Blooms the IPOMEYA. Why usually pleasing eyes with lush flowers Ipomey does not bloom

Ipomeya Purple - a comfortable and advantageous way to landscap in the local area, decoration of grid fences, porches and different buildings. And the case is not at all in financial economy. The modest plant will not deliver special troubles in landing and care, but in good conditions for the development of the conditions will delight gardeners, neighbors and just passersby abundant greens and amazing colors in the form of small gramophones.

For those who love bright summer colors and paints

Overall view of the bind

About title

The name "Ipomeya Purpleny" (or "Farbitis") Flower received for an interesting shade of petals - red-purple (criminal). Often PURPUR is determined as an option of pink or punch color, which, in fact, justifies the abundance of varieties of this liana.

So, among the new products that breeders have recently brought quite recently, the magnificent Ipomey is worthy of attention:

  • Milky Way.
  • Scarlett O'Hara.
  • Star of Yelta.
  • Caprice.
  • others.

Unique terry and volatile forms unites one - Purpur - reference shades within red and purple.

It is noteworthy, but a similar gamut can be found in a different form of liana - a tricolor ipomea. It is important to remember the small detail - the latter always has a yellow, not a white middle.

On a note! Purple is considered an ancient symbol of power, a sign of the royalness of its owner. A luxurious flower in the Imperial Garden, probably, was glad not one dynasty of the rulers.

In general, Liana is characterized by a long curving stem (3 or more meters), heart-shaped and three-blade leaves with long stiffs. Under favorable conditions, the leaves can reach 20-25 cm in diameter, and the flowers are 7 or more centimeters. Large flowers are guessed by the bell tallery-verkhal form, which formed by the fragments of the petals.

Families blossom

After the Ipomea ophibies the vertical support made at its disposal, the plant throws out of the sinuses of 2 or more flower. This is happening at the end of June, early July.

Before the most frosts, buds are open from early morning to closer to 11-12 hours forever. However, there is an exception to the rules - cloudy weather, which enlightens rain. Cloudy Day Purple Ipomoy may not close his "umbrellas" until the evening.

Hot summer makes some adjustments to a flowering calendar. High air temperature and a scorching sun can cause gramophilia uncounted not early in the morning, and closer to the evening. I am not surprised by change. This is the norm for the binding, which was repeatedly noticed by gardeners.

Despite the flowability of flowering (once durability of several hours), the plant does not lose decorativeness. There is no sharp need to cut faded gramophilics. The dried flowers are reliably hidden from extraneous eyes a bright greenery of leaves and newly discontinued buds.

Interesting! It is sometimes confused by the IPOME with Petunia because of the external similarity of colors. However, this general features end. Petunia is not liana. In addition, she otherwise reveals its crimson petals and blooms no day, and about a week.


Seedlings in pots

There are several ways to cultivate a miphess of magenta:

  • seeds in the seedlings
  • cherenca
  • summer.

If in the leaving of the plant and there are difficulties, then only at the landing stage. And the problem is at the speed of emissions of the first sprout.

Typically, seeds are bought in garden centers or assemble themselves after fading the flower and drying (ripening) boxes with 2-4 grains. Very durable shell reliably holds sowing material. Sometimes there is a need for piercing it to disrupt integrity. After mechanical intervention, the root system starts instantly, and the first sprouts appear.

It is noteworthy, but encyclopedias indicate the period of germination of seeds - an average of 5-7 days. But the gardeners note that purple jipdom (and other varieties), as a real sprinter can throw the roots for the next day and even within a few hours after soaking.

Based on this, it is recommended to save the pots or boxes not before May and leave them in the bright room, on the balcony, with glass or film. Wonderful if the temperature in the greenhouse can be achieved about 20 degrees. Moderate watering, regular removal of condensate, sufficient lighting - the key to the rapid germination of seedlings.

After the second pair of leaves, if necessary, a purple kipomy is picked into a larger capacity. Apply the transshipment method. The lightning growth of the stem often provokes the deflation of the roots. So, it is worth plundering a little ground.

It is very important to prevent the interleaving of the stems between sobody. Otherwise, by the time of the planting of the purple sickle in the ground, some of the plants will have to damage, unraveling the young fragile pig.

Minimize the risk will allow to comply with the distance between seeds when landing to land. So, for one basin, a pot is a volume of 3 liters. It is advisable to immediately take care of the establishment of a support that Liana will be able to swell.

The faster seedlings are planted on an open area along with the native lounge of the Earth from the pot (drawer). Little leaflers and thin stems albeit not grieved. This is the norm. Soon the plant will go down the strength and pleases the active growth.

