Where learn to the captain of long-range sailing. How much sailors earn and how to get a ship to work

How to become a yacht captain at the "Tourism Sounds"

Being a captain is something more than simply controlling the vehicle on the water. For many, this is the embodiment of freedom. Romance of sails, salt splashes and fresh wind will never stop disturbing the souls.

Before getting behind the steering wheel of a sailing vessel, of course, it is better to taste the charms of life of a simple sailor. The benefit of such opportunities is now abounding. In Russia, there are also many commercial companies and simply friendly communities organizing amateur yacht events of various formats that can be easily joined. Among such companies, for example, Silavetra or Sailing School.

Large entertainment regatta

One of the most pleasant ways of first acquaintance with yachting can be large entertainment regatta, in which parties, quests, games, photo shoots are served, amateur racing, visiting interesting places and attractions. 10-20 yachts of 8-12 people can take part in such regattas at each! Such events are usually held in Mediterranean countries, in convenient waters without strong tides and sings, storms and dangerous fauna, with the ability to stop overnight in marina with all the amenities. Flotilla is traveling around the day along a certain route, while each crew member has the opportunity to learn an azam of a yacht case: knit the main nodes, put the sail, help mooring the boat. In the evenings - unrestrained fun, parties, visiting clubs and restaurants.

But this is superfluous

    And make an unforgettable our office is located in Tanzania and works without intermediaries, all briefings are held in Russian, there is an own Safari Machine Park, as well as a warehouse of modern mountain equipment from brands such as Redfox, The North Face and Mountain Hardwear.

Yacht hiking

Another yachting format, which also does not require experience, are yacht trips. It is a vacation in a more cozy company by 1-3 boats, there is no such organized here. entertainment programas on big regattas. At the same time, the concept of hiking can be the most different: hot fiesta on Sicily, whiskey tour of Scotland, an expedition to the harsh Faroese Islands, yachting on the city canals of Holland. In such campaigns, you can get a serious yacht experience, as well as see just incredible landscapes, because the yacht is able to deliver to such places where it is impossible to get along land.

Educational regatta

Some yacht schools organize special training regatta on which, in addition to practical skills, you can get theoretical knowledge and seriously to prepare for independent management of the yacht. Skipper in this case usually acts as an experienced yacht instructor. Such regatta can hardly be attributed to rest: you have to work a lot, standing night watch, listen to lectures, solve the challenges. But the experience gained will be priceless.

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One day I tried yachting, it is almost impossible to stop. It is not surprising that many sooner or later come to the decision to take everything into their own hands and become real captains.

Posstanding the issue of obtaining a skipper certificate and starting the study of the legislative base, first of all encounter in the lack of a clear international rule on the documents necessary for the management of the yacht. There are a lot of various schools and organizations issuing certificates of their own sample that can be accepted or rejected by charter companies different countriesAnd the laws here are very and very blurred.

You can understand this topic for a very long time, but in a dry residue it makes sense to pay attention to 2 basic training systems: IYT (Royal Yachting Association). The "Sacred War" certificates have been held between the owners of these schools for the championship in relation to professionalism and dignity, but it is not necessary to get involved in this verticle: both systems provide high-quality training, and their certificates take charter companies in most countries. The main levels of qualifications to which training in these schools are carried out practically do not differ.

First level

First level - Competed Crew (sailor). The owner of such a certificate cannot independently manage the yacht, but has the experience of life on a boat, can perform the main types of work on board, knows all the basic safety rules. In general, such skills can be obtained on the usual regattas, which we have said earlier, but as a result of consistent training, such knowledge will be more structured.

Second level

Second level - Skipper (yacht captain). This is the very first cherished "crust", which will allow you to easily get behind the yacht helper and beautifully go into the sunset. In the RYA system, this qualification is called Day Skipper, and in IYT - Bareboat Skipper. Owners of such certificates can control the coastal waters in the bright day of the day.

Training includes theoretical and practical courses. The theory of a total of about 40 hours is studied and includes intermediate tests and a final exam. The practical course takes place on a yacht within 1-2 weeks in a quiet area (usually is Greece or Croatia) in a group of 5-7 people with a certified instructor. Students learn to moor the boat, throw anchor, driving sails, determine their location by lighthouses and lay the course.

