An open activity on the development of speech "We are going to look for spring. Open Speech Development Exercise "We are going spring to seek final classes in the older speech group

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

"Kindergarten" Sunny "

Outdoor speech development

in preparatory group

"Masha goes to school"

Amounted to: Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten" Sunny "

Milyukova Olga Mikhailovna

R.P. Muccpsky 2017

Purpose. Development of children's speech.

Tasks . Consolidate the proposals, the story, the ability to express your thought; divide words to syllables; Call and distinguish between the sounds of the Russian language.

Develop speech, attention, memory, cognitive interest, creative abilities, as well as self-control and self-regulation.

Expand the dictionary of children.

Educating the desire for knowledge, assist a friend, to educate kindness in children, responsiveness and interest in the native language.

Equipment: Masha doll, video recorded with cartoon characters, cards for games "one - a lot", "fourth extra", briefcase, book, pen, album, paint, eraser, notebook, pencil, sharpener, ball, doll, machine.

Methods and techniques:

Vividly - effective (demonstration, illustration);

Verbal (explanation, clarification, told);

Practical (gaming).

OOD move:

1. The ongoing part.

Guys! Today we have guests. They came to see how we were prepared with you to school. Guys, tell me, please, do you like cartoons? But we will check now. I will show you a character from cartoons, and you will be guessing, as his name is and from which cartoon it is. (Slideshow)

And now about what character is it? She is a little growth, with huge blue eyes. She has a big, shaggy friend. That's right, it's Masha from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear". Guys, what else can you tell about Masha? What is it in character? (fun, inquisitive, mischievous, restless, smart, curious). And she came to visit us today. I'll go to her meet. (I'll call Masha together with the portfolio).

2. The main part.

Guys, Masha brought a portfolio with his own. After all, she goes to school. Let's see what Masha put there? (book, pen, album, paint, eraser, notebook, pencil, sharpener, ruler, doll, ball, machine). Children, how do you think nothing she put too much? (children's responses) And why do you think the ball, doll and the car are extra? (Answers) And how can I say this (show) to be called in one word? That's right, school supplies. Is it? That's right, toys.

Guys, and let's now come up with a new series about Masha with you. Well, for example, about how Masha goes to school. Agree? Then I will start, and you will continue.

(Sounds audio recording from the cartoon "Mash and Bear".)

So the summer ended. It came on September 1. All children went to school. So Masha took the portfolio and went on the road. And the road went through the forests, through the fields ..., and what happened further I do not know. (Children come up with stories about Masha. Several of them are heard).

Well done! That's what interesting stories from us turned out.

Guys, something our Masha buried. Mashed mood fell. Let's make Masha be fun again. Become a circle, take hands.

Fizkultminutka "If there is good friend…”

The mood fell,

The thing rolling out of the hands ...

But not everything is lost,

If there is a good friend.

I will handle it together

With relief sigh -

Mood raise

And from dust, we will twitch!

(Stand face to each other, hands up.

"Throw" down the hands ...

Threaten the index finger.

Clap your hands.

Take hands.


Raise clutch hands up.

"Drain" from dust, smile each other).

Well, now the mood for everyone will be good.

- You already know that Masha is a big mischievous and loves different games. And you offers the game"On the contrary " (With a ball). I call the word, and you are the opposite.

Joyful - sad

Brighten - Darkness

Dry - wet

Silence - noise

Often - rare

Clear - overcast

To blame - warm

Bad - good

Dark - light

Brave - cowardish

High Low

Light heavy

Quiet - loud

Wide narrow

Cold - hot, etc.

Oh, guys, look, we were handed over a big letter. What about it? Interesting ... So this is a letter from the bears! He sent us a job, probably wants to check, we will handle or not. We will try?

- So, the first task. Prepare your ears, listen carefully words, determine which sound is repeated in all words? Name it.

Ball, noise, bump, machine, whisper, Cheburashka.

Cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, sink, parade, joy.

Lipa, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, TV, Polyana.

Second task. The game "One is a lot."

For example, I say the ball, and one has a lot of balls, shows my card and calls, a lot of balls (ball - balls, houses - houses, chickens - chickens, needles, mouse, mouse, coat, coat, pencils etc.)

And if all items disappear, how do we say, what did not happen? (Needle, drank, bears, mice, cones, spoons, legs, cats pencils, coat.)

