Articulation exercises for a child 3 years. Articulating gymnastics for children from year to three years

Articulating gymnastics for children 2-3 years

Speech plays a huge role in mental Development Child, while it is important in itself. In most cases, according to how the child says, it can be judged, as far as it is developed as a whole.
At the age of 2-3 years, there is a peak in the development of speech, for the pronunciation of children the following sounds are available: Oh, N, T ', D', T, D, K, G, X, B, F. By 3 years they are joined by: th, l ', e, s'. At this age, the kid is still physically ready to pronounce complex sounds. He needed what is called "trained the tongue", so it is very important to provide a child with the opportunity to replenish the active and passive vocabulary stock. In the speech of a child of this age should be a sentence, he can talk, on simple topics - what is his name and family members, what he does, what the weather is.
It is not a congenital ability, it is formed gradually, and its development depends on many reasons. One of the conditions for the normal formation of sound prevention is the coordinated operation of the articulation apparatus (lips, language, lower jaw, soft sky). To develop full-fledged lip movements, language, jaws are useful articulating gymnastics The main goal, which is to give the child to develop a certain skill for competent pronunciation of sounds.
Full classes on the development of the articulation apparatus should be started from two years. Articulating gymnastics for children 2 - 3 years will help strengthen the muscles and gain language mobility, develop hearing attention, control the duration of the mouth of the mouth, clarify the pronunciation of sound-resistant combinations (meow-meow, ko-ko, boom boom).
At this age, children are not pronounced by a speech problem, but for the sake of prevention, uncomplicated employee exercises should be performed.
Basic rules for articulation gymnastics:
. It is necessary to conduct articulating gymnastics daily to the skills generated by the child fastened.
. It is better to make an articulating gymnastics 2-3 times a day from 3-5 minutes at the beginning of work up to 5-7 minutes later. You should not offer more than 2-3 exercises for one lesson.
. You need to do from 2 years old, sitting in front of the mirror so that the baby see his face and the face of an adult and could compare the movements that show him and their own.
. Articulation exercises are performed at a slow pace.

Articulating gymnastics:
Lip and cheek exercises
1. Massage cheeks.

Description: Singing and rubbing the cheeks. Picking the cheeks from the inside. It is best to perform while bathing or washing.

2. Fold hamster.
Description: The lips are closed, you can even hold them with your hands, the teeth are open, "dial the full mouth of the air" - to inflate both cheeks, then inflated the cheeks alternately. Hold cheeks pound 3-5 seconds (take into account the child's capabilities).

3. Hungry hamster.
Description: The lips are closed, the teeth are open, pull the cheeks inside, you can first help with your hands.

4. The ball burst.
Description: Lips are closed, the teeth are open. Clamp with fists on the cheeks, with the result that the air comes out with force and noise.
5. Chick.
Description: Long open your mouth (3-5 seconds) - close. Follow the language to be relaxed, I did not get deep into the mouth of the oily cavity. Repeat 2-3 times.

6. Frog.
Description: To smile widely, show teeth ("Iiiii ..."). Hold your lips in a smile 3-5 seconds. Ensure that the bite is natural, lower jaw did not advance forward. Repeat 2-3 times.

7. Slonik.
Description: Pull the lips with a tube ("Uuuuu ...). Hold lips in this position 3-5 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.

Exercises for the development of mobility of the lower jaw

1. Cowardly chick.
Description: Widely open and close the mouth, lips are smiling. The jaw is descended at about the distance of the two fingers. The tongue - the "chick" sits in the nest and is not superimposed (motionless lies at the bottom of the oral cavity). Exercise is performed rhythmically.

2. sharks.
Description: Mouth is ajar, at the expense of "one" jaw moves to the right, on the "two" - the jaw returns to the place, at the expense of "three" - the jaw moves to the left, on the "four" - the jaw returns to the place, on "five" - \u200b\u200bjaw put forward forward, on "six" - the jaw returns to the place. You need to do the exercise slowly and carefully, avoiding sharp movements.

3. Imitation of chewing with closed and open mouth.

4. Monkey.
Description: The jaw is lowered down with the maximum pulling language to the chin.

5. Sold.
Description: Roth is open. Present that on the chin hung load, which should be raised up, raising the chin and straining the muscles under it. Gradually close the mouth. Relax. First you can hold (do not press much) with a hand, artificially creating a stress for the muscles.

6. Open-closing the gate.
Description: Open Rotik and detain this posture for a few seconds.

Exercises for language

1. Shovel.
Description: Show the baby picture with a shovel. The mouth is half open in a smile, a wide quiet language lies on the bottom lip. You need to keep a tongue in this position 30 seconds. Watch that the lower lip is not pressed.

2. Clean the teeth.
Description: Smile, the mouth is slightly awarded, in turn, the tongue tip away from the inside into the bottom teeth. Exercise do not hurry, trying to touch every teeth. The invoice is first performed in one direction, and when the tongue rests to another.

3. Horsica.
Description: Show the clock with a pendulum or pick up the picture. Open your mouth wide. The tongue is alternately touched by one corner of the lips, then the other. The lower jaw should not move.

4. Gorka.
Description: Show picture with snowy cool Mountain. Open your mouth, hide the tip of the tongue for the bottom teeth, and pick up the back of the tongue. Show a cool slide.

5. Horse.
Description: Slip the tongue of the tongue like a horse with hooves. The exercise is performed at a slow pace, and then the pace is diminishing ("the horse rocked faster"). Watch that the lower jaw does not move, only the language worked, if necessary, keep chin with hand. Repeat 4-6 times.

6. Catch the mouse.
Description: Smile, open your mouth. Put a wide tongue with "spatula" on the bottom lip, say "aaaaaa ..." and bite a wide tip of the tongue tongue ("caught a mouse for the tail"). Repeat 2-5 times.

7. Nuts.
Description: Close mouth. The tongue with the tension is alternately to rest in the left, then in the right cheeks. Hold your tongue in each position 3-5 seconds. Repeat 4-6 times. Control language movements, applying fingers outside to the cheek.

8. Delicious jam.
Description: Smile, open your mouth, lick the top language, and then the bottom lip in the circle. Perform one and then to the other side. Repeat 4-5 times.
Developing a kid with early ageYou will help crumble faster to express your thoughts and desires through words.

