Ecological topic in the literature of the work. Ecology problems in the literature of the writers of the XX century

In the heading "Ecology and Literature" continues to collect a library for you. This time we turned to activists from different environmental organizations and asked them, which books had an impact on them, helped out otherwise look at the relationship between nature and man. The answers turned out to be surprisingly diverse: fantasy and sociology, technology and ecology. Check maybe these editions change and your environmental relationship?

Ekaterina Method (Association "Education for Sustainable Development"):

And in Europe, and in America about the syndrome of a shortage of communication with nature, they speak as a very serious problem. When I first heard about him, I thought it was not about us. We have children and grandmother in the village of summer spend, and in nature with parents leave. However, deepening in reading a book. Richard Lowe Last baby In the forest "(Richard Louv," Last Child in the Woods ") On the road from Hannover to Minsk, I realized that not everything is so simple. We look, but we do not see. We pass past the colors, smells, sounds, not passing them through ourselves.

This book, as follows "Let's enjoy nature together with children" Joseph CornellThey taught me to stop, allow children to lead me towards an unusual goat or sparkling in the sun a frozen sheet, find moments to slow down their life and show kids how to get joy through their feelings.

Pavel Gorbunov (Minsk Bicycle Society OO):

Creativity had a strong impact on me Brothers Strugatsky. I can not reread them at least once a year. Their books - not quite about ecological problemsBut about systemic crises that become the causes of our environmental problems. I recommend reading "Grad doomed" and "Roadside Picnic" - About civilization, survived the catastrophe.

"Snail on the slope" - One of their most complex novels, which rises a lot of topics, including the opportunity to "understand" the biosphere. "Predatory Things of the Century" - about the society of consumption and public thoughtlessness. "It is difficult to be God", "Inhabited Island", "Attempt to escape" - Pro conflict of simultaneously existing civilizations, brainwashing, ethics of intervention of more "developed civilizations". "Wax swans"and "Beetle in anthill" - About the problems with which we will face in the near future, when humanity is inevitably divided into parts by a certain criterion (in some sense, we already encountered it). Strugatsky books multi-layered and immediately about a lot: they do not open immediately, and everyone sees in them what is ready to see at the moment.

Olga Kassevich (OO "Bagna"):

This is a book Josef Wagnerand Nadi Schnederova "Tsar Beasts is not lion."She is part of their trilogy (others - "Africa: paradise and hell for animals" and "Safari under Kilimanjaro").

For me, the publication is valuable by what combines the dignity of the encyclopedia and a fascinating adventure book - the car's travel diary and interesting Facts About the animal world of Africa. It is written in a living language, beautifully illustrated by the ancient pictures of Africans, numerous photos of Wagner and the illustrations of the Miroslav of Capara.

The well-known researcher and traveler Joseph Wagner (Czechoslovak Scientist, the Creator of Zoosad in the city of Dvur-Klolov, where the most diverse species of animals were almost dweling on the will) for many years he lived in Africa, becoming an active defender of its natural wealth. It is bright and figuratively describes a unique animal world The continent, reflects on the paths of rescue African flora and fauna, talks about the most significant national parks, about the life of African peoples.

"On the continent, where your life depends only from your own entrance - everything has its own advantage: the camel litter is very appreciated in North Africa. On the roads of the desert, where there are no trees, in the morning they collect small round solid and dry balls in the magnitude of the value with walnut: They serve fuel. "

Joseph associated his life with this country: 7 expeditions on this amazing continent, 10 years of fruitful and dangerous work. I think the book is worth it to read it at least once. I was always very inspired by the quote from which it begins: "In the near century, maybe a decade, people will probably not go on the journey to look at the wonders of modern technology. On the contrary, they will rush to the surviving corners of wildlife, breathable and silence. Countries who managed to preserve such oases of nature will cause universal envy and gratitude, because with nature the situation is quite different than, let's say, with the palaces destroyed by the war, they can be built again. But if you destroy the living world, then no one can create it again. "

As a child, I read at the words of the famous German zoo, writer and director of the Frankfurt Zoo and for a long time examined the African picture with fishermen and abundance of fish.

Still inspires me "Walden, or Life in the Forest" Henry David Toro.

This is a book about another state of the soul. Its author is an American naturalist, a philosopher and a writer who lived in the XIX century, who goes to the nearby forest to the pond Walden, the house itself, cultivates the bean field, grows peas, potatoes, corn, extracts fish, bake bread, lunch blackberry, word , there is a farm independent of the rest of civilization, it also lives with the most necessary. In the work, all nuances for caring from civilization are described in detail. His life at the pond alone with nature continued a little over two years ... The book is very atmospheric, adjusts to a certain way. I would recommend it to read closer to the spring when, at the end of the reading, you can go to the farm, to the forest for a couple of weeks and close from the outside world, allow yourself to become part of nature and just flow in space. It gives rise to you authenticity, helps to see how our landscape forms us.