Important! Frost are destructive for the seedlings of the purple ipomey. Do not hurry to carry a plant into the courtyard. Ensure that the risk of air temperature drop to 5 ⁰С is not.


The absence of seeds is not a reason to abandon the landing of the Ipomey purple. It is perfectly multiplied with cuttings. All that is needed is: in an adult plant to cut the shoots with a length of about 20 cm with the mandatory presence of at least two intercosals. The angular slice with remote bottom sheets are lowered into the water. During the week, the stalk gives the root. It remains to plant a magenta kip in the soil and provide proper care to the plant.

On a note! Paging the tops of the stem, as well as the cutting cutlets will be favorably affected on the appearance of the flower. The appearance of side shoots will increase the vegetative mass, and with proper care and the number of gramophilics.


Probably, the best of all Ipomea purple breeds self-sowing. During the flowering period on the plant ripen to hundreds of seed boxes. Fertile soil, soft winter contributes to the fact that the grains are not dying, but germinate in April-May.

Gardeners noted that landed in the ground or the self-seating IPOMEY in growth catchies and distinguishes eating. But! She blooms later.

Where to plant

Farbitis prefers well-lit sections, lack of drafts and wind gusts.

As for the soil, the root Blizzard system operates better in the weakness, light soil. It is welcomed by the enrichment of the site for the landing of the sickie peat, sand and humus. Approximate proportions: 4: 2: 1.

As already mentioned, planting seedlings or seeds, it is necessary to wait for steady warm weather, at night, including. Low temperature Negatively affects the health of plants and build up the vegetative mass.

Companions plants

Sometimes to hide the dilapidated colorful building Or it may not be enough to ride another large-scale vertical element of one variety of ipomey.

Then it is worth contacting other types of Lian, able to harmoniously fit into the overall picture. We are talking about Clematis Varieties, Campxis or Virgin Grapes.

Tunbergia and the perfect option at all. With its flowers, the perennial will delight the eyes during the day when the afternoon is closed.

The presented photo clearly demonstrates the possibilities of magenta ipomey. From the living hedge just not to take out the gaze. And no companions need.

Important! A typical gardener error - application as a support for the binding of metal plates (fences). On the hot days, the hot iron can dry the soup, provoking the appearance of yellow leaves and lifeless weaves. Another thing, if the support is located on the shaded area.


Farbitis is considered an unpretentious bindow. Correct care It is in organizing regular moderate watering and preventing the drying area of \u200b\u200bthe roasting zone. This rule will provide an active increase in purple ipomey and good buddies.

As for feeding, the organic and nitrogen fertilizers are better to exclude at all, but to stay on phosphorus and potash complexes introduced into the ground 2 times a month.

Organizer and nitrogen form abundant deciduous cover, but flowering is practically neutralized. It is not necessary to calculate not the mooring of cherry, purple, purple and other gramophones.

Sometimes it is useful to break and mulch the soil. This is at the discretion of the gardener, depending on the state of the soil and climate, where the bindows are grown.

Trimming stems - the right solution. First, it will increase the number of shoots, make a vegetable carpet more lush, and secondly, it will be favorable on the formation of buds. They will be more.

By the fall, preparing the required amount of seeds, the mipar of the plot is removed from the site. If desired, part of healthy stems with roots are put into the room, so that in the spring to cut the cuttings.

Pests and diseases

The plant cannot be called a weak susceptible to frequent diseases. However, sometimes the bindweed becomes a victim of the Tly or a web tir. Care for purple sizes in this case is to be applied:

  • folk remedies (spraying with informs garlic or soap solution)
  • insecticides (for example, accomplish).

By the way, the tick is the trouble of a arid climate. Regular spraying of Farbitis leaves is the best prevention of trouble. Of course, it is possible to implement a precautionary measure only in conditions of closed space, for example, on the loggia.

It is much more difficult to correctly diagnose fungal lesions or rot.

So, during the period of protracted rains or increased dampness due to excessive irrigation on the sheet, a brown spot with yellow edging appears. This is a fungus. A gradual increase in the spot leads to the death of the sheet. How to act? It is necessary to cut (cut) visible affected areas, and externally healthy stems, leaves and the soil to be treated with a solution of fungicide.

Less dangerous, but very unpleasant, infection with black rot. The fungus is manifested in the formation of dark indulged spots excreasing a mass with a pink tint. From the affected areas should be rid of, and the shoots are treated with fungicide.

From white rust, manifested in the form of bright spots with a raid of fungal mycelium, phytosporin will help. The drug spray intact sections, while patients are removed.

Root rot, as well as stem, is characterized by the appearance of dark brown foci. Not treated. The mushroom-affected mushroom mushroom will have to dig and burn.