SUSLOVA E.O., Educator

Everyone is well acquainted and traditional types of gymnastics, consisting of various exercises for hands, legs, backs, are clear. We train them for the development of common motility, so that the muscles become stronger, and the body is more agreed and fast.

Why do you need to train the language, because it does not have bones? It is this body that is the main thing for our speech, so he also needs special exercises. The development and strengthening of his muscles makes it possible to accurately and clearly disappear all the words and sounds, making it a clearer and understandable.

Articulating gymnastics is necessary for children to develop sound pronunciation skills

Articulating gymnastics - what is it?

Articulating gymnastics is a set of exercises for the development of the articulation apparatus - increasing the mobility and development of mobile motility, language, cheeks, bridles, which is required for proper reproduction of sounds. The purpose of classes by articulation gymnastics is to work out movements by all the organs listed above and bring to automatibus the occupation of the necessary positions.

A child for good diction and pronunciation requires strong lips and language that easily change their position. It is to achieve this and necessary to deal with it with articulation gymnastics, performing special exercises and playing the speech therapy games.

Often, speech defects and insufficiently clear dictations become an obstacle to the complete communication of the child with peers, which negatively affects his psycho-emotional state. It is possible to reduce the likelihood of such problems in children with the help of articulation gymnastics, to start playing which should be as early as possible. For children at the age of 2 - 4, it will help to learn how to correctly pronounce all the sounds, in 5 to 7 years - it will adjust and reduce speech defects.

It is possible to engage in gymnastics for the tongue with a speech therapist or at home in front of the mirror

Who to do with the baby?

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This article tells about typical ways to solve your questions, but every case is unique! If you want to know how to solve your problem - ask your question. It's fast and free!

It is possible to study with a child articulating gymnastics independently, however, it is possible to periodically inspect the speech therapist, starting from 1.5 to 2 years (see also :). By 4 years, it is already quite clearly visible, with the utterance of which sounds the baby has problems. It happens that in five years they pass by themselves, but it is right to assess the development of speech in a child and determine how much it corresponds to age, only a specialist (more in the article :). It is he who should do and adjust the pronunciation of the baby in the presence of problems. Based on individual features, the doctor will appoint a special exercise complex, will explain how to perform them correctly and will demonstrate it in his own example.

Almost in every kindergarten operated a speech therapist, so there are also engaged in articulating gymnastics. It not only conducts a regular inspection, but also, starting with 5 years of age, is engaged in the elimination of defects, conducting lessons for speech development. However, these classes are often not enough, if there are pronounced problems, will require regularly perform all the necessary exercises and at home.

Starting the exercise should be started in front of the mirror - so the child will be able to watch the movements of the lips and the language. Unlike adults who have all movements automatically, the baby requires visual to display all its actions during classes to work out the necessary skills.

The goal of the gymnastics is to make a tongue with strong and moving and teach it to take it necessary for pronounced positions

Adults, pronouncing sounds, do it without thinking about the language setting, lip position, breathing. The child, which only masters their correct pronunciation, all these moments are pretty difficult and low-touch. Lips and language listened to him with great difficulty, constantly trying to take a more convenient, but not always the right position.

It is easier to make classes and more interesting for a child, turning boring and incomprehensible exercises in funny Games And stories about the adventures of the language, accompanying them with verses and riddles. Offer to submit to him that his tongue lives in his house (mouth), where he hides behind a high fence (teeth). He goes to bed, looks into the window, goes for a walk, turns into a kitten or a horse, riding a ship - so you can imagine any exercise, like a fascinating game and a whole story about his life.

Overestimate the value of the articulation gym for kids is very difficult. It is comparable to the role morning charging And there is a similar effect on the muscles of the face - strengthens them, improves blood circulation in them, develops mobility and flexibility. Secure the existing skills and purchase new will allow the daily execution of the recommended complex, having led to classes for 5 minutes several times a day and repeating each exercise from 4 to 8 times.

It is possible that the performance of some exercises can cause difficulties even with you. In this case, make them together with the child, do not hesitate to admit to him in their difficulties. Take care, and keep calm - and at some point you will achieve success. Help you in his achievement are able to pictures with the image of each articulation exercise or special speech therapy video.

Exercises and games

The game with the tongue is one of the first classes of articulation gymnastics. Parents need to read the text of the tale about the tale and show the necessary movements. At first, the child repeats them, next time shows himself.

Below are examples of exercises with brief instructions included in the main complex for the development of articulation motility in children of the younger preschool age. All tasks should be performed 4 - 8 times, dynamic - making 2 - 6 repetitions, for static - linger in the specified position for 3 to 5 seconds. Before each repeat, let's give a child a little time to rest and relax the muscles of the face and language.

Universal complex

  • "Delicious Honey" - we make the following movements - open the mouth and spend on the upper lip of the pointed tongue first in one, then to the other side. During execution, control the chin - it should remain static.
  • "A needle" - sprinkle the mouth and put the intense tongue, putting it to give it a pointed form. Fix the position for a few seconds.
  • "Swing" - to perform widespread mouth and put a quiet language on the bottom lip, then then raise it to the top, then we lower down.
  • "The kitten lacquers milk" - Swipe your mouth and put the tongue, then make some lacquer movements.
  • "Shovel" - to perform this exercise it is necessary to open the mouth and place a relaxed tongue on the bottom lip. Discover in such a position for a while.
  • The "pendulum" - we open the mouth and stretch the lips in a smile, after which they are taking a pointed language and touching his tip alternately to the corners of the lips. During execution, control the position of the chin - it should remain static, and the language - it should not slide on the lips.
  • "Bridge" - open the mouth and remove from inside the tongue tongue in your teeth below. Fix the position and slowly close your mouth, without relaxing the language.
  • "Window" - slowly swing the mouth, and then close.
  • "Oreshek" - without opening the mouth, alternately rests in a tense language in the walls of the cheek.
  • "Smile" is done as follows: the corners of the lips are stretched in a smile, so that the teeth are visible, and then smoothly return to the initial position.
  • "Trulls" - pull the lips ahead, as if we want to kiss someone, delay them in this position, then slowly return to the original one.
  • "Hamster" - closing the mouth, inflation cheeks and delay in such a position.
  • "Cup" - open your mouth, then put a soft language on the bottom lip, bending it up and slowly raise in such a state to the upper sever.