Well done! Another task. You need to divide the words on the syllables. Let's call school supplies and consider syllables in them. Cook for this your hands will be slapped.

3. Final part. - Well done, I will write the answer to Mishke, that you coped with all the tasks. And what tasks did you like most?

See how much you need to know and be able to go to school. From September 1, you will go to school and I really hope you will learn to one fives and fourths.

The goal and objectives of this classes are: the development of speech communication, visual and auditory attention, verbal and logical thinking, phonderatic hearing;

Formation of cooperation skills, mutual understanding, well-wishernosta improving the skill of compilation descriptive story; consolidation of the ability to call and distinguish the letters;education of love and careful attitude towards nature.



The abstract of the open outcome class on the development of speech in the senior group. Topic: "Journey behind the sun rays"


Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic "Spring", "Birds", "wild animals";

Improving the skill of drawing up a descriptive story

Fastening the ability to call and distinguish the letters

Consolidation of the ability to determine the first sound in the word, divide the words to the syllables;

Fixing the ability to select relatives

Development of speech communication, visual and auditory attention, verbal and logical thinking, phonderatic hearing;

Development of common and small motility.

Formation of cooperation skills, mutual understanding, goodwill,

Independence, responsibility;

Education of love and careful attitude towards nature.


Letter, flashlight, pictures depicting: clouds, split clouds - letters, nesting, starfish, insects, picture with a bear, drawn sun rays; Green leaflets, tree without leaves, "Polyanka" with one, two and three flowers; Blue cloth for stream

Structure occupation

Guys, see what a wonderful spring morning. Let's greet each other and guests with the words:

Good morning,

Early wake up

Sun are wider smile!

Q: - Someone threw me in the window

Look - a letter.

Maybe this is the ray of the sun

What does my face tickle?

Letter: Dear Guys! I am a spring sun. Poslaciousi he warm his sun rays to the land, and they were lost.

Help me please find them. And the road will show you a magic light.

V.- guys, but what should we be? What can happen if the rays are not found?

(Assumptions of children)

Q: Do you want to help the sun?

D: - Yes.

Q: - Then we go on a trip for the sunny rays!

1 part

Magic light, help,

We will point out the way.

(V. Shines with a small flashlight, light falls on the picture with the image of the thunderstorm clouds. Children are suitable for this place.)

Q: - Guess the riddle about it?

Fit - rumbled
Arrows on Metal Earth.
It seemed to us, went with trouble,
It turned out to be with water,
Came up and shed -
Widow arable land drunk. (Tuchka)

Q: And from Tuchka that dripping (rain)

W.: Let's show the sounds how the rain dripping. Cap-Cap, Cap-Cap-Cap.

Guys, let's divide into two groups, girls and boys. Girls perform rhythm with cotton, boys with feeding.

Rhythmic pattern:Cap Cap, Cap Cap, Cap-Cap-Cap; Cap

Q: - Well done guys, that's how the rain and with thunder it turned out. The first beam we found, go on.

2 part

Magic light, help,

We will point out the way.

(V. Shines on the picture with the image of the grass.)

Q: - Guys, what is the sunny beam now?

D: - Herbal.

L: - The grass under the rays of sunny is growing rapidly. Look at how much the grass is frosted. Each of you will choose a beam of herbs, will gather all of her parts together and call the letter (a group of 3 -4 child).

3 part

Q: - Magic light, help,

We will point out the way.

(V. Shines on a wavy path, on the floor)

In: - Guys, guess that the next beam warmed.

In a blue shirt

Runs on the bottom of the ravine (river)

D: - Creek.

Q: - Name affectionately our stream.

D: - Peres, river.

Q: - Let's refresh from the stream and remove fatigue: (speech with movement)

To the stream, we all went down,

Leaned and washed.

One two three four -

That's how nicely freshed.

In: - Guys, watch pebbles. Let's play?

Persisters to give each other,

What makes spring streams, call!

D: - runs, rumbles, rings, noise, having fun, refreshes, Sit, flows, sparkles.

In: - Well done, here we have found another beam, go further.

4 part

Magic light, help,

We will point out the way.

(The tutor shines a flashlight on the pictures with the image of insects)

Q: - Who did the beam warmed?

D: - Insects. Look at how many insects, take yourself one.

Didactic game "Determined the number of syllables". Determine the number of syllables in the name of your insects and place them on the lawn (where 1 flower - insects with one syllable, 2 flower - with 2 syllables, 3 sets-with 3 syllables).