The same rule acts in relation to soft rot. It is useless to deal with the disease. In order to prevent the spread of the fungus causing softening the stems, the binding should be completely digging and burn.

Interesting! Birch (field binding), which is a miniature copy of the cultural ipomey, to the listed diseases is very stable. Get rid of weed garders difficult!

Universal treatment

Sometimes the situation happens when it is impossible to accurately determine the cause of the plants. You can try a universal chart of anticipate, peculiar preferences.

The pot with a flower is placed in a polyethylene package, spray from the inside dichlorophos, the edges of the package are tied. After a day, the plant is removed, rinsed under the shower. This is a measure from pests.

However, trouble can be lost in the soil. Before changing the soil, the container is sterilized, carefully evaluate the state of the root system. If necessary, damaged roots are removed, the residues are washed, half an hour withstand in the row (solution according to the instructions).

After planting a seedling, the leaves and stem spray with epic extra, and a day after immunocytophyte.

Plant must come around.

Ipomeya purple on the balcony

Causes of failures

Absence cottage plot - It is not a reason to abandon landing and growing purple sipomey. On the loggia, glazed and unlocked balcony, too, there is a chance to grow beautiful Lian. It is not possible to avoid difficulties, but the result will be doubly pleasant.

Main problems:

  1. rainy days can provoke pumping of buds
  2. stable heat causes yellowing and dropping leaves
  3. sitting the "neighbors" like Petunia deprives the Ipome of the normal branching and pomp
  4. wide, and not a deep pot becomes the cause of improper development of the root system
  5. spacious pot - on the joy of vegetative mass, close - on abundant bloom, etc.

Nevertheless, for landscaping the loggia still it is worth competing. Where to begin?

Time seedlings

On the closed balcony, seedlings begin to engage in March, and on February. The main thing is that plants are not cold.

The process of landing the seeds of the sickness purple standard: the grains are soaked for a day in the water, deepen into the ground for 1 cm. If necessary, the sprouts are peeling into the tank capacity by the transshipment method. Speats, mesh - the first support for thin and fragile stalks. The main task is to avoid interleaving sprouts and roots between individual seedlings.

As for fertilizers, the initial stage does not prohibit the use of root complexes (for example, Tekamine Max, AGRIFUL). Dosage in the instructions. Break down the plant is harmful. Active growth in March benefits will not bring.

Subtleties of care

In the absence of the Sun, the purple Ipomeya cares, gaining a bad thing. It is necessary to provide additional lighting.

With the growth of Farbitis, it is important to strengthen the support. Under heavy branches, the wire often sends.

Potash-phosphate feeders exercise no more than 2-3 times a month. Preparations such as planfaphol, growth gives abundant bounds of buds.

However, it should be noted that the use of any flowering stimulants (not about roots) is an artificial intervention in the natural development of the IPOMEY. So, the plant is stressful and can issue a sad result on-mountain, that is, to die.

Collection of seeds

Farbitis seeds grown on the balcony are suitable for collecting. Fully overwhelmed boxes - guarantee of the germination of ipomey. But! If the purchased product was originally cultivated, it is necessary to pay attention to the packaging.

Some varieties of purple and other ipomes do not transmit the properties of predecessors. This feature is indicated by the mark "F1".

In general, new generations repeat the signs of varieties and, if there are no self-pollution (mixing) (mixing), there are all the chances of growing a copy of the beloved flower during the flowering of several species.

It is believed that the ability of magenta ipomey to self-pollization reaches only 30%. It means that manual pollination with the help of the tassel does not exceed.

How to peer fragile seedlings, detailed master class:

IPOMEYA is a beautiful liana of the flowering plants of the Blizzard family. She has beautiful flowers - cute colored gramophilics - and heart-shaped leaves. Motherland of this basin consider Asia, South America. It follows from this that the plant is thermal-loving. IN southern countries It is grown as a perennial plant, in Russia as annual. Moreover, the IPOMEYA is unpretentious: with ease tolerates a sharp change of temperature and climate. Garden, terrace, balcony, loggia - here is the places of its main landing.

Description of flower

The plant is a long stem, giving up to 5 m, with many thick planted leaves, over which are towering on small legs. Beautiful flowers with unobtrusive aroma. Inflorescences of the Ipomey can be terry or simple. Flower diameter 5-20 cm. They bloom at the beginning of summer and please the eye to frost. Flowers can be:

  • raspberry;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • white;
  • pink;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • striped.

Important! IPOMEY received its name thanks to the rod root - translated from the Greek "Cherve-like".