Last book for the third mood. it Sebastian Salgado. He is known worldwide as a photographer, recently released an autobiographical interview and a documentary called, which is called "Salt of the earth". I loved his interview with greed, I did not want it to end. I wandered somehow in one of Berlin's bookstores and stumbled upon a collection of his stories. "From My Land to the Planet".

Salgado is not just a photographer, he is a public figure who fought for the preservation of the Earth's biosphere and a lot across this topic. He is interested in me that he began with love to man as a creature, and then switched to nature, part of which is a person and is. I like this continuous connection. And what are the names of his projects - "Genesis", "Exodus", "Homo Sapience".

"Genesis" helped me realize that as we were separated from nature due to urbanization, we became very complex animals; As we become a strange planet, we have become strange creatures. "

Sebastian one of my favorite photographers. He is deep, planetary scale.

I like the authors who are talking about the things and the world they experienced on themselves. Practitioners. When each word of their word is defined, passes the essence, present. There are no such authors in the texts of unnecessary words, which would be written for the sake of decorating text.

Dmitry Gerovich (Public Campaign "City Forestry"):

There is a book that first seemed to me with something very non-standard, as if even a sociological joke. it "Life and death of large American cities" Jane Jacobs (Jane Jacobs "The Death and Life of Great American Cities"). It is not written in academic style, but affects the issues important to society: who lives in the city? Architect who created the city, like a demiurge, or are these real inhabitants who implement their everyday needs in the city? Jane Jacobs is the first one who became interested in this theme and began to explore why American cities look exactly as they look like (construction along the roads, great use of vehicles). She also investigated how exclusions appeared in such the same cases: as people in specific areas of specific cities remained within the city, and did not leave it.

She puts a lot of interesting questions that I assured me on thinking about modern cities. These issues are universal for modern urbanist and apply to any location in the world. Who lives in your city? Who lives with you next door? Do you know these people? Is it convenient for you to live in the city? I ask these questions about Minsk, in which I live: why do we have such a transport system, it is this approach to landscaping? How best urban areas are suitable for rest? Residents themselves should take responsibility and return the city. At the same time, this is a mutual process: Architects and urban planners should also go towards residents, ask their opinion and offer various solutions.

Inna Panchkovskaya (Legal Service of the Partnership "Green Network"):

- "Circle Circle" Barry Commoner - Book about nature, man and technology. Barry Commoner displays the 4 law of ecology, explaining the global processes in which a man is the main actor. A person who ripped harmonious relations with nature and for his desire for welfare and power does not notice how the world rolls in Tartarara! Using concrete facts, numbers, quotes, the author calls the reader to get rid of the illusion of universal well-being and to see the environmental threat.

Book Barry Commonor I read even at school. Then, in 2009, I did not know how seriously everything was serious, and Commmon knew in the early 1970s. Against the background of the protest actions held at the time due to the construction of a chemical enterprise in my town, the book made a problem for me to be unhealthy. Commoner often talks about social injustice, how a favorable environment becomes a stumbling block for a large group of residents and a small group of power of property.

I advise you to read this book to dispel the illusions about the successes of humanity in the division from nature and take the fact of the existence of the crisis of the environment. As well as in order to link the logic of the environment with all those economic, social and political forces that manage and our everyday life, and the course of history as a whole.

Ecology in the works of modern writers

"It is impossible to allow people to send to their own the destruction of the forces of nature that they were able to open and conquer. "

The modern writer V.Resputin claimed: "Today, it is about ecology today, it means that it is not about changing life, but about its salvation." Unfortunately, the state of our ecology is very catastrophic. This manifests itself in the depletion of flora and fauna. The author further suggests that "there is a gradual addiction to the danger," that is, a person does not notice how serious the situation is. Recall the problem associated with the Aral Sea. The bottom of the arala was unfortunate so much that the shores from the seaports went to dozens of kilometers. The climate changed very dramatically, animal extinction occurred. All these troubles greatly influenced the lives of people living in the territory of the Aral Sea. Over the past two decades, the Aral Sea lost half of the volume and more than a third of the square. The rebeling bottom of the huge area turned into a desert, which became known as Aralkum. In addition, millions of tons of poisonous salts are contained in Aral. This problem can not not worry people. In the eighties, expeditions were organized, the decisive tasks and causes of the death of Aral. Doctors, scientists, writers reflected and investigated the materials of these expeditions.