Exercise Exercises for Language Strengthening

Learning the sounds of "C", "s", "s", "з"

With the right utterance of these sounds of the lips, it takes a little stretch in a smile, so that the teeth are slightly visible, and the tongue rests in the teeth in front, the edges touched chewing. With such a position along the language, a groove is formed, when passing through which the inhaled air forms a whistling noise. You can feel his movement, bringing the hand to the mouth. Improve the articulation and learn how the following exercises will help the correct pronunciation of these sounds:

  • "Swirls" - stretch the lips in a smile, hide the tongue from the bottom of the teeth and try to bind.
  • "We blow Wat from the palm" - we stretch your lips in a smile and put a calm language on the bottom lip, slightly breathing it. Take a breath, and exhale the air, as if we try to blow something.

Proper pronunciation of sounds "sh", "F"

The mouth when pronouncing hissing sounds should be kept slightly open, lips - to round, and the end of the tongue - lift to the upper coat, touching it with the edges of chewing teeth on top. With this position under the tongue, a small cup of exhaust appears, through which air passes through the exhalation. You can feel his movement, bringing the hand to the mouth.

Exercise "Delicious jam"

In parallel, the workout of the articulation apparatus is necessary to work with a child over the definition of various hissing and whistling sounds on a rumor. This can be done in a game form - for example, an adult pronounces one or another sound, after which the various words begins to pronounce. Hearing the word with the mandated sound, the baby should show this to an adult - for example, cotton. Learn to correctly pronounce these sounds will help the following exercises:

  • "Delicious jam" - open your mouth, stretch the lips in a smile and spend the language 2 - 3 times on the upper lip, licking it.
  • "Sdun watts from the nose" - put a little cotton wool on the tip of the tongue. We fold that in the "cup", raise them to your wool, and blow it on exhalation.
  • "Singing the language" - we have a wide, in a relaxed state language on the bottom lip.

Studying sounds "h", "Shch"

Sound data can be used only when the child has learned to pronounce deaf hissing. For this, the following exercises will be suitable:

  • "Mother calls mom" - slightly weaken the mouth and put a relaxed tongue on the bottom lip. I pronounce the sound "P'-P'-PI", touching the lip languages.
  • Hold a wide relaxed language - open your mouth and save the position for 10 seconds.

Exercise is necessary for sounds: R, ry, w, h, sh, s, s,, b, d, c

When performing exercises, it is important to maintain language and lips relaxed and carefully control the breath, not allowing its delay. We repeat each exercise for 3 - 6 times.

Studying the sounds of "l" and "l"

  • "Malay" - slightly weaken the mouth and stretch the lips in a smile and drive a tense tongue on the top of the top.
  • "Steamer buzzed" - we open the mouth and stretch your lips as with a smile. Press the tip of the tip of the teeth, exhale and pronounce "s-s" - with the right execution you will hear the sound resembling "l".
  • "Find the cheeks" - clamp the tip of the tier with your teeth and exhale air, inflation cheeks. If the exercise is performed correctly, the air must calmly contend the language.

Exercise "Steamer"

Proper sound pronunciation «Р»

The pronouncement of this sound most often causes difficulties, since he is trembling and front-band. Many parents themselves do not always distinguish it from a similar vibratory thorny sound. The following exercises will help to develop its accurate pronunciation:

  • "Horce" - opening the mouth, weak language.
  • "Mushrooms" - open the mouth and glue the tongue to the upper sky, so as to feel the tightness of the bridle. Secure the position and save it as long as possible.
  • "Drum" - to open the mouth and stretch the lips in a smile. Keeping the position to beat the tongue tongue with the tongue from above, uttering "Dr. D-D-D". When bringing hands to the mouth, you can feel the air outgoing jolts. During fulfillment, it is important to control the mouth constantly open, and the language did not touch the lower teeth.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 1.

"Fish Shells her lips"


Torture and blur lips.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 2.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Widely open and close your mouth.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 3.



Stretch the lips to the side without showing the teeth.

(Hold up to 10).

Articulating gymnastics

Card 4.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Pull the lips forward like a trunk. (Hold up to 10).

Articulating gymnastics

Card 5.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Alternate up to 10 times.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 6.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

The mouth is open, hold a wide tongue on the bottom lip on the invoice: up to 5, up to 10 ...

Articulating gymnastics

Card 7.

"Delicious jam"

Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

To smile, open your mouth, a wide language in the form of "cups" lick the upper lip.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 8.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

To smile, show the upper and lower teeth. Hold up to 10.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 9.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Teeth to close. Round lips and slightly pull forward so that the upper and lower cutters are visible. Hold.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 10.


Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus.

Inflate cheeks, blow up cheeks.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 11.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

The mouth is open. Tay down the sharp tongue forward and work to them from left to right, from one corner of the mouth to another: "Tik-like that, tick-like". (10-12 times).

Articulating gymnastics

Card 12.


Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus.

The horse goes and jumps. Conch the tongue tongue. (8-10 times).

The horse stopped. Pronounce: PrRR ... PrRR ..., Vibratinggubami (5 times).

Articulating gymnastics

Card 13.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Roth open. Pull the tip of the tongue is up, to the nose, then down, to the chin. Language swings: up-down, up-down (10 times).

Articulating gymnastics

Card 14.

"Naughty tongue"

Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus, muscle relaxation

Outlook the mouth, put a tongue on the bottom lip and, pursuing his lips, pronounce: "P'-P'-PI",

"P'-P'-PI" ... (10 times).

Articulating gymnastics

Card 15.

"Merry Snake"

Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue is dried forward, then hide (8-10 times).

Articulating gymnastics

Card 16.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Pull the lips in a patch and twist them to the right and left, right-left ... (8-10 times).

Articulating gymnastics

Card 17.

"Calculate the lower teeth"

Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Smile, open the mouth. The tongue of the tongue to move into every bottom tooth in turn. The jaw does not move.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 18.

"Sweet the Vatka from the palm"

Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Pull your lips forward with a tube and pour on a mob or a piece of paper. You can blow the rut from the table, from the palm of another child.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 19.

"The kitten lacques milk"

Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Fast thrown and retract language. When you retract the edge of the language, as if capturing the milk.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 20.

"Let's play on the lips"

Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus.

Through the lips blowing the air, periodically their shoes: B-BB.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 21.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

The mouth is closed. Inside the mouth is working as tongue. I will cover the tongue, then one cheek, then another.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 22.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Roth wide open. Stay ahead language and work to them from left to right (from angle in the angle), then up-down (to the upper lip, to the bottom) (5-6 times).

