Rowan use and harm treatment properties. The benefits and harm of rowan

In traditional and traditional medicine, red rowan is widely used. What is its benefit and harm?

Red rowan is well known as a decorative plant. Its fresh fruits serve as feed for poultry and livestock, and recycled berries are used as raw materials for the confectionery industry, for the production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Red (ordinary) rowan has long been used in folk medicine, but in some diseases it can only harm.

Composition of red rowan

The benefits and harm of the fruit are due to their rich composition. Berries are contained sugar, apple, wine, lemon, succinic acid, tanning and pectin substances, sorbitol, sorbiz, amino acids, ascorbic acid, sorbic acid, flavonoids, triterpene compounds, carotene, dietary fiber. Rowan is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E and PP, micro and macroelements.

Due to this composition, red rowan can be used as a means that contributes to the digestive process, stimulates the metabolism, improves the elasticity of the vessels, has antibacterial, astringent, diuretic and choleretic effect.

Beneficial features

Dosage purposes use rowan berries. AT fresh form Fruits are practically not used in food due to bitterness. Of them prepare infusions, pasta, fresh juice, powder, they are part of the vitamin fees. In traditional medicine, infers and teas are shown in avitaminosis, used as a diuretic and hemostatic medication.

In folk medicine, the rowan has long been used as a choleretic agent. These properties are explained by the content of sorbic acid and sorbitol. Sorbic acid "fear" bacteria, fungi, viruses. Animal experiments have shown that sorbitol reduces the fat content in the liver and cholesterol in the blood. In addition, due to sorbitol, the rowan is effective in chronic constipation, which accompanies the diseases of the biliary tract. Sorbitol causes a laxative effect for several hours.

Powder from rowan fruits is added to the diet of people suffering from diabetes and obesity. Due to the content of pectin, this tool binds some of the carbohydrates in the intestine. In addition, organic acids contained in ripper prevent excess gas formation in the intestine.

Outward infusion of rowan fruits are used as a wound-healing agent, and the decoction is used for rinsing during qing. For example, for the treatment of purulent injections prepare Masha Cashitz. For this, the bunch of rowan is well washed with flowing water, the berries take off and swell them with a wooden mortar. Such "ointment" contributes to the healing of wounds and bruises.
Power and diuretic tea from fresh or dried rowan berries will be useful when walled diseaseswhich are accompanied by high temperatures.

Antifungal agent for outdoor use can be prepared from fresh rowan leaves. For this, they are tricious, apply them to the affected areas of the skin and binds. The bandage needs to be changed every day.

In the food industry from rowan berries prepare useful jams, jams, frost, as well as emphasis, tincture and wines.

Red rowan - good honey. The honey obtained from it has a reddish tint, a pleasant strong fragrance and also has therapeutic properties.

To whom is contraindicated Rowan

Harm Red Rowan can bring people who have increased acidity of gastric juice. In addition, infusions, juice, decoction from it cannot be used with increased blood clotting, to those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke, is sick of coronary heart disease.

Rowan red is a fruit tree growing throughout Europe, Asia and North America. The Latin name Sorbus Rowan has acquired from Celtic Sorb - bitter. Orange-red bunches of her fruits lose their natural bitterness after the first frosts. Then the time of their collection comes. In addition to berries, in therapeutic purposes Leaves and bark are used. Leaves are better to collect during the flowering period, the bark is early in the spring when the juice movement begins.

The sphere of use of rowan fruits is limitless. To round year Hanging a magnificent raw material for the prevention and treatment of many ailments, in late autumn Ryabina should be prepared. There are several basic ways of billets of berries.


An excellent device for drying rowan is an electric dryer, but you can dry the fruits on the contrary at minimum temperatures oven With a dutched door. You can use and drying outdoors. In this case, pure berries are laid out in one layer on paper or tissue and in the drying process are periodically mixed to avoid moldy. After drying, the berries are stored 2 years in a wooden or glass container under the lid.

Panty Rowan.

Red rowan should be washed, separate the berries from the fruits and skip through the meat grinder. Then mix with an equal amount of sugar, decompose on banks and stored in the refrigerator.


Traditionally, pressed with the juicer, then bottled on banks, sterilized and clogged. It should be stored in a dark, cool place. Such juice does not like long, but you can use another recipe for the workpiece. Locked and washed berries blanched in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then wipe or squeeze with juicer. Separately prepare sugar syrup in the proportion of 200 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. Proponed the weight with the syrup, to bring up to 80-90 degrees, not allowing the boil, pour into a pre-sterilized container and tap. The juice prepared in this way, the juice of red rowan is just a cold season, although it will lose a small part of the useful substances in conservation.

In the off-season when immunity is weakened and chronic diseases are exacerbated, red rowan should always be in a green first-aid kit: the benefits and harm for its rich composition are determined individually for each case.