V.Resputin in the article "In the fate of Nature - our fate" reflects on the relationship of a person with environmental. "Today it is not necessary to guess," whose moan is heard over the Great Russian River. "The Volga itself is moaning, exposed along and across the damned hydraulic plants," writes the author. Looking at the Volga, especially you understand the price of our civilianization, that is, those benefits that man created for themselves. It seems that everything could be defeated, even the future of mankind.

The problem of the relationship between a person with the environment is also raised by a modern writer Ch. Atmatov in the work of "Floch". He showed how a man with his own hands destroys the colorful world of nature.

The novel begins with the description of the life of the wolf flock, which calmly lives before the appearance of man. He literally demolides and destroys it on his path without thinking about the surrounding nature. The reason for such cruelty was just difficulty with a plan of measdachi. People mocked the saiga: "Fear has achieved such dimensions that the Wolf Akbar, Floxes from the shots, it seemed that the whole world of the fire, and the Sun itself was daring and looking for salvation ..." Children Akbary die in this tragedy, but on this grief does not end. Further, the author writes that people arranged a fire in which five more wipe Akbara die. People for the sake of their goals could "stroke the globe, like a pumpkin," without suspecting that nature will also revenge them sooner or later. A lonely wolf stretches towards people, wants to transfer their maternal love on a human child. It turned the tragedy, but this time for people. A man in a rustling of fear and hatred for the incomprehensible behavior of the Wolf shoots her, but falls in his own son.

This example speaks about the barbaric attitude of people to nature, to all that surrounds us. I would like to have more caring and kind people in our life.

Academician D. Lihachev wrote: "Humanity spends billions not only in order not to suffocate, not to perish, but to keep the nature around us." Of course, everyone is well known for the healing force of nature. I think that a person must become her owner, and her defender, and her smart converter. Lovely leopard - Waiga, birching grove, restless bird world ... We will not harm them, but we will try to protect them.

In this century, a person actively invades the natural processes of the Earth shells: millions of tons of minerals are produced, destroys thousands of hectares of the forest, pollutes the water of the seas and rivers, ejects poisonous substances into the atmosphere. One of the most important environmental problems of the century was the pollution of water. A sharp deterioration in the quality of water rivers and lakes cannot affect the health of people, especially in areas with a dense population. The environmental consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants are sad. Echo Chernobyl rolled throughout the European part of Russia, and will still be a long time to reflect the health of people.

Thus, a person as a result of economic activity causes great damage to nature, and with this and his health. How then does a person build his relationship with nature? Each person in its activities should carefully applies to the whole living on earth, not to braid himself from nature, do not strive to rise above it, and remember that he is part of it.

Ecology in the works of modern writers

"It is impossible to allow people to send the power of nature to their own innovation, which they were able to open and conquer. "

The modern writer V.Resputin claimed: "Today, it is about ecology today, it means that it is not about changing life, but about its salvation." Unfortunately, the state of our ecology is very catastrophic. This manifests itself in the depletion of flora and fauna. The author further suggests that "there is a gradual addiction to the danger," that is, a person does not notice how serious the situation is. Recall the problem associated with the Aral Sea. The bottom of the arala was unfortunate so much that the shores from the seaports went to dozens of kilometers. The climate changed very dramatically, animal extinction occurred. All these troubles greatly influenced the lives of people living in the territory of the Aral Sea. Over the past two decades, the Aral Sea lost half of the volume and more than a third of the square. The rebeling bottom of the huge area turned into a desert, which became known as Aralkum. In addition, millions of tons of poisonous salts are contained in Aral. This problem can not not worry people. In the eighties, expeditions were organized, the decisive tasks and causes of the death of Aral. Doctors, scientists, writers reflected and investigated the materials of these expeditions.

V.Resputin in the article "In the Fate of Nature - our fate" reflects on the relationship between a person with the environment. "Today it is not necessary to guess," whose moan is heard over the Great Russian River. "The Volga itself is moaning, exposed along and across the damned hydraulic plants," writes the author. Looking at the Volga, especially you understand the price of our civilianization, that is, those benefits that man created for themselves. It seems that everything could be defeated, even the future of mankind.

The problem of the relationship between a person with the environment is also raised by a modern writer Ch. Atmatov in the work of "Floch". He showed how a man with his own hands destroys the colorful world of nature.

