Liquid chair at the cat after castration. Treatment of diarrhea in cats after antibiotics: the main factors of recovery

What could be the causes of diarrhea at the cat after castration and in general, is it normal? We found such questions on the Internet and we want to give answers now that animal owners are ready for such surprises.

First of all, we note that our tips will only wear a recommendatory nature, since the true cause of diarrhea in the animal should find out and analyzes. However, unfortunately, there are settlements in Russia, where the nearest veterinary clinic is 200-300 km, and the owners of cats simply do not know how and how to help their favorite, here they will be useful to the tips of our branch.

Diarrhea at the cat after castration due to improper feeding.

Perhaps this reason for diarrhea at the cat after castration is the most frequent. How does this happen? The veterinarian after doing says to the owners, on what food it is necessary to translate an animal, but at the same time forgets to clarify how to do it. And as a consequence, the owners on the same day buy a pet food for neutered cats, and as the body got used to one type of feed, and then the diet has changed dramatically, a protective reaction occurs - diarrhea (diarrhea).

How to avoid diarrhea: translation of cats after castration and sterilization to another kind of feed (food for neutered cats and cats) need to be carried out gradually, adding to the previous feed of 10% of the new feed daily. At the same time, both feeds must be either dry or wet. Start the translation to another diet is recommended in 3-5 days after the operation.

Diarrhea at the cat due to stress.

As a rule, diarrhea at the cat after castration, due to stress, if the operation was carried out at home, but in the veterinary clinic. That is, you needed to put a pet in a cage, to take into the clinic, wait for the queue there, then to be in a room with him, where the branch will adopt, and the presence of other animals, including dogs .... All these factors cause stress, and what they are more, the lower the stress resistance.

How to avoid diarrhea: the most effective way is to cast a cat to the house. Thus, it will be possible not only to avoid stress in a pet, but also to prevent infection with infection, which will be discussed below. You can castrate the cat at home and we have, read the prices for casting cats.

Diarrhea at the cat of infectious nature.

The most unpleasant and dangerous diarrhea is infectious nature, that is, the cause of it will be a panlasting (Chumka cats). The reason for this can be either the absence of cat vaccination, or casting a cat in the clinic, where before that there was a carrier of the virus. Cat panels are treated hard and long, and unfortunately, it does not always end with recovery.

After the operation in which the animal deprives the ability to fertilize, the production of hormone estrogen ceases and the metabolism slows down. This leads to an increase in appetite and fast set Weight. After some time after sterilization or from improper feeding, a cat may have diarrhea.

Table of contents:

Diarrhea, which arose in cats is a climbing chair and indicates the presence of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. This may be the reaction of the body on medicinal productswhich were used during sterilization (for example, anesthesia). They are able to irritate the walls of the intestine, while causing frequent calls for defecation with a liquid chair.

Other reasons may be intestinal infections or diseases of the digestive organs, which showed themselves against the background of reduced immunity. The treatment of the house is unacceptable, as the incorrectly chosen medicine or the wrong diagnosis will be brought by an animal only harm. As well as in humans, cats may have a liquefaction of the chair against the background of stress or experiences. Treatment will be to eliminate the stressful situation, as well as the reception of sedatives.

Conducting therapy with diarrhea in an animal directly depends on the degree of severity and the cause of the development of chairs. Sometimes it is enough just to withstand a few days a hungry diet and reduce the amount of water for about 5-6 hours immediately after the operation. In this case, comply with the full of the animal. In order to avoid dehydration, you need to drink a cat water through your mouth with small portions, but often. For the best effect, water should be boiled, with the addition of salt or ready-made chamomile beam. The use of special solutions is welcomed, with the useful trace elements dissolved in them: potassium, chlorine, sodium. After 2-3 days, the diet of the animal can start slightly expand, increasing the daily dose of food. If diarrhea does not have impurities, the rice decoction cat is allowed. If there is any infection, the course of antibiotic therapy is assigned using bifidobacteria and probiotics. In order to prevent the transition of the transition of diarrhea into a chronic form, it is recommended for 2-3 weeks to comply with the animal nutrition diet.