Growing at home

On the site of dried flowers are formed boxes with seeds. Walking, they are cracking, and seeds fall on the ground, where shoots will appear next year. But still, the self-sowing of the IPOMEY can multiply only in the regions with the warmest climate. In the middle lane of Russia and north it is grown by seedlings. So more chances to catch her flowering in the summer.

Preparation of seeds

During the day before landing, the seeds are soaked in hot water. And it will not be superfluous before soaking, put them between the emery paper sheets and lose weighty.

Seeds of Ipomey

Landing in sad

Prepared seeds sowed 3-5 pieces into one well, fall asleep the earth and mild. After about a couple of weeks, the first searches will appear. As soon as 4-6 leaves grow, the tip of the escape is pinching for the rustling of side shoots.

Landing at seedlings

In April, the prepared seeds plant in a separate container, since this species does not like transplant. A peat tablet and a cup can be used as a landing container. Soil is best prepared independently. It should include land, sand and peat in equal shares. Next, the seeds are plugged into the soil, watered, and the cups are placed in a plastic bag so that the first shoots appear faster. If the air temperature is 20-22 ° C in the room, the sprouts will be crossed in 1-1.5 weeks.

Important! It is necessary to observe the distance between the plants and after the appearance of the first leaves to provide them with support. If this is not done, the seedlings can be interpreted among themselves, and they will not be disconnected.

At the permanent place, the seedlings are planted at the end of May, when the soil warms up, and the temperature at night will be not lower than 5-8 ° C.

It is necessary to plant a sick on the sunny side, as it is very light sound. But that the flower, which is revealed for only one day, was a longer open, it is necessary to provide a light shadow plant after noon.

Seedlings of IPomey

Preparation of support

It is clear that if Ipomoya is a bindweed, then she needs a support for which she could have might. It can be built from:

  • rabits grids;
  • special grid for curly plants;
  • lattices;
  • pergolas;
  • arches.

Important! These curly plants perfectly flare out the arbors and verandas, making them part of the landscape design.

Further care

In leaving, as in growing, IPOMEY also does not require super passions. It is enough to know the basics.


The plant loves moisture very much. When Ipomay is increasing the green mass, watering is needed abundant, but without fanaticism, since it is impossible to moisten. If watering is reduced, the bridge height will be less, but the flowering will come before. Here, every gardener is solved by himself that he is preferable. After the Ipomey starts blooming, watering should be reduced. You can make the soil mulch at this time.


For better buildings, foliage is fed by nitrogen-containing drugs, but it is necessary to strictly observe the norm, otherwise not to receive proper flowering.

After the Ipomoea blooms, it is also recommended to make fertilizers. Thanks to the feeding, flowers will be larger and stay open longer. At this time, phosphorus-containing substances contribute. In the magnificent flowering period, phosphorus-potash fertilizers will be suitable. You can simply scatter the granules around the bush and carefully pour, and you can breed in water and spray a bush completely.

Undercaming Ipomey

Why not blooms Ipomeya

It often happens so that everything seems to be done correctly, and Ipomay does not bloom. What are the reasons? And how to make it bloom? The problem may hide in initially incorrect landing. It is very important to fit appropriate place For a flower. This basin loves the sun, so you have to choose a well-warmed plot without drafts. Do not love the IPOMEY a strongly fertilized or heavy soil. An excellent option will be modeled with a loose nutritional soil without oversupply nitrogen.

Also, the IPOMEY may stop flowering due to diseases or pests. It is affected by viral and fungal diseases (white rust, anthracnose) and various rotes (root, stem, black, soft). This basket is infected with mushrooms through a wet soil in which there were disputes. And, as well as humidity is known - a suitable medium for reproduction of fungal diseases. With such a misfortune, especially at the first stages of the disease, you can fight, removing fallen areas and processing the entire bush of fungicide.

Important! Soft, trunk and root rot is not treated. Infected plants need to urgently dispose of not to infect other flowers on the site. Also, viral diseases are also practically not amenable to treatment. They are, as in the case of rot, it is better to immediately eliminate from the garden.