Articulating gymnastics

Card 23.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Roth open. The upper teeth led along the bottom lip (5-6 times), then lower teeth on the upper lip, as if combing (5-6 times).

Articulating gymnastics

Card 24.

"Drive the ball into the gate"

Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Pull your lips ahead with a tube and a long to sleep on a cotton ball lying in front of a child, driving it between two cubes standing ahead on the table. Follow the cheeks not inflated. They can be kept fingers.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 25.

(Development of a smooth, continuous jet,

walking around the middle of the language)

Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Smile, put a wide front edge on the bottom lip. Surrive for a long time so that the air jet goes around the middle of the language, and blew the rut on the opposite side of the table.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 26.

"The train whistles"

Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Align ahead the edge of the tongue and squeeze the bubble on it through it.

Bubble will scribble.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 27.

"Clean the bottom teeth"

Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Smile, mouth open, rub the tip of the tongue behind the bottom teeth and tell them from side to side.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 28.

"Pussy is angry"

Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

To smile, open the mouth, hook a tongue with the tongue for the bottom teeth and, without tearing it from the teeth, put forward the back of the tongue forward as the cat puts forward a back.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 29.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

On the tip of the nose to put a rutka,a wide language in the form of "cups", pressed against the top of the lip, blow the rut from the nose up.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 30.


Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus.

Smile, open your mouth, tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth - "De-De-de ..."

Articulating gymnastics

Card 31.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

To smile, make "mushrooms" (i.e., to succify the scolish tongue to the nebu), without taking off the language, open and close the mouth (do not bother your teeth).

Articulating gymnastics

Card 32.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

Smile, open the mouth,put a wide tongue on the bottom lip.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 33.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

The mouth is closed, the tip of the tension of the tension alternately rests on the cheek, solid balls are formed on the cheeks - "nuts".

Articulating gymnastics

Card 34.

"Steamer buzzing"

Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus.

Lips in a smile, open the mouth,with a voltage to pronounce a long "s ..."

Articulating gymnastics

Card 35.


Purpose: Development of articulation motility.

the tongue of language to pat ("paint") a palate.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 36.

"Catch the mouse"

Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus.

Lips in a smile, open the mouth,pronounce "A-A" and bite a wide horseback of the tongue (caught a mouse over the tail).

Articulating gymnastics

Card 37.


Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus.

Stretch lips in a smile and show what a wide mouth at the frog.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 38.


Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus.

pull the lips forward, the tube - get a trunk, like an elephant.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 39.


Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus.

Open your mouth, hide the tip of the tongue for the bottom teeth, and pick up the back of the tongue. Show a cool slide.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 40.


Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus.

Open widespread mouth, drop language. The tip and side edges of the tongue lift: the cup will turn out.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 41.


Purpose: Development of the articulation apparatus.

Open mouth. Six a wide tongue to the sky. The back of the tongue is a mushroom hat, and the ply-off bunch is a leg.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 42.


Purpose: learn to calmly open and close your mouth, relaxing the muscles of the tongue. Hold lips and language in a given position.

To smile slightly, slowly open the mouth (as for souping the sound "A": "A-A-A"), hold the mouth open 5-10 seconds, slowly close.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 43.


Purpose: treat the movement of the upper lip up and in place. Develop mobility and strengthen lip muscles.

The child raises the upper lip, exposing the top teeth, and lowering it back. Exercise is performed up to 10 times.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 44.


Purpose: develop muscle strength and lip mobility.

Teeth almost closed. The lips take the position of the window. Hold them in this position 5-10 seconds..

Articulating gymnastics

Card 45.


Purpose: work out the movement of the language down while performing thinner movements. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

Slightly open the mouth and put the tongue between the bottom lip and lower teeth. Hold it in such a position for at least 5 seconds..

Articulating gymnastics

Card 46.


Purpose: training language rise with simultaneous performing thinner movements. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

Slightly open the mouth and put the tongue between the upper lip and the upper teeth. Hold your tongue in this position for at least 5 seconds.

Articulating gymnastics

Card 47.


Purpose: develop arbitrary movements of the language. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue and cheeks.

The language alternately rests on the right and left cheeks, lingering in each position for 3-5 seconds..

Articulating gymnastics

Card 48.


Purpose: hold the tower of the upper teeth. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

To smile, to open your mouth wide, put the tongue for the top teeth so that the tip of the tongue firmly restrained into the teeth. Hold 5-10 seconds..

Articulating gymnastics

Sounds of speech are formed as a result of a complex complex of movements of articulation bodies - kine. The development of a particular kineary opens the possibility of mastering those speech sounds that could not be pronounced because of its absence. Thus, speech sound pronunciation is a complex motor skill.
For clear articulation, severe, elastic and mobile speech organs are needed - language, lips, sky. Articulation is associated with the work of numerous muscles, including: chewing, swallowing, mimic. The process of voice generation occurs with the participation of respiratory organs (larynx, trachea, bronchi, light, diaphragm, intercostal muscles). Thus, speaking of a special speech therapy gymnastics, it should be borne in mind the exercises of numerous organs and muscles of the face, the oral cavity, the shoulder belt, the chest.
Articulating gymnastics is the basis for the formation of speech sounds - phonemes - and correction of violations of sound suspension of any etiology and pathogenesis; It includes exercises for training the mobility of the articulation apparatus organs, the development of certain positions of the lips, the language, the soft sky necessary for the correct pronunciation, both of all sounds and every sound of a group.

The purpose of the articulation gymnastics - Development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulation apparatus necessary for properly pronunciation of sounds.

Lip exercises:
1. Smile.
Holding lips in a smile. Teeth are not visible.

2. Trumps (tube).
Pulling the lips ahead with a long tube.

3. The fence.
Lips in a smile, teeth closed in natural bite and visible.

4. Bublik (Rule).
The teeth are closed. The lips are rounded and slightly stretched forward. The upper and lower cutters are visible.

5. The fence is a bagel. Smile - Trulling.
Alternation of lips positions.

6. Rabbit.
The teeth are closed. The upper lip is raised and exposes the upper cutters.

If the lips are very weak:
- to inflate the cheeks strongly, keeping the air in the mouth with all his might;
- holding a pencil lip (plastic tube), draw a circle (square);
- Hold the lips gauze napkin - an adult is trying to pull it out.

