Jogging: what is it and how to do it. What are the benefits of jogging: possible results and correct technique Jogging technique

What is jogging

Jogging is running in at a relaxed pace at a speed of 7-9 kilometers per hour, which is slightly faster than intensive walking. With this kind of running, the foot predominantly “slaps” on the surface in a relaxed manner, and the period of the unsupported state is minimal: when one leg pushes off, the other is already falling to the ground.

When can you jog?

This aerobic exercise, which uses the muscles of the entire body, is used by professional athletes in warm-up and cool-down. In addition, regular jogging can be an excellent recreational activity for people of any age and any level of fitness who do not have serious injuries or defects of the cardiovascular system.

Jogging technique

By following a specific running technique, you can reduce stress on your joints, reduce the risk of injury, and avoid fatigue. It is recommended to run on the ground, not hard paved paths, and push off with your foot as much as possible, straightening your leg at the knee. You should start with a not too wide stride, but you can gradually increase it as the workout progresses.

Keep your body straight and lean forward slightly, bend your arms at the elbows and at the same time “coordinate” your running with them. Breathing should be free, and shortness of breath or pain in the side indicates that it is time to slow down or start walking.

Benefits of jogging

Light jogging is one of the safest types of cardio exercise. Regular running will maintain muscle tone, strengthen the heart and immune system, and increase the body's endurance and stress resistance. Jogging stimulates metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels, and prevents atherosclerosis and osteoporosis.

Giving a uniform load and training the body, jogging provides an intensive supply of oxygen to tissues and organs. In addition to accelerating metabolic processes, this is important for the normal functioning of the brain, which otherwise may suffer from oxygen starvation. Running has a positive effect on memory, attention and mental activity. Moreover, regular jogging provides invaluable assistance in the prevention of depressive disorders.

It is best to run in the fresh air, where there is the best access of oxygen and the most effective work muscles in their natural environment. It is advisable to start the training program with short runs, from 20 to 30 minutes, gradually increasing the duration of the session to 1-1.5 hours. The workout should begin with a light warm-up and end with a set of cool-down stretching exercises. To achieve sustainable and optimal results, you need to train 2-3 times a week.

You can start jogging with vigorous walking so that the body gets used to the motor skills of the step, and then switch to slow running. Adjust your further running speed based on your own sensations - heaviness, shortness of breath or pain should not occur. When you finish running, smoothly transition to a walk. Avoid sudden stops and do not sit down immediately after running: this is harmful to the cardiovascular system.

Spring is coming, and it's time to think about how to prepare for summer, tighten your body and tone it up. Running is a simple and proven way to get into great shape, so all you have to do is get out your running shoes and run for about half an hour every day. Besides burning calories, running has a whole host of other benefits that are simply irresistible. So how can you get the most out of running?

Spring is coming, and it's time to think about how to prepare for summer, tighten your body and tone it up. Running is an easy and proven way to get into great physical shape, so you just need to get out your running shoes and run every day for about half an hour, even if the couch looks more than comfortable. Besides burning calories, running has a whole host of other benefits that are simply irresistible. So, how to run correctly with the greatest health benefits?

Time to go outside!
Training outside by as much as 30-40 percent more effective than training in the hall. Why does this happen? When you run outside, you are more likely to overcome obstacles such as small hills, and your body is also saturated with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on your health. cardiovascular system. Fresh air too. Dress for the weather, put on comfortable sports shoes and go for a run!

Choose your route!
Think in advance about the route you will take. Think about which parts will be the most difficult and which parts will be the simplest. This will help you concentrate while running and correctly calculate your strength.

Keep up the pace
Try to run as measuredly as possible, listen to music, count your breaths, listen to your body - and run at the pace that you find most comfortable.

Lean forward
If you run with your body leaning slightly forward, you will get the most benefits from running for your body: tighten your abs and buttocks, lean forward slightly, and start jogging! Relax your arms and shoulders: their slight involuntary movements back and forth as you run will stimulate the lymphatic system.

Let's get rid of stress!
If you've had a tough day at work, force yourself to run for at least 15 minutes before bed. Fresh air and active movement stimulate the production of endorphins, which will help you get rid of stress and also improve your physical condition.