When should you contact the veterinarian?

If the following signs appeared, it is necessary to apply for help of a specialist in an emergency:

  • continuous diarrhea (the duration of which is more than 24 hours);
  • too watery and liquid cartoons;
  • constant meowing and moans, testifying to abdominal pains;
  • blood impurities and mucus in cartoons;
  • severe weakness and indifference to everything that is happening;
  • temperature rise;
  • the emergence of convulsions and convulsive seizures;
  • the paleness of the gums and nose;
  • incessant vomiting;
  • the constant feeling of thirst, which is impossible to quench;
  • a pronounced unpleasant smell of feet.

Diarrhea with vomit after sterilization

After sterilization (castration) in cats, like any living beings, the protective system of the body is reduced. It is during this period that the risk to infect infectious diseases is very large. Some diseases cause vomiting, stool disorder and temperature rise:

  1. Viral peritonitis develops due to an animal coronavirus in an air-drip, fecal-oral and transplascent. There are two forms of the disease: dry and exudative (with the accumulation and accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the peritoneum). With dry form, the following signs are noted: anorexia, indifference to everything that is happening, decreased body weight, turbidity of the vitreous eye body, the appearance of jaundice, an increase in lymph nodes and liver, neurological disorders may be observed (urinary incontinence, convulsions and others). With an exudative form, it appears: an increase in temperature, an increase in the volume of abdomen, liver and lymph nodes, loss of appetite, a decrease in body weight, vomiting and diarrhea at the initial stage, kittens stops development. There is no specially developed method of treatment. The doctor prescribes glucocorticosteroids, antibiotics, immunostimulating drugs. Also, do not do without puncture of the abdominal cavity to remove the accumulated exudate.
  2. Punching (cats of plague, cat title, infectious gastroenteritis) is an acute viral disease that causes a punching virus. Infection occurs with air-drip, an alimentary way, as well as with direct contact with infected objects (litter, dishes). The main symptoms of the disease are: the loss of appetite, high body temperature, diarrhea or constipation, frequent vomit Green with admixture of mucus, ulcers along the edge of the tongue, purulent emissions appear from eyes (conjunctivitis). When untouching timely assistance to the animal, it may die. Mortality cats between the ages of 2-3 months is 89%.
  3. The obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract is quite often in cats regardless of age and rock. This non-infectious disease, which is characterized by a violation of the intestinal content of the contents, inhibition of motility and symptoms of general intoxication. The reason for obstruction can be large food, bones, helminths and other inedible items (tinsel, threads, rags, coma wool). The clinical picture is in the indomitable vomit, diarrhea on early stage and constipation in the midst of the disease, the absence of appetite and the refusal of food, the general condition of the cat is unsatisfactory: the animal is sluggish, apathetic, oppressed. The treatment of obstruction is carried out only surgically.

Diarrhea at Maine Kuna

Cats of Maine Coon breed are the largest among homemade representatives of the feline. But as in all mammals, the risk of liquid stool is possible. When this unpleasant symptom appears, you should pay attention to several characteristics: consistency, odor, emptying frequency, color and impurities in feces.

Diarrhea may occur even in a healthy animal. There are several reasons that serve for the development of an unpleasant symptom:

  • poor-quality products that can cause edible poisoning;
  • violation of the diet or eating "incorrect" food (fatty, spicy, monotonous food, such as milk or meat);
  • transition to other drinking water;
  • transition to another meals, for example, replacing the usual food on dry food or the beginning of the kitten feeding;
  • sudden nervous overvoltages (hike to a veterinary doctor or the appearance of a child in the house);
  • long trip in a car or other transportation (kinetosis or sea disease).