Ryabina fruits are a treasury of valuable substances. Her fruits are rich in vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, K, P and PR. The content of ascorbic acid is especially impressive - here Rowan is even lemon. And on the specific weight of the carotenoids, it leaves behind their traditional source - carrots. Otherwise, in the fruits of Ryabin there is a whole complex of macro and trace elements, among which iodine, calcium, phosphorus, iron, molybdenum, bromine, copper and magnesium. Many in rowan organic acids, flavonoids and tanning substances.

Such an extensive composition cannot be offered by folk medicine. It is difficult to find a disease, the cure of which rowan fruits would not be promoted.

  • Rowan juice is a magnificent means of restoring the strength and vitaminization of the body in seasonal avitaminos, lowered hemoglobin and the decline of forces. If dried fruits are harvested, then you can twist a tablespoon in 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist a little in the thermos, and after cooling add honey. This vitaminized drink is able to restore immunity and increase the body's resistance.
  • Rowan tea will help with intestinal disorders. It can be used in a cup three times a day.
  • Powan juice is useful in gastritis with low acidity and gallbladder diseases. It should be used for 1 tsp. Before each meal.
  • As a laxative, as well as for cleansing the intestine, 50 ml of rowan juice should be taken before meals, it is possible to add honey, or 1 tbsp. l. Running with sugar berries.
  • Rowan is an excellent antiseptic. This concerns both its fruits and bark with leaves. From the Juice of Rowan, you can make a solution for rinsery of the throat with inflammation of the tonsils (1 tsp. Juice for a glass of water), fresh leaves are treated with fungi skin diseases, imposing them on the center under the bandage and regularly changing, and the compresses with the decoction of the cortex are effective in inflammatory processes. on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • With poisoning (including carbon monoxide) and toxicosis, fresh berries will be most useful. They should be chewed in a few pieces or taken in a grinding with honey. This does not apply to pregnant toxicosis, for which the use of red rowan is unacceptable.
  • Known recipes for red rowan warts. To do this, the warts are applied with fresh juice tampon and fixed the plaster or glue the fetus cut. As the juice and drying are absorbed, the compress should be changed. The displacement course is at least two weeks.
  • Rowan masks are well vitamined the skin of the face. To do this, a little honey or sour cream are added to the fresh berries, if necessary, bringing water to obtain a casket consistency. Masks can be left for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water without soap.

Red Rowan: Contraindications

Despite the exceptional set of useful properties, Rowan has its own list of contraindications that cannot be left unattended. Therefore, it should be careful, making the medical-preventive complex, the basis of which will be red rowan: the benefits and harm must be analyzed and weighed.

Contraindications for the use of rowan fruits can be: states accompanied by increased acidity, ulcerative disease, slowing down and blood flow, increased clotting, and as a result - thrombophlebitis, ischemic heart disease, as well as suffered heart attacks and strokes. Especially undesirable to use red rowan during pregnancy to avoid its interrupt, since since ancient times its berries are used as a folk contraceptive. With great care, rowan should be used in therapeutic purposes in the age range of 45 years.

Red rowan, its health, contraindications and possible harm From consumption known to humanity for several thousand years.

The unique qualities of Ryabina provided it with a special place in folk medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Red Rowan continues and now attract attention to itself and enjoy great popularity.

Did you know? The ancient Greek myths tell about the origin of bright berries and cigarette leaves of Ryabina from feathers and droplets of the Eagle, who fought with the demons, saving the bowl of the goddess Gebe. Celtic druids attributed rowan to twelve sacred trees. Rowan berries ("Food of the Gods") could heal the wounded, and each eaten berry brought the year of life. The German-Scandinavian and Slavic mythology considered Ryabin in the female tree (the Goddess of Freya wore a rowan necklace), a tires of the pereun, a tree-faith, a symbol of fertility and love.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of red rowan

The utility of red rowan is known to have long been. Rowan - a perennial plant (can live up to 200 years), and all it (branches, bark, flowers, leaves, fruits) are literally impregnated with vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

Ryabina fruits are especially rich in vitamins. With their help, you can fill the vitamin deficit in winter and early spring.

Chemical analysis shows that 100 rowan grams contain:

  • 81 mg of ascorbic acid is almost twice as much vitamin C than in lemones and oranges;
  • 9 mg β-carotene, i.e. superior to many varieties;
  • 2 mg of tocopherol;
  • 0.5 mg of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) is one of the leading places among fruit and berry crops;
  • 0.2 μg folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • 1500 μg of retinol (vitamin A) - ranks fifth after fish fat, beef and crackle liver and carrots;
  • 0.05 mg of thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • 0.02 mg of riboflavin (vitamin B2);
  • minerals (magnesium (331 mg), potassium (230 mg), copper (120 μg), phosphorus (17 mg), sodium (10 mg), calcium (2 mg), manganese (2 mg), iron (2 mg)) .
A large amount of vitamin C and flavonol (hyperoside, astragalin, etc.) is in the leaves, quercetin and spiroside - in the colors, glycoside amygdaline and fatty oils - in seeds, tannins - in the crust.