Lip and cheek exercises:
1. Poking, patting and rubbing the cheeks.
2. Fold hamster.
Inflate both cheeks, then inflated the cheeks alternately.
3. Hungry hamster.
Tighten your cheeks.

4. The mouth is closed. Beats with a cam on inflated cheeks, with the result that the air comes out with force and noise.

Exercises for the development of lips mobility:
1. Focusing and scratching first top, and then the bottom lip teeth.
2. Smile - tube.
Pull down the lips with a tube, then stretch the lips into a smile.

3. Piglet.
An elongated lip tube to move to the right and left, rotate in a circle.

4. Fish talk.
Clap his lips about each other (a deaf sound is pronounced).

5. Squeeze with a thumb and inapplicit fingers of one hand upper lip for the nasolabial fold and two fingers of the other hand the bottom lip and stretch them up and down.

6. Cheeks are strongly drawn inside, and then discover the mouth. It is necessary to achieve that when performing this exercise, the characteristic sound of "kissing" was distributed.

7. Duck.
Pull the lips, squeeze them so that the thumbs are under the bottom lip, and all the others on the upper lip, and pull the lips forward as much as possible, massaging them and seeking to portray the clarition beak

8. Dissatisfied horse.
The stream of exhaled air is easy and actively sending to her lips until they vibrate. It turns out a sound like a horses snorting.

Static exercises for language:
1. Pedes.
The mouth is wide open, the language is calmly lying in the oral cavity.

2. Vopatochka.
The mouth is open, a wide relaxed tongue lies on the bottom lip.

3. Cup.
The mouth is wide open. The front and side edge of the wide language are raised, but do not touch the teeth.

4. A needle (shooter. Powered).
The mouth is open. Narrow intense tongue is advanced.

5. The slide (pussy is angry).
The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower cutters, the back of the tongue is raised up.

6. Tube.
The mouth is open. Language side edges bent up.

7. fungus.
The mouth is open. Language to succumb to nebu.

Dynamic exercises for language:
1. Horsiciki (pendulum).
Roth is ajar. Lips stretched into a smile. The tip of the narrow language alternately stretches at the expense of the teacher to the corners of the mouth.
2. Snake.
The mouth is wide open. Narrow language strongly push forward and remove the mouth into the mouth.
3. Swing.
The mouth is open. In a tense language to reach the nose and chin, or to the upper and lower cutters.
4. Football (hide candy).
The mouth is closed. In a tense language, then in one, then to the other cheek.
5. Cleaning teeth.
The mouth is closed. Circular movement of the language to circle between lips and teeth.
6. The coil.
The mouth is open. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower cutters, the side edges are pressed against the upper indigenous teeth. A wide tongue is rolled forward and departed deep into the mouth.
7. Horse.
Sleep the tongue to the nubble, click the language. Troats slowly and strongly, pull the sublard ligament.
8. Harmonica.
The mouth is revealed. Language to succumb to nebu. Do not pull out the tongue from the nose, pull down the lower jaw.
9. A painter.
The mouth is open. The widespread tongue of the tongue, like a brush, we drive from the upper cutters to a soft nose.
10. Delicious jam.
The mouth is open. Widely lick the upper lip and remove the mouth of the mouth.
Exercises for the development of mobility of the lower jaw:
1. Trolley chick. Widely open and close your mouth, so that the corners of the lips stretched. The jaw is descended at about the distance of the two fingers. The tongue - the "chick" sits in the nest and is not superimposed. Exercise is performed rhythmically.

2. sharks. At the expense of "one", the jaw is lowered, on the "two" - the jaw moves to the right (the mouth is revealed), at the expense of "three" - the jaw is lowered into place, on "four" - the jaw moves to the left, on "five" - \u200b\u200bthe jaw is lowered by "Six" - the jaw is put forward forward, on "seven" - the chin in a normal comfortable position, the lips are closed. You need to do the exercise slowly and carefully, avoiding sharp movements.

3. Imitation of chewing with closed and open mouth.

4. Monkey. The jaw is lowered down with the maximum pulling language to the chin.

5. Angry lion. The jaw is lowered down with the maximum pulling language to the chin and the mental pronunciation of sounds a or e on a hard attack, more complicated - with a whispering utterance of these sounds.

6. Silacha. The mouth is open. Present that on the chin hung load, which should be raised up, raising the chin and straining the muscles under it. Gradually close the mouth. Relax.

7. Put your hands on the table, fold the palm of one to another, rest over the chin in the palm. Opening your mouth, put the chin on the resisting palm. Relax.

Exercises for the development of mobility of the lower jaw (2):
1. Lower the jaw down with the overcoming of the resistance (the adult holds his hand under the jaw of the child).
2. Open mouth with folding the head back with overcoming the resistance of the adult hand lying on the back of the child.
3. Teases.
Widely, often open your mouth and pronounce: Pa Para.
4. Silently, long (on one exhale), say vowels:

5. Say vote voice sounds:
Aaaaaaa, Yayayayayayayaya. Ooooooooo, Yöyёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёё, IIIAIIIIIII
6. Diajointly and passing a few vowels on one exhale:
AaaaaiaiIEEEEEOOOOOO, etc.
Make sure that when pronouncing sounds, the opening of the mouth was fully complete.
7. Say proverbs, sayings, patters that are saturated with vowels that require wide disclosure of the mouth.
Mal, yes delete.
Two of a Kind.
I found a braid on a stone.
Know the edge, do not fall.
What a fisherman is also fish.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
Has Horror, hedgehog's hedgehog.
In the process of performing exercises, make sure that the lower jaw falls freely down, vowel sounds first pronounce a little emphasized.

Training muscles pharynx and soft sky
1. Mind with open and closed mouth.
Score with a wide opening of the mouth, noisy air drawing.
2. Arbitracy.
Spite well with a wide open mouth, with force squeezing fists.
Paddle with a linked language.
3. Mimic the rinse of the throat with the trapped head.
Rinse the throat with heavy liquid (oxygen, juice with flesh, kefir).
4. Swallow water with small portions (20 - 30 sips).
Swallow water drops, juice.
5. Inflating cheeks with a pinned nose.
6. Slowly utter sounds to, g, t, d.
7. Imitate:
- moan,
- Mix,
- whistle.
8. Throw the head with overcoming resistance. Adult holds hand on the back of the child.
Lower head with overcoming resistance. Adult holds hand on the forehead of the child.
Throw and lower the head with a strong pressed chin on the fists of both hands.
9. Retract the chin, pull it into the mouth with overcoming resistance. Adult is trying to hold the tongue of the child outside the mouth.
10. Sell voice sounds a, e, and, oh, at solid attack.
11. Sell by holding the tip of the tongue with your fingers, and. The sound "and" is separated from the sound "a" pause.
12. Inflatte rubber toys, let soap bubbles.