But all of the above problems are easily eliminated, but as a result, eliminate the diarrhea. Much serious when diarrhea cause any diseases. There are quite a lot of them, so it will not be superfluous to show the doctor of his pet when the first symptoms of disorder digestive system:

When diarrhea appears, the cat should not start panic. The main thing is to find out the cause of the ailment and start the right treatment. Otherwise, the condition of the animal may noticeably deteriorate, and the end result will be sad and deplorable.

Why does diarrhea occur after sterilization?

The occurrence of diarrhea after sterilization is most often arising due to irritation of the intestinal walls. It can be medicines, toxins, overeating, nervous overvoltage, lactose deficit in kittens and other irritating factors.

The appearance of a liquid stool after anesthesia phenomenon is not rare. The drugs used during the operation have the ability to irritate the intestines, reinforcing its peristaltic.

Diarrhea at the British Cat

The stimpers of the colon include: mice and street birds, desiccine, oily and spicy food, paper, plastic, pieces of material, grass. Among the toxins that a cat can swallow together with food, gasoline and kerosene, machine oil, bathroom and toilet cleaning agents, dishwashing solutions, poisonous plants And mushrooms, as well as many others. But the risk of poisoning toxic substances is rather low, since the cats of the British breed are very legible in food. If the poisoning came, then most likely when the animal cared behind the paws and wool, licking them. Then, in addition to a plentiful watery chair, repeated vomiting joins.

Lactose insufficiency can be found not only among people. At the British kittens, this ailment occurs often and is accompanied by the climb of the chair when eating milk and dairy products. It is extremely rare to meet the manifestation of allergies to some products: fish, pig meat or cow, eggs, some specialized feline food.

To clarify the reasons for diarrhea, it is necessary to explore the feces: the consistency, the smell, the frequency of defecation and the overall health of the cat. When black diarrhea appears, you can talk about bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal departments, and streaks of blood or scarlet diarrhea indicate the flow of blood from the colon. When the white chair appears, the liver disease can be suspected, as it does not have bile. When the intestines are damaged to toxins or infection, the wheel masses become frothy, silent and have a yellowish or greenish tint. If the defecation frequency is less than 3 times per day, this may indicate minor disorders of the digestive system. If more than 5-7 times, then on the development of acute enterocolitis.

Treatment is appointed exclusively by the doctor, given the reason for the occurrence of diarrhea, the condition of the cat and the features of the development of this breed. If you do not hold proper treatment, the dehydration of the animal organism will begin with a speedy fatal outcome.

Than feed the cat when diarrhea

Regardless of the reason that can cause diarrhea, three rules should be executed:

  • treat only by those drugs that have prescribed a veterinarian;
  • for several days to withstand a hungry diet;
  • in the absence of vomiting to give the animal pure boiled water, it will help to cope with the dehydration of the body of the beast.

In the event of diarrhea, it is worth translating an animal to a gentle diet, which includes only easily dismissed food. It is recommended to give boiled potatoes, rice and other boiled products. Portions should be small, and meals are frequent. If you feed the animal with a large number of food, it can provoke the appearance of vomiting. The gaps between feedings should be at least 2 hours. If diarrhea does not occur in the intervals, you can feed the animal again. When improving the health status of the cat, the volume of food can be increased, while reducing the amount of feedings. For the best effect, you must adhere to such a gentle diet at least a few weeks.

Walking to make during the disease best on hand or leash. This allows you to monitor more carefully for the condition of the cat and control the frequency of urinary, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. It is also eliminated by the likelihood of disassembled products or other components harmful to the pet.

Giving any medicines, without coordination with the veterinarian, is strictly prohibited! With acute diarrhea, medicines can cause adverse effects.

In no case cannot give cats medicinal products intended for people and other animals. They can have a toxic effect on the body of a pet and cause a number of serious complications.

If the chair is not restored while compliance with all the rules for the care of the beast, or appears again after a short period of time, it is necessary to contact the specialist in the shortest time.