The novel begins with the description of the life of the wolf flock, which calmly lives before the appearance of man. He literally demolides and destroys it on his path without thinking about the surrounding nature. The reason for such cruelty was just difficulty with a plan of measdachi. People mocked the saiga: "Fear has achieved such dimensions that the Wolf Akbar, Floxes from the shots, it seemed that the whole world of the fire, and the Sun itself was daring and looking for salvation ..." Children Akbary die in this tragedy, but on this grief does not end. Further, the author writes that people arranged a fire in which five more wipe Akbara die. People for the sake of their goals could "stroke the globe, like a pumpkin," without suspecting that nature will also revenge them sooner or later. A lonely wolf stretches towards people, wants to transfer their maternal love on a human child. It turned the tragedy, but this time for people. A man in a rustling of fear and hatred for the incomprehensible behavior of the Wolf shoots her, but falls in his own son.

This example speaks about the barbaric attitude of people to nature, to all that surrounds us. I would like to have more caring and kind people in our life.

Academician D. Lihachev wrote: "Humanity spends billions not only in order not to suffocate, not to perish, but to keep the nature around us." Of course, everyone is well known for the healing force of nature. I think that a person must become her owner, and her defender, and her smart converter. Lovely leopard - Waiga, birching grove, restless bird world ... We will not harm them, but we will try to protect them.

In this century, a person actively invades the natural processes of the Earth shells: millions of tons of minerals are produced, destroys thousands of hectares of the forest, pollutes the water of the seas and rivers, ejects poisonous substances into the atmosphere. One of the most important environmental problems of the century was the pollution of water. A sharp deterioration in the quality of water rivers and lakes cannot affect the health of people, especially in areas with a dense population. The environmental consequences of accidents at nuclear power plants are sad. Echo Chernobyl rolled throughout the European part of Russia, and will still be a long time to reflect the health of people.

Thus, a person as a result of economic activity causes great damage to nature, and with this and his health. How then does a person build his relationship with nature? Each person in its activities should carefully applies to the whole living on earth, not to braid himself from nature, do not strive to rise above it, and remember that he is part of it.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Uncle Vanya"

One of the main defenders of nature among the writers of the XIX century was Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. In the play "Uncle Vanya", written in 1896, the topic of ecology sounds quite clearly. Everyone, of course, remembers the charming doctor of Astrov. In the mouth of this character Chekhov invested his attitude towards nature: "You can coat the furnace peat, and build a stone from stone. Well, I admit, Ruby Forest from the need, but why do you exterminate them? The Russian forests crack under the ax, the billions of trees are dying, the dwellings of animals and birds are devastated, and the rivers will dry, irretrievably wonderful landscapes disappear, and everything is because the lazy man does not have the point of breath and raise fuel from the ground. "

Recently, the consoles "Eco-" and "Bio" are becoming increasingly popular. And this is not surprising - on the background of scientific and technological progress, our planet is subjected to painful torture. Recently, scientists have made the discovery: it turns out that cows allocate more greenhouse gases than all vehicles of the world. Recently, scientists have made an amazing discovery: it turns out that cows allocate more greenhouse gases than all vehicles of the world. It turns out that the agroculture, the most "green" region of the economy, harms ecology most?
Permanent paradise

Surprisingly, as Astrov, and in his face the advanced man of the XIX century assesses the state of nature: "We are dealing with degeneration due to the unbearable struggle for existence, this is a degeneration from ignorance, from ignorance, from the complete absence of a self-consciousness when the church, hungry, sick person To save the remnants of life to save their children, instinctively, unconsciously grabs everything, than just you can quench the hunger, it will warm up, destroys everything, without thinking about tomorrow ... almost everything is destroyed, but in return has not yet been created. "

Astrov Such a state seems to be limit, and he does not assume that it will pass fifty or a hundred years and the Chernobyl catastrophe is born, and the rivers will be contaminated with industrial garbage, and in the cities there will almost won't be green "islets"!

Leonid Leonov "Russian Forest"

In 1957, the first laureate of the revived Lenin Prize was the writer Leonid Leonov, presented to her for the Roman "Russian Forest". "Russian Forest" - about the present and future of the country, which is perceived in close connection with the preservation of natural wealth. The protagonist of Roman - Ivan Matveich Vikhrov, the forester by profession and vocation, so speaks of Russian nature: "Perhaps no forest fires caused so much damage to our forests as this seductive hypnosis of the former forest science of Russia. The true number of Russian forests has always been measured with approximate accuracy. ".

Valentin Rasputin "Farewell to Mattera"

In 1976, Valentina Rasputina "Farewell to Mattera" is coming out. This is a story about life and dying a little village of Matyor, that on the Angara River. The river build a brotherly hydroelectric station, and all the "unnecessary" villages and the islands need to be flooded. Matte residents cannot accept it. For them, the flooding of the village is their personal apocalypse. Valentin Rasputin comes from Irkutsk, and the hangar for him is the native river, and it only talks louder from it and more decisively talking about her, and how organically everything in nature is originally arranged, and how easily this harmony is destroyed.