IPOMEYA is poisonous plantBut, nevertheless, insects it does not scare. Flowers love to spoil:

  • Bellenka is a butterfly with white wings, which is placed on the bottom of the leaves, puts the eggs there. In the future, larvae appear with an exorbitant appetite. They suck out juice leaves. In places of habitat, yellowish stains are formed, and the greens dry out and falls. The damaged plant is not enough forces and nutrients, so it or does not bloom at all, or it blooms very poorly. These butterflies move very quickly, leaving their offspring everywhere. Therefore, the fight against them is to begin immediately, noticing the first signs of defeat. Experienced floweries advise to raise ordinary sticky tapes that fly flies (sold at any economic store) or use insecticides. The latter should be treated with plants 3-4 times with an interval of 4-5 days.
  • Aphid. About her appearance on the plant they say yellow spots on the leaves. The insect sucks the juices and highlights a sage fungi in the middle of the dew. Finding such damage, infected leaves need to be removed, and the plant is sprayed with insecticides.
  • If the plant is not enough, you can attack cobed tick. Its larvae feeds, sucking from the plant all the juices like a word. You can detect an unexpected guest on a web on the leaves. The affected greenery is no longer saved, so the leaflets need to be removed: to cut and burn, and the plant spray insecticides.

Cobed tick

Neighborhood with other plants

Ipomoya gets along perfectly on common flower beds and flower beds with other plants. She looks particularly impressive next to Lianami: wild grapes, ivy, hop. Do not land the flower close to those plants that are most affected by the wave and web tick. It is better to plant onions and garlic near her.

Growing on the balcony

Mipomie on the balcony

For the Ipomeya, there is no soil, so it can be perfectly grown on the balcony. Many flowerflowers plant binders on the sides of the loggia and stretch the spa-twine. After a couple of months, a lively shirma from charming colors is ready. The cultivation of the ipomey on the balcony is absolutely no different from growing a basin in the garden. It is only worth competently pick up the place where it is planted. The flower grows perfectly on southern, eastern or western parties. If the balcony comes out on the north side, there is a risk of not waiting for flowers to frost.

Important! Seeding seeds for balcony cultivation is worth either immediately in the ground, or to the seedlings and then into special boxes. Then they put a grid or any other support that plants will turn in a matter of days. The flower is only regularly water and 1 times a week feed fertilizers for better flowering.

Observing these uncomplicated rules, you can grow a beautiful kipomy, which will flourish every day in a new way to envy all neighbors. And it does not matter that the life of the flowers is only one day. Due to the endless appearance of new buds, this minus is not noticeable.

  • Description
  • Landing Ipomey
  • Why does Ipomeya do not bloom
  • How to grow IPOMEY

IPOMEYA - a colorful fast-growing liana, which is able to pay each support in his way

Ipomey Description

If you want to "cover" your fence quickly, then the best plant will probably beipomey . They grow very quickly. Depending on the view, they can beannual and perennial Lianami with light green, heart-shaped with leaves.

Flowering plants - Present show in the garden. Big blue, pink, purple, red or white, sometimes fragrant flowers gramophilies bloom from the beginning of summer and to the first strong frost.

Every flower "lives"just one day or night. Ipromie Alba, blooming at night views, are distinguished by fragrant white flowers. They can be open on cloudy days. Morning types of sicks attract butterflies to the garden. Their flowers are revealed in the morning and closed after noon.

Plants may die in winter . But they themselves grow easily from seeds every year and quickly turn your fence in the spring of next year.

Ipomoea (iPomoea) or Farbitis - a beautiful plant that belongs to the familyBindhouse The genus Ipomoy has up to 500 species. Of these, the most popular areipomeya purple or farbitis purple (Pharbitis Purpurea) and tri-color IPOMEY or red-blue as wellfarbitis Red Blue (Pharbitis Rubro-Caerulea). These plants are widely used forvertical landscaping and terraces, for decorating the fence and fences, for decorating a gazebo, tag, arches and stella.

Ipomey how to sow

Ipomey Need to growin places where they will get the full sun for most of the day. Also, the place should not be too windy. If the sunlight is not enough -flowers close .

The soil under the plants can be any, but better if it iseasy and not too fertile the soil. Excess moisture under plantsnot welcome . Since these conditions, as a rule, stimulate the production of lush foliage, but to the detriment of flowering. Also, the plant needs to be supported.

To sowing Seeds of Ipomey You can soak in water room temperature for 24 hours to soften the shell. You can alsogreater at a temperature of 18 ° C for 1-2 weeks.

saw in open sad In the spring, after the danger of frosts passed. They are sown in the wells for 1-3 pcs, at a depth of 1-1.5 cm.Distance Between plants - from 25 cm to 2.5 m.

Some species spaudists are planted . For this, the seeds are sown in peat pots, a month - one and a half before landing in an open ground.Shoots Will appear after 5-7 days.

As plantspoor tolerate transplant They planted them into the holes together with peat pots or with a lump of land (if seedlings were grown in boxes). A before landing in the soil, it is necessary to transplange several times in a more spacious container along with the land.

Why does Ipomeya do not bloom

It is not difficult to care for Ipea, this unpretentious liana always pleases with his abundant blossom. If your plant Do not bloom , Most likely you made mistakes in care.