A normal cat's chair should be formed, wet, slightly soft, brown, without any red and other engines. Diarrhea is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract in cats. In addition to the fact that it gives physical discomfort of the pet, diarrhea signals the strong poisoning of the body, and the long separation of the liquid stool leads to dehydration. The diarrhea is accompanied by pain in the stomach and itching in the posterior hole, delivering more inconvenience to the cat.

Causes of diarch

Diarrhea and abdominal pain are symptoms of rather unpleasant changes in the body. Most often, the liquid chair appears after the cat was poisoned, or the owner put a portion more than necessary.

But there are other problems due to which diarrhea occurs, and they are much more dangerous. In this case, treatment cannot be postponed in a long box by no means.

Here is a list of the main reasons that cause diarrhea in cats and cats:

Is it possible to cure diarrhea at home?

Diarrhea in many cases is treated at home, only if it is not a tumor, not internal bleeding and non-poisoning toxic substances. In these cases, it is necessary to urgently apply to the doctor for analyzes and a thorough examination, independently cope with such a problem with a person without veterinary education, drugs and medical equipment will not be able to!

Thousands of cat owners are treated daily into veterinary clinics around the world. And many of them want to castrate their favorites. The reason is simple - the animal becomes more balanced and does not run away from the house in search of cats. In addition, the procedure itself is very simple and takes a minimum of time. But, as it usually happens, no one is insured against negative consequences. It happens, for example, it develops diarrhea at the cat after castration. What is it connected and how dangerous is your favorite health?

First you need to deal with what it is. Immediately warn that in our country, veterinarians prefer to perform surgical sterilization - a simple, cheap and reliable option.

But still castration varieties are somewhat larger:

  • First, the most Surgical sterilization. The meaning is in the operational excision of the sex cities of the cat (that is, the seeds).
  • Pretty popular B. lately castration. Its meaning is to be sewn under the skin of the cartridge with preparations, which, gradually standing out in blood, suppress the sexual function of the cat.
  • sterilization. Right into the seeds are introduced compounds that contribute to the atrophy of the organs. In the budget version itself, the most ordinary calcium chloride is used.
  • Finally, radiation castration. Tsemenists irradiate under the directional source of gamma radiation. Since the base of the sexual glands is rapidly divided cells, they die almost instantly, subsequently replaced by the connective tissues "piping".

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, their own side effects from the procedure. In particular, episodic manifestations of diarrhea after medication castration may indicate the need to change the drug. Most likely, the cat's body responds inadequate to the current medicine.

The same can be said about chemical castration. Diarrhea in this case - almost certainly a consequence of individual intolerance to a particular drug. Least of all side Effects With radiation sterilization, but in our country it is extremely problematic to find the clinic, where it is generally used. But still.

Given that we have more than 90% of cases practicing surgical sterilization, it is about its "pairs" need to talk more.

Anesthesia and its consequences

A few years ago, surgical castration was performed using exclusively local anesthesia. Separate "extremals" at all managed to do without it. But recently, even the sterilization of young animals is increasingly performed only under general anesthesia. It completely eliminates the possibility of the development of pain shock, relieves many problems relating to reliable animal fixation during surgery.

There were, for example, cases when when using local anesthesia, cats broke fixing devices right during operation. It did not give anything good.

But the anesthesia itself is not so harmless. So that the operation does not end with the death of a pet on the operating table, you need to choose the drug and calculate its dosage. At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that any animal may be individual intolerance to the medicines used in the supply of anesthesia. It can also be expressed in the form of diarrhea, which "punched" the cat is already after castration.

Do not forget about other features of general anesthesia. And it is expressed in the worsening of the peristaltic activity of the intestine during and after the operation. It is for this reason that with the "unbridled" diarrhea, their favorites face those owners who, contrary to the instructions of veterinary doctors, fed their cat before surgery.

Important! We remind you that 12 hours before the procedure, the animal must be on a hungry diet. And this is not an empty adherence to veterinarians.

Start with the fact that the cat, felt tightly before the operation, can simply die, choking his own vomit masses. If the case does not reach such serious consequences, still your pet is waiting for many troubles ... why? Everything is simple.