Q: - Well done!

In: - All in the circle.

Fizminutka - Massage"Sun"

The sun rose early in the morning. All the kids climbed.

(Raise hands up, pull, making hands "Lanterns")

Stroke breast

(Massage the "track" on the chest from the bottom up).

Strokes neck

(Stroke the neck with thumbs from top to bottom).

Stroke a spout

(Futs to rub the wings of the nose).

Strokes forehead

(Carry your fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples).

Strokes ears (rub the ears of the ears),

Handle strokes (rub palm)

Children sunbathe. Here! (Lift hands up)

Q: - A little rested, we continue our journey.

5 part

Magic light, help,

We will point out the way.

(V. Shines on the picture with the image of the nesting line)

Q: - Guys who won the beam in this house?

D: - Skvortz.

Q: - How did you guessed?

D: - Because this house is called a birdhouse.

Tell us what you know about this bird (children describe the bird)

Q: - And what migratory birds do you still know?

D: - Grach, swallow, swan, etc.

In: - Well done, another ray found.

6 part

Q: - Magic light, help,

We will point out the way.

Q: - Guys if you guess the riddle, you will know who warmed and woke up the beam.

Summer Kosolapos,

And in the winter it sucks paw.

D: - Bear.

Q: What words or relatives do you know?

(Bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear)

Good spring is not only a bear, but also with all forest animals. Name them. (Wolf, Bear, Hedgehog, Squirrel, Hare, Fox, Badger).

The game with the ball "Who are you? Where do you live? Who are your young? "
Children become in a circle and go to each other for the speech of the teacher.
- Morning comes, "animals" walk.
1,2,3 - Zersryshchi Zamr.
Throwing the ball to the child, the educator asks: Who are you? Where do you live? Who is your young?
: I am a squirrel, I live in a hollow, I have a young bakery.
(Wolf, Bear, Hedgehog, Squirrel, Hare, Lisa, Badger)

Q: - Well done, here's another ray.

7 part

Magic light, help

We will point out the way.

(V. Shines on a poster with the image of trees)

Q: - What did this ray fell?

D: - on a tree

Q: And on the tree, see what is there? Is there any leaves?

D: - No, there are no leaves.

Q: - Guys, give our tree green leaves? To do this, we will play in the game "Tell the opposite"

Didactic game "Tell the opposite"

Day Night
Sugar - Sol.
Clean - dirt
Winter summer
Ceiling - floor

narrow - Wide / Skirt /
long - short / dress /
strong - weak / Athlete /
cheerful - sad / girl /
high - low / man /

Laughs - crying / child /
Lies - Sits / Man /
Close - Open / Book /
Takes off - sits / aircraft /
Putting - removes / sweater /

(On each leafle, the word is written - the children call him the opposite and the teacher sticks the leaf on the tree)

In: - Well done, here our trees have been keen on green foliage, and another ray was found.

8 part

Guys, and from what the words consist? Ofsounds.

What two groups are all the sounds of the Russian language share? On vowels and consonants.

How are vocal sounds pronounce? Easy, freely, come on, stretch.

Let's call them. A, o, y, and, s, uh

And what obstacles meet air in the mouth when we pronounce consonant sounds?

Name them b in g d z z, etc.

And now you cook your ears, listen carefully words, determine which sound is repeated in all words?

  • cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, sink, parade, joy.
  • Lipa, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, TV, Polyana.
  • Vase, Mimosa, Birch, thunderstorm, dental, music.

Well done guys coped with the task!

In: - Guys, the light is no longer burning, it means that we found all the rays.

What time of the year we told the rays? What did you like in our journey?

Sunny thanks all of us and says Thank you. For what you found all the rays, the sun gives you the sun bunnies (stickers-circles each child)

: - So, our journey is over. Goodbye to new meetings!

Someone threw me in the window

Look - a letter.

Maybe this is the ray of the sun

What does my face tickle?


Dear Guys! I am a spring sun.

I sent your sun rays land

heat, and they were lost.

Help me please find them. BUT

the road will show you a magic light.

Fit - rumbled
Arrows on Metal Earth.
It seemed to us, went with trouble,
It turned out to be with water,
Came up and shed -
Widow arable land drunk. (Tuchka)


guess the joke riddles and check, as far as we are also attentive.