Third level

Third level - yachtmaster (yachtmaster). In fact, this is a common name for a whole series of qualifications that can limit (or not limit) the right to control the yacht on the basis of removal from the coastline, the time of day and weather conditions. It makes sense to understand these nuances after receiving the Skiper certificate when he wants to improve his skills.

If we talk about differences in learning RYA and IYT, the main thing will be that teaching in RYA is carried out only in English. The reason is that RYA is a British organization, and, like all true British, this system is extremely conservative and filled with self-esteem. Only a citizen of Great Britain is entitled to open a RYA school in another country, and unrelated control is underway for all instructors. Therefore, in Russia, training on the RYA system is not so common.

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The IYT system in this sense is much more democratic, a citizen of any country can become the founder of such a school, and training can be conducted in any language. However, it should be noted here that without a language in any case can not do, since the booking of boats, parking requests, and all other communication with charter companies and marins imply confident ownership of skipper English.

In Russia, Cabstatan, and the IYT system, SilaveTRA and others are certified for training on the RYA system.

The desire to become captain in itself is worthy of great respect. The main thing is to remember that the captain is responsible not only for the safety of the boat, but also for the life and health of the crew. Therefore, to training and follow-up practices, it is necessary to seriously and think primarily about security, and not about how beautiful the nose of your yacht dissets the waves.

Each person who became interested in Yachting solves the question of how and where he learns to manage the yacht. The question is very serious, because the sea is a serious element, and go swimming poorly prepared, to put it mildly, is unreasonable.

The path here for everyone is one - it is necessary to undergo training in a yacht school and get the rights (license) on the management of the yacht.

Not many more centuries ago in English sea law it was written: everyone has an integral right to go into the sea. But times are changing.

With the development of the coast guard system and salvation services, which are located on the state budget, and, on the other hand, under pressure from insurance companies, almost all states that have access to the sea, legally consolidated the need for a license from a person who manages the yacht.

The coastal services are tired of saving "kettles", which went to the sea, taking responsibility for the yacht and the life of the crew, not fully understanding the seriousness of the subject and not possessing the necessary skills and knowledge. Insurance companies for which it was too ruined to cover the damages from the inept actions of the owners of the yacht, also strongly lobbied the laws on the licensing of yacht management. To date, it is possible to say with confidence: without the rights of the yacht it is impossible.

Where and how do you usually get the right to control the sailing or motor yacht? Now there are three most authoritative system of yacht schools in the world: British - Royal Yachting Ass (RYA), American - American Sailing Ass (ASA) and a newly created system - International Yacht Master Training (IYT).

Since the British RYA is already more than a century, her authority is unconditionally recognized all over the world and it has the largest number of affiliate yacht schools in which they are trained in the highest standards. ASA leads its pedigree from post-war years and, perhaps, too closed within its continent, although it is recognized almost everywhere.

The IYT system appeared in America several years ago and is now engaged in opening his schools in as many countries as possible.

It is also worth mentioning a very strong French national yacht school, which, strictly speaking, is not international, but in terms of learning and traditions is very close to RYA.

All of the above schools, of course, have their own characteristics of teaching, but generally teach the same, since the sea and yachts from the country to the country are not very changing. Being acquaintances not to first with three main systems of yacht education - RYA, ASA and IYT, perhaps, I can say that the highest standards of training and the most long-standing maritime traditions are the prerogative of RYA.

Therefore, the path of man who wanted to learn how to manage the yacht and get international rights, we will look at the example of RYA.

The first requirement - you must speak English at least an average level. Because you are going to go to international waters and you will need to communicate with the port authorities, with coastal services, with other yachts and courts. international language Radio exchange - English.

First stagewhich you need to go through if you don't have any yacht experience - this is Competed Crew ("Useful Team Member").

Initially, any experience is absolutely optional. The main thing is desire and basic knowledge of English language.
This course is semi-estimated-semi-thermal - pass in the form of five-day yacht navigation. The number of students on the yacht is no more than five people plus the instructor. There are no restrictions on age.