The energy value is 100 g of berries - 50 kcal (81.1 g is water, 8.9 g - carbohydrates, 0.2 g - fats, 5.4 g - food fibers, etc.). In the fresh form, the rowan fruits in food are practically not used: the presence of sorbic acid (natural preservative with antimicrobial properties) gives the berries taking care-bitter taste.

When processing berries (in the manufacture of jam, tinctures, etc.), as well as under the influence of cold, this acid is easily split, bitterness disappears, there is a pleasant tartaxy (Ryabina Red is acceptable for children in the form of jam, marmalade, pastes, jam, etc.) .

Did you know? Scientific name Rowan Red - Sorbus Aucuparia. The origin is connected with the Celtic word "tart" - "Sor" and Latin "Aucupari" - "What Birds Like". Slavic names "Rowan", "Gorbin" comes from "Ryab" (freckling, row) due to bright color of rowan berries. V. Dal also produces the name of the rowan from "to merry" - clean, clean. Slavs believed that the rowan purifies the air, water, the surrounding space from all badly, is bad.

Useful properties of rowan red for the body

The widespread spread of rowan in Eurasia and North America, the presence of more than 100 species of this plant facilitated the work of breeders, during which new varieties appeared (large-way, without bitterness, honey, etc.), which are actively used in cooking.

Ryabina Red (ordinary) of all rowan varieties is most often and actively used in medicinal purposes due to its pronounced useful properties:

  • abundance of vitamins and minerals (avitaminosis prevention);
  • bactericidal properties of phytoncides (prevention and counteraction to intestinal infections, braking of rising fungi);
  • jellying property (gas formation prevention, excess carbohydrates);
  • the presence of sorbitol (assistance in constipation, safe for diabetics);
  • diuretic effect (treatment of urolithiasis, inflammation of the urogenital system, prevention of prostatitis);
  • ability to reduce the level of poor cholesterol (pressure normalization, strengthening of blood vessels and brain, prevention of strokes, heart attacks, hypertonic crises);
  • the presence of potassium and magnesium contributes to the work of the heart muscle;
  • high content of pectins (removal of heavy metals, harmful chemical compounds, etc.);
  • the presence of vitamins E, A, RR, K, etc. (Red Rowan has perfectly composed beneficial features For women of all ages - normalizes menstrual cycle, eliminates disorders during menopause, increases blood clotting, rejuvenates the skin, normalizes metabolic processes, removes toxins from the body, has an anti-cancer effect, reduces excess weight and etc.).

How to Produce and Store Drug Rowan Drug Raw

In the form of medicinal raw materials, flowers, twigs, fruits, leaves and krara rowan are harvested. All of them in one way or another have medicinal properties.

The shelf life of raw materials is one year (for dried berries - two years).

The workpiece is made:

  • early spring (at the beginning of the Softness) - broken Corre.. For therapeutic purposes, the bark is suitable for young annual branches. The branches are cut by the secateur, make a longitudinal cut in the core and separated from the branch. Dried in the shadow or dryers;
  • spring cut young twigs with kidneys. After they are cut into pieces (1 cm) and dried;
  • during the flowering of Rowan (in May), harvest flowers (to tear the inflorescences) and corre.;
  • at the end of the summer (August) cut off green leaves rowan. (The concentration of vitamin C at this time of the year is maximum in them). Leaves after collecting are subject to drying.

Collecting the main source of the healing properties of rowan - its berries - the process is special and unhurried. Rowan is properly assembled in the morning in dry and clear weather. The deadlines for the berry collection depend on how raw materials (in fresh form, dried, dried, etc.) will be stored:

  • september October - It's time for billets of berries with subsequent storage in the fresh form and for drying. Berries need to have time to remove to the first frosts to save more useful substances. Collect berries with brushes, cutting them with a secateur. Brushes hang for storage in a cool room.

    More often berries are dried (So \u200b\u200bthey retain the maximum of useful properties, water evaporates, the concentration of trace elements increases). It is necessary to dry rowan in the shade or in the dryer, periodically stirring (dried until the moment when the rowan stops pulling out when squeezed in hand).

    Ready rowan will be better stored in glass jars with a dense lid. Dry rowan serves as the basis for the manufacture of rowan powder - it is simply necessary to grind it. Dry rowan is stored without losing its qualities for two years;

  • october November (After the first frosts) - berries are collected for culinary purposes and billets (part of the bitterness of the fruits gave, easily separated from the fruits). The collected berries frozen, boil jam and prepare tincture.

    Frostable berries are perfect for takinga kilogram of rowan berries is poured boiling water for three minutes and soaked 12 hours in cold water (periodically changing it). After draining water, rowan dry and move 250 g of sugar, and then leave in the room for 20 hours. Merge allocated juice, add another 250 g of sugar and repeat the procedure.