In more often, turning the head.
How much with hunger ... Giraffe.(Wolf)

Who in Malina knows a lot
Kosolapiy brown ... Wolf.(Bear)

Daughters and sons
Teaches grunt ... ant.(Pig)

Who loves on the branches is worn?
Of course, Redhead ... Fox.(Squirrel)

Faster everything from fear is rushing ... Turtle ..(Hare)

On the mountain cooler passed
Curved wool ... crocodile.(Ram)

In a warm pool of his
Loudly kicat ... Barmalei.(Frog)

From the palm trees down, on the palm tree again
Lucky jumps ... cow.(A monkey)

Notebook, pencil, line, textbook, eraser, album, paint, brush ...

  • Masha loves different games. And offers to play the game"On the contrary" (ball).
  • Joyful - sad, sad
    Brighten - Darkness
    Dry - wet
    Silence - noise
    Often - rare
    Clear - overcast
    To blame - warm

Didactic game "Bus"

Purpose: Develop a phonmematic rumor of children.

The move: children are sitting on the chairs, the teacher gives them toys (pictures). Rides a big car. Children must put such toys into it, in the title of which there is a studied sound. If toys are collected incorrectly, the bus does not touch off the place.

Didactic game "Sound Lotto"

Purpose: Teach children find a word with the desired sound from a given word.

The move: Lotto cards with pictures and small empty cards are distributed. The lead calls the sound and asks the players: "Who has a word with sound ....? It is not necessary that this sound is at the beginning of the word, it can stand at the end, and in the middle. " Children answer and close a picture with a properly found sound card.

" I zn and y m n o g o n a s in a n and y "

Purpose: fasten the generalized meaning of words.

The course of the game: the educator begins, and children continue. "I know a lot of animals names: Hare, Bear ... Flowers: Mac, Rose ... Vegetables: Carrot, Rope ... Insects: Mosquito, Osa ... etc

" N and s about in and l and sk about in "

Purpose: Teach children to form words with suffixes.

Equipment: Ball

The course of the game: the tutor says the phrase and throws the ball to the child. Offer the child to return the ball to you and change the phrase so that the words in it sound gently.

Approximate lexical material:

Coat warm - fur coat warm

Lisa Schitrai - chantery cunning

Boy white - white bunny

Boots clean - Clean shoes

Brief twig - twig short

Long Bryer - Long Cute

Black Crow - Black Blinenok

White snow - white snowball.

"What happens?"

The essence of the game lies in the selection of words - nouns and adjectives characterizing in their union of any object with similar high-quality signs (cold - wind, ice cream, water, battery; wet - clothes, hair, paper, asphalt; not know how to swim - brick, land , Shouting, etc.). That is, children make up a kind of "train" from words where the words-trailers are interconnected. For example, the original word is "Cat".

Cat happens?

Fluffy, affectionate, multicolored ...

What else is multicolored?

Rainbow, dress, TV ...

What else can there be a dress?

Silk, new, direct ...

What else can be direct?

Line, road, view ... and so on.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution kindergarten №; S. Sterlibashevo Municipal District Sterlibashevsky district Republic of Bashkortostan

Outdoor speech development

in the preparatory group

"Masha goes to school"


educator: Gilmanova G.N.

2018 year

Subject: "Masha goes to school."

Purpose. Development of children's speech.

Tasks . Fasten the ability to draw up proposals, story in the picture; navigate time; divide words to syllables; Call and distinguish between the sounds of the Russian language, the ability to express your thought.

Develop speech, attention, memory, cognitive interest, creative abilities, as well as self-control and self-regulation.

Expand the dictionary of children.

Educating the desire for knowledge, assist a friend, to educate kindness in children, responsiveness and interest in the native language.

Integration of educational areas. Communication, socialization, music, physical development.

Equipment: Scene pictures on the topic "Masha goes to school", drawing or doll Masha, audio recordings, cards with vowel sounds, cards for games "single," fourth extra ", briefcase, book, pen, album, paint, erase, notebook , pencil, sharpener, ball, chips for self-control of children.

Methods and techniques:

Vividly - effective (demonstration, illustration);

Verbal (explanation, clarification, told);

Practical (gaming).

Structure occupation

1. The introductory part.

Good afternoon guys! Today we will have an unusual and interesting occupation. A future first grader will come to visit us. Listen to the entry and define it with a cartoon.

