Houses with balcony and terrace. Projects of frame houses with a terrace and their features

Projects of houses with balcony and terrace in lately increasingly selected by developers due to its functionality and attractive appearance. With the help of a terrace device, a recreation area is often created, which binds the land and building. In combination with a balcony, such a house acquires a unique image.

Terrace or veranda?

Since the device of the terrace allows at relatively low costs for the construction of creating additional space for recreation and housing, the distribution received different types of this architectural element. In fact, the terrace is an open flooring on a pre-prepared soil. It can be both attached to the house and be separate from him.

The terrace can be confined different elements. In addition to the depletion itself, it may include fence and coating. In different projects, the roof covers both the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe terrace and its part. Also with the fence: it may not be at all, or only a part of the site is protected.

In addition to the terrace, there are also verandas in our projects in our projects. The project of the house from a bar with a balcony and a veranda has the same positive characteristics as similar projects with open platforms. What is the difference between the veranda from the terrace? The veranda is an unhetable room, which is located within the house. It is satisfied with the roof and glazing and, in addition to the lack of heating, it does not differ from other rooms and can be used for any purpose.

We suggest you look at the photo of the projects of the house with a balcony and a terrace and choose the most suitable for you.

Improve the appearance of a private house and at the same time purchase a useful area allows a balcony over the veranda attached from the selected side. This type of extension immediately contributes to the project or erected years later. The arrangement of the terrace with a balcony is more than a summer version, but has its own architectural advantages and universal use.

The veranda and the balcony are destined, as a rule, by the courtyard

If the house is located near the facade close to the street, then the veranda with a balcony is delivered with his own hands, as a rule, from the side of the yard, garden. Planning the building simultaneously with the main building facilitates the task of how to make a balcony, allows you to build on a general foundation, make a protruding visor from the slab overlap.

Separate construction implies first to determine the type of foundation of the veranda with a balcony, its location to the house with the possibility of passing from the rooms. If there is no need to pierce the opening in the capital walls, the rise to the balcony occurs on the outer staircase.

Open terraces are equipped with a platform on any of the house levels (porch, second floor, roof). It can be located under the balcony at the level of the earth's surface (plate) or rise above it on a specially equipped foundation. The main questions are the designer questions of the supports of the supports under the balcony in combination with the house itself.

Legal nuances

In order to an extension from which the veranda with a balcony to the house with one of the parties did not consider the illegal construction, according to Federal law RF (Art. 25) "On Architectural Activities in the Russian Federation":

  1. send a project to the chief architect of the city / district;
  2. apply with the application of documents of land ownership;
  3. register a house with changes in architectural forms.

What is the foundation

The type of foundation will depend on the two principal moments:

  • structural weight;
  • the state of the soil under the selected platform.

Most often, the verandas are light frame structures made of wood. This is due to such reasons:

  • relatively low weight;
  • small deformation on provisis, which allows you to put less support points than steel beam;
  • small temperature extensions;
  • long service life (when processing protective compositions).

Massive an extension sometimes put on ribbon foundationBut the optimal option will be one of the types of pile base.

On the steady dry ground, the local area, which is pre-coated with concrete, is cooled by adjustable supports that put under the lags of the veranda. Their carrying ability (1 T), the design adapted to the adjustment makes it possible to set a horizontal plane even if there are some soil irregularities.

On the same basis are used to raise the site on such level Ceramzit concrete blocks, concrete pillows. They are positioned in support points in increments of 0.4 - 0.5 m. Condition - the unit must be full, concrete with moisture-resistant additives.

If the soil is poured or movable, apply the pile and column type of foundation. Pile can screw ( easy way) Or laid out of bricks, blocks, butt stones, asbetic pipes with fill with concrete.

Given the ease of the construction of the terrace and the balcony over it, the number of columns can be reduced due to the platform support for the foundation of the main building. This solution must be confirmed by the calculation. Otherwise, the distance is withstanding at least 3 cm.

Raise above

The framework of the future veranda floors are placed on the prepared ground. At this stage, the balcony support columns above the terrace (brick, wooden, steel) are erected. Steel beams are connected to the poles on the piles, or poured concrete along with the foundation. Brick columns are laid out as a continuation of the underground part of the pillar.

