What posts will be in the year. Fasting and meal calendar

In order to celebrate an Orthodox church holiday with dignity, with a pure soul, you need to properly prepare for it, for nothing is given so simply, without difficulty. At its core, fasting represents some physical and spiritual limitations that a believer must subject himself to. That is, this is a form of asceticism, during which the fasting person exercises the spirit, soul and body.

Russian Orthodox Christians, according to church canons, hold four long-term fasts annually, three one-day fasts and a fast on Wednesday and Friday. While adhering to the fast, it is very important to understand that restriction in food without restricting one's spirit (from worldly pleasures that "corrupts" a person from the inside) does not contribute to great salvation of the soul.

Let's take a closer look at all Orthodox posts in 2017.

Multi-day Orthodox fasts

  • - February 27 - April 15, 2017;
  • - June 12 - July 11, 2017;
  • August 14 - August 27, 2017;
  • (Filippov post) - November 28, 2017 - January 6, 2018.

Great post

Great post considered the strictest fast, it lasts forty-eight days. Great Lent consists of the Lent and Holy Week. Fasting was established in honor of our Savior Jesus Christ, who for forty days was tempted by the devil in the desert and did not take any food.

These forty days are the beginning of the salvation of human souls. The last week of fasting - Passion Week - reminds Christians of the final days on earth, the suffering and death of the Son of God.

During fasting, you cannot eat meat, milk, cheese, eggs. Great Lent is especially strict in the first week of fasting and during Holy Week. On clean Monday, it is customary to completely abstain from food. The rest of the time:

  • wednesday, Friday - dry food (bread, water, vegetables, fruits, compotes);
  • tuesday, Thursday - hot food without adding vegetable oil;
  • saturday, Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil.

Dry eating - a lean, non-liquid food consisting of bread or other dry food; one of the strictest degrees of Orthodox fasting.

On April 7, 2017, it is allowed to taste fish. Fish is also allowed on Palm Sunday 9 April 2017. You can eat fish caviar on April 8, 2017, on Lazarev Saturday. On April 14, 2017, Good Friday, you must not eat until the shroud is taken out.

During the days of Great Lent, you need to be reconciled with everyone, as well as realize all your sins, and sincerely repent.

Lent in 2017 will begin on Monday 27 February and will end on Saturday 15 April 2017. Already on April 16, on Sunday, the Orthodox Church will celebrate Easter - the greatest bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ.

Apostolic fast

This summer fast was established in honor of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, who by prayer and fasting prepared for the worldwide preaching of the Holy Scriptures. Peter Lent will begin on All Saints Monday, June 12, 2017, and will end on July 11, 2017. The length of the fast varies each year, depending on. The longest Apostolic Fast lasts six weeks, and the shortest one week and one day.

Strict observance of fasting (dry eating) - on Wednesday and Friday. Hot meals without oil are allowed on Monday. On other days - mushrooms, fish, cereals with vegetable oil.

Assumption Fast

A month after Peter's Lent, the Dormition fasting for many days begins, which lasts two weeks. Orthodox Church calls us, parishioners, to imitate the Mother of God, who was continuously in fasting and prayer before her ascension to heaven.

Dry food is set on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Hot meals are allowed on Tuesday and Thursday without the addition of vegetable oil. On Saturday and Sunday, food with vegetable oil is allowed. On August 19, the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, you can eat fish.

Christmas post

At the end of autumn, exactly forty days before the feast of the Nativity of Christ, the winter abstinence from food of animal origin and "delights" of the soul, spirit and body begins - the Nativity Fast. Fasting begins immediately after the day of remembrance of the Apostle Philip, therefore the Nativity Fast is also called the Philip Fast.

The Nativity Fast was established in the name of gratitude to the Lord God for the collected earthly fruits. During fasting, Christians prepare for the great holiday - the Nativity of Christ. Winter fast begins on November 28, 2017 and ends on January 6, 2018.

