construction industry is developing in our time very rapidly, every year more and more appears multi-storey buildings And large structures from the brick. This is not altogether, because thanks to sustainability this material Buildings can simultane more than one decade. Low stand brick wall - Long and time-consuming process, but if you do everything qualitatively, the result will justify all the costs of time and strength.

Features of the work of the Mason and the established norms

Masonry is very difficult, you need not only constantly fit into certain norms, but also comply with the quality of masonry, and this requires, in turn, physical efforts and certain skills. The generally accepted regulations of brickwork additionally turns on the time of recreation of workers and time for shift or preparation building material. Masonry norms in the winter and summer hours are significantly different, because a person at a minus temperature is not capable of a purely physiologically long time to study the brick. If the builder is frowned by hands or caught up, the developer risks not only a failure in the working chart, but also incurs the material damage required for the treatment of a mason.

For one day, according to the standards, you can put no more than 4 rows of bricks. The fact is that if the rows are larger, the wall will turn out to be fragile and uneven. If you want to increase the speed of brick masonry, then try to make 4 rows on different walls. Even if you, at first glance, it will seem that 8 rows look smoothly and firmly enough, you can be sure that the next day you will find the curve sagging wall. In large construction sites on one bricklayer, according to the standards, put a duty in the 400 bricks masonry for 8 hours working days. A high profile specialist per day can put 500-1000 bricks. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the production rate was reduced. Once drummers of construction production could put up to 1600 bricks for one shift. Now work is not in honor, the bricklayers do not work for the idea or for the benefit of the country, but take an hourly fee and hurry to them.

A brigade of 4 people will be able to put up to 3 m 3 bricks per day, while one of them will be a master, two on a concrete mixer and one subband. 1 m 3 consists of 400 bricks. This version of the work varies depending on the type of masonry, the width of the walls, floors and other features.

For mounting bricks, a solution from sand, cement and water is used among themselves. Working with this liquid is very difficult, which slows down the construction process. Experienced brigadiers in order to speed up the process, recommend adding clay or lime to a solution. Due to this supplement, the solution becomes plastic and is easier to use.

As for other building materials, such, for example, as a foam block, then the setting of masonry on a brigade of 4 people a day is up to 4 m 3. If there will be only 1 person to lay out the gas blocks, then the layout of 60 blocks for 8 hours of operation is normal.

Determination of suitable work standards

Nowadays, there are already many architectural universities and technical schools. Famous engineers and builders are constantly working on improving brickwork, invent new methods of construction of walls and are trying to reduce the cost of time for the construction of brick walls in all sorts of ways.

Modern scientific and construction professionals offer a certain formula, which allows you to calculate the rules of development.

It looks like this:

H \u003d TOS + TZ + TB + TOTL + TPT, where

  • tZ - the time required for the final stage of work and preparatory work;
  • tOS is the main time of work, which implies a working day (6 or 8 hours);
  • tB - time to maintain the workplace of the Mason;
  • totl - Pauses, necessary for the personal needs of a person (snacks, hiking to the toilet);
  • tPT - stopping time, which must be observed according to the technology of the construction of brick walls.

Additionally, the number of personnel and the magnitude of the construction site take into account. This allows accuracy to determine the time required to build the building. Each of the types of laying, and there are several of them, requires a certain amount of time. The most complex is considered to be a masonry, it is usually used to build important objects. Even at experienced bricklayers, the construction of such a wall requires certain time spending. The simplest consider the wellwork, it is used for country houseswhose walls do not require additional heating.

If you are a newcomer in the construction industry, then in order to speed up the construction and achieve the norm, try everything to prepare in advance, for example, folded the brick in one place, so as not to run constantly behind the new party to the other end of the construction. All ingredients and the solution itself must be under the hand of the builder. It is very good to attract substrursions and subsidiaries to the construction. One person is quite difficult to cope with all the necessary stages of work and comply with the permissible regulatory requirements.

Now you know how many bricks, according to the standards and according to the laws of the Mason, can be put on the day. With all the desire, faster finish the construction Remember that qualitatively posted brickwork It will delight your eye for a long time and will serve as a reliable fence from the outside world. On the skouring hand The erected masonry will last long, and it will necessarily need additional finishes, since the uneven seams and the distortions will be noticeable from afar. Hurry never leads to good, it is much more intelligent to fully establish and get a good result than to overload and constantly rush the workers.

To accurately calculate how much exactly the bricks should spread the bricks per day, it is quite difficult, since some masters focus on the accuracy of the seams, others develop the solution longer and leveled the wall itself. IN more than It all depends on certain skills and experience of a specialist. It is clear that the masters with high qualifications will put much more bricks for 8 hour working days, rather than beginners in the construction industry.

That is why if you want to raise quickly brick house, Choose experienced workers, otherwise you are waiting for a troublesome construction, which can be delayed for one month.