Video on the topic

The benefits of running for health, weight loss, strengthening the cardiovascular system, and disease prevention cannot be denied. But, like any intense exercise, running has many contraindications and can even be harmful if you do not follow the technique and listen to the advice of doctors.


Running is an intense physical activity that seriously strains the cardiovascular system, joints, muscles and, in general, the entire human body. For healthy people, such loads are only beneficial; they help prevent many diseases, strengthen the immune system and strengthen the body. But if you have health problems, running can only make them worse.

Running, first of all, is a serious load on the cardiovascular system; during exercise, breathing quickens, heart rate rises, and blood begins to pump stronger. Therefore, for any problems with the heart and blood vessels, running is contraindicated; it is especially dangerous to run if you have had a myocardial infarction (there is a risk of a second heart attack), if you have heart defects, have had a stroke, or have angina. People with heart rhythm disturbances, circulatory insufficiency, or narrowing of the atrial orifice should consult a doctor before starting to run. It is advisable to replace running with brisk walking for any heart problems.

While running, not only the heart, but also the lungs have to work more actively, which is why many diseases associated with the respiratory organs are included. People with bronchial asthma or pulmonary insufficiency should not run.

Experiencing enormous stress when running propulsion system a person, and the hardest thing is on the joints. Professional runners know how running can wear down these fragile skeletal parts. Therefore, if you have any problems with the joints - arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis - running is contraindicated. Also, people with osteochondrosis, problems, or intervertebral hernias should not engage in this type of physical activity.

Severe and progressive myopia is also a significant reason not to run: at first glance, this disease seems in no way related to running, but in fact such stress can lead to retinal detachment. For the same reason, people with glaucoma should not run. Contraindications to running are any serious chronic diseases or exacerbations of chronic diseases. You should not run during a cold or any illness, this can lead to complications.

Even healthy people should run carefully so as not to harm their body. Firstly, be sure to wear special running shoes before jogging; they have shock-absorbing soles and will protect your joints from injury. Secondly, it is advisable to run on soft ground and not on asphalt - hitting your feet on a hard surface wears out your joints. Increase the load gradually, remember that running is an aerobic exercise, you should have enough breath to complete it; if you are short of breath, you need to slow down the pace.

Every person wants to have excellent health that will last for a long time. long years and will prolong life. To achieve such results, you need to work on your body from a young age. As you know, our heart consists of a muscle that drives and pumps blood. And the entire body as a whole, and therefore health, depends on its work.

The heart needs constant training. During the day, our heart rate should increase at least twice. This is the first commandment of the famous professor - cardiologist, to keep your heart young and healthy. Running is a very useful workout for the vascular system. It has a number of indications; with a small load, a person of any age can practice it.

The main thing is to learn how to run correctly, for the benefit of your health. When running, blood pressure and pulse are normalized, blood vessels are trained and become endurance. The immune system begins to work actively, and the body stops getting sick often colds. To start training, it is better to undergo an additional examination and obtain a doctor’s permission. As with any sport, running also has contraindications.

The most important thing is to know that you run for fun; training should not be a burden. Buy special sports shoes and a training suit for running. Convenient and comfortable running clothes will lift your spirits and give you strength.

It is recommended to run in the early morning hours before work or in the evening. You need to jog regularly, try to run with increasing load. Then your muscles and blood vessels will get used to the gradual load, which is very important for the heart. You need to run away from polluted places where there is clean and healthy air.

When running you need to breathe correctly and deeply. It is advisable to inhale air through the nose and exhale through the mouth. With this type of breathing, your blood pressure will not rise and your heart will not beat strongly. Each person has a different level of endurance and stress. Run without bothering yourself too much, everything should be in moderation and joy. There is no need to sit down or stop immediately after running. The load should be reduced gradually. You can simply switch to intense walking, using physical exercise.

Having learned to run, you will get a wonderful mood and a charge of positive emotions for a difficult working day. Anyone who runs can live a full life for a long time, without carrying around a whole bag of medications.

Jogging is one of the existing types of physical activity. One of the simplest and at the same time universal activities, jogging is a favorite hobby of millions of people, regardless of their gender, age, social and financial status.

For which categories of people is jogging suitable?

  • novice athletes;
  • women;
  • people recovering from injuries;
  • people having .