The food regulation completely coincides with the food regulation of Peter Lent until December 19, 2017, the day of St. Nicholas. If the church feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos falls on Wednesday or Friday, you can eat fish. After the feast day of St. Nicholas and until the very prefeast of Christmas, fish is allowed on Saturday and Sunday. On the eve of the feast, fish is prohibited all days, and on Saturday and Sunday - food with butter. On Christmas Eve, January 6, 2017, you cannot eat food until the very first star appears, and after that you can eat soothingly (wheat grains boiled in honey, as well as rice with raisins).

Church Orthodox one-day fasts in 2017

  • Wednesday and Friday throughout the year, excluding continuous weeks and Christmastide;
  • Epiphany Eve (The Eve of the Epiphany) - January 18, 2017;
  • Beheading of John the Baptist - September 11, 2017;
  • Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - September 27, 2017.

Fast on Wednesday and Friday

On Wednesday, the weekly fast is established as a remembrance of the betrayal of Christ by Judas, on Friday - in honor of the memory of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. On these days, meat and dairy food is prohibited, and from the week of All Saints until the birth of Christ, one must also refrain from fish and vegetable oil. When the days of the celebrated saints fall on Wednesday or Friday, it is allowed to add vegetable oil to food. On the biggest holidays, for example, Pokrov, fish is allowed.

At the same time, it should be remembered that for those who are engaged in hard work or are sick, some relaxation is allowed in the fasts on Wednesday and Friday. This is necessary so that Christians have the strength to pray and work.

Epiphany eve

On this one-day fast, true believers prepare for the purification of soul and body and the consecration of holy water on the great feast of Epiphany.

Beheading of John the Baptist

The fast was established in honor of the memory of the death of the great prophet John.

Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

On this day, Christians pray, repent of their sins and fast, in memory of the suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross for the salvation of the human race.

Continuous weeks in 2017

  • Christmastide - January 7 - 17, 2017;
  • The week of the publican and the Pharisee - February 6 - 12, 2017;
  • Cheese week (Maslenitsa) - February 20 - 26, 2017;
  • Easter (Bright Week) - April 16 - 22, 2017;
  • Trinity Week - June 5 - 11, 2017.

During continuous weeks, there is no fasting on Wednesday and Friday.

Calendar of meals during Orthodox fasting in 2017:

Lent is the most significant period for the life of any believing Christian, because its main goal is repentance (awareness of one's sins and subsequent repentance) before God, and this is one of the central pillars of belief in different denominations.

The beginning of Lent in 2017

For all Orthodox believers, Lent 2017 begins on February 27 (Monday) and will last until the 15th of April, and will portend the great and bright holiday of Easter, for which the bodies and souls of fasting believers are being prepared.
It should be noted that the date of fasting is constantly changing and depends primarily on the date of Orthodox Easter. In addition, Lent is the strictest fast of the entire year. It was established in the times of apostles, although some modern scholars refute this idea and argue that for the first time this post was mentioned in chronicles only in the third century AD. And since then, every Christian on the Forty Day - another name for Great Lent - follows the deed of Jesus Christ in his renunciation of food for forty days, when He wandered in the desert, tempted by the devil.

The essence of Great Lent for believers

Jesus Christ himself was led in the spirit into the wilderness, where he was tempted by the devil for all forty days, during which the Savior did not eat anything. That is, by fasting Christ began the work of saving our souls. Great Lent is a strict fast in honor of the Son of God, and the last week of fasting, Passion Week (week), is established in honor of last days earthly life, torment, violent suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

The main goal of Lent is the complete eradication of destructive manifestations of the human soul and the acquisition of virtues. This is facilitated not only by restriction in food, but also by prayer, constant attendance at church services and a complete renunciation of lies, hypocrisy, foul language, etc.

Not 40, but 48 days

In fact, Lent does not consist of forty days, it includes all forty-eight days of rigorous preparation for Easter, both of the soul and of the body. Parts of Easter Lent: Forty days (first 40 days); Lazarev Saturday (1 day - Palm Saturday before Palm Sunday); Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (1 day - Palm Sunday, a week before Easter); Holy Week (6 days - the whole week from Monday to Saturday before Easter).