Complex exercises for the development of proper sound pronunciation P:
1. Whose teeth are cleaner?
Purpose: produce language rise up and ability to own the language.
Description: Wide open mouth and tongue of language "clean" upper teeth from the inside, making movement with a tongue from side to side.
The lower jaw is fixed; It works only language.

2. Majala
Purpose: work out the movement of the language up and its mobility.
Description: Smile, open your mouth and "stroke" the tip of the tongue of the tongue, making the language of movement back and forth.
Lips and lower jaws must be stationary.

3. Who will drive a ball further?
Objective: to produce a smooth, long-term, continuous air jet, walking in the middle of the language.
Description: To smile, put a wide front edge of the tongue on the bottom lip and, as if uttering a long sound "f", blur on the opposite edge of the table.
Cannot inflate cheeks.
Follow the child to pronounce the sound "F", and not the sound "x", i.e. So that the air jet is narrow, and not scattered.

Complex of exercises to develop proper sound pronunciation P (2):
1. Delicious jam.
Purpose: to produce the movement of a wide front of the language up and the position of the tongue close to the shape of a cup that it takes when the hissing sounds are pronouncing.

The language must be wide, the side edges relate to the angles of the mouth.

2. Drummers.
Purpose: strengthen the tip of the tip of the tongue, produce language rise up and the ability to make a tense tank.
Description: Smile, open your mouth and knock the tip of the tongue on the upper alveolum, repeatedly and clearly uttering the sound that resembles the English sound "d". At first, the sound "d" to pronounce slowly, gradually increase the pace.
Watch that the sound "d" wore a clear impact, was not squating.

3. Turkey.
Purpose: to produce the rise of the language up, the mobility of its front.
Description: Open your mouth, put a language on the upper lip and produce movements with a wide front edge of the tongue along the top lip and forth, trying not to tear the tongue from the lip - as if stroking it. First, produce slow movements, then boost the tempo and add a voice until it is hearing the bl-blo (as the turkey is bullshit).
1. Follow the language to be wide and did not protrude.
2. Follow the movement of the tongue forward-back, and not from side to the side.
3. The language must "lick" the upper lip, and not thrown forward.

Complex exercises for the proper sound pronunciation of L:
1. To punish a naughty tongue.
Description: A little one to open the mouth, calmly put a tongue on the bottom lip and, sending it to his lips, to pronounce the sounds of P'-five-five ... Hold a wide tongue in a calm position, with an open mouth at the expense of one to five to ten.
You can check the execution like this: to bring the baby to the child's mouth, if it does the exercise correctly, it will deviate. At the same time, this exercise contributes to the development of a directional air jet.

2. Delicious jam.
Description: Slightly open the mouth and the wide front edge of the language lick the upper lip, making the movement of the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.
1. Watch to work only the language, and the lower jaw did not help, did not "sit" the tongue upstairs - it should be fixed (you can hold it with your finger).
2. The language must be wide, the side edges relate to the angles of the mouth.

3. The steamer is buzzing.
Description: Operate the mouth and pronounce the sound "s" (like a burden buzzing).
Follow the tip of the tongue to be lowered and was in the depths of the mouth, and the back was raised to the sky.

4. Turkey.
Description: Open your mouth, put a language on the upper lip and produce movements with a wide front edge of the tongue along the top lip and forth, trying not to tear the tongue from the lip - as if stroking it. First, produce slow movements, then boost the tempo and add a voice until it is heard by the BL (as the turkey wakes).

A set of exercises to develop a correct sound pronunciation L (2):
Purpose: Develop the ability to quickly change the position of the language required when connecting the sound of L with vowels a, s, o, y.
Description: To smile, show your teeth, open the mouth, put a wide tongue for the lower teeth (from the inside) and keep in such a bill from one to five. So alternately change the position of the language 4-6 times.
Follow so that only the language worked, and the lower jaw and the lips remained motionless.
2. Horse.
Purpose: Strengthen the muscles of the language and produce language rise up.
Description: To smile, show your teeth, open the mouth and click the tip of the tongue (like a horse molds with hooves).
1. Exercise first performed at a slow pace, then faster.
2. The lower jaw should not move; It works only language.
3. The horse goes quietly.
Objective: to produce the movement of the language up and help the child to determine the place of language when pronouncing the sound "L".
Description: The child must produce the same movements with the language as in the previous exercise, only silently.
1. To ensure that the lower jaw and the lips are still: the exercise performs only the language.
2. The tip of the language should not bend inside.
3. The tip of the tongue rests in the sky behind the upper teeth, and does not protrude from the mouth.
4. Blowing the breeze.
Purpose: to produce an air jet, emerging around the edges of the language.
Description: To smile, open the mouth, bite the tip of the tongue with the front teeth and pour. The presence and direction of the air jet to control the car.
Attention! Watch that the air does not come out in the middle, but from the corners of the mouth.

Exercises with a spoon:
1. Click a teaspoon in a fist and put to the corner of the mouth, push the tongue into a concave side of the spoon to the left and right, respectively turning his hand with a spoon.

2. Push the spoon in the concave part up and down.

3. The same, but pushing a spoon in a convex part.

4. Language - "Shop". Pain the convex part of the teaspoon in the language.

5. A spoon in front of lips, folded tube, convex side tightly pressing her lips and make circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise.

6. Lips stretch into a smile. A convex part of a teaspoon to make circular movements around the lips clockwise and counterclockwise.

7. Take a teaspoon in the right and left hand and make lungs covering the shoes from the bottom up and downward.

8. Circular movements with teaspoons on the cheeks (from the nose to the ears and back).

9. Sing tea spoons on the cheeks with both hands simultaneously from the angles stretched in the mouth of the mouth to the temples and back.