    Dry juice, pour hot syrup (to cover all berries), heat up to 90 degrees and withstand seven minutes on such fire. After the berries, extract, cool and dry in the oven twice half an hour at 70 degrees. After the berries are cooled, to dry for six hours at 30 degrees.

Another common way to keep vitamins - cooking juice. There are several methods of its manufacture. First option - For quick consumption of drink (not stored for a long time): A kilogram of washed berries to fall asleep 600 g of sugar and give to settle four hours. Boil and manage to convolve. You can use the juicer.

Second option - Preparation of juice for storage. Ripe berries Rider and rinse several times, pour water and warm up to 90 degrees. Berries softened, cool them, wipe through a sieve or grind on the meat grinder.

The resulting mass to strain and boil (in order to make juice more sweet, you can dominate sugar syrup). Such juice is stored clogged in sterilized banks.

Application in folk medicine: treatment of red rowan

Red rowan in folk medicine is applied long. Juice, fruits, bark, flowers are in fresh and dried, decoction, tincture, ointment, lotions, etc.

Did you know? Our ancestors learned how to use a huge number of phytoncides, which are contained in Ryabin. In the absence of drinking water, several newly cut branches of rowan, put into swamp water for two or three hours, make it quite suitable for use. Similarly, you can also come with tap water. In veterinary medicine, rowan leaves feed animals. In agriculture, crushed painted potatoes by rowan leaves (kill putrid bacteria).

Sok Ryabina

Rowan juice, like a berry, contains vitamins, retains beneficial properties, but also has the same contraindications.

Therefore, rowan juice (very pleasant to taste) is recommended only after consulting a doctor.

More often and more successful, the juice of rowan helps in the treatment:

  • hemorrhogo. Treatment can only take place in the fall - juice is needed from just squeezed berries. To remove the exacerbation of hemorrhoid rowan juice drink three times a day by ¼ cup, drinking with simple water;
  • reduced acidity, atherosclerosis, liver diseases. 30 minutes before making food, you need to drink a teaspoon of rowan juice;
  • rheumatism. Helps a three-time reception per day (before taking food) cocktail from rowan juice, milk (1/3 cup) and a tablespoon of honey;
  • constipation. Clean juice Ryabina drink 50-70 g three times a day (in connection with honey the effect will be better);
  • diseases of the throat (Angina, Larygit, Farriage, etc.). Helped rinsing with warm water (one glass) with the addition of rowan juice (1 tbsp. L.);
  • endocrine diseases. Three times a day before taking food drinking a tablespoon of rowan juice.

Important! The constant consumption of rowabin juice has a contraceptive effect, removes the edema of the limbs.

Tea from Ryabina

Ryabin tea is especially useful for avitaminosis, colds and flu epidemic. Therapeutic properties of red rowan are fully stored in tea.

It has a preventive and therapeutic effect depending on the composition:

  • from rowan leaves - choleretic, diuretic and anti-ethnic effect. On liter boiling water to brew 300 g of fresh or 100 g of dry leaves. Insist 30 minutes, drink three times a day on the glass;
  • of the fruit of rowan and rosehip - anti-infinite. Ingredients (each one tablespoon) pour boiling water (two glasses) in the thermos. Inhabit eight hours. To enhance the effect of adding honey and grated ginger. Drink two or three times a day by half a cup;
  • from dry rowan berries - Treatment of diarrhea. 10 g of dry berries pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil 15 minutes. Drink twice a day (in the morning and evening) 50 ml.
Vitaminized prophylactic teas consist of several ingredients: rowan, black currant, raspberry, black rowan. Welded infusions add to green or black tea, drink with honey, raspberry jam, lemon. Such teas are well tone, increase the resistance of the body.

Important! Brewing tea from dry rowan fruits, it is best to use thermos instead of a brewing kettle. Another option is to boil it on low heat. This will allow longer to maintain a high temperature at which Ryabina will "give up" the brave of maximum useful substances.

The reasons for the occurrence of warts are not always clear. Doctors believe that the main factor that determines the appearance of warts is to reduce immunity (due to improper nutrition, stress, allergies, etc.).

Treatment of warts is associated with the adoption of a set medicinal preparationsthat it does not always have a positive effect on the body (even more childhood). Using natural remedy It is more preferable.

There are different recipes, they are all simple:

  • rowan juice to lubricate warts (before their disappearance);
  • grind rowan berries in Cashitz, unpack the skin and impose a berry mass on the wart, to kill with cellophane and gauze. In the morning to remove. The course of treatment is seven days;
  • cut the fresh rowan berry and make a cut to the wart. The berry consolidate the plaster. Every day to change the berry. Course treatment - seven or eight days.

Infusion for colds

The use of Nastos from red rowan from the cold is widely known.