Victor Astafiev "Tsar Fish"

In the same 1976, the book of another Siberian writer Viktor Astafieva "Tsar Fish" saw the light. Astafyev is generally close to the topic of human interaction with nature. He writes about how barbaric attitude to natural resources, such as poaching, violates the work in the world.

Astafev in the "King Fish" with the help of simple images tells not only about the destruction of nature, but also that a person, "spiritually poaching" in relation to everything that surrounds him, begins to collapse and personally. The fight with "Nature" makes the main character of Novella, Ignativer, think about his life, about the sins committed by him: "Ignatich was released by the chin from the boat board, looked at the fishery, on her wide insensible forehead, the armor-protecting cartilage of the ball, Yellow Isnes of the alkali-Moyali merchants are confused, and illuminated in detail what he defended all the lives and about What I remembered right, as soon as I got on my samols, but squeezed the obsession from myself, was defended by deliberate forgetfulness, but there was no strength to resist the final sentence. "

Chingiz Aitmatov "Floch"

Year of 1987. In the "Roman-Gazeta" printed a new Roman Chingiza Aitmatova "Floha", where with the authentic power of talent, the author was reflected modern relations Nature and man.

One day, a familiar lady-extrasence told me: "Previously, the world was full of magic, but at some point, humanity fell at the crossroads - the world of magic or the world of cars. Machines won. It seems to me that this is the wrong way and sooner or later we will have to pay for this choice. " Today, remembering this, I understand that it is worth replacing the word "magic" to a more understandable word "nature" - and all said will become the Holy Truth. The cars won the nature and absorbed us, their creators. The problem is that we are alive. Bones and flesh. To survive, we must be customized on the rhythm of the universe, and not to news releases or road traffic jams.
Technology & Nature

The ecological component of the novel is transferred through the description of the life of wolves and confrontation between the wolf and a person. The Volk at Aitmatova is not a beast, it is much more humane than the person himself.

Roman is impregnated with a sense of responsibility for what is happening in the world in nature around us. He carries good principles and noble life attitudes, calling for respecting nature, because it is not created for us: we are all the only part of it: "And how closely the person is on the planet, how he is afraid that he will not fit, will not feed, it does not get away with others like. And it is not true that prejudices, fear, hatred narrowing the planet to the size of the stadium, on which all the audience hostage, because both teams to win, brought with them nuclear bombs, and the fans, despite anything, yell: goal, Goal, goal! And this is the planet. But even before each person there is an inequisite task - to be a person, today, tomorrow, always. From this there is a story. "

Sergey Pavlovich Zaligin "Ecological Roman"

In 1993, Sergei Pavlovich Zaligin, writer, editor of the new world magazine, the time of restructuring, thanks to the efforts of which A.I. Solzhenitsyn, writes one of his last works, which calls "Ecological Romance". Creativity S.P. Slygin especially the fact that in the center he is not a person, his literature is not anthropocentric, it is more - natural.

The main theme of the novel is the Chernobyl catastrophe. Chernobyl there is not only a global tragedy, but also a symbol of man's guilt in front of nature. Roman Zalina will imbued with strong skepticism towards a person, to a thoughtless pursuit of fetishes of technical progress. Realize yourself with part of nature, not to destroy her and yourself - this is what the "ecological novel" calls.

Tatyana Tolstaya "Cy"

The XXI century has come. The problem of ecology has already acquired completely different outlines than it was thought of half a century or a century ago. In 2000, Tatyana Tatstaya writes novel-anti-nightopia "see", where all the topics developed in Russian "natural" literature earlier, as it were, are shown to the general denominator.

Humanity has repeatedly been mistaken, turning to be on the very verge of disaster. A number of countries have nuclear weapons, the presence of which every minute threatens to turn around the tragedy if humanity is not aware of himself. In the novel "Kysh" the thick describes life after the nuclear explosion, showing the tragedy of the environmental plan and the loss of moral landmarks that stand for the author is very close as it should be for each person.

Sections: Literature

The purpose of the lesson:acquaintance with the work of Kuzbass poets and their attitude to the environmental problems of the region.


  1. To show the evolution of the relationship between man and nature given to their modern confrontation, to the utmost exacerbation of environmental problems.
  2. Education of love for nature, native edge.
  3. Development of speech, attention.


  • portraits of poets;
  • musical works;
  • video "Nature of Kuzbass";
  • reproduction of paintings.


  • teacher's story;
  • expressive reading of poems;
  • work with the text of the work;
  • monologue response of students;
  • commented reading;
  • conversation on issues.