Food calendar by day during Lent 2017

  • The liturgical charter describing the main traditions of the life of the church (Typikon) describes the rules of the meal during Great Lent as follows:
  • Meat products (food of animal origin - meat, fats, milk, butter, eggs, etc.) should be completely abandoned throughout the fast.
  • In the first week and the last week of Great Lent, it is necessary to observe the diet especially strictly. Spirit, soul and body must be kept in special rigor during these two weeks.
  • On Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week of Great Lent, food can only be eaten cold (this is called raw food) without oil (not even vegetable oil), and it is allowed to eat only once a day, in the evening.
  • On Tuesday and Thursday of each week of Great Lent, food is taken only once a day - in the evening. Hot food is permissible on these days, but oil cannot be added.
  • On weekends - Saturdays and Sundays - fasting people get some indulgences: they can eat food with the addition of vegetable oil and drink a little red wine twice a day.
  • On the Friday ending Lent of the week (Holy Week) people abstain from food.
  • On the Saturday of Holy Week, fasting Christians do not eat at all.
  • On the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, it is allowed to eat fish, but only if this church feast does not fall on Holy Week.
  • Fish is also allowed on Palm Sunday.
  • If the holidays of the saints fall during the period of Great Lent, then on these days they also make indulgences in the form of wine and hot food with vegetable oil.

What is allowed in Lent

The desire to keep Lent is highly commendable, both from a spiritual point of view and from a health point of view. Doctors unanimously say that abstaining from heavy food in the spring will only benefit the body. However, many, especially beginners, mentally shudder: will they be able to survive these difficult 7 weeks so as not to think only about food all the time? After all, the lion's share of fasting should be given to pious thoughts and prayer. Let's figure out together what foods are allowed for consumption during Lent.


Vegetables, of course, include cabbage, which is of different types and tastes completely different: broccoli, white cabbage, cauliflower, Beijing and Brussels sprouts. You can also eat potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, bell peppers, green beans, carrots. Do not forget about fresh herbs - dill, parsley, green onions, spinach, sorrel, basil, cilantro, leafy salads etc.


Agree, usually a family chooses two or three favorite cereals, and, at the same time, the choice of various cereals in stores is very large. Try to take a closer look and diversify your lean menu with cereals made from new cereals. Legumes Peas, beans, and beans are the most important sources of protein during Lent. And if you or your family members play sports, be sure to include these healthy ingredients in your diet. They can be added to vegetable stews or mashed. Lobio is very tasty from beans, carrots and bell peppers.


Of course, you can and should eat fruits: citruses (oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons), grapes, pomegranates, cranberries, apples. Fruit during the period of fasting can be included in the family menu in any form: and squeeze juice from them, and add to salads.


During Lent, mushrooms will replace meat and fish. Soup, appetizer, schnitzel, sauce-frying for porridge and potato pancakes, roast, etc. are prepared from carefully washed and peeled mushrooms.


According to the strict rules of the Easter fast, fish is prohibited, but it can be used, as mentioned above, on the feasts of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. And on Lazarev Saturday, fish caviar is allowed.


There is good news for those with a sweet tooth: sweets can also be eaten during Lent, but they should be prepared without the use of short foods. You can: oatmeal cookies, halva, dark chocolate without milk, lollipops, kozinaki, cranberries in icing sugar, honey and sugar.

The drinks

If you are really bored of milk, try to find soy or coconut in stores. You can also find soy yogurts and soy tofu. You can: cocoa (real, non-instant mixtures containing milk powder), coffee, tea, compote, uzvar, fruit drink, juice, jelly, red wine on weekends (not on Holy Week).

Other products

  • You can also include in your diet:
  • seaweed;
  • korean salads;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • pasta with no eggs;
  • flour products made from flour, water and salt; bread (without the use of milk and eggs), unleavened pita bread, crisps;
  • sauces (ketchup, lean mayonnaise, adjika, soy sauce, tomato paste);
  • balsamic, apple, table vinegars.

We remind you that Great Lent is one of the strictest fasts in the church calendar and begins seven weeks before Easter. It consists of forty days (Fourtecost) and the week before Easter (Holy Week). Lent will end in 2017 on April 15.

Great Lent: what can you eat?

It is believed that during Lent one should not eat food of animal origin - meat, eggs, milk. On certain days (Palm Sunday and the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos), believers are allowed to eat fish.