During these five days on the yacht you will be taught the main skills of working with ropes and sails, the main techniques for managing the yacht, proper marine terminology and the basics of swimming safety. At the end of this introductory course You will have 100 nautical miles behind your back and you can be a completely competent member of the team (sailor) on a sailing or motor yacht.
But while you are not yet a skipper and a yacht can not control.

It should be noted that if you have some experience in the yacht on the sea (approximately 100 nautical miles) and you know the basics of a yacht case, then the Competent Crew step you can skip and start training immediately from the day Skipper. The course is more serious and consists of two parts - theoretical and practical.

The theoretical course Day Skipper includes the basics of navigation, meteorology, "rules road"In the sea, radio exchange, sailing safety.

The course is read 42 hours. You can go through this course in person and in absentia (in on-line mode). It should be noted that all theoretical courses are absolutely identical for sailing and motor yachts. The only difference is that what type of yacht, sailing or motor, you want to have rights (they are different), on such a yacht you will pass practical classes and take the exam. Before passing a practical course and passing the exam, you must complete theoretical course.

I will add that the international yachting training system is based on teaching the most necessary knowledge and skills. No one is going to make from you at the first stage of the captain of long-range swimming.

All training at this stage is aimed at qualitatively give you the necessary knowledge and develop a confident ability to control the yacht in various situations and correctly evaluate your capabilities and the possibilities of your team in accordance with the existing situation, that is, the weather, the state of the sea, the duration and complexity of the transition and so on. How would you give a "entrance ticket" to the world of yachting and take in the shop of the skippers.

The practical course Day Skipper is a hike on the yacht. According to RYA standards, there can be no more than five students on the yacht - to ensure sufficient attention to each from the instructor.

In general, learning does not look like we are accustomed. This is a full (about 200 sea miles - 360 km) Weekly campaign on a 40-foot comfortable yacht (12-15 meters) class (for motor can be greater). The instructor indicates what and how to do, after which each study repeats these actions until it succeeds. Everyone lays a course, standing behind the helm, commands the mooring and waste procedure. If sailing courses - works with sails.

In the past two days, the instructor is appointed in turns of each skipper to a separate transition, and the student must do everything itself, from the preparation of the transition plan to mooring at the destination point as a real skipper.

The instructor simply observes how the team and skipper cope with the task, and at the end of the course assigns (or not) the student qualifications of the skipper.

Here you are the captain of the yacht. With these rights, you can freely walk on a yacht up to 24 meters long on all international waters. You as a skipper recognize the port authorities, coast guard, border guards and, which is quite important, insurance companies. You can charter a yacht and go swimming with friends or family or participate in regattas - the world of yachting is now open to you.

Later, having lived on board the yacht in a total of about a month, having passed about 800 maritime miles (more than modest requirements) and finishing one-day courses on the use of the onboard VHF radio station, you can continue your training under the RYA program before the Coastal Skipper qualifications.

COASTAL Skipper learning looks like: 50 hours - theoretical course aimed at a deeper study of navigation and meteorology and practical weekly course with the exam, in the course of which the instructor seeks to give you deeper knowledge and skills to manage the yacht in difficult conditions: storm, night , limited visibility, etc.

Third step - Yacht Master. Captain.

2.5 thousand nautical miles are required (including previously scored), 50 days on board the yacht, 5 transitions of more than 60 nautical miles, including 2 night, and day medical care courses.

Finally, the highest qualification of amateur yachting - Yacht Master Ocean - converts from Yacht Master with one ocean transition and an astronavigation exam.

You can not learn yachting, but it is necessary: \u200b\u200bfirst of all, this is a security question - you personally, your yacht and those people, for the life and health of which you answer during the sailing.

But this process is very interesting in itself, and training is built so that people who want to do this beautiful sport (or lifestyle?), From the first steps, felt his beauty and joy.

Marine case is one of the most ancient human hobbies. At all times, people were fascinated by sea depths, and the horizon manifes her infinity. Warriors, travelers, merchants - they all did not imagine their lives without wanderings on maritime expanses. In the XXI century, the person did not cool the traction to the sea, only now the profession of the sailor, in addition to exciting wanders, can also bring solid financial dividends. About how to get to the ship and become a professional sea wolf, "Monday" will tell Pavel Barsukov - a graduate shipholder, the third assistant captain.
Text: Olga Malysheva
Editor: Rodion Chepalov

- How come to this profession?

