Construction of a skeleton house from A to Z. Construction of country houses from A to Z

When the project is drawn up, in the calculation go construction Materials and construction technology. So, building technology in winter and summer period will be different. Better if the project is individually compiled. When applying ready-made schemes, make sure of their relevance.

An important role is played by the records of the peculiarities of the heating system. It depends on the location of chimneys, airlows and other engineering elements.

Drawing up the estimates

When erecting summer houses it is necessary to accurately calculate how many materials it will be necessary. Therefore, the stage of drawing up the estimate is mandatory. At the same time, it must be performed so that the essence was clear to every person.

Important! The more correctly the project will be drawn up, the less problems will arise in the construction process.

Design options

Projects may be different. IN lately Much popularity acquired at home made of timber. When you look at them in the photo, it seems that the houses are very lungs, but in fact they are strong enough. There are no less fame and the buildings from the cut, they can also be made with their own hands. If the project for the building is good, the house will be cozy and in summer, and in winter.

Selection of material

What will be the house depends on the material. Will he dry, durable and cozy or cause problems? The answer lies as the materials used and construction technology. The country's country is mainly produced. In the photo, such a house looks massive and impressive.

The tree has a number of advantages relative to other materials. But it's not easy to build a log cabin correctly. This requires certain knowledge and skills. Accelerating the process of building a house with their own hands helps the otling. How is it performed?

  • The logs are dried.
  • Remove the bark.
  • A processing on high-precision equipment is carried out to obtain a groove geometry and a certain diameter.

These methods make it possible to get the material, to work with which is easier than with raw wood.

Much popularity is also acquired turnkey made of timber. The turnkey structures made from the presented material are not inferior to log buildings. Production is carried out mainly from coniferous wood. Bar dried and treated with special means. It is important to keep correctly technological processOtherwise, cracked can form on the tree. **

Material has many advantages:
  • fireproof;
  • has a small weight;
  • it has large sizes, which allows the construction of a rapid pace.

Country house on frame technology with their own hands (video)

The structure of foam blocks will cost more than wooden. The strength of the building increases over time.

From the disadvantages of houses from foam blocks worth noting:

  • the appearance of cracks (as they look, can be seen in the photo in construction books);
  • shrinkage;
  • not such high strength, relative to buildings made of other materials.

Types of foundation

For light and heavy buildings, the foundation requires different. Durable and light round rooms can be performed:

  • from foam blocks;
  • framework;
  • from slagoblocks;
  • from the bar.

Foundation from reinforced concrete plate In this case, you should not choose, as it will be a waste of money. The ideal option is budget columnar or pile foundations.

For them, the following foundation is suitable:

  • slab - his fill goes right at the construction site;
  • ribbon foundationwhich can be monolithic or made of reinforced concrete blocks.

It is advisable to use the presented bases for heavy turnkey buildings, as significant funds are spent on them.

Construction technology

Cottage can be built with your own hands or with the involvement of masters. In any case, construction technology should be observed.

  • First stage -, takes into account the location of the house turnkey, its parameters and materials.
  • Second phase - zero cycle. This includes preparatory work and the construction of the base for the building. The foundation is chosen on the basis of the Quality of the Future House. If there are no problems with the soil, you can use ribbon base. The most often applied profile foundation. It is plunged with the freezing of the soil.
  • Next stage - Construction of walls. The optimal option will be a frame cottage. In this case, the foundation put a hard framework and cubs. Turnkey processed by antiseptics. The insulating layer is placed between the inner and outer sheel of the walls. Finished walls are facing or plastered.
  • Inside frame or any other cottage is divided into zones. Partitions are often manufactured from the same material as the main walls.
  • Next is the construction of the roof
  1. Foam block buildings losing popularity wooden cottagesBut in the photo and in real life they look attractive. Plus, the tree is that it is natural and eco-friendly material that can "breathe" and possessing good vapor permeability. As a result, the oxygen balance is at an optimal level.
  2. When choosing wood materials It is worth staying on coniferous rocks. They are the warmest and fully meet sanitary and hygienic requirements.
  3. Carefully treat the selection of the project. He must respond to the tastes of all family members and fit into the budget.
  4. If we talk about how much floors should be in the house of foam blocks or wood, you should give preference to one-storey buildings. They are just erected and operated. But for a large family it is better to build a two-storey house.

How to build a cottage (video)

To country house He served faithfully for a long time and pleased the owners, it is necessary to take into account the many nuances. But temporary and labor costs will pay off completely.

The article is prepared by the materials of the site.


Currently, frame houses are becoming increasingly popular. It is understandable, because they have the shortest time limit and rather low cost. Such positive qualities are very highly appreciated in the construction market.

It is very important that the builders can quite easily build as a typical standard house and individual projectIf the customer itself wants this. Even the most complex projects from professionals leave only two to four months.