In concrete structures, the installation location of the necessary mortgage elements are determined in advance before the start of work.

The bar is placed on piles and fasten anchor bolts. The lower belt must be firmly held on the basis. A frame design can directly go to the supports, and it may be necessary to additional pile strapping (at a considerable height or area). Tips on how to make a veranda with your own hands, see here:

The remaining vertical elements of the sheath will be easier, not performing carrier functions. They will get a wind load on glazing and its own weight. Wood, aluminum, plastic, glass are chosen materials for casing. Bashed together for stiffness with metal corners.

The support pillars are fixed with self-drawing (nails) of rafters. For the strapping on the wall of the building fasten a run. From it, the roofs are driven with a decrease in the level of 0.15 cm to the cut. Racks for balcony railings are released above. Roofing material is laid.

The balcony railing makes a height of 0.9 m. The lags are attached under the flooring. They lie on them batten. From above, the railing is covered by handrails. This may be other than wood, modern weather-resistant materials (plastic, anodized aluminum, stainless steel).

Materials light design

Budget version of the balcony can be made like openwork wooden veranda With the roof used. To do this, it is necessary:

  • frame timber 4m long with a face of 10 × 10 cm;
  • floor lags and balconies - 10 × 50 cm rear, 4 m;
  • the board of the floor, thickness 4 cm;
  • bar on a railing of 5 × 5 cm;
  • the material that will go to the roof device (professional flooring, metal tile, ondulin);
  • impregnation for wood.

First, it is necessary to attach a longitudinal bar to the wall of the house so that it is below the top edge of the floor by 5 - 10 cm, it will protect it from water to the house during the rain or melting of snow. It is necessary to mount hard, because there will be a major load. The support beams are parallel to the wall at the desired distance. The transverse timber is fastened on top. Between 2, the longitudinal bars perform the laying of a transverse board with a thickness of 5 cm, the distance between them does not exceed 0.5 m. Making such a framework of the frame, begin to output all sides, and, if necessary, the roof. See for details in this video:

For the roof over the balcony, it is better to use that material that lies on the main part of the building. If for some reason it is impossible to do this, a good solution will be a visor from light polycarbonate. It will not require the manufacture of capital carrier structures And it will not create a large load.

Modern and stylishly there is a veranda with an indoor glazed inner area. For this produce glass sliding panels. If necessary, they are easily shifted to the side, opening access to air and light.

No matter what house you build, seasonal cottage or building for year-round accommodationThe balcony and terrace will allow you to get more space for relaxing outdoors and enjoy the surrounding landscape. Construction of such a house by frame technology Significantly speeds up the construction time and will allow you to get a cozy and comfortable dwelling at an affordable price. However, during construction frame house The terrace and balcony should provide special measures to protect building construction From atmospheric moisture.

Features Building

The main feature of the framework technology is that the walls of the house are performed from sheet wood materials that are seamless on wood frame or steel. Most often in private construction, a frame from a bar is applied.

In the lumen between the frame racks, thermal insulation material is stacked. Usually B. wooden house Use mineral wool as insulation, but you can take a foam or polystyrene foam. The thermal insulation material is laid in two layers so that the joints between the elements in the two layers do not coincide. The walls of the house are additionally protected from moisture with hydro and vapor insulation membranes.

Most often with a terrace and balcony is done vacation home The size of 6x6 or 6x8 m. This is the optimal accommodation for a small family and a sector of six acres. Thanks to the balcony and the terrace, the hosts receive additional space for a pleasant pastime in the fresh air.

The frame house with a terrace can be built on one of two technologies:

  1. Frame-panel technology Allows you to build a house in the shortest possible time. The essence of the method is as follows: a framework of a bar is built on the construction site, and the insulated panels are manufactured at the factory and are supplied to the construction site in the finished form.
  2. Frameless technology implies assembly of wall design right on construction site, That is, the frame is first erected, and then it is trimmed and insulating.

Protection against moisture

The frame house with a balcony and terrace is exposed to atmospheric moisture, which can be collected on the surface of these structural parts of the building. To protect the wooden structure from the destructive effects of atmospheric waters, it is necessary to consider the system of traps at the design stage. This is especially important for houses built in the northern regions of the country and in areas with a rainy climate.