- According to the first formation, I economist, so the sailor's profession was re-acquired for me. People fall into this sphere in several ways.
The first and most common is the continuity of generations. In the "sailic" families, children from childhood know where they will go to learn and who will be.
But there are those who, by some kind of reasons, do not imagine themselves without the sea and in a conscious age decide to change their profession. It is to this category that I relate myself, since the sea always seemed to me with something with a mounted and mysterious, so the choice of the second profession was more natural for me, rather than spontaneous.

- Where can I learn to the sea?

- In St. Petersburg, there are higher educational institutions, giving appropriate education, such as the State University of the Sea and River Fleet named after Admiral S. O. Makarov or St. Petersburg State Sea technical University. There are institutions preparing specialists with primary and secondary vocational education, such as St. Petersburg Marine Technical College or St. Petersburg Sea Fish-Fishing College. There is a huge number of courses for the preparation of sailors, motorists and other industry specialists.

- What to do after receiving a diploma?

- In the case of higher professional education, the diploma does not automatically give the right to go to the sea as a specialist (a separate "working diploma" is needed), and even extinguishing six years in "Makarovka", you will not be able to immediately become an assistant captain or mechanic. To obtain a "working diploma" you need to stay 12 months in the sea as a sailor, to gain experience confirmed by certificates from the vessel, to get all the necessary certificates and pass the exam in the Maritime Qualification Commission. Only after that you can get a "working diploma", with which you will get a job.

- What is the algorithm of actions at the end of the courses?

- I just graduated from two-month sailors in the "Makarovka", received a minimum package of certificates: the first - "rafts and boats", the second - "life safety on the ship". It started the most interesting. Without a "working diploma", no one takes, and you will not receive a diploma without practice. You have to be patient and persistent, look for practice yourself. Any ways are suitable - you can search on the Internet, ask friends. I found the place in the hydrographic fleet, came to the post of the second class sailor, worked there for two months, received a first-class sailor diploma. Then she passed the exams in the port, in the marine qualification commission already mentioned above, and received a "working diploma" with which you can swim.

- What qualities, in addition to professional, should the future sailor be possessed?

- The work is intense and responsible, so there is nothing to do with a scattered and inattentive person. If you want to work in a foreign company and get good money, I use knowledge of English, preferably at a high level. There are even special language courses for employees of the shipping sphere. Knowledge of any other languages, except English, can also be very useful. Well, of course, the sailor should be able to swim well.

- How to get a job on the ship?

- For sailors there are crewing companies - special personnel agencies. There you leave your own questionnaire, where you describe in detail your skills in the hands of certificates and diplomas, the experience of our past contracts, and also make a certificate of passing a medical commission. And wait for the call ...

- Is there a difference between river and marine contracts?

- My first two contracts were on river courts. Salary in the rivernikov is an order of magnitude lower than marine, although the work is not easier, and sometimes more difficult. I met real professionals and sincerely wondered why they were holding a place in a river fleet for such money. For example, the salary of the captain of the river vessel is comparable to the salary of the third assistant in the sea, and the income of the senior assistant captain and commensurate with the salary of the sea sailor. True, I also had to meet and irresponsible alcoholics, which went on the "Ushefa" watch.

- Where do you have to swim?

- I worked on the Karelia line - Finland. Three times a month was in Helsinki and Turku, and once every five days I had a day off - I spent one day in my native St. Petersburg. The fourth contract sent me to Europe - to France, Germany, Denmark and Sweden. I spent one of the contracts on the dry cargo ship, which went to Africa: worked mainly in Senegal, Liberia, Nigeria and Ghana.

- How much sailor gets?

- The junior composition earns from $ 1-2 thousand per month, the team composition is up to $ 10-12 thousand. A tight piece for any sailor is a job on an offshore vessel. These vessels are engaged in drilling wells, gasket cables, towing and other useful things. They are attractive by the fact that salaries here are more, contracts are shorter, career growth is faster. That's just getting to such a ship is not so simple. The main condition in this industry is your experience. And what he is richer, the greater the chances that you will be hired. Without a big work experience, it simply does not make sense.