Exercises of respiratory gymnastics
1. Snow.
The child is offered to pour onto cotton, small pieces, gunki and thereby turn the usual room into a snowy forest. The lips of the child must be rounded and slightly stretched forward. It is advisable not to inflate cheeks when performing this exercise.

2. Ships.
Fill the pelvis with water and teach the child to blow on the light items located in the pelvis, for example, ships. You can arrange a competition: whose boat went further sailed. Very good for these purposes to use plastic eggs from "Kinder surprises" or packaging from the bug, issued by automata.

3. Football.
Build from a designer or other gate material, take the ball from ping pong or any other light bulb. And play with your baby football. The child must blow on the ball, trying to drive it into the gate. You can take two balls and play the game "Who is faster."

4. Bul-boulders.
Take two plastic transparent cups. In one pour a lot of water, almost to the edges, and in the other pour a little bit. Invite the child to play "Bul-Bulk" using a cocktail tube. To do this, in a glass, where much water should be blowing through the tube weakly, and in a glass, where there is little water - you can blow strongly. The task of the child is to play "Bul-Bulds" to not shed water. Be sure to pay attention to the child to words: weakly, strong, much, little. This game can also be used to consolidate the knowledge of colors. To do this, take multicolored cups and tubes and offer the child to pour into a green cup through a green tube, etc.

5. Magic bubbles.
Offer the child to play with soap bubbles. He can blow the soap bubbles himself, if he can't blow or he does not want to do, then blow the bubbles you, directing them into the child. It stimulates the child blowing bubbles so that they do not get into it.

Exercises of respiratory gymnastics (2):
1. Dudge.
Offer the child to launch a narrow tongue forward, slightly touching the tongue of the glass bubble tongue (any glass bubble is suitable from under drugs, vitamins, iodine, perfume; bubble bubble should not be wide). Plot air to the tip of the tongue so that the bubble whistling, like a shoe.

2. Lifting harmonica.
Invite the child to become a musician, let him play on the Garmoshka. At the same time, your task is not to teach it to play, because do not pay attention to the melody. It is important that the child breathe air through the harmonica and exhaled into it.

3 Flower shop.
Offer a child deeply slowly breathe through the nose, scent imaginary flower to choose the most fragrant flower for grandmother or mom. You can use various aromatic sachets for this game, however they should not have sharp odors, should not be dust and cannot be brought too close to the nose.

4. Candle.
Buy big colorful candles and play with them. You light the candles and ask the baby to pour on the blue candle, then on the yellow candle, etc. You need to blow slowly, inhale should not be noisy, you can not inflate cheeks. First, the candle can be reduced closer to the child, then gradually remove it.

5. Kosari.
This exercise can be performed under the sounds of a march: a weak part of the melody is inhaling and "braid lead" to the side, on a strong - exhalation and "spit".

Experts believe that in 2 years in the vocabulary of the child should be at least 50 words. But what to do parents if a two-year-old baby says? From the efforts of adults, much depends, namely: early development Speech in the baby and the meaningful direction speech Development Crookh, his ability to actively perceive words. Of course, every child is individual and begins to talk in a period of time, but to help develop this skill, you can still use special exercises and educational games.

How to talk a child: effective methods of speech development in children 2-3 years

The most common method of developing a kid speech, which are used by parents, this is a reception called "Say Mom". Yes, indeed, this method benefits, but it is far from the only one. This technique is suitable for very little children who have just begun to utter the first sounds. But if this method Moves the crumb just to imitate and unconsciously repeat behind the parents, the following techniques will help the child to pronounce the words meaningful and understand what is being discussed.

Know the items together

Wanting to develop speech skills in a child, try to expressively describe everything he does. At the age of year, children begin to actively know the world around them. They touch the items, open and close the doors, touch all the handles.

Take a rule to describe its actions. For example, when opening and closing the doors, say: "Open the door, close." If the child picked up any object, describe it. For example, if a child took a spoon, you can say: "Look, you have a spoon in your hands. This is a spoon. " Encourage any activity of crumbs and emphasize what it does.

Acquaintance with pictures

There is a lot of educational books with colorful pictures that can help the baby to get acquainted with the world. Buy a baby book for the smallest, for example, from the animal heading called "Who am I?". Showing in a book or on a card, a picture with a cat, you can say: "How does the cat make? - Meow. " Through these classes, you will be able to introduce crumbling with animals and help pronounce certain sounds. This method is ideal for the baby, as it already understands that one animal belongs to one or another sound. Try to study animals that you can see on the street. The baby, seeing a dog or kitty, will begin to say "Gav" or "Meow".

Sound education

To make a child either, try to identify it with a certain sound. For example, if it slams, say "clas-clap", even if he fell, do not run to raise the baby immediately and at the same time be fed, and it is better to say "boom, boom." Children such an approach even cheers and they quickly forget that they just slapped. This method will help crumbs to realize that every movement has a certain sound, it will develop actively memory.

Speech accompaniment

When the kid utters any sounds, ask him to repeat. For example, tell the child: "How do geese? - Ga-ga-ha. If he pronounces something, in your opinion, is a reasonable type "AGU, Buba" repeat after him. The child should be encouraged to speak, try out any sound and encourage it in this.

Speech development classes for children 2-3 years old: Exercises for the development of phonderatic hearing

Phondematic rumor is a thin systematic rumor, which allows you to distinguish and recognize the phonemes of the native language. This innate ability to distinguish between words consisting of the same phonemes among themselves. For example, "Caban-Bank, nose-sleep", etc. There is a lot of interesting and entertainment games that will help develop a phonmematic rumor in a child. Consider a few such.

Exercises and games for the development of phonderatic hearing in children 2-3 years

The essence of this game is as follows: Put the baby with your back to the playing. It is advisable to participate as you can more peoplebut not less than 3 people. The presenter asks to pronounce someone from family members of the child, and he, in turn, must guess who called him.

Play with sounds

If at home there are various tools, for example, piano, tambourine, harmonica or other, offer crumb to guess what tool you play. Accordingly, the baby should not see which item you have chosen, it is necessary that he determined hearing which tool sounded.

Who says?

Offer the child to pronounce the sounds inherent in different animals. Be sure to prepare pictures of animals with their kids. For example, ask to show how "says" a mother-cat is loud and ringing, and as the kitten says quietly and thin. Then a dog and a puppy, a cow and calf, etc.