But even the most hardened athletes often turn to this type of jogging. Before starting a workout, it is very good to prepare the body for subsequent physical activity. Jogging or jogging, as many are accustomed to calling it, is perfect as a warm-up, warming up the body for further physical activity.

The benefits of jogging for the cardiovascular system

Running is good for training the cardiovascular system. As a result of the workout, the number of heart contractions decreases. This means that the engine that provides us with life becomes more powerful and begins to work more economically. Whatever you say, jogging is great cardio workout.

Concerning blood pressure, then when performing long periods, the human pulse reaches a level of 120-130 beats per minute. Thus, the vessels dilate and their resistance decreases. Simply put, the athlete’s blood pressure returns to normal. If it was lowered, then it increases, and vice versa.

Antidepressant effects of jogging

Improves mood. Running is an excellent antidepressant. It has been proven that after a half-hour run the athlete feels feeling of euphoria. And all thanks to the increased work of the pituitary gland, which produces the well-known hormones of joy and happiness. After a run, a person may feel inspired and be in high spirits for about an hour.

The beneficial effects of jogging on the endocrine system

Running improves the rhythmic functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems. And the whole point is that by moving, a person overcomes the gravity of planet Earth. While running, the athlete’s body seems to jump, then returns to a vertical position. The swaying blood flow activates even those capillaries that, so to speak, “slept.”

Thanks to a large number dilated vessels, the work of the internal secretion organs is activated. A huge flow of hormones reaches the most distant cells. Due to the ongoing process, the work of the most important systems in the human body is improved.

It turns out that this is not all the benefits you can get from jogging. There are many more useful aspects.

What else makes jogging so irreplaceable? It turns out that it is useful not only for the heart muscle, but also nervous system . Health running also:

Ordinary running, it would seem, is nothing complicated, but it brings so many benefits!

Still, when starting to jog, it would be nice to familiarize yourself with. Since the effectiveness of the training depends on the correct execution of any exercise.

Video gallery. How to run and enjoy running

Run. from A to Z

The pleasure of running

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    Hello dear! Spring has arrived! Hooray! In this video I will tell you everything about running, from A to Z! Start running with me!

    The pleasure of running

    All runners know the feeling of incredible pleasure while running. This happens in almost every workout. It doesn’t come right away. But it will definitely come if you don’t stop running. So how can you feel this buzz? Some tips in this video.

    Features of jogging

    Jogging involves running at a speed of 7-9 km per hour. And this is a little more than . However, jogging has its own distinctive features.

    The peculiarities of the jogging technique consist in “slapping” the foot or, conversely, striking the heel against the support. The main difference is that the flight phase of jogging is much shorter than that of other types of running. To put it in simple terms, jogging is more calm and easy running. The step width with this running technique is no more than 80 cm. It can only increase involuntarily, in the case of jogging.

    As in any other form of running, in jogging it is important to maintain a vertical body position relative to the support. The leg should touch the ground either with the entire foot, or roll from heel to toe.

    It is very important to balance the work of all limbs when moving the body. It would be correct if, when running, the athlete’s elbows are located closer to the body. In this case, the hands are bent into fists, and the bent arms move forward. The muscles of the shoulder and arms should not be pinched under any circumstances. During running, in order to avoid injuries, chaotic body movement and stiffness are unacceptable.

    Naturally, these are very average indicators, especially since, in addition to weight, they are influenced by many other factors. If you want to know the exact figure, then use online calculators. By calculating all the specified parameters as much as possible, you can find out the result with almost 100% accuracy.

    Harm and contraindications when jogging

    This type of physical activity is quite a serious burden not only for the spine, but also for joints, ligaments, and muscle tissue. Unlike simple walking, running can be compared to the flight of the body. When landing, the spine experiences a load much greater than the person's body weight.

    There are factors that further increase the impact force - this is excess weight. Therefore, people with problems with the spine should consult a doctor for advice before running.


    • Congenital diseases, incl.
    • Hypertension.
    • Vision problems (changes in the retina). Unbearable for such people exercise stress can lead to complete blindness.
    • Kidney disease and so on.

    It may even be a reason to postpone jogging until better times and full recovery. Although running is good, unfortunately, not all people can run. It is better to act according to the “do not harm yourself” method. Don’t rush to comprehend everything at once, it’s impossible. Act wisely, take your time, and you will definitely achieve your goals.