- Are there any curious cases on board?

- Sure. Once we were stuck in the ice of the Gulf of Finland in the inhuman frost, the old ship crackled on the seam and began to flow. Three days later we were saved by an icebreaker passed by. In Sweden, the same winter, we moored in the canal, periodically shooting in ice together with the tug. All this lasted seven hours, and I spent all seven hours on the semi-love (nasal superstructure on the ship's tank) and as a result, frosted my legs.
In Africa, while we stood on the raid, one of the duties of the sailor was to make a ship bypassing the vessel.

This procedure passed as follows: The sailor remained on the deck one with a lantern and a walkie-talkie. All doors and hatches were treated from the inside, a watch officer remained on the bridge. The lantern and radio winner should have been around the vessel every 15 minutes and report on the situation overboard. And overboard at this time, the real "carnival" was going on - the local population with shouts and with special lighting fish. The wildness of this situation is quite difficult to imagine until you find it yourself. But bypass were necessary, since those edges were famous for the abundance of pirates.

- How to get used to long raids and life outside the house?

- Undoubtedly, if you choose the profession of the sailor, then you need to be prepared for a long lack of not only at home, but also on solid land. It is easier for those who have no family, but I can not say that the vessel team is completely bachelor. Everything can be used to everything. The work is rather heavy, but it brings a very good income, a lot of impressions and makes it possible to see the world. It is worth spending months away from home.

Resource - information and search engine in the field of shipping, shipbuilding and ship repair;
- catalog of maritime educational institutions in Russia and Ukraine;

- all documents needed for employment;

Sooner or later, the moment comes when we make a decision changing life forever: enough dream, it's time to act - I want to learn to the captain. People, far from the yacht sports industry, are often full of illusions about this exciting world. This article is intended to help navigate the sea of \u200b\u200btempting proposals.

Choose a ship.

To begin with, we will define the goals. The search for the optimal learning system begins with the decision on the ship of his dream. What vessel do you want to manage - sailing or motor? These are different learning courses, skills and even philosophy. You will have to make an important choice that will determine the entire further image of your marine life.

Size matters.

The yachts mainly belong to the category "small vessel". In Russia, its length is limited to 20 meters. Other standards abroad - up to 24 m. For the absolute majority of people, the development of the management of this category of ships and means the fulfillment of the dream of the captain's status.

Required documents.

The right to manage small courts in Russian waters provides you with a GIMS certificate - state inspection on small courts. This inspection takes exams on computer programs and issues a certificate. The preparation of new captains, GIMS is not engaged, the school will have to look.

Flame motors.

To date, GIMS opens the following categories according to the exam results:

\\ / hydroxic

\\ / Motodka,

Diving areas are highlighted:

\\ / VP (internal paths)

\\ / GDP (inland waterways)

\\ / MP (Sea Ways).

It is better to open all possible categories in all areas of swimming. The difference from the rights of 1-2 categories for you will be only a few additional questions on the exam. Certificate is valid for 10 years.

White sails.

Option for future Russian captains of sailing yachts - Certificate of public organization "All-Russian Sailing Federation". This is the most famous company Preparation of captains of such vessels. The Federation is accredited by Russian sailing schools.

Certificate of WFPS is recognized by many foreign charter companies and sailing federations. However, it is worth considering that this document does not give 100% guarantee recognition abroad, and some foreign organizations may consider it invalid.

Far sea.

If other countries are disturbed, you will need a certificate of international yacht school. As a rule, they have training programs for managing both sailing and motor vessels. The most famous organization with an excellent reputation is the British Royal Yacht Association (ROYAL YACHTING ASSOCIATION).

She has more than 130 years old, it is authorized by the Government of Great Britain to regulate the activities of yachtsmen, and its schools are rightfully considered one of the best in the world. But there is one important feature: training is carried out only in English.

Other large system Training, widely known worldwide - American International School (International Yachtmaster Training). It opened only in 1998, and since then has been leading a global policy to promote their certificates and recognizing them all over the world.

Thanks to competent marketing, this is the most popular school, and it is the diploma IYT that offers an overwhelming majority of Russian training centers. The principal differences of the RYA and IYT program do not have.

Studying in megalopolis.