Three Basic mistakes In care - this is the wrong choice of place for the plant, inappropriate soil or lack of feeding.

Be sure to chooselight place for landing, most often in the shadow of Liana will not bloom, because all the forces she spend in search of the Sun, while the shoots will be lengthened. Very rich and heavythe soil Plant. not suitable , It is necessary to choose loose and moderately nutrient land for landing. pay attention tosubordinate , it is impossible to fertilize the plant with nitrogen fertilizers, because then all the forces will go into foliage, and you will not see the flowersthe best choice - It is a potash-phosphoric fertilizer.

How to soak the seeds of ipomey

The best time for landing Mipomey from seeds is May month. Remember that before planting it is necessary to break the seed sheath or simplysoak them in water. Simply place seeds in water On one day, the water temperature should be about 25 degrees. During the day, the seeds should slightly increase their size (swell), if this did not happen, thenpollinate seeds and again you can soak them.

How to clean the seeds of the ipomey

For. to clear seeds Ipomey sufficiently put them in warm water for three days. Seeds will start swell, graduallyopening the shell . If after three days the shell did not open, then you can gently split it with any girlfriend. Remember! Ipomey seeds are not recommended to eat, because they contain malicious substances!

Ipomay how to grow

Look after It is not difficult for Ipea, because this plant has proven itself as unpretentious. Sunny place, the presence of support, the right watering and feeding will help you get very beautiful flowers in the garden.

Excessive moisture Under the plants are not welcome.Making fertilizers It must be minimized for the same reason (fed by complex mineral fertilizers containing little nitrogen). Since these conditions, as a rule, stimulate the production of lush foliage, butto the detriment of flowering . Also the plant needs to providesuo. (and seedlings - support sticks). In arid weather, the plant needsabundantly water , and in another period - moderately.The soil Must be always wet to the touch. Annual species are easily multiplied by seeds (mostly self-sowing), and perennial - stroke cuttings.

Best varieties : IPOMEYA Caprice, Ipomea Morning Glory, Ipomoy Cardinal, Ipomea Morning Pearl, Sky-blue Ipomea, Purpurna-black.

I, without thinking, put it in my garden: Believe me, I just could not do otherwise.

Beautiful heart-shaped leaves of sammeys with large funnel-shaped flowers. Diverse color decorate my garden from June to the first frost. Create a dense green curtain, sparkling multicolored flowerswhich are similar to extraordinary beauty gramophilics.

Ipomay is simply indispensable if you need to quickly create a live green screen, it will greatly decorate any arch and disguises all unsightly places. In general, Ipomea is an ideal liana for landing in the middle strip.

Growing Ipomey

The cultivation of the sipome - the process is not so complicated, how exciting. This liana is growing very quickly, whining anyone that happened on the way. She is very unpretentious, and in order to grow perfectly, she is quite loose lime and normal.

Growing a kip interesting feature This plant: its flowers, opened early in the morning, after noon are already closed. The exception is only those days when cloudy weather stands on the street, at this time you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the flowers of the IPOMEY in full, because they remain uncovered all day. Such an amazing behavior of this Liana is explained by the fact that the IPOMEA is very sensitive to lighting, so with its excess flowers and closed.

Reproduction of Ipomey

To get a strong seedlings of the IPOMEY already to May, sowing her seeds in the pot at the end of March or early April. Before sowing seeds, you need to soak the day in ordinary water. If part of the seed does not shut up during this time, score them with a needle and again soak for 24 hours. The seeds of the IPOME needed about 10 days, and the ideal temperature for shoots will be + 18 ° C.

Growing the soup, several times before disembarking it in the ground it is necessary to transplant in a more spacious pot. At the same time, the roar of the land must be maintained, because seedlings are poorly transferred to the transplant procedure.

To speed up the growth of seedlings, install a small support for which it can freely. Otherwise, the time to landing it in the ground will be extremely difficult for you to disassemble her confused stems and not damage them.

Seeds of the IPOMEY can be heated in an open soil in early May, throwing 3 things into each well. In front of the sowing, as in the case of the reproduction of the sampling, the seeds are better germinated.

Choose a suitable plant for your garden you can in our market, section.

A no less dangerous enemy of the Ipomey is and, about the appearance of which is evidenced by a thin web on the leaves of plants and small points. When it is discovered for several days in a row spray the leaves of ipomey with ordinary cold water.

Types and varieties of sipomey

In nature, the most common bathata Ipomey (Ipomoea Batatas)which has more than 500 species, including annual and perennial plants. The birthplace of the Bathata Ipomey is tropical America.