The main requirement in the manufacture of medicinal infusion - do not boil fruit, otherwise many useful properties will be lost.

One of the recipes infusion from dry rowan berries:

  • pour 500 ml of water into the enameled dishes and pour 9 g (1st art. l.) rowan berries, cover tightly;
  • to put on water bath (for 20 minutes);
  • remove and insist on one hour, after the filtering of a drink for four receptions in half a cup during the day.

Adult patients from colds can be recommended strong infusions of Ryabina (on brandy, medical alcohol, vodka). The manufacture of such infusions is easy: litter vodka on 200 g fresh berries. Rowan pour into the glass container, pour vodka and clog. Put for 14 days in a dark place (several times the bottle should be stolen and flipped over). After the filping, take 30 g of the tincture three times a day before taking food.

Did you know? For the first time a rowan tincture on vodka under the "Smirnov" brand was shown in 1889 at the World Exhibition in Paris. False a very popular tincture did not work out - for her preparation, a unique sweet variety of Ryabina Nevalnesky was used, accidentally derived in the Vladimir province.

Infusion with gastritis

Navy rowan is effective for reduced acidity. For ins You will need fresh rowan (five glasses of berries) and three glasses of sugar. Berries to smoke, mix with sugar and leave for eight hours warm. After the juice is selected, cook for 30 minutes on a small fire, stirring periodically (monitor so as not to boil).

Merge and strain. Take a remedy on the tablespoon 4 times a day before meals for a month.

For Diabetikov apply the infusion of 400 g of fresh berries and two liters of boiled water: the berries are messed up with water, shake well and insist four hours. Infusion take on a teaspoon before meals (no later than 30 minutes).

Infusion at Malokrovia

From Malokrovia Well helps infusion from rowan leaves. 30 g of fresh leaves are crushed in a blender, then poured a glass of boiling water and insist one hour. The portion is divided into three parts and drank in the day.

With background abundant menstruation the rowan berries are peathed in mashed potatoes (2 tbsp. l.), 400 ml of boiling water are poured, insist one and a half hours and take over the day.

Tincture at atherosclerosis

In atherosclerosis Helps complex an infusion of dried rowan (20 g), flax seeds (1 tbsp. l.), crushed strawberry leaves and marigold flowers. All mix and pour boiling water (0.5 l), hold 15 minutes in a water bath. Then insist for another 40 minutes. Take three times a day by half a cup before meals. The course of treatment is two to three weeks.

Decoction with queng and cough

For the treatment of zing and cough Preproof: dry rowan collection (15 g of leaves and 15 g berries) pour water (200 ml), boil and peak 10 minutes. Insist two hours, cool and filter. Use twice a day by half a compartment.

Broth with hemorrhoids

In this disease, effective assistance will have decoction of rowan juice(Eliminate constipation, strengthens the walls of the vessels, stops bleeding, healing wounds). For cooking brawl a kilogram of berries and a liter of water is required. Berries are poured with water and put on a small fire. Boil, remove from the fire, cool and wipe through the sieve. Stir 0.5 kg of sugar in juice and boil. Consume three times a day of 100 ml.

In addition to juice, for treating hemorrhoids actively apply a rowan bark: Five tablespoons of crushed bark pour water (0.5 l), boil and cook for two hours. Drink 30 ml three times a day before taking food.

How to use rowan in home cosmetology

The use of red rowan in home cosmetology has an old tradition. People used bactericidal, healing, restoring rowan properties. Apply traditionally juice, the flesh of fruits, decoctions - in the form of lotions, masks, compresses, creams, etc.

The result is noticeable immediately - irritation is removed, the pores are torn, the skin is slightly whiten and loses the fat shine, small wrinkles smoothed, the skin becomes more elastic. If red rowan does not cause allergic reactions and there are no other contraindications, we can safely use natural cosmetology.

Nourishing face mask

In the manufacture of masks for dry and normal leather, the main ingredient is fresh rowan, butter, cream, honey, etc. are used.

  • quick butter (1 tbsp. l.) with yolk and honey (1 tsp.). To the resulting mass add ripper crushed in puree (2 art. L.). Such a mask is applied for 30 minutes, after which they wipe the face with a napkin;
  • mix rowan juice (1 tsp.) with butter (1 tbsp.). Apply for 20 minutes and wash off the infusion of linden.

For oily skin mask is preparing more "light":

  • rowan berries (1 tbsp. l.) Tempel, combine with kefir (2 art. l.) and lemon juice (1 tbsp.). The mask is applied for 20 minutes and wash off warm water.

For oily leather, lotion is also well suited ( rowan berries puree (2 art. l.), Honey (1 Art. l.), Apple vinegar (1 tsp.), Vodka (1 tbsp. l.) and water (200 ml)).

Important! When using masks, it should be borne in mind that the combination of rowan and carrots can paint the skin, give it an orange shade. If you are going to go out after the procedure, it is better to refrain from such a mask or do it in the evening.