What is the most important thing in running? As Murakami said, it is “not speed or distance.

The main thing is consistency: run every day.” It is not necessary to overcome marathon distances and master the fastest running technique. Relaxed jogging, or, as it is often called, jogging, will be no less beneficial for your health.

What is jogging or jogging?

Jogging is running in a state of complete relaxation. Even the feet of the legs with this running technique remain relaxed; they seem to slap along the treadmill, lifting off from it to a small height. As soon as one foot rises into the air, the second one is already falling to the ground. The calves, thighs and buttocks remain relaxed, and the arms, bent at the elbows, move freely in rhythm with the body. Breathing should be calm, deep enough and rhythmic.

This method of movement allows you to develop a higher speed than when walking, but it is not accompanied by muscle tension and does not cause rapid fatigue. average speed such running does not exceed 9 km/h (for comparison, the speed of the average pedestrian is about 5 km/h).

This workout is not accompanied by muscle tension and does not cause rapid fatigue.

This type of running was originally used to help athletes recover from illness, injury, and strenuous training. Subsequently, jogging became widely used for weight loss. This was facilitated by the active propaganda carried out in America by a teacher at the dawn of the 70s physical culture Jim Fix. By the age of 35, he had gained excess weight and became heavily dependent on nicotine. With the start of jogging, he managed to get rid of excess weight, and from nicotine addiction.

Why is running technique so effective?

One of the main reasons for the effectiveness of jogging in terms of weight loss is the active saturation of the runner’s body with oxygen. On average, about 150 kcal are lost during a half-hour run. A sandwich with butter, sausage and cheese contains about the same amount. But what is important in this case is that the metabolic processes activated during running, due to the saturation of cells with oxygen, continue to occur at a fairly high speed and in the near future after the end of the workout. Therefore, those who want to lose weight using this technique are advised to refrain from eating for an hour or two after returning home.

And one more tip for beginners: pay attention to the sole of the shoes you plan to run in. It should not be very high (this will prevent “shuffling”), but it is also not recommended to run on flat soles. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of shoes for those who have problems with joints, spine and back muscles.

In this case, it is better to give preference to jogging on soft ground - for example, in a park. The more picturesque the landscape, the more enjoyable the run will be. And in this case, the pleasure of training is no less important than physical activity.

Jogging is a relaxed and healthy running technique.

The pleasure of training is no less important than physical activity.

Jogging - running technique on video:

Jogging reviews:

I like jogging much more than, for example, interval running, in which you can easily damage your back due to the high impact load. Easy, calm, relaxed... But with regular exercise, my figure became very toned. (alevita)

Jogging or jogging (from the English jogging - “shuffling” running) is a slow run at a speed slightly higher than the pace of a fast walk, about 7-9 km/h. The word “jogging” itself came into use in the 60s of the last century, largely thanks to the popularization activities of Arthur Lydiard. It was during these years that a real running boom began in the United States.

Features of jogging

The characteristic differences between jogging and regular running are a shorter, almost imperceptible, leg flight phase, “slapping” with a relaxed foot and a low pace.

Jogging is popular not only among fans of healthy lifestyle. Professional athletes widely use jogging or light running when warming up, cooling down, and also for recovery after hard training or for rehabilitation after injuries.

The advantages of jogging, compared to regular running, are a significant reduction in the load on the knee and ankle joints, as well as a reduced risk of injury. In addition, with prolonged jogging, “happiness hormones” are synthesized in the runners’ body in significant quantities, causing an emotional uplift and even a state of mild euphoria.

Jogging technique

Jogging puts quite an intense load on the leg muscles and also uses other muscles of the body. At the same time, the jogging technique can significantly reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system, ligaments and joints.

  1. The push-off occurs with the entire foot, the leg is almost completely straightened at the knee.
  2. The stride is not wide, lengthens a little if it is necessary to increase the pace.
  3. The body is slightly tilted forward, the shoulders are straightened.
  4. The arms are bent at the elbows and move freely.
  5. Breathe freely, inhale through your nose. The pace of jogging should allow you to breathe and carry on a conversation without shortness of breath. If there is not enough air and you want to breathe through your mouth, then the pace is too high, it needs to be reduced.

In addition, you need to control your pulse; it should not exceed 120 beats per minute, even for those who practice jogging to lose weight.