Repeat after me

This game is carried out according to this principle: Mom or dad retries some kind of elementary rhythm, and the baby must repeat. Then the sounds are complicated. When the child will win the game, offer him to create sounds, and you will repeat. And fun, and useful.

These games will not immediately give positive result. The child in the process of games will develop memory and thinking, which will serve as an excellent basis for the development of phonderatic hearing.

Finger games for speech development in children 2-3 years

Finger games - beautiful and light handswhich contributes to the development of speech in children. Dedicate with finger games for 10-15 minutes a day, but not more. Also, do not try to learn all the games at once, for a start it will be enough 2-3 games, after you can change the games for new ones.

How do finger games can help your child talk? Very simple. The essence of the games is that the parent in the course of classes tells the poem, where the same words are often repeated. Thus, the child perceives the words of Mom and understands what it is about. And then he himself tries to repeat the sounds.

You can start to engage with a child with the most elementary finger games like "Soroka-Beloboka" or "goes the goat". Invite the baby more such a game: Take the toddle of the baby, and, bending his fingers, say the names of relatives. For example, this finger - dad, this finger - mom, etc.

The game "Stand fingers"

Figures the kid's fingers, and then the big finger "wake up" all the others. With the exclamation "Hurray!" Take a completely cam, as if all my fingers woke up.

Children will know the world through touch. You can arrange a whole theater finger, tie or sewing interesting animals for a more interesting and colorful game.

Articulating gymnastics for speech development in young children

Developing the toddler's speech from an early age, you will help crochem to express your thoughts and desires through words. The main goal of the articulation gymnastics is to give the child to develop a certain skill for the competent pronunciation of sounds. Training speech apparatus, you help the child to master the words.

  • Perform exercises regularly, for any skill must be fixed gradually.
  • Do not suggest a baby at once more than 2-3 exercises.
  • Each lesson should last 5-10 minutes.
  • Be sure to fix the exercises passed several times.
  • Conduct gymnastics in a game form, since the baby will not be interesting to perform static, monotonous movements.

In 2 years of age, children are not pronounced by a speech problem, but uncomplicated exercises should be performed for the sake of prevention.

Articulating gymnastics:

  1. "Open-closing the gate" . Offer the baby to open the mouth and delay this posture for a few seconds.
  2. "Show the fence." When you offer a crumb show "Fence", he must close his teeth and smile wide.
  3. "Clean-clean teeth" . Together with the baby, open the widespread mouth and spend the inner and outer part of the teeth.
  4. "Artist". This exercise is more complex. Invite the crumb to the tongue as if to draw any elements in the sky. And then, it is possible as a painter painting completely all the sky.

Be sure to conduct classes together. These exercises produce the mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus. Articulating gymnastics is the key to the handsome and correct sound-proof in the children at an early age.

Speech specialist advice in children under 3 years

Parents often begin to panic when their child does not want to start talking. Regarding difficult speech authoritative pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky says the following:

"The difficulty of speech can be caused by the fact that adults are actively communicating with the child. But when the kid goes to kindergarten, he will catch up, since the children quickly try to adapt in society, purely instinctively. But the likelihood is high that he will have problems with pronunciation, so it is better to deal with the child from an early age. "

R. Levykin, Psychologist:

For the development of speech useful:

  1. As you can talk with the child as much as possible to stimulate him to speak. Ask him questions. Interested in his opinion. Comment on your actions.
  2. Develop a horizon. More walk: Gardens, playgrounds, parks, museums, zoos, walks in the forest, etc.
  3. Develop Motoric Hands: Plasticine, Paints, Crafts from Natural Materials, Designers.

From the book I. A. Ermakova "Talk to me, Mom! Educational classes for kids " :

The correct development of the speech helps the speech therapy massage of the facial muscles. Light massage of the pussy, forehead, lips contributes to the regulation of blood circulation, improves muscle elasticity and serves effective way Prevention of speech violations. Light circular movements should be performed with the pads of the fingers of both hands so that folds are not formed on the skin. Massage needs to be done slowly and smoothly for 2-5 minutes 2 times a day. Course duration - 10-15 sessions. Before proceeding with the massage, you need to crash long nails, wash thoroughly and warm your hands, lubricate your fingertips with nutritious or children's cream.

  1. Perform light circular movements from the middle of the forehead to the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples.
  2. Perform light circular movements from the middle of the forehead to the horses of the ears.
  3. Perform light circular strokes under the eyes of the nose to the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples.
  4. Perform light circular movements from the middle of the forehead to the neck.
  5. Perform light circular movements from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips.
  6. Perform light circular movements from the wings of the nose to the uches.
  7. Perform light circular movements along the contour first top, and then the bottom lips - from the corners to the middle.
  8. Perform light tapping on the lips with fingertips.
  9. Perform light circular movements from the middle of the upper lip to the chin.

Yu.S. Kosimina, teacher-speech therapist of the highest category:

In the family for a child, you need to create such conditions so that he will satisfy from communicating with adults, received not only new knowledge from them, but he enriched his vocabulary, he studied the proposal to make proposals, clearly pronounce sounds, it is interesting to tell.

Expanding the circle of the ideas of the child about the surrounding objects and phenomena, chatting with him to various household topics, close and affordable understanding of the baby, parents will, thereby not only expand its horizons, but also to contribute to mastering the right speech.

The speech therapist Anna Makov on the methods of development of speech at twins:

Twins - the topic is special. They have each other and that says it all. Special language, complete mutual understanding and lack of an incentive to master the language is generally accepted. The most humane of all the test funds (here and the separation / separation of the grandmothers and the division of duties for the education of each between the dad and mom) I think the introduction of children into the team of peers. There, kids are aware of the need to master the speech and learn to voice their needs (which in kindergarten is vital).

Individual communication with parents also helps to "talk" such children. Here your fantasy and resourcefulness. One with dad goes to the store for ... (something very necessary !!! One you can not handle it!), The second remains with my mother .... boil the kettle, wash the dishes, etc.

Do not worry if the child did not start talking at 1.5-2.5 years. It is worthwhile, if a child does not want a single sound for 3 years of life. This is a reason to contact a specialist who will help to find an answer to the question about.

Teach your children, develop their speech, thinking, memory, because a lot of parents depends. And with such a set of modern techniques, books, educational games, you can decorate household weekdays not only baby, but also their own.