Toning mask

Toning masks will be useful for all skin types. Prepare them simple:

  • mix on one teaspoon of rowan juice, honey and vegetable oil with egg yolk. Mask apply for 20 minutes. For a better result, a mask is combined with a steam bath. The course duration - 8 sessions;
  • mix the cassea from rowan berries (2 art. l.) with honey (1 tsp) and hot water (2 h. L.) Apply to the skin for 20 minutes. From above can be covered with a warm compress. Course duration - 12 procedures. It should be borne in mind that such a toning mask has a whitening effect.

Beautiful tonic - frozen rowan juice. The daily use of frozen juice cubes with lightweight massaging overtakes the skin and raise it tone.

Rejuvenating mask

For rejuvenation of fading skin summified rowan berries will be useful. Apply a mass of berries for ten minutes and wash off with cold water. A mask of rowabine mask and a grated carrot is also effective (it is 15 minutes). If the skin is fat, the whipped eggs are added to the ripper.

Good rejuvenating effect for problem skin it is a mask from the juice of Ryabina, grated walnuts, a decoction of the plantain and the Hypericum (all 2 tbsp). All ingredients are mixed and applied for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water.

Possible harm and contraindications

Despite all the usefulness and high healing properties of red rowan, you should be aware that there are also contraindications in which the negative consequences of using this fund are possible.

Reduced to a minimum rowan use should people follow:

  • with increased acidity of the stomach;
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    658 once already

Rowan is widely known worldwide. Since ancient times, she was considered a symbol of the female start, the birth of a new life and family well-being. Rowan is able to protect against the evil eye, witchcraft magic and scare disease. In the house decorated with lush clusters, will certainly reign peace, wealth and happiness. Rowan twigs, fluttered with hands of needlewomen, lay the bizarre ornament on shirts and towels, her image decorated and walls of dwellings.

Ryabina always took the honorable place in the rites, songs and fairy tales were told about her, as often tried to plant a green beauty near her house, so that she would protect the family from troubles and misfortunes. Our great-grandfathers knew that in the treatment of many diseases would be a beautiful assistant Red Rowan. The benefits and harm of the fruit of this wonderful tree were well known for many centuries, they thoroughly studied and passed from the old to small, and today they have successfully reached us.

Rowan in our days

Let B modern world The latest technology and medicine and walk with seven-world steps, but the deserved recognition of many people still did not lose the Red Rowan. The benefits and harm of the wonderful plant were as much as much as possible, often the composition of today's medicines include hoods from cosmetology, too, did not remain aside, Rowan may be part of cosmetic creams and lotions.

And, of course, to this day is popular in the red rowan cooking. Recipes allow you to prepare from it practically anything. This is sweet marmalade and grazing, filling for desserts. It is prepared for fragrant wine and filling, side dishes and sauces to meat dishes - in all good rowan. Photo of jam from red berries can conquer any sweet tooth. By the way, there was another use for rowan trees - from durable and solid wood began to make beautiful furniture and decor items.

Disinfectant and antifungal

Reds are successfully used in the treatment of many diseases. In folk medicine, ripe berries are used in different ways. Sometimes they are collected and just frozen, jam boils or prepare tincture. But rowan (red) dried is used more often, it is also used to prepare tinctures, decoction or added to compote. The taste of fresh berries does not have everything in the shower, the rowan is grieving due to the sorbic acid contained in it. But it is easily destroyed by the influence of the cold, so it is after such a rowan processing that becomes truly tasty.

It should be known that sorbic acid is a natural preservative, therefore fresh rearrangement berries use to combat fungi and to stop bleeding. Due to its composition, even such a fierce enemy, like staphylococcus or salmonellosis, can fight red rowan. The benefits and harm of such a wonderful plant do not end.

Raises immunity and normalizes metabolism

In rowan, the high content of vitamin C, and therefore it is used in the treatment of cings. And also ascorbic acid is an indispensable element for the normal operation of our main defender - immunity. In folk medicine, rowan is used as a diuretic and coating agent. The vitamins and phytoncides contained in berries will quickly put on their feet if you are cut. And they contain nicotine acid, it helps to work normally our nervous system, can reduce irritability, fatigue after a hard day and help to sleep.

Useful in diabetes, reduce cholesterol

When problems with kidney or digestion

A decoction from berries will help and kidneys, has a choleretic and diuretic effect. Rowan fruits have a binder and light laxative property. It is also useful in asthenia, gout, hemorrhoids and oncological diseases Red rowan. The benefits and harm of the berries are due to correctly selected treatment. If you are worried about the exacerbation of the disease, be sure to consult your doctor, because the rowan is also there.