Not necessarily to be born by the sea to feel his call. Captains are residents of various cities, but most of all the teaching offers are in Moscow: from 15,000 rubles to 15,000 euros (for weekly practical training on a 22-meter yacht Princess, not counting the cost of fuel and parking).

Educational organizations:

/ / yacht clubs and schools (mainly teaching international programs, give their evidence);

\\ / Centers and training courses (prepare for exams in GIMS in all categories and for all areas of swimming.

In St. Petersburg, similar suggestions for training services, but the upper price bar will be significantly lower: from 15,000 to 70,000 rubles. At first glance, choose from anything - profile centers and courses in St. Petersburg many, as it believes the sea capital of Russia. That's just the level of learning in them seeks to zero, which is the author of the article on his own experience.

The history of one "Enlightenment".

After active monitoring of proposals it was decided to go to study in the attendant of St. Petersburg - the All-Russian Society of Salvation on Waters. Still, a solid organization, so many years of work, for sure, has accumulated a huge experience. Training rate - 5 weeks. You walk, go to school, and bewilderment grows every day.

No lectures, no practical classes - you will be offered to sit at the computer and start performing an exam program, answers to whose questions, you naturally do not know. Of course, something you guess, you think about something, and the teacher will provide answers to incomprehensible questions. Your business is to record them in a notebook and remember. Why is that? Sometimes you will explain to you, but more often will be offered to learn by heart.

Because there is no time to explain - the course will soon end, you need to charge money from the next group! During the exam, you will execute the program depending on the selected categories. The number of questions - from 10 to 16. All categories in all waterways are a program of 16 points, of which two navigation tasks.

One - with a map. The tasks equipped with the card were not explained after a separate request. After all, it is not necessary to know the right answers to all the questions, you can be mistaken twice! It does not matter to understand, it is important to memorize. Questions do not change from the exam exam. They are not mystery at all and is in the open access on many sites - for example, Motorka.org.

The stated relevance is April 2013, but this information is valid now. Having traveled to the material, it would be possible to pass exams in GIMS with a guarantee of 100% if the inspection did not require a document on the passage of training in a fifty school. In fact, it is for him that you pay money, because it will not be offered anything else in return.

Depending on the contracting center agreements, the exams are held in urban or in one of the regional GIMS. You will take the necessary documents at school and will be sent to GIMS school staff. You will only have to appear on the exam. It lasts a maximum of 10 minutes - you quickly answer questions, and they immediately report the result: testing / nonsense.

If the result is failing, you should contact the school where you studied. She re-submits documents to GIMS - on relocation. After receiving the credit, you must pass the practice. The pier is located near, within walking distance. For many, this is a good opportunity for the first time to sit behind the steering wheel!

Examinations such an event is not confused at all. You will be accompanied by an inspector. Make a circle of honor and safely return to the berth, and the inspector will be left and approaching it, the boat will not trust you. After 10 days, you will have to give documents for which it will be necessary to come to GIMS on their own.

And the whole world is not enough.

What way to choose those who need international documents? Sergey Zakharov, Skipper RYA since 2008, a member of the Club of Yacht Captains "Marine Bears", long-haired long-range sea and oceans, responds to this question: "There are two schools with a high reputation in the world, whose graduates receive the yachts in any corners without problems. The planets are RYA and YIT, but the Yit school in the dashing 90th distributed licenses in Russia and the CIS without measures and control than to underminate their authority.

I recommend RYA, because my studies went there. " Zakharov is confident: there is no point in taking training in Russia. In his opinion, most Russian schools calling for you to become a yacht captain with their help - either low qualityor charlatans. Of course, there are rare exceptions, but let's consider the most common cases.

So, a personal example of Sergey Zakharov from "Business in Russian" in the distance 2007. "In November of that year I decided to get a certificate of international sample. On the Internet found School of Sergei Moiseeva "Captain", where the cost of learning is 36,000 rubles. For this money you get the following: Two days a week you come to the class, where you are talking about what is drawn in the brochure.

Sometimes the teacher draws something on the board. The level of the material is the fifth grade of high school. Listening to this course, you are not captain! But you can approach the yacht Sergei Moiseeva. As a result, you get a school certificate about the course passing even without lamination. I must say that mimicarized Mr. Moses under Rya.