Video of the correct jogging technique:

The benefits of jogging

Only regular training will allow you to achieve a significant positive effect from jogging. The number and schedule of training will be individual for everyone. For beginners, a jogging program can be based on a guideline of three workouts per week for 30-40 minutes. It must be adjusted taking into account the level of training, the presence of injuries or chronic diseases/contraindications. For example, at the beginning you can combine fast walking with light running.

The main advantages of jogging

Positive effect on the brain

Excess fat is burned

We’ll talk about how jogging helps burn extra calories below.

Leg muscles are trained

During jogging, the muscles of the legs are mainly used. In addition, jogging allows you to use the muscles of the core, arms, and neck, keeping them in good shape.

However, unlike simple walking, jogging is characterized by the presence of a flight-landing phase. At the same time, additional stress is placed on the spine and knee joints. Factors that increase impact force are running on asphalt and excess weight.

Thus, jogging can provoke the development of a number of pathologies of the spine (protrusion, hernia), as well as the hip and knee joints (for example, arthrosis).

There will be a significant risk of these pathologies if:

  • the presence of bad heredity (radiculitis, arthritis or arthrosis in parents);
  • flat feet, curvature of the foot, etc.;
  • with scoliosis;
  • spinal injuries;
  • overweight;
  • diseases of the leg joints;
  • injuries of the lower extremities.

It should also be noted that the microshocks that occur during jogging do not have a very beneficial effect on the pelvic organs. Restrictions on running training are recommended for patients who have:

  • chronic pain in the pelvic area;
  • cystitis;
  • colon diseases.
  • gynecological pathologies for women;
  • prostatitis for men;

Therefore, those who have problems with the spine or joints should consult with specialists before starting training to select the correct level of load. If your knees hurt after jogging, you should stop training for a while and replace jogging with walks or Nordic walking.

During pregnancy, even for expectant mothers who have previously jogged, it is recommended to replace jogging with a calm one with a soft foot position. You can alternate light jogging with vigorous walking. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor your pulse and well-being.

Jogging for weight loss

At first glance, jogging as a type of physical activity does not provide enough exercise to get rid of excess calories and is significantly inferior to more intense types of running (sprinting, interval running, marathon running). But why in 90% of cases will experts recommend jogging for weight loss?

In fact, those who need to lose weight, in most cases, have poor physical fitness. Or - untrained at all. For such people, intense running exercises with a high load on the body are highly likely to lead only to injuries, without accelerating the fat burning process at all. At the same time, jogging, by reducing the load on the joints and cardiovascular system, allows you to run for a long time without injury, and also gradually prepare the body for subsequent more intense loads.

In addition, it is long running loads of 30 minutes at low intensity that allow you to start the process of burning fat reserves. After all, before the body begins to use fat as an energy source, it will use glucose, which is in the blood or stored in the muscles and liver in the form of glycogen. Only after the glycogen is used does the reconfiguration of metabolism begin, and fats will be used to produce energy.

Peter Schnohr: “If your goal is to reduce your risk of death and improve your life expectancy, running several times a week at a moderate pace is a good strategy. Anything else is not just unnecessary, it can be harmful.”

On average, the liver and muscles of an adult contain about 100-120 grams of glycogen. How long should you jog to burn that many calories? On average at least 40 minutes.

Thus, short-term, high-intensity aerobic exercise, during which the body uses glycogen, and weight loss and temporary weight loss occurs simply due to the loss of water released through sweat, is not suitable for burning excess calories. After all, fat reserves remain practically untouched, water balance will be restored, and the extra pounds will not go away. You must first use free glucose, as well as stored glycogen, and start the fat burning process

And of course, jogging will give a long-term positive effect on weight loss only in combination with the right diet. An unbalanced diet (fast food, fatty foods, foods high in “empty” calories), lack of a diet, eating at night - all this can negate the effect of any training.

When and where is the best time to jog?

The popularity of jogging is largely due to the fact that these easy runs require a minimum of equipment and skills. You can also exercise on a treadmill, in an arena, at a stadium, as well as in a park, or run along the street or around the block. Jogging training will be beneficial for both men and women, regardless of age. Jogging can be done in the mornings or evenings; this does not diminish its positive effects.