Useful substances and calorie

The bunches of Ryabina contain in themselves: carbohydrates and proteins, organic acids and fats, pectin, fiber, aslats, manganese, zinc, iron and copper. Berries are rich in potassium content, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. In the fruits there are vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B9), ascorbic acid, retinol, E, RR and R. But not only the generosity of the useful elements will delight elastic berries, the calorie content of rowan per 100 grams is slightly more than 40 kcal. Therefore, it can be safely attributed to dietary productsSo she can become a favorite for those who follow their figure.


It is worth remembering that the rowan has both contraindications. It should be cautious to people with coronary heart disease, who suffered a stroke or a heart attack, those who have increased hypertensive and people with one should not overeat Ryabina, otherwise it will be harmful. Also remember that almost all products can provoke individual intolerance. And to rowan it also applies.

In Russia, this tree with an openwork crown, fruiting with red borders, chanting Russian poets, they were attributed to mystical properties, it acted as the Oberega. Nowadays, Ryabina, due to its useful properties, found use in decorative gardening, and its fruits are widely used in traditional medicine, cosmetology, cooking.

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Composition and nutritional value

The fruits of Ryabina Red have a rich set of vitamins - C, beta-carotene, A, E, PR and Groups in (B1, B2, B3, B9), in Ryabin Mass Micro and Macroelements - Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Manganese, Iron, Zinc, calcium, copper.

Indications for the use of red rowan

Red fruits are not in vain are considered useful, because they contain:

  • fruit acids (lemon, grape);
  • pectins;
  • vegetable fibers;
  • amino acids (lysine, arginine, cysteine, tyrosine, histidine);
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins.

Vitamins in the composition of rowan fruits are red permanent, and their amount affects the growing region, the degree of maturity. They contain sorbic acid that has anti-virus, antibacterial and antifungal action. She gives bitter taste. It is worth noting amygdalin, which increases the stability of cells to oxygen starvation, struggles with neoplasms. By virtue of a small percentage, there is no toxic effect.

Red rowan fruits - leader in the content of carotene, vitamin C per 100 g - 200 mg.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  • proteins - 1.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 8.9 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g

Important! The calorie content of red berries is small - 50 kcal per 100 g, which allows the use of a product for weight loss.

Drying berries

To emphasize the useful properties of red rowan and considering contraindications by choosing a workpiece. During freezing, thermal processing of fruits is destroyed by sorbic acid, it goes bitch, but we will look at a simpler and most common method.

The crop of useful berries is removed in the fall until the first snow. Select major ripe red borders. Dry the fruits can be naturally or with a brass cabinet.

In the first case, the initial raw materials are unfolded with a thin layer in a dark ventilated room.

If you put on a sunny place, ascorbic acid will partially collapse, and the billet will not be so useful. With artificial drying, you can take whole clusters. A baking sheet is placed with red fruits, heated to 50 ° C, an hour later, the temperature should be increased to 70 ° C, withstand the day with the door open.

Dried rowan has an initial red color, not scattered when compressed, does not pack hands. Such a billet allows use the beneficial properties of fruits all year round. Dried rowan red applied with fatigue, avitaminosis. It is used together with herbs, make infusions, decoctions or crushed to powder. It is useful for them to season vegetable salads, porridge, with diets it dulls the feeling of hunger.

Medical properties

Diverse chemical composition The fruit causes widespread use in folk medicine. Red rowan borders are useful for children and adults. They cope with many diseases.

With diabetes red fruits do not lower blood sugar, but they we strongly affect the body. Eating up to 50 g of berries for several techniques, you can strengthen the immune system, to fill the need for sorbitol who often use patients.

In the reception you need to do a three-month break and use other substitutes at this time. In diabetes, the wound healing properties of fruits are very important, and during the second type - the ability to lose weight. Juice, powder bind carbohydrates, struggling with obesity of the liver.

With cardiovascular diseases, useful rowan juice is used, which significantly reduces arterial pressure. Vitamins C, Ps contained in the fruits, maintain the normal permeability of blood vessels, prevent atherosclerosis.

For diseases of the liver and gallbladder Protection of the organs is due to the content of amygdaline in red fruits, the acids that are necessary in the renal, hepatic stones, cholecystitis, hepatitis, problems with bile.

The benefits and harm to the health of red rowan is incommensurable, positive moments mass, but it is necessary to remember the presence of contraindications.

What is useful red rowan for women

Red rowan fruits help in treatment:

  • rheumatism;
  • tuberculosis;
  • malokrovia;
  • coplum;
  • swelling;
  • gastritis;
  • fungi;

Other parts of the culture are also used:

  • flowers that are brewed at high temperatures and are used as a diuretic;
  • cora rowan red is indispensable for bleeding.

On this, the beneficial properties of a health plant do not end. Wide ethnoscience Applies rowan juice red. They have a sore throat, they increase the acidity of the stomach, increase the body's immune protection, remove papillomas, warts.

Important! Juice helps well with anemia, increasing the content of iron, as well as hypertension, helping maintaining pressure in the norm.