During the classes

But among the caraviline sobs
Not first heard I speech:
We are native expanses and gave
And love do not know how to take care ...

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: What does the word confession mean?

Repentance in sins. In what sins, we need to repent in the 21st century? This thought is well disclosed in the epigraph to the lesson-poetic lines of Igor Kiselev. (I read.)

Yes, we love nature, but often harm her. And today in the lesson we will swam in sins, which are called "anthropogenic impact on nature."

(Showing on the board.)

We show the words of wonderful Kuzbass poets: Gennady Yurov, Igor Kiseleva, Lyubov Nikonova, Valentina Mahalov.

2. The main part.

Sounds "Moon Sonata". We light the candles.

Teacher: So. Gennady Yurov.

Pupil 1: The book of the poems Gennady Yurova is not for easy reading. Her exciting force, the rod motive is determined by rapid time, fate native region. This is the experience of native an impressionable and restless. This is a sad song in which nothing small, siety, unfriendly, because the life of the hero of the poems, in many ways the author himself, is closely connected to a large and difficult life of society surrounding us nature.

For example, an excerpt from the poem "Planet-Kemerovo".

Student 1:

We built - we took coal in a hurry.
Earth at the beginning with a good grin
Watched the game of his sons.
Let go! -
Naively believed
And even, as he knew how, helped,
Us opening in the shores and rocks
Natural reservoirs.

When the explosions were shot down
The earth looked with pain and anxiety.
Lights burned violently in the night
Then he looked with bitterness and fear.
Went under construction, how to go on the fell,
In the drawing, the cuts became rush,
Losing slices, rivers, keding.

Teacher:In Yurov's poems near the motives of guilt, Ukora, protest, some unclear resentment, the motives of confession, repentance and hope are much stronger.

Student 2:

The features change,
Froy not so much.
No coal, chemistry, metal -
As three whales - will dictate their will.
China's whales
Forest, river and field.
From now on our joy and pain
Substate, there will be this three whales.

Pupil 2:He does not try to solve environmental problems, the poetic line, unfortunately, has no preteight. Ecology has a screen to show our moral disadvantage.

Student 3:

I am the chronicler of truth cruel.
I walked with the river to the mouth - from the source
Expensive evil.
For us treated the tale of generations.
The arrow was fatally injured deer.
And the meaning owl is silent in confusion.
And the music of the valley died.

Pupil 3:A good major poet, he walked his word to wake our conscience, calls to kindness and prudence. To us all - printing spiritual unceasing work, mud, anxiety, excitement. Not in vain in the name of your book, the poet issued "Lyrical poems."

Student 4:

My friends!
Now needed
Last Peak - Human Care
About the butterfly, living day one,
About the air that breathe
... peak conscience.
Love mutual peak
So far, nature agrees to us,
While the spring was not dried in the soul,
Do not be satisfied
And the word did not go out ...

Pupil 4:Yurov writes a lot about our Tomi River. In one essay, he shares his thoughts, observations of the processes that occur in the Valley of the Tom River. The topic is still the same: our attitude towards the surrounding nature.

About the grace of the river appears to us.
From horror launched rapidly.
As a lizard,
With crunch, in half
River has a living body.
What valley is our delight?
Then the powerful turbines will start,
The river will lose its source
Or, on the contrary, it will lose.

Teacher: Completely clearly designated the shore of the disorder is the loss of natural values \u200b\u200bas a result of man's economic activity. For the Industrial Valley of the Tom River, it acquired the sizes of catastrophic.

People for household and industrial goals row by excavators rubble and sand anywhere in Tom, without preliminary examinations, analyzes - what are the consequences. And now on the eyes of one generation of Kuzbass rivers, coniferous arrays on the catchment area disappeared, the coniferous arrays on the catchment area disappeared, the large areas are violated by mountain works, Spring and small rivers disappeared, the water pool was contaminated with the emissions of industrial enterprises. And on behalf of the river that cannot shout about the pain that people cause her, Yurov appeals to readers, showing and its purpose:

Song "Lube" "You carry me, river."

I am calling to human mind and will.
I am the pain of the river and the painchair.
Tosca River and Victim of Tuski.
I live one of the data I am aptive:
Her - Forelevoy - Save to the mouth ...
Then let go of pain.
I am the son of the river.

Pupil 5:Gennady Yurov emphasizes one hundred ours anthropogenic influence It has irreversible consequences on nature:

I create a portrait of my native edge.
The features change,
Froy not so much.
No coal, chemistry, metal -
How three whales dictate their will.
China's whales
Forest, river and field.
From now on our joy and pain
They will be subject to this three whales.