Of the 500 types of battles in decorative flower growing are used only 25, and the most popular of them are the following:


This type of sickle has very thick shoots, which are just a huge number of flowers.

Ipomoy Kairkaya. Photos from the site

It grows very quickly: in a short period of time turns into a real green carpet.

IPOMEYA Sort "Heavenly Blue"

IPOMEY IAVENLY BLUE IN England is not different as "Morning Glory", because its adorable flowers bloom earlier than that of other plants. Long stem flowers throughout the day can be rotated several times, so that the sky-blue gramophiles always look straight on the sun.

Heavenly blue egg. Photos from

The bloom occurs in early July and lasts to the first frosts.

Ipomeya Purple (iPomoea Purpurea)

IPOMEYA Purple native of tropical america. This liana can boast incredibly long (up to 8 m) stem.

Ipomeya purple. Photos from the site

Purple flowers in diameter of about 7 cm, can be red, pink, purple and even dark lilac.

IPOMEY NIL (IPomoea Nil)

IPOMEY NIL is a long-term liana, cultivated as. Her stems grow very quickly, reaching 3 m in length, and funnel-shaped flowers can be different colors: from pink, red and skiing-blue to lavender, purple and dark blue.

There is very beautiful painting of flowers.

Ipomoea Lunno-flowering (iPomoea Alba)

Motherland Moon-flowering is a tropical America. Highly branching herbal liana robes long shoots - up to 6 m! The seeds of the moon-ceiling memes are protected by a sufficiently dense shell, so before sowing needed: for a day, soak them in warm water, pre-pumping the grooves on the shell. Flowers of moon-flowering eggs can reach 12 cm in diameter, exuded the characteristic sweet-almond fragrance.

Unlike other species, IPOMEY Lunno-flowing perfectly multiplies with gods. For this throughout summer period The shoots that appear near the root neck, it is necessary to pour to the ground to the ground and sprinkle the soil, leaving only the tops on top of it. Already in two months, rooted glands can be resettled in the containers, which are cleaned about the winter to the basement. Successfully overwhelmed plants with the onset of spring can be.

Tri-color Ipomeya or (iPomoea Tricolor)

This is a liana with strong branched stems, reaching 4-5 m in height. Large heart-shaped leaves are opposed, and funnel-shaped flowers can boast an amazing celestial-blue tricolor color.

Ipomey is a tricolor. Photos from

The most beautiful deservedly are grades with flowers of blue or purple color and bright white-pink central part.

New varieties of ipomey

The breeders of all over the world are happy to bring new and new varieties of IPOMEY.

Many of them are surprised by intricate forms and look amazingly beautiful.

Hybrid Ipomey. Photos from the site

Other painting of petals resembles a starry sky.

Hybrid Ipomey. Photos from the site

And in your garden rowing a race?

It is difficult to find a flower garden in private ownership, where there is no increase in at least one kind of sick. To these types of plants, the truth also includes wild binds. But the garden species of the Liana are so beautiful that few people can resist the temptation to plant it in themselves to decorate the fence. How to grow such flowers so that they become a real pride of the flower? This article will help.


The plant of IPOMEA refers to herbaceous one-year lianam. The plant grows very quickly, sometimes grows over the summer in length to 5 m. This is a whole genus of blooming lian, there are many varieties.

The stems of the Ipomey are very branched, and as it should be crawling on the ground or by the fence. There are many leaves of a beautiful shape resembling hearts.

Flowers of the funnel shape, are collected in group of 3-5 pieces, but sometimes there are single. Coloring the crowns are very different, depending on the variety. There are places of a simple type or terry, the form of them can also vary and be rounded and star. They resemble a gramophone.

Petals can have a smooth or wavy shape and bloom in early in the morning, fading with sunset. On a cloudy day, flowers, open in the morning, do not close all day. The fruit is a cone-shaped box, it is an oblong shape and contains dark seeds. They retain the ability to gently for up to four years.

To the genus Ipomy refers a large number of plants. Different varieties and species are distinguished by the shape and painting of flowers. Previously, such species were a bit, but now, thanks to the work of breeders, there are a lot of them. Earlier in the gardens, there was only a membrane of purple shades or red - blue, today there are colors of the most different color. Of these plants, even gardeners allocate different families. Among the magic are the most "fashionable" are such varieties like quamoclite with Colonicto and Farbitis.

The most common variety is called havently blue. It is distinguished from other blue colors, which goes smoothly to the center in a yellow shade.