When choosing a ladder, it is worth paying attention to several points:

  1. To correctly pick up the type of ladder, you need to take into account the configuration, bias and type of roofing at home. It is also worth considering the type of wall waterproofing and the material from which the drain pipe will be performed.
  2. It is also important to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment (the area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony and the terrace). This depends on the choice of a suitable variant of the transmittance ladder.
  3. In addition, the material of the ladder must correspond to the material from which the terrace and balcony waterproofing is performed.
  4. If the project provides a device of a deaf parapet along the perimeter of the terrace or the edge of the balcony, then it is necessary to take care of the collection and removal of water from their surface.
  5. When selecting water accumulation systems and drainage rings, it is better to seek help from specialists. So you can ensure reliable protection against moisture of building structures.

Important: If you drain water into a normal sewer, and not a storm system, you will need a ladder with protection against unpleasant odors that can rise from pipes.

The difference between the terrace and the balcony

If you decide to build a house frame with a terrace and a balcony, then you should understand the difference in the concepts of the balcony and the terrace, since some customers and private developers are often confused.

So, the terrace is an outdoor platform attached to the house. Since this design has an impressive weight, a fine-gulled foundation is placed under the terrace. For this reason, this structural part of the house is more often done on the first floor, although the installation of the terrace on the second floor is not excluded. In this case, it will rest on the supports that are installed on the foundation. If the terrace glazed, then you will get frame house with a veranda. The veranda is better than the terrace in what you can use it at any time of the year, while the terrace is only in the warm season. In addition, on the veranda you can arrange a winter garden. Since the glazed terrace allows you to additionally save heat in the house, then often the question of the glazing depends on the climatic conditions of the construction region.

The balcony is a platform that is placed on the beams of overlapping the second floor, protruding for the design of the walls. As a rule, the balcony is performed on any floor in addition to the first. Often the balcony is done right above the terrace, because in this case it will perform a canopy function, protecting the terrace from rain and snow. Also, such an arrangement of the balcony is convenient because the beams can be opened on the terrace racks, giving them additional strength.

Important: Console remote balcony can be made width not more than 1 m, if it is resting on the supports from the racks of the terrace, then the takeaway of the balcony can be much larger.

As for the glazing balcony, then in a private house this technique is rarely used. Although in the northern regions with cold winters, it will allow you to additionally save heat indoors. It is also worth noting that the Glazed Terrace and the Balcony do not need to arrange the drainage and additional protection against atmospheric moisture.

Terraced board and the benefits of its use

Making a terrace and balcony in a frame house, it is very important to choose high-quality flooring. For these purposes, you can use:

  • massive board;
  • moisture-proof laminate;
  • ceramic tile or porcelain stoneware;
  • terraced board.

Option using massive board And the laminate is good because these materials look very beautiful and stylish, but their practicality and durability in question. Especially it concerns open terrace and balconies, where the floor covering is often in contact with water.

Tile and porcelain tiles are more resistant to weather effects, but they are pretty heavy, which is not very good for a slight frame house. In addition, for open structures, you need to choose special frost-resistant coatings intended for outdoor use, and they are noticeable.

An excellent coating will be a terrace board, since its composition has a special polymer that makes the material resistant to temperature rims, its low indicators and moisture.

Additional advantages of terraced coating:

  • Durability.
  • Greater strength and durability.
  • On sale big choice The colors and textures of this material, which allows you to choose a product for a common exterior of the house.
  • Installation of the coating is performed quickly and easily. With this task you can cope with yourself.
  • Thanks to the special processing, the terraced board is not attracted by the effects of mold, damage insects and rot.

Protection of structures

Frame houses with a balcony and a terrace allow residents of megacities in a short time and at a low cost to carry out a dream of a country life. At first glance it may seem that the terrace is everything optional, but you just imagine how delightfully can be spent spending summer evenings, wrapped in a cozy plaid, forgetting for a short routine for a long time? Lots of construction firms Represent different projects of houses. The customer simply chooses and after a while it receives a ready-made frame house with a balcony and a terrace.