Teacher: Gennady Yurova was asked: "Why don't you tell me right where the way out of the created environmental dead end and how do we save the dying nature?" What he answered: "Here you are entering out. I am waiting for solving a problem from you. "

Student 5:

Here again in the ground seeds lay down.
But we need a century, so that the forest began to shoot ...
Coming era
Drugs of land
Sakful nature healers!

Restore in all rights of their own
Planets of our split atom
They will come.
We will praise them
How to celebrate cosmonauts today.

And the will giving welcoming speeches,
To the music of a solemn sense
Celebrate openier Kedrach,
Frontal start
Birch sick ...

Pupil 6: And again this is the desire to feel how "the coast of the spring will develop into the shore of the ocean." It so happened that everything that happened to the country in the last decade for him closes on the fate of the spring-original, initial. Spring on a red hill.

What catastrophes we need
To understand the consciousness shocked:
High groundwater level of the country
Decide Sprinder saved?
Koy will be a new trouble
So that we comprehend time and space
From ruin bird nest
Do you lead to the decay of the state?

Teacher:But rows written during the construction period of the Karapivinsky hydraulic disgrace with the reservoir:

Grading Gorda Little Fate.
Their work is deservedly marked by the orders ...
I'll say so:
Light source - pain
Nature caused by us.

Painty coal and ore are given.
Screenshots of wells drain the field.
Get on this pain in the city.
Plants are risening on pain.

You see:
Burn lights in the night
In the valleys of rivers,
In the collapsions of the mountains and the above
Land confused
Pain his rays.
She's screaming,
Yes, only we do not hear.

My friends!
The process will not turn.
Nature return condemnation.
There will be no liquidation of dams.
And the revival of the mammoth will not.

Student 6:And at the end of his poem "Planet Kemerovo" the poet speaks with bitter-bitter ukriznoy:

I am talking about
My era
How bad to us
When nature is bad,
What will we leave to our sons?
Maybe this edge give the car
And immediately open the layers across the valley,
To be cut in Kuznetsk
Merciless Last Kottalova?

Teacher:And the call for all who master coal cuts:

Land Kuznetskaya is beautiful.
Do not torment her in vain.
Take care of the reservoir.
She will reward Stormice.

Song "Birch Sok".

Pupil 7:Kuzbass is the "industrial heart" of Siberia. In our region, in 1960, numerous metallurgical and chemical plants "Nitrogen", "Carbolit", Cockochemical Plant, Kuznetsky Metallurgical Plant, Novokuznetsky Chemical Combine, cuts, mines worked. These objects of civilization were destructive for the nature of Kuzbass. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that Kuzbass poets scared alarm.

The theme of nature, its complicated relations with a man in the era of the scientific and technical revolution occupied a large place in the work of Igor Kiselev in last yearsAnd it was not a tribute to fashion. Readers, perhaps, can see a certain contradiction in the position of the poet. In fact: on the one hand, "Take me, Zapsib, in the disciples!". Or is the anthem to the native city, which seems to Igor Kiselev "Shakhtar, Chemist, a doctor, and most of all -" a fruner in the tarpaulin raincoat. "

Student 7:And on the other:

Wanda in the blizzard is tired, bring you crazy
Square quarters
Square houses ...
Spacious heart asks.
Prostor ...
But alas:
All the cooler takes us
From soil and grass ...

Pupil 8:Contradiction is obvious. What would you like? Can any significant poet without internal contradictions, without mental struggle, without finding the truth? And do not the same contradictions torment any of us today? We all the way the beauty of the creation, which received its highest embodiment in the great construction sites of our time. And all of us are concerned with the unforeseen consequences of global interference in the affairs of nature. Soothing " golden mean"Not found!

Pupil 8:Igor Kiselev emphasizes the idea that he, and all of humanity is not the owners of nature, but only her particle. He comes to jelling because he sees, hears what breathes. And as if he gives an oath, which will never be offended by this "environment." Sadness is the most natural and sustainable state of the spirit in the lyrics of Kiseleva. In his poems, sadness has a lot of titles. And many shades.

All the alarming man became
Waiting where trouble will fall from:
Flooding, landslides, collaps,
Knowing, earthquake, cold.

Not foreseen the severity of the pile
And she will come, and behold! -
We are in nature - as if the invaders
In the city that gave up to us full.

Without inflatable strength, spending generously -
What to say, warriors! -
We are wearing the planet:
See what she is inside.

And planet in abrasions and scars,
Angry increasingly and stronger
On their inquisitive, and stubborn,
And careless sons.

Pupil 1:For his poems, the awareness of itself is an equal part and forests, birds, and grass. He asked for forgiveness from them for the fact that humanity "did".