According to the church charter, during Great Lent there are certain rules in nutrition: in particular, a particularly strict fast is observed during the first and last week. At the same time, it is allowed to eat only once a day, in the evening, however, on Saturdays and Sundays, it is allowed to eat food twice a day - at lunch and in the evening.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday food should be eaten cold, without vegetable oil. Hot food without oil is allowed on Tuesdays and Fridays. On Saturdays and Sundays, it is allowed to add vegetable oil to food, and it is also allowed to use grape wine (except on the Saturday of Holy Week).

Beginning on Good Friday, you should completely refrain from eating food until the coming of Easter.

What can you eat during Lent?

Despite all the restrictions, you should still eat as varied and balanced as possible during Lent. The main foods allowed during the fast are black rye bread, cereal bread, cereals, pickled and pickled vegetables, berry and fruit jam. Also, mushrooms, legumes, dried fruits, nuts, honey are not prohibited. It is allowed to eat fish twice during the whole fast.

Great post 2017: schedule by day

The Feast of Forgiveness Sunday marks the beginning of the first week. There are no food restrictions on this day.

Wednesday requires only raw plant foods, as well as bread.

Thursday will have to be spent in complete abstinence.

Hot foods can be included on Friday and Saturday nights.

Sunday of the week is considered the first week of Great Lent. It symbolizes the victory of the righteous faith over heresy and is called the Triumph of Orthodoxy. The pious festival allows you to eat hot and baked food, as well as drink two cups of wine.

Monday is the day of dry eating; hot food will have to be completely abandoned.

Tuesday marks the day of memory of the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia. You can eat hot food and also drink one cup of wine.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - dry food with one hot meal.

On the Saturday of the second week, you can include hot food and two cups of wine on the menu.

In the second week of Great Lent, the memory of St. Gregory Palamas is honored. He preached the doctrine of the power of fasting and prayer. Hot food and two cups of wine are permissible on this day.

From Monday to Friday, you will have to be content with dry eating and one hot meal.

On Saturday, hot food with vegetable oil and one cup of wine is acceptable.

It is called Cross-worshiping or Sredokrossnaya. Starting from Sunday until Friday of the fourth week, the life-giving cross takes the place of the holiday icon in the center of the church. The glorification of the Holy Cross is going on as a symbol of great power. On Friday, after the readings, the cross is moved back to the altar with a solemn procession.

Monday through Wednesday and Friday - dry food with one hot meal in the morning.

Annunciation is celebrated on Thursday, hot food and fish are allowed on this day.

On Saturday you can enjoy hot food and one cup of wine.

The beginning of the week is marked by the week dedicated to the theologian John Climacus. As hegumen, he created the great scripture "The Ladder of Virtues", in which he described in detail all the milestones and the path of spiritual perfection.

Throughout the week in the diet, you need to alternate dry eating with hot food.

Week of the sixth week is the day of memory of the Monk Mary of Egypt. Her life is an example of great repentance. After 17 years of living in sin, Mary tries to enter the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, but an unknown force prevents her from doing so. After spending long hours praying in front of the icon of the Mother of God, Mary feels an inner purification and enters the church. The next day, she crosses the Jordan River and begins a hermitage. She spends the rest of her days in prayer and abstinence. Mary's story is an example of the Lord's boundless mercy to repentant sinners. This week you can drink two cups of wine and eat hot food.

On Monday, strict dry eating must be observed.

On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, one hot meal is allowed.

The onset of Lazarevskaya Saturday allows believers to taste some fish caviar, pamper themselves with hot food and two cups of wine.

Begins with Palm Sunday. This day marks the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem. At his feet, people threw numerous branches, we have replaced them with willow.

On this day, you can enjoy the taste of fish dishes and hot food. It is allowed to drink two cups of wine.

All the days of Passion Week are called great. The diet allows raw vegetables and fruits, as well as hot broth once a day.

On Maundy Thursday you can eat porridge without oil.

The last day of Great Lent is Great Saturday. On this day, many believers completely refuse food until the bright holiday of Easter.