At the same time, it should be understood that jogging, for all its benefits, is not a “panacea” for all diseases and problems. Moreover, if you have certain diseases, it is recommended to limit jogging or replace it with alternative aerobic exercise. Therefore, before you start training, you should consult your doctor. Jogging, like any sport, requires a reasonable approach and will only be effective with regular training.

Doctors call jogging the most favorable view running for people who have never exercised.

He helps lose extra pounds, strengthen your cardiovascular system or just keep yourself in shape.

The main advantage of this type of running is that it is better to avoid running on hard surfaces.

How to jog correctly

Optimal running on paths in the forest or in the park, and on special tracks in stadiums. This option is more comfortable for the feet and saturates the body with oxygen. If running in the fresh air is not possible, it is better to exercise on treadmills in gyms.

Photo 1. Jogging in the gym on a treadmill. On the simulator you can change the speed and angle of inclination of the belt.


This sport does not involve excessive stress and often itself is a warm-up before more serious loads. However, do not neglect warm-up exercises before you start running. You can perform the following complex:

This complex will prepare the body for a long, slow run.


Jogging - slow running at speed about 8 km/h. Almost no flight phase, because when one leg leaves the ground, the other immediately descends on it.


While jogging, it is important to ensure proper breathing. If it becomes too frequent, it means that the tempo is too high. Experts recommend take 1 inhale or exhale for four steps. Depending on the runner’s lung capacity, the figure may vary.

Important! During systematic jogging breathing rate decreases to 5-6 steps, which indicates the fitness of the lungs.

At the same time, breathing should be comfortable when jogging. If there is not enough inhalation for 4 steps, you can breathe more often. Gradually the figure will get closer to normal. Inhale through either the nose or mouth, exhale through the mouth only. Breathing occurs through the lower abdomen or diaphragm.

When jogging you can talk calmly without shortness of breath is one of the ways to control breathing and optimal speed.

The essence of jogging according to Buteyko

The essence of the Buteyko method is reducing the depth of a person’s breathing by relaxing the diaphragm. When running, you need to breathe only through your nose. The inhalation is small, the chest and stomach do not move.

Breathing is shallow: the air reaches only the level of the collarbones. Inhalation lasts 2-3 seconds, A exhalation takes 3-4. After exhaling, the runner does pause for 3-4 seconds.

Position of arms and legs

  • Arms bent at elbows at right angles, move forward and backward by inertia.
  • Brachial the belt is relaxed.
  • The foot is lowered to the surface with the heel first, then rolls to the toe to push off.
  • When pushing off the leg is fully straightened at the knee.
  • The legs are carried out not far.

The runner's attention should be focused on the legs, the movements of the arms should not be emphasized. From the front, the hand reaches the middle of the chest or solar plexus, and the abduction ends when the hand remains in the ribs.


Best after running start walking for 10-15 minutes, and then do some stretching to relax the main muscle groups. The longer and more active the run, the longer the cool-down will be. This will reduce the possibility of muscle pain. If case permits, you can hang on the horizontal bar for a few minutes.

Photo 2. Example of a cool-down: 6 simple exercises to stretch the core muscles of the legs.

The main rule for beginners is don't make a sudden start. It is recommended to start your workout with a brisk walk and then start running. The load should increase gradually. If a long distance is difficult, you can and should switch to walking.

Important! Optimal increase in loads - 10-15% every week.

You should be careful when choosing shoes. High-quality running shoes will help you avoid injuries and feel comfortable.

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Time to run

A common question is what time is best to run. This is not significant, you can build on the general daily routine and personal convenience. Training process should give pleasure.

From jogging in the morning doctors find only benefits. It helps to wake up the body and prepare the body for an active day. However, it is better to start training an hour after waking up when the body has time to wake up.

In evening time During the day, the body prepares for sleep, so you should not go out for a run too late, otherwise running will disrupt the biological clock. Physical activity decreases towards night. If you start running too late, the risk of insomnia increases. So it's better to go for a run three hours before bedtime.

If you wish, you can practice half an hour twice a day- in the morning and in the evening. If the training goes once a day, optimal duration 60 minutes.

How to run in winter

In winter it is especially important to do full warm-up before jogging to avoid injury. It warms up joints, ligaments and muscles, improving blood circulation. When running outdoors Avoid slippery surfaces.