Forgive us, trees and grass!
We forget, it is hardly matured,
What the general root is associated with the words:
People and nobility, and nature.
Sorry, Earth!
Drunk from victories
We really appreciate your high light.
You lived with us millions of years -
We will not live without you and years.

Student 9:If thoughtfully read the poems of love of Nikonova from the "Edge of Ecology" cycle, it can be noted that the selection of poems and the composition of the collection meet the main goal: to show the way of the human soul, the Russian soul. The lyrical hero observes the "cramps of the souls", not cope with low and dark in themselves. And first of all, his attitude towards nature. What he did with her, "reasonable man."

Sleepy bird flew
Over the earth, light and white.
And the land continued to smoke.
And the earth was exempted.
Salted the heavenly bird.
And then she became black.
But, risking is about to smoke,
She hung over the earth ...

Teacher:People stood in nature! Cheerfulness - everywhere, there is no salvation from her or birds, nor the earth, no flowers ...

And land under rusty scrap
As if something was imbued in response -
And in the flower reflected a lilac
All your trembling, and pain, and secret.

He stood among smoke and disaster
Unusually beautiful, lonely,
Ah, flower, bell, bubber.
Sirotinka. Lilac flower ...

Pupil 10:Despite the gloomy paintings in the poems of this cycle, Lyubov Nikonov does not lose hope best timesWhen the unity of man with nature is coming. She seems to call around the nature not to lose this hope:

You're split wide, you were
Obiage your ailment, respond!
And the blue will spread again
Above you Major VAC!

The song "On the far station will go".

Pupil 2:Poetry Valentina Mahalov Life-affirming. It is based on the love of everything good, truly beautiful on earth.

I admire a fun pie
And the soul of kindness is not tatt.
You often arrive at me,
My soregruda poultry.

Student 1:In addition, great human conscience, moral purity is emphasized. For example, in the poem "Spring in Taiga", it is not just admiring the paintings of the Spring Nature:

Taiga one hundred colors
But Spring is
And Taiga Zashumit
And again cheerful
And again - young
As a girl in his
Golden years ...

Pupil 3:But also calls to take this pristine beauty:

Sings each trickle,
Each branch blooms,
Take care of her!
Do not ruin her!

Song sounds "Trees".

Student 2:Many poems from V. Mahalov about trust, about the trust of the beast man. For example, pigeon poems.

What they do rush each other,
I, I see, never understand.
Going pigeons like in a circle.
Approaching my window.
In this trembling bird trust
I was happy happy to be visible.

Teacher:The poems of Kuzbass poets make us more thoughtfully treat everything around everything, weigh their actions, think about the concepts of "humanism", "Mercy", "Act", "Nature Defender", "Moral and Moral Values". Only then we, and our descendants will be able to see the sky blue, cloudless blue, flowers, not rare, not disappearing, animals, trustingly reaching a person ...

And at the end of the lesson, let the oath from us, expressed in verses Igor Kiselev:

Student 3:

Thank you, Earth, thank you!
For seeing the lake, I'll drop,
For everything around that I know, I hear, I see.
And these gave bright yours,
While I have blood and love.
Nor not inhabit a word

Teacher: Thank you for the lesson.



Group 1: Read the poem "I am the Son of the River", write examples of art trails.

I am the son of the river,
Whose shore has become cruel.
I say - clean my origins.
I say, bright my sprouts.
No need hopelessness in the ukor,
From one grow root
The words "River" and "Speech".

Group: Make up rebuses about Kuzbass.

3 Group: Perform a comparative analysis of fine-expressive means in lyrics I. Kiselev and G. Yurova. According to the results, fill in the table.

Aspects of analysis Lyrics I. Kiselova Lyrics G.Yurova
Comparison and development of basic verbal images:
a) in similarity;
b) in contrast;
c) on adjacency;
d) on the association;
e) on conclusion.
The main visual means of allegory used by the author: metaphor, metonymy, comparison, allegory, symbol, hyperbole, limit, irony (as a trail), sarcasm, periprase.
Speech features in terms of intonation-syntactic figures: epithet, repetition, antithesis, inversion, ellipse, parallelism, rhetorical question, appeal and exclamation.
The main features of rhythmics:
a) Tonic, Sillaby, Sillaboy Tonic, Dolnik, free verse;
b) Jamb, Jarea, Pyrrheia, Spontia, Dactyl, Amphibrachia, Anadist.
Rhyme (men's, female, dactilic, accurate, inaccurate, rich; simple, composite) and rhyme methods (steam room, cross, ring), game rhymes.
Stroika (two-week, trust, fivestand, katro, sextine, septim, octave, sonnet).
Eufony (fraudulent) and sound recording (alliteration, association), other types of sound tools.