The possibility of independent construction

It is possible to build the skeleton house itself if you buy a ready-made kit (home complex) for assembly. The most responsible and time-consuming stage of construction of any building can be called the foundation device. But thanks to a small weight frame house, and his weight is three times less log, and four times less brick, you do not need to build monolithic optionwhich is very often big cash and a lot of time. Often, the base of the house is laid at a depth of about one and a half meters. For the construction of the same frame houses A unique solution can serve as a ribbon or pile analogue. The final solution depends on the soil at the construction site and the size of the future at home. The pile prototype is a pretty simple and fast construction structure, but the rate of construction does not affect the strength and quality. Building such a foundation can be produced in winter time. For larger and heavy buildings, and also if the ground on the sandy area is either clay, it is better to choose a tape type.

When the foundation of the house is ready, the framework of the frame structure is carried out (provided that the finished frame has already been purchased). For this, boards are used, the cross section is forty-one hundred and fifty millimeters. All boards are going to one common design From above, covered with chipstones. This design is put on the already prepared pre-foundation.

IN frame house The inner partitions are set from OSP and boards. However, it is necessary to know that only environmentally friendly plates, which are manufactured without the use of chemical resins, such as phenol, is desirable to use.

Professionalism experienced builders Allows you to ensure the absolute accuracy of all necessary sizes. When erecting a frame house, there is no need to apply heavy construction techniques, which gives economical and operational construction.

Construction of a skeleton house and its unique durability

During the construction of frame houses, often materials from natural wood are used, that is, characterized by less thermal conductivity. The thickness of the walls is pretty small to provide excellent thermal insulation. That is why at the next stage, the framework of the new house is insulated with the help of non-combustible special thermal insulation materials. They can be very simply purchased at any store where construction materials are sold. Among other things, special rolled materialswhich provide appropriate waterproofing and vapor barrier.

To cover the roof, you have to spend only about a week. As a rule, metal tile is applied or flexible tile. But if the user wants to save money, you can apply the usual slate.

After the external and inner cosmetic finish, in a new and warm house You can install without any problems.

You wish to build wooden house do it yourself, but do not know how to do it right? It is in this article and we will try to reveal this question.

Where to begin

Initially, it is worth deciding on the choice of wood type. It may be oak, pine, larch, linden and others. After you have decided on the choice of wood, it is worth choosing a plan, namely the scheme of the future building (if this process was not ready).

Plan of construction, wood and materials have already been prepared and worth the calculation of the site from all sorts of garbage and vegetation. It is necessary to carry out carefully, since it is this part of the site that will be focusing for the foundation, and in order for digging the earth easier, it is worth a plot.

Due to the fact that the wood material is light enough, it is not a complex foundation under it. It is also worth understanding that there are several types of foundation, namely three: slab, columnar and also ribbon. For such a material, the wood is more suitable for a belt foundation, since it is he who can withstand the weight of the tree, and it is quite easy to build.

A ribbon foundation can be done in two versions for heavy buildings and lungs.

In the event that the foundation of the foundation has already been carried out, and he had the opportunity to dry well, then in this case, you can proceed to the floor finish. The floor can also be made wooden, but in this case it is necessary to carry out the insulation of the floor, in order to be in cold times, the tree could not give his cold to the room.

The insulation should be laid between two layers of wooden boards. Thus, it is possible to achieve the fact that the house will have good sound insulation. Do not also forget that this material Also has good sound insulation.

The structure of the floor is divided into several stages.

The first stage is the gasket of the strapping crowns. At this stage it is worth installing the main basis for the floor. In order for this design to keep more reliable, it is worth installing the strapping crowns that will be installed at the corners of this building.

Building lag floor. This will be the next step that you can do from the tree ate or pine. In order for the design to be durable to install the beams of such material that have a rectangular section. Thus, this stage will serve overlap between underground and the resting.

Setting the draft floor. It should be borne in mind that the floor itself should be done qualitatively and for this it is worth paving the layer of beams, which is already installed insulation, which will serve as additional sound insulation.

The finishing floor is installed at the very end of such a process. It is for such sex that the stamped boards will be required, about 3 * 4 centimeters.

After all the steps have passed the floor must be installed.

Truck and construction of wooden walls

It is important to understand that the house should be built at such a time that the boards have the opportunity to dry outdoer. In no case should not build a house from boards or log cabins, which are moistened, more natural, natural humidity. The fact is that such boards may subsequently moisture and water to "swell" and if you lay the boards with an increased volume, then in the end, after drying, the house can change its structure and collapse.

In the process of playing walls, a person must immediately insulate a special building material. It may be hemp, felt or moss. Such materials will be natural and well influence the tree. It is understood that such materials will not distort the color and structure of the tree, which is the main advantage.