Before you start observing Great Lent, it is a good idea to first consult with your spiritual mentor or priest, who will help you carry it out correctly. In most cases, a modern person should not adhere to the traditional monastic menu, since for this you need to have a prepared body. As a rule, a special nutritional calendar compiled by nutritionists and containing many healthy and tasty dishes helps to withstand the difficult Lent. They are close to the daily diet of the average person and will help brighten up difficult days of abstinence.

Strict dietary restrictions must be adhered to during the Nativity Fast. With the help of a food calendar, you can plan your diet correctly. You will also find out what dishes you can pamper yourself with during this period.

December 28th.Indulge in your favorite hot dishes cooked in vegetable oil.

December 29th.Before the weekend comes, you will have to reject hot foods and add predominantly plant-based foods to your diet.

January 1, 2. Eliminate hot meals cooked in vegetable oil from your diet.

4 January.You can again indulge yourself with hot food, but without the addition of vegetable oil.

January 6. Christmas Eve has come, which means that the fast has come to an end. It is believed that on this day it is undesirable to eat before the first star appears. After that, you can prepare delicious meals with the addition of oil. On a church holiday, wine is not subject to a ban.

During the period of fasting, people are cleansed not only by the body, but also by the soul. For this it is necessary to do good deeds and say prayers every day. By neglecting this rule, you are turning the Christmas fast into a regular strict diet. We wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Great Lent, Forty-day is one of the most important and long-lasting fasts in Christianity. It is found in the Orthodox, Catholic, in ancient Eastern churches and Protestant denominations.

Easter fast (since it lasts until Easter) marks the repentance of a person for sins, the desire to gain spirituality through some restrictions in everyday life and the rejection of certain types of food.

Great Lent was established by the church in memory of the wanderings in the desert of Jesus Christ, who for 40 days, despite the temptations of the devil, denied himself food, food and various joys. Fasting ends with Easter.

When does fasting start?

The very title of the post - "The Forty Day" - contains information about the number of days during which it lasts. Thus, the duration of fasting is about 40 days, the actual number of days depends on the specific religious denomination.

Interesting: this quantitative symbol "forty" is found in the name of Lent in Latin - quadragesima, in Italian quaresima (quaranta - forty), in Greek τεσσαρακοστή (fortieth), as well as in French, Spanish, Croatian and other European languages.

So, from what date does Great Lent begin in 2017 for Orthodox Christians?

The date of fasting is annually calculated by the church according to a certain scheme, fasting before Easter 2017 will begin on February 27 and will last six weeks, which are named after the ordinal number, plus Holy Week. Thus, the duration of the Orthodox fast is 48 days, its end date will be April 15, and Sunday April 16 will be the day of Easter.

Four weeks before the beginning of the fast, believers prepare for its key meaning - repentance. Each week is named differently, and carries a special sacred meaning and is distinguished by the observance of certain traditions and norms of behavior.

The first week is called "about Zacchaeus" and means "liberation from that which possesses us", that is, this week a Christian should try to mentally or aloud wish himself to tune in to spiritual purification and asceticism.

The second week is called "about the publicans and the Pharisees" and marks the rejection of hypocrisy. The desire to repent of sins should come from the heart, be sincere. It is allowed to eat light foods this week, including Wednesdays and Fridays.

The third week "about the prodigal son" marks two important virtues of the believer: repentance and forgiveness. The prodigal son through suffering came to his father with repentance, and he, in turn, also suffering, forgave him.

Fourth week "about the Last Judgment". This period means the importance of a Christian's virtuous life regardless of future benefits, that is, to do good deeds at the behest of the soul, and not for future salvation. Meat and other meat products may be consumed this week.

The fifth week - "Meatopust" or Pancake. This week, Christians break their fast before the strictest fasting, they are allowed to eat fish, eggs and dairy products, but meat is prohibited ("I let go of the meat"). At the same time, on Wednesday and Friday, it is supposed to eat once a day - at dinner. The preparatory period before the fast "Forgiven Sunday" ends, when everyone must repent of their sins and ask for forgiveness from loved ones and everyone who, voluntarily or involuntarily, offended.

Thus, these few weeks of partial self-restraint ensure the gradual transition of believers to an ascetic lifestyle during a long forty days.