Use for women

The property of red clouds to roll blood applied with abundant monthly. For their normalization, the day is discharged by infusion made from 60 g of a crust or powder and 0.5 liters of boiling water.

If you eat 30 g of red fruits every day, then in women in the period of menopause, the manifestations of unpleasant symptoms will reduce.

Plant bark has antifungal action. Using its infusion for douching will help get rid of thrush.

What are useful to the borders of red rowan for women waiting for a child, you can learn by studying its diverse chemical composition. It saturates the organism necessary for the growth and development of vitamins C, A, P, B1, B2, which:

  • enhance immune defense;
  • strengthen the walls of the vessels;
  • normalize the amount of blood sugar.

Sorbic acid contributes to metabolic processes, purifies organs from slags, toxins, reduces the manifestation of toxicosis. Red rowan during pregnancy is dosed, with a permission of a doctor. Restricting the use of fruits for pregnant women is associated with increasing the acidity of the stomach, blood coagulation, lower pressure.

Use for children

The presence of valuable substances in red borders makes their presence in the children's diet older than one year old age.

Useful properties of rowan for children

They will help the child:

  • faster recover after surgery;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • cope with bacterial, viral, fungal infections;
  • it is better to grow and develop;
  • improve intestinal work.

Useful properties allow rickets to cure. The great content of iodine will answer the question than the red berry is useful for children. It affects the ability of schoolchildren to absorb the training program. Their nutrition is diverse mors, compote, jam, rubbed out of ripe fruit. Sweet taste is suitable for children anymore.

Application in cosmetology

Skin care is due to a variety of composition. Vitamin C contributes to the development of collagen, carotene protects against harmful external influences, acids bleach.

For prevent the appearance of mimic wrinklesTheir smoothing of softened red fruits are mixed in equal shares with sour cream, applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, then wash off.

Nutrition and tone The skin will receive if you take 20 g of powder, honey, olive oil, egg yolk. If you make a mask from mint berries, kefir in proportion 1: 2, add a few drops of lemon, then freckles and pigment spots will be blocked.

The rowan fruits are used red for the manufacture of scrub. Salt and ground is added to the mixture oat flakes. It is recommended to apply it to update the skin cells. If the hair rinse the hair, then you can cure from dandruff.

Recipes for treatment

The use of fruits, colors, crust of red rowan, except for useful properties, has contraindications, so the recipes below can be used with the permission of the attending physician. We present several proven methods of application of plant "doctor":

Vitamin tea

With spring avitaminosis, decay, poor mood will help infusion from useful berries. To use the product to fully, you need to know how to brew red rowan. There is a thermos for this purpose. It insists, gradually giving water medicinal substances.

Than useful red rowan

Cooking recipes:

  1. 30 g of dry fruits is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist.
  2. 1 teaspoon of berries and rosehip is brewed with 500 ml of boiling water. This antiviral drink is also good for detoxification of the body.
  3. A more concentrated drink is necessary for anemia, dysbacteriosis, stomach ulcers. The bunch of fresh fruits needs to be brewed with a glass of boiling water.
  4. With stones B. bile bubble, kidneys, liver diseases add to chopped green leaves 0.5 liters of boiling water.

To enrich taste, infusion can be used with raspberries, lemon, honey. Powder dissolved in any cold drink, perfectly tones.


One way to prepare for the winter is the preparation of jam from rowan. The recipe is pretty simple and does not require special skills. For delicacies from red rowan, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • red fruits - 1 kg;
  • sugar - from 1 to 1.5 kg.


  1. Berries are cooking for 5 minutes.
  2. The day is soaked to get rid of tuning substances.
  3. Then the fruits are crushed, covered with sugar, withstand another 24 hours.
  4. The dishes are put on the stove, after the boil is removed from the fire.
  5. After cooling, it is ready until prepared at a small temperature.

You can pour with syrup prepared from 500 ml of water and sugar after soaking. Its quantity depends on the ripeness and taste of the feedstock. Red rowan jam to give piquancy use as a garnish to fish and meat. Oranges, apples, pumpkins, walnuts are added for the diversity of taste.

In addition, there is no harm from the jam from red rowan. Therefore, it is necessary to use with caution, consulting with the attending physician. To prevent the decline of forces, avitaminosis is enough to eat daily 30 g of delicacy.

Red Rowan has beneficial properties and contraindications. Its impossible to eat people who have suffered a stroke, a heart attack, prone to allergic reactions. It should be excluded from the diet, the product with sick ischemia, thrombophlebitis, gastritis with increased acidity.

Attention! Contraindications of the use of fruits and other parts of the plant include hypotension, diarrhea, age up to year.

Video: Useful properties of rowan

Proper use of the plant will have invaluable assistance in many diseases. Rowan fruits will improve well-being, they will raise the mood not only by healing effects, but also glad the eye with their beauty. Do not miss the opportunity to support immunity and help your body using the gifts of nature.

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