Such a project is the perfect way to get comfortable accommodation for permanent residence! The balcony and terrace expand the borders, giving the owners of the house more space for a pleasant pastime. Such a house can be used solely as an option for summer holidays, as well as a house for permanent housing. Due to the available value, the most common design of a skeleton house with a balcony and a terrace is considered to be 6x6 meters.
A frame house on two sides is trimmed with shields or panels, the insulation is stacked between or from the outside to save the inner area. Basically, the frame is made of wood, and mineral wool is used for thermalization.

Construction technologies

The following technologies for construction are more in demand in the construction market:

  • Frame-panel. When using such technology, the material is first mounted, and then insulated. Everything construction works We'll have to perform in stages, but there is a chance to meet at a smaller amount.
  • Frame-shield. Here, the manufacturer of the frame and construction is carried out according to pre-harvested project documentation. In special shields that the building is trimmed, the insulation is immediately laid and transported on a construction site ready.

Selection of ladder to a skeleton house

Pick up the appropriate ladders stands back at the moment of project development, and more attention is required to pay more attention to this part. It is very important to do right choiceSo that the house is well protected from water exposure. This is especially true for those who live in the rainy and northern regions.

There are some moments to pay special attention when choosing:

  1. To correctly pick up the type of ladder you need to take into account the form of the roof of the house and waterproofing, as well as the material of the drainage pipe.
  2. It is necessary to find out the catchment area. Be sure to consider the estimated amount of water and the possibility of a ladder.
  3. Also, the ladder must comply with the material that is used for waterproofing.
  4. If the project is provided by parapet, then it is necessary to take care of water removal. Excessive amount of water in the ladders exposes roof risk. In addition, rainwater should be discharged exclusively into special rainseed sewers. If you bring water into normal sewers, you need to find a ladder with a device against strangers.

Also worth consider additional devices for removing water: special elements for water accumulation, drainage rings and so on. This will help ensure more reliable protection against water. In the process of choosing this important element, it is best to ask for advice from a professional.

Why on the balcony steer a terrace board?

Balconya good place For relaxation, it is important to create comfort and comfort there. One of the most important elements in the creation of the interior is a high-quality floor covering. There are materials familiar to all: laminate, wood or tile. Laminate and wooden coating look very stylish, but unfortunately belong to short-lived materials, as they are spoiled with a frequent contact with water. The tile is more stable, but it has a greater weight and reacts much more to change temperatures.
A good way out in such a situation will be a terrace board. It includes a polymer, which makes the material resistant to moisture and sharp change of temperature.

Pros of terraced coating:

  • High service life;
  • High strength indicators;
  • A wide selection of design allows you to choose an outdoor coating with a general exterior style;
  • Simple installation;
  • Due to the special surface treatment, fungus, mold and malicious insects are not subject to formation.

The terrace board guarantees the owners of the house a cozy and stylish interior who will delight their many years.

Design at home with a balcony

Now in the market you can find a variety of projects. two-storey houses. Basically, beautiful and functional projects combining high-quality materials, convenient layout and adequate designs are proposed.

Differences between the terrace and balcony

Often customers are confused in the names of the balcony and the terrace. This is quite important, so it should be said about the differences of these two types of premises. The confusion in the names can affect the project and the cost of the house, ultimately.

Terrace - either open, or a glazed area, always attached to the house. The terrace is mainly done on the lower floor due to the fact that the design has an impressive weight. Theoretically and a balcony and a terrace are used in the warm season, but practically, thanks to a wide range of materials for glazing, the space can be suitable for any weather conditions. If the owner of the house does not have a shortage of the area, the balcony and the terrace can remain premises for the summer, but their glazing will help create additional sound insulation in the house and partially protects from drafts. Also on the solution of the issue of glazing the terrace often affects the geographical latitude. Most often, people living in the southern regions prefer to leave the terraces open, but those living in the northern regions thoroughly think about the insulation of the terrace.

Balcony - This is a platform installed on the beams discover from the wall. Unlike the terrace, the balcony is rarely made on the first floor of the house. Also, if there is in the house and terrace, the balcony, the second is often given a purely economic function, and while the terrace becomes a place to rest, as it has a large area.

Now at home with balconies and terraces are widespread. Lots of construction companies Represent similar projects in which each trifle is taken into account. Naturally, a professional can change some details of the project in accordance with the wishes and needs of the customer, so it is worth it to study the range of materials presented in the market to be able to create a house of your dreams.