(Sounds audio recording from the cartoon "Mash and Bear".)

Guys, you found out where this music come from? What series about Masha have you watched? And let's come up with a new series about Masha and let's call it, for example, "Masha goes to school."

And here is our heroine. (The tutor shows a doll Masha). What is it in character? (Funny, funny, restless, mischievous, inquisitive, curious, kind, friendly ...)

2. The main part.

1) - Guys, as you know, Masha loves to travel. She travels in many kindergartens and now tells about his travels, and you are guessing, in which rooms of a kindergarten or on the street she visited.

He went into the room where the children shove the sleeves, wash their hands, wipe. (Bathroom)

Yawn, rest, sleep ... (bedroom)

Dance, sing, circling ... (music hall)

Was in kindergarten when children:

Come, greet ... (when does it happen?) (In the morning)

Dinner, thank you, go to bed ... (day)

Dress up, say goodbye to children and tutor ... (in the evening)

2) - And once, Masha decided that she was already time to go to school. She gathered a briefcase. Let's see what she put in it. After a queue, we will pull out one object from the portfolio, call it and describe. What is the subject form, color, value, from which parts is what item is the purpose of the subject.

The game "Describe the subject".

(Book, handle, album, paint, eraser, notebook, pencil, sharpener.)

How can you call all these items, in one word? (School supplies).

(The educator folds everything into the portfolio).

3) - took Masha portfolio and went on the road. And the road went through the forests, through the fields ..., oh, guys, and what happened further I do not know. But I have pictures for which we can determine how Masha got to school and what happened to it. Here is the first picture. Who is depicted on it? Make an offer to this picture.

(The tutor shows the first picture, children make up proposals, CO 2 and 3 are similar.)

And now, we will make a story about these pictures about how the girl got to school.

Well done! Here is such an interesting and new series with us.

4) - But at school you need to own certain knowledge. There are many kids, you need to be able to communicate with them, find a common language. And we communicate with you with the help of proposals, express our feelings and thoughts.

Guys, and from what are the proposals? (From words).

Consider how many words in the next offer? The sun is shining. (2) The birds sing on the tree. (4) clouds float across the sky. (four)

Try to come up with your offer, anyone.

5) - We already know that sentences consist of words. And from what the words consist? Tell Masha. (From sounds).

What two groups are all the sounds of the Russian language share? (On vowels and consonants).

How are vocal sounds pronounce? (Easy, freely, fall, stretch). And consonants? (do not pull, do not fit)

Let's call the vowels: a, o, y, and, s, u

What are the consonant sounds? (Solid and soft).

Let's play in the game "You - I am me." I "throw" a hard sound, you will be "soft." (The tutor throws the child the ball and says a solid sound, the child back to throw, says soft sound.)

6) - Well done! Now Masha is able to consider words in the proposal and distinguish sounds. But guys, we still need to teach our future student to divide the words on the syllables. Let's show how it is done? Let's call school supplies and consider syllables in them. Prepare for this hand, we will strone.

Notebook, pencil, line, textbook, eraser, album, paint, brush ...

7) - Masha burned. Oh, how many things she still does not know! She thought that he had collected a portfolio and could be sent to school, and it turns out to know a lot of things and be able to. Mashed mood fell. Let's make Masha be fun again. Become a circle, take hands.

Fizkultminutka "If there is a good friend ..."

The mood fell,

The thing rolling out of the hands ...

But not everything is lost,

If there is a good friend.

I will handle it together

With relief sigh -

Mood raise

And from dust, we will twitch!

(Stand face to each other, hands up.

Throw "Down Hands ...

Threaten the index finger.

Clap your hands.

Take hands.


Raise clutch hands up.

Dead "from dust, smile each other).

8) - Now the mood for everyone will be good.

You already know that Masha is a big mischievous and loves different games. And you offers the game"On the contrary " (With a ball). I call the word, and you are the opposite.

Joyful - sad, sad

Brighten - Darkness

Dry - wet

Silence - noise

Often - rare

Clear - overcast

To blame - warm

Bad - good

Dark - light

Brave - cowardish

High Low

Light heavy

Quiet - loud

Wide narrow

Cold - hot, etc.

9) - Oh, guys, look, we were handed over a great letter. What about it? Interesting ... So this is a letter from the bears! He sent us a job, probably wants to check, we will handle or not. We will try?