7 rules of Great Lent

Many people are accustomed to thinking that fasting is about restricting food. One has only to adhere to a lean diet and deny yourself unhealthy, familiar food. However, this is not at all the case. Lean food can be called a diet in which weight loss is possible, but the purpose of fasting is to purify a person's state of mind.

What is forbidden and unacceptable for a person who is fasting?

  • It is certainly worth starting to fast with the sacrament and confession. When you do this, you will understand what it means and carries with it spiritual "relief".
  • No need to use foul language. Very often people cannot convey, express thoughts, feelings and feelings without foul language. Having decided to fast, a person should, with all his might, try not to use foul language, no matter how difficult it may be for him.
  • Thoughts must be honest. There is no need to hide resentment, keep anger, not take revenge, not think about the bad. You also need to get rid of envy, evil, do not lie. Bad thoughts and thoughts need to be let go, fight them, because they can break you, and ruin your life.
  • Help people. If you are asked for help, then do your best, try to help the person, not refuse. You must sincerely want to help someone in need and do your best. After such an act, you will feel warm and pleasant from the fact that you were able to help and came in handy in this situation.
  • Try to avoid the holidays. Don't throw big, noisy fun and parties. Undoubtedly, it is better to give preference to watching calm, favorite movies or reading your favorite book.
  • Forget about bad habits... It's an excellent excuse to take a step towards a healthy, fulfilling lifestyle and peace of mind. During Great Lent, the use of alcoholic beverages is unacceptable, and you also need to quit smoking.

Set aside bodily pleasures for a while. By rejecting them, you will accumulate a unique desire, which will subsequently bring you unforgettable pleasure.
Important: for all 48 days, a complete rejection of food of animal origin, meat and its derivatives must be observed. On some days there is a ban on the use of vegetable oils, and on some days - fasting.

You will understand that thanks to Lent, your life has undoubtedly changed completely, and you will forget about the past way of life. You will realize how you have changed, what work you have done and how you have grown above your former self. If you stick to the rules of fasting, you will surely notice how you have become a renewed person!


The entire post in 2017 can be conditionally divided into 7 weeks, the first and the last are the strictest.

Week 1: All food is prohibited on Monday, only bread and water can be consumed on Tuesday, on Wednesday and Thursday, raw food is allowed, on Friday food is allowed to be cooked, and on weekends you can add oil and drink some wine.

Weeks 2-6: Raw food on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, cooking on Tuesdays and Thursdays, adding oil and wine on weekends. Exceptions are church holidays: on the Annunciation, boiled food without oil, fish is allowed, on Lazarev Saturday, you can include caviar in the diet, and on the last Sunday, Palm, fish.

Holy Week: on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, raw food is allowed without oil, on Thursday - boiled with oil and wine (in memory of the Last Supper), on Friday you must completely abstain from meals, on Saturday you can eat raw food without oil and a little wine.

On raw food days, you can eat honey, nuts, dried fruits, vegetables and fruits, and bread. On other days, cereals, pasta are allowed. Milk, eggs, meat, chicken, fish and seafood are prohibited.

How to quit Lent

Lent requires severe food restrictions. The body experiences an acute deficiency of protein food, but it must be replenished very carefully. It is not recommended to eat more than two eggs on Easter. Protein should be included in the diet gradually so as not to cause a stressful reaction in the body. Why has mankind been subjecting itself to such torture of soul and flesh for so many centuries? After all, it is not at all easy to change your usual way of life, depriving yourself of pleasures, social pleasures, the joy of communicating with friends, delicious food and drink.

For a modern person, the fasting period is of great importance. This time is necessary in order to reject many things that were the pleasant side of life, to switch contemplation inside your soul. Spending days in prayer and humility, leading an ascetic lifestyle, a person must learn to analyze his actions in order to later find the strength to say “no” to possible temptations that can lead him to take wrong steps.

Having gone through the suffering associated with the observance of restrictions, Christians must learn to forget and forgive offenses, refuse aggression, and help those in need. During this period, it is useful to remember that in addition to entertainment establishments, there are places where unhappy people live who need support: orphanages, hospices, hospitals, orphanages and boarding schools. This time can be devoted to charity and sacrifice, to fill your life with a new meaning of helping others.