We have already mentioned that during operational intervention, the peristaltic activity of the patient's intestine falls. Practically, there is no one at all. And what happens when in the guts of a cat full of semi-earned food? In such conditions, it begins to wander, and later - simply rot.

It is quite logical that such effects lead to a strong, long-term diarrhea. Considering the fact that the operated scrotum is completely close to the "eruptions" of the feasible masses, in the case of diarrhea, the likelihood of the development of inflammatory and even septic processes increases significantly.

Stress as a response to castration and anesthesia

Any surgical intervention, even if so "harmless" is always strong for the animal. This is especially true for cases when the cat is left overnight in the veterinary clinic (this is necessary when castration, for example).

An animal, waking up in an unfamiliar atmosphere and not seeing his owners, may experience a very strong shock. The result of the latter can be not only diarrhea, but also nervous breakdowns (and the cats they also come). An animal becomes nervous, irritable and. To return his trust, you have to make a lot of effort and patience. What other reasons for diarrhea after castration?

About the need for proper feeding

Why not every breeder thinks how and what you need to feed the pet after the release of the last of the anesthesia. And in vain. It happens that the owners allow extremely stupid and dangerous misses, which is why health and even the life of their pets are in serious danger.

The most common mistake is to feed the cat as soon as he discovered the eyes after medical sleep. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that only a minor percentage of animals after exiting anesthesia is in principle there are, but it is with them the most problems.

Remember that the first three hours after the awakening the animal is not recommended to give even water, not to mention the food!

If an excessive hungry cat immediately rebels, his intestines, who has not yet left the consequences of anesthesia, normally digest the entire food received anyway. As a result, all the same fermentation, putrefactive processes and strong diarrhea. The danger of such a state is that a huge number of toxins stand out. They contribute not only to autoinoxication, but also the death of all symbiotic microflora.

Considering that cats have a short digestive tract, it leads to strong dysbacteriosis. And he is fraught not only by diarrhea, but also by other negative consequences. In particular, it can cause diseases of the domestic secretion. Their treatment will cost much more expensive to follow the recommendations of the veterinarian, and no one can guarantee complete recovery to you!

How and when feeding a pet after sterilization?

So what to do to avoid such serious consequences and keep your favorite health? You just need to feed it correctly. There is nothing complicated in this. Remember that the first meal must occur no earlier than 12 hours after the operation. Most of the cats by this time are finally waking up and completely depart from anesthesia, so there are no problems with maintaining a hungry diet.

In the first three days after the procedure, it is recommended to give pets saturated chicken broths. They are well absorbed, do not create a load on digestive organs, but at that there is enough high-calorie to ensure the cat's body with the necessary amount of energy. If everything is fine with animals, there is no diarrhea and other problems with the digestive organs, you can gradually move to the usual diet.

"Gradually" means that it is necessary to add small portions of the "normal" food during the week to the brows, so as not to overload the intestines of the cat in large quantities of food.

I would like to notice that the diet itself is of castrators is characterized by important features. First, they are not recommended to feed them. Secondly, from the diet of the castrations, it is obligatory to exclude fish, as it contributes to the development of urolithiasis.

Does the cat after castration? When concerns are in vain, and when does it require treatment? Some types of diarrhea are not recommended to stop. Let's deal with how to help pets will quickly recover after the operation and not harm.

The reasons for which the owners castrate cats are almost always in conservation of health or in the fight against its not quite adequate behavior. - It is the removal of testicles by operational intervention. Note that this is the only way to guarantee control of the sex hunting of a pet ... more precisely, its absence.

By 7-9 monthly age, the kitten becomes a hawk cat. Its organism is formed quickly enough, and the male can already be fertilized. However, the cat is indifferent to the conditions, he knows one thing - struck an hour, and it's time to do the continuation of the kind.

In the first few months, the pet becomes more energetic and overwhelmed. If you live in a private house and let him outside, he begins to disappear and can come a little battered.