So, the first task. Prepare your ears, listen carefully words, determine which sound is repeated in all words? Name it.

Ball, noise, bump, machine, whisper, Cheburashka.

Cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, sink, parade, joy.

Lipa, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, TV, Polyana.

10) Second task. The game "One is a lot."

Take one card, do not show anyone. I show a card with one object. For example, the ball, and who has a lot of balls, shows its card and calls, a lot of balls (ball - balls, houses - houses, chickens, needles, mouse, coat, coat, pencils, and t. d.)

- And if all items disappear, how do we say, what did not happen? (Needle, drank, bears, mice, cones, spoons, legs, cats pencils, coat.)

11) - Well done! Another task. You need to find an extra object.

The game "Fourth Excess".

12) - What difficult tasks a bear came up with us. Here is one more. Before you a picture. What is shown on it? (House). Now all turn around, arthlor draws a few details, and you will try to guess what changes occurred.

3. Final part. - Well done, I will write the answer to Mishke, that you coped with all the tasks. And what tasks did you like most?

See how much you need to know and be able to go to school. Do you think now Masha will take 1 class? From September 1, she, like you, will go to school and will learn from the top five and the fourth.

Outdoor Open Speech Development senior group
"Let's help Masha"

Educator: Tsigler Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Develop speech, expand the horizons, promote analysis, synthesis, attention, memory, thinking, develop fantasy.
Learn communicativeness. Fasten the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, distinguish sounds for their high-quality sound; The ability to draw up proposals and schemes to them.
Educate the desire for knowledge, the ability to work in a team, to assist the comrade, self-control and self-regulation; Reflection. Relief in children kindness, responsiveness.
Equipment: chips to determine the glasses, cards for symboling sounds, supply schemes.

Structure occupation

1. The introductory part.

The audio recording of the cartoon "learn at school" sounds. What are the cartoons about school or schoolchildren you watched? And let's think of a new story about the schoolgirl and call it Masha.
And here is our heroine. What do you think it can be in character? (Cheerful or sad, funny or serious, mischievous or calm, kind or evil ...
Our heroine gathered to school, let's help her.

2. The main part.
1) Masha collected all school supplies into the portfolio, but does not know what they are called, let's help her.
Now listen and guess the riddles:
If you finish it,
Draw everything you want!
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is it? .. (Pencil)

If you give her work -
In vain worked a pencil. (Rubber)

Your pigtail without rest
She looked in the paint.
Then painted pigtail
In the album leads on page. (Brush)

In this narrow box
You will find pencils,
Handles, feathers, clips, buttons,
Whatever for the soul. (Pinal)

Although not a hat, but with fields,
Not a flower, but with the root,
Talking with us
Patient language. (Book)

Who am I, if straight
Home my trait? (Ruler)

Sheers are white-white,
They do not fall from the branches.
I make mistakes on them
Among strips and cells. (Notebook)

I'll make the whole world ready -
House, car, two cats.
I am the Lord -
I have ... (Plasticine)

2) Here Masha and got to school. And at school it is necessary to be attentive. Masha decides to parse attention with the help of the game, let's play together with Masha.
This game requires big attention and collens.
Masha offers to find different sounds for example [O] or any other sound.
The educator loudly reads any passage from the book, and reads slowly and clearly. Children listen to the text and should shout out "Oh!" When the word is pronounced in which there is a sound [o]. In the case of the correct reaction, the child earns the chip, in case of an error - loses the chip.

3) Well done! And what about Masha? She went into class and saw some "bricks" on the board. What is it? Tell me Masha.
Children: Offer Scheme.
Our speech consists of proposals. With the help of proposals we communicate, express our thoughts, feelings.
What are the proposals?
Children: from words.
The tutor warns any suggestion.
How many words in this sentence?
Come up with your offer.

4) Now Masha has learned that this is the proposal schemes. Guys, let's remember and what school supplies Masha put in the portfolio when she was going to school? Let's call the words and consider syllables in them. Prepare for this hand, we will strone.

Pencil, rubber band, tassel, pine, book, line, notebook, plasticine.