The famous abbreviation means Royal Yacht Association, and Sergey Moiseeva RYA - Russian Yacht Association! In general, I regard training at the Captain school as a deception of customers. After listening to how famous lectura on the sea lives, I received a book - a copy of the English RYA brochure and passed the exam on the computer program of the English school.

I did not master the practical course in this institution, but I went to Sunny Turkey, where CC and DS courses were held in two English sea wolves - Kevin and Pita at School Colin Pearson Yuksel Yachting. The cost of training is 1100 euros in two weeks.

Many can scare what the study goes in English, but since everything is exactly you will take a yacht and take in English, it's just plus! Learn minimum set Terms for communication and understanding, as well as be able to understand what part of the yacht tells you the manager of the charter company.

Otherwise, some advantages: the cost is lower than in Russia, and the quality and technique of teaching the British at the highest level. I would like to offer another alternative: do not go to theoretical courses, find out everything yourself! How? You can easily find the theory on the Internet, stinging in search engines:

/ / device sailing yacht,

\\ / navigation lights,

/ / MPPSS 72 - there will be pictures, video and everything you need to know

/ / sea nodes,

\\ / rules of behavior on the yacht,

/ / safety equipment on a sailing yacht,

\\ / Rio Rules for the Sea.

You have not been lazy and looked at the video, read the articles, print the information? Congratulations! You saved 36,000 rubles. Then contact schools abroad. I can recommend two - Yuksel in Turkey and Yacht Club on Canaries. What is the difference? Each region has its own features of navigation, mooring, their customs. If your main region for walking on the yacht is the Mediterranean Sea (it is one of the most best places For yachting), choose Yuksel (Turkey).

I recommend starting from him. The only nuance: Your DAY Skipper certificate will have a note of non-Tidal (the document does not imply a yacht management in the tidal zone where the effect of tides and sings will be critical for navigation), but after a couple of days later you can get Coastal Skipper Tidal, as I did. Catch the wind with all sails! "

So, the situation with training at the captain of a small vessel in the Russian Federation is deplorable. But how do you get all these confident guys on the captain's bridges? Experience and again experience. You can start with the rental of the yacht and behave behind the steering wheel, as a beginner driver behind the wheel - carefully, carefully, turning his head for 360 degrees. The radio will be a serious helper.

Private learning from a professional. Now the service of teaching from experienced captains is now very in demand. No recommendations here can not do, and it is better to look for them not from employees of yacht clubs, but on independent forums of fans of yacht sports.

Hired captain. This is a good temporary solution, provided that you will not sit in a cabin with a glass of brandy, but will become an assistant specialist. Learn from the pros, ask questions, demand knowledge for your money - and soon you will be the main on the ship.

Currently, the University conducts training students on the basis of higher education in the following faculties: Faculty of exploitation of water transport and shipping, the shipping department, the faculty of maritime law and customs, is also a program of absentee training. The Academy is also a member of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), the Black Sea Association of Maritime Institutions (BSAMI), the International University Association (IAU). The university cooperates with leading shipping companies around the world: Epsilon Hellas (Overseas) Ltd. (Greece), Enterprises Shipping and Trading S.A. (Greece), Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd. (Cyprus), Ahrenkiel Shipmanagement GmbH & Co. (Germany), Baltic Group International (United Kingdom), A.P. Moller-Maersk A / S (Denmark), Alpha Navigation (USA), Omega (Greece).

The cost of studying on a contractual basis varies from 54 to 115 thousand rubles, depending on the specialty and form of training.

This is a private educational institution for boys. The Academy takes cadets both in the middle (from the 7th to the 9th grades) and in the older (from the 10th to the 12th grades) school. Reception is carried out by age limit from 12-13 years. Here, students prepare for admission to higher educational institutions - the accent is emphasized at excellent physical training and upbringing leadership qualities. On the summer holidays, the cadets between the ages of 7 and 17 may remain with the educational institution in the summer camp. It also provides for sports recreation and even surfing courses.

Cost of learning: The cost of living and nutrition is approximately 33,600 dollars a year. For admission you need to pass the test for knowledge of English, pass the introductory test and interview.