Until 10-11 months, the kitten behaves adequately and does not climb on the Rogger, but very soon he will cease to evaluate his strength and rushes to a fight for the sake of recognition of a potential pairing partner. The cat living in the apartment will understand that the partners are somewhere outside its territory. To attract females, the pet will start and meow, more precisely, yelling day and night, treated and inexorably.

Ignoring the problem will lead to health problems. A large risk of developing problems with prostate, tumors (including malignant) testicles. Permanent hormonal failures will lead to behavioral problems.

In the best case, the cat will begin to meet family members, soft toys, other animals in the house. The case of medium gravity is traces of urine on your clothes and shoes. A heavier situation is a pet aggression in relation to family members. However, for all these misdeems, it is illogical to blame the animal, nature dictates to him how to be ... And he obeys, otherwise it is impossible.

See also: Castion Cat for 5 years: testimony, contraindications, technology

Before the operation, the doctor weighs the cat to accurately calculate the dosage of medicines. In addition to anesthesia, local and general anesthesticing is introduced, the preparations that support the heart are sometimes used additional medicines to maintain sleep. If the vet plans the classic open castration, the cat is healthy, and its testicles are omitted in the scrotum, all the procedure from the first injection to the completion of the operation will take 15-30 minutes.

In a state of a strong cat may not enter the anesthesia from the calculated dose. A similar effect may be observed if the pet tightly attempted before the operation or has excess weight. In this case, the veterinarian has to increase the dosage of medicines and it is this measure that can lead to complications.

During the castration of a healthy cat, only the tissues of the scrotum are affected, abdominal cavity It remains unharmed. There is a hypothetically likelihood of blood loss due to damage to large vessels, but it happens very rarely and is due to the individuality of physiology.

How does anesthesia act? This question is hard to understand completely, since the reaction is very individual. The substances introduced into the blood of the animal block neural connections in certain parts of the brain. Simply put, the brain departments responsible for muscle tone, pain and wakefulness are sleeping while anesthesia acts.

During the entire operation, anesthesiologist (or veterinarian) monitors the condition and heartbeat of the cat. If the procedure passes without complications, there is no need to build a dosage of anesthesia. If something went not according to plan, for example, a tumor was discovered, to accelerate the heart rhythm, the veterinarian determines that the patient feels something or can wake up.

See also: Cat behavior after sterilization: what to wait from the pet

Being on the Surgeon table, the cat cannot control the urge to urination, defecation and vomiting. In order for the cat not suppressed by the lots, the operation is withstanding hungry diet. Problems of defecation and urination are solved as they arrive.

First hours after surgery and care

What will happen immediately after the operation? Since the classic castration method implies full anesthesia about the outcomes of operations and possible complications, it is not customary to speak with complete confidence. Common anesthesia can kill any patient, and it can pass without a trace and consequences.

Normally, the animal completely comes out of anesthesia for 20-24 hours. Most of this time the pet sleeps. Rarely, but an increased excitability occurs when the cat walks around the house, meowes, worried, falls and behaves strange. Behavior at exit from anesthesia more depends on the temperature of the cat and the degree of stress to which it has been subjected.

The first day after the operation, the cat does not eat, but should drink. As soon as the pet woke up offer it warm drink, broth, fermented milk products. Exit from anesthesia is always accompanied by dehydration, the difference is only to its degree. Taking into account the fact that the Cat is not recommended for 2-3 hours, the thirst for a pet will be very strong. Be careful because too much the volume of the fluid consumed can lead to vomiting. It is better to poke a pet gradually, but often and necessarily warm.

Important! Do not force the cat is 1-3 days after the operation, if it is willingly drinking broth or fermented milk products. Pet can starve because of nausea or weakness. If the cat refuses nutrient drink and food, it is necessary to refer to the veterinarian and start a course of supporting therapy.

Effect of digestive operation and possible complications

The effect of directly castration on digestion is minimal and due only to individual features. However, any operation is stress for an animal, and it can affect all life systems.