5) Lugged Masha. Oh, how many things she still does not know! She fell from her mood. Let's make Masha be fun again.
Cha, Cha, Cha
Cha, Cha, Cha (3 thigh cotton)
The stove is very hot (4 jumps on two legs)
Chi, Chi, Chi (3 cotton overhead)
Properties Kalachi stove (4 squats)
Chu, Chu, Chu (3 cotton behind his back)

6) What are the words from?
Let's tell Masha.
Children: from sounds.
What two groups are our sounds?
Children: on vowels and consonants.
How do vowels sound?
Children: smoothly, easily, they swear, stretch.
Let's list them all.
Children: A, O, Y, and, Y, E, E, E, Yu, I
How many of them?
Children: 10!
What are the consonant sounds?
Children: B, B, G, D, F, Z, Y, K, L, M, N, P, R, C, T, F, X, C, W, Shch
And consonant as much
Children: 21!
How do we share consonant sounds?
Children: solid and soft.

Soft-soft game
Rules are simple: if the word begins with a solid consonant sound, raise the blue card, if with a soft consonant, then a green card.

7) Masha loves different games. And he suggests playing the game "On the contrary" (ball).
Children let's stand in a circle.
Cheerful - sad
Night Day
Kind angry
Creek - Shepota
Strong - weak
Dry - wet
Heat - cold

8) Masha asks you for help, help you choose similar words
Masha thanks everyone for the help, thank you very much for the right answers and interesting gamesShe treats you candy as a sign of gratitude.

Abstract Node for literacy training in the preparatory group on the topic "Looking for ABC".

(open outcomes)

Purpose: Secure knowledge learned by children, skills and skills formed in literacy training.


  • Consolidate the ability of children to draw up proposals with the specified words;
  • Secure the ability to draw up a story on the plot pictures;
  • Consolidate the ability to correctly form the grammatical form of words;
  • Secure the ability to divide words to syllables;
  • Consolidate the ability of children to allocate the necessary sound in words, perform a sound analysis of the word;
  • Claim the concept "sound" and "letter" ;
  • Develop attention, memory, thinking;
  • Consolidate the ability to work at the board;
  • Educating the ability to listen to comrades, do not interrupt each other.
  • Rail the ability to listen carefully and understand the oral speech.

Material for classes:

envelopes with tasks, two keys: one is divided into three parts, other-beyond, book "Alphabet", blackboard, scenery, subject pictures, chips of red, green and blue, ball, cut syllables, letters, drawn door.

Travel course:

Children stand in a circle.

Greeting each other:

Invented by someone

Just wisely

When meeting to greet,

Good morning sun and birds,

Good morning to smiling persons

And everyone becomes good, gullible

Let good morning last until the evening!

Educator:Guys! Today in our kindergarten came a letter. Want to know from whom it is and what is written there? I will reveal it now and read you.

"Hello guys! Writes to you Pinocchio. I learned to read and wanted to send the alphabet to you, too, learned to read before school. But now I was kidnapped by Karabas - Barabas. He hid it in the room and locked the door to the key. And the key has enchanted. You can argue him if you handle all the tasks that he prepared for you. "

In the envelope lie and tasks from Karabas - Barabas. Guys, I think the tasks will be difficult. What do you think, cope with them?

We will go to you in magic country Grammar. When, let's get up in a circle, take hands, we will collect all your knowledge and skills, close your eyes, and repeat everything together:

"Once, two, three, in the country of grammar we are conducted!"
We were with you in an unusual place, where the coarse and tricks of evil Karabasa-Karabas are waiting everywhere, let us say our motto, To easily fulfill all tasks:

We are calm, we are calm
We are always saying beautiful,
Clearly and leisurely
Do sure
All tasks of Karabas.

Sit on chairs.

We have three envelopes with tasks. And what envelope do we open first?

Envelope №1 "Offer"

1 task. What is the offer? The words in the sentences were confused, make them right.

  1. Yurt Sparrow collect crumbs.
  2. Black Skzorets settle in a bunch.
  3. The car took a boy.
  4. Children plot walk in spring on.
  5. Mom is an interesting read book.

What did we do? (We tried to propose proposals to properly).

2 task. Drawing up a story on pictures (Scene pictures).

Take the pictures on the table, lay them out in order, in the correct sequence, and then make a small story.

Well done! With the task of the first envelope you coped

I get out of the envelope part of the image, and exhibit it to the easel.

And what envelope we will open the following. The second task from Karabas - the Barabas is more difficult. We must try to execute it.

Envelope №2 "Word"

3 task.