There is another option that you can warm the house with the help of seals that will be created on a chemical basis. Basically, such insulation are done from the material called Sinybuon. Many know about such a material from which winter and demi-season jackets are stuffed, but it is also used to insulate the house and also as a seal. Such a sealant should not be used to build a tree with natural humidity, it is used only for dry wood.

It is important to understand that the seal on a chemical basis does not have the ability to dry and dry after water entering. If he wets, then, most likely, does not dry, since the Sintepon itself does not have such an opportunity.

If the seal is a winking, then it can give the cause of the development of fungus and can also affect the color of the tree. He can darken.

Photo: interwidden insulation from jute will the best choice When building wooden house From a rounded log and any kind of natural humidity timber.

What a heater to choose to solve you, but health on our opinion, first of all.

Also the construction of walls can be divided into several stages.

The first stage is the strike of the external walls. It is worth considering what stage is the most responsible, as it is very important to work out all the factors that can further affect the future of the construction of the house. It is in this stage that it is necessary to determine what the type of construction will be. This is meant that such a building can have several options for its species. Corners can be smoothed and not to stick, or on the contrary, the angles can be written by parts of wooden log cabins. For each such species, it is worth picking up your mount in order to ensure the construction of reliability in the future.

Also the house, namely the walls of the house can be attached to nails, which must have at least 20 centimeters of the Council of Long. But, nevertheless, it is better to apply various widths of solid wood for attachment.

After this stage, you can proceed to the finishing of interroom walls. Such walls should also be done with accuracy, since if not to take into account at least one factor, it can even lead to destruction.

Initially, it is worth determining the type of roof and make a plan, what form it will be.

The ceiling itself should be trimmed by a timber, in order to create a certain frame. This is how this building can be achieved that this building will have a high-quality and reliable roof.

The bars of the tree should be laid in such a way that they should have a kind of designer. It is understood that such a basis should be a hike to geometric forms about 30-35 centimeters from each other. It may even be a kind of mesh. This is how it is possible to ensure that the framework will be reliable and high-quality. After that, you can make the bottom layer of wood, which will serve as the ceiling itself. You can also make it from another material, but before this will definitely be convicted in the strength and reliability of the frame. On the top layer, which will be closer to the roof itself it is worth putting a waterproofing coating.

After this stage, it is worth proceeding to the framework of the frame, which will serve as the basis for the roof. Wooden bars should be placed and do so that they resemble the shape of the roof, whatever it is.

The framework itself can be laid a special coating that will serve for additional protection against possible flows.

But it is possible to do without it, since today there are quite a lot of types of roofs, which are high-quality according to their material and can provide a guarantee that in the rain whether other weather conditions will not penetrate the roof.

Such a stage is very important, since to make a suitable roof for home the process is quite complicated, and even more so recreate it from scratch.

Installation of devices and windows

After all the steps are done, you can go to the installation of doors and windows. Such a stage is very responsible, as it is very important to strengthen the doors so that they do not have the opportunity to fall or rush over time. But before this stage it is worth ensuring that the frames under the doors and windows must be uniform and approached in size. It is such a job will provide a more simplified process of their installation.

Wood impregnation with means to improve the quality of the tree is a very important stage, as it is using it in the future you can make the house more reliable and protect it from various external factors that can harm and spoil the tree. The impregnations should be from fungus, from insects and also to protect against fire. Thanks to this, it is possible to ensure that the construction will be protected for a long time.

And at the last stage, the house is drawn up. Of course, such a stage is the most responsible and pleasant, as the construction is reduced and practically over. It is important to take into account that such a building has been done in real life, which gives the owner a reason for pride. At this stage, the house is covered with varnish and is also issued (at will) decor from wooden or other material.

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Water supply, gas and ventilation gasket

It is this stage that requires responsibility. In order to better and effectively do water supply, gas and ventilation, it is worth constantly cheating with the project of the house in order to prevent coarse errors that can lead to some consequences.


As it was already possible to understand, the construction of a wooden house is not the easiest, but such a house has the ability to serve for quite a long time, which is very good quality.

Due to the fact that the tree is natural MaterialMany people also use insulation and processing, which consist on a chemical basis, but should not be done, since the material itself due to its natural qualities can deterue due to the influence of chemistry.

It is not worth it and forget that the tree itself also requires impregnation with various means, which will preserve such a material safe and preservation. Wood and log cabins are able to heat the flame retardant, anti-grib, antiseptic and also against insects. It is such a defense that can guarantee that this material will serve for a long time and not affect the influence of various factors of destruction.

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It is very important to do all the steps to qualitatively, since it is from this that the further life and reliability of the construction can be delivered. In the event that you decided to create a wooden house with your own hands, then it is necessary to consult with specialists who can give seld advice and emphasize essential moments For the structure of the house.