This educational institution prepares officers for US naval forces. Applicants from 17 to 22-23 years old can enter the academy. Upon arrival, the student should not be married and have children. Certain quotas are allocated for ordinary, children of officers, military children who died in battles. There is such a category of students like Midwemarins: They learn from the Navy in exchange for the loss of them in the future after a diploma. Graduates at the end receive the title of second lieutenants (corresponds to the rank of lieutenant in Russia). The best graduates get high-paying work. You can choose a specialization as desired: in addition to basic programs there are oceanography, ocean engineering, shipbuilding and many others. The term of study is four years. Every year the Academy takes about 60 foreign students. The cost of training and the possibility of receipt for foreigners can be clarified at the US Embassy.

This higher education institution offers students to prepare students at the faculties such as shipbuilding, shipbuilding, engineering and faculty of transport. Pole card holders can use special privileges, namely to learn for free and even receive a scholarship depending on family income or any other factors. Training takes place in English and Polish.

After completing training, the student can go to the Faculty of Advanced Training or the Courses of Naval Rescuers, at the end of which an international certificate is issued. The Academy proposes a budget course for foreign students, including a student's arrival before learning, settlement, Polish courses, familiarization with the culture and history of the city. Also, summer internships at the expense of the university are also held for students of second and third courses. Not yet finished learning, most students conclude labor contract with future specialists. This agreement provides for a number of privileges - for example, a scholarship from the employer. Also scholarships are issued for good studies.

Cost of education: About 2,200 euros, but despite this price, most often university frees foreigners from payment, and education is carried out on a budget basis.

This higher education institution offers students to prepare students in various educational programs that are somehow related to maritime affairs: for example, here you can learn to shipbuilding, joy and the creation of hydrographic security systems. Also, within the framework of international cooperation, students may be trained in exchange in universities of the PRC, which provide scholarship programs. Reception of applicants is made by middle educational programs. vocational education For a period of 2 years, 10 months (11 classes) and 3 years 10 months (9 classes).

Cost: Training fee on a contractual basis varies from 65 to 120 thousand rubles, depending on the specialty and form of training.

The Marine Academy in Gdynia is preparing officers of a merchant fleet, engineers, managers, navigators, mechanics, electricians, land services specialists for over 90 years. This is the largest state university of such a destination in Poland and one of the largest and most prestigious in Europe. There are undergraduate, magistracy and PHD programs here. Students of the Academy are undergoing the practice of location and navigation on the training courts "Horizon II" and "Dar of Youth". At the end of the Academy, graduates will be in demand on the most prestigious shopping ships of the world.

Cost of education: It is about 2,200 euros per year, but despite this price, most often university frees foreigners from payment, and education is carried out on a budget basis.

This educational institution offers training students on medium-sided and higher education programs and heads the rating of the best colleges in England. On the territory there are specialized marine campuses in which students are taught on the course for sailors of the Fleet and Marine Workers. Sea courses are taught together with Liverpool University named after John Murs.

Cost of education The college is about 9 thousand pounds per year depending on the program. A test for knowledge of the English language must be passed not lower than 6.5 on the IELTS scale.

Olesya Menchikov

logistics Direction Graduate NZ Maritime School

I was trained in NZ Maritime School, which is part of the Institute of Technology in Manukau, New Zealand. My specialty was called "Supply Chain Management and Cargo Transportation" - it was a new program at the time when I entered, and we had only a few people in this course. In Maritime School there has always been two directions of training, as far as I know: logistic and marine. There are a number of programs on the logistics - from the initial levels (Level 4, as it is called here) to the Bachelor Equivalent (Level 7). You can explore exports / import, customs, cargo transportation, shipping / air transport and so on.

The seaside prepare future favors and mechanics. In our school there were a lot of simulators for the guys, which gave them the opportunity to understand how everything was arranged on a real ship. Our school is located directly opposite the Auckland port, and for students organizes special excursions. As for student life, at our disposal there was a library, cafe and computer classes.

It is necessary to learn hard. There are a lot of practical training. Exams are estimated in percent. At the end of the half year the average estimate is calculated, which goes to the diploma. According to its program, I studied the year (in practice - nine months) and was produced with a diploma Level 7.