You know many words. What words do you know:

1. How can you call the following words in one word

Ball, doll, cubes, bunny, machine (toys)

Oak, birch, aspen, ozina, beech (trees)

Elk, deer, boar, fox, wolf (wild animals)

Cow, Sheep, Goat, Horse, Pig (Pets)

Plate, cup, glass, pan, saucer (dishes)

  1. What kind of dishes can be, according to the material, what is it made from? (clay, metallic, glass, porcelain).
  2. Pick up the words opposed by meaning: long, light, fast, spelling, laughing, loud, a lot, easy.

Educator: Now let's play the game "call the right young animal": in a pig ... the cow ... in the squirrel ... the moose ... at the wolf ... etc

  1. Non-comparison with noun

(take the ball).

Guys, let's consider -

One iron, two iron, five irons.

One towel, two towels, five towels.

One vacuum cleaner, two vacuum cleaners, five vacuum cleaners.

One bed, two beds, five beds.

One ax, two axes, five axes.

One brush, two brushes, five brushes.

One guitar, two guitars, five guitars.

One rooster, two roosters, five cocks.


Buratino reached out

Once - bent,

Two - got rooted

Three - bent.

Hands on the sides spread

The key can see, did not find.

To get the key to

You need to get up on the socks.

Pull up, go down

And in place quietly sit down.

5. Big, and now you need to make words by folding the syllables. What words did you get? And then put the pictures, respectively, the words in the words. Well done guys, you coped with this task! I pull out the second part of the key and exhibit to the easel.

Envelope №3 "Sound and Letter".

And now, guys, play another game that a cunning Karabas cooked for us. The game "TV". I will read diaphors or poems, in which one sound will sound louder and more often than the other. You remember it, and make up the word. Guess what word it turned out:

  1. 1 . Aaaa Mom washes the baby. (sound a)
  2. 2 . Zo-zo-zo - zoe is lucky (sound h)
  3. Ba - Ba - Ba - on the hollow there was a pipe. (sound b)

Bu - bu - bu - we twisted the pipe.

  1. Steamer buzzing pipe, (Sound y)

Pubs what sound sound?
Guess you help you
He comes loudly:

  1. "I have a wonderful rumor!" - (sound to)
    Quacket rooster.
    "Ko-ko-ko!" - The zoom fours -
    "You will be an artist shortly!"
  2. Anya fell on the floor, (sound a)
    Cat palm swathed,
    And the game is not laid,
    Anya is crying loudly: ah-ah!

Well, guys, what word we succeed, right alphabet.

And now, we will make a sound analysis of the word. First of all, all the sounds are divided into what two groups? What are the consonants? Which color we denote vowel sounds, how solid and soft consonants. How do we check the ring sound or deaf? Well done guys, and with this task you coped!

Now play the game "Pay attention!"

When I call the vowel you raise your hands up when the consonant is down when the word is hugging yourself when incomprehensible sound - clap. And now I will confuse you, be careful!

We now have a challenging task in which our eyes should work, so we will make gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for eyes:

In our kindergarten, as in a fairy tale (blink by eyes)

All guys treat eye.

On the nose, the glasses are not simple at all, (look at the spout)

And magic glasses, very mischievous!

Through them, looking around, (circular movements)

Learn that it is a beetle!

And here is the wave, walks along the path!

There, the butterfly flies, (to look left)

Flower blooms, (see right)

Float clouds in the sky, (look up)

Foliage pegs slightly! (View down)

We need to solve the plas, what letters do you see there? If you saw, fit and show!

Guys, you coped with all the tasks (I post the last part of the key). And look, the image, what kind of items it turned out? (Golden Key). That's right, we folded it.

And what can be opened with a golden key? (a door). I seem to know where this door is located. In the envelope, I found a scheme for which we can find the door of the room where the book is hidden (we look at the scheme and go).

I will open the key, and to open the door faster, you will help me.

Finger gymnastics "Castle".

On the door hanging the castle,

Who would be able to open it.

Turnors, twisted,

Pulled and opened.

We come up with children to the drawn door, open the door with the key, we find a book. We coped with all the tasks, found our alphabet, you need to pronounce magical words to get out again in our native kindergarten:

"Once, two, three, in the group our own lead!"

Reflection.Guys, let's remember how we could get the alphabet? What tasks were performed? What task was difficult? What easy? What interesting?

Well done boys! Let's thank our guests and promise that we will definitely invite them even in our exciting journey! Choir say: "Thank you!"The occupation is completed.