  • Colonictyon (moonwet) is distinguished by a white shade of flowers and a thin fragrance. Most of the smey smell can not boast. Another property of the Coloniction is the fact of dissolving buds at night. And it blooms only one night. But flowers appear constantly to cold weather.
  • Abundant blossom, as well as thick leaves, the Ipomoya Cairo is characterized. Gardeners who want to decorate a plot of beautiful flower carpet, prefer to her. The buds of this variety are distinguished by indescribable beauty. Moreover, the flowers of azure shade on a long leg have the ability to turn over the sun.
  • Purple memey flowers are distinguished by bright purple tones and long stems. Liana often reaches eight meters.
  • Ipomeya Nile characterizes very rapid growth of stems and a variety of coloring flowers. There are even dark, saturated shades.
  • Mina Lobat refers to tropical perennial lianams with beautiful reddish shades of stems and three-bladed shape with heart-shaped leaves. Flowers in diameter reaches 2 cm, which are assembled in small coole-shaped inflorescences of one-sided type and seem to be closed. In each of the inflorescence, it is usually 11 - 12 flowers, and sometimes in one inflorescence they are different shades. From the mouth of each flower "look" long stamens with a pestle.

Among the varieties of sipomey a lot of artificially derived hybrids. Now they are of great popularity, and the variety of shades of flowers is hard to list.

When blooms

The blossom of Liana begins at the end of June, and the flowers appear on it sometimes until the end of September. Each grade of the Ipomea plants as blooms, and amazes with its beauty and grace. Flowers are characterized by their features and forms. Some are monotonously painted, while others, and such most, have a smoothly passing one into another few shades. In some varieties, flowers exude strong and sweet fragrance, and there are such that they do not smell at all.

See also: Features of growing and feeding velvets for abundant flowering

Ipomore is breeding with seeds, because this plant in our latitudes is annual. Seying the seeds of the Ipomey in May, near the middle, but first violate their integrity or produce soaking about a day in water with a temperature above 25ºC, but not more than 30º C. If the seeds are not swept after soaking, they need to pierce the needle and leave again in water.

It is also necessary to remember that you need to very carefully select the composition of the soil, where the seeds will be planted. Moreover, each type of sickle is planted in their composition of the soil. The plants of African descent love the soils intended for impressive succulents in which the crushed ceramzite is added. American types of sicks such a soil do not like and the varieties such a soil will not fit. For seeds of such varieties, another mixture is drawn up: 2 parts of the leaf of leaf, 1 h. Peat, 1 hour vermiculite and 1/2 of small clay.

Shoots appear in about 8 to 10 days and then very slowly develop when the seeds go out and then grow up for 15 centimeters, cord is tied to the sprout. Another end is drawn up and fixes that the smaller liana climbs on this cord.

In the future, the seedlings will need to transplant in a more roomy tank using transshipment so as not to bargain the root system. If the plant has a lot of lateral twigs, the seedlings are pouring.

Seeds can be dried directly to the ground, bypassing the time of growing sickness from seedlings. Do it only when the threat of random frosts. And this is the first numbers of May. Previously, it is impossible to do this, the seeds can freeze and lose their strength. Then there will be no shoots. For landing, seeds choose a sunny and windless place in the flower bed. Ipomay loves weakness soil and she also needs a good drainage. But in which Ipomoy would not be planted, it should be extremely careful, because this is a plant is poisonous. For this reason, it is better to plant on the street and try to do not get children to Liana.

To test the seeds ripened or not, you need to rip the ball, break it. If the seeds are black, they ripen.

Seeds are collected in the jar and store until spring in a dry dark place. The collected seeds are stored for a long time and do not lose their properties three to four years.

Where to plant

The annual loves wet loams rich in fertilizers, but can grow well on any nutritional soil. He also loves sunlight, but it is not worth landing on the windy places of the garden, since he does not like drafts.

What should be care

Care for Liana easily. Sufficient regularly water it. But watering should be moderate so that there is no water stagnation, otherwise the roots can get sick. The plant is watered in May - August so that the soil does not breathe at all, but in September it is already watered Ipomyu only after the complete drying of the Earth. And this can be done even if the plant is grown as an annual.

A favorable impact produces to the Garden Bind Bill, which is advisable to do during the growth of Liana in 2-3 weeks. Fertilizer for this purpose is chosen as well as flowering plants or cacti. But it's not worth remarking with fertilizers. An excess of them, especially those that contain a lot of nitrogen, can affect flowering. Liana will grow violently, the leaves will increase in size, but the colors can not be seen on it at all. So fertilizers need to make as much as they contribute to the pots for indoor flowers.

Periodically, the plant needs trimming damaged or faded liana stalks.

Quickly smashed, Ipomay subsequently needs to be used and loosening the soil. These actions allow you to preserve moisture in the soil and improve drainage.